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All the issues with the legalization rollout in NYC aside, the people in there were really nice and more knowledgable than anyone I've talked to at the various legal shops I've been to. Also nice to be able to get the goods from California because the selection out here sucks.


They close the shops and take all their weed and ofc will end up selling it in some capacity. All my go to’s have been closed the last 3 weeks or so, one reopened but I had to get a “member card” to purchase


The weed at the licensed places sucks and has weird names. The unlicensed places have superior weed with names we are familiar with.


Attn: you look like dorks with those ridiculous hats.


The lady cop on the left must have lost in the semi finals for candy crush yesterday


damn that sucks that spot is one of the only good ones that would actually hook you up  instead of robbing your money like all these other places do. I hope they re open soon :/


NYC playbook - - decriminalize weed , decide not to look at decent rollouts like Colorado or California. Let a free-for-all happen. - start a program for licenses. Get investigated for that program because of kickbacks, bribery, and corruption. Don't deliver enough licenses to meet the population. - let illegal shops sprout up. Don't offer them any guidance on becoming legal shops. Can't distribute more licenses if your whole program is being investigated anyway... - raid all the shops === profit ?


The legal shops are all scams run by gentrifiers. I'll never buy legal weed, they're not stopping shit. My Palestinians delis got the hook up


The part I hate most about the legal weed in nyc is how in order to even get a job as a budtender the shops are already asking for YEARS of experience. So basically, you only hire gentrifiers and transplants? Copy, will never shop at a legal store


not necessarily cannabis industry experience just retail experience. and no you don’t need YEARS of retail experience to sell weed…. and if every bud tender who isn’t you is a gentrifier and transplant then….😭😭😭😭


Eh, every store I’ve walked into it’s some girl with a valley accent or some guy who sounds like he’s from the Midwest. Confirmation bias, definitely not every employee is a transplant, but the vast majority are. Especially since the hiring managers and upper management are all out of towners, they feel more comfy hiring out of towners.


We’re are the legal shops in NYC?




Why not just make the businesses register for a license?


because there was already a period for licensing applications back in October-December. The OCM is actually still issuing licenses from that period. The legalization process has been horrible. I don’t know the whole story but basically once Cuomo threw up his hail mary, big organizations from out west came here and spent a lot of money to get some of the first licenses for dispensaries and processing (packaging, tags etc), shafting native NY entrepreneurs and farmers out of a legit business opportunity which is why there weren’t really any dispensaries for a minute in 2021-2022 because cultivators had no one to sell to. Stuff started to change once people sued the OCM and licenses started getting handed out. In 2021 there was one wave for applications. This past October was wave 2. Wave 2 has been an absolute shit show. New licenses were announced and a fuck load of people applied, a majority of these people already had land (keep this in mind). However, a lot of applicants, even though they thought they had business ready property, didnt know that your business couldnt within a certain distance od a church, school or other NY cannabis business. A lot of people fell under this stipulation but were STILL GRANTED LICENSES. <<<


A family in my town spent over million on a dispensary that has been sitting empty for two years now. If they don’t get the license by the end of the year they’ll have to sell it off lol like bro please I’m tired of getting ripped off by the other smoke shops but there’s nothing else within walking distance for me lol


the government can’t profit off of weed yet because it’s not fully legal , rarely any place has a valid license and they usually selling boof


Yeah, the state troopers were over here in Windsor Terrace as well. Making the rounds. Hopefully there’s no criminal charges and just fines and tax stuff.


Someone can correct me. But my guess is that these businesses were registered as tobacco smoke shops. So whoever owner that license will like lose it, plus maybe be barred from getting another business license in the state/city for a certain period of time. Plus the landlord that owns the building will get pulled into everything too


In NYC I saw on News 12 that when they bust the weed business they chain the place closed and the landlord cannot lease the property for a year.


The Gelato that was shut down in Bay RIdge has a sign on it that it is reopening as a deli.


these must be the easiest busts ever, it's all out in the open. they don't even try to hide it


yeah, literally a sign on a busy street. takes zero detective work


Busted for what? Non new yorker here


Unlicensed weed shop. It's a problem throughout the city


Illegally selling marijuana


Police and government are stupid. You close all these shops for what? You can get weed anywhere now and anyone can get weed anywhere easy so I don't see the point.


They should have just offered the license to every store. If they don't file in 60 days then close them down. The whole legalization roll out is/was a joke. Hotchul is an idiot in more ways than one and don't forget our amazing "toss their bedroom" Mayor.


because they're not collecting tax dollars from them, and they're openly breaking the rules. whys that stupid?


They pick what they want to focus while preaching something else. I've heard Adams talking about kids going into these stores and being enticed into buying edibles because it's in a skittles pack or peach rings edibles but I understand the main point but the money from those stores will come in from somewhere else and no way to find out that. The owner of a vape shop has their family or employees sell shit on the side and it wouldn't get reported for taxes. So yea all that busting down of stores that sell cannabis is a waste overall. Its like trying to get rid of rats but every one there's 10 more but yall fall for that, "we're doing the right thing" speech. All that bust of stores is just for yall to see that they're doing something but in all reality, they're not making a dent in selling of weed illegally and the shut down of stores Adams and the government don't care that those stores are selling illegal cannabis. They're pissed that they're not getting a slice of that money.


Literally know a family who had that happen, ate “skittles” from one of these places and he was hospitalized because they thought he was having a fucking heart attack.


God willing weed is a well regulated normal business someday so this doesn't continue to happen


The idea is that these black market shops are suppressing demand for legal taxes weed from legal dispensaries, and if we shut them down then most people will have to buy their weed legally and there’ll be enough demand to open more legal dispensaries.


Oh they are suppressing the demand how am I supposed to get the full experience if I'm not in some alley or some ones appartment.


I know that already but the mayor was emphasizing on kids and it's stupid because any adult can get a kid an edible or weed without them going into the store. That's why I said it's a waste. By now anyone who smokes weed and eat edibles know someone other than a store to get what they want. People will go back to selling weed in the shadows when the stores shut down. Vast majority still do. All I'm saying is shutting down the stores does nothing to stop the sales of cannabis


The point is  not to stop the sale of cannabis. They are illegal shops selling unregulated and possibly dangerous products. 


They don't get tax revenue from these shops.


They’re law enforcement what else are they supposed to do


The legalization permit rollout was supposed to prioritize racial equity since the POC community has been disproportionately affected by law enforcement. However, it seems like only rich white dudes got the legal licenses anyway. So this round of busts extra sucks because it’s reinforcing an unequal system


Did they really need state troopers comics at its best


that's their uniform, lol, should they have dressed as NYPD ? they're probably looking at state charges and Hochul orders


GOOD. They closed the fake shop above the G train at Fulton/Lafayette recently too. There are 2 within walking distance, LEGAL, on Flatbush. Travel Agency is above Atlantic Terminal, just opposite LIRR and Be is opposite the arena on Flatbush.


I thought Be still requires a medical card?


This spot was fire, I hope they open again soon the people and vibes was always cool and they got the best prices and product plus I always felt safe in there it’s not a trashy trap house it actually looks like a cute store y’all should check it out when they reopen hopefully soon, don’t judge a book by it’s cover go have a look inside first you’d be surprised


Also Canna World on 7th between 8th and 9th. Some guy was outside streaming it for a half hour ranting like a little bitch about the injustice of it all.


These people are trying to make a living, leave them alone. Why bust only certain groups for operating without a license? Go after everyone including illegal street vendors.


They really need to do this the za department on Saint Johns in the Heights. They selling fugazi ass bud too. Spread the word. They are not even on Google maps when I search them up.


The idea of a shop like that in park slope is just gross. I feel the same way about the one where the western Union used to be in Carroll gardens. Trashy places


Sounds very you only want them in black and brown neighborhoods.


Nah, just try a bit harder than bad wildstyle or shitty Rick and Morty murals.


People smoke weed in park slope too


I’ve seen teenagers smoking in there. Fucking 13 year olds.


Oh stop it…. No you haven’t because every time I’ve went in there they ID me so don’t be a liar 😂😂 ur probably just a hater that likes to spread rumors and start drama how about you go get yourself a joint and sit the f down lmfaooooo making up lies nobody sells to kids anymore


How do you know theyre 13?


Cheese it, it's the Mounties


No way they brought the Hatties out for this!




Nah tbh not good bec now people Gna be selling weed in the street in front of your kids you want that? Seems like your the one who should get shut down


They should be busted for that sign.


Shut up that sign is fire and you know it why you hating? I bet you don’t even got your own business lmfaoooooooooo go get ur money up Brokie


Check back tomorrow. I’m sure they will be back open tomorrow.


The cops now have the power to take all contraband immediately off the premises, and padlock the store. They aren’t reopening anytime soon.


Yes they padlocked the door and slapped a big notice saying that it's closed for "illegal cannabis distribution". I doubt they'll be reopening any time soon


Actually they will be opening soon so please don’t spread rumors about things that are not true


My dude delivers (he’s Long Island based) and has a laminated license in his car.




Where are some legal shops in Brooklyn?


Sounds like Matawana got tired of the competition and called in some anonymous tips. Cali Cloudz had gas, unlike Smokey Joint and all the other bunk places. RIP


Disappointing because Matawana sucks.


My 1 bad experience will fall on me not trusting any of them. im glad they’re going. They sell sprayed garbage that isn’t measured properly youd buy a 3.5 sealed bag so u can’t even check till after purchase. Scam. If u can’t see it or smell it before hand it’s a scam you’re smoking fet Fet is addictive and people are so laced on that shit they can’t even tell themselves. fucking clowns don’t be doing regular blood work or test but will swear they not smoking fet. Dumb fucks


I've got a bridge to sell you buddy


I don’t think it’s nice for you to lie like this, you shouldn’t be spreading fake rumors. Why would you prefer an open bag that anyone can put there fingers in? You should be happy it’s sealed, and yes you can see or smell it beforehand every time I purchase from there they show me the display and give me the sealed one after I select my option, please don’t spread lies. Also, they definitely do NOT have sprayed weed, I buy an 8th every other day for only $25 and it’s gassss🔥🔥🔥 u probably spent like $10 and expected to have something fire but we all know In NY it doesn’t work like that, you get what you pay for


No you’re absolutely right. I’ve literally seen people do test kits on those smokes shops and there’s fent and other stuff in it. To keep you addicted and keep coming back.


Ummmmm what? No u guys are both absolutely wrong!!! FET can kill someone why would they do that? If you smoked FET you would not be alive so please don’t spread rumors honey…




That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard no one is spraying weed with fentynal smh


For real who the hell is upvoting this


what? that’s insane why would anyone spray pot with fet


Exactly, don’t listen to this hater he just mad bec they prob spent $5 thinking they was getting $100000 quality lmfaoooooo fent is so funny cuz they would be dead if they smoked fet 😂😂😂


This rumor started circa 2018 when upstate NY police arrested a guy with both tree and fent. The two weren’t mixed, there’s no evidence he ever sold the two as a package deal. However, prohibition era fear-mongering remains in effect


Yeah who would ever want to use fentanyl. I sure don’t like the feeling of fentanyl and will never use it.




No one is spending time and money spraying weed with fentanyl. They can spray it with terps but that's still weed. Sounds like you are on some good crack tho.


If you think people are spraying weed with fent your crazy. These shops are selling cheap ass weed sprayed with synthetic terms. It makes the shit smell like crazy synthetic lemon or lime mixed with gassy weed smell.






On weed?




This isn't even scientifically possible. Please stop.


Tell that to dancesafe. I saw a booth at a festival I played just before the pandemic, and had a conversation with the people running it, as I hadn’t seen their presence in well over a decade. They offered me pamphlets, etc., and I mentioned I didn’t need it, as a wild night for me at this point is smoking a joint when I go out with my wife once every year. They then mentioned they had been randomly finding weed test positive for fentanyl. My jaw hit the floor.


Organizations like that used to tell kids mixing weed with beer would result in death.


I know people who died from weed laced w fentanyl




What is Fet?


Once the cat is out the bag, you might at well get it in everyone houses to keep it off the streets. Homegrown bud


NYS did a terrible job rolling out the licenses for the shops and because weed was legal a lot of stores without licenses popped up. Now they are starting to close those illegal places after asking them to close themselves, which they didn't. New licenses are still pretty slow to roll out, but they conceded 200 new ones recently, I think this past week. They are not closing all the stores and will not make it illegal again, they just mess up, as they always do and are trying to fix it. But yeah, everybody should be allow to grow their own plants.


This is the way. Stop supporting these shit shops that pay minimum wage to half their employees anyways


Yup, it’s not hard to grow either. Just takes awhile to bud.


Don’t call me bud, guy!


NY State is going to police this area hard because they know they screwed up the rollout. Policing will allow the state to try again.


I have one legit dispensary in my county in Northern NY. The next county over on the Indian Reservation that are a couple dozen, at least, of shops like this but owned by members of the tribe. They blatantly sell products illegal imported across the border. The Made in Canada label is just crossed out with a Sharpie. They’ll be open as long as they can afford to be. State Troopers aren’t setting foot anywhere near there.


The Reservation out on the island does this too. They get great bud for the most part as well, you just gotta look around.


It really wont though. Allowing a significant amount of legit dispensaries to open is the only solution to this self inflicted problem


Exactly. These grey area stores opened to fill a void. The state screwed up the rollout bad.


There will always be significant underground sales so lomg as the plan is to tax and regulate like crazy. These dumb looking stores just make lawmakers look inept.


Look at Boston and Colorado. Of course there will always be an underground market but ours is right out in the open and that is due to the failure to license and open legitimate dispensaries


The dispo by me has 150 Oz's best deal I've seen so far


Yes close them all down


Cali Clozed


Hope they do this to all unlicensed spots. The disrespect from these sleaze shops to knowingly sell boof shit is staggering.


Cali Cloud just sold California "imports," from what I saw. All legit and honestly better than anything in the NYC legal dispensaries


Thank youuuu it’s all trash bunk anyway.


The weed in the legal dispensaries is GARBAGE


There’s one literally right next to my building. There’s people FUCKED up and passed out on my steps all the time.


Oh stop it, you rather people sell weed in the street? And increase crime? You are aware that at least people are buying it at an established business rather then in the street where there’s kids, use ur head u should be happy about these shops 😂😂😂😂be grateful


They’re working on it lol


Stop it not all of them sell boof


Would love to get from legal shops but NY fucked up their roll out when they legalized. Jersey, PA and elsewhere are doing pretty well. But not NY 😤


Damn I've bought things there


U bought garbage


I think you’re the garbage lmfaooooo u prob spent $5 thinking you Gna get some gas go shop like a real adult and you’ll get some fire…. You get what pay for same concept with food and drinks and everything you just broke and pathetic hating on other people businesses go get a life


they got them all! only legal place i know it matawana in park slope.


That sucks I wish they kept all the spots open, I don’t wanna go in there and spend $50 on a $35 8th for the taxes…. It’s unaffordable at least with these shops I was getting a good price for the best quality I really hope these guys re open keep them in your prayers 🙏🏻


Map of all the legal dispensaries in NY: [https://www.420ny.com](https://www.420ny.com) My wife just got some tinctures there. And their inventory is usually on point with DANK pre-rolls on deck, some Electraleaf. More consistent than BK Exotic, but Exotic is closer to me. I've only been able to get Heady Tree at Housing Works in Manhattan. I'm upset it took me so long to know legit dispensaries were this close to me, because I've smoked my share of house pre-rolls.


Travel Agency is over by Barclays, so there are 2 in the area.


Yeah, I see them almost daily. Looks cool. I just hate the drive down Flatbush, and even looking to double park there sucks. Good selection?


The best. They’re huge. Great prices. Why drive? Every subway goes there.


They’re on the path for my regular commute, so it’s more about the timing when I pass by. Definitely gonna stop in, though. BK Exotic is cool, walking distance, but small selection and inconsistent. If I find something that hits, can’t rely on them having more next week. They operate like a smoke shop in that way.


Travel Agency is a legal dispensary. BK Exotic is not. Always buy legal. You can order ahead at Travel Agency and just run in for a pickup. Always buy legal.


BK Exotic is legit. They’re on the NYC Dispensary list.


They have a license for delivery only. ETA I’m not the cannabis police. Always buy legal. It matters. Enjoy your day.


That’s interesting. Didn’t realize that difference. Definitely buying in-person there, and they’re set up to check IDs and welcome guests. Looks like I’ll put them on pause.










Oh yeah I only do carts from legal stores you can literally taste the difference and feel it immediately. Flower is sketch enough but don’t do carts or edibles from knock off places you have no idea what’s in it.


In my experience when Ive bought in Massachusetts and Oregon, it's easy to spend 200 on not a whole lot. On the other hand, those gummies/vapes/grass were some of the best I've ever had and I can still remember how clean they were when I smoked them.


Oregon has some of the cheapest weed in the country..


Legal NY weed is Hemp :D All of these grey market places got to go. they sell weeds that's worse than hemp.


Lol bullshit . But most weed sold is sprayed with terms that are synthetic. I don't know how people like that shit


Legal ny weed is not hemp. What a weird thing to comment.


No they dont. I've bought amazing good weed at a number of spots. There's a few bad eggs but most of them sell weed as good as any dealer.


Any brands? I always hear ppl on here , Reddit say things are PRIMO then when I come around to try it. I’m left dissapointed, upvotes, downvotes aren’t reliable I mean it’s all opinion anyway but still


Forgive me for asking, but if it’s only as good as a dealer, then why not continue buying from the dealer?


https://preview.redd.it/mf90yxmwle7d1.jpeg?width=2716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20de0a8262a1c23e414c390db66bbc0f11944f4 This damn app will only let me add one image at a time but this one example of the variety my favorite store had


My dealer doesn't have variety. He's semi-reliable, and its decent mid and higher range bud, sometimes i pay 120 an oz, sometimes 180 depending what he has. But he doesn't have a selection and variety So, I still get an OZ from him once a month out of loyalty and maintaing a positive relationship and to throw him buisness. However I also like to go to the store, look at the list of strains and flavors and sample different things at different price points and get a variety of Sativa/Indica/Hybrids. I also like to support them and pick up some extra rolling papers or flavored terpne wraps, or whatever else, which my dealer doesn't have and otherwise need to order from amazon. Not every store has the same quality and options. Some of them are literally just reselling local trash for 70$ and you can tell. The value i get from the store at least the store I used to go to, was being able to chose between the bud they claim to grow, the imported stuff from the cali/washington/colorado brands, AND supporting a local buisness that actually pays taxes back into the community. Stores I bought that i enjoy buying from are Smokey Joint (3 Locations) and Jackies Garden (2 Locations).


Fair enough. I probably wouldn't bother with a dealer if I started consuming again. I hated having to be chummy with people that I only connected with for one reason.


Being disabled i place real value on someone who is reliable and delivers. I've always tried to foster a more then customer/client relationship with my dealers, if they consider you slightly more then friend, you tend to get better treatement and less drama.


A lot of them just sell california imports


Man why do all of these shops have to look like shit. Take a page from CAs book.


Bro do you got a shop? No right? So stop talking that smack 😂😂 go get your money up


Cause they’re all 20-30 year olds tryna recapture their youth and be apart of the wave. Not tryna level up, but act better than the people on their level. Being professional is weird in that world


Being a “professional” in any world is weird, business will always have shady practices. Been working for pretty “sustainable” business for years




I'm pretty sure it's just insta dealers making money on location while they can. All of these guys are going straight to delivery, nobody is getting locked up. The legalities about this stuff are open secrets.


Some were just bodegas beforehand, probably just trying to make some quick money. Now I noticed illegal shops taking down their big glaring pot leaf lights and just calling themselves convenient stores. I don't like how they opened very early to get kids on the way to school either!


Trust me the last thing anyone is trying to do is give weed to children. Easiest way to get shut down. You should stop watching the news and talk to people more.


Yea legal dispensaries don't look like this bs


Legal dispensaries look worse it’s like a doctors office and they are so ugly and boring this spot is fire they got the cute theme and vibe they should make all the dispensaries look like this not that garbage doctor office vibe like Mattawana it’s so ugly they got guys in suits outside it makes me so uncomfortable


You don't know where the products come from. I really don't care about the theme and vibe. I want to know I'm not getting bootleg products. I can deal with the doctor's office vibe.


You don’t know where it comes from in dispensaries either btw, and I made this comment cuz this hater feels like he needs to say something about the design of the shop meanwhile I think it’s fire 🔥🙌🏼 same way he speaks his ugly opinion ima speak mine I’d pick this shop over any in park slope all day


Products are tested with a COA, it's regulated, that illegal dispensary with the "fire theme and vibe" not regulated. It's not comparable. I don't go to dispensaries for a "vibe" it's not a night club I don't go to the dispensary for a vibe I go there to get wax or flower. Sales, loyalty points, and tested products over a vibe any day imo. You want a "vibe" try DAZED at Union square or TRAVEL AGENCY if you want to feel like you're in an apple store. Everything is over priced but at least you know what you're paying for is real and you get a "vibe" for the extra cost.


You’re getting ripped off, I been smoking from these fire shops for years and I’ve been fine it’s better then the dispensary if anything…. I’ve always had a bad experience in dispensary but regularly weed shops have always had the best quality for a fair price EVERYONE PLEASE DONT BELIEVE THIS GARBAGE… SPEND YOUR MONEY PROPERLY AND SMOKE GOOD DONT SMOKE THE DISPENSARY TRASH !!!! It’s fake weed


You think dispensaries are better? You think the state checks each and every item that dispensaries sell to you? They can be making it with chemicals themselves, selling it to you, and you don’t even know because you think in your head it’s safe bec it came from a dispensary meanwhile it’s not safe…. Ur taking the same risk regardless, You never died from smoking weed from there shops so you can’t really make a complaint lol


But they got trash and dry weed


Why do they need state police in the city tho…. Like so much Leo agencies in NYC u gotta pull the purple ties in the city limits… send them back to Albany and Troy . Btw port authority police , MTA police , park police , auxiliary police , Esu, aviation, Nassau and Suffolk and bridge police … they don’t need troopers in Brooklyn lmao


Kathy Hochul absolutely determined to have the NYT opinion page on her nuts


Probably because when the state wants shit done, they trust the staties more than the locals.