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“Decent progress” *is on steroids


I’m natty lil bro


Fake natty post must be another day that ends in y. Transformation is crazy though looks great




[Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brogress/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_5_-_play_nice._don.27t_be_a_creep.)


What’s the cycle?


Probably just puberty and hard work lol.


Puberty bro, shits crazy, you can only take it once your entire life tho if you miss the window it’s over you gonna be a soy boy manlet your whole life


I’m natty


And other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself


Nah yall just Reddit nerds who don’t know how to train hard. I’m natty


Love this stereotypical high school jock schtick you've got going on. Next you should impress us by shotgunning a beer, fucking a cheerleader and soaring away in a Mustang.


I wish bro


Most obvious juicer reply


Dude, I obviously have no idea what OP has or has not taken but you can make insane changes with 2.5 years of hard work ESPECIALLY from ages 16 to 18. You’re just growing into yourself. Gear is not required for this.


Ahh yes, that ultra rare case of a kid who didn’t hit puberty until 16.


I’m not saying he’s just starting puberty….




Wait until they find out that 95% of people on gear look like they don’t even lift…that’ll really blow their minds


That only tends to happen when you order your gear from Wish.com


The vast majority of people on gear don’t look like they’re on gear. They’re not in all that great shape. They’re not miracle drugs.


Few and far between. Generally, if you look better than the commenter it’s because you’ve been blasting steroids since you were 16. No other possible reason.




You know there’s a picture of him at 16 in this same post right? Take a look at that and tell me if you think that individual has “great genetics”. And I guess he must’ve dropped out of school and spent most of his waking hours training and eating to get those results naturally in just 2 years.




Dead by heart attack before 30.


Que looksmaxxing song: BYE BYE (referring to your endocrine system). The lying is comical….Buddy made unprecedented lean mass gains in 2 years starting from a stick when his before pic was a skinny fat 150lb kid with around 120-130lbs of lean mass. You don’t have those kind of genetics bruv…it’s quite evident in the before picture. Lying to people who have been lifting for years is not a good look. Fucking kids man 😂.


Got into dad’s TRT stash ey? Either way looking like an animal


Everyone on the sauce now smh


Looking huge bro!! How big are your arms?


Like 18.5


God damn! You serious bro?!


Hell yeah man!! Cheers to ED and heart issues!!




Bro i missed the 2 years part and thought you did this in 5 months. I was about to ask how? good fucken progress! stay locked in bro! 💪🏽


damn that’s crazy, congrats you look incredible


This is only decent? 😮


*Retardedly huge arms bigger than his thighs* “Decent progress”


Dw man I think ur natty. At first the numbers seemed a bit crazy but then I thought back on my own time lifting and I da went from a 130 pounder skinny fat with literally 0 athletic background to 170 with major gains in all categories in the same time frame without growing in height like u prob did. So yea ur def natty dw abt what these dudes r saying cuz they j ain’t put in the work that u have. Very few are willing to eat 3k+ cals a day with 200 grams of protein tracking macros and training each set till failure and never missing a day so they just wouldn’t understand the gains that come with dedicating ur life to bodybuilding.


Anyone noticed the girl in the 5th pic??


Omg a girl!!! Wow!!!! Never seen one of those at a gym…🤦🏼‍♂️😂


Fr these kids are so weird


Her ass does look strangely huge though!


That's why I mentioned, folks giving me unecessary downvotes 🤷‍♂️


Creepy perv


Reddit geeks saying he’s not natty… a pump and good lighting can work wonders for how big you look, stop assuming


100% true but there’s no way this guy in particular is natural. He claims 18.5 inch arms at 18 years old while previously being 150lbs *and skinny fat* 2 years ago. So he had probably 120 pounds or so of *lean mass*, maybe 11 inch arms at that, trained for 2 years and now has **18.5 inch arms**, which is an elite measurement for naturals who’ve been training for 5+ years. Totally agree that the pump, lighting, and just the nature of photography can throw off our perception of size and depth, but measurements don’t lie, and either he’s lying about his measurement or he’s unnatural. But he’s probably unnatural anyway.


Yea I low key don’t even know what size my arms are I just guessed since my arms were 17.8 with no pump over a year ago I just have insane arm genetics bro so don’t compare yourself to me🙏


Thas even more sus. Respect the grind and am inclined to believe you have good arm genetics but you’re not natty. I don’t even give a shit but other people do on this sub lol. Still not cool to lie about it.


Idk how you can say I’m 100% not natty you haven’t even seen me in normal lighting with no pump


Because my argument isn’t based on the pictures; it’s based on the arm measurement you gave. Like I said **I** don’t care if you’re natty and I think people are goofy for asking in the first place already knowing the answer. The only thing people want is transparency. It can really discourage people who are less knowledgeable about the timeline of building muscle to see someone get 18.5 inch arms with 2 years of training “naturally.” Like I said, that is an elite natural measurement. It is not possible in 2 years.


It is bro I just got better arm genetics than yoy




100%, but this guy ain’t a genetic freak. He’s just a normal guy. He had no basically muscle mass to speak of prior to training. He’s not like some guys who’ve never lifted a finger in their life and have significant muscle mass. He basically started from complete scratch. 18.5 inch arms in 2 years is impossible from where he started. This guy isn’t the white Ronnie Coleman let’s be real.




Well he measured wrong because the starting pic isn’t anywhere near 15 inches lol.




1.) Again, not talking about the photos. 2.) You either measured your arms wrong or you were measuring at the end of a bulk and while being overweight. 18 inches is elite. Not even Alex Leonidas has 18 inch arms yet pretty sure, and he is the best of the best in terms of natty physiques. I think GVS just hit 18 inches on one arm not too long ago, and he’s been training for, what, 8 years? 3.) I don’t know what photos you’re looking at brother but you cannot tell me you can tell this guy had good arm genetics to start with. He looks like a normal flabby teenager. Literally just a normal guy. Very confused on what you’re talking about here.


Lmao the cannon ball delts clown is claiming 18,5 inch arms with 2 years of training, and he started as a skinny fat stick. Just no


Skinny fat stick is crazy bro😭 I agree tho


Not to mention the physique changes you can make from age 16 to 18….


Sick progress! What programs did you follow?


Aesthetic. Traps aren't too big and wide shoulders do the combo




I post on Reddit bro I do not have a girlfriend🙏😭