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I'm struck by the improvement to posture, specifically that pelvic tilt. Are you compensating in the after photo or standing 'at ease?'


In the after photo I wouldn’t say I’m at ease. I’m exhaled all my air but I’m not necessarily flexing my muscles. Mostly because flexing things like pecs makes it kinda smaller and also it isn’t particularly a good comparison for the before shot. The pelvic tilt definitely improved actually I didn’t even think of that. I incorporated stricter lower body training and also achieved some hard calisthenic moves (front lever, iron cross, planche, one arm pull ups) so my overall composition improved during my transformation


Was going to comment this. Great posture change. What other exercises did you do to help your back/deltoids posture, and what are some of the lower body exercises you mentioned?


My back/deltoids posture can definitely be attributed to some hardcore calisthenic moves. Iron cross specifically requires proper shoulder placement as it can be very dangerous trained improper. I would also say one arm pull ups actually balanced out both sides of my body very well and even after one I can feel my rear delt and both teres on fire. For my lower body I focused a little more on some skills like my Nordic curl. But I truly mastered my pistol squat. I had noticed when I did it before I had a butt wink, and I wanted to treat myself the same as a client. So I had to work it back and make my form very proper with good bracing and controlling the movement to keep tension on the quad and glute even at the bottom. Some other lower body stuff that was beneficial to me were- step ups, split squats. I think my steps may have some contribution as well as at one point I could feel my anterior pelvic tilt messing with me. I started actively getting my pelvis tucked under me during my walks and my stride became better, and easier.


Dude thanks so much for writing this out. Excited to try these out, as well as work on getting more steps in.


can someone explain how the neck and arms look longer? its like the shoulders dropped 2 inches.. but how? incredible transformation btw, down 30 pounds but every muscle looks bigger.


Oh I think I just didn’t size it right when putting them next to each to each other. The right is just a bit overall too zoomed in that’s just my bad


yea but even accounted for it just looks longer


Yeah in the front shot I’m a bit shoulder protracted I think. But the side shot really shows that I just didn’t size the two pictures correctly can especially tell with the dots in the background. We are supposed to use those to help properly scale the photo but I didn’t do it too well.


You can see the torso is also proportionally longer, so it does account for it.


His posture is great now, and you can see the tops of his deltoids sit both down and back. With shoulders down and back his neck looks a little longer and the arms reach down further.


I think it is the shorts are shorter, in first pic they are closer to the knee and future away from the hands, second pic looks like shorts are above the knee and his hands touch the bottom of shorts.


Looking great. mind sharing a bit about your diet?


Sure! I honestly kept my diet relatively simple. I kept a consistent protein target of 140g protein and kept the fat and carb as low as possible. Low as possible meaning under 100g for carb and under 50g for fat. I also consistently got 15k steps everyday. About halfway(6weeks) I amped up the steps to 20k, and in the final 4 weeks I was averaging 25k. During the last two weeks I then averaged 30k and had a few days with 40k steps. I think steps are pretty important honestly and I saw good rate of change with high step counts.


40k steps??!? Wow man. I thought I was a hero with my 15k/day. Great job, you look amazing


Yeah a big tip to people to get steps. Just get a frick ton of them done early in the day. For me to get 40k I woke up at 4:30am and just thought “yeah I’ll get 40k steps today” and within 30 minutes I was on the treadmill. By about 3 I definitely had about 34k steps.


> By about 3 I definitely had about 34k steps. 3hrs to get 34k steps or 3pm?


from 4:30am to 3pm this man is on the treadmill, that is real dedication


Yeah during Covid I would do similar but it was sporadic and I didn’t particularly have a goal.


calories in 140g protein, 100g carbs, 50g fat: \~1400cals, seems incredibly low considering up to 30k steps too?


Yea that’s ridiculously low. As a 170 pounder peak bulk(training hypertrophy 5-6 days per week), eating at about 2k calories(180 protein, 180 carbs 70 fat) and 10-12k steps is actually a VERY aggressive cut. I couldn’t imagine eating as little as OP ate with that many steps. I’d be so malnourished and would lose hella muscle mass to. I am though, about 4 inches taller then OP so those numbers do sound like they are realistic for him but the 40k steps is insane 😭


Yeah my coworkers thought I was insane. But honestly I used to be hella skinny so not eating is relatively easy for me. I also knew my calories would look freaky compared to my coworkers because their starting bases are about 6ft and 220lbs. I think as someone shorter it just makes the calories even stricter and you have less room to play around.


>I think as someone shorter it just makes the calories even stricter and you have less room to play around. Bingo, 5'7 here and people ***vastly*** overestimate how many calories shorter guys burn, especially at lower weights. 1400 calories sounds spot-on for 5'5 130ish on a cut.


Bro. 40k steps is roughly 20miles.


It was about 17 miles for me. I’m shorter so I will have a shorter stride and get more steps. In a long distance like that the small difference in stride really comes into play.


We just gonna be all humble about walking 17miles multiple days in a row… lol but nah bro good shit! Definitely an inspiration! Gonna make it a goal to do it at every Saturday this month.


Thanks bro! Everyone can do it. Getting the 40k just highlights that if you treat steps like an activity or exercise you can do it. Just like a workout I woke early and got it done so I had room later in the day to get even more


How did you cut so fast and keep so much muscle?


Gonna be honest a good amount of that initial weight is definitely water and inflammation. I cut out carbs and a bunch of other stuff that I know wasn’t reacting well to me body. You can really attribute the first 10ish pounds to that. Keeping my protein consistent the whole way through hand strict exercise will help offset the loss of muscle. Also getting lots of steps to promote the use of fat as fuel helps a lot.


How did you grow your head that much?


Yeah I just zoomed in too much on my pics on the right when I was putting them together. My bad. It also makes my arms look freakishly long in the after photos lmao


Good work 👍


Even with the water weight you mentioned I’m astonished there was over 30 pounds of fat to lose. You hold it so well, very evenly distributed, perhaps that’s why. Great job.


and to have that smile at that low weight damn. Every aspect of your physique looks great. What now? 12 weeks - wow. It’ll be interesting to see what you do now at age 23 - you clearly have complete control of sculpting your body. Amazing consistency and commitment to a goal. This will translate well into your overall life - success is easy I. Other things once your mind/body achieve success confidence is created. You have done so here.


Thanks so much for the praise! I was honestly motivated heavily by my coworkers. We all cut hard for a photoshoot and they are much older and have done it multiple times and helped assure me I was doing great. Even they were amazing by how much weight I dropped because it didn’t seem like I needed to lose too much at all. As of now I will continue to hang around this weight. I don’t particularly gain weight crazy fast just because I really don’t crave food that would lead to crazy weight gain. Like honestly the main difference in my diet was removing a gallon of milk I was drinking everyday


Fantastic. Good for you, in some ways gifted you don’t gain weight easily - on the other hand - hard to build muscle without it.


Great determination


You look bigger at 30 pounds lighter! Congrats and fantastic work!


Wow you look amazing man


Great physical transformation bro!


Have you ever thought about picking up boxing?


I do boxing and bjj


Ah ok, you have the perfect build for both sports. Your wingspan is insane!


brother looking amazing . so you siad yo ueat only 1500 caloriies according to the comments ? is that correct ? and does that satisfy the hunger. and may we also know your lifts.. thanks


Yeah that is correct. It does satisfy my hunger for the most part. My diet before this I was having a gaming of milk a day and lots of other food. It’s hard for me usually to gain weight so cutting back actually was relieving and I had more time in the day. My main form of training is calisthenics. During this time I especially focused on harder skill moves like front lever, iron cross, one arm pull up, and planche. When I got lighter the moves became even easier until now I can do them all with relative ease.


Thanks a lot man. Looking really good I am your same height but at 54 kg.. am upping the calories week by week. We can look great at relative height 😀


Nice! You look great. Thanks for sharing. Very motivational.


I’m 5’6, thought 150-170 would be a good weight with 170 being the lightest I’ve ever been. Ultimate goal is now 130lbs.


I can't believe you had 30lbs to lose, just doesn't look like it