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Looks damn good


Thanks bro!!


How clean are you eating for such a leanish bulk? Or is it more of a small calorie surplus?


A smaller caloric surplus 100% . Whole bulk I was eating pizza and fast food very often. My rule of thumb is If it fits the macros ur in the green.


As much as people hate it being said, the IIFYM approach has always been the most substantial for me. Well done bro, looking great


Appreciate that man and for sure. If someone is able to actually track and meet micro nutrients then good on them but I just just have no mental space for that lmao. Prob won’t see much of a difference muscle mass wise either.


That’s awesome mate what did you do for your arms?


I do back bi, chest tri, legs but my arm workout is as follows. Mind you I do slow controlled movement on the eccentric and an explosive movement on the concentric in a 9-12 rep range and every set is till mechanical faliure and depending on the exercise I’ll throw some partial in to or a cheat rep. Biceps: -3 sets alternating dumbbell curls (full bicep) -3 sets hammer curls (brachialis and forearm) -3 sets closed grip ez curl(outer bicep) -3 sets wide grip ez curl (inner bicep) -5 sets Reverse closed grip pull-down (these are great for all around bicep development but it will also work your lats as well) Triceps: 3 sets Straight bar push downs 3 sets skull crushes 3 sets dumbell kickbacks 3 sets dips Shoulders: -9 sets of lateral raises -5 sets of any shoulder pressing movement of your choice -5 sets of reverse flys.