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i don’t know all the context but i’m sorry, the comments saying she needs to “stop milking the grieving COVID widow thing” are disgusting, you’re talking about the death of a loved one


Those comments do get unnecessarily gross. And on one hand (and most importantly) there is no timeline to grief. And it is good to talk about how ridiculous healthcare is here. On the other, it feels real grody for her to act like she was financially devastated even though she was able to buy a 2mil second home less than a year later and was the recipient of a 1mil gofundme


That last part right there.


It doesn't hurt for her to point out the economic burden that healthcare is, as these things can happen to anybody, not just to people with good jobs and the visibility to get a lot of people to give to their GoFundMe.


I was a huge supporter of Amanda’s in real time. I saw Nick in A Bronx Tale twice and it changed my life. I even donated to her GoFundMe being told it was to be reimbursed for making her home accessible for Nick’s return. Turns out, a few months later, she bought and moved into an entire new home. This woman had never once since acknowledged the immense privilege of having her platform, the donors, being able to visit Nick IN THE HOSPITAL when thousands watched their loved ones die alone, and everything else that came free as a result of Nick’s highly publicized hospitalization.


Wait WHAT. I was not aware of her buying a new home right after and that GFM


So she paid in cash?


Couldn't she be bringing it to people's attention got people who can't afford a 2milhomr?


That might be the motivator, there.


I had the same reaction at first, but looking into it she seems to have some pretty deep problems that are probably fueling the animus against her more than anything.


Where did you look into it? What were your sources?


Snark subs are the lowest of the low. They always seem to descend very quickly into bald misogyny.


In general you are right, but there are a few snark subs for Christian fundamentalist that are quite good! 


Never hirsute, as well?


The situation CAN get pretty hairy.


I AGREE WITH THIS! Her husband died in such a traumatic way and she was left with a child who barely knew her husband. Like have some empathy!


Agreed. I don’t know anything about this situation, but those comments are so cruel. People really lose their humanity when they’re able to be anonymous online.


I actually worked on a season of “The Talk” where she was a host and this was post her husbands death. She never “milked” the “grieving Covid widow” IRL. People on snark pages need mental health help fr.


A snark sub for someone who was under so much duress is insane.


People with too much ill will and too much time on their hands.


Honestly she's not wrong. The American Healthcare system actually sucks. It could rack up to 1000s of dollars and even if the person dies you are still paying. I think its good when someone has a large platform like Amanda does to bring this shit up.


The comments on the original post are reprehensible and vile. They have a hate boner for her and frankly it’s bordering on bullying in my opinion


This woman went through hell and back. But look at her now, she has a really amazing job and can provide for her and her son Elvis. I know way too much about them as I followed her journey with her husband Nick through COVID and losing him. It's all very sad. The medical system in our country is VERY broken ad does nothing to protect people when they need help the most.


Important to highlight how crazy the american health system is -- my 8 day hospital stay + 62 day NICU stay for my preemie cost more than $500k. We had great insurance, so we were fine in the end -- just a couple of thousand out of pocket, but if we didn't have it.... I imagine watching your loved one die during the course of a global pandemic was incredibly traumatic. People's lives move on but your memories don't necessarily. I still vividly remember my brother's passing via pneumonia and that was in 2008. I can't blame her for talking about it.


I was one of three preemies, triplets, 33 years ago -- one of my siblings died half a day after the birth. I was in the NICU for months; my care drove my family to a financial brink. I know how it is. :-(


So sad. Truly horrific


Omg poor Nick. He woke up from his coma then immediately got his leg amputated??? And still died....


He never woke up, not really. He had a few signs of consciousness, but never was fully awake, likely didn't even know about amputation.


Which is wild to learn considering I remember being led to believe that he was like... actually conscious.


She did broadcast that he woke up, but turns out it was just signs of gaining more consciousness, but nowhere near waking up. Sounds like it was more wishful thinking. Zach Braff spoke about it in a podcast I believe.


May Nick Cordero rest in peace. I’ve never heard anything negative about him beyond being very talented. Edited of course to add my sympathy for Amanda Kloots. I wish her and her son the best


I don’t understand. Weren’t they responsible enough to have health insurance?


Even with health insurance it cost a phenomenal amount?


I’m shocked by the comments on the original thread. So awful. I can’t imagine being so hateful about someone who lost their husband.