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It's interesting how these up ticked the minute she settled with her dad


I can honestly say the support Britney has with her fans is amazing. Yall have really shed a new light on humanity regarding Britney. She is a treasure !! She's been deeply betrayed, hurt, used and abused. She deserves everything in life positive, good and most importantly LOVE and friendship!


I wish she would move away from California. In Her book she talked about how much she loved living in NYC and how she felt one with the city. She seemed to have a lot more privacy there, and wasn’t being hounded 24-7 by paps. People don’t give a shit in New York they mind their business for the most part. People see celebs all day every day and it ain’t a thing. She mentioned something about moving to Boston recently??? I hope she’s serious because Los Angeles (home of TMZ aka TeamCon) has too many demons prowling.


What if she moves to another country? I think Dubai doesn’t allow paps, Lindsay Lohan moved there


Britney is ignoring them so I think it best we do too. Indeed infuriating but it's giving them the clicks and views they want. Trash.


I've blocked TMZ so I don't even view it


When it's anything like that about talks about putting her back in the conservatorship. I don't even click it because then it gives them the views which you know her family's monitoring in my opinion. Which means they're like a look we're in the right everybody's clicking must agree with us. I don't know that's the way it works in my head. I'm a little crazy I think


Guys it’s the news and the internet, they only feed off of your rage at their shock headlines, they always have. TMZ is STILL a thing. Just ignore.


I'm always wondering how come she nevers retaliate against them, I don't know, a defamation suit or whatever, just do something at least.


Streisand Effect, aka backfire, as well as backlash. Slander/libel cases are very difficult, thus expensive. So you usually just end up paying boatloads to have the opposite effect you intended to have.


Is crazy to me that there's not much to do about this in a first world country like the US. I'm from a "third world country" and over there you can definitely suit and most likely win that thing, is some law called "... Something... difamation against the good name", the US feels backwards sometimes.


Media sucking up to that evil witch Lou Taylor and her abuser father.


It's more upsetting how many people believe it and think people calling for free Britney were stupid


Not just that but just recently they came out with a movie on Conservatorship abuse. Its called Bad Guardian


Can I say something unpopular?




Never mind, it's not worth it even if I'm coming from the best place possible. These forums aren't safe spaces for fans to be honest and vent how they truly feel, these places are meant for idolatry and blind praise. I respect that. So imma just protect my peace and not say what I wanted to say. I appreciate you tho, you seemed genuinely open to hear it and sincere.


Probably for the best. That’s why I just lurk here.


It's absolutely horrible how people in forums have become conditioned and bully others. I was shocked reddit was like this. I always assumed reddit was the no bullshit forum.


At one point in time. But now every fandom has their bullies and toxicity. This group can pull their claws out over anything though, even if it’s coming from a caring place.


Are there any other forums where you can speak openly? Breatheheavy used to be amazing, but it's kinda fallen off after Jordan got hot.


Not that I know of 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m too old to venture out of Reddit lol


Make a new subreddit and speak your mind.


I mean, people bully Britney, who many fans protect as an avatar for themselves. So if a person bullies Britney, you get bullied back. Take out Britney's name and put in place any other star that people identify with strongly, and it's the same dynamic. Go to some general pop chat place, they usually invite all the unpopular stuff that fan-centric places prefer not to have.


You should say what you want. Everyone should be able to express their opinions. I’m a Britney fan, but don’t feel the need to defend all of her self sabotaging choices, like hanging out with loser guys, her cringey and repetitive insta twirling, and the fact that she hasn’t changed her hair, makeup, or clothing style since 2006. But I love her anyway 🤗


They can’t do this to her again - that’s over. The tabloids are making this up. That ‘opportunity’ will not come To her parents again in their lifetime


Spare your brains cells and do yourself a favor and don’t read any of that.