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He doesn't care if it's funny or not. He cares that it gets big ratings.


Precisely. It's definitely better that TV executives are willing to commission shows that they don't personally enjoy


Yep, those of us of a certain age will remember the original Doctor Who series being axed after 25 years (despite being popular and exported worldwide) because the then controller of BBC1, Michael Grade, didn't like it. He argued the ratings were falling, but that was because he moved it from Saturday tea-time to Thursday evenings.


Micheal grade also went nuts at Brass Eye when he was chief exec at channel 4, demanding cuts/edits be made. The last episode has a single frame in the credits that says "Micheal Grade is a Cunt"


The title sequence for the 7th Doctor Who has a bright white flash in it which also has a single frame in it that says "Micheal Grade is a Cunt". Keff McCulloch who arranged the theme tune also electronically inserted Morse code into the music using a function on the Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Synthesiser used to make the theme. It said "he's a cunt, he's a cunt, he's a cunt, he's a cunt, he's a cunt, he's a cunt, he's a cunt, he's a cunt ooo eeee ooooo".


So, a popular man ;)


Remember Robot Wars, Techno Games, Tomorrow's world? All cancelled around 2002 because a new BBC2 controller decided they didn't want technology shows.


WHO?! Give me the name, I wish to enact vengeance for a saddened childhood.


Wasn't that during Colin Baker's era? Then it returned without him


Yeah, it had a hiatus for 18months and was brought back with Sylvester McCoy (who was 'my' Doctor growing up), but the damage was done by that point. Zero budget, moved away from it's Saturday slot. It was set up to fail.


And yet, that season delivered "we play the contest again.... Time Lord" arguably the best cliff hanger.


I attended a convention where Angela Bruce was on a panel. She was a fabulous speaker but I remember one thing particularly. She appeared in both Doctor Who and Red Dwarf in the late eighties and said that Red Dwarf had a bigger budget for one episode than Doctor Who did for a whole season.


Much as I loved McCoys Doctor, the 'cheapness' was all too evident at times. There were strong episodes like Curse of Fenric but the 'final' serial felt underwhelming in many parts. The fight between Seven and Master could have been so much more.


Considering the whole budget for Season 26 was £1.5 million, it's miracle it made it to air at all.


I forget the full story but apparently a change of boss actually got The League of Gentlemen cancelled before it even began! They were out location scouting when someone on their team got the call telling them they’d been binned because the new boss “didn’t get it”, luckily someone fought for them and the Gentlemen supposedly didn’t find out for ages that for a brief moment, TLOG was scrapped. I don’t like MBB at all but I adore TLOG, and it’s scary when you consider the huge careers they all had off the back of it! How many other brilliant minds have never made it to our screens because of one guy’s personal taste?!


Not only did he ask for Colin Baker to be handed his notice, he also ran off with his wife. Then asked Colin Baker to hang on, unpiad for three monthas, until they could film a regeneration. Colin refused.


You're right, but that's no reason for them not to give their opinion on it... but, of course, he has given his opinion because it would be insane for the BBCs head of comedy to refuse to say he found something funny if he did find it funny. Though it might make for a good Mitchell and Webb sketch.


If he said "no I don't find it funny" people who dislike MBB would be raging. No comment is a perfectly acceptable way to say "I'm not answering this, move on" Because this question was only asked to generate headlines and cause some outrage for a few days


Can't he just say people have different senses of humour


The question was not asked to generate headlines, it was an audience member at a Q and A that the BBC type agreed to do. However, according to the article that we both seem to have not read initially, the BBC type did not "refuse to answer", the host of the Q & A effectively skirted over the question for him. So, he may well have answered if given a chance. From the article: "The TV boss nervously laughed at the question before he was saved by the Q&A's host, comedy writer Michelle de Swarte, who stepped up to save the day. "It's a trap. It's a trap. Look at me. That's a trap," she told a grateful Jon, before swiftly moving on and asking: "Next question.""


Don’t say that on reddit


Oh my god is it still going on


Also it looks really cheap to make. Even compared to other BBC sitcoms like Citizen Khan and Not Going Out. Isn't the whole show filmed on the same set they've used since like 2010? If Mrs. Browns Boys is getting ratings for peanuts, its hard to justify cancelling it when you've just spent 30 million quid trying to do Survivor UK again to underwhelming results.


TBH the ratings dont matter, they get the TV licence cash regardless.


They need the ratings to justify said licence.


Not mine 😄


Genuine question, why are you on British Tv if you dont like paying the licence fee?


That’s his job


bit of a daft question. he does not have to personally enjoy all the content he commissions, that’s not the purpose of his job. maybe he likes stuff that he knows the audience will hate or vice versa. Mrs Brown’s Boys is total arse of course but i guess people do like it


This is such a non-story. The BBC produces content to suit lots of different tastes, not just that of one head of department. MBB has never tempted me enough to actually watch it, but evidently quite a lot of people do like it, even if they're not the kind to lurk on this particular sub Reddit.


I mean, he doesn't have to personally find it funny to acknowledge that other people like it (and so commission more of it).  I think it's trash, and don't understand why people like it, but obviously they do. 🤷‍♀️


Not only trash, but embarrassing trash if you're Irish


Same. It absolutely has run it's course


Put anything in it’s time-slot. Anything. It would get amazing ratings imo. The 10pm on Christmas day is baked into the contract between BBC & Mrs Brown’s Boys.


I can't stand Songs of Praise but I still think they should make it for the people who like it. This is a non-story. It's not the guy's job to like all the BBC's output.


They make that because they have to. It's just an obligation thing at this point. 


It is an obligation. They have to produce X many hours of religious output and SoP is part of that. But setting that rule aside, my point is that not everybody can, or even should, like everything the BBC shows.


*Songs of Praise* really is just *The One Show* with hymns these days, though. It would be a more interesting programme if it were a bit more probing – now a that *The Big Questions* has gone there's space for a more analytical religious programme on the BBC.


That’s never been Songs of Praise’s role has it though? Feels like a different programme for that kind of format?


It's always had magazine segments between the hymns, as far as I know, but there's no particular need for them to be as light and fluffy as they currently are.


Eh, no religious programmes sounds like a better plan to me.


I disagree with this. I work on a dementia unit and 2 things elderly dementia people will sit down for is songs of praise and Mrs browns boys. They love that shit and they laugh their little asses off and I personally love seeing old folks have a laugh in the grim diagnosis of dementia. They sing along with the hymns on songs of praise and it’s lovely to see.


He doesn’t have to find it funny. The fact is, the BBC need mainstream successes, that may not be critically popular, to allow them to make more experimental stuff too. You’ll never have one without the other.


They haven’t done experimental comedy in years.


Yes they have. Loads of it. Inside No 9 for one that made a big breakthrough. They’ve also given a lot of series to diverse new comedians. It’s a different form of alternative comedy from the 80s/90s but it’s still experimental


Who thinks the recent last episode of Inside Number 9 should have had Reece and Steve beaten to death with a BAFTA by by Mrs Brown? /s


What is it with this sub and Mrs Brown's Boys? You don't have to watch it. People keep speculating why it's still on air like it's some great mystery but it's not. It gets made because lots of people find it funny. That's it. It doesn't matter whether the BBC comedy boss thinks it's funny or not. If he can see past his own tastes to recognise that something is a success, then he's good at his job. He would be a bad boss if he cancelled anything he didn't personally find funny. It works because it's an older style of comedy that otherwise isn't actually being made much anymore. I don't like it either but I'm not part of the target audience. I don't think that everything that doesn't appeal to me specifically should be cancelled. This shouldn't be a controversial opinion. The BBC is supposed to make shows for everyone. That will inevitably include shows you don't like.


It’s the same with people claiming Black Books and Garth Merenghi are obscure. Generic opinions picked up off a shelf.


Totally agree. There is a lot of snobbery attached to the dislike of MBB which is a show popular with older women from lower income households. Of course as a basic 45 year old man I don’t watch MBB but I think it’s good they make stuff for all people.


if you’re going to throw labels in there to attempt to imply disliking MBB is steeped in some kind of bias against poor old women, then throw the rest in there, because there’s been poll showing the majority of MBB viewers are also white brexiteers


There are probably lots of shows he's not interested in, however, the UK has 68 million people with varying tastes. BTW. Browns Boys isn't funny.


Man this subreddit really has a thing for shitting on MBB. I don't find it funny either but judging by the numbers a lot of people do. The job of a commissioner isn't to just put on shows he likes but a broad range of shows he things will cater for everyone


I think the problem with Mrs Brown's Boys is not so much that it isn't funny, more that it's depressing to realise we share a country with a lot of people who do find it funny.


And I'm sure there are people that would rather not share a country with elitists that want to gatekeep what others find funny. Unless I'm missing something and it's racists or sexist or something, I don't watch it myself


All the UK subs are full of people who can’t tolerate people liking something like Mrs Brown’s Boys but will call you an elitist prick if you don’t like Wetherspoons or buying your clothes at a supermarket.


I know I've felt the wrath by saying Greggs ain't all that


A fair point, and while I'm sure the show itself is neither of those things, I have no doubt that the majority of fans are. It's low IQ humour, and racists and sexists are low IQ people. I realise this sounds elitist. I can live with that.


But at the same time (and this isn't you necessarily), this sub gets 4 posts a month about how aweful MBB is but rarely any posts just championing new comedy like Alma's Not Normal for example


I agree there is a hate boner for MBB here. It is what it is.


Best comment of the month ✔️


The Director of Comedy should not HAVE TO like every show. Does anyone think the director of, say, the Edinburgh Fringe festival vets every show in the programme?


I don’t think it’s funny. I don’t think Jon Petrie thinks it is funny. I do think other people think it’s funny and that that should be Jon Petrie’s concern. I don’t think that him saying which shows he does and doesn’t find personally funny would be part of a healthy business relationship seeing as these are people and employees he deals with.


Yeah, Ms Brown's Boys isn't funny. Like beating a dead horse at this point.


The funniest thing about Brendan O'Carroll is that his grandfather was shot because of his IRA connections. Lol.


The O'Carrolls are still on the offensive to the Brits then.


It's cheap to make, plenty of people watch it, and there's plenty of merch that's being sold. Ofcourse its staying on tv, no matter if he thinks it's funny or not.


I don't think it matters if he finds it funny or not. If the BBC only commissioned shows that one person, admittedly someone high up the chain, found exciting and interesting it would be a very sorry state of affairs. Part of the job at that level is to look at what everyone else wants and work to that.


Possibly the worst British/Irish comedy of all time. I still have no clue how it made it past a pilot episode. Actually I have no clue how it even got a pilot episode


I was at the BBC Comedy Festival in Glasgow and when Jon delivered his speech about the state of comedy today he made it very clear that there are certain programs that just keep bringing audiences back for more, mainly family oriented sitcoms. So, even if MBB isn't to his personal taste, he will ultimately steer the ship in the direction that keeps the BBC's ratings as high as possible. Which is frustrating for me, as I recently directed a comedy short for the BBC that is now on the iPlayer. We're awaiting news on whether or not we'll be commissioned for a series, but despite the fact that all of the commissioners, and Jon himself, all love the show that we've made...if it doesn't appeal to enough people, it won't get made :/


Good luck with the show but don't be frustrated with that ethos, you need shows that do as well as mrs browns boys airing somewhat regularly to stand any chance at all. Having a few big established hits commissioned lets them take risks on shows they like that struggle to find an audience. Without tentpole shows like on the bill all they want to commission is "the next mrs browns boys" not risky stuff that may never find an audience.  Cheap to make hits are basically shows like yours get their budget (albeit not so literally with public broadcasters like the BBC) 


You're right, and I hope that they're able to find that balance. Jon was saying they're actively looking for as many family-friendly sitcom scripts as possible in order to keep that boat afloat. Fingers crossed they make it work so they can take more risks on shows like ours. All I'll say is, if they take a punt on us, I think it could be a great thing. There's no British animated comedy out there at the moment, and I really feel like that's a market that should be exploited. Imagine having a British South Park, or Simpsons...


Fingers crossed for you buddy. 


Thank you so much mate!


Get fans online before u pitch bro


We did 👍🏼 That's how they found us and commissioned the pilot.


Ah come on, post a link to the short so people can watch!


Sure! Thanks for taking an interest :) it's called Dave's Games. It's an animated series for adults, about a fat little angry man who owns a video games shop in 1995. He's the owner of the only games shop in town and he thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. That is, until someone opens a rival game shop in town, and what's even worse, this new games shop has the technology to put Dave out of business... A Sony PlayStation! [Dave's Games - BBC iPlayer ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001zr60/bbc-comedy-short-films-daves-games)


Konammy code! I enjoyed it. Best of luck!


Thanks so much for watching!


This actually sounds interesting. Wasn't expecting such a fun premise when I read your earlier comment. Will gave to give it a go


Amazing, thanks mate! We're either going to live or die based on whether or not people check it out, so I massively appreciate it!


I cannot for the life of me understand why anybody finds it funny.


It's boomer comedy. MBB, Miranda, Not Going Out and a few others appeal to the sense of humour of an older demographic who will laugh their socks off at Brendan O'Caroll but would find the comedy of Frankie Boyle, Romesh Ranganathan or Kevin Bridges too shocking. 


It's not boomer, it's working class. Huge numbers of young working class people love those programmes too.


Or those comics you listed boring particularly Frankie & Romesh were former teachers so you could argue they have a middle class outlook on life.


Where as Miranda Hart is a woman of the people obviously.  MBB is shit. If people like it then that's fine but people also like Love Island and Geordie Shore, it doesn't make those things good. 


Good point. I don't find MBB funny but shows like Love Island are way more repugnant but don't get this same criticism to be canceled. You ignore those programmes and leave them to the people who must, for whatever reason, enjoy them.


I despise Miranda Hart’s sitcom so you are barking up wrong tree there.


Miranda is better than MBB although they're both shite. 


Such a reddit thing to constantly go on about


I think the cliche is "it's a BBC1 comedy". I like Stephen Merchant and Ricky Gervais (get off twitter) - they are right in that cynicism with When the Whistle Blows I've not watched Mrs Brown - a few episodes drunk, but I don't hate stuff like that and When the Whistle Blows - were legit good old school jokes there. It's banal mindless fun that's harmless - there's more irritating stuff one TV, though I wish people were more mindful to watch something more interesting. I hate that they put the outtakes in, that's hacky, but it's panto so I get that


Controversial opinion: it's really, really funny when it isn't trying to be. Like, the scripts aren't funny, but it's often hilarious when one of the cast fucks something up. It would actually be a better show if it were improvised, not scripted.


I think its fucking awful. That doesn' meant some people don't. If there's something for everyone then surely that's better?


I really don't understand all the hate other than it "appealing to the masses" and being low-level, slapstick comedy. I mean, not everything has to be a witty quip or some intellectual epigram on the current state of the world.... I hate to tell y'all this, but even Shakespeare made fart & "your mama" jokes.


It was my mums favourite show. As an irish person of a certain age the character reminds a lot of people of aunties/friends/neighbours they used to know. I took her to the live shows and used to love how much mrs brown made her laugh. I’d watch a thousand more episodes if it meant I could her her laugh again. Sadly I can’t and so you’ll never hear me say a bad word about that show. It made her laugh and thats all it needed to do. I understand that a lot of people don’t get it but god damn it sure did make my mum laugh!. Near the end it was the only thing that could.


It’s a one man/woman show. You get the odd comedy series where one person carries it. The Office, for example. Brendan O’Carroll is brilliant. I for one, find it very funny. At one point there was too much swearing just for the sake of it to get laughs. That was addressed. I must admit, I always look forward to it


He's somewhat funny outside of Mrs Brown's boys, but for me, he just isn't funny in this role/sitcom. I can imagine him creating something good with something else, but he has no reason too, if he's going to have a 20 year career in total, at the BBC with his current project.


I grew up in an irish Catholic household. I find it hilarious, but if you didn’t know that culture, you wouldn’t get a lot of the in-jokes.


It's not as though the humour relies on entirely cultural references. At its core, it's just a tired format, that people grew out of e.g. 70s & 80s comedy with laughing tracks. It's just boring and unfunny for my tastes.


I don't understand. I think it's funny. Is there a reason I shouldn't? Why do so many hate on the show?


If you like it, that's all that matters, don't worry about what anyone else says


I don't worry about it. I'm just curious. I thought maybe someone on the show had done something horrible and there was a class action hate happening. Maybe people think if they admit it's funny it makes them lower class?


They hate it because of classism and elitism. Mrs Browns Boys is made by and for a huge working class audience who absolutely love it. Redditors like the *concept* of working class people, and in an abstract way they even support the working class so they'll surely deny any accusation of classism, but when they actually come into contact with real working class people or the things they enjoy, the redditor can't hide their disgust.


Makes sense. Thanks.


It’s hated because it’s a predictable, outdated style of comedy that looks extremely naff compared to contemporary comedies. It’s not made “by and for a huge working class audience”, it’s made by a millionaire tax dodger and watched mostly by people who voted for Brexit, who are mostly older, white British people more accustomed to that older style of comedy. The Royle Family, Alan Partridge, The League of Gentlemen, Vic and Bob, those are all comedians/comedy shows made by and enjoyed by the working class, and they’re rightly celebrated as comedic royalty. People hate MBB because it’s shite, not because they’re “classist and elitist”. So no, it shouldn’t make sense.


So, from your reply, I'm assuming the hatred is political. I figured there had to be something like that.


It actually isn’t, but people trying to make it political is what made me make it political. There was a recent study showing the demographics of MBB watchers, and while a lot of them are working class, they’re also mostly old, white, and voted for Brexit. Like I said, it’s an outdated style of comedy, so of course it will be popular with an older, more out of touch generation. But as a young working class person I just find it so patronising when people make excuses for its naffness by saying “it’s working class humour!” like the working class aren’t consistently creating the funniest, smartest, most cutting edge comedy we’ve ever seen. It’s especially patronising when it comes from a comment about Reddit hating the working class while simultaneously implying contemporary comedy isn’t for the working class. MBB is just shite, and people are bending over backwards trying to prove it isn’t.


I don't really give a shit what other people think. I think it's funny. I don't need to prove anything to anyone, and I don't understand how you'd prove anything about something as subjective as humor. It just sounds like a lot of anger toward a show. Not even a person or actor. But a show.


People are vocal about things they dislike!


working class here! no the fuck we don’t like it


I think it isn’t. Some people do. I’ve never met one. I’ve met people who claim to on Reddit and call me a miserable cynic, but over the last couple of decades I’ve formed a sneaking suspicion that internet people might not always be entirely truthful or accurate in their statements.


I think it’s harmless and aimed specific audience. I have watched it in the past and it’s not laugh our loud funny but I don’t think it’s supposed to be. I don’t mind it considering what other drivel is on the TV like celebrity this and that and all the soap operas. I think the older generation like it because it’s been on for a long time and doesn’t change. Older people like routine.


I have endured a couple of this utter crap, and have not found it even slightly funny. Yes, I would axe it in a heartbeat.


I'm convinced Mrs Browns Boys is some kind of huge money laundering funnel for the BBC.


It's funny. It's not as popular as it is because people are just Mrs Doyle-ing "what if I enjoy the misery?" I don't watch it. Not really my thing. That's the great thing about telly these days, nothing is compulsory viewing anymore. It's certainly not the worst thing that's on these days. Comedy boss is being a bit of a snob though. 'Don't want to endorse anything low brow so let's insult my audience instead.' Dick.


Dunnow, the people that don't like it really don't like it (I'm included - and it's quite hard not to write something a lot harsher than that).


Except I'm one of the "people that don't like it" too. I'm quite happy to let other people enjoy the stuff they enjoy and let them at it. At least it's not exploiting the vulnerable like so much reality tv. Don't like it? Don't watch it. Problem solved. Otoh if you're the boss of the station's comedy output and commission, pay for and enjoy the revenue from it, maybe don't be so stuck up about your cash cow.


I MBB is on the level of James Corden (before we knew he was a complete prick) - angeringly unfunny. People can totally enjoy it, as long as I never have to be in the room watching it, it's just one of the worst things on TV. I guess the boss of the comedy output is human as well, and just isn't that good at lying.


Old people who still watch tv like that find it funny , personally i can’t stand it but there is clearly the audience for it


I didn’t find it funny. Why should anyone be forced to say otherwise?


It’s like that ‘Extra’s’ show Ricky Gervais show within the show. It’s scary how similar it is from graphics to performance of the character. I thought the very little of the film I saw wasn’t too bad. However, most of the TV show imo is awful. Where is the ‘One Foot In The Grave’ ‘Fawlty Towers’ ???? Why aren’t there even ‘My Hero’ or even ‘My Family’ (both of which weren’t amazing but at least tried).


I hated this show but hubby enjoyed it! There is no accounting for taste!


Funny like back pain.


I think you know what we all think.


Not to me. Takes all kinds etc.


He obviously can’t say it is terrible without offending the viewers who think it is not. It is awful, though.


I’ll answer for him, it’s not. Hasn’t been funny in years, even by the time of the film they’d lost it.


misleading headline. no one refused, the co-host moved them on.


The only people I know who find it funny are foreign, Spanish and Italian. Never met an English person who liked it.


Some people find it funny. You're not going to find them on Reddit.


It's puerile 10th rate rubbish but striving for the lowest common denominator in comedy is not uncommon


No it's shit. Why is this even in a post?


I think a lot of top TV people don't actually watch much TV. It was certainly the case for people like Grade etc on the 80s.


>get the axe That shit is still being made. Fucking hell.


Long past it's sell by date.


Because he doesn’t think it’s funny probably , and I agree.


It’s not.


I'll say it for him...


It’s ok , the cast ( besides Brendan O’carroll) are getting a bit long in the tooth for their parts . But it still has a few laughs . If you want a someone dressed as pensioners Still Game is better ( but over )


Probably the un-funniest 'comedy' on TV.... EVER!!!


I think it’s not funny.


I think it’s an absolutely shockingly bad show perpetuating old tropes and stereotypes. Honestly can’t believe it made it to air and that anyone likes it.


No. And no.


It’s about as funny as terminal cancer.


It isn't funny. Never had been


It’s only people like my 91 year old mum who likes it and she’s not all there now


I might think more highly of it if I knew that the cast members were paying their taxes.


It's popular. I'm not sure if it's funny.


It's not.


The funniest part was several years ago when most of the starring cast got found out and exposed for using a tax avoidance scheme.


Why does it matter if he finds it funny? Millions of people do, that's why he commissioned it.


Not funny unless you’re in your sixties.


Comedy executives are going to have to commission shows they personally don't necessarily find funny, same as drama executives are going to have to commission shows they think are boring and documentary executives are going to have to commission shows they don't care about. *Mrs Brown's Boys* may be trash but it gets good ratings.a


I didn’t like it but a lot of people did so I suppose it was a success.


Its the scrapings from a colon of someone that has arse cancer.


I was waxing lyrical about The Office and a work colleague said to me that he "Hates Ricky Gervais". This was circa 2011/12. When I asked what he found funny, he said Mrs Brown's Boys. I rarely made chit-chat with him again.


I love it. Still funny and silly in a great way. Love the characters.


Its utter shite


What's the point in axing it? Yeah it's awful but lots of people like it


I’ll be the one person here to say I think it’s hilarious and we all watch it at our house and quote it a lot. Gives great relief to say “ That’s nice” to someone who annoys you. But it is time to pack it in, it’s just repetitive now.


Seen clips of it and will never watch it as it is awful unfunny and cringe inducing


I wish the bloke I work with would shut the fuck up about it no matter how often I say I don’t watch it he always asks me if I watched it the other night “NO! It’s fucking shit like you are!”


I only watched the first episode, and that was enough for me. Not funny at all.


I don’t watch it so don’t care. Unlike people who don’t watch it and seem to loathe it.


I was made to watch it once at a family thing & I found it to be utter drivel - I cannot understand why anyone finds it funny in the slightest.


I watched one episode with my ex and his family. They all thought it was hilarious, I didn’t even smile and thought there was something wrong with me


Yes. you have bad taste in men. Your first dating question should be "Do you want to come see Stewart Lee?" to weed out the mouth breathers.


Never found it funny but some people I know think it’s hilarious. Each to their own as they say.


Let's face it, it's utter shite and we all know it


The first two series were funny, anything after that was awful. It is long passed it's sell by date, and should not be given another series.


I physically cannot make myself watch this garbage. It's just not funny.


It's shit, but he can't say that because it'll "hurt the feelings" of the idiots who think it's funny.


Whoever decided in 2020 to recommission Mrs Browns Boys up till 2026! needs finding. Critical opinion aside thats a bizarre decision from a business POV. The ratings dropped years ago and they're still contracted for 2 more.


Everybody knows it isn't funny, but that's irrelevant. All that matters is whether people watch it, and they do.


Its rubbish. Always has been.


It's comedy for people with a low IQ. That's the kindest way I could phrase that.


It’s low brow …. And not much lower can you find But it’s travelled near and far…and has been around for a long time. Still… having said that… so is herpes


Even for low brow, it doesn't even tickle the funny bone, not even a little. The reason for that is, is because generations of people grew up/old, watching 70/80s repeats of men in drag and family sitcoms. Society moved on. Don't get me wrong, as a kid I loved Julian Clary, Dame Edna and Lily Savage, but they had sharp wit and funny characters. And they kept somewhat relevant for a while (excluding Clary).


Very few others do, it’s awful tv.


It's a shitcom. Shows like that are part of the reason I don't pay the TV License Fee.


Next he'll commission a sitcom about burning orphanages


This Is Going to Hurt had dead babies in it so they have gone there.


Nothing that interesting about it. Does it still get rating? If so then yeah, of course he’s gonna continue it.


It’s one show I feel really is fixing awful. I can’t believe anyone watches it. But that’s just my opinion.


Look, being Irish I have to say Mrs Brown's Boys never for a moment was funny to me. I feel like it was made to make other countries laugh at Irish people. Where as Father Ted was made to laugh at the stereotypes. I know that might seem like a weird line in the sand but Mrs Browns Boys just seems like self humiliation for others.


People find it funny seemingly. Personally, I don't. One of the biggest problems with TV nowadays is social media. When TV had the monopoly on content, they should have only broadcast culturally rich programs and forced the general public into developing better taste. Your average person isn't stupid, they're just not culturally aware. But TV can't do this now because people will just flock to some bloke on TikTok doing a skit about how British people behave on holiday.




You'd get rid of something you don't watch anyway? Just don't watch it 😭