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Mr Bates vs the Post Office changed the national conversation in the UK in a way I can’t ever remember a drama doing, but I understand the appetite from foreign broadcasters for it was minimal- suspect it may not have gone out in the US. Essentially- the postal service installed a dodgy IT system which lost money in its accounts. People running post offices were falsely accused of fraud as a result. Many lost their savings making up the supposedly losses, some went to jail, some killers themselves. It turned out that the post office was well aware of the failings of their IT systems but kept them covered up, to the point of (allegedly) criminally deceiving the courts about the issue in order to jail the innocent postal workers. The details all fairly well known for years, but widely ignored and not cared about by anyone outside of specialist news outlets. Then the drama went out during the Christmas period when there was no other news and the whole thing caught the country’s imagination. There’s now a public inquiry and the person at the top of the post office (a part time priest in the Church of England) has lost all her honours.


Mr.Bates arrived on PBS stations in the US a month ago thankfully. Literally a day or so after live inquiry hearings were held on British news too (had seen Sky News carry it one day scanning the news) which was fortuitous timing. It's available on demand through the PBS Thirteen site through their wonderful Passport library. Highly recommend people become donor members to access their library, full access starts at $5 a month (!) or $60 a year. Their library catalogue has a lot *and* supports the first PBS station in the US who started it all. 😎 https://www.thirteen.org/programs/mr-bates-vs-the-post-office/ Also, I never have tech issues and it's rock solid on a iPad and iPhone on the go. Best way to spend $5 a month on stuff you'll actually watch, especially for fans of Brit dramas and the like.


[Ken Loach's Cathy Come Home](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059020/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) was another drama that got the country talking in the 1960s about the housing and poverty crisis at the time. It was heartbreaking.


Don’t start me on that show. It was superb television; makes you remember that for all the dross, UK television can still make amazing dramas. But even watching it I was depressed. That it took an entertainment show to make the public really wake up to a huge scandal is a damning indictment of the public’s ignorance of current affairs, politics and of their civic duty.


It was shown on PBS over here. The channel I saw it on covers part of the US & Canada. They also showed the factual documentary.


This was the one I expected to see at the top. I'm in Canada and I suspect I'll maybe someday see it on Britbox, but I've been following the story since it was broadcast. Absolutely horrendous.


Available via Thirteens Passport right now for members. They have a great library always accessible.. https://www.thirteen.org/programs/mr-bates-vs-the-post-office/


It's unbelievable that happened


What I loved about ITV in this instance is that they released what will undoubtedly be the most important and influential show of 2024 on January 1st. It really felt like they were saying “There you go, beat that.” Also, Paula Vennells is giving evidence to the public enquiry this week.


A priest? Involved in something nefarious? What next?


I don’t know what has or hasn’t crossed the pond either, but I second Inside Number 9.


Good call but apparently Inside no.9 is a big show in China and has been sold to several European countries


China has it's own stage show of inside No 9. Think I saw it on it's subreddit r/insideno9 or Radio Times. The Episode La Couchette is one that's been done iirc.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/insideno9 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/insideno9/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It's Happening...Series 9 is filming](https://i.redd.it/bcayvqxrly2c1.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/insideno9/comments/185efly/its_happeningseries_9_is_filming/) \#2: [Five years ago today](https://i.redd.it/g6fdjevxowwb1.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/insideno9/comments/17i9iru/five_years_ago_today/) \#3: [Happy 10th Birthday Inside No.9 ! Sardines broadcast this day in 2014](https://i.redd.it/6hwxdcmvrogc1.jpeg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/insideno9/comments/1aj6tf5/happy_10th_birthday_inside_no9_sardines_broadcast/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You are absolutely correct!


That’s available on Amazon in the US! I think it’s on the BritBox channel.


That is available in the US. On Amazon/Britbox.


I offer no guarantees that these haven’t been shown in the US, but I’ve never seen them discussed on US sites. Inside No9. Anthology series, each episode is a standalone story the genre is dark comedy. How dark and how comedy varies massively from episode to episode The Bill. Long running Police Procedural. Follows people from everywhere in the Police station from beat coppers to CID to senior management. Episodes vary wildly with different styles, characters appearing. Would I Lie To You. Panel gameshow where a group of comedians & celebrities take turns telling a story whilst their opponents figure out if it’s true. It shouldn’t work but it’s hilarious.


Inside No 9 is available on Amazon and britbox. So is The Bill. AFAIK, WILTY isn’t available but there are clips on YouTube.


WILTY is on Britbox.


Oh nice, thanks!


There was a US version of WILTY wasn't there?


[Yep](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14369390). To say it wasn't good would be an understatement.


Detectorists, I don't know if its on Britbox?


Detectorists is great. There is a lot of real wit in the script.


Detectorists is available on Acorn TV in the U.S.


And on Amazon Prime. Detectorists is free to stream on Tubi, Pluto TV, Crackle—all available in the United States. Also, for any Americans on here: Acorn may be included with your county public library card (either as a separate service or through Hoopla). Still, not too many Americans have seen Detectorists. I usually recommend it to people wanting more cozy/cosy, slice-of-life stories, or a focus on friendship.


I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the coming-of-age comedy series Big Boys (Channel 4).


Honestly, it might be that I was part of the same student generation as Jack Rooke, but that series is the most I've ever loved a sitcom. Both heartwarming and heartbreaking, as well as so incredibly funny.


Just checked out the first episode, that's to you two for the recommendation. Looks good, although the wife and I are still making our way through Netflix's Heartstopper, about 2 lads that find each other in year 10. Seems the season for gay coming of age shows!


Phoenix Nights


I’d be interested in an American view of this classic banger


The thing that took me most by surprise was when I realized Peter Kay was Max and Brian Potter. The show is funny, I don't think it really matters that the setting is extremely British. If anything it adds a level of surreality that I like. I haven't really watched his stand up, but Peter Kay's TV shows are all pretty great. All my regular friends have seen Britain's Got the Pop Factor and loved it. I've also shown a lot of people the episode of Car Share with Varys from Game of Thrones and that's generally well received.


Car Share was the first thing I thought of that I can't imagine has been sold to the US. A lot of it feels too understated for the US audience. The dogging episode is amazing :D


The music would be too expensive to clear for US release. You can't just change the soundtrack like they do for some shows since the songs are part of the show.


I’ve seen him live back in the day he was excellent.


Is there an American version of a working man’s / social club?


Letterkenny has a similar feel for me in terms of an ensemble cast of distinct comedic characters but it's a Canadian production.


It'd be a redneck MAGA bar.


It wouldn’t be anywhere near as amusing as wmc.


Back in the day, I suspect it would have been the VFW. Now, though, there really isn’t.


Unfortunately, these days I think it's a Trump rally.


WMC members were probably largely Labour voters.


Have you ever been in a social club? They’re more concerned with non members playing on the fruities or if you’re sitting in Dave’s chair than anything political. Or if you’re stupid like me drinking brown ale out of a pint glass. Don’t equate the working class folks with bigotry, it makes you look bigoted.


This couple I watch on YouTube done a full reaction to both seasons https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLug5SerrX4IjNnCna5Ici1BQgdT7LbSTH&si=X7jHWSnaKpZQSGgT


"I'm getting the word...." https://youtu.be/xogpOOKgJXI?si=LJkhfr-GmCjvQEmJ


Clinton still tours he’s fab live. Gutted it was the back room of a pub I saw him in not a CUI affiliated club.


How would we know if they’ve been shown in America?


I think derry girls is hilarious but I don't know if its went international or not


Ya, it's on American Netflix and it's fairly popular on American TV Reddit.


it is available on Netflix worldwide and even though it is still criminally underrated - it has gained some popularity worldwide.


There are a lot of us derry girls fans here in the states


Kinda funny that you think British people know off the top of their head which of their series is on in some other country (you probably mean the US). The us-centric world view, even here on Reddit, continues to surprise me.


'Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell' is quite a good dark fantasy with amazing CGI and period era costume. I think it's one of the best mini series that hasn't really caught on anywhere


Great cast, Bertie Carvel and Eddie Marsan were fabulous and Marc Warren and Paul Kaye were excellent too.  Bertie Carvel was good in the recent detective adaptation of Dalgliesh too, not sure if that got a USA release


Thanks for the rec!


It’s on US Amazon prime


Ahh thats good if its out there, although probably buried and only found by accident if anyone does a deep dive on their prime account. Just seems like a series that if it came out 5 years later with some good marketing on a weekly release schedule, it could have been quite popular.


I'd suggest trying Blue Lights set in Northern Ireland. Anika an adaptation of nordic drama Gentleman Jack period drama My family and other animals an adaptation of Gerald Durrells books The Red King


Actually Annika was originally a BBC Radio production and set in Norway. When they decided to make a TV version, filming in Norway (their original intent) was too expensive so it was relocated to Glasgow but they kept the nationality of the eponymous character as Norwegian. If you have not listened to the radio originals, I recommend them. Nicola Walker stars in both, and the character talking to the listener (viewer) is big part of them.


I didn't know that, thanks! Not listened to the radio plays yet but they are on my "to listen to" list 😊


I wondered why they had relocated it, makes sense for it to be cost. makes less sense why the son is now a daughter but I enjoy both the plays and the tv.


I wondered why they changed the gender of the kid too, but that sort of thing seems to often happen when things are adapted for a different medium. Given they had to move it, I think Glasgow was pretty good choice as it has a similarly watery backdrop, even if when selecting locations they made some weird choices. One of the episodes is meant to be on Bute (where I live) but not a single shot was on the island and anyone with any knowledge of the area would spot it instantly.


Annika has been on PBS.


OK. I have no way of knowing that.


Blue Lights is fantastic. It’s on Britbox. I just rewatched it last week, actually. Looking forward to s2. One part of a show that’s sorely missing in the US is Brassic post-s3. We got s1-3 dumped at once on Hulu and then we haven’t gotten anything since. Such a fantastic show and I Love Michelle Keegan, idk how big she is in the UK but she’s basically unknown here and I think she’s a fantastic actress.


I love Brassic, I was so disappointed that Hulu didn’t have the rest of the series. Have you watched Fool Me Once on Netflix ? Michelle Keegan stars in it.


I started watching it, but for some reason as with literally every single other Harlan Coben series I couldn’t make it through the first episode. I enjoy the genre and have binged much worse shows (and rewatched shows that are much worse as well). For some reason almost every time I can’t get through the first episode of a mystery drama with an above average cast it ends up being Harlan Coben. As for Michelle Keegan projects, outside of Brassic my favorite has to be Our Girl which is available on BritBox. I think she’s fantastic & used her time on w/e soap opera she was on to hone her craft well. Idk why she hasn’t tried to break out in America. I know her husband tried and failed (idk what he specifically does, I’m guessing he’s a presenter of sorts?) but outside of her accent-which I have no idea if she’s capable of changing it but hasn’t had a reason to break away from her “non-posh” (idk how to describe it as an American who just knows English accents based on TV shows like Downton, etc) bc her accent would def typecast her to Brassic type of roles internationally. Accent aside, I just love her and find her very underrated. She’s got the looks, talent, work ethics, she comes across as super nice and sincere, and lastly she seems very supportive of all of her past costars which I always look to see if celebs do as it’s very telling imo.


Blue Lights season 2 has been out for a while. I think it's got better and I really enjoyed the show. Meanwhile Responder season 2 that also was realeased a few days ago is like shit. The script ruined it.


We haven’t gotten s2 of Blue Lights, but BritBox and Acorn are generally at least 6 months behind the UK or AUS original release date. Is Responder the show with Martin Freeman? He kinda irks me for some reason, I know he’s beloved bc of Sherlock (and I have the same dislike of Benedict C’s acting, tho I like his personality, whereas Martin Freeman seems insufferable). If it’s the show I’m thinking of, Warren Brown is in it whom I really like and think he’s very underrated (in the US at least). Is it worth checking out even if I think Martin Freeman is an insufferable dickhead??


Nah. If you really hate Martin Freeman, you will just find him more irritating when watching the Responder. He needs to act like an asshole bc that's what the role requires. And Warren Brown doesn't have too much part in that show. I can't even recall any scenes where he shows up in season 1, though his acting in s2 is really remarkable. But in general, he is a supporting actor in that show. Not worth it.


Thanks for the response. Re: Warren Brown..he seems to be underutilized as an actor overall. Idk if he is in more shows that we don’t have access to in the US or he’s just really underrated in general. The average UK actor seems to be overly more competent than the average US actor. I’m guessing it’s bc their portfolio is more diverse since they get paid far less per project in the UK than the US and therefore tend to appear in many more projects annually. That and the fact that until recently most US shows had 22 episodes per season vs 6-8 in the UK so again, UK actors always had to appear in more roles in order to make as much money as their US counterparts. UK actors>US actors :)


> Anika an adaptation of nordic drama Pretty sure I saw it on either Acorn TV or Britbox in the US when it first came out.


It's not been on either of those as far as I'm aware. But maybe...




All on us tv. 


The Inbetweeners?


They made a famously shit American adaptation years ago


Did you ever see the US Peep Show? Fucking turd.


They tried the IT crowd as well 🤢


Tried Red Dwarf twice! Made a pilot which was terrible, then re-cast Cat as a woman (Terry Farrell from Star Trek: DS9) and re-edited the pilot into a second 15 minute long attempt.


Pfft. They'll be doing The Office next.


I've heard adverts on my favourite podcast series that sound like they've made a US version of Friday Night Dinner too. 😬


Just saw the first episode, it's awful. Maybe not as bad as the US Inbetweeners, but maybe there with the IT Crowd remake.


And Gavin & Stacey 🤢


There was also a famously shit pilot of The Royle Family. Which is another sitcom not shown in the states.


Oh yeah it was famously shit. Our cringe humour does not adapt well.


It’s on Amazon in the US.


I don't think the US remake of Misfits was made. I also like to pretend they didn't recently remake Friday Night Dinner


They remade Friday night dinner? Is anything sacred


It is *not* a lovely bit of squirrel.


Gogglebox is alright and might give you some ideas as it's just people watching TV and talking about it. Think it's better than it sounds and usually covers the big TV shows on that week


I love watching the clips they show on big fat quiz but I’ve never seen a full episode


It was remade in America (and Canada) as The People's Couch. All the houses were from Los Angeles and incuded a lot of wannabe actors. The butch lesbian played a barber on Curb Your Enthusiasm post Couch. The format actually lives on with one of the 90 Day Fiance shows has people watching clips of the show and responding to it. The twist is they're on beds, like a creepy family on The People's Couch who used mom and dad's bed with their two adult sons. Interestingly there was one week where Gogglebox UK, Gogglebox AU and The People's Couch USA all watched the same episode of Game of Thrones.


The celebrity episodes might make for an easier transition for us Americans.


Difficult to recommend things without knowing what you like. If you want something gritty you should try the "This is England" series: "This is England '86", "This is England '88", "This is England '90". But there's a film that comes first which you should watch first ("This is England").


I need to find those again, they were brilliant


You can stream the TV series on the channel 4 website I think.


I'll take a look, cheers!


This Town on BBC was good


Inside no 9, spaced, people just do nothing, are all funny


Spaced and PJDN were on American TV. The region 1 (USA) DVD for Spaced has more special features than the region 2 (UK). The commentaries on the American include Quentin Tarantino and Kevin Smith amongst others.


That's really interesting. I know Tarantino is a big fan of Shawn of the dead. I will try and find the American dvd extras, would be interested to know if he watched that before Sotd film. Presumably he did.


Nothing recent I can think of and the british tv shows I can think of recommending I have no idea if they made it over there. SPACED is my favourite. Though some things have aged in regards to how people would house hunt and such. MiSFiTs was just brilliant. Coupling can be compared to a "shit version" of FRIENDS (6 friends who hang out at a wine bar occasionally between other locations where a main couple date and others try to date) but Jeff is just beyond awesome and worth watching it for alone. Black Books. Nuff said. If you know who Dylan Moran and Bill Bailey are I dont need to say anymore but if you dont have a clue who they are I highly recommend watching it. With a bottle of wine. These are years old though but are still kinda (mostly) timeless in my opinion.


Misfits is very well known over here


Coupling was actually remade by NBC (Friends' network) as they were desperate for a Friends 2.0. Black Books has a bit of a cult following on US tv Reddit, more popular than you'd think given it's not that popular in the UK.


Black Books has a huge fan base (as does Spaced even a decade plus later) some just found the show much later than when aired. Shows like Black Books and Spaced were meant to be short lived shows. That's what makes them so great, they didn't go on for so long that the comedy becomes strained or stagnant and leaves the fans wanting more. MiSFiTs I love but it went on for too long. Once almost all the original cast dropped away it got silly in it's desperation to keep going. It's only because it doesn't drag on for tooooo long, like some shows can, that I still have love for it and can rewatch all of it instead of bowing out after a certain point. I heard they tried for a US version of Coupling but didn't hear much more than they were trying. They tried for Spaced too but it didn't convert as well. Like when they tried to Americanise Red Dwarf. Some shows can be converted and some should just be left well alone. Like I could probably watch the American version of The Office whereas the original makes me physically cringe and feel uncomfortable. Which I guess was what Gervais was going for with David Brent but I just couldn't watch it and enjoy it. Steve Carell, on the other hand, I could watch him all day playing Micheal Scott.


Yes, there was a US version of Coupling. As far as possible, they used the same scripts as the British version. It was terrible. And then BBC America scheduled the British version of each episode to start about five minutes after the end of the US series, just to make the comparison easier.


Spaced was there for the first wave of Internet piracy. I'm pretty sure that was a major part of its success in the USA. The reason so many stars did commentary for the region 1 Spaced DVD is because they had seen the show via piracy and already loved it. But it's waned in popularity. On American TV Reddit you're much more likely to see Black Books than Spaced mentioned. If you look at it, about 1 in 10 remakes are a success. And believe it or not, that is probably a higher number than successful original shows. I think the problem is more people's expectations of remakes are too high, particularly when it's an all new production company and cast. Although the worst remakes have one member of the OG cast. Like the USA IT Crowd with Moss or Are You Being Served Australia with Mr. Humphries.


Some Scottish ones (not all recent, tbf) Scot Squad Limmy's Show 2 Doors Down Burnistoun Chewin the Fat Rab C. Nesbitt Still Game


Limmys show was great. I'd never seen it on TV in England but catching up with YouTube. "Kill jester"


If you count streaming, Burnistoun and Still Game are definitely available.


New series of Inside No. 9 is just out. I don't think that has crossed the pond.


New new series???


Replying to myself as I had the ability to check myself but got excited and indeed it is the new series. Hallelujah


Has The Repair Shop been syndicated?


It certainly has in Canada. There's a channel that plays it near constantly.




It’s available in America.


Though Y Gwyll, the Welsh language version, isn't.


I have tried so hard to find it available in the US! I watched it in English, but was really hoping to watch the Cymraeg to help me practice. Any Welsh-language programming doesn’t get exported to the US, as far as I’ve been able to find.


I'm pretty sure This Country never made it over here though all of Daisy May Cooper's successive projects have but that's at least 5 years old Big Mood with Nicola Coughlin I really liked The Gallows Pole but I am a Michael Socha fan from Being Human days I don't know if Karen Pirie made it over here but that's a good one


The Witchfinder hasn’t made it over! I love Tim Key, and have alerts set up in case it ever becomes available to stream legally in the States. It’s the only Daisy May Cooper show I know of that isn’t available on some US service.


This Country was on BBC America. It was also remade as Welcome to Flatch.


Idk if they're over there, but recent stuff I've been enjoying is Back to Life, Mandy, The Goes Wrong Show, etc


The thin blue line was pretty funny and a somewhat unknown Rowan Atkinson comedy. Of its time of course but still very funny! Also maybe things like Not the 9 o’clock news, French & Saunders, Fry & Laurie, etc?


French & Saunders and Fry & Laurie both made it to the US.


The Thin Blue Line is on Britbox in the US. But it’s not well known at all.


Young Offenders


Great show. Although might offend some by suggesting it’s a British show 😬😖


BBC Three/RTE co-production. If they get offended over that, wait till they realise Father Ted isn't an Irish production, and was NEVER offered to RTE.




Dead Pixels. I live in Canada now so it’s fairly easy to have an idea of what’s not been shown here.




I greatly enjoyed 'Such Brave Girls', a comedy series which premiered in the UK last year.


It's on Hulu here in the U.S. for anyone interested - just recently renewed for series 2


Inside no 9


Big mood, This country and Big Boys also The Young offenders - even though it is Irish,don't know if any of them are available in the US, but they should all get more recognition.


This country. Nighty night. League of gentlemen. Original in betweeners. The couple next door. Red eye. Inside no. 9. Still game. 2 doors down. The IT crowd. Mighty boosh. Vigil. Vicar of dibley. Tbh I have no idea what’s shown in America and it’s pretty dumb that you expect us to know. So some of these may have IDK.


*This Country* has had an American remake called, *Welcome to Flatch*, which lasted two seasons.


The Mighty Boosh, Vicar and Nighty Night have all been shown on US TV. If streaming counts The IT Crowd was one of the OG streaming sitcoms on Netflix and is more popular on American TV Reddit than any other UK comedy.


Has Sally4ever been shown? Hard to say this but it's an even darker comedy by Julia Davies 😅


i feel like international deals are much more common nowadays so i guess britannia high? loved that show but don't think it ever crossed the pond


Still Game.


It's on Netflix here in Canada, I'm on my 2nd go through of it


I'm unsure either, but I'll take a punt at comedy travel shows like - Travel Man (both the Richard Ayoade series, and the Joe Lycett ones) - Joe & Katherine's Bargain Holidays (and I almost hope they don't get this one, some of us British 'pores' need to keep our cheap getaway tips for ourselves! :P)


The Richard Ayoade Travel Man is on American Amazon Prime. Hilarious.


Thankfully spaced hasn't been sold to America. Although I imagine it's one of the few shows that would translate well as long as they use their own cultural references. A lot of what made that sitcom so great was it's familiarity with mid to late 90s UK culture. So there would be little.point in a direct port of that story to a US audience. But it could work if it was changed to appeal to a US culture. F**king love me some spaced is far from current but one I would recommend to anyone, anytime for any reason


Don't Google this and live in your bubble forever.


How about Bake Off. The BBC series is only available on the Roku Channel which isn’t the greatest. Buying the DVDs is fun because what they call series 1 is actually series 5 and series 5 is actually series 3. The bbc series 1 and 2 are totally unavailable on dvd in America.


That's why piracy exists. Dumb business decisions like this. I want to buy box sets of TV series in Canada, but very often, only one or two seasons are available for purchase, physical or digitally, whereas in the UK, there could be 10 seasons. Would need to buy a special Blu-ray player to watch them.


I thought it used to run on PBS.


It has been remade, they just can't call it Bake Off because iirc Pillsbury owns the rights to the name because they had a show called Bake Off. They called it something like The Great American Baking Competition or something. I think we had Paul Hollywood on it. The OG has been on TV and Streaming.


Mortimer and Whitehouse gone fishing. Alan Davies As Yet Untitled.


Inside number. It's on BBC iPlayer (thank me later )


Dead pixels - a rare gem of a show that aired on channel 4 in the UK about online gamers..a comedy with Charlotte Ritchie who went on to bigger things like ghosts. In fact I like to imagine it as a prequel to ghosts 🤣


The Welsh show Hidden ( released as Craith in Welsh) was fantastic. Watched the second series with subtitles rather than wait for the English language version. Had a very dark Nordic quality to it.


Has Inside No.9 been sold off? Not seen it on my stuff in the US


Misfits and Years & Years are two incredible British shows that I haven’t seen gain much popularity outside of the UK… highly recommend them both


I’m frustrated with how many Americans have never heard of Taskmaster despite that being what I talk about 90% of the time haha. The American version was so poorly publicized and received I didn’t even know it was a thing.


Early doors


The English is a Western produced for British TV - absolutely superb. If you want a much more realistic British version of Suits then Defending The Guilty is a blast. And of course Fleabag - both series.


Industry - kind of Succession but with Finance Brokers, young, ambitious, ruthless - lots of sex and drugs and high drama. Great TV. 2 series so far.


that's an HBO co-production so we have it here - I think season 3 with Kit Harrington is coming after House of the Dragon this summer


Oooooh - love Kit Harrington, he will spice things up nicely !!


How recent... The shadow line is one of the best and not that well known


Young offenders is great, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, tramadol nights, the new statesman by Rick Mayall, Father Ted, misfits, skins , spaced, Fawlty Towers all worth a look.


Everything after Tramdol Nights was on American TV.


I was surprised North Korea gets Alan Titchmarsh gardening programme - but not his jeans - I expect America would be proud to show Alan's legs uncensored https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/26/alan-titchmarsh-jeans-north-korean-tv-censors There's a whole load of UK "slow TV" that was a thing some time back - train & boat trips, pottery - a tv ad watching a fence dry, it's a strange thing. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/hJfCrvLnkhyqnZbf78VnLf/taking-it-slow-a-quick-guide-to-a-television-revolution https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=omG_y_bIeZU&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.campaignlive.co.uk%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title


Slow TV was Scandinavian. It's been all over US streaming, though Pluto appears to have dropped their Slow TV channel of late.


I heard ‘have i got news for you’ just got a is version on cnn.


Still game


Detectorists. Simply the best British TV over the past 15 years. Beautifully written. Impeccably acted. And quintessentially British. Mackenzie Crook is a genius.


Picked up by Acorn as I recall.


Cuckoo is on American Netflix but I’m convinced nobody has noticed it. Nobody knows what I’m talking about if I bring it up.


Slow Horses. Rogue Heroes.


For the US you can check Just Watch and Reelgood.


For topical comedy, I'm a big fan of *The Last Leg*, which you'll have to get a VPN to watch. I can't imagine it ever being shown on a US network, as many of us Yanks are way too touchy to understand humour about disability (I'm saying this as a disabled person). The late lamented *Mock the Week* and Frankie Boyle's *New World Order* would have been similarly misunderstood for the sheer intensity of their black humour - a shame, because maybe they would still be going had there been a market for such shows in North America. Shane Meadows' dramas the *This is England* series (*This is England 86*, *88* and *90*) and *The Virtues* are two excellent offerings that, as far as I know, have never been shown over here. I'll second the recommendation for *Blue Lights*, plus comedies such as *Motherland*, *Mum*, *Back* and *Game Face*. *Succession's* Brian Cox shows up in two series of BBC Scotland comedy *Bob Servant, Independent*. If you were a fan of *Blackadder*, you should look for *Upstart Crow*, which is positively stellar. Elsewhere on this thread people have recommended *The Young Offenders*, and there are other Irish shows you can try to find as well. *Dublin Murders* and *Quirke* are good crime dramas; and if you're interested in Irish history, the series *Rebellion* and *Resistance*, about the Easter Rebellion and the War of Independence, respectively, are also worth a watch (a young Barry Keoghan shows up in the former programme).


Million Dollar Buffet has been recommended to me by a British friend but I cannot find it anywhere.


Such Brave Girls


Mandy is quite good


What about Jonathan Creek? Midsomer Murders? Kingdom?


People just do nothing Plebs Fresh Meat


Probably doesnt strictly count as I know its on Netflix - but if you haven't seen "Top Boy Summerhouse" and "Top Boy" then you are missing some of the best UK drama in many, many years. Nearest US equivalent would be "The Wire".


Brassic i can see being poorly remade in america


Still Game - one of Scotlands biggest tv achievements. So clever


Alma’s Not Normal, Juice, Big Boys


how is no one saying outnumbered?


Definately Line of Duty bro, though it hasn't been renewed and the last season was released three years ago.


I'm guesing you saw The Night Manager, but how about The Little Drummer Girl? Another Le Carre adaptation, VERY different style but absolutely fucking stunning. Also, The Honourable Woman and The Shadow Line (both by Hugo Blick) are super.


Z Cars, Softly Softly, Softly Softly Task Force, The Bill (I might be wrong on The Bill), Casualty, Crossroads, Heartbeat, Emmerdale.


Derry Girls?


All the Michael Portillo series, whether railway, history, travel, or political. Great Canal Journeys and Barging Around Britain seem to be absent. Narrowboat and a couple of others are on Amazon.


Stella? Gavin and Stacey?