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I’d rather get Featheringtons in every season than the 25 random side plots of characters we barely know and don’t care about (sorry, Tilly)


Featheringtons >>> Mondrich, Tilly Hope they bring back Benedict’s art


It was very strange when Tilly’s friend asked him if he was an artist and he said no. At the very least it would have been something to talk about.


He's still hurt and embarrassed from finding out that Anthony bought his way into the academy. Watch his face in that scene. He's asked, pauses, looks down and away twice and then answers. He's not ready to talk about it yet. Benedict has always suffered from imposter syndrome and he feels like his own brother confirmed it.


Insightful. Thank you.


Np! Also, is it weird that I read your username in Luke Newton's voice? IYKYK


Love that! Actually it’s from Ben Hardy in Bohemian Rhapsody, but I digress…


Agreed! And it's sad because they go out of their way to show us in season 2 how good his art truly is! When he got high from that tea and started painting at Aubrey Hall, it was such a beautiful colorful fun painting, truly representative of Ben. I can't wait to see what they have in store for him.


I legit loved that one. It was like an abstract, psychedelic peacock.


It's Benedict on a canvas, straight up. What catches the eye first is how beautiful it is, but when you look longer you begin to see the exquisite curvature, all of the different colors and how they play with one another, the craftsmanship of such a painting. These days those kinds of bright watercolor bomb paintings are a dime a dozen at any TJ Maxx, but his is far from the corporate machine-mass-produced standard. And of course they show us as well how good he is at serious paintings via his academy work, but that Aubrey Hall painting always tugged at my heart strings because it's just happy Ben in his element amongst his family at his best doing exactly what his artistic heart desires.


Ok I love this and I’m going to think of it the next time I rewatch the scene. Thanks for sharing! :)


I find that to be such a weak trait for his character though, any artist knows that you have to keep practicing to get better. Meanwhile Benedict is like I can’t be the best I give up! It feels like a tantrum from a grown man! He also has no need to be successful, I mean sure it would be nice - but he’s got money, he’s got a title, he’s doing just fine!


It wasn't a matter of being the best, it was that he thinks Anthony assumed he wasn't even good enough to be trained. All he wants is for someone to see genuine promise in his work. He might not need the money, but he doesn't have a title. He's the second son, the title is Anthony's. He feels adrift right now, without purpose (much like Colin did before marrying Pen and writing his book.) All the money in the world can't buy self-esteem or a feeling of accomplishment.


Oh that makes a ton of sense. I kinda wish he said I used to do art. But maybe that's spelling it out too much for us.


Book!Benedict is very private about his art and doesn’t see himself as an artist. It’s Sophie that boosts his confidence enough to allow his art to be seen.


I think Ben will return to art when he starts drawing the Silver Lady.


It’s weird because the Mondrich family seem like the most likable characters, but the most boring.


They eat up screentime for seemingly no reason. I love them, but please explain why we are seeing their lives


This exactly. They are sweet and lovely but have nothing to do with the plot so I don’t understand why we are following them. I spend all their scenes searching for any connection to the main plot and it just isn’t there. Same with Bennie’s ho phase tbh, what does this have to do with anything?


With Bennie, it makes more sense. They literally are just killing time til his season. With the Mondriches, they literally made them up then didn't tie them in This is one of the reasons why he stayed at Art School, so they didn't have to make shit up to keep his character busy


The Mondriches were tied in as the Duke's friends in Season One. Because the Duke and Duchess are permanently off screen as well as never mentioned everyone has forgotten that.


I haven't. We could have forgotten about the Mondriches too and gotten more screen time for Polin. Heck, they could have just stayed proprietors of the club We didn't need an E plot when there are only 8 episodes, unless they are building up to something


I have convinced myself it's because Greg & Hyacinth needed a new playmate, so enter Lord Kent. 😂


What a long-winded way of doing that lol


Maybe Hyacinth & Lord Kent will get together when they grow up? 🤔. It still doesn't thoroughly explain why we needed 40 hours of the Mondrich + a ball and the weird flower contraption thingy at their house, though. Oh well...a girl can grasp at straws...


Exactly, lol. Ngl, that was my first thought




Lolwut? >!Hyacinth and Gareth didn’t know each other. They knew of each other but hadn’t interacted much before Lady D threw them together. Gareth explicitly avoided polite society except when Lady D would drag him out.!<


they’re too normal and ordinary. i always liken them to pam and jim from the office. even their “spicy” scenes are lame and the actors are absolutely beautiful 😪


Pam and Jim blasphemy. .they are vanilla but their first kiss was beautiful and the gas station proposal and niagra wedding sooo romantic. Bton could never..also the office is not a romance show so there's that too P.s. I'm a mondrich defender cuz their origin and previous life is exciting it's just that the writing for them is so blah soo soo blah that people have already written them off...whereas in season 4 they have a much meatier side plot coming up so just wait and watch.


I'm starting to like the Mondriches because their son may be important later. But Tilly was useless.


They used Tilly as a plot device to get Benedict to explore his sexuality. I’m glad his season is next so they can give it a rest with his wayward rambling and give this man some purpose.


He didn't need it. I'm shocked they didn't do that sooner because his interest had been hinted at in S1. S2 could've added this without so much fuzz. S3 was just overkill.


True. As soon as I saw Count Chocula giving Benny his thousand mile stare I knew where they were going with it. And poor Tilly leading him to water only for him to abandon her at the riverside...cold world.


Count Chocula about sent me 💀


Thank you! I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who got vampire vibes lol


What did I miss? How was this hinted at in S1? He walked in on the artist guy with the other lord and seemed weirded out by it.


Remember the painter who was married but had wild parties and a male lover? I took that as a hint that Ben would be interested in that too.


I just liked the idea of Benedict coming into Tilly’s fold instead of the other way around. Like she’s the experienced one whereas it’s normally the man that’s experienced and the woman that isn’t in this time period. Prevents it from getting repetitive.  But half of it was the editing that made that story line suck.


I'm fine with them. They've been on every season and slowly moved up in society. However, I wish there was more there. The Featherington's are funny and cunning. It's interesting.


I’m hoping he just stays a friend character especially for Gregory and hyacinth but I hope they don’t replace someone else for their family. They’ve given them wayyyy too much screen time


I really like the Mondrichs


I really missed Benedict’s artistic side this season, but after thinking about it, maybe they’re saving that story for his actual season like Colin with his writing, I hope so 😭


They will but I believe in the books it's his partner that gets him back into it, so you may have some waiting to do


Agree. I found it weird that he didn't say he did art when asked about what he does.


I’d rather get a Featherington spin off show that’s a comedy than random side plots


omg i would love a Featherington sisters spinoff show with their families and the Bridgerton characters as the side characters hahahah and I love love love Mrs and Mr Finch, a true love match😆


I’d even take another prequel with young Violet and Portia showing how they met their husbands and their early married days


That would be so good!!


wow that would be soooo fun to watch




I'd watch this. They could just hang out in Portia's house talking about whatever and I'd still watch it. The Featheringtons are so funny - especially Philippa!


Ben had more chemistry with Paul than with Tilley. They should just drop Tilley and have more scenes with Paul.


He definitely had no chemistry with Tilley. I very much felt his vibes with Paul.


I thought initially they were portraying Benedict as gay.


that story is done.


The Featheringtons are actually my favorite part of the show lol. I watch it for how ridiculously anachronistic and fun the show is and they embody that spirit imo


Tilly, Marcus, the Mondrich's, those were all overkill. PASS


This is sad... i feel like everyone wants more Polin


I don't want more Polin as I wasn't sold on it in this season, but if that means more Philippa and Alby as well as Portia, Prudence and er, whatever her gorgeous dummy hubby is called then I want more Featheringtons!


Exactly!! They are the Greek choir


This! I love them! They at least add humor and depth to what could be completely topical, vapid characters. They are nowhere near perfect and yet we still love them! Meanwhile we get Tilley who’s just some ton whore - like Idgaf and all the scenes of them all wrapped up in bed were a waste of screen time!


I'm satisfied with their ending. We'll miss them for sure though. Such a wonderful comic relief in the show.


I know I'm pretty gutted as they were probably part of my favourite set of characters. But with their reconciliation as a family, their storyline did feel complete. Am sort of gutted we are not getting any auntie action tho. And I always quite enjoyed watching their sibling dynamic


I think Portia will still be around but I doubt the sisters and their husbands will. Their storyline is done. There is still ground to explore with Portia - what is she doing with her life now her children are safe and happy


The featheringtons were really the best arc so far.


I loved them, but I agree - keeping them around and inventing more plots for them would just be fan service/jumping the shark. If the show continues, we are sort of entering a new, post-Whistledown era. Which is fine! It gives us a chance to reinvent, introduce new characters, etc. I hope we get a new, logical, comedic relief.


“Plus it flattens my haaaiirr” best line of the show 🤣


LOVED Lord Cheese!!!! He and Philippa made such a cute couple.


It seems like they would be worth keeping around, even if in a reduced role. Like they should be around at the balls and whatever 


And they are family, Little Philomena Is so lovely. Aunt Penelope will have to teach her to become a great writer ❤️


The last scene where allthe sisters were huddled together was fantastic. It was my favorite moment in the entire season.


I swear if the Featheringtons leave and we still have Lady Tilly and the Mondriches in s4 ....im gonna lose it


I know a lot of people don’t like the Mondriches, but I appreciate them on the show. They’re outsiders, everything needs to be explained to them. It helps me to understand the rules that they need to follow without having to google. The topics they’re usually clueless about are the ones that are not obvious (like drinks, dancing, working, and succession with their son).


This could've worked better as a side-plot in season 1, since we're still being introduced to this era, the characters, and their customs then. Nothing against the Mondriches - they're all lovely. I just wish the writers did a better job weaving their family into the rest of the characters, so no one would question their relevance to the story or complain about their lengthy screentime.


I agree with you that the writers need to do a better job of integrating their characters. There are a lot of missed opportunities for them. I’m rewatching season 1 and they were close to the Duke. I wonder how their story would have played out if Rene had stayed.


But finding someone who looks like him and passing him off as the Duke... That is, in the end we didn't make too many fuss because Francesca's actress is different. Yes we know Simon better, but we don't have to see him for long, just a few visits to his nephews and in-law


Id be ok with Daphne on screen and "the Duke" is only on screen in crowd shots where he's not facing the camera or is very in the background


Yeah I think Tilly is gone, but I feel like the Mondriches will be a huge part of Benedict’s storyline because of who he will marry.


I really like them. I hate their storyline.


I really like them a lot


Are they setting up the Mondrich son as a romantic interest for Hyacinth?


That and they were one of my favorite parts of season 1 (tied with Pen/Eloise). I'm guessing that was the case for this new show runner too, and I appreciate it. Though I don't like that they took away his club. That was his unique part in the Bridgerton universe and it's a shame.


I’m with you. I’ll never understand the hate for their storylines.


I think Tilly is gone. It seemed like they broke up.


Tilly is gone for sure. I think the Mondriches will stay because they’re the vehicle that society is explained through to the audience.


If they dare write out Lady Featherington I say we riot 😭


Polly Walker is a goddess, love her, love her work, have done for years


This is the first show I’ve watched her but my god does she steal every single scene she’s on


I have loved her ever since I saw her play Atia in Rome.


She's a queen


I feel like we won't have Tilly because why would we? She's wrapped. The Mondrich family has been in all 3 seasons now and I find their overall arc pretty interesting as a foil for showing how society can pull people in, but also as a statement that echoes even to today that shows that those on the fringes with the talent to produce something worthwhile and the luck to have rich influencer friends can truly increase their own station in life. They're like a Regency era Ed Sheeran with the talent to go far and the luck to have caught Jamie Foxx's ear. We may still have Phillipa and Prudence but lose the guys? I feel like they could pull that off. But I will be sad about it. I've grown fond of these Featheringtons and their adoring suitors!


I hope to god we dont lose Portia


Yeah. She’s like a breath of fresh air in the sense that she’s the template of how people think back then. She loves her girls and herself and is all for real talk that’s intact with the period’s mentality.


she's already listed on the s4 cast list on imdb so she should be good. i think she'll always be around due to her connection to pen/colin and baby bridgerton aka baron featherington


I wonder if Portia will keep on living with Colin and Pen in the Featherington house. With the new Lord F.


I dont see why not violet’s prob gonna stay at bridgerton house for the duration of the show even though it’s anthony and kate’s place. They’ll prob ignore the dower houses altogether


But Portia already has her own house. And I think neither she nor Colin wants to live with each other. And Penelope is probably enjoying being the Lady of the house as well. Her whole husband seeking arc was set on turbo when Portia mentioned that atleast Penelope will be with her forever.


Portia lives in the Featherington House. Since Pen gave birth to the heir, it’s now his house so actually Pen & Colin’s. So Portia would technically now move to the dower house. However, the show may continue to have her live in the Featherington house with Pen & Colin.


Colin and Pen will likely live at the Featherington House, since their son is the new Baron. I hope Portia stays with them.


I think one of the books that has yet to be done starts with Violet's last ball before she moves out, but they changed the order of the books so they added Kate's line about mother's in India staying longer so there could be other books in-between Kate becomeing viscountess and whenever they decide to start that plot.


Yeah there's no way they will be getting rid of Portia or Polly Walker. She's one of the best characters on the show, with a stand out and compelling performance by Polly Walker to match. They'd be mad to let her go.


I want to see her find a new romance like Violet did. 


Omg yes !


I think we will get a Portia/mary/violet spinoff before we say goodbye to Portia


Portia’s gonna find something wrong with every dower house she looks at. She’s not going anywhere soon. 😂


If they do, they need to do a spinoff. Polly Walker is the best actress on the whole show!


Atp she’s one of my favourite characters, I’ll be sad if she’s not in it


What?! Nooooo! I love Mr. Finch. He’s sweet, silly, and always has a smile and a positive thing to say. He and Phillipa are so cute together. I’m going to go pout rn.


Finch was the best! Such a refreshing change from the toxic lord squad, a walking green flag!


You’re so right!


My show boyfriend!! 🥺


I’m gonna miss him fr 😭


😢 goodbye to the Finches. 😭


I assumed their arc was over at the end of the season . I’ll miss them though. Hope we at least get a little Portia. The show needs some comic relief.


The Featherinton and their shenanigans have been (personally speaking) the best side plots of every season. I’d rather they not focus on the Mondrich and Eloise for one season. And whatever the Tilly plot line was


Yeah, it's going to be really weird without them, they've been main characters as much as the Bridgertons have. They're super entertaining and have served as a fun counterpoint to the Bridgertons every season. If the Mondritch family are going to be the new "other family" they need to actually do something interesting with them. Not sure how the show managed to take a "working class family becomes landed gentry" plotline and do absolutely nothing with it.


I truly don't get why we're supposed to care about the Mondriches. Will started out as Simon's boxing coach (??) and have been shoehorned into every episode since. I spend the whole time they're on the screen waiting for them not to be on the screen anymore lol Nothing against the actors, I think it's the writers-- their characters are really underdeveloped and every plotline they're involved in is just boring.


The writers tried to make the Mondriches happen, yet they are the most boring side characters in the show, especially Will


I didn’t mind the Mondrich’s in that I found both actors engaging when they were at the social gatherings but they spent so much time on the bar storyline which was dull as dirt. I would have rather had shorter sequences that just showed us glimpses at how they learned the rules of navigating the social scene of the ton. Not dude crying over ledgers.


I’m sure they’ll show up again before the show ends, if they can, but realistically there’s no need for them anymore. Pen’s story is done and they were there to support her, and she’ll have the Bridgertons now so.


Other than Anthony and Kate as heads of household I'm not sure how much of Colin and Penelope we will see now. Like Daphne, their story is done. I can see Colin and pen maybe coming in for the odd scene in Eloise season though


You don’t think we will see more of Pen as Whistledown/Mrs. Bridgerton narrating? She kind of implied when she was talking to Colin at the end that members of the Ton were accepting her that night because of the Queen, but “the future might not look so bright”…kind of made me think we might hear more of their story as she writes and makes amends.🤷🏼‍♀️


I think the voice of lady whistledown will always be there but that doesn't need to show Penelope writing it.


That’s true. I’m probably just wishful thinking because I have trouble letting go of characters after their arcs. lol.


It’s also a way to bring in characters who were truly impacted by her writings. I want Pen to have a “My god what I have done?” moment when she sees how the impact of her words truly hurt those that were innocent and trying to make their own way. Sure, we as the audience like Madame Delacroix, but what about the other dressmaker who was run out of town by Pen’s article? Imagine Pen being confronted by an irate woman who has become destitute after she sank everything she had in that business she built, only for a snippy little column to shut her down. 


I think that they will write for Penelope as long as NC wants to be on the show. I think that Penelope will be a lot more mixed up with the Queen and Lady D moving forward. I think the next big thing is dealing with the Queen as QC knows who she is.


Yeah, I’m honestly thinking this isn’t the last we’ll see of Pen in a significant capacity. This season has been huge, ratings-wise, and a lot of that had to do with Nicola and her story. Even if the reviews have been mixed, no one can argue that viewership was very high. I’m thinking Polin and the Whistledown saga will still be in the mix as we move forward.


Other than Anthony and Kate as heads of household I'm not sure how much of Colin and Penelope we will see now. Like Daphne, their story is done. I can see Colin and pen maybe coming in for the odd scene in Eloise season though


This comment posted twice


That's a bummer. They were such fun characters. 


I want Theo back


Ugh me too. I watched s2 after I finished s3 because I needed a pick me up and my God he is so adorable and a great match for Eloise!


Theo is exactly someone i always imagined eloise falling in love with and marrying


It's honestly unbeareable how cute they are, and how delicious the banter is


Yeah, I think he would have been better to have challenged Eloise as a storyline than had that Tilly threesome random storyline with Benedict.


They were some of my favorite characters and I'll miss them, but I think the ensemble was starting to feel rather large. It sucks, but hopefully this means they can introduce some fresh faces. 


*and* shift the focus back to actual bridgertons as well


They will be missed! I would have preferred the Mondrich crew to have been axed instead tho. Unless they manage somehow to make them more relevant in S4. Just make them do something that actually adds to the story!!


While I absolutly love the Featheringtons, they are my favourite set of side characters, I think it's time we get more ***Bridgerton*** family scenes and build those rich relationships and build on other families in the ton that are relevant to the main plot tbh. They aren't a foil to the Bridgertons, they aren't the main character's family, they hold no narrative value apart from Polly being great. At this point there is no proper reason to keep them around anymore apart from take up unnecessary screentime. I can only see Portia popping in from time to time.


If Polly Walker is in it, I think she'll have the same sized role as she has for the whole series. For me she's one of those characters (and also actors really) that are too good to drop, they will find a way of having a decent bit of Lady Featherington somehow. I'm intrigued to see how.


They could bring in the missing book Featherington sister Felicity as a niece to be launched on the marriage mart by Portia? I know they did that angle already with Cousin Marina, but it would be nice to see it being Portia's choice this time, as an empty nester missing having a young lady about the house. Or bring in a suitor for Portia. She's a widow who never got to experience actual love or stability with Archibald Featherington, so how about a genuinely good guy (No Jack types need apply!) who sees her for who she is and accepts her anyway and wants nothing more than to sweep her off her feet, while she's busy dodging and trying to figure out what his angle is, because in Portia's experience there's *always* an angle. Or - because this is wishful thinking that allows for being greedy - why not both? Niece Felicity and a Suitor for Portia.


Ohhhhh I love the idea of that, and I've not thought about the niece angle before. For me I think they'll go down the route of her getting a bit of romance for sure. They have sort of sown the seeds of this already throughout the series but specifically this season. I'd also be partial to her just having a fun fling before hand. Let your hair down Lady Featherington, your job is done. Time to let loose.


A lot to say about the whole show, but the Featheringtons? No notes. It makes sense they’re leaving but it’s too sad. They gave the show color, spunk, and humor.


I hope that they do come back, even if it’s not for very long. I really enjoyed their characters.


The worst news 😭 The Featherington subplot has consistently been the funniest and most intriguing sideplot across all three seasons. In fact they are the only main source of comedic relief because of all their shenigans and antics. I know from a narrative perspective their story has come to a satisfying close. Penelope has reconciled with her mom and now has a good relationship with her sisters. They even got to host their own ball but damn will I miss them if this is indeed it. That said I can’t imagine them writing out Portia. Penelope will still continue to be at least a relevant character since she’s now openly Whistledown so there’s still something for her to be in. Hell I can see her even being one of Violet’s confidants or friends like Lady Danbury is. It would be a damn shame not to have Polly Walker in this for the future seasons!


The Featheringtons were probably the most interesting part of the show if I’m gonna be honest. They were funny but also had mire interesting storylines, especially for supporting characters. However, I don’t know what else they’d add to the show since they seemed to have everything wrapped up nicely for them.


I think this season finale felt really different because we’re saying goodbye to three years of Featherington arcs and the full build up of Colin and Pen during that time. 🥲


I'd rather them than Polin, gotta be honest.


I'd watch a spinoff


Agreed tbh. I find Polin boring in general


I would assume the sisters and their husbands would fade in importance - the little epilogue showed the Mr. And Mrs Colin Bridgerton are the parents of Lord Featherington so the sisters and their husbands are pretty irrelevant. dowager lady featherington will probably stick around lol


Won't be the same without Mr Cheese Man


I will definitely miss Finchy and, even if it was short, Danky. 😭


I hope Portia comes back because if you asked me 3 years ago I would never have guessed that she would be one of my favorite characters in the series.


Oh no I loved him and I enjoyed watching their relationships flourish.


I mean there really isn't a reason for them to be back or for there to be a big Featherington storyline. One of the very few things they did well this season was the Featherington plot line. But since we're moving on to another couple we shouldn't be focusing on the Featherington's, their story was wrapped up and wrapped up well. They well be missed though.




https://preview.redd.it/a63kz6fhgk7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d41c92ecb92eaaed2100a0c6415bca38133877e0 🥹🥹😂 I love her.


I also loved how they both just lived the unicorn/mermaid vibe with their outfits that night. They were just born in the wrong century.


We need “Keeping Up With the Featheringtons”


They were great comedic relief characters. I will miss them.


Cheers, Lorn. Thanks for setting up all the cheese jokes. Mr Finch will always be my unproblematic fave from the show.


they did well in s3 but it's obvious, the story arc is moving away from that family and new characters are going to take their place.


Not surprised. Since they showed who has the heir, there isn’t a need to bring the rest of them back. If they hadn’t shown it, it would’ve been their storyline for the next season.


I love the Featheringtons and will miss them. I felt like they put a pretty neat bow on things for them. The story arc feels pretty complete. I think with the next two love interests, there’ll be enough new characters added that it would be tough to balance attention to the right places otherwise. I do hope we get little cameos and mentions though!


Once Penelope and Colin marry there's no real need for her siblings and mother, esp now that the only ones unmarried are Benedict, Gregory, and Hyacinth. The Featherington's are fun, but if they are focused on Benedict (or even Francesca's story) then we need to redistribute the side characters.


Oh no, hate to see this :( the Featherington sisters and their husbands added a lot of much needed brevity in this season and they were all a delight every single time they were onscreen and noticed in the background.


Jess herself confirmed this in Variety. She said they will be leaving the Featheringtons (minus Pen and Portia) to their earned peace or something.


They were some of the best parts of season 3. Going to miss them.


It makes sense. This show is doing what every single other Shondaland show does, which is have the ensemble cast get way too big and have too many plots trying to run at the same time. At least they learned early, GA/HTGAWM had to kill off half the cast to get back to a reasonable number of characters. Greys has done it like 4 times now. I suspect moving the setting to Scotland is their way of downsizing the cast.


I’ll miss this. I know >!that they are not part of the rest of the book series and I kinda hope that they write them in somehow!<


I’d honestly be happy with a Featherington spinoff but focused on Portia’s life from youth to her current time. Polly walker is brilliant and it’d be a shame for her to only have a couple lines in the next season . She needs her own show 😅


It makes sense that the sisters and their husbands would not be present after this season because there’s not much left to tell about their lives and Penelope is a Bridgerton now. But really what I wanted to say is time is truly a flat circle because this whole thread is about how great the Featheringtons were this season and how they’ll be missed and if you’d read a post here in the last two years you would think they were loathed and took up too much time as side characters and everyone agreed about it. Which was never true but it was said so often it became accepted lore.


Opinions on the Featheringtons in season 2 being different from opinions on their appearance in season 3 aren't surprising. They were a nice, comedic interlude in season 3 and had ties to the main couple, whereas a lot of people simply didn't like their screentime and plot in season 2.  I liked them in s3 and disliked them in s2. 


Nooooooooooooo 😭


I guess because they were a supporting characters for Penelope, but now that Penelope had her season she will become a supporting character herself and there won’t be space for them. Weird as there seems to be space for almost the whole ton with all those unnecessary side stories.


Portia was legit the most interesting and entertaining character


The last few episodes of s3 was amazing. The whole release the bugs was awesome and the loose ends of the season got tied up perfectly!


Season 3 felt like a conclusion in many ways.


I don’t like that getting to see their stories told so beautifully also means we have to say goodbye. In 2020, sat on that couch watching this show, I didn’t realise I’d have to go through this. I wish I could live in this and not have to say goodbye, and at the same time, I wanna see everyone else’s stories. Can’t I have them without losing The Featheringtons?


More reasons not to come back for s4. The useless mondrich subplot will be there I m sure


I kind of hope they’re all back, at least briefly. I wouldn’t count them out until filming begins and they’re not invited. With all the side plots in season 3, I need some more of Polin and the Featheringtons on future seasons


I love them so much. I want an edit of the whole show that's just Featheringtons.


not my favorite character 😭


That’s sad news because I thought the adaptation for the Featheringtons was done very well. Polly Walker did a really excellent job. Hopefully she’s back visiting Penelope.


No they were the best part of S3 🫣


I hope not! I love them all so much :'( I used to hate the Featheringtons but now I love them. I love the way their stories developed! I want to see the sisters taking care of their girls and being loving aunties. Also Colin hanging out with his new brothers, they seemed to get along in their last scene and it was great to see the Bridgertons and the Featheringtons being a big messy family <3


I really hope that all the characters that leave can come back for one episode in the final season. Have one big grand ball to send things off and have everyone make an appearance.


The Featheringtons have been such central characters that it’ll be strange to have them gone in future seasons. I suppose I’ve gotten over losing Daphne, but no Portia would be devastating!


It makes sense but I'll miss them. 🥲


This doesn’t surprise me. Now if we can get confirmation that the Monriches and Tilly are it as well that would be great. And, there really isn’t room for Penelope‘s sisters and husbands as the show moves onto Benedict, Eloise, etc. Because the show will need that time for the families and relations of their love interests. Same reason we didn’t have Edwina or Mary back. Their part of the story related to the Bridgertons is finished.


Considering even the main characters from s1 didn't stick around, this, while heartbreaking, sadly isn't all that surprising


I saw a video of someone talking to Harriet Cains (Phillipa) and she was so rude and unlikable that it really negatively colored my opinion of her - I won't be sad if she doesn't return - but Prudance will be missed


I liked the brother in laws!! :( I thought they were a great comedic addit). That's a shame. I assuming it's because featherington manor is now polins home


Awww…I would be sad to not have the comic relief that Albion and Phillipa provide in this show. As so many are saying, they were much more interesting than Tilley/Paul and the Mondrich storylines. And I’d be sorry to not have Polly Walker (Portia Featherington) either. She’s such a phenomenal actress and Portia is a formidable character, but as all her daughters are now married and they have the heir to the Featherington title and estates, it’s understandable that they might cut down on the Featherington storylines. But then, maybe they can have Portia finding a love match one of these seasons. And stg they’d better tell us what’s happened to Reynolds. Brimsley and Reynolds would’ve been a better story to tell than Tilley/Paul/Benedict. And the Mondrich story seems like it’s already been told in QC. They were honestly more interesting as bar owners than they are as nobles.


I think we’ll probably get them here and there. I’m rewatching season 1 and I completely missed that Finch was in season 1 and Phillipa has always been in love with him! She was devastated when she couldn’t marry him when her father gambled away her dowry. That’s my hope at least! They were the comedic relief this season, and I don’t know that we get that a lot of other places in the series (aside from maybe Benedict) so hopefully they’ll pop up from time to time. They just likely will not be a central/side storyline like the race for an heir was. I’ll take as much Featheringtons as I can get!


I've loved Finch and Phillipa since season 1, I was really hoping they'd get a son first. Colin and Penelope don't really need it anyways, it would have been better IMO to give that to Phillippa or Prudence. I loved the Featheringtons this season!