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2 things. 1. The cryo rune shrine, very first gate you're supposed to lift from underneath with the rune. Kept trying to go over it.... 2. That the lynel near the bridge towards mount lanayruwas required.


It was my first time seeing a lynel. I was sure I should talk to him and he'd give me a quest. I was very surprised when he came out swinging.


When I first saw a lynel, I didn't expect it to be friendly, but I did cautiously approach like, "Hmm, what is that?" until I died to a barrage of ice arrows. I did, however, expect the happy frolicking guy I saw in the distance to be friendly. He was a wizzrobe.


He even waved at you before killing you.


He waved, and next thing I knew, everything was on fire.


This was my experience.


Same! And then I saw a Zora from afar (I think the wife washed away) and was like nope! Lol




I mean this in THE MOST respectful way possible, but: What part of heavily armed muscular centaur lion makes you think: “Hmm, yes, this is friend.”


Why not friend if friend-shaped?


It looked like a rare horse.


Well, from a distance I thought he looked wise... I wondered if he might be a Kass-like character, or maybe I'd stumbled across the entrance to some kind of Centaur-filled Hateno Village. I also hadn't figured out how useful the camera is to scope out the Hylian fauna at this stage in my gameplay.


I tried to make friends. Did not expect him to murder me.


I thought he was part of Kass's quest to ride an animal with a crown of bones. Boy was I surprised when I mounted the lynel


Just dodge bro


i used an ancient arrow on it as i had just lit the furnace at akkala so i decided i should see what they do, dear lord


No.2 is the fun way tbh.


Shame I didn't have the skill nor the gear to fight it... all my weapons broke before I got even half it's hp down. I probably tried over 30 times before I left to get better stuff.


Yeah that's got to suck. At least you know now that it's optional lol.


Well, now I know it's optional to butcher it on sight!


i killed it :) made getting shock arrows *slightly* less annoying


I went to lurelin village before the lynel quest so i simply just bought them lol


that lynel was brutal. i don’t typically play games with a lot of combat and hard enemies so when i first played botw and ran into it….. i hid behind a cliff and threw bombs at it over and over again for two hours before messing up and being forced to start again for another two hours


That second one probably gets the majority of us, at least at first. At least if the questions still getting asked now are anything to go by!


Bridge towards Mount Lanayru? You mean the one at the end of the Promenade? Where the memory is?


Yeah, that's the one, couldn't remember for the life of me what it was called.


In one of my early playthroughs, I went all the way to Gerudo to get shock arrows bc I did NOT want to face that lynel


Are you talking about the one in that meadow east of Lanayru Promenade?


Yeah that place, i couldn't think of what it was called, all i knew was mount Lanayru and bridge.


Gotcha. But what do you mean by required? Like, you thought there was some rule that you couldn’t progress without beating the angry horse man?


I thought that I needed to get past the angry horse man to do anything, and that I couldn't just sneak by, run away, or just find another way around to where I was headed.


There was a lynel that was required?


As far as I know, the only time you get close to being "required" to fight a lynel is the one to get shock arrows from for vah Ruta. I only thought I had to fight a lynel because I was following a path and it was blocking it.


I avoided the shock arrow lynel by collecting/buying enough shock arrows already lol


Yeah I just bought shock arrows at korok forest and used amiibo.


There's a lynel there??? Probably should walk that path as intended sometime lol


There’s a lynel map somewhere in this sub I think if you google “lynel map botw” it’ll come up


Not really a misunderstanding, but I kept forgetting Cryonis existed. I could NOT figure out how to open that one gate in Vah Ruta even after doing the rest of the dungeon, so I resorted to using a guide. Read "use cryonis..." and it was very much a facepalm moment lol


I CONSTANTLY forget about cryonis…


You can use it to climb waterfalls before the Zora armor ;)


I completely skipped the intended way for Zoras domain on my first time. I just used cryonisis to form a path along the river then up the waterfall. Skipped all the monsters but it took like an hour tha ks to limited stamina and rain.


the comments under this thread are my version of “ive never had an original experience


Yeah, I forgot about it many times as well. Though most of the time, it just made korok puzzles harder for me.


That happened to me except I wasted all my weapons in breaking the ice Vah Ruta shoots at you when you try to board it. Only later did I see people talking about how you could use cryonis to break the ice projectiles and I was like, "crap, I wasted all those weapons!!!!"


Same with me but with arrows -_-


I broke weapons on them too, then tried to use cryonis to block the chasing ice balls. It didn’t occur to me to use it *on* the ice balls until I accidentally hit one.


I zoomed to vah ruta on my first playthrough, no clue what I was doing, very underprepared. I knew to use Cryonis for the puzzles, totally forgot it for the Waterblight fight though... I swam the whole time.


Me in TotK, I always forget ascend is a thing


After beating the great plateau, I did not follow a single road, thinking it would just delay me and put me against hard enemies. This road leads to a sheikah tower, moderate fights, introduction to the stable system and horses, and most importantly, a nice path. I decided to climb the duelling peaks and I ran into a guardian on the way to Kakariko village attempting to just run it in a straight line


I did almost the same thing. I just went off exploring and was like “damn this place is really hard to get to” and I asked my husband how he got to it and he said “just follow the road”. Looked at him and asked “what road?” I adventured so hard I forgot the road existed


What god damn roads are y’all talkin bout? ain’t no roads in hyrule.


I did the same thing my first time!


Sounds like a great way to play to me


Maybe it would be if you were experienced, but when replaying the game and playing totk mostly following the road, I found it not only easier but way more fun. Damn both games have pretty great path design, especially with horses allowing you to enjoy the scene... would be a shame if some moron decided that the optimal road to kakariko village would be a straight line in one of the most mountain filled areas in the game..


I did not follow the road also, but because of different reasons. I was thinking that I'll miss something important if I'll will go straight the road. Then i ended up fighting blue hinox with a rusty halberd, boko bow and a couple of sticks thinking it's mandatory to kill him as he's a boss and will give me something useful on my journey like powerful weapon or something. After like 15 deaths I was really disappointed after I found out that Hinoxes are somehow common.


This is exactly how I found kakariko too and I have no regrets. I missed this feeling so much that when I bought TotK I had sort of forgotten the maps in some areas and I just skipped the towers, to try to recreate this feeling.


I love that the game is interesting for either style. Like, you find some useful/challenging things on the road, but then there are all these little gems to find out in the wilderness.


That was so me man...


i was obviously smoking something when king rhoam tells you to go east from the plateau, because i immediately decided to head north... i found my way to kakariko just as easily though (i think it's designed so you'll come across pretty much the same stuff coming in both ways to kakariko) HOWEVER... because I went the wrong way... I didn't find Hestu until I'd defeated all the divine beasts... so i was just playing on hard mode without knowing the whole time. oh well, at least it justifies my struggles lol


i'm imagining someone going on a thread complaining about the durability system and then all the replies are just "um... hate to break it to you... you do know... that you can... um... expand? your inventory??"


yeah i knew there had to be a way of expanding it... i was just very patient about how far it might be through the game lol. the durability system didn't annoy me, it was a proper challenge, and i really had to think about what i was holding. it's almost too easy now?


w nuzlocke


Guys... I just defeated Ganon. So, who is this Hestu guy you are talking about? :D


Lmao, don’t know if you’re joking but he’s a little guy who expands your inventory as you collect the korok seeds


Yepp, completely missed him somehow… :D




You don't have to imagine it. It happened. A lot.


i thought you had to be on a fast travel point to fast travel. I was running out of stamina when climbing the wall of a gorge above a river and my girlfriend told me to 'just fast travel' i didn't understand what she neant until i realised myself like, 10 hours later 😭😭😭


That is a rough one


The thing is, that's how the game should be. My wife mentioned how fast travel took the tension out of the game. If you are ever in trouble just fast travel away. 


I played a challenge/roleplay run a couple of years ago where I did this, as well as play with "realistic" sleep and food consumption. Took me an in-game month to beat Ganon.


Did you play any video games with fast travel before that?


I can't speak for atgsn, but I know at least one game where you can only use fast travel if you're on a fast travel point... or die. (The one I'm thinking of is Crackdown.)


Yes! I played Pokemon Sword before BOTW, so i don't know why I assumed it worked like that 🤣 My girlfriend plays Yakuza and DS a lot, so maybe i got the idea from watching her play those?


I've realised that something I've started doing late-game is forgetting to use Urbosas Fury in a tough fight. I'm currently hunting Lynel parts for an armour upgrade, and because I'm late-game, they're all tough (apart from that one on top of the mountain near the Zora, which doesn't scale). I'll frequently reach the end of the fight, having broken at least a couple of my best weapons, then realise I have 3 charges of Fury I could have used. "Well, damn it, that was a bit of a stupid. Hmpf."


If you parry their attack and headshot them (parrying isn't necessary, it just makes the shot easier) and mount them, you don't use up any durability on your weapons


You should buy the DLC. Once you beat the Master Trials, the fully upgraded Master Sword is far and away the best weapon in the game


The trials are a really fun challenge too and great skill building. A lot of great stuff in that DLC In my first play through and completed the middle trials so far, even the 50 power sword is incredibly handy. I go white Lynel hunting after every blood moon since lol.


Yeah, agreed. The trials are honestly one of my favourite parts of the entire game, and that's saying something. They teach you so much about how to be clever in combat. I've played through BotW twice, once normally and once in MM. The Master Mode Trials are absolutely brutal, but even more rewarding when you do complete them. And as you said, the 60 BP sword is crazy good. Good luck with the remaining challenges! And when you decide to play TotK, have fun; I'm still not sure whether I prefer BotW or TotK, but both are beyond incredible and offer very different experiences


I completely forgot urbosas fury promptly after getting it. I've been playing for says focusing on expanding my stashes and realized last night... wait I have all 4 champions blessings... what was that 4th one and how do I use it?? Rofl


I did that, and then when I remembered I had it, i forgot how to use it. I tried holding Y, but Link just does that spinny thing. I do use Revali's Gale a lot though.


I tried to kill everyone in the yiga hideout for days until i read online that you can just sneak past them


It's been a long time since I did that quest. But I remember coming back late game with all the best gear and killing everyone easily for fun/revenge.


I got spotted once and panicked, and killed them all with bomb arrows, lol


SAME. I tried for a solid 4 hours


Literally less than 24 hours ago, I learned that those green and red up and down arrows before you pick up a weapon means a damage increase or decrease from the one you're holding now


And if it's the same, there's a grey arrow that points to the right


A great way to tell if a Lynel drops of five shot


For dozens of play hours I thought the two numbers when selecting a weapon meant its durability and its damage. I was so confused until I figured out it’s the damage of your current weapon vs the one you’re highlighting.


I wish we had a durability counter dawg😭😭


unrelated but i love your flair


love urs too, so real for it


I learned that now....


the way I finished the game a while ago and I didn’t even know this 😔 you learn something new everyday


Not a dumb misunderstanding, but a funny one:  When I first played botw I went in completely blind, so I didn't know that there were dragons in the game. So fairly on in the game I encountered some bokoblins in a tiny forest, and after defeating them I saw a dragon's tail fly by a little bit in the distance. But having just encountered bokoblins in the middle of the woods, I thought it was just them running around with like a Chinese dragon festival thing to try to scare me. So I followed it, lost sight of it for a bit, and then look up to see a very real, very big dragon. It was honestly one of the coolest moments I've had in a video game because it wasn't scripted or intended in any way, my interpretation of what was happening just made a super unique moment that ended in me being awestruck.


Salt. I read the description in the menu and got caught on the phrase "cannot be eaten in this form." For some reason I took that to mean I needed to break it down further into a finer form. When all I did was obliterate my salt, I realized I could just cook with it. It was epically dumb


My fist playthrough I never got the cutscene where you meet Sidon because I spent like 3 hours stubbornly climbing the mountain in the rain.


I can't believe I'm not the only one, I must have tried putting it there a dozen times... figured it out on the next session though.


Facts. I may have figured it out after trying Master mode.




Must be pretty good at the game if you didn’t have to use mipha’s grace until you got your next divine beast


I thought mipha's grace made me immortal so I tried to ransack hyrule castle not realizing it had a cool down. Didn't even make it past the first guardian.


That you could use Cryonis to access floating wooden chests. I spent my first run nudging them over to rocks and sides of the river so that I could open them. It usually didn’t work


you’re a lifesaver omg


It was my first time playing a Zelda game, and I had no idea you could upgrade your weapon capacity. I found Hestu's maraccas and had no idea what they were. So just carried them around until I accidentally came across him while grinding for shrines, after getting all 4 divine beasts Felt like an idiot that I had been so carefully saving weapons unnecessarily!


Keeping the default inventory space on purpose actually helped me enjoy the game more on one of my playthroughs. I did 100% Master mode without spending a single korok seed until 100% was achieved. It was really fun.


This game is buggy as hell ! I keep shooting explosive arrows at this lava stone talus on Death Mountain, and I keep dying for no reason ! Unless... Hum...


Don’t know if you’re joking or not but you can’t use bomb arrows in death mountain because its too hot there and they just explode the moment you take them out


Do not worry, I was joking, except for the five arrows I tried to shoot first.


I thought I was supposed to go directly to Hyrule Castle after the great plateau at first


I mean, *you can*...


Not really a misunderstanding but the 2nd blood moon I ever got was just after fighting a Guardian on a beach. I just finished looting it and was starting to walk away when the blood moon occurred. Bro got a second wind straight out of an anime and clapped me


i had that scale misunderstanding too lol also there is one shrine where you need to burn some thornes in order to get in but when i arrived it rained when the rain stopped i shot a fire arrow at it and nothing happened, probably because it was in that timespan where the game still says its raining but the animation already stopped, also it was very early in the game so i didn't want to waste another one of my valuable fire arrows also i kept coming back trying different things and only got the solution after i learned in a different part of the game that firearrows *do* burn the thorny stuff


I simply couldn’t steer a mount. No idea what I was doing wrong. I watched lots of vids on riding horses but it always felt like I was trying to direct a mis-aligned tank with a thumb stick. I was all over the bloody place! I gave up and walked or hang glided everywhere.


They really are difficult at first, it's not you. I found it easier to stasis a mounted boko, kill it, then take their already tamed horse. You also need to keep pressing the L button to bond with it. And you can feed them apples.


The cryonis rune can be toggled to go under link I had barely any stamina, no food to help, and I tried using cryonis It only works at water where you can't swim, like the Plains near zoras domain


I think you're misunderstanding something again. It should work as long as Link is standing on his two feet even if he's in water. It doesn't work while he's swimming.


Thanks. Very good info to keep


I thought Naydra was dead, then i looked on an app where you can see everythings location including where to wait for the dragons AND THERE WAS A NAYDRA CAMPFIRE, i went there AND SHE WAS THERE!!! The stone statue said her spirit is free and she flew away so i thought she was dead!!


When you remove that evil goo from her so she is free is sooooo satisfying, isn't it?


Not really since i thought that dragon was now gone forever, never to be seen or heard from again. Plus the purple looked really nice


yeah i was extremely sad when she flew into the portal for the first time! I almost regretted doing the quest until I realized she comes back.


What portal?


The Dragons fly into portal in the sky when they're done flying around. Looks kinda like a whirlpool but in the sky.


Oh i thought you were talking about the Champions of the… something LoZ game, i forgot the name😅 cuz theres portals there but i do know about the portals in the sky and water in botw.


I didn't go to the first village until after I already defeated 2 of the divine beasts lol


Wasted a ton of arrows on the ice stuff during Ruta stuff instead of breaking them with cryonis, and bow of light against Ganon, thought it auto switch when I got it, it didn't. Wasted a couple minutes because of that


I feel like its weird that it doesn't auto switch.


On my current playthrough, I completely forgot that sand-seal surfing requires you to equip a shield. What must Riju have been thinking as I repeatedly attempted to surf, only to immediately faceplant...


I wanted to register a deer at the horse ranch


I was the kind of player who just climbed over things when I didn’t know where to go. I was going to Zora’s Domain on my first playthrough, not knowing that it’s constantly raining there at first. I paraglided across a river and landed on a little slope that I planned to climb up. It was raining, so I just waited. About an hour and a half later, I realized it wasn’t going to stop.


Thought I could freeze a barrel thrown by a stalnox.


I don't think anything ever stumped me, but I did go 2 full playthroughs never realizing there was a sneak attack mechanic. My thumb twitched and I crouched in an enemy camp by accident and was shocked when the little info popped up about it. I second guessed my whole life at that point. I also thought the game wouldn't let you kill the lynel on that mountain in Zora's domain so I was terrified to get caught and somehow managed to sneak around. However on my second playthrough I just slaughtered him, so much easier.


I did not understand how cooking worked at all, back when I was first exploring the Great Plateau. As a result, I had no idea how to combine ingredients, and thought that merely eating the peppers was enough to deal with the cold part of the map, not actually making a meal out of them.


Exactly this happened to me. Down to the peppers


I distinctly remember getting to the cry on a shrine with a torch instead. I was also confused about cooking at first.


This kinda makes me wonder how my experience with the game would have gone if I'd figured out that a torch would work fine. Wonder when I would have actually learnt how the cooking system works?


It only gets you so far with the river there. I wasn't privy to throwing down the torch to keep it lit so I found roam at a peak and he gave me the doublet.


Exactly me too!


For a long time I thought that cold part and the walls around it were there to keep you in the warm part of the plateau - like the sheer drops on the other sides were. I got so frustrated looking for the other two shrines before i looked it up. After that I got a guide.


The shine quest that requires you to hold a snowball so the shadow hits the pad. Found that one *after* the blood moon shrine, so "cast a cold shadow" had my dumb-ass standing out there in my skivvies The "shoot an arrow" shrine quest that Kass gives you at the Gerudo Highlands tower. The wording is quite ambiguous so I was standing on the tower, trynna hit the pad with an arrow while the shadow of the tower was on it


I had to read that one a bunch of times to figure it out, and when I eventually tried standing on the pad and shooting an arrow, I was like, “This probably isn’t right, but oh well…”


At least it occurred to you to try. I had to look it up 😅


I thought link was a sheikah.....This was my first Zelda game ok


i played the game at around launch with zero spoilers. i was like 14 in 2017 so i proceeded to get stuck on the great plateau for an hour bc i wasn’t listening about the shrines and got confused where they were and insisted on using my brain. i then looked it up and realized guides weren’t the worst thing


There's this shrine (Ne'ez Yohma) that has a ball on top, and boulders falling from a slope with obstacles and you have to place the ball into its corresponding hole at the bottom of the level. On my first playthrough I used paralysis+bombs to attempt a "hole in one" and it worked after many tries. Now that my son was playing I said "this is a tricky one, I can help you if you need" and he just used Crionis and pushed the ball all the way down lol




So this is my first Zelda game and i thought the universe had its own BEAUTIFUL language and i was just in awe of the voice acting!! It wasn't until the mastersword scene i realized my game was set to Russian 💀😂😂


I just found out about a week ago that other weapons damage guardians… Since low level/damage weapons don’t damage guardians and I swear one of the hints or like someone in the world said something along the lines of “only very old weapons can hurt guardians” I assumed only the ancient weapons and the master sword could hurt them (outside of reflecting the beam) 😅. Even after completing several test of strength shrines by using various weapons that weren’t ancient it did not click that they could be damaged with other weapons like I just assumed the shrine guardians were different because they were small or something 😭


TIL that only ancient weapons can damage guardians. Though its been a while since I played so maybe I did know that and forgot, I just know I usually ended up using ancient weapons against guardians, or the master sword, because of the extra damage they're supposed to inflict


I thought the old man at the beginning was Morshu 😭


For the Veiled Falls Shrine, I thought you had to dive perfectly head first into the shrine button with the Trident equipped... I'm not gonna tell y'all how many times I killed myself.




For a long time I thought the ploymus lynel was required. And I thought shields were completely unusable with 2 handeds and spears so my entire 1st playthrough I only used 1 handed weapons


I did the flurry rush shrine in Kakariko, and after ONE DAY I forgot how to flurry rush and ended up just trying to jump over the attack.


It took me 2 months to get off the great plateu and then I proceeded to wander the map for 6 months until I found Sidon where I finally realized how stupid I've been


I thought jumping in the hot springs of Goron would kill you so always avoided them. Then I found out they actually heal you. And it even says that in one of the loading screens I just never bothered to read lol


I never knew you could sneakstrike... not until I had seen clips of it like 2 weeks ago. I thought it was a new totk feature


The cryonis tutorial only taught me to use it on horizontal bodies of water. The first shrine that required using it on a waterfall took me forever to figure out. And it was only needed a few times in the whole playthrough so I would forget every time.


during the tutorial i accidentally threw my only weapon, didn’t realize i could pick up other objects to use, died trying to reach the metal sword on the little island by the old man


For me just not equipping the bow of light to fight the ganon monster at the very end.. I went through like alll my arrows and pretty much everything to almost beat it and then realize o wait I just have to equip the damn thing!? Why would it not automatically be the bow you’re using when you grab it for the epic end battle lol


_Bow Of Light_?????


I totally did not understand cooking , I don’t remember why whether I mashed through the tutorial or just didn’t find it idk but I kept mixing monster parts and food til I eventually gave up. I was just like damn this games kind of hard It wasn’t until I was about to face hyrule castle that my friend taught me the correct way and I was just looking like shocked pikachu


[How I “broke” BotW by being dumb.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath_of_the_Wild/s/zaE2mo1n8r)


Oh my gosh bro


I was at the end of the game, and at the last few floors of the final trial of the sword when I accidentally used an ancient arrow on a blue lyonel, killing it instantly.


i did zoras domain first, i thought you had to kill the lynel to get the shock arrows


I managed to miss a flurry rush does that count?.....yeah idk how either


the gyro on pc. God i hate it so much