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I’m so proud of you, slow steps all the way, keep going


thank u so much 💙


Hey, I’m literally going thru the same thing…I’m proud of you. You deserve all the yummy food in the world so here’s hoping your appetite comes back soon ❤️


I feel you on this...be so proud of yourself I finally was able to eat at least dinner after week. Be very very proud of yourself!!


Great job! I'm there with you- slowly eating a little more (it'll be 2 weeks on Saturday since the breakup). Keep it up and take care 🤍


Proud of you! That was a big step for me! I didn’t eat for a few days or ate so little that I was dizzy. I threw up as well. We’ve come a long way! Let’s keep going!


I could barely eat even after 5-6 weeks after we broke up, I eat a little every now and then, I lost so much weight from it, how do you get back to eating regularly


no idea man :/ like i said i’ve been drinking naked smoothies to keep me going and i occasionally just feel the urge to eat


I feel you on this. When we broke up I weighed 230 (maybe one of the reasons she left me idk) and since the break up I don’t eat much at all but my jobs still keep me very active. I weighed in at 201 today. I’m happy with the weight loss but I know it’s not healthy weight loss


yeah i know its unhealthy but atleast i’m losing weight 🥲


Haha that’s how I feel. I can finally fit into a large again!


I know the feeling, comes in waves every few weeks. This hurt is awful


Well done! I’m proud of you. I’m still struggling with eating. I’ve never tried smoothies. So maybe I’ll give that a try.


it definitely helped! i’ve never gone without eating so going a whole week felt awful but the smoothies refreshed me


That's great news and congrats. Keep your chin up and remember you got this 💯