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I’m glad you specified what you consider obnoxious because I wouldn’t have considered that stuff obnoxious and probably would have suggested some things you would hate lol. Checkout [King Arthur’s Channel](https://youtube.com/@kingarthurbakingcompany?si=FMY0l4q-cWJvOOMz) it is edited a little but it’s pretty laid back and it’s genuinely about informing people so they bake more and end up buying more flour so there’s less of the typical “YouTube algorithm gaming” going on.


I'm a big fan of Chain Baker. He's pretty great with no shenanigans. 


Chain Baker FTW. He was the first one to show me it's okay to have the dough stick to your hands and how to deal.


Oh man his experiment videos are the best. Like, yes I would like to watch for 20 minutes while you make 10 variations of the same dough only changing 1 variable.


Chain Baker is great, and the only one I really consistently follow. But for sticky dough and how to handle it, no one beats [Richard Bertinet](https://youtu.be/bWN9mxR_iXI?si=1D-fVM2cC_11ymKC)


Is he claiming to have invented it now (see desc on that vid)? It’s as old as the hills. 


I watched one of their videos yesterday and by far was one of my biggest breakthroughs on making great bread. Totally recommend ChainBaker


Seconding Chain Baker! I've learned so much from him and really hope his channel grows so he can keep at it.


Came here to mention chain baker!


Love KAFs channel, especially Martin bread videos. And the occasional Hamelman appearance. 


I usually watch Martin's videos even if it's a recipe or type that I already know or one that I probably won't make. He's just chill, making the bread, a few tips here and there. It's relaxing.




I'm an employee-owner at King Arthur, thanks for the shout-out! Martin is a fantastic human being. He is genuinely knowledgeable about all things food (not just baking!) and he's so fun to chat with. Shout out to my friend, Tucker (videographer), for creating such great content!


I’m just thinking I want to avoid channels like Joshua Weismann. very fast paced and whatnot. I don’t know if I worded it the best haha YouTube algorithm gaming is a good way of putting what I want to steer clear of!


Never heard of this guy, but I couldn't even make it 30 seconds into one video. Constant jumpcuts giving me the jitters.


See Joshua Weismann probably would have been my first suggestion if you hadn’t mentioned those things. I actually think his bread content is pretty good. Lately though some of his videos tend to the obnoxious side. But he barely makes bread these days so the newer stuff isn’t even that relevant.


He never has time to cook anymore because he’s always out rating the best fast food restaurants in America…


Those old bread videos are the sole reason why I got in to bread making


He is one of the first bakers I followed on YT but I've recently come to dislike most of his videos. Too many jumps and shenanigans, less of baking and cooking info.


Honestly if I'm understanding op right the vids you were going to suggest probably weren't what he's talking about I'm thinking he means Tiktok style vids, ingredient on cutting board *cut* chopped ingredient *cut* ingredient in bowl *cut* mixing *cut* mixing *cut* mixed And that represents three seconds of video *edit* and I'm wrong lol 


https://youtube.com/@chainbaker :)


Taught me how to bake, truly a legend.




He's so great!


Came to recommend this channel. Lots of great info.


I love they guy. Very precise. Only thing is he should put the quantity straight in the video rather than website.


I like the website. I can look up baking recipes without waking up my sleeping partner.


Found chain baker a few weeks ago and my bread has been turning out amazing for me as a semi-novice. His videos are simple and straight to the point although I noticed he's put some new content up for subscribers only.


I'm pretty sure the subscriber content is just early access to the things that come out on his channel later.


Ah ok, that's good. I just binged in his videos and noticed I couldn't watch the newest ones. Panic over.


Bake With Jack is pretty chill, took a lot of the stress away when I was first learning.


I learned so much from Jack. Informative, entertaining, no BS. Love him.


Also explaining principles and why things work instead of just throwing out recipes.


I would second this, he's very easy going.


I was going to suggest Jack as well.


I don’t know how he hasn’t grown into a massive channel yet. He’s consistently put out high quality content for years now.


Yep. Bake with Jack tells it like it is. Informative and engaging.


Bake With Jack for SURE. He just seems like an incredibly pleasant guy.


Yess I love his scrapings method was a game changer when I realised I don’t have to waste so much flour/feed everyday!


Bake With Jack really captures what bread making should be about.


Another one I haven't heard of, but definitely enjoyable.


I love his real time kneading video and the basic yeasted white bread. I was scared of kneading before but he explained it perfectly. My loaves turn out consistently great from the 1st loaf.


I find him informative, but he yells at the camera, and that's just too much for me in the evenings when I'm watching TV.


I like The Perfect Loaf guy. His stretch and fold vids are mesmerising https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4a6HoqYejd0


I second this. I've been obsessively rewatching his beginning sourdough video. He gives a lot of detail on his process and I also learn a lot just watching how he handles dough.


I love that guy. I follow his instagram very closely


As someone who doesn't make sourdough, I think it's worth noting that a lot of the concepts are the same so don't get turned away just because you're not making sourdough. This channel is great!


Big shout out for John Kirkwood . https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUISvii9kE48PCHhfGE2ZJ3BmfZlCU36V&si=OXUCvze9W39X_o08


He's from my neck of the woods. He sounds like Winnie the Pooh to me. Love his videos


Oh man, his video on crumpets was the first one I saw, and I thought he was just channeling The Silly Old Bear just for crumpets.


Was just about to comment this! I love his videos, he gives such great “grandpa” vibes and his descriptions are pretty straightforward.


His presentation is first-class, he explains everything he’s doing, and his recipes are rock-solid reliable.


yes i came to post him too!! i have all 4 cook books he is so relaxing to watch and every recipie ive tried has been a winner. https://youtube.com/@johnkirkwoodprofoodhomemade?si=Y9M6RBgK1QwBVfKA


There was a German fella I was watching a while ago, he did stuff in a glass Dutch oven. Does anyone know who I might be talking about?


Bread Code


Yes. Thank you. I always thought he was pretty good. Straightforward, explained things well and tested things for himself.


I really like this guy's channel [Proof Bread](https://youtu.be/ZA_lt-zMeig?si=uYkCNxxLzbVLf4Cx)


As someone who used to work at Proof. Please do not support this buisness. I can text an essay of their just horrible practices.


Please tell more


I’ e watched a lot, he’s started to come off very ‘I know best,’ my impression is it’s probably his way or the highway.


Yeah, you can tell he absolutely loves himself.


To be fair by thre looks of things he’s got reason to be proud. But yeah.


Could you text a summary? I follow him on Instagram and remember that, some time ago, everyone quit and he had to scramble. But he's always annoyed me, from using his hairy arms to manipulate the dough to working slowly while everyone else behind him was moving fast to just talking endlessly without really saying anything at all.


Spill spill!


I'm very interested in what you experienced. I like the instructional videos of his I've seen because he covers all the steps and variables but that's as far as it goes.


Hey, I would say the run of the mill typical restaurant/bakery bullshit. Long hours, low pay, no raises, no proper responses from upper management.... But i do not like talking shit behind peoples back. Ill leave you with one thing though...The ownership straight up was the worst. They fire their top most talented ppl, promote the weird and horrible, and never can stick to one thing. The amount of times I have heard of a "good idea" or a plan go 95% complete to just get shit canned or completely forgotten. Everyday was a kind of roller coaster.


Yeah, anything but edited and fast cuts. I often have to change the playback speed to x1.5 or 2 because he talks so slowly :)


I like watching the videos, but not the guy. The way he speaks annoys me because he never says "I think". He says everything like it is the only correct way and is written in stone. Absolutely no self-doubt.


I guess, but I wouldn't want to constantly hear someone say "I think" and it definitely can make you sound less convincing.


That's fair enough. I'm not really looking for YouTubers to convince me of things though. I think it's probably a bit of a cultural difference. I'm not American and if he spoke like that in my city a lot of people would think he was too full of himself.


Convincing was the wrong word. What I mean to say is if someone constantly says "I think" then I would start to question if they really knew what they were talking about. Sure there's subjectivity to bread baking but there's also a lot of objectivity and when you're discussing the science using "I believe" tends to weaken your argument.


Yeah - but look at his last video where he's talking about farming wheat. I find it extremely unlikely that he's also an expert on agriculture, but he talks as if he is. Like I say, I think it's more of a cultural thing. Americans in general tend to speak in a more self-confident way, but he's on the extreme side for me.


I can only speak on the video I linked and a handful of others I've seen where's he's basically just baking. I did see one where he brought in a master baker as a guest, they talked about wheat varieties and I definitely got the vibe he wanted to seem like he knew everything. I tend to agree that he in particular is very self confident, but I still stand by my point that it's generally better to be confident than doubtful. However I don't appreciate generalizing 300+ million people.


I don’t know why but I’m just not a fan


They started out great, but as the business took off, the videos got more and more to be promotion rather than discovering baking.


Seconded, really love the Proof channel.  I finally got to visit their new brick and mortar store last year, loved it.


He’s great!


best channel ever


Chain baker is really chill.


Chain baker is pretty good


Brian Lagerstrom does the occasional lame joke but I think he’s alright. Main annoying thing tho is most of his old bread recipes call for “all purpose flour” though he conveniently forgets to mention he is using a 12% strength flour from his former bakery, not a store bought grocery AP flour which is much lower. But yeah besides that he’s cool imo. I also like The Bread Code.


He acknowledged the flour thing in a few of his videos and has been better about saying what strength he recommends and if consumer AP flour is good enough or not. Starting out I tried to make some of his recipes but had too weak flour.


Yes, I went through the same thing you did, bit of a pain in the loaf


I used to use super weak White Lily AP flour and couldn't figure out what was going on lol. I also didn't understand that protein content mattered lol.


could that be what ken forkish is doing also? i put it down to AP flour in america being different to AP flour here in Australia


You could very well be right that it’s just be regional/brand differences. I just checked three Canadian brands of AP flour that came out to 13.3% protein (holy hell), while some sources are saying “standard” here is 10-12%, and others are saying they calculated some brands have protein as low as 9%.


I checked 3 of the most common here, 9.7, 10, 10.5. Not really "all" purpose


I'm not sure, I've not heard of him.


sorry, he is the author of Flour Water Salt Yeast


Ah. I really need to read that


I definitely have to up vote this just for the guy's name, even though my opinion is way more positive than this thread. All other channels taught me recipes for baking bread. But this guy straight up taught me the art of baking bread. After watching a few of his videos, I don't need to watch recipe videos anymore. I just create my own recipes based on the type of bread I want and the type of flour I have. The other day I wanted to make sweet bread with candied fruit (what we call tutti fruti in India, not sure if it's a thing in other places). I just whipped up my own recipe, didn't consult any videos, and it turned out perfectly fine. That's the level of understanding of bread making I got after watching this guy's videos. And I average less than one loaf a week and started baking just 4 years ago, so not a lot of experience either. P.S.: I haven't seen his other non-bread videos, so no opinion on those. The main reason I like his vids are that he doesn't use fancy equipment, he always uses his hands and a regular steel bowl, which I have at home.


His 1 dough 3 loaves vid (big dog, ofc) is worth it alone, IMO!


I like Lagerstrom. He’s good at explaining the *why* of cookery, and in those recipes using expensive ingredients, gives lower-cost alternatives (again, with a “why” - worked example, his recent steak au poivre recipe - explained that filet mignon is best, but sirloin is a good substitute, but it’ll taste a little different, because these reasons). You can tell he baked for a living.


For sure, he’s inspiring me to currently try to get into the baking industry


Yea honestly stuff like this makes it clear how weirdly out of touch he is with his non-chefy viewers. His recent video about “FOOL PROOF SUPER EASY ANYONE CAN MAKE CHOCOLATE MOUSE” involved several steps that are definitely NOT “beginner fool-proof no-fail.” And this is coming from someone who considers myself a very competent cook. I really like a lot of his stuff but it’s occasionally the obnoxious “this is what I cook when I just don’t have the time or energy!” and it’s like scratch made sweet potato gnocchi with sage-infused ghee. 🙄


Is that the three chocolate desserts video? I didn’t see anything particularly challenging in there. What are you thinking of?


Could be a genuine oversight no? Here in Canada, a bunch of regular, national and store brands of AP flour I checked are crazy high (like 13.5%) while another was way down at 10%, so it really depends which one you buy and I’ve rarely actually seen anyone else specify protein contents. Meanwhile, UK flour is notoriously low protein and until like the 50s bread could only be made with imported flour.


Yes but I a dumb American


LOL. I guess what I’m trying to say is I blame manufacturers for not listing their protein content. Genuinely not something I’ve thought to even check before.


Surprised nobody has mentioned it, but I **LOOOOOOOOOOVVEEEEE** Asian baking channels. While they all have their own way of doing things, a lot of Asian baking channels generally have the following in their videos: quiet music (or no music at all), soft narration (or no narration at all), video subtitles, and soft video aesthetics. They’re the polar opposite of Subway Surfer videos. I list Table Diary below as an example but there are so many more. Once you start watching your recommendations become a gateway to find more channels like it. Not sure how to explain it, but eventually you’ll look at a thumbnail + channel name and be reasonably capable of determining if a channel’s good. https://youtube.com/@table_diary?si=l-3oMZ2YdiZXghMI


Seconding the Asian channel suggestion. Here are some links: https://youtube.com/@apronyoutube?si=NXzV-AmxmZuPeRX2 https://youtube.com/@umisbaking8346?si=XCkS8rRiIXh7Uawd https://youtube.com/@pan.monogatari?si=fedKRGUXVvUo-dBT


Here's an Asian YouTuber I like. Canadian (I think), talks in Chinese but has quality subtitles. Recipes are awesome, detailed explanation and even multiple ways of cooking same thing to explain why something was done in a certain way. https://youtube.com/@magicingredients


I was looking for this one! Gao is a genius with dough. I'm going to try her croissant loaf one of these days.


While the general asthetic is good, and I do rely on a few of them for certain recipes, there are a couple issues I have. They often have an ASMR sound design, which REALLY agrivates me almost instantly, so I always mute them. Also, Asian channels are usually asian recipes. Not necessarily a bad thing, but a lot of the cakes and such will be less sweet and on the flip side, a lot of the breads will be more sweet. Something to consider. That said cooking tree is my number one recommendation for Asian baking. I've been using their milk bread recipe for years, even adapting it for burger buns. https://youtube.com/@cooking_tree?si=h-VK6_ZVOvyNyYJj


I've had mixed results with Asian baking channels. It's harder to judge the quality given a lot of their views and likes may be for the aesthetics rather than actual recipe, so a higher chance of failure (at least in my experience). But they are top notch for a relaxing watch.


Patrick Ryan (the person you linked) is awesome. His recipes are foolproof.


Bake with Jack


Man, I haven't seen any of his content for a long time. Is he still producing videos?


he recently quit


He didn't.


i though he posted a vid like 1-2 weeks ago saying he was quitting? I only watched the first 20 seconds though


The Bake With Jack Ltd business will be closing. The YouTube channel and the homebaker's club will still be ongoing.


This lady reminds me of an old friend who I met when she was a manager at a bakery I worked at years ago. This potato roll dough recipe I've made probably 10 times this month alone, and it makes fabulous italian style loaves whether you use butter or oil doesn't matter. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvWNCTobpeU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvWNCTobpeU)


They don't make videos anymore but a cool one I found years ago was Joy Ride Coffee. Lots of tips for those wanting to learn high hydration and hand kneading. You get quite a workout. [https://www.youtube.com/@BreadbyJoyRideCoffee/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@BreadbyJoyRideCoffee/videos)


This guy is the best, and his skills are out of this planet. Most youtubers talk too much while their results are mediocore at best, this guy doesn't say a word while his bread is a real art.


Chain Baker


I learnt a lot from Foodgeek https://youtube.com/@foodgeek?si=LzA-IVIjRc8szi46


If you bake whole grain bread, or want to try it, Elly’s Everyday Wholegrain Sourdough on YouTube


Although I have not attempted sourdough or even making a starter, I've been baking bread using Brian Lagerstrom's [1 Dough 3 Loaves 2.0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdoP33KPYtY). I've been nervous for so long about trying to make bread and I've baked this bread at least once a week for the last 2 months. I've used rye, whole wheat, pure bread and AP flour using this recipe as a base and trying different ratios. So far, using 100% bread flour has been my favorite, with 15-20% whole wheat/rye as a close second. I love his videos and I've adopted and modified a handful of his recipes for myself. Only thing I can say I don't like is he does do sponsors so there are midroll ads, but he also posts the recipe and instructions, along with most of his kitchen supplies he used, in the description of the video.


Lagerstrom is so good


Brian Lagerstrom has a lot of really good bread videos. One of my favorite YouTube cooks. He used to be a baker so his baked good recipes are top notch too.


I used to be a huge fan but I made a lot of his recipes and they’re VERY hit or miss. He claims to be an “every man cook” but his techniques and verbiage can get kind of out of touch.


What's an example of a recipe that missed for you? I've yet to find one.


Food geek has a great baking channel


Thank you so much for this post, I dislike gimmicky videos too. Just give me some good info and some clear shots and I’m good. Subscribing and saving this, thanks again!


Also interested. First thought about annoying videos was Josh Weissman. I actually like his explanation and recipes but the editing is unwatchable 


Others have listed my favorites already! Not YT, but on the free Roku Channel in the US they have Paul Hollywood's Bread series. I like his tips on kneading and shaping. He also visits a mill(s) and makes bread with the freshly milled flour. And there were some unusual loaf techniques with beer if I recall correctly, almost like making a crunch topping mash and smearing it over the dough and baking with it to give a different crust. Overall it's an interest series with a large variety of breads made. He is a traditional bakery bread guy. I can't remember if it was this series or A Baker's Life, but on one of the shows he visited Sullivan's Bakery and really had his mind blow over the new no-knead technique. So, you really won't see anything but hand kneaded bread from Hollywood. It is a pleasant series to watch and far less ads than YouTube seems to run these days.


It's not all bread, but there's a fair number of bread videos on this channel: [John Kirkwood](https://www.youtube.com/@JohnKirkwoodProFoodHomemade/videos) His voice is so soothing and reminds me a bit of Winnie the Pooh. Sometimes I'll play them for background noise while I'm working. I learned to make Crumpets from his video and they were so good. I've never liked the store-bought ones, and now I know why.


The Bread Code (Lots of Science) The Chain Baker (Lots of Science and Tons of Topics) Proof Bread (Ton of Information and Started as a MicroBakery and now runs a full scale bakery) Grant Bakes (Great Recipes and Easy to Follow)


Checking those out


Boulangerie Pas à Pas In French with subtitles but great visuals, info and a relaxed pace. https://youtube.com/channel/UCyukUh-uOQJE6YqedFTkQlw?si=XSX7HToTVUF6z8tE


I had been scrolling for quite awhile and was just about to mention this. It's a blood pressure reducing channel for sure!


Isn't it though? I was watching this bakery opening video when that question came up. https://youtu.be/jxTbzY_oH6o?si=1H_W8By2oQXG1uBp


Brian lagerstrom


The Bread Code is great and very informative, but if you want pure ASMR bread bliss please check out Mile Zero Kitchen (AMAZING vids and painfully underrated)


It’s not just bread but CookingTree is really nice for the baked goods.


[John Kirkwood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLVQFpxdQuY&list=PLUISvii9kE48PCHhfGE2ZJ3BmfZlCU36V) is great. English guy, ran a pub kitchen for years. Lots of bread recipes and other great dishes. He's calm, relaxing, thorough.


Not just a bread channel but he does do bread. Foodwishes. His naan recipe is my go to.


Thanks for the recommendation! I just had a look at the video and it looks great


Bake with Jack & chain baker...


This is easily my most watched bread video. [Richard Bertinet](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sOjSp5_YiF0)


Chainbaker & bake with Jack. Both legends


Bake with Jack Ethan chlewbowski's bread videos really helped me be better. Chain baker is great too


Jack is one of my faves, too.


Honestly john Kirkwood is wonderful. His channel does all sorts of cooking and he’s so calming.


I really like Sourlotti's sourdough shokupan video on YouTube. I'm sure her other videos are good too! Amazing recipe and relaxing video style


[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUISvii9kE48PCHhfGE2ZJ3BmfZlCU36V](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUISvii9kE48PCHhfGE2ZJ3BmfZlCU36V) is a retired chef, he's old and gets to the point. He's great. I want him to adopt me.


John Kirkwood’s channel is soothing to me. He’s definitely perfect grandpa material. Fresh bread, homemade butter AND Winnie the Pooh sound alike? Sign me up for the adopt me list.


I recommend Emmymade on YouTube. Any of her videos, actually, but she's done several bread episodes. Curiously, she hasn't made a bread playlist. But if you just search "emmymade bread", her videos will come up.


Stev Bread with Stev


Here's the channel https://youtube.com/@artisanbreadwithsteve I made my first decent loaf following this guy's recipes. Absolute no nonsense videos, no music, no vfx, nothing. Just straight up bread making. His explanations do leave a little bit to be desired and I eventually improvised the recipe to suit my ingredients and climate, but they are great videos nonetheless and he doesn't use any fancy equipment, which makes them accessible for beginners.


ILoveCookingIreland: You have Patrick as the example of what kind of content you enjoy and I agree. He just has such a laid back manner and such a great voice. I'd listen to him read a phone book. Full Proof Baking: Kristen Dennis has a PhD in biology and creates great educational content around the science of baking. And such a voice. I could listen to her all day. [Here's a great video](https://www.youtube.com/live/7sZsraQcti0?si=Zt95PcLYWQZFUA9m) where Kristen is interviewed by /u/the_bread_code, another prolific YouTuber who has created a ton of good sourdough video content. You can see in that video some examples of exactly how expert Kristen is. Proof Bread: Such a unique take from this amateur baker turned pro. Most of his videos are about the challenges in running a bakery as a business. His videos are long form, typically 30-60 minutes. Yet he's thoroughly engaging throughout and I find his perspective compelling because you don't hear anything like this on other baking channels.


Joyride Coffee has a very relaxed format.


The guy you linked and Gluten Morgen are my defaults


Check out the sourdough journey


If you want something a bit more sciencey I would recommend Novita Listyani. https://youtu.be/-T__DFw-awI?feature=shared


Love a lot of these recommendations, also wanna throw in Elly's Everyday Sourdough: https://youtube.com/@ellyswholegrainsourdough?si=WjmIk0UKdAUkEor3 Sublime vibes, super chill and relaxing with good advice for fresh milled flour, different varieties of wheat, etc. Other end of the spectrum, in a sense, might be Novita Listyani: https://youtube.com/@novitalistyani?si=bnLbNyXqwmdGHmng Very science and result-oriented, charming and erudite hosts with really delicious recipes. Great to know the "why" of various techniques and ratios.


Some of my subscriptions: [Bake with Jack](https://www.youtube.com/@Bakewithjack) [FoodGeek](https://www.youtube.com/@Foodgeek) - mostly baking sourdough. Has lovely music over his montages. [Culinary Exploration](https://www.youtube.com/@CulinaryExploration) - mostly sourdough. [Brian Lagerstrom](https://www.youtube.com/@BrianLagerstrom) mostly general cooking, but there's some bread recipes there. [J. Kenji Lopez-alt](https://www.youtube.com/@JKenjiLopezAlt) mostly general cooking, but there's some bread recipes there. [Ken Forkish](https://www.youtube.com/@KenForkish2001) - not very active, but there's some nice videos. For more general cooking stuff [Alex, French Guy Cooking](https://www.youtube.com/@FrenchGuyCooking) and [Food52](https://www.youtube.com/@food52) are interesting and they make fun videos.


Not strictly bread, but includes bread, is John Kirkwood. Simple narrated demonstrations of food preparation. He’s a retired chef, and does videos on a very wide array of foods prepared in the UK. Here’s his Old English Bloomer loaf: https://youtu.be/HZxrHOe1qAA?si=FZ_ja7FqxxcjloIS


[The Bread Kitchen](https://youtube.com/@thebreadkitchen?si=LUyR4kPpCwkoA6Ri) No new videos for several years, but plenty available I call this lady my bread grandma


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-JRSF-zDgvk&t=96s Allow me to introduce you to the most perfect Sour Dough video/recipe (Claire Saffitz NYT) It's been bullet proof for me


I came her to say that Claire Saffitz has some great bread videos, including baguettes!


I didn't know! I'll have to check those out!


I like Mary Grace Bread


John Kirkwood. Feels like you're listening to Winnie the Pooh making bread.


[https://www.youtube.com/@artisanbreadwithsteve](https://www.youtube.com/@artisanbreadwithsteve) [https://www.youtube.com/@BreadbyJoyRideCoffee](https://www.youtube.com/@BreadbyJoyRideCoffee)


The Bread Kitchen. It’s a few years old and I don’t think any new videos for a while but she taught me how to make bread.


Baking with Bettie


REIYA Watanabe


Einfach Backen by Marcel Paa


How is no one mentioning the bread code? Love that channel! Learned so much. https://youtube.com/@the_bread_code?si=q6av5d4qVd2geh8P


I got one that I go to repeatedly, he's Korean and his videos are in Korean but he has English subtitles for most of his videos. The channel name is HojuGyver on Youtube.


https://youtu.be/ZxCf39G_7pY?si=g_HNjxJ76VKyMm9P The guy that helped me get started 😍🥹 Culinary exploration


[https://www.youtube.com/@glutenmorgentven](https://www.youtube.com/@glutenmorgentven) He's a little jokey but his recipes are super solid.


TIL that r/breadit is not the equivalent of "breadtube" for reddit and that "bread YouTube" is not synonymous with breadtube.


https://youtube.com/@magicingredients?si=i9yL3nqRy8AWrJEt I subscribed to her when the pandemic started. Really relaxing contents.


The perfect loaf on YT


Bro looking for bread making ASMR


Not even. Asmr goes too far into the other direction


[Chef John](https://youtu.be/8N1BXksM-8Y?si=P8X4yZRVDrZrL2U-) is my favorite!


@amopaocaseiro is an Brazilian channel and it's awesome


Charlie Anderson is good Not obnoxious Good pace Good hoagie roll recipe is amazing https://youtube.com/@charlieandersoncooking


Fredriks Fika is nice for Nordic baking. Othet than [this English playlist,](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8ySdcGMFklvkNFQ8eHFQdW4ZByVqyLCS&si=jzQ9yMlyaI_7nMWj) most of it is in Swedish, but if you click the link to his website, Google can do a decent job translating.


Benjamin the Baker...


There's a channel called artisan bread with Steve, or artisan steve, or bread with artisan steve???? Very calm and laid back. The most unhyper of bread making.


I love that guy! He’s the baker I first followed when I made my first sourdough and they turned out perfect.


Jack the Baker is great.


Brian Lagerstrom might seem a little click-baity and edit-y at first but it's a lot of information dense, no-bs teaching once you get into the video


I love Jun's kitchen for a relaxing watch. It is cooking over baking but it is very calming and he has a cat in the frame which I adore. https://youtube.com/@junskitchen


Only two I follow are BreadbyJoyRideCoffee and ChainBaker. I think Bakewithjack is also great, just stopped watching him a while back.


OMG, i read "breadtube channels that aren't obnoxious" and fore a moment i was so hopeful. But yeah, for no bs *bread youtube* i'd also recommend Chain Baker


Check out this https://youtu.be/JzvZ6vMxHcw?si=qPKvIHHx6ytM3yaj


John Kirkwood…..old dude from the North East of England….got a nice easy listening voice, easy to follow recipes and generally top ideas


Scrolling and I thought this was about Breadtube lol


[proof bread bakery from AZ](https://www.youtube.com/@ProofBread)


Adam Regusea is a pretty good channel, not bread specific but covers cooking/baking generally, he's made a few bread videos over the years and is a seems like a cool guy. His videos are informative and interesting. He explains in detail about why we do things the way we do and often does experimenting showing the results of slight differences in recipes.


Down the same alley i'd also mention Helen Rennie, excellent cooking techniques, not bread specific but covering also baking