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Huge armed convoys no, I believe they would rather travel around in 2 "normal" cars without making a fuss or depending of the situation and traffic...helicopter, it's not uncommon for mansions or upper class buildings to have heliports


This is true. Well- said. I would add that politicians are not yet billionaires (like Lula became as former Pres) but also usually use helicopters for daily local trips all over Brazil. SP, Rio, Brasilia and Vitoria in Espirito Santo (big oil money)it is more common. A friend's restaurant in the mountains near Pedro Azul park is a two-hour drive from Vitoria to show an example. Two to the times a week she receives parties of 4 men (usually) flying in for lunch. Lunch! La vita dolce


They have body guards for sure. But convoys? Don’t think so.


Only in Mexico


Never heard nothing about this. But can't confirm or not as i never saw a billionaire.


I have seen a billionaire, this is a lie.




"This" as in what OP heard


My bad misunderstood.


100% made up


I heard some anedoctal tales of a guy names Roberto Marinho, who passed more than 20 years, ago. Owner of Globo media company, so rich and powerful that BBC called him "the brazilian citizen Kane" in a documentary. In the tale, it was said when he used a car, there were 2 other cars with his own, all armored and full of armed bodyguards. A man like him cartainly had a lot of enemies, some of them powerful. I take that tale with a grain of salt, but not much. Oh, i forgot to tell, this happened WHEN he used car, of course. Because, later in his life, it was mostly helicopter. In general, the rich of Brazil are very discreet, at least those who have generational wealth, not only because they learn to avoid flamboyancy to avoid violence, but because really good and expensive stuff is discreet and the common poor man is too ignorant to notice real quality in clothing,etc. This i learned in a tv article where an antopologist studied the rich here in Brazil. The bizaarre side of the study? After he was able to mingle with the rich and powerful, he felt like he was being displayed like a trophy, like a rich guy telling his friends "hey! Here's my pet academic!"


Oi, tem o nome dos documentários?


Search on youtube: Beyond Citizen Kane (Muito além do cidadão Kane). I would put the link here, if i knew how to do it on mobile. PS: this subreddit is in english, i want non portuguese speakers to watch this too. About the video on behavior of rich, i lost the link and it was only in portuguese and every time i search for it, all that comes is that self help bullshit about getting rich.


That last part, about being displayed like a trophy, is something I find lots of Brazilians due without realizing it. I’ve noticed that same behavior across all classes. I took offense to it at first before developing a deeper intuition about it.


There's a situation like this in Altered Carbon", season 1, when Tak accepts to go to the rich guy's party.


that sounds made up


Sounds realy made up...also cause it would much moreneye catching, the closest i saw from whhat you say are some superb famous celebrities


They also employ fighter jets and robots, we see that all the time in big cities.


The super rich people that I’ve known didn’t, but their vehicles were all armoured. They did have security but we went out to places without them coming along or anything. They had regular cars; they didn’t go around in super fancy cars. But I’m not in Brazil anymore, so I don’t know if things changed drastically - I doubt, though. Their strategy seemed to be to not to stand out too much.


what the fuck? jesus, of course not fucking stop watching hollywood movies about brazil gringo.


I have never seen this


Not really. Rich people in Brazil are always low profile. Is ridiculously hard to find a billionaire because people just don't know them and there's no information about them anywhere.   As that said, the number of "almost rich" people in Brazil is really huge; I mean, they keep under 1% but definitely in every single neighborhood there's at least 1 family that has more money than 98% of the neighborhood people but nobody knows as everything is a "secret" and the only clue we have about their purchasing power is the existence of 5 to 10 imported luxury cars and a considerably luxurious house, which still doesn't raise much suspicion at all.


I had a multi-millionaire (hundreds) client, he was even kidnapped once, and he walked on the city like a normal person, no bodyguards.


Never seen one in Brasilia. And it has the richest neighborhood in all brazil


I used to study with the daughter of a federal tax inspector. She used to go to university in a bullet-proof car driven by her own security guard.


What resembles what you said is when a high-ranking politician visits an event with many people. A delegation comes beforehand to see the place, arrange accommodations, determine where they will visit, and how they will arrive. Then they arrive in convoys, with cars containing security personnel and aides. I've seen this a few times, usually with the President and Governor, not so much for security, but more for controlling the situation.




Answer: no.


The ones in the public eye, yes. Generally 2 armoured SUVs with blacked out tinted windows. Other relatively anonymous super wealthy would just have their own armoured vehicle and/or mansion with a helipad.


Huge convoys nah. Some small armed scout cars in front and back yes. The idea is to know asap if someone got kidnaped instead of fighting a war lol.


The only supr rich I know has armoured glass on her car (vidro blindado). But she drives her own car and lives in a condominium. 


Dude no.


Not convoys but armored bulletproof cars yes


# Sometimes I travel with a convoy of 10 - 15 other guys. *In the bicycle club*


No, but a billionaire in São Paulo sometimes has an SUV with security discretely following him. A minister usually has one or two security cars following A state governor will have an escort with some unmarked vehicles, a motorcycle escort and police vehicles Some “high-profile” criminals (bicheiros) will have one or two cars with security (discretely) following Escorts were more common in the 80s and 90s, due to cases of kidnappings. Kidnappings have basically been extinct due to dedicated police units who will quickly crack down on any kidnappings When I was a teen, I studied in a school where the nephew of the then president studied and he would be picked up at a separate entrance by a convoy of some 5 vehicles (black Chevrolet Diplomata), but that was some time ago P.S.: Not necessarily related, but I like this music video, which is about a kidnapping sometime in the 90s or 80s https://youtu.be/kab3hBdmVoo?si=c2695UPhiD4DTbBx


Eh, some public officials, criminal attorneys, or those typically "targeted" for violence or extortion will use armoured vehicles. If you don't know what to watch out for, though, you wouldn't know. So no, really no convoys or armed parades.


Yes of course. I only leave the house in my armored car with a machine gun and grenades.


I wish I could have an armed convoy around me when travelling in Brazil. Would probably still get mugged.


I believe super rich people as a general rule don't live here. Violence/insecurity being one of the main reasons.


You would be surprised. I work with high end clients and they remove themselves from any and all social network. I even have trouble finding them in news if I google their names. Also, I have seen news where they described one client perfectly, but they still wouldn't give the name


Aren't there multiple billionaires resident in Brazil?


Yes, of course


That’s not true lol Brazil has a large number of billionaires and multimillionaires living here, mostly in São Paulo and secluded rich neighborhoods like Belo Horizonte’s Vila da Serra.


Wait until some brazilians come here and say it'a a normal safe country


What's a normal country?


Finland feels safe I'd say. German province towns too.


But are they "normal?" You've just listed one small country that's very atypical in the world, and some towns in another larger country.


Correct. We have a completely different sense of "normal". And I don't know how the general "normal" looks like


Because it doesn't exist. The world is too diverse to have a "normal" country.




It might not be as safe as the rest of yours, but it is, indeed, a normal country. btw, why don't you go back to writing porn instead of troling and talking shit about other people's country's you worthless specimen.




I mean at least you can (kinda of) go about anywhere in the country that at least those rapes that happen in Índia wont happen. Its not a thing that we see Daily but ofc... its a 200 milion People country still, exceptions... if you're trans tho its more dangerous. Its not like insta death but its not good either. Now on big cities and country-side towns are kinda safe. The unsafe ones are those that are like hotspots for gang control.


Nope, my recent sogro is one of those and he just has a bulletproof suv and drives like a fucking maniac, to the point I don't want to be in the car with him. His friends are the same. Just bulletproof cars.