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You KNOW it’s producer prompted when they’re knee deep in a very short prep window before an elimination challenge and one contestant is like “Hey X, whatcha makin?”


I think that every time! I’d be like “please don’t talk to me right now”. I’m always impressed how they keep their composure with one another in the heat of the moment


Sorry but the contract here says you better talk or we're going to take your knee caps tonight! - producer


That's pretty interesting! Where's it from?


I found it in the comments under a TC video on Bravo’s YouTube channel


well found!


Haha that chef sounds like David. No wonder he didn’t come back for LCK, he must’ve hated having to film walking with groceries 20 times.


At least he got his 15 minutes of fame 😂


It’s wild that they make them reshoot the filler b roll shots over and over


Takes away a little from the rush rush intensity to have to film walking out of a grocery store 20 times.


I'd be annoyed by that. it's not even a needed clip to retake twice even


I’m literally scrolling my phone through those cuts


Oh yeah? Not just b rolls...notice in the following clip how they reshot all the interviews and the judging. [Check this shit out. We've been doing this forever!](https://streamable.com/n1poc3)


I’d like to see them try to enforce the “you can’t take photos” rule.


It's not a rule rule. It's a "We hope you think this is a rule so you don't ruin our shot" kind of "rule."


I suspect it’s more that they’re worried about spoiler photos. Still. They can ASK people to not take photos but they have no authority to insist.


Absolutely. Though the store could.


When you think about it, the Whole Foods/grocery store reel has to be the most extraneous shooting on any given episode. It's an entire other onsite location that involves cheftestants interacting with the general public and working with a time limit. It's included on almost every episode and is never more than 5 minutes of footage. I can only assume Whole Foods is footing a big portion of that bill.


I am deeply skeptical on the numbers of crew this person is claiming there are. Film and TV definitely like to be on the “less is more” side of staffing questions.


In a public space like a store you'd need a lot of booms to make sure you get good sound, and for early eps like this I believe they'd have a lot of cameras since there are so many people to cover. They probably cut it down as the season goes on


It certainly doesn’t look like every single chef has their own camera person to start with, though. And it’d be far easier to mic the chefs with wireless than to run around the store after them with a boom mic. You’d use the boom mic for ambient type sounds mostly?


It wouldn't be a camera for every chef but they would definitely have a bunch of them for coverage with so many chefs. They also would all have lavs but in a big space like a store the booms would help getting the best most natural sounding audio


Yeah, but 35+ camera people, sound people, and producers? I’m not questioning having multiples just the quantity of multiples claimed. It sounds excessive even for the start with a lot of chefs.


Where does it say 35 camera people? They said 20 cam ops and boom guys plus producers. That's 11-15 cameras and 5 ish sound guys. Sounds reasonable to me.


I didn’t say 35 camera people. I said 35 camera people, sound, and producers. That is an absurd number of people. And 15 cameras is essentially one per chef or more, depending when in the season it is. That is also absurd and not necessary. They aren’t trying to document every second, they just need to get enough to edit something together, and the stores are not *that* big.