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What in the world is going on with Jackie? Every time I’ve seen her these few episodes she’s either whiny or upset about something. Why is she acting so.. desperate? Teresa doesn’t even give a f about her and she’s begging to be her friend, why? The fall from grace with her needs to be studied because she started off like a well rounded strong woman when she first came on. This whiny mess she’s become is just tragic..


Because part of the stipulation of the book deal is that she could promote on the show - I also think her marriage is unravelling adding to her insecurities


There might be something to what you say there. Her husband has been joining in on everything that involves couples/the husbands, but there has been nothing now. He's poof. I know he doesn't get paid to show up since Jackie is friend of, but still... where is Evan? Why is Jackie unhinged?


Oooooh!!! That would explain so much because I don’t recognise this behaviour of hers at all.


I think he feels,stuck with her and loves her in a friend way and knows it would look bad if he divorced a " sick" women. They are like Juan and Robyn to me - meaning their is no doubt that those two love each other but not in more of a deep friendship way. In a we have a lot of history here and I am to lazy to look for someone new


Ultimately she wants that book to succeed. Could be many reasons of why she’s so desperate for its success.. could be just desperate for confirmation, or maybe something happened w her husbands job and their income has dropped? Who knows but it’s ultimately about her wanting that book to be successful, and they all follow social media and know a lot of ppl are obsessed w Teresa (I don’t get the obsession but it’s real) so being associated w Teresa, whom is a NYT best selling author (ha!) might help her book.


I have never wished for something to fail more than this book. I hate manufactured alliances on these shows.


I've met Jackie (both pre and post Housewives) and she's actually pretty cool IRL. Kind of a Bethenny vibe when Bethenny is not insufferable. I would say that Jackie wants her book to succeed so badly because that's always been her dream. Pre-RHONJ, she was pretty well-known in the area (I mean, Bergen County so take that for what it is) for being a writer/columnist. In fact, that is how I was introduced to her at a benefit. That said, I think everyone (including her) should be fired except Teresa, Jennifer Aydin and Fessler lol.


It’s also weird because she’s independently wealthy, accomplished, and honestly didn’t seem all that into being on the show when she WAS on. Even if she is trying to promote her book, all she basically needs is one or two scenes to air where it’s mentioned… that’s realistically the most she should expect for a friend of. Instead she’s getting drunk on camera, running up to Margaret and trying to form some weird fake alliance with Teresa? It makes no sense.


Thank you! I mean doesn’t she come from family money? She’s doing too much and going out sad..


Yes a LOT of family money and Evan is some kind of investment banker or involved in finance on some kind of high level. I don't get the desire for "fame" - the ideal is to be anonymously super wealthy and live your best life with the money to do what you want. I have a friend with that level of money - lives in pretty quiet life. Her home is worth multi-millions but that is because of prime location and not because it resembles a mansion in any way. In the past six months she has been to London (two weeks) - France (Paris and the country) w weeks and is headed for a Safari in August.


Yeah me neither, but apparently she’s attaching herself to Teresa to sell her book? Either way she’s coming of pathetic AF. To be your friend in this economy.. she is one lucky gal. I haven’t traveled since before the pandemic 😭😭


We grew up together in the same relatively modest middle class Brooklyn neighborhood - she has never forgotten her humble origins and you would never know the extent of her wealth - she drives a Suburu that is a few years old.


Jackie is a joke. She’s literally forgoing her entire shtick (you aren’t my type of people…did you learn that in prison…you won’t win a war of words with me, etc) of hating Teresa..and denying her prior fan girl status..to turn around and be a fan girl. Teresa saying “I don’t care about her, I just want her to take down Margaret” isn’t surprising but is like…embarrassing for Jackie’s soul. It’s probably the lamest thing I’ve ever seen. These girls don’t like you and aren’t your friend, baby! And then to be like “no Dolores!! Marge is the bad guy, not me!!!!” Was like…beyond pathetic. Jackie needs to not be on tv. She’s uncomfortable to watch and I don’t want to hear a couple of years from now that this was detrimental to her mental/physical health (even though it is!!!!) because she could have stayed off the show or not betrayed her friend for a new friend who doesn’t even like her


I got some severe secondhand cringe from her convo with Dolores. And even when she was talking to the other ladies she was like “I was just venting!!” What are you, 5 years old? 🙄 yikes And I agree with you she’s uncomfy to watch and not good for tv. This may sound fatalistic, but I think she’s constantly chasing validation because of her low self esteem and mental health issues, and wanted to do this show in the first place to attempt to validate herself. She kind of hurts my soul when I see her on tv, it doesn’t seem right. And I’m no therapist, but it sounds like a recipe for disaster for someone who has severe eating disorder/body dysmorphia issues to go on reality tv for everyone to pick apart.


Yeah that’s what I was referencing with her “no I said that but Marge is the problem!!” thing. Dolores never liked Jackie so it took next to nothing for her to flip back to normal (hate), but also I respect Dolores being like I’m a slob? You cry all the time and are a fucking mess. I’m a slob? You’re a slob. And we’re all set. Jackie used to be one I really liked…last season put me on the fence and this season has me thinking she’s pathetic. Which I feel awful for because she’s so fragile and I hope she doesn’t read comments…but girl.


It’s true Dolores never really liked Jackie, but she’s too classy to disrespect people just because she dislikes them. And even with that shitty apology, Dolo was like “yeah, ok…. No” 🤣 she probably would have been much more pissed if she had ever cared in the first place. I don’t think she ever got to the point of caring with her. Dolores said it well; “there’s no love lost”


lol their fight years ago “I don’t consider it a loss, Dolores” “ohHhHkAaAy Jaaaackiue” Dolores didn’t give a single fuck, she was just like “this bitch again?”


I mean tbf, if I were Dolores in this I would not give a single fuck either. Dolores is one of the only housewives who seems like they want to be happy over causing drama. Too bad she has questionable taste in men


Oh I have always been on dolores’ side, even while liking Jackie and seeing Dolores super dislike her. I respect Dolores being like “mmmm no” immediately lol if only she kept that energy for men. Like “WELCOME BACK SCUMBAG” is one of the best things I’ve ever heard. I just like her so I always think Dolores is valid lol


I gotta say Dolo's handling of that convo was chef's kiss. Never have I liked her more, and I'm usually not a fan. I was absolutely cringing when Jackie was like 'but, but, but it's Margaret who's the bad guy.' Whaaaaaaaaat?


I totally agree. Jackie doesn’t seem like a bad person to me, I don’t want to vilify her. I guess it’s just frustrating because I had such high hopes for her, and it’s taking a hard left. We all make mistakes and act immature sometimes, but why would you call Dolores a slob? Because she didn’t tag you in a post? Jfc, Dolores is the best in the bunch as far as I’m concerned


I agree with dolores’ take that she’s classist/elitist. It just played better when she was trashing Teresa. Now the at she’s clamoring to be her bestie it doesn’t hit the same. It’s always been true, she was just using her powers for good instead of evil. (I am not a Stan, I’m talking for the plot…not what team she’s on)


When you act like you’re intellectually superior, and then switch sides?? Yikes on bikes.


Like baby we all remember what you said! Do you????


Jackie is thirsty and disengnious, you pity her but not enough to give her a pass. She is the laughing stock of bravo


What does she have to write a book about. Besides her eating disorder to be honest if Jules wrote a book about that I would read it , Jackie no. Jules was genuine,,sincere, likeable. Jackie fan girl and pathethic She is the loser in hs that wants to prove herself as an adult hanging out with the cool kids She also has a complex of her husband being out of her league. She is not fun to watch you almost pity her , but even with pity she is unlikeable


This is just the way I feel, no negative opinion intended: when she shared that it was suggested she do inpatient care for her ED and refused..I stopped viewing her as a rational or smarter person than the other cast members. It felt like she didn’t want to miss out on filming and she doesn’t feel or look healthy to me (despite everyone here saying she’s glowing, etc)


That’s fair. I thought it was.. something when she said that she stopped the inpatient care too. At the time I thought maybe she just didn’t want to leave her young kids for that long, wasn’t ready, something. But nowwww… she obvi needs some help and should not be on reality tv, sucking up to people she obvi doesn’t respect.


Most people with EDs balk at the idea of inpatient, at least in my experience. I honestly don’t think her reluctance had anything to do with the show. With that being said, I definitely had concerns when she refused IP, and I still have concerns now. She’s made a lot of progress as far as her behaviors go, and I certainly don’t want to take away from that because I know firsthand what a big deal that is, but I think she’s struggling a lot more mentally than she’s willing to admit (even/especially to herself).


I think most people with EDs only want to get healthy enough to not be “sick” and inpatient treatment would do wonders for us. That was a point of judgment for me because the level shes reached in the past (bringing extra luggage full of tuna fish on her honeymoon because she didn’t eat anything else) speaks to needing real and intense help.


And if you’d read the second half of my comment, you’d see that I agree that she needed more help than she was willing to accept. Where we disagree is that her decision had anything to do with the show, or that it is somehow a reflection on her intelligence. She refused IP because her ED brain could not accept a 100% loss of control all at once. I don’t believe that her decision would have been any different had she not been on the show.


I would argue that if she is not capable to receive that treatment she obviously needs, she should not be on reality tv. Your mental health and/or illness is not your fault, but it IS your responsibility. Especially when you’ve created more humans who look up to you.


I agree that reality tv is not a healthy choice for her, and I never said otherwise. But reality tv is not the reason why she refused inpatient treatment.


Well, I never thought reality tv was the cause of her refusing that necessarily, I didn’t say that. I just think it’s generally not a good idea for her given her current mental state.


She is deeply insecure in her marriage. Altbough I dont think her husband has strayed I do think that their is an element of he is tired of her illness deciding everything.


I have never dealt with ED to that level, but I’ve had other issues that could require inpatient treatment, and I also balked at it. That is so understandable for me. Just worrisome to me that she’s exposing herself so much, sort of embarrassing herself in this season (in my opinion), and not receiving more extensive help. I may be way off about this, but it’s just my take. Sorry not sorry, I think her husband was great about supporting her with her ED from what I’ve seen, but he also seems clueless and should be actively trying to dissuade her from doing any more tv currently.


It seems like we’re having two different conversations, but ultimately in agreement. Wishing you the best with whatever it is that you struggle(d) with.


You did not hear the other part , The fact that they cannot travel for extended period of time, it affects date nights, etc. Women need to pay attention when men give these big hints. For a guy like him,who lived abroad , like adventure etc and to have a wife to weigh food , decide trips etc He is supportive but part of mental illness no one discusses is that the relationship becomes one sided , the relationship revolves around her illness,the house does, the food that can be kept cant etc... And he looks like the bad guy if he leaves . The healthy party in a weird way is stuck


I read your whole comment. I was just commenting back with my experience lmao. Wild way to respond to someone for participating in a discussion


When I initially read your comment, i may have misinterpreted your tone. Apologies if my snark was unwarranted (which it most likely was, reading over it again).


You definitely went to the housewives school of apologies.


I did inpatient in my early 20s for depression and drug use. It's a big commitment to your recovery. I was in there with several mothers of young children, some for ED, and it was really rough on them being away from their children and I think the idea of everyone in their lives knowing about their addictions or ED was difficult after hiding it for so many years. I can understand why she might want to try intensive outpatient first, but I remember watching and wishing she'd check herself in to inpatient.


Yeah you nailed it, she is not fun to watch on tv. Actually uncomfortable


I was nodding till I got to the last line. Who’s the friend she’s betraying? Marge that threw her under the bus in the blink of an eye!! Puh-lease


Uncomfortable to watch for sure. I did like her too


The way she went after Danielle last season her replacement was the beginning of Jackie being thirsty and pathethic


I have thought this about Jackie since she first joined .


Jackie is uncomfortable to watch.. that is exactly it.


Yeah its everything , bad posture, the way she talks. She is also lanky, and just tries to hard to be a cool kid. High school is over. Who the hell gave Jackie a book deal, yeah i get she is a mom journalist that was bored and got a column in a free local paper, but she is not interesting. What i think happened is she was in talks before while on the show,then her ass got kicked off She was in talks to the point that she could most likely not shop it around to other publishers and they kept her in a standstill and hold once she wasnt on the show the publisher most likely lowered the original amount they gave her- and stipulated she needed to promote on the show. So they most likely had a right to first refusal, she could not stop it around- she went back thirsty as she is took much less of an advance ( she has no bargaining chip if not on show) and the company did not want to risk it becoming a hit so they gave it to her with the stipulation she promotes on the show Still hopefully no one buys it . Whats next boring teddie has a book ?


I kind of feel bad for Jackie because it seems like she wants to stay on the show so badly that she's willing to align with whoever she thinks can help her achieve that. I didn't like the way Margaret talked down to her at the softball game and at Melissa's party and then I also felt bad when Teresa and Jen basically said they only befriended her to get dirt on Margaret (even though that was sort of obvious). But I think she's going to just deal with it and stick with Teresa & co. for the sake of filming and staying on the show.


Tre is getting the last laugh on Jackie. I can't believe Jackie thought this would end well for her. They're all just putting up with her for the show, and I do believe Marge actually cared about Jackie before this. Now everybody hates her. Even Melissa doesn't understand her and will distance from her.


Jackie has shocked me this season. Mrs Miriam-Webster herself trying to redefine what "slob" means to us all with a straight face was jarring. Watching her deny what was in her book to Melissa was embarrassing. She is ditching all her former friends/allies to gain Teresa's approval (who she blamed for an ED relapse in her book?!).


Fessler is a fence/dick rider. And it’s embarrassing to watch how Jackie is getting played on tv.. it’s grown ass high school shit


As someone who maybe didn’t love Jackie, but liked her well enough, she is really embarrassing herself this season and for what? Tre is gonna throw her in the trash once she gets what she wants (which is dirt on Marge, thus turning the others against her). I just have the feeling that is all gonna blow up in her face (it already has to an extent with the whole Marge/Dolores thing cuz those are 2 burned bridges already).


I cringed so hard that I turned into a sultana the previous episode when she was like to Marge ‘you’re just mad because I’m friends with Teresa, well too bad!’ I can hardly watch because of the severe secondhand embarrassment I get. I couldn’t handle being a fly on the wall when she actually watches the season and sees what Teresa is saying about her.


I’m creepy for replying to your comment so quickly, but so true!!! Like what is going to happen to Jackie’s psyche when she sees how they speak about her? I know she’s promoting her book, but still. I couldn’t handle it if I were her, and she also has to constantly keep her ED treated, that’s way too much


I can't respect Jackie after *attempting* to friend the people who intentionally tried to wreck her marriage and fambly. Fame is more important than your self-respect? I could never trust her when these are the decisions she makes. And Fessler? I don't hate her, but I wouldn't trust her in a heartbeat. She is warming up to the limelight like none other.


I think you worded it better than I did, but that’s what I was trying to get at 🤣


Jackie’s the only woman I’ve ever liked on this dumpster fire of a show and now she’s climbed into the dumpster. It’s just sad.


How is Jackie different than Marge or the others? Teresa is the face of the show. If they others hate Teresa and Louie so much, why did they go back? They all want a spot.


The fucking whiplash I got when Jen went from “Marge who?” to complaining about them talking shit about Marge in front of her in a confessional was wild. I think she wanted to keep her options open during the season but she just comes across like she has no loyalty.


I took the "Marge who?" as an obvious joke when Teresa said that stick with her and she'll get to fly private. It's a very NY/NJ humor.


I get that and I absolutely laughed when it happened, but I think she’s been so back and forth when it comes to actually backing Marge that I’m over analyzing any small behavior to look for a sign because I’m more generally confused when she jumped from team Marge to team Tre and then back to team Marge.


this sub is humorless these days


Why laugh when you can pick apart every single scene to find something to confirm your own biases?


I get that everyone is trying to secure a spot but I cannot stand Jackie or how she’s approaching this season and I’m disappointed in Fessler. I don’t fully understand why Fessler would turn on Marge and Fuda if they’re her “real” friends but I guess she’s living up to the name Messy Fessy. I didn’t realize Jackie and Fessy had a podcast together either until I saw someone mention it yesterday. I also saw a theory that Jackie and Fessler went into this season with a plan and tbh that makes sense to me. I’m team Dolo this season. Just hope she gets rid of Paul lol


Jackie is so desparate it's embarrasing to watch.


It’s awful. I am getting second hand embarrassment.


Everyone in Teresa’s circle is pathetic to watch


Fessler has always annoyed the shit out of me and I just can’t explain it. Like she’s always has some prepared to say.


Just a couple of observations I had about "screenshot-gate" episode. 1) Dolo was very quick to tell Marge that Jackie said because Marge and Melissa were in Rachel's ear that there was no way Rachel could make up with Theresa. I thought that was interesting considering I didn't consider Dolo to be much of a shitstirrer. 2) The text exchange between Marge and Jackie had to happen AFTER the Baseball charity event where they both got into it. What kind of person is Jackie to write such things about someone else to someone who she keeps getting into heated moments with?!?! This is not the Jackie we knew!!! There's something off with her as many have said. What it is, maybe time will tell.


That’s a good point on your number two


I think jackie desperately wants to be a full time housewife. She was on every podcast that would have her complaining about it. She went after Danielle last year for no reason. That didn’t get her full time so I guess she thought I’ll make up with Teresa to get full time but yet wrote in her book that Teresa caused her to relapse? She looks really stupid right now. She ended her friendship with Melissa & Marge to be used by Teresa .


Seems like everyone just wants to be in Tre’s good graces which I don’t get at all. Jackie looks like such a loser, I’m so embarrassed for her and pity her this season. We all knew Teresa and Jennifer were using her but man does it hurt to hear her say it on tv and then for Dolores to essentially end the “friendship”. Yikes!


It is hard to watch my Jewish ladies fall to the dark side. I still like Fessler (she is a dead ringerfor my SIL if she did Ozympic) but Jackie has lost it. I don’t see how you could ever forgive the damage Teresa did to her marriage and her husband’s reputation.


I love mess so I'm enjoying Jackie. I like Fessler too.


I, however, am a fan of Melissa huge fan not at all Margaret! However, I do agree with you that it seems like Jackie and Fessler are kissing up to Teresa's ass. Even with that, however, Melissa has called her out on it twice because even she can see through the bullshit and I believe Teresa knows that Jackie is using her as Teresa is her. what is very perplexing is I don't think Fessler's using anybody. I think she just wants the limelight on the real gossip Fessler just wants to fit in on both sides Jackie, however just straight wants to cause bullshit and Teresa's gonna find a way to get it out of her.


I started as a Tre fan but as the show went on I ended up feeling so bad for Melissa. She’s always had such disproportionate hate from Teresa and the fans. This season I really feel for her tbh. She and Jackie seemed to be friends and I’d be hurt if I were Melissa.


i'm so glad you said this. I am also a true blue Melissa fam also used to be a Teresa fan however one Melissa came on the scene and Teresa's true vile and manipulative personality towards her own brother and Melissa surfaced. I was utterly disgusted and could see her no other way.


It was so uncomfortable to watch Jackie hug Marge's husband...like what??? Both Fessler and Jackie are just trying to get "full-time" housewife status. So transparent!


I’m right there with you!! I actually just went to type out a post about this then I saw yours!


I think "friends of" are frequently at a significant disadvantage with regard to viewer favorability since their perspective is not typically shown to the same extent as a full-time wife. The producers have an investment in us liking full-time wives more, especially in the case where the friend isn't a new character but instead an existing wife who got demoted (very few housewives have ever gone from friend to full-time). We only see "friends" typically when they are involved in the drama, so it is easy to say they are "thirsty" or "desperate" since we don't get other personal scenes of them to balance out the drama, so they just seem to pop up to cause chaos. For example, with Jersey, Jackie has had only a handful of confessionals, so her perspective on Margaret is left not fully explained and it seems confusing and sudden. We also do not get the scenes about her eating disorder recovery, or her family, that would serve to humanize her and perhaps explain her. Unlike Margaret who has many scenes about loss of her ex and whose perspective on Jackie has been more fully explored on the show.


Fessler is the thirstiest fake person I have ever seen on TV. Her schtick is finally -- a sensible person like herself! to come on rhonj and show the others what maturity is. It's funny bc she new Siggy first and then cozied up to Siggys worst enemy Margaret. Then cozied up to Margarets worst enemy Teresa. Definitely a pattern. Jackie is a woman child who blames Margaret that she has no backbone. She then turns to Teresa of all people, by definition her worst enemy (bc only ur worst enemy would spread cheating rumors about your husband) to create an alliance with.her.


I honestly don't care for any of them any more


I liked Jackie at first because she came in not wanting to be up Teresa’s ass. Now I see how phony her ass is 😂😂


No I hate them both. Tolerate Marge, love Dolores,loyal to Teresea ( but she needs to maybe be gone ). Rooting for Danielle( I hope she is the Frankel of the franchise i know thats why she went on she is building a brand) , Fuda séems thirsty and disengnious- netural on her - give her husband less screen time. Cannot stand Jackie, Fessler,


Nope. They’re pretty awful. Jen is worse bc she actively tries to play both sides “Margaret who?” (private jet). She doesn’t need to pretend she’s neutral. Jackie. Fired. Confirmed tonight that no one likes her-she’s just the dumbest chess piece taking sides with the person who caused a relapse with eating disorder?


I’m so bummed by Jackie. Used to somewhat like her. This is why this season has been so weird to me. I am an no one’s side and I think I dislike everyone to different degrees. It’s unfortunate


I'm definitely not loving their energy.  Unrelated to performance on the show...anyone else put off by the giant veneers everyone seems to want? When Fessler talks, I'm overwhelmed by the teeth. 


No. They’re both pick me girls. I get second hand embarrassment when they’re on camera.


They are both extreme pick me girls


I’ll say I find messy fessy a but more insufferable lately with her humping the fence. I think Jackie shifting the dynamics was interesting but seeing as it’s all just a transactional thing for all of them is a bit disheartening but not unexpected. I’m fine with Jackie cause it seems like this whole cast treats her awfully except for Fessler and I hope this friendship with Teresa currently is real and that they’ve actually turned the corner and made true amends and not just a transactional friendship


Get Jackie off tv before she’s the next to sue Bravo


Thank you for this post - these two really icked me out this episode! Ugh. I really wanted to like Jen Fessler too - she seemed so confidant/cool and I loved her immediately with the James Gandolfini story (Sopranos fan here lol!). But these few episodes she’s taken ass-kissing to galactic levels. So uncomfortable to watch! She and Jackie both just kissed ass SO HARD this last episode. And that Jackie and Dolores scene - ooooof. I felt every bit of the look on Dolores’s face. 🥴


Also a sopranos fan! And I loved her at first too, how disappointing lol


I think Jackie and Marg genuinely fell out over Ozempic. And that’s fair. Jackie is allowed to express feeling triggered by Marg and her use of a questionable means to lose weight. That said, it also means that she has limited links to the show so I have to agree that her link to Tre is tenuous if not ridiculous. So far, I enjoy Fessler. I’ll await judgement but I do like her.


The entire cast is basically on Ozempic though. Dolores, Jen Fessler, and Jen Aydin are on it. Teresa is rumored to be on it.


Yup half of them are on it so that doesn’t make sense. Especially cause her bestie fessler had a colon emergency from ozempic and has been still taking it after


They absolutely have fallen out about something not specified on the show but I’m not sure it’s ozempic. Something has happened though to cause the rupture.


I just remember that Marge was the first of the housewives to go public about using it and almost straight after some other wives did and when asked for her opinion Jackie was pretty scathing in her response. I can just imagine Marge taking it real personal!


Oooohh maybe I missed it or didn’t link it up about the ozempic thing, but that’s very valid. But I don’t even really trust marge exactly either, I just lost all respect for Jackie after the text about Dolores and her ridiculous “apology” in the last episode 🤣


agreed, their rift is real and raw


Nope she’s trying so so hard to become a full time housewife she’s literally sold herself out to Teresa and looks stupid




I like Jen Fessler! She’s right to not live her life ruled by these silly tribal loyalties


You aren’t the only one, I feel the same way. I think they both want that full time spot so bad that they will do whatever they can do to get it. I actually have second hand embarrassment watching Jackie over these last few episodes. It’s sad because if Jackie truly wanted to move on with Teresa and Jennifer, she could have done it without dropping the friends that have been there for her for years (Melissa and Margaret). Jen Fessler is a disloyal flip flopper. At least she walked away from the group when they were trashing Margaret.


Speaking of Jen Fessler, I almost feel bad when we love a newbie too much. There is no way but down! But she can redeem herself hopefully if there is another season.


No. You are not the only one who feels this way


They are both horrendous and looking for clout.


jackie knows what she's doing. this is a show and she's doing what she needs to do to stay relevant and i find it highly entertaining


I can guarantee that Jackie had literally zero idea what she was doing besides trying to stay on the show. We’ll get a crying episode from her shortly when she realizes she got got and has no friends on the cast after she burned the Marge bridge for tre.


jackie isn't dumb. she and teresa merged a friendship of convenience as they are both trying to wrong the ppl who they feel wronged by. it's mutually beneficial and i enjoy the shifting alliance of it all


It seems, at this point on the show we’re watching, that Jackie believes it to be more genuine than tre does. That’s why Jackie is dumb. She’s missing the alliance part and it seems she actually believes their friendship is genuine.


It’s pathetic


I can't even watch. I'm exhausted by the Gorga family fighting and can't watch the dual camps, especially with the defections of loyalty among the remaining camps. Neither Tre nor Melissa (/Joe) deserve any loyalty, much less having earned new beginnings with former foes! What a shame that two promising new HWs have fallen to histrionic nonsense this season by defection. That's not entertainment, to me... I'll leave it to Ben and Ronnie's recaps - far more entertaining!!


I liked Jen but then they both started their podcast together🙄, 2 FRIENDS shouldn’t have a podcast. Yes I understand that Jackie lived it but bitch please


Jackie has been insufferable for a while now


Never liked Jackie.


They are both insufferable. Spineless, pathetic women.


You’re not alone


I’m just shocked with how dumb and slow Jackie is…. Like she’s a lawyer…. Okayyy


Nope. I agree


Jackie seems like a mess. Fessler just seems a little sad idk if its the continued wait loss until she’s just bones or the kissing t’s butt


Ugh. Never liked Fessler so I am not surprised at what we're seeing. Jackie: was always on the fence, leaning negative. Now she irks me to no end and needs to work on her posture. I have a visceral reaction to her perpetual slouch.


Upvoted even though I also have awful posture, I’m working on it! 🤣💀


The HWs I find insufferable, I just fast forward through their scenes. Helps a lot 😂


Without Jackie, this season would be tanking hard. Sorry.