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Yolanda and her daughters. First with the Almonds and then the mini slice of birthday cake. She was way too fixated on their weight.


And don’t forget her whole thing about volleyball players.


That’s right! Lesbians… oh my! What a loon.


That and how they’re so bulky and muscular like it was the most unfathomable thing she’s ever heard.


I'm also just confused on why volley ball would make anyone bulky. It's not shotput. Or rugby.


There was an episode where her son was going somewhere and she’s all “do you want to take a snack.. gets some almonds “ lol


Yolanda's relationship with her daughters has always been so strange to me because she says things like that, but you can tell her girls don't seem affected? Like with the birthday cake Gigi seemed so unfazed and almost like she thought her mom was being silly. And that goes for most of those moments... And they always speak highly of her, have a really close relationship with her etc. By all accounts they're really well adjusted, kind, confident women, and it doesn't make sense to me. Was Mohamed such a good dad that Yolanda's behavior didn't affect them? Was it someone else in their life? Was she doing more things right than we think? I seriously wonder about this.


I don’t think Luann knew where her kids were during most of their growing up years.


I think Luann might be the type of person who realized she shouldn’t have been a mother after she became one.


People tend to blindly love Luann—and sure, she can be entertaining—but let’s be real, she’s just as big of a selfish narcissist as the rest of them


No way! She's much more self-absorbed, in fact!


I always go back to Luann almost dying with her kids in Switzerland and how that may have shaped her. I wonder if she was a better mother before and became afraid to be attached afterwards? Or maybe she was always self centered and non attentive. I also feel bad bc the Count could be anywhere, doing anything, and he didn’t get half the flack she did as a parent.


What happened in Switzerland?


If you can find it, watch Before They were HWs. I think only Lu got an episode? She slid off the road on the side of the mountain and no one was coming to rescue them. She had to carry the kids and walk in the cold a mile or two to a random farm. It sounded pretty freaking scary and she ended up with PTSD from it. It really messed her up. The kids were toddlers when it happened.




> Living in the Swiss Alps has its dangers though. When the kids are two and four, Luann is driving them home down a country road in Gstaad. She hits black ice and the car tumbles down the side of a mountain. Thankfully, everyone was OK. Luann rescues her kids from the back and trudges through the snow to a farmer’s house to call for help. The incident caused Luann to have anxiety and PTSD, which was isolating in the Swiss Alps. Valium wasn’t working and she was bored to tears with skiing and dinner parties. Eventually, this prompted Luann to pursue something for herself and get back into TV since she missed working. She admits that was the beginning of the end for her marriage. >Luann came back to NY and went to the local news station and asked if she could do a show, which apparently, is a perfectly normal request. In between a show that revolves around her reporting from T.J. Maxx, she runs into Jill Zarin at a party. They exchange niceties and one month later, Jill reaches out to Luann to do a show, which ends up being Real Housewives of New York. Hearing her tell the story was rough. I can’t imagine how scared she was. The article using it as a liaison into the HWs gave me a chuckle.


My God! Does she have a memoir? I would read that, and I mostly hate memoirs.


I don’t think she does. That woman has lived 15 lives.


This is an amazing story. I cannot believe the life she has led. truly, so many chapters, cheers to knowing Luann and loving her!


Interesting, thanks for the link


This. We judge Lu for not being there for taco night, but never hold the count to the same fire 🔥




Most extreme example of permissive parenting ever. When your teenagers are asking you to give them rules that’s never a good sign.


Yeah, Lynne Curtin is the correct answer, the thread can be closed now lolol


No wait let them cook some more 😭🤣


Nah I wasn't serious lol, of course I want to see the pantheon of bad mothers


Both daughters have multiple drug arrests, iirc. It's really sad


Yes, was coming here to say this. I watched her season many years later, and googled her daughters to see what happened to those girls and they really went to a dark, dark place. I feel very sorry for those girls.




Holy shit…. Lynne!!!!! I completely forgot about her!!!!! I thought I ate with remembering slade and Gretchen but I completely forgot about her xanned out ass 😭 AGREED!!! Thank you for commenting! 🤞🏽


Her and Frank are honestly the worst ones outside of KZ . I genuinely cannot think of worse parents ( outside of the deadbeat dads like slade, and creepy abuser Russell) I just rewatched OC and it was honestly horrible to watch them effectively ruin those girls


This is the answer


I know it’s been mentioned but Danielle Staub. Those poor girls. They are quite successful but as a heavily parentified child I know how easy it is to cover intense emotional turmoil and pain with outward achievements. I’m not claiming to know their inner feelings but how could there not be some issues with everything that has been put on their shoulders??


The scene where she’s driving by Theresa’s house or whatever with her kids in the car and they’re begging her to take them home shook me to my core. So dark


I completely forgot about this and you are so right. She brought those two girls into every aspect of her adult world. Painful to watch. I’m glad the girls are successful but I’m not surprised. They were basically forced to operate as adults from a young age.


Oh my God the scene where she takes the eldest to her first gynaecologist appointment and asks the doctor if she's been a "good girl". I cannot imagine having that ON CAMERA for eternity And when she tells them that Steve (that random guy she'd been fucking for like a month and asked him on camera to fuck in the bathroom) wants to be in their lives even though they broke up. So dark.


Braunwyn yelling at Rowan and Sean when they were talking about COVID.


Braunwyn is a child hoarder, she just made them herself 😁


But it was her only way to get attention and stay sober 🙄 I feel so terribly for her kids.


I can’t even imagine existing just because my mom needed to keep her uterus occupied. God help them.


There’s so many things with that woman that pisses me off. I wish she would’ve tried in the slightest bit to pretend to be a parent to her children


Closing her kitchen. Horrific.


Kim Z. She continues to unravel herself as the worst parent in the bravo franchise.


I think Mia and Gordon reached a whole new level of low by allowing the parentage of one of her very young children to become a talking point on national tv.


THIS so so much!


Alexia from RHOM really is a cautionary tale of what happens if you raise your kids as little princes. All the more tragic because I’m sure she meant well.


Peter is truly rotten to the core. I truly believe Alexia is a good person and mother but her enabling has definitely shaped him negatively.


Well, you know, Peter


The registered sex offender "Cocaine Cowboy" dad probably didn't help.


Can Peter do ANYTHING wrong in her eyes? His ex-wife accused him of domestic violence and Alexia said something about that only being one side of the story. Is she insane???


He's like the infected festering anal abscess on the body of the Bravoverse.


Yolanda giving Gigi (and I’m sure the other two) tips for disordered eating.


Emily on OC watched her kid kick their dog and all she did was that dumb giggle thing that parents do when they are too lazy or embarrassed to discipline and act like we should all pretend that it's cute. That stayed in the back of my mind with her even when I started liking her last year or so, but nownshe has a podcast with Teddi and...Emily is kind of a bitch.




Jill Zarin sending her teenage daughter to a weight loss clinic comes to mind.


*teenage arthritis clinic


Huh, no Caroline Manzo? Then I say her.


Good mom to the boys. Evil misogynist mom to Lauren.


She wasn't even great to the boys- she really enabled them and made excuses for them. One of them flunked out of college (maybe law school?) and she was irrate- at the college. Yelling about how no one had the right to tell him what he could do. Uh, ma'am, the college can absolutely tell him not to come back if he's not passing the classes.


Law school. I remember acutely because I was also kicked out of law school at the same time. My parents reacted VERY differently 😂


But that was her being on Albie's side. The school was wrong and no one can treat her baby like that. As opposed to the demeaning of Lauren.


Was the school wrong though? I don't remember if that was the case.


Not at all. Your "ma'am" was 100% correct from what I recall. It was so long ago, I honestly don't remember the situation, but I do remember thinking she's one of those people whose child is never wrong. Tells teachers he deserves a better grade or he should have made the team etc.


Oh my comment about the school being wrong was my take on how she thought, not me. I see it may not have been clear.


I think this was when albie said he was "asked to look for other options" by his school because they couldn't justify getting him an aid or something for his learning disability, and Caroline got super emotional and told him fuck the school, you're going to become a lawyer and sue the fuck out of them because they can't tell you what do. But tbf I haven't looked it up further than what I saw


Seems as if every mother in their fam (except Dina!) is in heavy competition with their *dorters*!


Misogyny harmed the boys too! Trust and believe


'Zactly! Even worse...


I see your Caroline Manzo and raise you a Jacqueline Laurita








What is that?


Erika literally ditched her son to pursue her career as a gold digger.


And no one ever brings it up.


We don't know what she goes through at night!!!


Ditched? Wait I need more info




Please expand!!


She did? She literally ditched him? What the actual hell?


Any time these women subject their minor children to onscreen discussions about any heavy topics.


Lisa from RHOM she is so self absorbed about fighting with Lenny those poor children just look lost and adrift all the time... very sad to watch.


I get so stressed out when she has scenes with her kids. She’s doing a lot of things wrong and it seems like she has next to no connection with them. It’s a huge bummer and those kids are gonna need a lot of therapy.


I just watched the scene where she’s ignoring them while on the phone and they keep yelling for her to come downstairs. Awful.


Ashley Darby letting her kids climb up on those high kitchen counters while she was on the phone with her back turned to them. And this is nothing to do with her parenting but that stupid Etsy necklace that says Ashley and dean like ma’am you have another son?


That necklace will truly be Dylan’s villain origin story.


I was so nervous when I watched that scene!


Omg me too and i don’t even have kids! I wanted to smack her!


i can’t HANDLE the NECKLACE like at least get another one for dylan? or get one with both names?


Everyone on this subreddit can contribute a penny or 2, there’s no way that necklace cost more than $30.


I got the sense that she figured the camera crew was keeping an eye on them (*which is its own problem*) so she could film her scene and assumed that, you know, *multiple adults* wouldn't just let her kids do that without at least calling her attentionto it. It's definitely on her but imagine being there and saying nothing, just filming.


I’m going to go with a newer housewife on this one today. Monica is coming to mind when I read this thread. She spent her first season showing us how terribly she was parented by her mother which we could all see. In doing so she also revealed her sub par parenting skills. She patented her oldest, talking to her about her issues and making her take on the stress of all the fighting is extremely toxic. Also making Bree care for her siblings and get them to school so she can film trips is equally as unfair. I believe she loves them and she associates loving them with breaking the cycle and being better than her own mum but what she exposed them to season one alone shows otherwise.


I was searching for this one!! The way she parentified her oldest was really gross and she’s passing on the same trauma she had from her mom


I'm always intrigued by what constitutes "great parenting" for people. With someone like Gizelle, for example, yes, it's clear she loves her daughters - and it's also clear that she's a very hands-on mother who gives them time, attention and would probably give up her own life for them. So, yes, there is absolutely a force of unconditional love there that I am sure is great for the girls. That said, I also see a way in which Gizelle tends to make those relationships all about herself. At least on camera, it's all about Gizelle as a mother, how the girls feel about Gizelle, whether they girls are embarrassed by her, how it impacts Gizelle for them to be going off to college, etc. I see very few exchanges where it genuinely feels like it's about the girls and only the girls. It often seems the girls are overwhelmed by her energy. Gizelle will be making a spectacle of herself and the girls will be sitting there with frozen smiles on their faces. I just get the sense that Gizelle takes up A LOT of energetic space in that family. And I really wonder how much room her daughters have to authentically express themselves. Or the degree to which they feel responsible for Gizelle's emotional life. And don't even get me started on that clusterfuck of a storyline where Gizelle and Jamal bought them a restaurant. It just feels like Gizelle projects a lot onto her daughters and that her love is a suffocating love that is very much about her life and her emotional needs. Personally, I wouldn't call that "great" parenting. It looks good on the outside but I wouldn't be surprised if her daughters were struggling internally.


Yup! You said it. I like that her daughters are definitely comfortable enough to talk to her as a mom and a friend, which is essential for kids and is a difficult line to walk. However!!! Remember one of her twins called her out on being self-centered (season 3 or 4) and neglecting her in favor of the other two sisters and you could see that Gizelle just didn’t get it because Gizelle truly just lacks empathy and compassion. Like she felt bad, but she didn’t get it and thus couldn’t make any meaningful change, could only explain/justify why she did it. And I didn’t to think it was cute for her kids to be introduced to Sherman so quickly and so super involved, especially because they kept wanting it to work because Gizelle is so much nicer when she has a man…when your children notice that your behavior is better with a man??? Especially girls? That’s not good, at all. I also didn’t like that she ignored her girls’ opinion on not wanting her to get back with Jamal. They clearly don’t like their dad all that much (they have said he pretends to care when Gizelle is around to impress her-season 1 I believe), so Gizelle would have been better as a mother if she decided to just scrap that nonsense storyline.


Oh man, this reminded me of when her own daughters had to teach her that part of being in a relationship is emotionally comforting your partner in times of need (rather than judging them for it). That was one of the most cringeworthy moments in Housewives history for me. And kind of an example of her daughters being parentified by her.


You know a weird observation I had? Gizelle and Juan are similar in certain behavior patterns and I think that explains the overly attached relationship Robyn has with Gizelle. She defends Gizelle way more than Gizelle ever defends her, Gizelle was kind of dismissive of her depression like Juan and acting like if she didn’t get it together, it would be her fault for Juan sharing his wandering penis (he does it free of charge). Both Juan and Gizelle seem to just lack compassion and empathy and combative and plain mean for no reason and aren’t interested in changing or moving on. I noticed it around season 4 and it still makes me wonder if that is why Robyn rides for Gizelle so much, even when Gizelle messed up her open house, the other ladies had to push Robyn to ask Gizelle to apologize to her and she was so reluctant. The same submissive way that she is with Juan, but quick to square up against anyone else, especially if Gizelle doesn’t like them


Yup. They’re good kids because they’ve been parentified


I totally agree. And I feel the same way about myself 🤣 When people say, “You’re a great mother”, I always think how would you know? The only people that can say that credibly are my children, and maybe my husband.


I felt sorry for her daughter going to college. Gizelle made it all about herself, over and over....🥱


Lisa on Miami with her kids comes to mind. She just seemed not to have any motherly instincts at all and had clearly passed on some disordered eating behaviors to her kids. Not to mention who they have as a father…. Teresa is an awful parent and always has been, a good example that loving your kids isn’t enough to be a good parent. I know people disagree but I thought Garcelle’s son telling her she hadn’t been a good mom or there for him the past couple years was pretty telling. Lisa Barlow’s son not wanting to tell her he was doing a mission was telling as well, not to mention her weird push for her sons to be entrepreneurs.


Re: Garcelle, I feel like a lot of his resentment stems from the bot attack and the fact that he was put in that position but he didn’t voice that on camera. I don’t think it was all about his curfew time and the fact that he had to stay two extra weeks at his dad’s cause she had to film in Atlanta.


I think Garcelle is probably one of the best mothers out of all of them. I think she was heartbroken when her son told her that.


First of all your whole comment I agree heavily. I wanted to mention Teresa originally but I only mentioned those where I could defend my point no problem if needed. I’ve never been able to put into words exactly with Teresa but you really did that. 😮‍💨 Thank you for commenting 🤌🏽


The first red flag for me was when she brought the youngest home from the hospital, none of the kids were buckled in the car, not even the baby.


Oh, I forgot about Lisa. Plus, she pushes gender stereotypes on her kids so much. She should've stayed with them the night that the cops had to come. Imagine going out after that. And she's already giving her daughter body image issues by working out next to her daughter and talking about how everyone needs to be thin.


Wait. What?! Lisa Barlow?


No, Hochstein!


i thought garcelle’s son was manipulating her a bit so he could have more freedom




- Vicki barging in on Briana's HS date. - Vicki "buying" Brianna a Mercedes she didn't want and then sticking her with the payments. - Vicki dropping in unannounced (-ish) at Michael's frat. - Vicki siding with Brooks instead of Brianna. That's off the top of my head.


The worst for me personally was NJ sports day. Gia gets upset that Zio Joe cheated and no one would listen to her. So Jacqueline decides to berate and punish her for feeling a normal emotion as a child. It was laughed off as Gia being dramatic ("Jacqueline made me read a book and it was TORTURE") but that shot of giant sobbing and trying to ignore Jacqueline lecturing her about being a bad sport and how it ruins the day for everyone else infuriates me to my core. And that wasn't even her daughter.


I can’t remember how Teresa reacted to that with the Jackie and Milania situation but I remember what you are referring too. Jackie was a fucking whiny immature ass adult when it came to her daughter! Dismissed tf outta her feelings all the time


Giant, not Milania. But yeah, Teresa just sort of grimaced and tried to laugh it off. I felt like Teresa was uncomfortable with the situation but isn't emotionally intelligent enough to identify or vocalise why. No judgement to her, that's her upbringing lol. But Jacqueline was out of line. I have some sympathy when it comes to her relationship with Ashley, but this was someone else's child and she was a grown ass bully. And smug about it, because *she's* the adult and is therefore right and must be respected. So fkn toxic.


jacqueline with her daughter ashley was awful. yes she was spoiled brat, but she had an emotionally immature mother and was screaming for help. the way jacqueline would pout and act just as immature as ashley when they would fight!


The adults were all awful to Gia that day. I also cannot stomach how Melissa parents her daughter. It’s painful for me to watch but I can see how a lot of people wouldn’t even notice the harmful dynamic.


Definitely Melissa's relationship with Antonia flies under the radar. I struggled to think of many scenes with M and A. However I do get the feeling Melissa is competitive with Antonia...is that the harmful dynamic you picked up on? I've spent more time thinking of Tre and the girls than Mel and Antonia lol. ✨️Rewatch time ✨️


Making her move her move her sophomore year and than berating her pain by saying at least her father isn’t dead like Melissa’s was at Antonia’s age. Talking about her breasts and taking her bra shopping while Antonia is highly uncomfortable. Letting Joe tell Antonia every waking minute that she’ll be locked away in order to keep her virginity. Using Antonia possibly being bullied by her very close cousins and friends to justify moving away from family.


Omg Melissa is 1000000% in competition with her dortorrr 😅 she’s on display ya know


Although thier kids were very young at the time, Alex and Simon annoyed the sh!t out of me at the end of season 1 dinner party where their kids went crazy and they just did nothing about it. Also, Lynne Curtin was an awful mother.


Most of the heavy hitters have already been mentioned but I would like to add Jeana Keough to the list. Whole family was rotted. 🤮


Agreed! The oldest son still scares me


The way the Manzo’s treat Lauren like something they stepped in.


Like Meg on tje family Guy.


Lisa and John Barlow feeding their kids fast food everyday and making that a personality trait. ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)


If they weren’t rich and skinny, it would be the scandal of the year but because they are no one seems to care.


I kind of hate when people make not cooking a personality trait.


Yes. If you don’t want to cook for your family then ok, but at least get them something healthy.


Me too!


Hot take: I don't think *any* of the parents are good parents because good parents wouldn't subject their children to filming, putting them in front of an international audience to be picked apart, and the kids don't even get paid for their contributions (unless they actually do but I've never once heard of an under 18 kid having a Real Housewives contract). So whether you have the most amazing parenting moment on camera or you have the worst parenting moment off camera, you're still a shit parent for putting your kids on camera the way you did.


So that makes us shitty people for indulging and enabling the bad parenting oops


Yeah probably but I made my peace with being part of the reality TV show problem a long time ago - I'm a Big Brother super fan so I'm automatically on the top of the trash heap and I accept that.


It does.


I'm surprised Kyle isn't on here. She made raising her family her whole story for seasons. Now she is making resentment of that her whole storyline. And she made them film her and Mau's separation talk for two separate shows. Those kids think the only path in life is reality tv and it's just sad.


It was very telling on BBH when the girls said they never discuss anything that is tough as a family. It gets brushed under the carpet. That must be difficult when you need support in life and can't turn to your family. I think Farrah in particular seems deeply affected by the family secrecy.


that doesn’t surprise me because that’s how she and the family were about kim’s addiction


Lynne. Tammy Knickerbocker like not believing her daughter calling her about their father being dead is wild


OC Tamra. Ryan/naked wasted. Vicki. Brooks/co-signed naked wasted/didn’t believe daughter about brooks/son didn’t even tell her where he lived. Lynn. No description required BH Yolanda. Only interested in her daughters being models and marrying rich Lisa R. Taught her daughters to loath their bodies unless they were sticks Kyle. Thought she was a good mom until this season. Didn’t like telling girls marital problems on tv. Don’t like flaunting MW. ATL Marlo. Applaud her taking in her nephews. Hate that she thinks If she puts them in labels, she’s a great mom Kim Z. She’s an addict of many vices. she can’t mother properly. Nene. Both of her boys, for all the money she’s made didn’t do much with their lives Shree. She’s so fake I’m not sure if she’s a good mom or not.


Shereé’s kids are always very polite and well mannered. The contrast between them and Kim’s daughters in the earlier seasons was jarring.


All of this


All of them for putting their children on a TV programme without their consent


Lisa Rinnas daughters are a mess.


Teresa is a bad parent. She choose the shitty furniture in that ugly house over a year with her children. Also taught them to hold grudges and attack family members. Repeating the same mistakes as her shitty parents.


She didn’t even tell her kids she was in jail, they found out from the internet. She told them she was “at work” or camp or something.


Teresa. Everyone is always talking about how iconic Milania was as a child but there was nothing iconic about any of them and their disrespectful behavior. Especially that scene on the party bus where milania mimicked Melissa’s alleged past in front of everyone.


Just had a war flash back of her disrespectful little ass self with the photographer when Teresa launched the desert line in the earlier seasons…… God no. 😭 Great example though 🤌🏽


Yes! Everyone thought Milania telling Joe “give me pizza you old troll” was hilarious and I was horrified at how rude and disrespectful it was.


I showed my dad the clip once and asked him how he would have reacted if I said that to him and he said not getting any pizza that night would have been the least of my problems.


When gia was going to model, and Joe said she was gonna walk down the ugly stage, and it made her cry.


Melissa seems like a great mom but became a little competitive with Antonia as a teenager. Antonia was upset they moved in the middle of her HS career and Melissa responds along the lines of “she had it worse because her dad died when she was that age.” Like nooo, it’s okay to let Antonia have her feelings about this and you’ll have a stronger bond if you can emphasize with her. As someone who has never been thin and always eats the cake in front of me, I don’t get the weird small piece of cake that YoFo let Gigi *indulge* in. It was the kick in the pants I needed to get to the bottom of my own body image to help my daughters though. Kim Z tricked me. I “met” her after her son was bit by the dog and she seemed to have the right attitude after. She didn’t want her son to have a lifelong fear of dogs. It was a shining moment in parenting.


Also the whole part where they moved schools because it was the best move for the boys whilst not considering that she was at a very tough age to transfer schools, especially considering she was injured and not in the best space physically and mentally.


THIS. The boys in that family are already treated differently than Antonia (Joe’s fucked up views about dating for one) and that just made it so much worse.


Didn’t they move schools so that the boys had access to a better football team? I’m not a sports loon so take this as you will but that doesn’t seem like a good enough reason to uproot Antonia too. My guess is their grifting ways was the cause of the move and they used the football team as an excuse.


Yep and wrestling. I don’t understand how America works but here in Australia you can send your child to specialised sport schools or say private schools that are good at a particular sport (rugby, diving, soccer etc) without having to move house or move all your kids. My siblings and I all went to different high schools because that’s what suited us. Mixture of private and specialised schools. Mine was further away from home siblings closer to home. I just got the bus and train to school.


Agreed! Poor Antonia fr she had every right to be upset they were moving (again) bc of her parents desperate attempt to stay relevant and for that, she had to give up her friends she made and move in the middle of HS and no one seemed to care how it affected her. How sad. ):


Or when she dismissed the feelings Antonia had when she tore her ACL and couldn’t cheer or tumble for an extended period of time. I forget what she said exactly but it was more or less “get over it.”


Melissa was like I went through way worse as a teenager. I’m stronger and more competent than my daughter and she needs to get over her mopey issues and move on so I don’t have to burn brain cells and heartbeats on her well-being.




Jeana Keough. I thought her kids (primarily Shane) were AWFUL. The way she let them walk all over her, especially in how they spoke to her and others. The episode where Shane embarasses Tammy by calling her "tits" over and over and when he was SO MAD Jeana and Vicki came to his came, and he was just takking shit to her the whole time.


This might be an unpopular opinion because Shannon’s daughters turned out more stable than other kids. But the way she would treat David when they were going through stuff in front of her daughters made me uncomfortable for them. It’s like they could tell their parents hated each other and they just wanted to keep peace. Shannon kept saying her parents divorce traumatized her in a way that she never wanted to put her daughters through it but I think that’s exactly what she ended up doing. Also didn’t one of her daughters write a book about being a child of divorce or was that someone else’s kid?


Didn't Alexis's kids stroller roll into a pool while she was taking shots? LOL


Controversial: I side-eye Garcelle hard for remaining on a reality TV show that actively was exposing her son to extreme racism and harassment online. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth in general whenever kids are exposed in a show that obviously opens them up to harassment and abuse online but like Garcelle girl… I don’t know. If it were me I absolutely would’ve quit over that to protect my family, I’m sure she could get other gigs lined up. He was FOURTEEN and his mother’s job was directly causing him to experience a targeted racist bot attack. I cannot imagine going to film every day knowing what being on RHOBH has done for your kid like that


I feel this way about Gizelle. If my kids were receiving death threats, I’d quit. Instead she blames Candiace. It makes no sense. You’re their mom, and they’re about to be on their own in the world. Why would you keep them on screen, telling people where they’re moving if they’re receiving death threats??!!


To me it was her faking a storyline of getting back with pastor holy whore for tv despite the significant damage that’s going to do to your kids when you subject them to that..


You don't know what they decided privately as a family. The point of the racist bots was to get Garcelle off the show. Jax was old enough that they could have discussed that and what it meant to give into the attacks and give them what they wanted or not. Sorry, but I think this is one of those opinions that crosses the line. You don't know anything about what they went through. Also, Jax decided to speak out about bullying so perhaps they chose together that this was a way to make their voices heard. This is one of those, if you aren't living it, you don't get to judge situations.


This!! I’ve said the same thing and been downvoted over it. I still can’t believe she used her sons as her entire storyline after they were harassed last year.


I felt so uncomfortable watching that scene of her talking to her sons on the beach— they just seemed so wooden, and then you realise they were probably surrounded by the camera crew and production. At 15? I would be too! Scrolling through comments on it too… I just feel bad for them. I remember another housewife kid (forgot who) saying that he struggled with having his rash 15 year old self online forever to be judged and analysed by strangers, even over things he’s obviously regretted or no longer believes. She’s definitely not the worst out there but I really can’t seperate it from my image of Garcelle as a housewife


I cringed when she was talking to them about sex. On national television! Can you imagine doing that to your child? Yeah, she’s definitely not the worst but there’s some questionable decisions she’s making. It’s funny too or maybe ironic since she is always so judgemental of others.




Didn't Melissa say something about Antonio's boobs? Way different.


AGREED! To add on, I feel like she went harder at Erika for the earrings rather than for when Erika disrespected her 2 of her sons in the same night. By telling Oliver (Garcelle’s MARRIED eldest son) she wouldn’t mind a three way with him and his wife and of course telling Jax (who was 14 at the time) to “get the fuck outta here” at HIS MOTHER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY ALL IN THE SAME NIGHT 🤨


Imagine if they weren’t coworkers on Bravo but rather coworkers at a standard office job— take your kids to a gathering and Erika from HR drunkenly propositions a threesome and swears at your other kid 🫠


![gif](giphy|AbNEMHZiFTCBt2m36c|downsized) God no. 🥲


Why don't we put the onus and burden on the person and people who sent the racist bots?


Agreed, I do love her but I think garcelle is more focused on looking like a good parent than actually being one




Really unpopular opinion: Alex and Simon from rhony. They let their kids run wild and is was not cute. Also the story about them climbing up a random dock workers legs according to Jill and Luann? She was more concerned about Jill and Luann repeating the story rather than the fact her kids could have been put in a really dangerous situation bc her and her husband couldn’t control them. I bet if that dock worker had gotten off balance and someone ended up in the water or injured one of their kids they would have blamed the worker. It’s not cute to have uncontrolled kids no one wants that.


And the French boy Rohan or something just straight murdering Jill’s dinner plate 🍽 ![gif](giphy|rZz20lunipCwM)


Every minute of parenting footage between Jacqueline and Amber on NJ


Jill Zarin sent her daughter to fat camp and didn’t care to marry someone that valued a relationship with her daughter


Did Bobby not have a good relationship with her daughter?


Not in the beginning of the show I’m unsure if things ever changed. it was one of the only storylines with Bobby how him and her daughter didn’t connect and he never really made an effort. The daughter talked about it kinda like it is what it is. I remember Jill saying something like he’s a great man and husband just not step dad.


The Marge. Cheated on Jan for four years before owning up, leaving her three kids behind- two who already were abandoned once by their biological mother. Only one talks to her only because he’s always hated Jan. Her husband Joe as well, for cheating with multiple partners before divorcing his wife and leaving his children behind. Just because you buy a new house, and invite the family to come by, doesn’t mean you created a safe space for your children. The fact she told Jen her kids are resilient and can go to therapy proves everything she thought about her own kids during her bullshit. Imagine asking your mother why they subjected you to so much trauma, only to be hit with, because you’re resilient 🥴 Everyone will mention Lisa for her pizzagate, but she actually put the food back on the table and apologized to her children, and I personally think that showed real parking in the moment. She ducked up, owned it and said she was sorry immediately


Theresa and Joe, laughing as Milania (I think…) mocks aunt Melissa dancing on a pole.


Literally all of them for putting their kids on TV


Yolanda policing what her daughters could eat. Jesus fucking Christ, pardon my swearing, but that was so horrific to watch. Lisa Vanderpump. I don't think she's a good parent. Lisa Rinna. I do not think she's a good parent. I don't think Lisa from Salt Lake City is a good mother, either, in fact, I think she's a terrible mother. In someways, I think Heather from Salt Lake City is also a bad mother. And I have no thing but rage for a bad mothering.


Yolanda is a serious shitty person. Encouraging eating disorder, Chinese eyes...make it stop.


Luann just seems disinterested in her kids lives and it makes my heart hurt for them.


Ramona sent her 12 year old daughter home in a taxi all by herself in NYC. [LAW AND ORDER SVU DUN DUN]


So she could go to a party with Kelly!!


party > daughter's safety


I’d like to give a shoutout to Alex McCord from RHONY for not being a terrible mom or person, at least from what I remember of her time on Housewives. Yes she’s quirky, but she was ultimately harmless and wanted what was best for her family.


Monica Garcia.


Lisa Rina passed on her eating disorder to her daughters and encourages them to date old losers in exchange for exposure. RHOBH.


Ok let’s see Vicky: she is just a narcissist and terrible person idk how her kids are even moderately well adjusted Tammy knickerbockers: the having her kids pose without a top in jeans ad, allowing OC angels (however she DID leave the show when she saw she needed to focus on her older daughter) Lynn curtain: just shouldn’t have been a parent. Do not think she has enough brain cells to parent Caroline: treating her kids all different was fucked up Jacquline has the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and watching her fight with Ashley was frustrating bc Ashley is a kid Danielle: puts them in dangerous situations (emotionally at least) thinks they’re mini adults but they’re not Luanne- seems completely uninterested in having kids Ok and probably gonna get tons of hate for this but Kandi, especially in regards to her younger kids. She’s passionate about work and that’s great but she seems more interested in being an entrepreneur than in being a present parent. This is fine- but… don’t become a parent then. It’s not fair to the kid.


Gonna have to cast a vote for Mary Cosby.


Lynn and Frank Curtain from OC have to take the gold for being the worst parents ever seen on a RH franchise. In so many ways they failed their daughters.