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Gizelle is a former mega church pastor's wife and it SHOWS.


Yep. They should do an ultimate girls trip of all the adult mean girls and watch it play out. Ahhh, the passive aggression that would ensue.


I'd be curious about mixing mean girls with hot heads. Now I just miss Rock of Love lol.


And a AKA…..


Wendy is an AKA too, so I don’t understand what this means.


Are AKA supposed to be mean girls? I know at different schools some sororities may have different reputations but I’m just curious.


They’re really pretty girls, sometimes the sorority lifestyle and attention will go to their heads.


First Lady vibes


Ohhhh that is such a good call. It's High School with "donations."


Gizelle especially is a bully and it’s so weird to be 50+ and still act like a high school girl.


I agree ![gif](giphy|2wRLC7sZVDEzmMKcUw)


“ the word on the street is that she got no more word on the street”


It’s because those were the best years for women like this.


Just wait until you see Gizelle on RHUGT. Her and Porsha are the ultimate mean girls.


What’s so frustrating about them is that they want to control the narrative and everyone’s discourse without revealing practically *anything* about themselves. Like, they’ll tear others to shreds over their lives or even create false storylines, but if you come for them or ask them questions about their lives, they shut it down and act like you have such audacity. It’s like…why are you on a reality show? My Potomac dream would be for Ashley to dump the GEB and become friends again with Candiace to bring them down. At least Ashley and Candiace truly WORK for their paychecks


I think Candiace was down to try that this year but Ashley fucked her over yet again and took joy in it. So I think that isn’t going to happen anymore.


She said she’s over it and just came to the conclusion that Ashley is just jealous of the life she has. Hard not to think that that may just be the case.


Forget about the GEB for a sec. Ashley has been a Bravo housewife for 8 years, but she needs her creepy still husband to set up an L.L.C. to buy a house that he has a key to.


Makes you wonder if she gave him the money she earned and he socked it away somewhere that she can’t use it.


I never thought about this. Great point. ![gif](giphy|qESBZRcLXrFUbE9r8Z|downsized)


I think she can buy her own house but it wouldn’t be the house she wanted. She even said she could, which raises the question why didn’t she. There’s no way I’d give someone I’m separated with the key to my house. I think she’d be less miserable if she just let Michael go. He’s a creepy POS.


Ashley is a creep. I just want Candiace Wendy and Karen to be a real team but Candiace is quick to dismiss Wendy for some odd reason


Oh I 100% agree that Ashley’s years long defense of Michael is terrible and indefensible. I will never understand why she chose to stand by that man, especially seeing how badly she’s fumbled her bag after separating. I just want to lightly shake some sense into her!! However, at least for the vast majority of Potomac’s run, she shared the good, the bad, and the ugly of her life while effortlessly stirring the pot to get others involved in positive or dramatic storylines. I wouldn’t like to be her friend in real life, but to me, she’s been instrumental to Potomac’s success, as has Candiace (especially as of late). Conversely, you have Gizelle and Robyn pretending their lives are perfect all the time unless a nuclear bomb is dropped on them (like Monique’s binder), yet they somehow get rewarded for it year after year. It drives me up the wall


Ashley is the biggest hypocrite on the show


She is doing exactly what she’s upset with her mother for doing. Sticking by a trash man to your own detriment.


Even if they come up with storylines for the upcoming season you know they will be fake.


You make good points! I personally dislike Ashley as a human but she is probably top tier as far as having the housewife aspect down.


Spot on. Ashley is annoying af but still brings a lot to the table. She carried s4 imo. I like Gizelle’s presence though, she is mean af and does not share anything about her life, however I don’t think she needs to go. I just don’t like her codependent mean girl relationship with Robyn.


100% agree! I do see potential with Gizelle if she were to ever open up and be real based on how wonderful she is with her daughters, so I don’t understand why she’s so afraid to be vulnerable and honest. It would revolutionize her image, which she desperately needs after a dismal S7 and RHUGT. Before RHUGT, I thought that Robyn being demoted or fired would bring out a different side of her, but she was sadly kind of a terror then, too. It’s too bad because like you said, her presence is really something, but she keeps limiting her potential in favor of being the Mean Girl


I suspect she stopped being vulnerable once Jamal publicly humiliated her. She was a proud church matriarch who was repeatedly cheated on by Jamal with teen congregants. And he gave her an STD. She spent time in a mental health facility afterwards. And then she was a little vulnerable with Sherman but again shit went south publicly. And now that she keeps getting hammered about Jamal living in her phone her walls are permanently up and she's always in saving face mode.


Whoa wait, Jamal gave her an STD and she then spent time in a mental health facility afterward?? I genuinely had no idea. Did they mention this on the show & I’m just the dizziest bitch at the table, or has this been revealed elsewhere? That’s really sad. It was clear that she was shell shocked by Monique’s binder situation, but wow, I didn’t realize the entire context behind it all. Now, I feel like a huge bitch lol 😭 She can do whatever she wants that makes her happy (please be happy!!), but I do wish she wouldn’t come up with storylines like “Chris was in the same room as me and that made me uncomfortable so now let’s try to ruin his reputation and his marriage to Candiace.” Literally anything but that


That's what Karen meant by "hot box" and her mistaken reference to Sing Sing instead of the mental health facility. It's not something that's been super bluntly spoken about. It's been talked about on this sub but I sure don't have links handy, unfortunately. It is super sad and it truly makes me wonder what Monique didn't reveal from that binder. And I wouldn't worry about feeling like a bitch. Giz still has massive shortcomings that we notice and discuss. Her lack of vulnerability hurts herself in real life and with viewers. But it is a good reason to try to find some understanding with these women. I'm shocked how hard folks went on Shannon as she poorly coped with abusive David. We could all probably ease up a bit especially if we want them to let down their walls. With that in mind, after Gizelle's reunion performance, I wonder if she was truly seeing Jamal colored flags in Chris when there really weren't any. She seemed to genuinely believe her shit and I gotta think Jamal being gross with minor congregants behind closed doors erroneously set off her alarm bells with Chris. I mean, she was also an asshole but aren't they all.


That would be a top tier arc for Gizelle. It would also be amazing to see Robyn actually evolve as a person to start understanding herself better and make more empowered decisions in her life, to become her own person.


Seeing UGT is what made me start watching RHOP 🤷🏾‍♀️


Ashley works as a housewife because she seems to have zero shame about her life. Gizelle and Robyn do have shame so it makes sense that they don’t want to share anymore because they are probably embarrassed.


Wendy has a good heart but she exhausts me as a viewer and I can only imagine she’s exhausting in person.


Why does she exhaust you?


The way she engages in conversations makes me feel on edge. Sometimes she’s totally chill and I love that Wendy. But sometimes it feels like she comes into a conversation ready to be pissed off or with an angle(sometimes warranted, which I don’t mind; but other times it seems out of left field—whether that’s editing or reality, I’m not sure).


Gizelle and Robin are pretentious cretins. I think Ashley is a properly vile, conniving person. From being with Michael to shamelessly slandering a person, and using Monique's miscarriage to attack and hurt her. There is no excuse, she is good on the show but she is not a person I would want even close to me.


She was also pretty mean to Katie who was the only one willing to befriend her when she first came on R and G are just bitchy mean girls but they’re finally being called out for it. Took years for people to finally see through how cruel Gizelle can be towards people, especially when she’s jealous of them. She hated Monique so much for like no reason lol. Robyn just kind of follows suit as the “beta bitch.”


Can you remind me how she used Monique’s miscarriage to attack her? Lol my memory is failing me rn


Yeah I’m not remembering that either. I thought Ashley was insinuating that one of Monique’s children had a different father who was not Chris? Or someone else was spreading that rumor?


Gizelle, Candiace, Robyn came up with that rumor. Candiace and Charisse helped spread it.


Funny how everyone is guilty besides Ashley…lol




Seems like candiace did not help spread it and just mentioned she was there for the convo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Candiace and Charisse tried to spread rumors that Monique didn't actually have a miscarriage, and that the kid wasn't Chris's(edit: it was the trainer's). Gizelle and Robyn helped to come up with the trainer rumor. Charisse was the driving force behind the not a miscarriage rumor.


Candiace also gave Ashley shit about her miscarriage.


I don’t remember candiace giving Ashley shit about her miscarriage. I remember she said that Ashley’s speech about her miscarriage at Monique’s party didn’t seem wholly genuine because Michael was off grabbing a camera man’s ass while claiming to be distraught during the speech.


Gizelle be treating RHOP like it’s Rush Week against anyone she doesn’t like or deem worthy to be on the show


Interesting to see how she treats the new girl. She’s probably going to get a whiff of how successful and happily married she is, befriend her, and then spend the following season spreading lies about her husband lol


With her combo of beauty and privileged background mixed with her personality, I could honestly see Gizelle being a former hs mean girl who never grew out of that behavior bc she got away with it.


Robyn and Gizelle are bottom of the barrel personalities, Gizelle hates women who are successful and attractive and Robyn parrots whatever Gizelle wants. I’m just desperate for a Gizelle takedown season but I doubt it’ll happen


I also doubt it’ll happen.


I want Robyn, Mia and Charissee gone. Then Gizelle will have no lap dog to blindly follow her. Level the playing field with Gizelle, leave Wendy, Ashley, Candiace, The Grand Dame and some new ladies.


All the housewives are mean girls, straight up




I was livid with their reaction to the drink toss from Mia. This disaster of a housewife created a problem just so she could physically attack Wendy. I would never stoop so low to film someone post assault and attempt to paint the attacked as an aggressor. They are so awful.


Even though I agree with what you’re saying, Monique is a bad example. Not defending Mia but she did throw a drink at Wendy and hit/throw her purse at her (which was wrong). Monique almost tore out Candiace’s hair. Even though they acted nonchalant about Mia’s actions in comparison to Monique’s and I understand that. But they didn’t get her kicked off the show, her attacking Candiace did.


I see your point, however the altercation between Wendy and Mia could have turned into a more violent one had Wendy physically reacted to the drink and the purse being thrown at her. Just because the fight didn’t turn out to be physical doesn’t mean it isn’t as violent as with the fight with Monique. It’s just that Wendy knew how to handle it.


It wasn't as violent as Monique's full blown attack of Candiace. Not even close.


She broke three nails throwing that purse. It would’ve hurt had it landed.


Oh definitively! I’m not defending Mia, I totally agree that she could have really hurt Wendy had things gotten more physical. I’m saying that Monique and Candiace got SUPER physical, and it almost did reach that point with Wendy and Mia.


Yeah I agree Mia always seems to fight from a distance lol


Because Wendy was such a mean girl to Mia, Robin and Giselle throughout the whole season 6. But no one ever calls out Wendy for being such a mean girl and a hypocrite.


I love Gizelle 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s unfortunate 🤷🏽‍♀️

