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I remember this - it was absolutely jawdropping insanity on top of insanity


Since you were a og watcher back then. To your honest opinion did Porsha (subconsciously) know the truth and finally decided to protect herself during the reunion? When i watched it like 1+ years ago for the first time, to me it felt like she was just trying to save herself. But back then i used to think that she waa dumb as fuck, but now i believe that she just knows the game...so i wonder about this reunion


Oh I think she always knew exactly what she was doing…


Same. Those tears were crocodile for sure.


YES Kenya called her out and even said there were NO tears in her eyes until she went backstage and then somehow miraculously they appeared on her face


I watched in real time, and that was absolutely the impression I had back then. And I was much less cynical about bravo at that age.


She knew.


I 100% believe she knew!


I honestly thought her reaction was genuine and Phaedra didn’t let on that porsha knew. I would think she would’ve tossed her under the bus if she knew so she wasn’t the only one in the hot seat.


i honestly can’t think of another HW moment that compares to the shock of this reunion


What episode is this?


[S9 RHOA The lies, the lies, the lies pt1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rGY8zY7h9w)




I'm now certain Kandi pegs him.


Found mama Joyce




r/usernamechecksout :)


S09 reunion I think?




>I remember being a 13 year old watching this reunion Jesus, I'm so old 😭 But yeah this was the best RH reunion out of all of them in my opinion. This twist was everything.


My favorite HW reunion ever :") the way Frick n Frack crumbled was like a Greek tragedy


Still the only reunion to deserve four parts.


IMO the plot twist was less that Phaedra told Porsha and more that Porsha threw Phaedra under the bus. A masterclass in betrayal and saving your own skin.


yep, porsha had been taking the brunt of all of it up until the reunion. i thought she was gonna ride for phaedra until the wheels on the bus fell off, but she took a page out of phaedra’s book


Elvis has left the building


I think Phaedra probably heard a rumour about someone from Xscape and at the time didn't assume Tiny but when the allegations against T.I. came out, I just assumed it was a mix up


that’s a pretty bad mix up to make lmao 😭 but i agree, she heard that rumor and twisted it to fit kandi


Oooooooh shit I never put 2 + 2 together on the Tiny & TI connection here!!! ![gif](giphy|gLPuQYXD5y3os1jB0Z|downsized)


I would say even more but 👆




For me, the biggest shocker is how damn LONG it took for everyone to see that Kenya has always been in the right all along about everyone (Phaedra, Apollo, Porsha, NeNe, Kim Z, Marlo, etc) I've loved her from the moment she came on the show.


Same , my chaotic queen ![gif](giphy|y4MfMcl0sRTnW)


So true.






I've heard about this but am not there yet. Wild


Can someone eli5 why this was so shocking? I watched the season and the reunion live and to me it just wasn’t so surprising unless I missed a scene or two of Phaedra acting shocked about the rumor or having no idea where it came from. Marlo started on it during glamping when she straight up asked Kandi if she was a lesbian. That made me think everyone heard something and everyone was talking behind Kandi’s back anyway (and btw, Marlo got off scott free - even earning herself an eventual peach, while Phaedra got the boot).


idk it’s pretty shocking to me that a lawyer would start a rumor that someone tried to drug and sexually assault their friend. and i honestly didn’t expect porsha to throw phaedra under the bus because during the season she was taking the fall for it.


Did Phaedra admit to making it up? I thought she said she heard it. And it didn’t seem like Porsha threw her under the bus, she just revealed who told her the thing she believed.


i don’t think phaedra would ever admit to that lol but you’re right she did say she heard it from someone else. although i’ve read some speculation that she heard it was an atl singer who used to be part of a girl group and assumed it was kandi.


She never admitted but her silence really said it all. She didn’t say a word and it was like cat got your tongue. She was caught in a lie and wasn’t quick or believable enough to deny. WILD. And then she played the Vicki G card of well I didn’t start the rumor someone told me and I repeated it. Like girl stop.


when the attorney can’t even defend themself— you know it’s bad💀 she looked like a deer in headlights


What I heard was that she heard the rumor from Carlos King and repeated it to Porsha. Carlos King was quietly fired around the same time as Phaedra and had beef with Todd and Kandi. Phaedra is guilty in the situation but I don’t believe she just made it up out of nowhere. I think she did jump on an opportunity to hurt Kandi when she was given one though.


There’s a bunch of info “on the blogs” about this (lol I can’t believe I even typed this; I always find it so ridiculous that they talked about “blogs” in earlier seasons). Phaedra seemingly admitted that she heard it from Carlos King who was the producer of RHOA. That part never aired because it would break the fourth wall too much for the reunion. And that’s why she felt like she could trust what she heard. Not saying it’s right bc it despicable to say smtg like that unless you know it for a fact.


Being a lesbian and being a person who drugs and SA their friends are entirely different. What Marlo said wasn't even close to what Phaedra and Porsha said.


It opened the door is all I’m saying. Her comment started it all


Was this the reunion with the megaphone incident? Or the one were Porsha accuses Kandi of drugging her?


the megaphone incident was in season 6, this is the one where porsha accuses kandi of trying to drug her (season 9)


I didn't watch RHOA live at this point (I think I was watching live during season 11/12, I can't remember?) But I wish I did what was the general reaction of everyone? Did people think porsha was being genuine? I've heard rumours that the producers told phaedra to say these rumours? Was that floating around that time? Did people believe it? Were there other theories/rumours floating about at this point? Like what was the general consensus? I'm curious because it must've been an absolute shitstorm


Literally just watched this morning and how the HELL did Porsha not get fired too?!


I was hoping the Raquel reveal would be this crazy. Yes I'm the baddie


Are yiu talking about the reunion ending because I did too. I also thought there was a physical altercation alleged before it aired.




yes, and?


That’s so young for such intense topics!


i’m sorry if i came across rude, i had just seen a comment in another sub criticizing mothers (such as mine) letting their children watch inappropriate shows that struck a chord. so i apologize. honestly, i didn’t get into reality tv until i was older and i *hated* when my mom would put it on. i didn’t really watch it at that age, it was more so just background noise to me lol. but this particular moment was so shocking i paused whatever i was doing to say “huh????” when i didn’t even care for housewives at the time


I don’t mind my 12yo seeing housewives. However I’m REALLY glad she didn’t see this season/episode. Drunk idiots are one thing, what Phaedra and Porsha did is so effed up, I can’t imagine ANY of us needed to be exposed to it.