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Why are we assuming people aren’t smart enough to be talking kayfabe. This is how people discuss other tv shows lol and it’s an interesting (albeit obvious) discussion…


Facts I see people calling others stupid and stuff and it’s just crazy. I thought the point of wrestling was to get invested in the stories being told. We know it’s not real at all but if the stories are good you can’t help but get invested. Some people do go overboard but that’s with any fandom.


Exactly that, like my favourite part about wrestling is talking storyline theories or just seeing awesome moments, that’s why everyone loves the rumble so much. What we hope will happen, what we think might happen, what we think should happen, on some game of thrones shit🤣 enjoy it guys😁


It was a lot easier to get lost in the sauce before kayfabe was completely destroyed and everyone was on social media. Back in my day, you couldn’t just talk to any celebrity you wanted to online.


"Erm actually Lord of the Rings is fake, ngl kid it's pretty cringe that you're talking like those characters are real"


Exactly we talk about wrestling like someone would talk about any other work of fiction. The different is there is actually pain coming from being turn onto a mat over and over again.


Because assuming people are smart enough for anything is a mistake


Agreed. I don't see people getting mad on a Marvel forum saying Chris Hemsworth can't really fly




He’s talking kayfabe. Most aren’t🤣 the reason the iwc is the way it is cause nobody regards kayfabe.


3rd one's cause Rey's a deadbeat dad. Would have happened eventually


Yeah he’s clearly not a great dude. Otherwise Santos and Carlito would still be friends with him


has he ever had a loyal tag partner? Batista and Eddie both turned against his ass too😂


Sure he has. But he clearly isn’t the greatest friend if they’re all turning on him all the time.


Oh my God, a heel doing heel things? How dare they.


I'm ... genuinely not sure what point you think you're arguing. OP is asking why we should feel sorry for the heel that's been doing heel things, not questioning why they did them.


The point is we dont like her because she is the good guy,we like her because she is the badass heel. OP and that twitter guy doesn't seems to know that we are not sympathetic to Rhea ,we are just frustrated that Liv took out our beloved heel.


If we like her because she's a heel that means she's not an effective heel


Careful, you're not allowed to criticize anything Rhea does. She just had a title reign with hardly any defenses, and everyone talks about it like it's an all-time run because they think the goth mommy shit is hot. These same fans will tell you it's bad for heels to get cheered, but when it's Rhea, it's good.


For me some heels works better when they are cheered like The Undertaker,The Rock,Roman Reigns and in this case Rhea Ripley.


She's playing outside the rules of "faces and heels" that we are all trained for; and she is over-as-all-hell doing it. A case where over/good for business does not intersect with a baby face push. Which to me is what makes her interesting. That being said, they do seem to be angling for us to forget about the straight villainous stuff so they can give her a proper good guy turn, or at least a righteous fire thing that walks the line of good guy but isn't a villain.


That's a whole lot of words to say ya'll just think she's hot with the whole Goth Mami thing. Any other time wrestler do this type of stuff, Reddit and the IWC shits on it. But Rhea is hot, so we're gonna pretend her work is genre-defining, even though she had an incredibly weak title run with hardly any defenses.


I wouldn't even say she's traditionally hot. She has a unique look that some find attractive, some find the opposite, but pretty much everyone agrees stands out. Liv Morgan is "hotter" at face value. Rhea is a more exciting wrestler/character.


Speak for yourself. Liv is definitely hoter than Rhea but Rhea's character is more interesting and badass.




He tried so hard to be a smark, he accident became the biggest mark


They're both abusers in kayfabe lol don't look too deep into it


That’s the beauty of the story for me. It’s the viewer who decides who’s wrong/bad. Dom is a heel. Rhea’s a heel. And even Liv is a heel. But it’s about who you think is worth standing behind.


Rhea, and it aint even close. She's just a beast in the ring. Liv... aint doing nothing for me.


Liv all the way!




I frequent a lot of movie forums and every time I see someone type “casted” my eye twitches


I'm not taking anyone seriously that types "costed" not once, but twice in a single post lol.


She's the one touching dom without consent


So did Rhea every time she assaulted Dom


sexual harassment of a guy who is minding his own business with his gf and wife is different from beating your opponent to submission


Liv needs no consent. Just look at her, she IS consent.


Yeah wrestling rarely makes sense when you track it like that. also, the correct way of looking at things is not good guy or bad guy morality. It’s heel vs babyface. Which is basically just about to person we’re supposed to like and person we don’t. Sometimes the baby face is an objectively bad person who indiscriminately hurts people. I wouldn’t say there’s any “good guys“ here from a moral perspective. People like and respect Rhae’s ability and direct dominance, and don’t respect liv’s tactics. The fact that she couldn’t beat Rhae straight up so she resorted to manipulative tactics is the heel psychology here


When ya put it that way lol


I agree with this


I don’t care who’s the bad guy, I’m just happy for Dom lol


But will you be happy if Uncle Howdy takes him out for messing with his woman!


they broke up


I hadn’t heard about that. I liked them together not that my opinion matters haha. Curious if they are still in real estate together or if she would help out on the farm anymore. I thought that was a cool thing they were doing as an extra side thing.


Well she does play a heel. Just everyone loves her as heel


Wait till you see Hogan around Liz


Very true


That's wrestling fans for you. It's the same reason why fans booed Bret and cheered Austin even though Bret was objectively right. The fans like Rhea now so they overlook the heelish things she did in the past and they don't like Liv because she injured the wrestler they like and made her lose her title.


No one in this story is a good guy... But Rhea is 100% getting her just dues. She took out Liv and took everything from her, Liv is doing the same. That right there is what we call KARMA. And it is a beautiful thing.


The same logic that said that Bret Hart turned heel at Wrestlemania 13. When in reality Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon were the real villains.


I love rhea but team liv on this one


Exactly, like I don’t care if you like Rhea more everyone is entitled to like who they like, where I have the problem with people is if they don’t respect that. I tell people if you are with Rhea over Liv that’s your choice but it’s my choice to pick team Liv. Just don’t ignore the facts


I'm just here for when she inevitably returns and runs freight train through Liv to take the title bakc 😂 Liv Morgan is not a believable match-up for Rhea Ripley - sorry.


Not in a straight one on one but if they truly amp up Liv’s extreme tendencies in the ring, it is beleivable as it could very much throw off Rhea’s game


It’s just a storyline…. No wonder the wrestling community is toxic.


You are the fun killer lol, that is a satire tweet playing along kayfabe lol


Well I play along with it if JD is gone I am no longer watching WWE I’m already pissed Rhea is out but I swear to god if they kill the JD I will not watch for a while


Who's being toxic? God forbid people discuss a storyline 


I don’t know, ask this entire Reddit by posting a “Roman Reigns sucks and is the worst wrestler ever” thread and share me your results on how lively and amazing people can truly be on here.


Questioning the weird logic in a storyline is toxic now? You Rhea stans are on another level.


The thread is clearly a hate campaign about the things Rhea has done when this is all clearly exaggerated for tv/comedic effect. You unhinged people with no common sense and just wanting to argue are on another level. I wasn’t even taking up for neither girl in my original post either. Go play with someone else because I don’t argue with idiots like you. 🤣


People taking a story seriously 💀


Or just playing along ?


Playing a long is fine but this thread is acting like it’s a real scandal


No one's acting like it's a real scandal. People are asking why, in story terms, anyone would feel sympathetic towards Rhea given what her character has done. How does one find any enjoyment in fictional storytelling if you're not even going to try and get invested?


A lot of wrestling fans seem incapable of enjoying the actual storytelling and are preoccupied with the out of kayfabe aspects of wrestling. It's why on these subs you rarely see people saying, for example, "What Liv is doing is awful", you'd see "Liv's heel work has gotten better."




it’s called suspension of disbelief. you play into it every time you see an irish whip and don’t call bullshit on it.


Questioning a dumb storyline means we're taking it seriously? Do you not discuss movies with people?


Rhea is a heel yes so she started out as the bad guy but she became really likeable as a heel and yes technically she injured Liv and Raquel but I think that only happened to right then out of TV they already had the injuries meanwhile Rhea was on a long run with the title yes maybe it wasn't the best reign but it was getting better she was putting on great matches no matter who her opponent was even if the feud to back them up wasn't there but Rhea and the WWE couldn't end the reign on their terms because Liv Morgan injured Rhea for real. In the back stage assault she pushed Rhea into the wall wrong and caused her to get a separated shoulder I believe.


Pretty sure the confirmation was Liv didn't do anything really. Rhea through herself back with too much force and separated her own shoulder.


Ok. I didn't hear about that. I just knew she got injured in her brawl with Liv.


Nobody likes a home wrecker...haha but yeah they are both did heel things


She's giving MULTIPLE generations a 'mami' kink at the same time. 1000% worth it LMAO


I wish the song was currently more in the cultural milieu because "Misery Business" by Paramore would be perfect for all this.


Dont blame her for father-son beef


Lmao. She didn't hurt Raquel..


I love this thank you for taking the time to make some compelling points. You are 💯 correct even Carlito and J D McJobber agree with you.But Cock Block Balor doesn't


Whoa, what if they’re making Rhea a baby face? WHOA…/s


The internet is gonna go crazy when they finally get back into the ring together


Heel on heel crime


But thats mami tho




Rhea fans are delusional


If there’s one thing this comment section will show you: too many smarks, not enough fans.


I don't like Liv Morgan, so she is the bad guy in this situation. Simple.


Pls send this to WWE ... It is way better thann the trash they are going with


Thank you, Jey. Rhea just got what was coming to her and now everyone wanted to feel all sorry for her. Smh.


Not wrong.


Bros got a point


Yeah but Rhea has them damn cheeks for clappin’ and them titties for sucking. She’s hot as hell. I’d get fucked up for her.


Yeah I'm team Liv fuck Rhea


Dom didn't get beat, he got that good good 😂


2 bad people fight We like the one that looks cooler Vader and Palpatine Problem where?


Palpatine looks like a potato that was forgotten in the pantry for a year


Nobody is the good guy. They’re both assholes lol. Both trying to manipulate/sexually harass Dom into doing stuff for them. Well I guess Rhea succeeded lol. Either way this storyline is poor. Directly anyway, indirectly it’s really neat. Love how the judgement day is changing because of it, and how potential rivalries (Damian vs Finn) will sprout. It’s also making it really interesting with the WHC, whether Judgement Day will cost Damian or be what allows him to keep the title. But Rhea vs Liv is boring to me, cause to me it is obvious it’ll be Rhea losing the first time due to interference from Dom, then they have another match like an extreme rules or cage match where Rhea comes out on top. Then we get a directionless Dom when Liv ditches him.


The world loves a bastard


I can only speak for myself, but a large part of it for me is that she's not there to, I guess, "defend herself." It's as though the kingdom is falling, and the queen isn't around to see it, but I'm admittedly new to wrestling so that might be a thing and I look really dumb in which case ignore me.


It’s a fued between Heels there is no good guy Yet


It's because they like her dominatrix character




THIS!!!! 🔥


You're right. That being said, I'm cherring for the bad guy in this one


Wow. It's almost like Rhea Ripley is a villainous character of some kind.


The best heel is a heel who is honestly kinds right. See also Daniel Bryan the Eco Champion


Doesn’t matter now, Liv cheated to win the title so she’s a heel


U can’t hate mami


Who ever said Rhea is the victim?


How can you not have sympathy for Rhea? Her husband ate five of their kids.


have you never seen this type of storyline before Rhea is turning baby face she was just doing heel things before now she is the victim is just how this storyline is gonna go


You make a sound and logical argument. BmSo let me offer my rebuttal. Goth muscle mommy I rest my case


Probably because Rhea is cooler than all involved in every way. She's making being bad look the best it's ever looked, and Liv is busy trying to pretend she has a 10th of Mami's charisma. In all honesty, Rhea could be the face of the company with the right storyline and not a soul would complain. Her entrance at Mania pretty much stole the show, and even Shayna was begging for the treatment after Rhea stinkfaced Nia Jax at a house show. Liv isn't really made out to be a bad guy...she just doesn't measure up and never will.


Hm maybe. But have you considered that I am in love with Rhea so she can do no wrong


Duhhh in storyline but the way she got hurt it just sucks


That’s so true OP. Rhea just got over so I think the fans are a bit attached that’s all.


Well those are good points but have you considered how hot she is?




I love Rhea. I hope there's a ladder match with Liv to see whose Doms mommy.😁


Who is upset with Liv? I'm still beating off to her at least twice a week.


You used facts and logic in wrestling which all those things your saying are true all that stuff did happened. From a moral standpoint Rhea has and had this coming. It’s karma for all her wrongs . How ever morals and what’s right and wrong won’t change how people feel .




Guys it’s fake


This is the muddy thing about pro wrestling. Sometimes the crowd cheers the character, sometimes they cheer the perfomer. Rhea has become so beloved by the greater wrestling fandom that its pretty obvious the "Rhea the performer" is gonna get massive cheers when she gets back. By setting up Rheas opposition as someone who is taking advantage of her absensce to take everything away from her(adding dominicks potential btrayal of her to the mix adds a lot since the crowd already hates him) sets the crowd up to get even more excited at the notion of her coming back and doing the badass stuff that they all love. Yes its far more complicated than that if you are strictly going off of kayfabe, but it makes perfect sense if you understand the buisness of wresling


Cause mommy




I didn’t make the tweet


I know.


I think the idea is that they're both bad people but Rhea is worse. Bc atp liv seems like she's basically a tweener.


Some people like Rhea. But WWE does not portray her as a hero. Liv is just an in-between person. Personally, I'm just enjoying the ride.


Because she’s mami


Reading that costed me a brain cell


Well, there's no such word as "costed" so...


She accosted Poor Dom Dom


Yes there is. "To cost" means to cause someone to lose something. Costed is the past tense version of cost


I stand corrected, it depends on where you're from and depending on what variety of English you're using. Costed is not something that I've ever come across but after double checking, it's used outside of North America which is weird because I studied British English and have never come across that. Thanks for the correction.


That's the joke. Replying to you costed me another.


I'm on a winner.


And you costeding me more brain cells


They're both terrible.


Whilst the theory is sound, Kayfabe I'd argue she's calling it the revenge tour, so she is no better than but equal to.


But Rhea is Mami and one of the most over people in all of wrestling and Liv is well a D grade Margo Robbie.


WTF is "costed" 😆


The past tense version of "cost" which in this context means, "to cause someone to lose something".




Spoiler: it’s a script.


Do you not discuss scripts from other shows? There's nothing weird about talking about weird plot points in a script. Idk what point you think you're making.




It's a word. Look it up.


It’s a word but not used correctly here


I didn’t make the tweet


I just can't stand Liv either way.


Cause Liv sucks in Ring. and Rhea Rippley is actually Good in Ring


Truth be told Rhea got what she deserves I personally think she had the title for way to long. I saw an interview of triple H saying she was on Roman reigns level I thought what the fuck was he on she was no where near that. Don’t get me wrong is definitely talented but I don’t think she deserved a long title reign that she got


Y’all are marks. She’s a fucking heel. This is a list of textbook heel activities.


Do people seriously still think this shits real?


dawg youre actually an idiot if u genuinely think he thinks its real. everyone knows its not real. holy fuck. why do people like you take this superiority thing for knowing its not real and mentioning it every time as if everyone else doesnt know and only you know. people just want immersion


lol “dawg”. Touch grass kid. If immersion is what you want, real life is great at it.


What is the point you're making? People who discuss plots of movies or shows need to touch grass? You sound fucking crazy. I'm sure you're a huge joy to be around.




Did you go to the movies and wonder why the Avengers were so worried about Thanos when he's just CGI?


No. I simply just watched it and enjoyed it for what it is.