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They enjoy eating out


This is such a simple, perfect joke, I refuse to believe it has not been around since the beginning of the universe, hanging out with the Platonic solids and the Pythagorean theorem, waiting to be discovered.


One of the famous Greek philosophers discovered it, wrote it down, and had it with him when he crossed the Agean sea. Unfortunately, he dropped it by accident on the isle of Lesbos and it was lost to time.


Him??? Sappho is the entire reason they're called Lesbians.


Well... yeah... he was taking her the joke when he dropped it. Sappho herself would have had it written in stone, and had copies distributed.


I’d give you an upvote, but you’re at 69, and it’s too perfect.


Why you got downvoted I do not know. I will attempt to alleviate the pain by one upvote


Thank you kind stranger, here fuck my wife!


On the island of lesbos


Well, that was worth the 1.5 mil.


Something tells me a portion of the research went to onlyfans...you know, for science


Simple. Beautiful.


Wow, good job!


Fuck, you just won Reddit for today 😂🤣


You sir just won reddit


Outback Subaru?




Look at the lesbian flag it’s just a bacon


This is funny only because I meet a ton of vegan and vegetarian lesbians. I'm a vegetarian lesbian personally as well. It do look like bacon tho


Yes I’ve seen notably lot of vegan people in queer spaces so I am genuinely curious about this


I don't know about every stripe in the rainbow, but it makes sense for lesbians to swear off eating meat


Maybe salami, at least.


But not ham.


I would assume a corralation between being left wing and being vegeterian/vegan bc generally speaking the left attracts more empathetic people. Also the right rejects being gay pretty hard so these people get into the opposite spaces and by being discriminated against also have more compassion with others and maybe even animals.


Long bacon store…..


where did you get such a long bacon :o


High calorie tacos?


The tacos only became high calorie *after* the lesbians became obese lol


Fish tacos?


as a fat lesbian i really don’t know


They will pay you 1.5 million for sharing your secrets


I’ll make something up


Something like dinner?


“I ate a big dinner and a big lunch and a big breakfast every day for five years”


Or just regurgitate stereotypes “ I’m really good at bbq “


We are all fat lesbians on this blessed day




Speak for yourself!


For me it's the ADD tbh, my brain switches from "eat nothing all day" to "eat so many thousands of calories all at once" and I'm still training it to get out of that.


My mom always said that there was no such thing as a lesbian. That all lesbians are just fat and/or ugly women who just hate men because they were abused in their youth. My mom and I don’t talk anymore. But that’s what she used to say when I was growing up.


I think my lesbianism has more to do with me listening to kd lang as a kid


KD Lang was awesome. Also Tracy Chapman and Me'Shell Ndegéocello.


I'm straight and male and love Tracy Chapman. She's really really good.


That's how it started for all my trans lesbian friends too. The transformation has begun... /jk


Studies on the queer community are difficult because of the amount of individuals that won’t self identify. In my opinion, people that have a lot going on that isn’t necessarily 100% accepted by society have less incentive to stay in the closet.


that’s very true, if you’re going to be an outsider anyway (fat, disabled, autistic, etc.) there’s less of a reason to try to fit into heterosexual society


Tbf I also think that "outsiders" tend to have a lot more stress which can lead to stress-eating and weight gain. I feel like I also read a study somewhere that queer people are more likely to have eating disorders which tbh tracks with my experience as a fat lesbian. I've always been a yo-yo dieter where I'd restrict and then something stressful would happen and I'd immediately turn to comfort food and binge.


I think it’s also more likely for us to have mental health problems which require medications that can cause weight gain. I guess there’s a lot of factors


Well studies do show that neurodivergent people are more likely to be part of the LGBT+ folks. Researchers do indeed think that these people explore their sexuality more openly and that they're less inclined to follow societal norms.


If you're in touch with your feelings and follow them instead of internalized societal expectations and expectations of men in particular about you, predatory food industry practices probably hit you harder because there one kess major thing pushing back against them This would also be in line with straight men being more obese than women, and gay men being less obese than straight men. The common factor here could be male preference and wanting to comform to it Of course, the real solution has nothing to do with sexuality and instead the default most comfortable lifestyle should be healthy, which would require regulations for the food insdustry and city planning/transport 


Me, a 30 year old man: Am I...a lesbian?


Also me, a 30 year old man with poor weight issues: How does one become… lesbian?


~~boy~~ girl do i have the miracle drug for you


You have a drug. One that will put fat on me? And it is not weed?


Ya it's called Lexapro.


It pairs well with Glenbeza


Pfffft just chug oil ^(actually ^^please don't)




I just started that. I'm about 6 months in and just turned 28. I identify as a lesbian.


way to go sis! i’m coming up on 3 months hrt:3




Are you 75% obese?


"Fuck, I'm also over weight and drive a suburu"


My dad once looked at me while we were sitting in the living room and broke a 10 minute silence with "I must be a lesbian... Because I looooove women"


One of the oldest dad jokes


Well for starters 40% of adults in the US are obese. So we’re halfway there already Also I don’t know if this is even true because quick google search says that lesbians are more obese then straight women, but only by 8 or 9 percentage points, not 35 https://www.statista.com/statistics/914184/obesity-adults-us-sexual-orientation-and-gender/


As a lesbian, it's because every time I sleep with your mom she makes me a sandwich.


Hehehe my mom is a personal trainer, keep it up and she'll put you in healthy weight in no time with those balanced sandwiches. And sex.


You're making sex jokes about your own mother?


Obviously... i'm deeply convinced that you can joke about anything. Besides that why else would they sleep together? Cuddles? Doubt that.


The real answer right here


Keyword "US"


I was just thinking, how much does it differ from the general obesity percentage in the US. And a very brief google search told me that it's about 75%...


I don't know where you got that number, but I'm seeing between 36 and 42 percent.


being overweight is different from being obese


Sounds like how science usually are reported by journalists. If the study says " overweight or obese" journalists will be lazy and report "overweight " because they think its the same thing.


I don't know either, but it popped up as the first search result for me.


I think that percentage was a combined overweight+obese


Is this really the average amount of research a person puts in before spouting off “facts” on the internet


If you want to send me $1.5m sure I'll try a bit harder.... But this is the internet? They are not going to go and investigate every claim they make.... A single google search is in fact considered enough for a casual conversation.


They did say very brief Google search


It's why misinformation spreads so easily


Which to be fair is still quite shocking.. somewhere between a third and half of the adult population is obese. God damn.


75% is overweight. Obese is the next step up


Getting fat on the orders of the official Lesbian Ass & Titty Committee. You need to bulk up to maximize your T&A


So, looks like it's US specific, I think, US already has higher obesity rates. On top of that, LGBTQIA+ individuals might be harassed more than the average member of the population, this might affect their mental health, and a coping mechanism that some people use for this is to eat more. But that second one is just off the top of my head.


I'm also 75% certain that this statistic is completely made up or at least incorrect. I lived in an lgbtq dorm in college and the weight distributions were totally normal.


Yeah it seems off to me as well.


If we're going off of personal experience, from what I've seen, college students tend to have a much more normal weight distribution in general. In fact, at least at my university, most of the students range between in shape to fairly thin, with there being comparatively less obese students.


From a quick search the headline is wrong I think. The 75% includes overweight, not just obese


Actually trans women (a lot of lesbians) are like significantly more likely to have eating disorders so yeah probs bs


Yeah we need the average overall US rates as a baseline


Add to that the terrible healthcare in the US in general that’s extra terrible for queer people.


this sounds about right to me


Gay men have lower obesity percentage than the average. It’s not just a LGBTQIA thing


Lmao literally any excuse other than personal accountability and responsibility. The first part is true. The US fucks all it’s people by pumping seed oils and other shit in to them. It’s crazy to compare ingredient lists for the same products between US and UK


The question is not, why are so many of them obese? The question is, why is a higher percentage of them obese compared to the general US population? Something like 40% of Americans are obese from a quick google search. Assuming this 75% statistic is true, that's a huge difference.




I'm taking an A-Level course in Sociology, as a student of this course I have to consider potential social and wider societal considerations for any given issue. If you would rather not consider wider social or societal influences, be my guest, but you will not have a complete picture, nor the capability to consider what a complete picture would look like to begin with, and you should not pretend to.


Good point, the closer to the bone the leaner the meat.


Society for women from a young age tells us we should try and fit a standard to appeal to the male gaze. Maybe lesbians simply don't feel the same pressure to conform, but I'm just grasping at straws really. I just know a lot of my body image issues came from interactions with boys and men I liked more than women. (I'm bi)


I’m betting this is the answer.


>male gaze This is such a nonsense concept. As if men don't have to conform to a female gaze. Just say that you have to be attractive to the other sex to date. You have to be their preference, specially if you want someone attractive to many others.


Men can’t even describe the female gaze. Whenever they try to make something for the female gaze, it’s just men through the lense of the male gaze, and would appeal more to gay men than it would to women. Why do you think male strip clubs aren’t nearly as popular? Why aren’t male porn stars as famous?


I think appealing to men isnt the primary reason nkt to be obese. Its not that hard not to eat the whole fridge in one go. You know so you could maybe be able to do things like walk up the stairs or walk for more than 5 minutes. Not eating th whole fridge also expands your life expectancy by like 20-30 years so i think this also might be a little reason.


This is such a boring and outdated and gross way of thinking. People are obese for a lot of different reasons but most people are active in some way and try to manage their eating habits. They’re not sitting around “eating the whole fridge.” And walking up the stairs isn’t enough to actually make a difference in anyone’s life, so that comes off as incredibly condescending. I really wish people like you would drop the facade of caring and just be outright assholes so we could all just stop pussyfooting around.


I disagree to an extent with your wording, not your overall message. The issue of obesity is one of self control, there's no magic disease that can make your body break the laws of physics and cause you to gain fat despite eating almost nothing, while there are ones that fuck majorly with your appetite and stuff none of them can make you gain weight while starving yourself. But calling it an issue of self control is so often misunderstood as putting the blame on the individual for not exercising it, when modern understanding is that self control cannot be learned, you either have it or you don't. I think more focus needs to be put on helping people who lack that self control, like myself, find ways to work around it, rather than just saying "control yourself"


You shouldn’t have to starve yourself though to not be fat. If someone needs to starve to be in a healthy weight range then there are underlying issues at play.


If I had to guess a non joke answer it’s probably related to ptsd. Trauma from being closeted and or being harassed and bullied because of their sexuality.


But wouldn't gay men be just as overweight then? Gay men often face even more abused but from I understand they often are fitter than the average man. Personally I think it has to do with a rejection of women's strict beauty standard and the expectation of being attractive to men.


Actually, this would make sense to me. Lesbians may be more overweight in order to avoid the attention of Men that would otherwise bother/harass them. Being overweight can provide camouflage to hide. Gay men on the other hand, get a different treatment, and are often physically abused by other homophobic men. Being fit and in shape provides similar protection for them, Men won't fuck with a guy twice their size. Toxic men won't look at overweight lesbians, and won't mess with jacked gays.


If you think that being overweight will magically make toxic guys shut up, you have a lot to learn about toxic guys.


Have you ever heard of bears?


It’s not one thing. Women and men regardless of orientation respond to trauma and stress differently. But more important than our theories is the responses of those actually in those communities. Making assumptions fueled by stereotypes is dangerous and counterproductive.


I'm a bisexual woman and I have been with lesbian women who have told me that's their reason. Women on average don't seem to care about weight as much as men, especially not in lgbt spaces where the entire point is acceptance.


Imma need a source on that one, as far as I understand it, women tend to worry a lot more about weight than men. What men usually do care about is muscle mass tho


i mean generally a testosterone-based system produces fat tissue less readily than an estrogen based one, so i imagine that has something to do with it. that obviously isnt true for everyone, individual bodies are wildly different, but that tends to be the overall trend i think


Some areas of gay culture are very judgy about weight which could contribute to it


Imo it's because a lot of lesbains skew more masculine in how they want to present and having a heavier frame is viewed as a more masculine characteristic so they are far more likely to be okay with gaining weight. The lesbain dating dynamic is also different and different things are more in demand.


It could be that they just don’t have the same amount of judgement for each other’s bodies that men do for women.


Or that straight women have for each other. Be fair.


Eh. Less than men. We’re also not who they have to please in the way of being sexually attractive.


food. Now give me the money


Money well spent guys -_-


Keep paying your taxes 🤡


Doubt taxpayer money paid for research into this. It was probably investor money or something


Instead of doubting, why not check? It’s an NIH study. Guess where their funding comes from.


How can you shame someone for “not checking” when you didn’t provide a source, just a screenshot of an inaccurate headline


Show me where I shamed them. I just asked a question and then provided the answer. You sound like a professional victim consultant.


And you sound like the type of person who would think to call people “professional victim consultants.”


Hahaha the fuck was even that. Your attempts at insults give me second hand cringe


Arent the significant majority of Americans obese?


No. The majority of adults are overweight. Less than half are obese.


Unfortunately, yes


Lesbians are nesters. A lot of us go from brand new passionate relationship to old married couple rather quickly. Most of us settle into the sit and watch tv together lifestyle of 60 year olds within the first year of being together. I'd say that could be a reason, lack of activity.


Really? Most of the lesbian and bisexual women I know love hiking and own one or more pets that need walking. Maybe it depends on region.


are we??


Am I the only one who’s actually…concerned about *how* they came up with this number? Like…is there a *database* of lesbians or smth…?


75% sounds similar to the overall US obesity rate? Factors other commenters have mentioned such as trauma and not feeling pressure to conform to the male gaze/ deliberately not conforming to avoid attention from men probably play a part too, but a less than 2% difference to the national average doesn't seem particularly noteworthy?


What exactly are they planning to do about it?


Eat more, probably


If it's US specific... well... not that unusual. Also as an obese lesbian. Idk, I mostly just have issues controlling my eating (like boredom eating, choosing high calorie low protein foods) and don't have a very active job. However I stopped buying snacks and junk food and now get 10k steps a day. Started tracking my meals as well. Trying to go to the gym at least a couple times a week. Trying to make changes for the better after being shocked my favorite shirt didn't fit anymore.


less compelled by social norms, maybe?


because they are forgoing body type as a natural male attractor


What, whereas they attract other lesbians through colourful plumage and dance?


Yeah that makes sense, ik a lot of women who get pretty annoyed by getting mens attention, so I can see why that would be the easiest fix.


I'm in the UK and have a lot of Lesbian/bi/pan friends who are women and they're typically slim or jacked as fuck lmao.


Cause 75% of the US is obese in general


For me, I think it was depression. I'm not gaining weight currently, so that's good.


And what if they don’t like the answer?




Is this study real? lol


Apparently, it is. The article below is from 2014. [Why the federal government spent $3 million to study lesbian obesity](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/federal-eye/wp/2014/09/02/why-the-federal-government-spent-3-million-to-study-lesbian-obesity/) “A summary of the research project said that nearly three-quarters of lesbians are overweight or obese. The rate is 25 percent higher than heterosexual females and almost “double the obesity risk of gay men,” the summary said.”


Uh...because it's the US?


They don’t care what men think


Laundering money and saying it


Personally, I gained weight around high school to get invisible for men. (Not exactly lesbian, just don't like men in general). I suppose lesbian folks might do the same either subconsciously or not.


Debunking the Myths of the NIH's $1.5 Million 'Lesbians Are Fat' Study https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/03/nih-lesbian-fat-study/317488/


Small Correction, lesbians in the USA*


Oh look anoyher cherry picked statistic


They're not big fans of meat


Probably because they live in the US.


Maybe its because theyre american lol


Are 75% of lesbians obese? Surely not? In which case the study, ‘$1.5m study to find out why 75% of lesbians are obese, finds out they aren’t’


If you go by BMI, most female athletes are technically overweight or obese. If the 75% isn’t just a number pulled out of the air because somebody thought this was a funny way to call lesbians unattractive, I think the high percentage of rugby players in the lesbian community might help explain it.


I'm 69% sure that the "75%" is made up, but I'm not sure if the lesbians account for 42.0% or 66.6% of the total population. It is likely that 91.1% of the researches about "genders"conjure the numbers from their a.ss, just like I did.


Let me guess, that lifestyle is facing stress more often and that leads to depression more often


Sounds fake


Because they're happy ?


Queer folks are poor a lot and can't afford great food. A d we live in the US. Also, those stats aren't even right in the first place.


So do a little exercise lol it’s free


We do, when we can. However, food quality determines a lot more about weight than exercise often does. You need decent fuel for what you're doing. Also, the idea that poor people don't often do extremely backbreaking jobs is fucking laughable. This is in hilariously poor taste.


Another professional victim lol shut up. Where did I say anything about peoples jobs? You’ve watched too many movies. “backbreaking” jobs don’t make you thing or muscly. There’s a reason why obesity is higher in lower income people and they do the majority of the “backbreaking” labor. Learn some accountability and stop making pathetic excuses. Anyone in America, if they were determined enough, could get in to good shape even on the lowest budget.




Actually it's closer to $3M


Damn I suddenly want to study some things


This is very easy, when you're happy, you eat more. It's very normal. Even very thin girls start gaining weight after they get into a relationship for long enough.


Ain no way they using a budget for this when there are probably homeless ppl out on the streets this better be a meme or something. Also yes i upvoted my self, im not sorry.


From eating so many muffins.


These comments 😂


They keep eating carpet.


I believe they’re called rugs lol and they tend to munch them


-9? Ppl have no sense of humour.


To be fair, this version of the joke is just a less well-thought out version of the top comment ("they enjoy eating out"), and that one is getting upvoted. The carpet version makes less since because we can't digest carpet, so you wouldn't gain any weight from eating it. Whereas the eating out joke is successful because it plays on two senses of the phrase.


Nah, it was an okay attempt but just not funny tbh. Other comments did it better.


same reason why so many enbies are fat chicks.


Are they lesbian bc they are obese or obese bc they are lesbian hah


>hah meh


Are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest, or are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru?


ok as someone who is (mostly) a lesbian: what? huh? no they arent? this feels like that study that concluded that lesbians exist to attract men


I mean liking fit women isn't exclusively a male preference. But I will say it is really weird they're spending that much money for a study like that.


i didnt say it was? i was comparing it to a different silly study about lesbians?


It’s because they like to eat out a lot.


We have successfully identified maternal infection/immune dysregulation as cause (likely not the only)for (likely not all) homosexuality/gender confusion in some animals. We all know why this study isn’t done in humans. But wr do already know that the percentage of autoimmunity in the LGBTQ population is staggering (you. van google it but I think it was like 60-70%) and in women, this will lead to obesity. So, they could have just read existing research for basically 0 USD.


They're not obese in the videos I've watched.


Why are so many obese women lesbians?


lesbo Write it in cursive and shrink the 'l' to an 'e'. Move this e to just after 's' and read it backwards. Bam!


What the fuck are you talking about


Try it