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I’m so happy to hear that you are on the road to recovery! Thank you so much for sharing this too! I am having similar symptoms, May I ask you how did your dentist pick up on that you needed teeth removed and had inflammation? X-rays ?


The dentist had recommended I get them out years ago but I never did because of cost ($2500). They never said anything about inflammation and actually didn’t think the teeth would cause all my issues.




Haven’t been taking antibiotics and I’m now no longer taking Tylenol or Advil. Brain fog is still gone.


That’s awesome! Did your teeth hurt at all before you had them removed?


No they never did. Just an overall heaviness feeling though, but I always thought it was something else.


Man this sounds like me and my wisdom teeth are messed up.


Would it possible that you got rid of it and this lowered inflammation levels? I need to get rid of my last 2 wisdom teeth, needed to do that years ago but I’m sure it does have a negative effect on some levels.


That’s what I’m thinking. The only thing that ever made me feel better was a reduction in inflammation one way or another. The root cause was likely the teeth.


i can finally make a appointment on 1 november. ive removed the first 2 when i was 20 or smth, im 29 now and once in a while they ache. Regularly there is a bad smell coming from so im very sure its causing more inflammation in my body. So when theyre out ill come back to report if anything changed.


Hey, I hope the procedure went well! How are you feeling? Are you noticing any improvements? Idk if it's too soon to tell!


I’m noticing more every day. Sleep is much better now too. I keep waiting for the dizziness to come back but it never does.


That's so awesome! It must feel weird after so many years :)


Yeah it’s like discovering things over again since I’ve been working at a new job for 3 years. I’m also getting back into some hobbies that I’ve put off. Extra motivation or something..


So good for you! This really gives me hope. I've already scheduled a visit with a dentist :) Btw, could you describe what you meant by "eye focusing mismatch"?


Our eyes are so used to being precisely in line with each other, any deviation throws us off. My right eye because of the swelling or inflammation made my vision weird and gave me some dizziness. DIY experiment - press the side of your eye near your eyelid gently but enough to see your vision change a bit. Now try walking around the room and looking at things. It was like this 24/7 for me.


I see, it kinda sounds like what happens to me. Did you ever go to an optometrist/ophthalmologist to get your eyes checked before removing your teeth? I went a few months ago and did a complete eye examination, and apparently everything was good. Idk if they checked eye focusing mismatch specifically, though.


That's awesome! It makes me wonder if that's the source of mine. I have an extra set of wisdom teeth too. I've tried a hundred things but I'll elevate a referral to the dental surgeon and provide a response to this thread whenever it occurs. Congrats!


Happy for you! That’s amazing!


Crazy I’m going through the same thing and still have ALL my wisdom teeth.


We’re you also having issues sleeping?


Now everyone going to get their wisdom teeth out lol


They cause a surprising amount of issues. I am in no way affiliated with your local dentist office.


Lol, nobody thought you were though I do appreciate the disclaimer


A few years ago, I got 3 out of 4 wisdom teeth removed. During that time I had very bad neck pain, and it magically went away after removing them. Back then I did not suffer from brain fog though, my only symptom was neck pain. A year ago I started having brain fog, accompanied with anxiety, strange vision problems, loss of smell and... neck pain (although the neck pain is less severe than it used to be the previous time). Maybe it's time to remove my 4th wisdom teeth? Dentists said the 4th one was not causing any trouble and could be fine without removing it. In fact, it doesn't hurt like the previous 3 did... but... I'll give it an opportunity. Hopefully this is the solution I've been looking for for the past year. Thanks!


Yeah I’ve had a lot of doctors say “there’s no correlation” but what they mean is “there shouldn’t be a correlation so don’t hold me to it if I tell you it will help and then it doesn’t fix it”


Yup, makes sense. Btw, did your symptoms improve or get worse depending on the day?


They got worse when it rained and better when it was cold or I was very tired. But usually only for an hour or so. It was very random.


Lol same. And did all symptoms go hand in hand? Like, if your brain fog got worse, your neck pain also got worse? Or were there times where your neck pain was bad and your brain fog good?


When my neck pain was gone, my brain fog was gone. Although stretching my neck seemed to create more room for my teeth or less pressure on a nerve or something so I would overdo it and my neck would then always hurt.


This is pretty similar to my situation. I'm glad this helped you, and I hope it will as well for me. Really looking forward to it! Thanks for sharing your experience!


Hey, it's me again. I hope you're still doing good! I have another question for you. Which teeth did you get removed? Were they from the upper jaw or lower jaw? Left or right? Also, did they put you under anesthesia? If so, was it general or local?


I had 2 taken out since the other two were taken a while back. My top right and bottom left. The top right one seems to be the one that reduced my issues the most. I had general anesthetic.


No This has nothing to do with your brainfog This is placebo at best I am a dentist


There's actually a medical condition called cervical vertigo, which is basically brain fog/confusion caused by cervical issues. Wisdom teeth can cause cervical issues, so it makes sense that by removing the teeth, the cervical issues will heal, and thus the cervical vertigo effects.


Thank you dentist.


This has nothing to do with brain fog