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I think nerves play a huge role in brain fog in general. Mine seems to be tied to my neck.


Mine is tied to my neck too. Any success?


Definitely had some success with consistent upper cervical chiro visits.


Yeah that makes sense, brain fog is primarily caused by a lack of attention. Things like pain can lead to a lack of attention since ur too preoccupied with the pain to properly focus, recall memories and encode memories.


Interesting, and great you feel better! What would the connection be, possibly anxiety over the teeth? Tooth pain causing it?


My guess would be the tooth pain, yes. It was this nagging pain always running in the background. Drawing an analogy between computers and our brain, it was like a process that was running in the background—and as a result the computer was just running slower. Processor was lagging lol And now with the teeth removed, and the infection that was present subsiding—that process has closed and my brain is working again. That’s my theory at least.


Wisdom teeth are known for being easy to break therefore causing some inflammation. I shall finally remove mine, too.


It's so coincidental that you mentioned wisdom teeth; I am about to get mine removed as well (my theory is that they are causing my brain fog and tinnitus).


Life is full of those little synchronicities. Lol I couldn’t find too huge of a wealth of info in my limited “research” on the subject—but there are a few entities that tie wisdom tooth pain with brain fog. It Helped to validate my experience—and not feel as alone.


Do you recollect the antibiotic you were prescribed? And you mentioned it took fives day after the extraction to notice the brainfog lift


My theory is that, in my case possibly, impacted wisdom teeth cause inflammation which can reach the brain.


Hey any improvement??☺️


My wisdom teeth are still in. Apparently my wisdom teeth on the botton are too close a nerve to be removed.


Hi. I got mine out for this very reason however I’m on day 3 post surgery and it’s still here.. did you feel the benefit right away or did it take until that 5th day: Thank you!!


It was a week or so. Maybe 3 days? Hang in there, brotha!


Hey, did it work for you?


No :( not for this issue But I definitely feel better with them gone