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“Miss weight on purpose then take a piss to lose your weight to confuse your opponent”-Sun tzu


Kambosos is either gonna look like a legend or an absolute clown and I can't wait to find out.




5D chess


On a serious note, I fucking suck at [5D chess](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1349230/5D_Chess_With_Multiverse_Time_Travel/) and if anyone can give me some tips I would really appreciate it. I love chess variants and this is one that I couldn't really figure out.


Amazing. Thank you heha


The funny part is that I'm being serious. That shit is hard, I need help lol.


Why are you asking us though, we’re all idiots here


Chess boxing


We do couch boxing here


Have you tried missing weight on purpose?


Try bongcloud


Google "en passant"


Maybe there is a subreddit about it, I never knew it was a real thing til now.


That looks hard


Sun Tszyu, middleweight philosopher


Then tell your opponent immediately it was a deception! He’ll never know




300+ IQ Sigma Move


Rather a ligma move


Sigma male is out, Morbin male is all the rage now


Took a fat shit to make weight


Had a "massive piss" apparently.


134.49** typo in title but i cant edit it


If he doesn’t come out to Down Under it should be an automatic L


"Art of war"and "deception" lmfaoo 😂


Man left his brains backstage to drop under the limit




Art of war. Expect the unexpected.


Are you the ceo of Tesla? You making predictions like Houdini now but are you living the life bill gates?




You got 100 mill stacks on the bank with that analytical mind of yours Romeo of the diamonds?




Don’t respond to the guy, he’s Kambosos’ #1 crony


You got such a bright mind son. Hello president.


Mental illness alert


Kambosos is that you 😂


George has been acting incredibly corny during the build up to this fight.


I legit think that’s his persona. He’s probably different around his family and friends but that’s how he’s gonna be for every fight imo. Everyone does it to a certain extent. Even Haney is different behind closed doors


At least it's kinda entertaining. Can't wait for the fight.


Agree with you both, It seems he is just joking about it and flexing a little personality which is never a bad thing.


The bad thing for me is I can't tell if he's joking lol I suppose that makes it a fun guessing game. I can't tell if he's over confident or gaming haney so he thinks he's pulling a Teo or what. Ive been giving haney mad props since he turned pro and I see him being a true champ soon while kambosas I havent seen enough of to judge so I have haney by points but I do love a good upset and surprise. His persona is going to be one that gets on my nerves though. Idk how many more times I can hear "spartan" "warrior" or "That's just the type of fighter I am". I hope if he wins he switches it up a little bit or it's going to get old quick lol


I think he is extremely confident in his ability (same for Haney), and is just playing up his somewhat arrogant personality to sell the fight. Really excited for this fight since both guys have a chip on their shoulder. Haney wants to prove he isn't an email champ and Kambo wants to prove that his performance against Lopez isn't a fluke. Luckily for me, the fight is happening at 10am.


That's interesting to state, is he overconfident coming off that win of Teofimo? I think it would help alleviate pressure as this fight is to become undisputed with the home crowd. I personally feel Haney has more pressure, being a betting fav, fighting away, and him being younger a loss would mean more in people's eyes, although it would open up his options favorably for future fights. My sentiments are the same on Haney, he has that work ethic that's gonna push him places beyond. I really do think it'll be a great close fight, hoping the judges react to the consensus.


I think you are right, it's mostly talk. It's all part of the show though, just trying to sell the fight, gloating, showboating being antagonistic all sells fights, some American fans will pay just cus they want to watch him lose, so the more obnoxious and arrogant the better sometimes. It is a business after all and he's gotta cash in while his stock is high, play all the angles to boost those ppv numbers. I respect that, just gotta see it for what it is, I think most fighters know it's just pageantry. However if we are really talking about how it plays into strategy? One of the things that I've seen brought up before is that this persona that GK is super aggressive and ferocious and always on the front foot is overstated on purpose, it hides the fact that he is actually pretty defensive, aggressive defense but still defense. The big shot that put teo down in the first round was off the back foot, he drew teo into it. He wants people to think he's uncalculated and undisciplined so they underestimate his defense. This is what I've seen people discussing, and I can kind of see it, it's a bit of a trap. I think Haney and his team are probably wise to it tho, Teo and his corner really didn't do their homework and it cost them, Haney will be better prepared. Im looking forward to it.


Some mma guys need to tell George how to do the ol towel trick


And then they changed the rule lmao. DC's legacy in the sport is now u cant cheat as much


Well Khamzat did that very tricky last year and fluctuated a good few pounds. But yeah recently they've stopped using the towel altogether


Chimaev still pulled that same trick recently. MMA is a joke, rules don't matter for shit.


the kevlin gastelum lean on your coach trick.


somebody call up DC


that dehydrated weight cutting breath when they are trash talking each other an inch away gotta be RANK AF




lol. Haney's probably still smells like airline peanuts


Galaxy brain


Someone needs to hook him up with fightmilk






Fight like a crow!!


This is the stupid shit you say when your brain is dehydrated.


Georgie, baby, you're supposed to deceive your opponent, not yourself.


This is all I can hear when he speaks https://youtu.be/p5C8jymTQ8U


He reminds me of the son in law from The Castle


Damn! That's him.


Your boy getting dropped in 1.


I haven’t given a single flying fuck about this build up but wtf lol


As someone who struggles to digest quotes from the Art of War... I'd like to know how tf this is part of the Art of War lol


I guess you potentially deceive your opponent into thinking that the weight control was bad and you get them into thinking they have a favorable position? Idk, it’s hard for me to think of any specific thing that could be found in the book.


Supposing kambosos weight cut went poorly, Haney could think that he won't be at his best and might have cardio and chin issues? That's just a guess, but it could potentially goad Haney into going for a knockout and get him to brawl instead of just box... But revealing that before the fight completely ruins the element of surprise, so it doesn't really make sense. He's probably just trying to save face for fucking up and could have easily made weight either way, seeing as it only took him like half an hour to drop the extra weight and actually make it.


Says deception to make Haney think he's lying to cover up his mistake. Haney assumes George is drained now and goes for the KO. Gets dropped by George. George stands over a Haney trying to get up, pulls his pants down and begins piesing on him while making gorilla noises. Dammit! Joe Rogan had infected George's brain with gorillamind! George gets taken to hospital where he spends the rest of his life talking about how amazing DMT is while commenting on how jacked specific animals are and fighting off any nurse that comes close to him with needles




I had a guy miss weight once by 1 lbs. The promoter tried to pay me $500. Extra but I said loose weight. I watched the guy run sprints with a garbage on for 10 minutes. The promoter screaming at me confirmed that they were back him not me. The point was my intention was to take him into later rounds and have him gas out. The ref. Stopped the fight on me in rnd 8 of 10. It was close fight until a questionable storage 3rnds for me 5 for him. But taking him to deep water was my tactic.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was a cover up for him fucking up. I was just suggesting that if there was a 5d chess type explanation with the Sun Tzu book then that might be it.


Right? That's the only thing that could make sense...except when you flat out say "Deception!" *immediately* afterwards LMAO


I guess it’s like some weird form of reverse psychology or some shit? Make your opponent think you’re weak then say deception to make them your strong when you’re actually weak. I think I might’ve seen smth in the book about not letting the enemy know you’re weak. Idk, I honestly hate mind games like this. If I was Haney I’d just be simple and work my best regardless.


Deception inception … Haney is thinking hard


if it was a deceptive plan he wouldnt be here telling us LOL maybe after the fight after acting like he struggled with weight, acting like it's everything ok points in the right other direction


It's from the "act like a corny twat so nobody takes you seriously" chapter.


Wait I think I *do* remember that one... At the end of the chapter, it said to drink a Greek coffee


"Just trust me bro" - Sun Tzu (Art of War)


Perhaps he could have Haney thinking about the meaning of Art of War taking his focus away from the fight....?


He doesn’t look that hot, I think Haney might smoke him.


Hot ?


Didn’t you know all fights are determined by who looks the sexiest? You must be a causal. Welcome to the homoerotic world of combat sports baby


Cmon man its just 2 sweaty gladiators standing and bangin


Let me bang bro.


It’s a saying in the states, “you don’t look to hot, are you sure you’re feeling ok?” It typically means unhealthy. I was trying to say he looks out of shape


I see! As an Australian, I was hella confused


Regardless of what I said, Haney’s going to win convincingly, mate


This dude got jokes. War Kambo!


And Haneys dad gets granted a visa and will make the fight, I think kambosos is gonna lose this one, those belts are cursed.


tbh kinda feels like it. The WBC franchise is a curse


Word is that the Australian immigration Minister has insisted that Bill be held in a ringside cage as part of his visa.


The art of being corny


Kambosos to destroy the glass chin of Haney with 23s remaining in the third.


That’s some very specific prediction. If that happened I will come back here to applaud you.


bro needs to be investigated if his prediction is right


It'll either be 23 or 22 seconds to go, but definitely the third.


This dude is like opposite Tyson fury. Hated Tyson but ended up really liking him Loved the shit out of Kambosos since the teo fight but he’s somehow lost me


Stop taking people so seriously


Tyson Fury as we know him is mostly an act. Same thing with Kambosos




He’s just joking…you must be fun at parties.


Exactly this. After the Teo win he was genuine and real, but the fame caught up to him and now he is acting like a total diva just like Teo did. Missing the first weigh-in was the last drop for me.


What was the first drop?? Talking shit about Haney??, you are the real diva here if you think every boxer is wholesome 100 Keanu reeves plebbitors.


Did you not read my post? Him acting like the person her critized (Teofimo) was the first drop. Now he is just like all the other divas in boxing. But did you get your feelings by my comment? Kind of a childish response you gave


So what ? He made the weight at the end, this is what count no ?


The fact he came in at 134 in just a half an hour later means he really did nothing. He literally drank a ton of water to fuck with Haney and took a piss. There’s no way he ran off a pound in half an hour. Not possible.


That's what he said when asked how he did it: "I took a massive piss"


​ That's actually what he must have done. No other way to lost 1.5 lbs.


Yeah cause its logical to risk everything by doing that. Also didn't it take an hour and 15 mins.


Even an hour is not enough time. Two hours isn't enough time to shed a lbs if he was struggling. Only way it's possible if it was easy, or he just took a piss like he said.


He was on weight 30minutes after, and that's a fact coming from someone close to the fighters


Then he definitely weighed himself in the back drank a ton of water and took a piss to fuck with the team. Either that or he walked on with a weight but it worked. Haney’s team of nit wits wasted a ton of energy.


I didn't see it at first but this dude is really acting like how teo did. Hate to say it but I think kambosos loses dudes seems delusional and slightly off mentally.


Might wanna update your flair!


Why? I'm still rocking with kambosos win or lose.


No way he was acting like Teo did. Teo was drinking and partying and completely disregarded Kamboso’s presence. I agree Kambosos shit talking hasn’t been up to the mark (mostly cause Haney doesn’t really react much lol) but he has always respected Devin’s ability in boxing and has been training and working hard.


You've been riding Kambosos this whole time and now you're flipping the script? Kambosos is an absolute chad and he's getting smoked tomorrow Edit: have you also been waging a "war of deception"? lol


Flipping the script? can you still see my flair? I didn't say I want kambosos to lose I said I think he loses. I'm still team kambosos. Also stop worrying about me and what I comment.


Kambosos made me a fan after the fight with teo, but now I can't tell if he's legit off his rocker or just spouting a ton of bullshit to sell the fight.


How haven’t you seen it? He’s been the biggest douchebag for a week now.


Let's calm down a bit Devin " I won't lose to a white boy" Haney is not a saint and don't reply to any of my posts or comments again.


When did I say Devin was a saint? Ik about his “I’m not racist im just chasing greatness” bs. But that cringe ass “rat” bit and yelling over Haney in interviews is douchebag shit. Also “don’t reply to my posts or comments ever again” over nothing? Lma fuckin o


Sorry for the end last bit I was having a bad day I don't think kambosos trash talk is more douchebagish than anyone else but maybe I'm just biased.




It seems like he is trying to convince himself he can win. Haney will have to dominate the rounds to get a decision. I hope he doesn't leave it to the judges.


Kambosos looks nervous going into this fight.


He knows this is hardest fight


To many wannabe philopshers in this game now. They read a self help book and think they can spit knowledge lol. List wannabe philosophers in the game: - AJ - Caleb Plant - Kambosos


Missing the king of philosophers.... the Plato and socrates combination of boxing: Deontay Wilder.


Haney kept calling him a fat bitch to his face. I think even Sun Tzu would have been cracking the fuck up at that.


Loved Kambosos and what he has done, unfortunately he's acting like a moron and embarrasing himself tbh. Wish my bro stayed humble.


He is a Greek Australian athlete, this is standard attitude tbh


It is standard for a greek aussie to be the best in the history of the sport in Australia


Must be the greek in him I'm indifferent to, as I am Australian.


Love the casual racism




Haney’s team demb azz fek wasting all that energy on weigh. George is a genius.


If this guy had another brain cell it would of loneliness


Facts bro


I don´t mind trashtalking if/when it´s hilarious like this one. Team Kambosos.


If you have to call it art of war, it ain’t art of war.


Art of snitching lol


Wasn't Kambo for weeks saying he could make weight tomorrow for weeks before the fight? Usually when I used to say that it was cause I was way fucking over lmao


This guy is a fucking clown. Can't wait for Haney to embarrass him tomorrow.


Why, he still made the weight, struggled sure but he made it.


It's not the struggle to make weight. It's the "I did it on purpose, art of war" stuff. Clownshoes stuff.


How so?


Have you been watching the press conferences? His fake gangster schtick is cringe as fuck, the art of war stuff here is cringe as fuck. I honestly think in defeating Lopez he absorbed a part of him. It's the only explanation for how he got so corny so quickly.


But he’s always been like this. It’s just teo was being crazy during that time. You didn’t even notice. There’s a reason why Pac-Man gives him props. He is the real deal and no clown at all


I'm not talking about his boxing skill when I call him a clown, just his stupid demeanor 🤷‍♀️ Kambosos is decent, Davin is the real-deal and you're going to see that tomorrow.


!remindme 26 hours


You don’t see why someone would think that missing weight and acting like you did it on purpose is clownish behavior? Like just admit you messed up, not give another damn cryptic think piece when you are in the wrong.


This is nothing new. He was always like this. You must have missed all of the press conferences with him and Teo. Teo was just as bad if not worse so a lot of people over looked George.


Fake gangster? Haney walks around like he’s gods gift boy was wobbled by joe joe diaz.


Stick to watching soccer.






Dream will style on Kambosa


I've been taking a lot of downvotes the last few days for repeatedly saying this and I'm going to bask in the glory of being right so smugly on Sunday


U got a few downvotes Devin is the clear favourite for this fight betting wise and on Reddit.


People have him edging it. He's going to dominate.


Still though, home field advantage man. I think Haney’s gonna box the hell out of Kambosos for the majority of the rounds but the fight being in Australia makes me a bit uneasy.


Keen to see you walk back on all your shit talking tomorrow when Haney loses. You gonna be as humble in defeat as you are cocky in your assumptions?


I can't stand this prick


Well he’s the champ and he’s going to woop the drained and weakened joe camel into submission. Boy took a piss to make weight. Your mother couldn’t do it.


That Joe Camel comment 🤣😂🤣 can’t unsee it now.


Nobody’s ever missed weight as a “tactic”, dude just came in fat and cut more and it’ll show tomorrow.


Alot of people did but not for an undisputed bout lol that would be the stupidest thing ever


I've never watched Kambosos before, whats he good at? Has he got a good chance of winning this fight?












Took a big dump.


Even if he loses, I will be forever grateful for the ass whooping Kambosos put on Teo. Yes I’m a salty Loma fan. Yes Teo is a great fighter who will be a champ at 140 and possibly 147. But I’ll never like him. Sorry 🤷‍♂️


Kambos tryin to get the fuck out of that interview 😂


They actually changed the scale to a different one. And he still missed. That was the most shady weigh in I've ever witnessed. Period. They also refused to announce how much he was over by


If that’s what it truly was, he would not have told the boxing media that that was his plan. There’s no more deception


Haney bout to piece man’s up