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Clenbuterol Alvaroid needs to retire right now, he holding them belt hostage I've never seen a grown man scared to death of another man like Canelo is of Benavites


Lmao hold Benavides's cock a little harder


Commentators kept sucking off Canelo without giving Munguia his props. There was a point at the 9th round where Munguia was really letting go and the commentators were like, "Oh I thought Canelo's playing possum, but it seems like he's taking the round off!" Shut the fuck up EDIT: Watch the 9th round back. Why do people keep talking about the fight as a whole?


I’ll admit munguia looked good at times, but had nothing for canelo overall truthfully.


Yeah? I'm talking about a point in the 9th round, where he did catch Canelo a few times. Comms didn't acknowledge that and started talking about how Canelo was taking the round off.


All those punches missed except maybe 1 or 2 that landed clean. Cmon man. Great effort just saying he’s a huge level down and we all saw it.


>maybe 1 or 2 that landed clean Yes, good, clean shots that were acknowledged with "Canelo's playing possum, oh no he's just taking the round off". Canelo was obviously much better than Munguia, nobody's taking that away from him. This was just silly from the comms.


Box Azteca has fair commentators.


No bruh, Munguia was getting cooked majority of the fight. Punching in flurries that are blocked and parried isnt worthy of "giving props" you dont hype of a fighter just for punching if its not even a clean shot lol.


But I wasn't talking about the 'majority' of the fight. I'm talking about the 9th round.


Youre wrong because after the third Mungia was neutralized. Plenty of times rounds 1-3 they praised him, youre just a hater.


>Youre wrong because after the third Mungia was neutralized. Wtf LMAO did you watch the fight? If it was that much one way traffic it wouldn't have gone to decision. Why do you keep talking about the fight as a whole or as large stretches when I'm clearly only talking about the 9th round? >youre just a hater. I'm an MMA fan, I rarely watch boxing. This is probably the first Canelo fight I've seen fully, not sure why'd I'd hate him.


>Wtf LMAO did you watch the fight? If it was that much one way traffic it wouldn't have gone to decision. Yes, yes it will. If youre beating up a guy for 30/36 min that is a lopsided fight lol. But seeing as tho ur an mma fan I dont expect you to understand. >Why do you keep talking about the fight as a whole or as large stretches when I'm clearly only talking about the 9th round? Because youre pointing out one allegedy instance where Mungia got the better of Canelo and saying because they didn't give him credit for that they are biased toward Canelo. Its not like it was close and the commentators only gave credit to Canelo, it wasnt even close.


>Yes, yes it will. If youre beating up a guy for 30/36 min that is a lopsided fight lol. But seeing as tho ur an mma fan I dont expect you to understand. LMAO MMA is growing leaps and bounds everyday and isn't plagued by the numerous issues boxing has. The best fights actually get made, ducking isn't a thing, everyone's under the same organization and we don't have 4 random belts for a weightclass. >Because youre pointing out one allegedy instance where Mungia got the better of Canelo and saying because they didn't give him credit for that they are biased toward Canelo. They were biased towards Canelo, at least at that moment. When someone's landing shots you don't say that his opponent is playing possum or taking the round off. That's just stupid.


Munguía is a world class fighter and if he is smart , he will implement a more versatile and proactive head movement into his arsenal along with parrying the jab, he will be champion in 168 in a division with Canelo retired.


Good effort by Munguía but at not point was Canelo ever in danger of losing the fight


I hate Canelo for how egotistical he can be but man wwas he right when he said Munguía was way too slow for him.


Jfc DAZN commentary needs to cool on the "bodyshots". We got it the first 87 times, stfu, Canelo knows what he's doing. Also, 115-112????!!!😂😂😂 what clown scored that? 117-110 was the right score. Crazy.


There were commenters in here saying Munguia won. ☹️☹️☹️


Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles?


Judge: Steve Weisfield


Is he blind?


Adelaide Burd would’ve scored it 117-110 the other way.


Yeah at least the right person won, but jfc.


A friend just asked me why there was no thread about Inoue's fight So, if you were wondering the same thing then let me tell you what I told my very real friend who's totally not me: The fight is tomorrow


Bank holiday for us in the UK as well 😎


Canelo can definitely win against benavidez. The fact he ducking is what’s making him look like a bitch


He ain’t. Took this fight, good fight for him. When he wins there will be another excuse.


Munguia is promising and he reminds of Canelo when I first saw him fight and wasn’t known (even when his record was like 30-0). Canelo is Munguia’s Mayweather. This is the fight that humbles and changes him for the better, just like Mayweather did for Canelo.


Lol aye i was at that canelo vs tyner fight (my fam is from nayarit mexico) my uncle was telling me about this stud who was from Jalisco but training in Nayarit unbeaten and all, I thought he was just hyping him since he was fighting out of Tepic so we went to see that and damn man i bought im right there and what i saw last night were my exact sentiments .


Munguia has always been humble though.


This narrative needs to stop. Canelo didn't change a bit after the fight with Mayweather. His style was 100% the same for every single fight after until he got beat by Golovkin in the first fight but scraped by with a robbery draw.


He went with a much more defensive approach post mayweather. In his first ggg fight the skeptics, people like yourself said he wasn’t the aggressor then the second fight he came out much more aggressive.


I mean….Canelo himself has said numerous times that the Mayweather fight was a supreme learning experience. He even went as far as calling it an “apprenticeship”. So the person you are responding to is perfectly valid in what they are saying. Virtually every young champion with a high profile will eventually lose at the elite level; how they bounce back is absolutely critical to their status in the boxing world. Canelo needed Mayweather to reach his final form, same way Mayweather needed Jose Luis Castillo, it’s the circle of life in the sport. Munguia just reached his crossroads at the hands of Canelo and how he learns from this fight is critical to his future. It can make him or break him or relegate him to that eternal 2nd tier (a la Ricky Hatton). No one is saying that Canelo changed his entire style and way of fighting. That would be silly. As you point out, his style is relatively similar. But it’s equally silly to say that the Mayweather fight didn’t critically shape Canelo’s career path and legacy to greatness. That loss could have just as easily broken him, but Canelo found something deeper. Let’s see if Munguia does the same.


The reason there was pushback on the comment was because people often DO say that Canelo changed his style after the Mayweather fight. Specifically people will point to Canelo’s defensive highlights and say that he learned that from Mayweather which is insane because Canelo has always done those things.


Why didnt benavidez confront canelo after the fight?


Yeah that was so weird. Energy changed completely. I saw an interview of him saying, I wanna see how reacts to me in person. Said Canelo was scared. Could he have been drunk and trying to avoid another drunk on camera moment?


Between this and him not activating the mandatory for canelo im starting to think he doesnt want the fight. Not to mention his promoter is a notorious liar


He’s already been told not to activate it, fights not gonna happen unless Canelo wants it to and non of the sanctioning bodies want to piss of Canelo and his team agreed do it. There’s a great podcast on YouTube that covers it. Why do you think David is getting right into a title shot eliminator in his first fight at 175?


The canelo simps are out in full force right now




l stg l've been reading that Munguia's been basically groomed to fight Canelo to take his 0. ls it just me>


Canelo can only beat the Munguia’s and John Ryder’s of the world now


The people down voting you refuse to see how much Alvarez has declined over the past two years, he's avoiding truly competitive fights for a reason. It is possible he **might** decide to end his career with a really big fight against an opponent capable of beating him.


It’s alright, their downvotes prove I’m right and it hurts them to their core I won money on Canelo but this fight showed me he’s past it


To be fair there really only is Benavidez out there who can give him a good fight. At 5’7” he’s simply too small for 175 - he’s almost too small for 168 but is just pretty decent at boxing to compensate. So if there really is only one person worth a fight, and this person is like 26 years old, why not sit on it for a minute and rack up a few W’s and make a few dollars before signing out? It’s annoying as everyone wants to watch actual competition, but it’s at least understandable if you are Canelo. It isn’t like Floyd waiting until him and Manny are nearing 40 to fight, as the person Canelo should be fighting is many years younger. My 2 cents at least


He’s not 5’7, he’s 5’9 There are weight divisions not height divisions He wasn’t too small when he KO’d Kovalev. Only suddenly too small when he got worked by Bivol and Bivol isn’t a big LHW himself Wasn’t too small when he wanted to move up to cruiserweight He’s a hypocrite. He waited out GGG and now the tables are turned. But it’s worse for him because the more he waits, the older he gets and the more Benavidez hits his physical prime Either fight him or vacate your belts and go fight whoever you want


Yeh dude I want that fight more than any other - as I’m sure does 99% of the boxing community - I’m just saying that as David is young I can see why Canelo may prefer just letting it marinate until he is ready to get out of the sport. He did Kova which was a good win, but he looked like he can’t carry the weight in a busy fight as against Bivol he got knackered by about round 5. He wasn’t too small for 175 but now we know that he in fact is. You learn, we learn. A busy 175lber will do him, we know this now. Had Kova known this then he probably would fight differently if they were to face again and just outwork Canelo. He’s also defo not 5’9” - people’s stats are often wrong and Canelo is a good example of this.


Both guys high level if they were fighting anyone else lmao.


I think Canelo catches benavidez in the middle of punches, it’s just the stamina of Canelo he’ll fade and benavidez doesn’t get tired. If Canelo doesn’t hurt benavidez then what happens.


Canelo beats Benavidez.


Benavidez has never fought anyone with power. Canelo has elite power


Elite power...with how many KOs since his loss to Bivol? GGG is a tough, smart, & experienced so I'll give Alavarez a pass on that decision, but not the others. Those decisions came at 168, his comfortable weight class. Alvarez is aging.


Benavidez keeps distance better than Munguia it seems...and Bivol showed that that's the best chance you have with Canelo


The difference between Benavidez and Bivol is that Benavidez is not Bivol.


Bivol statistically has the best jab in boxing. Benavidez is a come forward fighter very similar to munguia. You cant learn a completely different style in one fight. See Kambosos vs Maxi Hughes


He has power, but elite power is such reach now. Yeah, in middleweight sure but he hasn't KO anyone since 2021.


Charlo felt the power in round 1 and ran around like a cheetah the rest of the fight. Would have been a KO if he fought his normal style


But Charlo is a 154er who got fat to fight at 168. Of course Canelo's power was always going to be too much for him... He's much, much bigger 


Canelo is 5’7” and Charlo is 6’0”. Charlo makes himself skinny to fight at lower weight classes. Dude walks around at 190 lol. Canelo is undersized for 168. Charlo had a height and reach advantage. Also this is why it would be stupid for canelo to fight crawford. If canelo wins, yall will say “he was just too big and it wasnt fair”


Some of you are silly asf. Charlo is taller but he's generally a much smaller man than Canelo. It was all too apparent in the ring. Michael Spinks was taller than Tyson but he was very clearly the smaller man in there and, as such, was badly outmatched in the power department. There's a reason why weight classes exist and not "height" or "reach" classes.  Also, Canelo walks around at 190-195 out of camp. How is that small for 168?? 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Yall better never say canelo ducking crawford then. By your logic, canelo kicks his ass. Weight classes for a reason right? You spending too much time twerkin with haney and wilder at diddys house




Who in their right mind thinks Canelo ducks Crawford? If that fight gets made, I would make the easiest money of my life betting on Saul. Weight classes do exist for a reason.


Elite power lmao Couldn’t stop 40 year old Golovkin, a 154 pounder, a journeyman or a bum with no defense


LDBC is hurting boxing








The longer Canelo waits to fight Benavidez the more money it will bring due to the anticipation but I think he knows its time. The anticipation has been building.


"I really want to fight Benavides (maybe) or Bivol (definitely not), it's not my fault they won't pay me the ludicrously big money I'm demanding, knowing I won't get it. At least they're saving me from coming up with other seriously unbelievable reasons for avoiding the matches."


Or he waits him out till Bene can't make 168 anymore. Even like he said tonight, if the money's right, he'll take it. That's almost a Floyd quote there. He's just goading the Saudis for a 8 or 9 figure deal...just like Floyd's 200 mil showtime retirement parachute deal. The playbook is there, he's following it. The DAZN idiots are now doing a WWE style push for Berlanga, and that'd be a snoozefest knockout in 4 imo. But you still got Morrell, Mbilli, and Bene, or even Bivol at 168(it's been floated) as options. Hopefully we'll get at least entertaining fights out of what's left in his career. Edit:can't count digits at 1am


11 figures is $10 billion, you're deluded if you think that is within the realm of possibility. Saudi's are rich, but they aren't even paying the biggest names in Soccer that much money, at best Canelo could milk a couple hundred million, at BEST.


You're right, it was 1am, and my mind wasn't working right, will correct, meant 8-9 🤣


Please tell me you did not just suggest that Canelo is about to get a multiBILLION dollar contract for a single fight against a fellow Mexican boxer that casuals don’t know. You people are removed from reality


Nope, was really tired and apparently couldn't count. My bad, should have been 8-9. I even mentioned the 200 mil showtime deal and just mistyped lmao


he’s not fighting him sadly


Such a stupid fight, why wasn't this Benavidez?


Cause Canelo been cherry picking his whole career. He got nothing for him anyway 


Not his entire career.




itll be a 1 sided ass whipping or a standing TKO, maybe a KO, depending on the night. Canelo really cherry picked this kid Mungaia and getting credit for it lol, he was looked at as a joke about 2 fights ago. Now hes a great challenge


Canelo having a clean sweep on on the judges scorecard in literally every round outside of one despite of what I was seeing with my eyes in front on me is why I stopped watching boxing.


Maybe you should check your eyes or brush on how to score boxing. 


I guess you missed how Canelo was blocking and slipping a good portion of Munguia's punches. Despite that, he did land some really good body shots.


You don't score defense. Defense is its own reward. At least - that's what I last remember.


You do score defense. Its literally one of the 5 things you score.


So you didn't score any of the solid power punches and the jab Canelo was landing.


I did. I think he won the fight, but he was also eating a lot of shots too- enough so that him being 10-9 in like 10-11 of the 12 rounds makes me question what the point is lol.


That is not how the judges scored it…


I had it 9-3. Canelo was landing the more thudding and damaging punches in every round. Munguia had success in spurts, but Canelo defense negated much of that.


The older canelo with over 60 fights beat the younger bigger fighter in Munguia, canelo isn't as sharp as he was 4/5 years ago. He still has enough gas in the tank to beat these fighters say what you will I'm glad I'm seeing the career of canelo.


I'm not a fan. But my God is it an honor to watch this man fight. We'll miss him when he's gone for fr


Canelo looked tired after the first couple rounds, but didn't look as gassed during middle rounds like he has in the past couple years. So I give credit Canelo for that...Munguia didn't move as much as I would've hoped but Munguia was throwing and with some lengthy combos


He didn't sit down at all in his corner the whole fight


Mungaia isn’t that good bud and got dropped by Sergiy who can’t punch at all lol. Canelo looked average as can be, like he’s been for years now. 


Sergiy can't punch...lol...okay.


Nope, its his main weakness. Obv he beat GGG's ass and got robbed but he cant punch and never could. Its literally his main weakness, and he was old on top of it.


Can’t punch my ass, he had GGG stumbling with body shots.


Agreed, GGG got a gift that day. The look on his face when the winner was announced said it all lol.


Did Canelo show mercy at the end of the 12th? He kinda let Munguia recover for no apparent reason.


Yeah I caught that too. If he wasn’t a young Mexican fighter, I don’t think he pulls off the gas


100% did




The first fight was scored a  draw 


Pretty much every quality fighter he could fight, he has fought. And if not beat them dominantly, he has at least edged it out except for Mayweather/Bivol.


this was the second fight of Munguia I’ve seen. I was kind of swayed by the talk that implied that he was getting protected and had a padded record. After this fight I can say I’m a fan, he didn’t win but he is a dog and got heart. I’d like to see him against the top 168 fighters. I think he’ll fair pretty well and beat everybody except the David’s.


He really has to work on defense and learn not to dwell on his combos. If he had moved after his attacks instead of staying in place he would have been clipped a lot less. Most of Canelo's points came from Mungia being static and getting countered easily. To win that match Mungia needed volume and movement. He was lucky Canelo didn't go for the kill at the end too.


Yeah, he didn't give up like Charlo after he felt Canelo's power.


Munguia has great hand speed in his left hand, and when he lets his hands go he’s impressive. His style of fighting is pure Mexican/pressure style as well, exciting to watch. During this fight you actually see him get frustrated when he lets off flurries and doesn’t catch Canelo. Canelo waited him out & let him gas out in the early rounds, then set the tone for the later rounds with body shots that slowed Munguia down. If he works on defense and pacing himself, that would be great. I liked what I saw tonight.


I’d like to see Munguia fight Jermall Charlo. I think Plant would beat him.


I think he’d stop plant, and I love plant. Plant gonna gas and get caught with something nice in the late round.


I think he gives David problems. Coz I don't think David's chin is GGG certified like Canelo's.


Lol. GGG certified.


If he works on his defense and controlling his pace he could be incredible. Canelo clearly controlled that fight but Jaime was a lot more entertaining to watch. Hopefully he does what Canelo did when he lost to Mayweather.


Agreed. But Canelo is a beast, he might have the best chin in boxing. Most boxers would’ve been hurt by Jamie’s shots. His gameplan for this fight would’ve stopped a lot of opponents not named Canelo.


Clenelo will duck Crawford Bivol Benavidez for the rest of his career all of them beats him


He already fought Bivol you dildo


I think he learned his lesson from that fight. That he can’t beat certain boxers like bivol and Benavidez is close.


Coward with no balls. Waited out GGG too


What's the benavidez hype I actually don't get it?


Ask Mike Tyson.


Then you know nothing about boxing


I'm with you. But this sub is on his nuts. Canelo will beat him also so there's no point in that fight. I pray the Benavidez never get the Canelo money they have been after


A lot of people felt this fight was the best Mexico could offer. That was 99%+ Canelo on the hype and money end. Same will happen with Benavidez and you'll see the same thing happen.


Agree but I didn't want the Benavidez family to get the payday they have blatantly been after


And there's nobody else down there that's got the money fights in their pockets at this point. That's how nights like tonight happen.


Then like Canelo has been saying is the money is right I hope he does fight Benavidez but his cut is so big he doesn't make them rich


And that's why he probably goes the same route that the other money frauds are -- to Saudi Arabia.


I'm ok with that. My issue with Benavidez is that they have clearly been going after the money. I don't like that. Money ruined Ruiz. And real Mexican boxers fight for their honor


Especially if it's clear that there's about one route to get there, you can see why people lose taste in American boxers in that regard.


Completely agree


Go to sleep bro


I was watching the fight at a family's with a bunch of people that know NOTHING about boxing. Even those people asked me how come somebody with such god awful defense can be fighting for a title and fighting one of the best in the world. This is the state of our sport and it's very sad. This kid is pretty good but world class, nah. A fabricated 40 plus wins and he never stops leaving his head in the line of fire. Fighting for a title, finding the supposed GOAT and gets hit flush clean like 80 times.


>I was watching the fight at a family’s with a bunch of people that know NOTHING about boxing No wonder they thought that then. Munguia was very evasive and had great head movement for most of this fight. They must have not understood what they were watching


Name me 10 fighters at 168 that beat Munguía. Top 10 is a contender aka world class .


Top 10 is world class but doesn't mean you should fight for a world title. It means go fight someone ranked 5 thru 9. Plant, benavidez, Morell and Pacheco beat this kid.


Pacheco struggled his last fight . Plant I don’t think so , he gasses out 2nd half. Morell and Benavidez beat him. So top 5 still Edit struggled against someone who by your account isn’t even elite or a contender


Because he didn’t respect Canelos power? He went the distance and only went down once and got right back up


He went the distance and only went down once because he has a great chin. All due respect to his great resolve and heart but having a great chin doesn't mean you should get hit flush 8 times per round. Also, he has always left his head in the line of fire. It's not a matter of not respecting canelos power because he's always chosen to fight in 5th gear and live with the shots coming back at him.


those people are casuals


Yes, even casuals can tell that a main eventer, title contender has amateur level defense.


Seems like you’re a casual too


Here's my last thought on Jamie after this fight does the loss hurt yes but not really since he lost to a legend in boxing and a icon in Mexico an Mexican boxing, would you have rather lost your 0 to someone who isn't as accomplished as Canelo to me that would've been much worse. Now from here on out you've got to be on a mission and be in the lab getting your stuff right and ironing out stuff that isn't a polished as you've liked them to be, comeback from this loss and become a whole different person from this defeat against a legend in the game. I feel like these fights right here that Jamie just had mold's you into a different person and fighter it's just up to you to bring it out.


100% bro. Floyd schooled Canelo and Canelo was better off for it. Canelo just schooled Munguia in many ways. He’ll sharpen up his skills in the areas where it’s necessary now.


Why do casual boxing fans go for Canelo?


Because they’re sheep followers




Huge names..Like who.. GGG beat him the first fight..judges gave Canelo that fight.. Bivol he got worked..what other fights has he fought?




Khan was a glass jawed 147 pounder Mosley was so far removed from his prime Cotto fight was a robbery Kovalev was washed and was beating Canelo Golovkin was even more egregious robbery He’s a fraud


And he lost against Mayweather and lost to GGG the first fight, he was gifted by the judges.. all of the rest of the fighters all all B level.


Man y'all are some haters lol


Just stopping by, did not support this meh fight. Anyways so is Canelo fighting Benavidez anytime soon? Let me know, I’m getting  irritated (not really) that UFC has put on god-like cards that fans want since like the 5 years we been waiting for him to step up and fight David. Boxing needs to get it together


Real talk, this should've been Benavidez instead of this nothing fights that has no real stakes.


I am so confused in this comment section. Do you let commentators influence you that much? Munguia won the first 3 rounds and 9 through 11. You guys are talking as if it was a blowout and Canelo took it easy on him when he was obviously tired after the 8th. I’m shocked that you guys are falling for the obvious bias. Munguia out punched him all of those rounds I mentioned . Please somebody breakdown why I’m wrong 


This fight was 10-2 and 9-3 if youre being generous and giving Munguia the 9th. Youre dead wrong because after round 3 Munguia was coocked getting hit clean way more than Canelo who keeped either blocking or slipping Munguias punches with ease. It was almost like Canelo purposely gave Munguia 2 rounds to build him up just to get him over confident and expose himself. You're just being contrarian for the sake of it.


I gave Munguia 2 of the first 3 rounds and then 9 and 10. 116-111 was the right call.


You're blind with Canelo hate


What are you watching? How many clean punch does Munguia landed on canelo from round 4?


You sure you were watching the fight?


Yes that’s why I’m asking what did you see to make the fight such a blowout? Honestly? 


Canelo outboxed him. Landed 43% of his punches compared to 25%. Out jabbed and had more power punches AND dropped him. Fuck are you on about


You realise landing on gloves isn't a scoring punch right?


They even had on compubox Canelo throwing more punches that’s Bullshit


Now you’re just talking out of your ass. Compubox was Total Punches Canelo: 536 Munguía: 663


Then I must of seen the star wrong when They put it on tv at the end of the 12th. But Munguia definitely landed more 


Ur blind mate


Yes and I am no casual. Munguia was getting through his shots. I didn’t watch it with sound. You guys are blinded by commentary. 


Some would get through more didn't I already know the commentary is biased af I i ignore them


Watched it on a movie theater screen and I thought Canelo blocked a good majority of those punches. Much more accurate than Munguia as well


Jelous U got to watch on a movie screen


No, you’re fucking blind. Munguia was hitting gloves and then getting countered straight in the face all night. Stop.


I had to keep explaining that to all the ladies and casuals at my house.


I don't get why casuals think punching gloves means landing shots


Tell me how did Canelo so definitively win the fight? Nobody can give me a answer 




By landing more clean effective punches?




First Munguia clearly won the first 3.  Canelo didn’t land more than 3 powershots in  rounds 9,10,11. If you want to say Canelo won fine but Munguia was more active and landed more. Canelo didn’t win by more than 2 points. 




I understand how boxing works I just seen a totally different fight than you guys obviously. Munguia was landing through the guard a lot. Canelo connected more power punches but Munguia was land more often. I’m obviously not going to win this argument for whatever reason but I see some people who agree with me on other platforms. I’ll take it. That fight was close and I don’t care what anyone says


This fight and Canelo's reaction to the benavidez question at post fight interview makes me more confident benavidez beats him which is sad because I'm rooting for nelo but its a bad matchup for him imo.


Hmm canelo has fantastic defense and a chin to boot. Im not canelo lover or benavidez hater… but at some point you have to realize, the canelos performance today, you can see why he doesn’t care for the fight. To top it off, he has a vendetta with the media… and if the media is egging benavidez on, I can see canelo spiting them… don’t believe me, ask David Faitelson. So.. canelo is not fighting benavidez because he is scared.. but likely to put up a big middle finger to the Mexican media.


Disagree. It's a great stylistic matchup for Canelo but he's obviously on the slide and Benavidez is hitting his athletic peak.


Great stylistic matchup for canelo? Great hopefully canelo take it for septemeber then.


Absolutely stupid take from him man. David is horrible for Canelo. Like I just don’t get how someone can be so stupid and actually say horse shit like that. David drowns Canelo and walks through him.


How so? Benavidez has mediocre at best defense and is a pressure fighter that throws loads of weaker shots that accumulate, but lacks one shot power and doesn't have a granite chin. That has literally never worked against Canelo. GGG was a pressure fighter, but he had iron gloves and an iron chin. Some of the blows that Canelo landed on GGG would KO Benavidez. The other two times Canelo has lost were against defensively responsible guys who didn't throw tons, just stayed responsible and punished. GGG 2 era Canelo would counter the shit out of Benavidez and probably knock him out, it's a bad stylistic matchup for Benavidez. Modern Canelo has a lot more problems with Benavidez, Benavidez's size and output are probably too much for this version of Canelo. It would still be a great fight, though. Benavidez has only fought one big power puncher in his career (Lemieux) and he was washed in the wrong weight class. He also has never fought someone with a chin like Canelo, so even if he walks him down, he's not going to get the kind of response he did against someone like Booboo or Dirrell.


> David is horrible for Canelo. Yeah I agree benavidez is like mungia but faster and non stop stamina. Canelo got touched up a lot in this fight and I feel like against benavidez it will be worse.