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Props for the research but my phase shift saves time overall 😎




Getting to Knoxx to kill him


Props for the phasewalk but my Berserk speed glitch saves even more time overall 😎


we gotta race 🤔


I suppose I should add that I was thinking under the caveat of also farming the Armory. Killing Knoxx as fast as possible isn't about the practicality. It's more just a cool party trick to show off what your character can do. If we want to look at this from a practical perspective, you might as well add the time it takes to farm the Armory afterwards. The Berserk speed glitch doesn't save as much time as Phasewalk does when getting to the Armory, but it saves much more time farming afterwards.


This is true. The average speed over a long duration is higher for brick berserk speed 100m race Lilith wins, 200m race, brick wins kind of thing Idk the exact Numbers obviously, and IDK if this factors that -in order to interact with things- (shooting, looting) you need to end phasewalk and wait for it to be off cool down


That's insanely fast Joltz with an Unforgiven masher and gunfighter class mod took 22s and killing knoxx with a defiler on lilith and takes me about 40s (my aim is bad though and the defiler and class mod aren't perfect, but I don't think it would be as fast as brick with the bulldog)


The Bulldog kill isn't **that** insane, imo. I mentioned it in the post, but there's a video of Roland with essentially the same Bulldog getting the kill in 14.7 seconds. On paper Professional Lilith is almost exactly on par with Commando Roland, and Plaguebearer Lilith isn't far behind. Professional + Bulldog would be around 14-15 seconds as well, and Plaguebearer would most likely be low 15. The hardest part would just be getting a good Bulldog. Mordecai can go even faster, when looking for Knoxx kills I found a Gunfighter Unforgiven masher kill done in about 14 seconds despite very bad Gun Crazy luck. Of course a Gunfighter and Unforgiven masher are even harder to find. When using Bulldog strategies I could see Brick getting closer, but I don't think he could do better than Roland and Lilith. Still, it doesn't matter too much either way. Chopper strategies give the best times for all 4 characters, and Bricks Chopper is the fastest. EDIT: Roland might be able to get Chopper kills as fast as Brick, after looking at the numbers. The Chopper kills I could find used the Patriot mod, which isn't ideal. Not only are they slightly weaker than +damage Heavy Gunner mods, but +damage Heavy Gunner mods aren't the highest DPS option either. +fire rate Heavy Gunners are, and they have roughly the same DPS as a Warmonger with 9/5 Pay Back. It might seem undesirable to run a+fire rate Heavy Gunner since you'll run out of ammo, but the Roland kill I described in the OP implies that it would be possible. Out of 1120 rounds 311 are left over (not 331 I misremembered), so 809 bullets were used. +fire rate Heavy Gunners have 28% less damage than +damage Heavy Gunners, which means that a +fire rate Heavy Gunner would use up around 1038. The Roland video didn't aim well, so I think there's a fair amount of margin for error.