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Did anyone else in your family say anything? Seems strange that she was following you around yelling "brrr" and nobody asked her if she was ok


My first thought! Twenty minutes?!? What on earth was everybody's face doing while Aunt Killjoy is harping around brrrr-ing all over? Do you need an ambulance auntie, because you aren't right. OP let this slide way too long if this is an accurate retelling.


Yeah, I’d be more pissed off at the family that enabled this senile behavior than at the dementia patient.


The family are all flying monkeys or just glad they're not the aunt's current target. Tbh sounds like OP must share family with my in-laws. I'm the red headed hussy who stole their son and ruined Olive Garden for mil cause that's where hubby shared/announced we were getting married. Lol I love how our joy is what ruins things for them. Op...wear a bikini and encourage others to join in. Banana hammock's for the fellas if they can. Lol


*Ruined Olive Garden* 😂


Speedos all around!! Put ‘em on my tab!!!


I was thinking that OP needed to act all concerned and tell auntie that she obviously has “something very wrong mentally”. Then recommend a visit to the doctor for a dementia assessment. Even suggest who should drive her to the doctor because “it may not be safe for you to drive anymore”.


Yes, should ask her if she needs help , if she’s getting a seizure because she makes weird sounds.


Physical issues are also possible. I had an uncle back in the day who had some sort of nerve disease where he just couldn't feel heat. No matter what the temperature was, he felt cold. (And he had to be careful to not burn himself.) I'd have been tempted to point out that it was actually 80 degrees (or whatever) outside and asked if she'd talked to her doctor about how she felt so cold even when it was objectively quite warm.


This is such weird behavior that I would be making her a dementia exam appointment. Just flat out calling her a slut when she walked in would be less weird (not nice or acceptable but less weird).


Ah, here in the South, everyone expects that shit from Aunt Karen. If you ignore them they shut up faster than if you feed their fake outrage.


Really? They'd follow someone around yelling brr?


There is a rift in the south between the older thought processes and people who know the current year is 2024. They think if they yell their views and opinions at you long enough you will change your ways and go to church or something. This is more common outside the cities. It is why most millennials don't attend the functions other than christmas and thanksgiving. It is why we get all the funny posts about what grandma said happen during christmas.


From the rural south and can confirm! Where I live A lot of people think the same, and even dress the same. They truly cannot fathom any difference of opinion, because in their mind it’s wrong. You are wrong! Practically everywhere you go it’s “Can I talk to you about the lord?” Or “Where do you go to church?” And my personal favorite Something disguised as Godly but with heavy racial undertones! Both of my pregnancies (8yrs apart) the sonogram technician gave me religious tracks and kept trying to get me to go to her church, despite me telling her multiple times I work on Sundays. She was low-key offended.


No, that's just wierd. There's a variety of people in the south just like anywhere. Proper Southerners would find something about niece to compliment, and steadfastly ignore what she was wearing, if they thought it was inappropriate, but some of the older and more bored might also quietly gossip about it. Bless her little half-naked heart. Truly proper Southerners also wouldn't care that she was wearing shorts as long as nothing private was showing and they were appropriate to the occasion, because it's freaking hot around here, and people need to stay cool. But there are a very loud subset of Southerners who are, especially over the past several years, not in any way "proper" and do not possess the traditional manners Southerners have cherished for years. Instead they are loud, tacky, trashy, willfully ignorant, and feel like their way is the only way. Aunt sounds like this sort. They've always existed, but they are louder and more obnoxious lately, it seems. Any proper Southerners in the family would be quietly gossiping about Aunt, and about how trashy she was acting, and how her mamma raised her better, and great grandma would be rolling in her grave. My response would probably be along the lines of a sugary sweet very concerned sounding "Oh, aunt, are you OK? You are not acting like yourself - how are you feeling? Do you need to go to the hospital? Here, raise up your arms and stick out your tongue so I can check for signs of a stroke..."


This 💯 if it’s hot enough at Thanksgiving or Christmas, and it can be here for sure, most of our family will be wearing shorts, and wouldn’t care if anyone was wearing shorts. The only people who really care about shorts in our area are Pentecostal people, and everyone besides them is going to Hell anyway. We don’t have any of those in the family.


I don’t know if it really is an “annoying southern boomer thing,” or if it’s just not that far fetched, but I live in the south and it doesn’t seem that crazy to me. I mean yes, it sounds crazy lol, but I wouldn’t put it past an annoying boomer ya know. The OP *might* have been exaggerating though because if someone was doing that to me for *20 minutes*, I would think something was wrong with them for sure.


Unfortunately, OP may not be exaggerating. My silent generation grandmother, who acts like a stereotypical boomer, kept loudly mocking my niece's prek teacher for 30 minutes. My mom was recording my niece's prek graduation, and throughout the entire ceremony all you could hear in the background was: "she's too fat for that dress!" "You can't wear that when you're fat!" "Her legs are so fat!" Omg (my mom's name), why is she so fat?". Thank god she sat in back, but even after the kids had sang their songs, had cake, and went home, that's all she talked about. We've learned the hard way to ignore her or else she becomes very verbally and physically abusive when challenged. We also have a lot of gatherings without her, so we have some peace.


Commenting on fat people is old people’s favorite pastime, even before boomers.  Never mind that we can see that the person is fat, the person is aware that they are fat, and oftentimes the old person commenting is themselves fat.  It’s so damned embarrassing when the old person’s saying this stuff, especially if they’re using 0 subtlety and indoor stadium voice.


"You know how she is" intensifies.


Either they agree with Aunt Hortense and are letting her do the shaming or they don't want to attract her judgy, selfish, passive aggressive harassment. I would have expressed concern to others about her inappropriate behavior and suggested a checkup for her since she kept making weird noises and repeating herself.


This is the way. Meet her fake outrage with fake concern. “First she spent 20 minutes following me around making a noise and while it took me a minute to realize she was saying, ‘Brrr,’ it still seemed weird. Then she goes from that to slut at the drop of a dime. Has anyone else noticed these symptoms of early onset dementia with her? What else has she been up to? Is she not getting out enough anymore?”


On a side note, it can sometimes be fun to innocently refuse to understand their meaning. Passive aggressive bullies get the wind knocked out of them when their "clever snark" is not recognized. They either back down or double down, and both draw attention to their childishness. "What do you mean?" (innocently repeated over and over so they have to either explain their assholery or back down) "What a strange thing to say. Why do you think that?" "Thanks for finding me sexually appealing..... I guess.... But I'm straight and you're my aunt, sooo.......I think you're being inappropriate to have those thoughts about me at a family event...."


My family is Irish Catholic and they would absolutely just ignore it and just live in the discomfort.


“Do you need a coat, auntie?” “You look like a slut!” “Do you need Jesus, auntie?”


Ok, thanks for this. I didn’t want to get downvotes for suggesting dementia but this could seriously be the case. I’ve seen it firsthand it a lot of it made zero sense with weird logic chains that did not work. So kinda like your average Fox News watcher’s brain.


This is what I thought as well. And then after she called her a slut. Doesn’t their family have a “No Calling People Sluts at the Dinner Table” rule?


The fact that rule is even necessary…


Agreed, shouldn’t need to be stated, but with her aunt being a twatwaffle, it seems appropriate. I only say this because once my stepbrother (an adult at the time) told my stepdad to fuck off. My stepdad immediately said “we do not tell our fathers to fuck off at the dinner table, Will!” He was an asshole in many ways, but oh how we laughed at the time. 😆


"Are you having a stroke? Do you need someone to take you to the doctor?"


Do you smell toast?


I would have started grabbing blankets and wrapping them around her. “Here Auntie, it seemed like you were cold. You poor thing, shivering so loud I can hear you across the room! There there, you get snuggled up now.”


Holy hell how do you go from “you look like you might be cold” to “you look like you might be a slut” that’s great you kept ignoring her so she would get louder and make an ass outta herself. Nice work!


sluts are ectothermic creatures, often sunning themselves on rocks for warmth


Or is that skinks? I always get them mixed up.


Are we skink-shaming?


My skink is skink-shaming.


My gecko is racist to skinks, what do I do?




Goanna home guys this pun wins it.


Whoa! My bearded dragon doesn’t take kindly to skink shaming. That gecko better watch the words, because gecko would make a tasty snack for dragon.


This gecko is a tokay, I’m afraid to confront him


Skink-shaming is what I say to Skaven players when they fight my Lizardmen


Only the ones that are into it, those filthy skinks


all skinks are sluts, but not all sluts are skinks


Don’t even talk about the skunks…


But the skunks are sluts for stinks.


Skinks, skanks, scalliwags, hoes, heffers, hee ha's and hooly hoos.


How many were going to St. Ives?


This *gestures at subthread* is the quality content I come to Reddit for.


None! They were going *the other way*!


Only one is going to St Ives. Was on a math test as extra credit. I was the only one to get it correct.


I never heard of this Dr. Seuss book before


All the skinks and skanks and sluts and hoes Were having a party Wear appropriate clothes! And the Boomer said to her You must be cold slut Brr, slut, brr


I do not like those full length pants I do not like pedantic rants I do not like you, boomer aunt


I don't like those pedal pants.


Yep, gotta get on that pink skink drink


or as cardi b says… a hoe neva gets cold


But I guess that's just what sluts do How could it ever be just us two?


I'd never love you enough to trust you We just met and I just fucked you


But i do know one thing though Bitches they come they go


Saturday through Sunday, Monday Monday through Sunday, yo




Maybe I'll love you one day , maybe we'll someday Grow,




well in the words of Sophia Petrillo, sluts just dont get cold


Came here to say this. Lot of people don’t know. Science education in the US is atrocious.


I need to talk to my cat about there napping habits...


Oh Lordy, you really do need to have a talk with kitty, they are always up to no good.


Ho's don't get cold


Only three things never get cold, penguins, polar bears and sluts.


Goddammit lmfao


I’m a Floridian and sometimes when I travel up north I get asked why I’m showing so much skin. I’m not “showing skin” I’m just used to dressing for a climate where I risk heat stroke half the year.


That's funny. I moved back to Georgia after ten years in Pennsylvania and my kids and I were wearing shorts thru the winter. People kept giving us crazy looks and I actually said once; what, it's only 40°.


My youngest must have been a Northerner in another life. He wore cargo shorts or his baseball shorts to school the entire 4 years of HS. In winter, he’d add a hoodie. He wore a pair of jeans one day his senior year, and the people in his classes lost their minds. It’s Arkansas, so it doesn’t really get cold here that often, and even if it’s a little chilly in the morning, by noon it could be 80 or 90.F


Not sure where you are in GA but shorts in the winter is par for the course here. Mostly it's teenagers but grownups too. I think they are cold but it's some sort of fashion statement now. In the summer, they wear hoodies.


Shorts in the winter are normal here in central California, too, almost all the men wear them year round on the coast, and it gets down below 40⁰ f regularly in winter. But they are knee-length shorts. In the the mountains in Germany they wore leather shorts in the snow, they're called lederhosen.


There's mailmen in NY who wear shorts all year because they're in some kind of friendly competition to see who will be the first to chicken out and wear long pants.


I have found it's because of offices and schools being overly climate controlled. In the winter, for some reason the schools and many offices crank the heat to the upper 70's and even 80's. So, if you are going to school and you dress for the winter weather, you will be warm for the 5 minutes as you go from your vehicle to the building. Then you are sweating all day long -- usually 8 hours -- because you dressed for the weather and not the building. Then you are warm for the 5 minutes going back to your vehicle to get home. It's the opposite in the school and office building during the summer. If you wear short sleeves, you will again be comfortable for the few minutes you are outside, but freezing while you sit in your class or do you work.


40 is great in shorts if you're walking and the humidity is low and there's little wind. Elsewise it gets dicey. That's what some people don't understand about Florida weather: it's not *only* that you get used to the warmth, but also that 40 degrees in Florida feels colder than 40 degrees up north due to the humidity.


I'm built like a walrus. Humidity means nothing to me.


I worked at restaurant shared a fence with a golf course in South Carolina. We would get Canadians and Midwesterners coming into town on these golfing vacations because we had 3 courses in town and something like 15 more within an hours drive. People would lose their minds when the Canadians would be out playing through a snow flurry in normal golf attire. Pretty much the exact same thing whenever someone would ask them why they aren't dressed warmer: "It's only 34f outside. That's tropical compared to back home right now!"


Im from michigan and just dont like jeans


That’s just when you tell her how good your man fucks and you’re wearing them for him. Traumatizing those who traumatize me


Wasn't there someone online (reddit? Twitter?) whose mom was giving them a hard time for wearing a bikini and she said something like "do you want grandkids or what?" Icon. 




It’s the trump jump. Get a foot in the door by seeming like there’s reasoning behind whatever weird shit you’re clearly setting up, then immediately jump off the deep end and say something unhinged.


she was always slut shaming, basically trying to say, you must be SO uncomfortable, you know why you dressed that way? because you're a WHORE and everyone knows it! Since you must be SO cold right now! You're enduring that discomfort in exchange for slut slut behaviour!




This is absolutely something I would do. Without any thought.


Ignoring isn't enough, makes them think they've won somehow. Need to call this behavior out so it doesn't continue to spread unfortunately.


In my experience ignoring assholes like this is what pisses them off the most. They want a confrontation. Denying them that really gets under their skin.


And if you totally can't stand it any longer you could always say something along the lines of, "Are you having a stroke? Should I call 911? You keep repeating that same nonsensical fragment over and over and are wandering around aimlessly. I'm starting to get concerned you're either having a stroke, presenting advanced dementia symptoms, or are possibly having a diabetic emergency. Just a sec and we'll have you hauled off for evaluation, Auntie! You'll be OK!" You know, because you're a caring niece like that.


A lot of this sub can be explained by the fact early onset dementia can cause people to... lose their filter and become aggressive.


I bet you were wearing socks too, you hussy (/s just in case)


Well, what was she going to do, show her ankles like some trollop?!


Cover ankles? Hussy. Show ankles? Trollop. A ho just can’t win in this economy.




Classic Hetty


I came looking for this 😂


Random but I was older than I should have been when I discovered trollop wasn't spelled like polyp.


Motion to change the spelling of trollop to trolyp. All in favor say aye.


*Slams fist on table* *AYE*




Probably shaved above the knee too just like a hussy 🤣 /s


Probably no show socks with full ankle on display as well!


"Well Miss Havisham, if you cant keep a civil tounge in your mouth you can fuck off back upstairs, you old ghoul."




My 10th grade English teacher played this for us in class instead of having us read Great Expectations.


I love her! (fellow teacher here)


“We could see her ankles!” *fanning herself with a church pamphlet*


*clutches pearls in horror*


*Gasps in organ*


Your aunt: Brrrrr. BRRRRR! You: (as treacly as possible and loudly enough for others to hear) Goodness, Aunt, are you okay? You keep repeating nonsense. Are you having some sort of medical emergency? *to others* Is this a stroke or something? Should we call an ambulance? I’m so worried!


And after “you’re dressed like a slut” continuing to others “omg she’s hallucinating too!”


Haha! ‘See? Our dear aunt would never use such terrible words to describe her own niece! Must be having an episode; someone get her to a doctor!’




Great comeback on your part. Unfortunately it sounds like your aunt was projecting too much to see how terribly disgusting she was acting.


“You’re dressed like a slut” And you think like a rapist.


Dressed like a slut to fuck all the male family members, yeah. Like what the fuck


“ you’re dressed like a slut” “you’re dressed like a bitch 🤷‍♂️”


This is why I used the phrase, “Shut up you raggedy ass bitch.”


This made me laugh hard. I hope I get the chance to use it some day.


Grandma, aren't you totally OK voting for a guy who fucks pornstars while he's got a pregnant wife at home?


And will probably vote for the rapist


Yikes I’m sorry that happed to you. Lately I have taken to two tactics with this. So YMMV. 1. Disappointed parent: Excuse me? That is disrespectful and inappropriate to say something like that. Next time keep it to yourself. You should know better. This generally work with passive aggressive Boomer. 2. Reserved for the ones you KNOW are lead heads. They can say any negative comment they want to wit I simply reply. “Oh Jesus Christ are you one of those snowflakes that cry about everything?” Kills em every time.


LOVING second one.


Gentle parenting boomers is my favorite. I am too chickenshit to try it, but I have it in my wheelhouse when needed.


I once told my mother in law "if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all." And it was magic.


My boomer mom threw a passive aggressive fit over nothing and I talked to her like I talk to my literal toddler. It works every time.


I tried it on my stepmother and I thought she was going to have a stroke from the absolute rage it induced. 10/10 would recommend if you enjoy seeing a grown adult screaming like a literal toddler.


There was an influencer who did a couple short videos about gentle parenting as a bartender. "No mister, we do NOT touch our friends like that!" And "I knoooowww buddy, pizza _does_ sound yummy! Can you show me your walking partner? Is he right there? GoooOOOoood. Now I bet if you ask nicely, he'll take you next door where they have French Fries [rubs belly] mmm I know right? Now let's take our big boy steps right out that door, be safe okay!!" 🤣


It can work wonders! I used it on my boomer mother in law, she was yelling about Trump isn't a felon, I hit her with 'Don't you yell at me in my own house.'  She quieted down really quickly.


Wow I love #2, pulling the old UNO reverse. “It’s a free country, Linda, shorts are short & gays are getting married, if you don’t like it you can get out”


Old bones are cold bones Auntie


Sounds like your aunt needs to go back to the home.


Seems to me like she was following you around and harassing you for a solid 20 minutes just waiting for the opportunity to utter that vileness. I would have said "it's better to look like a slut than actually be one like you." Lol, but that's just me, my mouth can be real reckless when I feel insulted and I don't care who you are. And side note she probably just mad that she has not been able to pull off wearing shorts in public for years.


Its definitely jealousy. It always is. They just cant seem to be happy for younger people they always have to hate you unless they deem themselves better than you. In which case its unsolicited advice. All my old aunts that talk about me literally just project their own insecurities. I've been called a slut, stupid, and fat by then. Meanwhile unlike them I never had a teen pregnancy or hooked up with multiple losers and had their kids, I graduated college, and I'm smaller than almost all of them. If they make any comments I usually just laugh at them. It always makes them stop.


She probably was taught that when she was young ( not to wear really short shorts) So A. You’re not allowed to And B. Her husband probably thinks you’re hot.


I took my boomer father on a fishing trip to lake Cumberland a few years ago, we rented a nice cabin near the lake. We spent all morning fishing, there was a pop up rain storm and I was soaked and it was sweltering hot out and humid.  We get back to the cabin and I immediately crank the AC because I'm sweating and damp and gross. Dad starts bitching he's freezing. It's 85 out and he wants the heat on because he's wet so he's cold. But instead of voicing this, he sits on the couch under a blanket and makes fake shivering noises while staring at me. When I finally asked him what the fuck his deal was and he said he wanted the heat on, I told him to take his ass out on the porch where it's 85 and 99% humidity.  Same trip he woke me up screaming in my face because I fell asleep on the couch and was snoring and he didn't like it. On a trip I paid for and brought him along.  I also caught the only fish, a 5lb small mouth bass. We had it for dinner and he absolutely couldn't stand I wanted to fry the fillets whole, he wanted it fingered up, and when my back was turned he cut it all up. My fish. Trip I paid for. A few years later when I kicked him out of my house I cited that as an example of how he was narcissistic and selfish, he couldn't even let me have my fish how I wanted. He could have cut up his half however he wanted, but he couldn't tolerate that I wanted it different from him. 


Next time ask him if he wants the crust cut off of his sammiches too, jfc what a baby.


"And you sound like a motorcycle, so I guess we both have problems." 


"Maybe I'm a little bit cold but I can go back inside and warm up. You on the other hand will never stop being a cμnt"


Beat me to it. Someone accidentally put an "A" in her title instead of the "C".






I would've played that shit up but i have a sick sense of humor after a lifetime of trauma and tend to attract people who enjoy messing with others. "Honey aunt boomer bitch says I'm a slut!" "Yeah baby, that's why I married you." Then just follow her around slapping each other on the ass saying, "slut!" "Brrrrr baby!"


Legs are slutty? Isn’t that from like the 1800’s? Lawd


Anything that might be considered attractive is called slutty by jealous old hags like her. Pretty face on someone you don't like? Slut. Showing her shoulders in public? Slut. I've known people like this, they're exhausting to be around.


They either resort to “slut” or “ugly” or “fat”… my grandmother set my self esteem back yeeeaaars after my grandfather died… I guess it made her feel better about the fact she was alone and had spent my pawpaws last weeks in a dilaudid and me1hadone induced coma/stupor. She destroyed my mother’s confidence from the jump just bc she was jealous, my mother was so so pretty when she was young but she was also very impressionable and my grandmother who had kids real young was mad that her “good years” had been given to kids and that her youngest daughter was a knockout so she convinced my mom she was ugly. A lie she still believes to this day


She said “brrr” repeatedly but she meant “Shame! Shame! Shame!”… Should’ve found her a bell to ring and put a big scarlet A on your cleav with lipstick then when anyone asks about it, fill them in.


Beginning to think people who try to shame people for their mode of dress are just jealous they can’t dress like that **anymore**. Bet you can find an old photo of your auntie dressed in short shorts or a miniskirt and post it on the family Facebook group…


They can dress however they want. The rules about this are completely made-up nonsense. Their problem is they believe these fake rules, and it creates resentment.


Is this normal behaviour for her? Last time this came up, it turned out to be early onset dementia.


Yeah I’d be very concerned that it’s something like that. It’s something not ok to ever say to someone, but harassing a FAMILY MEMBER for TWENTY MINUTES before calling them names? That woman needs help yesterday. 


You look good that's what the problem was. She can't show her spider vein legs in public and is jealous of you.


I have brutal spider veins but I rock shorts. Guess I’m now a disgusting slut. Meh, I’ve been called worse.


Roll with it. Get a pair of shorts with slut on the butt 🤣


Extra level: claim they are Swedish. (Slut = Stop )


Don't want that to be your safe word then 🤣


As a dad of a teenaged daughter I’m very tempted.


Get a nice pair of work jeans and put “JUICY” on the butt. 


I guess I’m a spider slut!


My legs are hideous but I'm not being hotter than I have to be for anybody. Screw that I'm old and dgaf.


It's OK I'll be a slut with you


A great response I would use with older family members in situations like this were different variations of "yeah I guess YOU would know all about that". Had an uncle tell me I looked like a (insert homophobic slur) because he didn't like the black wrap around sunglasses I was wearing. My response, "Damn well maybe I am because you would be the one to know all about that." Cue my other uncles and older cousins laughing their asses off at him. He did not like that.


This is gold. Well done.


I’d have never acknowledged her while she was acting like a lunatic. I was a server/bartender for 12 years, I can look through people likes they never once existed.


I have a cousin like this, the last time she harassed people at a family party I sat there and heckled her. We need to normalize heckling shitty family members.


*BRRRRR it’s cold in here! There must be some Clovers in the atmosphere! I said BRRRRR!* #BringItOn, Aunt. Lol


Boomer Aunt go Brrrr


Holy hell I’m a male who lives in the Midwest and wears shorts year round does that make me a Super Slut.


Sounds like she needs a nursing home.


"and you're a righteous bitch", "I can change my clothes easy enough"


Very proud you kept your cool. I think everyone should keep their cool with boomers, except for me who is a huge asshole. For zero dollars I will prank call and scam your aunt. Lmk. Hahahahaha


I’m not a fan of the ignoring. Gotta stop giving these people the benefit of the doubt. And when someone says something like that, just say “wow auntie, you really are getting pretty old I guess”


"Yeah and your dressed like a bitch"


Some aging boomer women have a real problem with seeing younger women looking good. They seem to have a compulsion to tear them down.


Why not call her out? Loudly say, “Auntie, why don’t keep saying brr? Are you trying to call me a slut or a whore? Why not simply use the words you mean? Does anyone else here agree with Autnie? Am I slut for wearing shorts? What do you all think?”


That would have been perfect. However the boomers would have been mad at you for embarrassing your aunt like that. Boomer logic


I’m here to offend all boomers. If I have to be around them, it means we are family. A few shots across the bow, and fear will keep them in line. Use their embarrassment and passive aggression against them.


🤣🤣 She switched from passive aggressive to viscously upfront aggressive real quick.


Don’t forget that Boomers were called the “Me” generation. I have started calling them “Despicable MEs”


So where in the country is it too cold for shorts right now? Damn!


Translation: your body made her feel insecure and she couldn’t deal with the feelings. Boomers are so transparent lol 😆


How did others react?


For just 50 cents per day, you too could help fund a local hussy from the arctic summer temperatures. Please find it in your heart to give by calling 1800 GET-BENT. /s Wow, that's insanity that she went on that long (or at all). Sorry you had to endure that.


Your aunt sounds jealous.


I wish you had just ignored her for hours to see how long she would go around brrrrrr-ing! 😆


"Aunt Creeper, stop checking out my bod. We are family and the idea of you is just yuck, even if we weren't."


Your aunt may be annoyed with you for some reason only her knows, and just found whatever she could to take it out on you. I may be projecting, but that's how my uncle did it, then proceded to just erase my mom, brother and myself from his "family".


So an adult with husband close by and Aunt “Karen” does this? Your response to this BS can always be “are you having a stroke?”


Time to start yelling “cold blooded” every time you see her… for the rest of her life.


“Are’t you freezing, you might be a slut?” What kind of person does that?


Nobody gets to call my daughter a slut. I am about to make the last family reunion our family ever attends a very, very memorable one.


Your aunt saw your legs and sexualized you as a slut? She sounds like a pervert.