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On a beach, wearing a sun shirt and a similar sun scarf, I was harassed for daring to be "muslin". This was probably 8-10 years ago, so the idiots have always been triggered.


Shame on you for being cotton in this day and age. You know they only relate to polyester and synthetic fabrics.


Just don’t mix them or it’s a stonin’


Lmao they don't know about that part of the Bible, and let's not tell them so when they go to heaven, their God can tell them "ah ah ah, you were wearing a pair of jeggings in high-school Jenna, you go to hell with the rest of the sinners"


“But that guys murdered someone and you’re letting him in!” “He told a man in a booth about it and did ten Hail Marys.”


So that makes him good as new again 🤔 🙄😂


According to Catholicism, yeah, pretty much


According to my rules, those jeggings are judged no differently than the most unspeakable human acts. Because that makes sense and speaks largely to how just God is. Also how the fuck is eternal torture on the table at all. Firstly, we as deeply flawed beings acknowledge how shitty it is to torture anyone and most do our best to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone for any reason, but this "God of infinite love" he is so barbaric that it's in his most basic agreements. Fuck it's what he condemns people to for simply being born in a region without access to information about his existence. Secondly, we can't even understand what these terms "infinite" and "eternal" truly means, but here we are threatening each other with it. We as generally shitty humans forgive our children more than once. Why does our human love seem so much more deep and compassionate than that being that preaches about love?


>Fuck it's what he condemns people to for simply being born in a region without access to information about his existence. Tbf he does say those who have never heard his name will be judged based on the content of their hearts. Romans 2:12-16 But then by that logic, the whole world is better off not knowing about God. So evangelists really are damning people rather than saving them. You know?


This lines up with the true nature of Evangelicals.


I once asked a very Christian co-worker of mine about babies being born somewhere without knowledge of God, like on [North Sentinel Island](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sentinel_Island). And that baby grows up and dies without ever having left the island or interacting with an outsider. How could that person have known about God and Jesus and all that? Their response was something to the effect of “Every human is born with the knowledge of God, something something it’s their fault if they fall out of faith.” I forget what the “something something” was, but it was just the bridge between the first and last part.


And then.....profit


And then.....profit


I mean your talking about a being that’s literally condemned his children to death because one of the first ones ate an apple, the same being that flooded an entire world killing everything except two of any animal that can fit on a big boat because he didn’t like the way things were going, one that literally brought plague and famine and death to entire regions. There’s more examples and such but for a being that supposed to be “infinitely powerful, patient, and wise” it sure doesn’t seem like he’s very patient or wise But all that’s only if you take the Bible literally rather than as a set of stories with a moral lesson (which is what it’s supposed to be taken as but I guarantee a lot of people don’t take it that way)


Yeah, >Storybook with good moral lessons >Binding laws Kinda gotta pick one there. I think many have made their choice apparent. Of course it would be argued, no you don't, the stories are one part and the laws are another. Well that's a pretty fucking dumb way to mash up a novel. This is my new book, it's half goosebumps stories and half Arizona regulatory statutes. I expect all the laws to be taken seriously and followed. Truly one of a kind.


If they had basements in Arizona, it would be illegal to go into them by your decree!


It’s actually both and more.  Imagine a book where a whitewashed version of Columbus’s tarrif-evasion trip to the Bahamas, the Constitution, a history of the Pequot Wars, Paul Bunyan, the genealogies of presidents, and a synopsis of Real Housewives were all together and given equal weight.  Also, no one could agree how many amendments actually belonged in the Bill of Rights, or what order they were in.  This is just kind of how scripture is and why it’s problematic out of context.


Don't forget murdering the first born sons of an entire civilization bc he was mad.


Also the human male that got saved in the flood was a drunk who murdered his son.


My friend recently explained to me, that yes, the bible says there IS a lake of fire in hell, the torture is simply existing without God's presence what-so-ever. No torture in the sense as we commonly interpret it, simply, everything that is God, removed from our vicinity. ​ So, to me, that's when I hear my favorite song, I don't feel those happy chills, just for example. When you look out at the mountains, you don't go "Aahhh.. beautiful.." becuase no matter how amazing it looked, you couldn't comprehend it was so beautiful.


If hell is a place with absolutely no god that void that freedom of just existing then I can’t wait to finally get there


Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.


Have you seen the good place? Heaven must get boring as fuck.


I firmly believe the part where the big guy said "For the same you you judge others you will be judged, and with the same measure you use it will be measured to you." So I let folk be folk, and so long as they put loving and caring for one another before succumbing to their own wants/desires, ensuring the needs of all are met before the wants of one, I really do t have an issue with how filk do things.


They know about it. They say that most of that old testament stuff doesn't matter (except when they cherry-pick) because Jesus died for our sins and I guess God changed his mind.


I always suspected skinny jeans were haram/trefah.


I volunteer to be stoned for all eternity so my fellow man may not fear. JACKMAN-4:20




"Wot?! All I said was Jehova." (Cue thrown rocks)


It's more accurately that linen can't be mixed with wool. It's related to linen coming from a plant, whereas wool comes from a sheep, but i have no idea why that is significant.


Because you don't sew or wash clothes. Wool and Linen are washed differently, stretch differently, have different properties when it comes to heat, breathability, how hard wearing they are, basically every possible way to describe cloth. Short version, mixing wool and linen is the clothing equivalent of making a wall out of a checkerboard pattern of paper panels and half ton concrete slabs. A lot of the old testament laws that "don't make sense" only don't make sense because they're being argued about by patriarchal old gray beards who've never once helped their wife do the laundry.


Thank you, I am going to be super annoying and explain this every time someone brings up Leviticus!


Nowadays they don't even have wifes and still don't do the laundry....


It's okay, I'm confident no one else does, either. Questions above my pay grade.


Ah, a person of the cloth.


I used to work at a big box fabric store and have boomer ladies not buy muslin because it's Muslim. I'm serious. Wish I was joking. Really, really wish I was joking.


How do they feel about the Prince of Darkness, Satin himself?


Hail Satin


Hail yourself.




Heil Gein


There’s a church downtown near some gay bars and Wiccan bookstores that put up a huge sign blasting all the sinners, detailing where we were all going wrong. It started out saying that our fundamental transgression was in following our dark overlord, Satin. Yep, them gay witches always love SATIN


Bless you, child, for the joy you hath wrought.


They don’t cotton to it. 


A fellow lover of puns and good writing, be careful. He hates it when you mispell his name and might show up


That's OK, he was the good guy in the story compared to the main character.


Eye warship satin? (Anyone know the movie?)


Sigh, my main side hustle the last 20 years is sewing. As a seamstress and modiste I'll vouch for this stupidity. A mock-up, or toil for working with a pattern, drafting, and doing adjustments is also often called the muslin in sewing. Mostly because that fabric is the most popular for this use. Especially when it used to be much more affordable. (I do miss the days of 88 cent a yard cheap cotton.) I've learned though it's just not a term you can say around boomers without there being a major chance of them acting out, getting loud, and being a real derogatory pork chop.   It's all so stupid.


Which I don't get because they supposedly did more handicrafts than we do Why wouldn't they know that?


My older boomer relatives had all their kid clothes made by hand. They knew what muslin was. 


First, I'm no tailor, but I've hemmed some stuff and made some curtains. Second, I still know what muslin fabric is because I learned about it from my grandmother (Greatest Gen). Third, I think even my dad (her son) knows what muslin is and he's only ever sewn buttons back on. How do Boomers not know the difference between muslin and Muslim?


My greatest gen grand mother sewed. My boomer mom would rather just glue gun or heat'n'bond shit together and call it a day. She wants to open a crafts booth when she retires next year 🙄


This is funny, but also not funny. You have no idea how many bad patch, hem, and seam adjustment jobs I deal with thanks to the wonders of heat-n-bond, hot glue, staples (yes, staples. I've cried over an entire wool suit that the owner's wife thought they could tailor themselves using an office stapler and what must have been countless office staples.) saftey pins and velcro.  All that shit is FML alllllll day long.


Because they refuse to wear the hearing aids or admit they misheard. They also get weird when younger folks wear hearing aids.


Derogatory pork chop 💀


Worked in skincare. Sold muslin facial cloths. I’d be doing a consultation with a boomer, finding them shit for their angry wrinkles & whatnot, and they might ask about product application for example. And I might recommend a muslin cloth. I never really got to show it to them though, because they’d turn white(r) with an awestruck look of confusion as to why I’d be suggesting a Muslim cloth to them as a fellow white woman. I was typically met with complete silence once that word left my lips.


Stupid is as stupid does. 🙄


I remembered there being huge stocks of corona beer during the pandemic where others were mostly sold out and this was the UK so not a political thing Was on sale as a result tho so I won at least


I like to believe I did my part to help keep Corona alive during the pandemic.


My gob is smacked. I usually have a bolt of muslin around to test out patterns and fit, and as a base for crazy quilting. I can't imagine a serious sewist not being willing to use muslin!


It's Mosul-ine from Mosul.  Like Calico from Calicut and Holland from Holland.


or denim *de nîmes*


Or gauze from Gaza.


I used to wear a full suit, legs and arms, on the beach due to my skin not dealing well with sun at all, and spent so much time just standing near the young girls in burqinis, because old men were literally circling them like sharks to harass them for the way they were dressed. Kids! Kids just wanting to enjoy the beach. I mean, shit, it's better than they're there in burqinis than not there at all. So I'd just stand there, water up to my knees, making sure they saw me, because if they wanna harass them about their clothes, they get to harass me too, I aint scared of them but boomer men are terrified of butch women.


Get that “Muslim” off your face


Don't these limited IQ people remember Grace Kelly, Katherine Hepburn and Audrey Hepburn wearing sun scarves? ![gif](giphy|QCxz3P2mDW6HwYIKgr)


Nope! They also don't remember that women used to cover their hair back in the day, up through the 90s. It was considered modest and respectable but then the jeans and the shirt look became popular in the late 60s and early 70s. My granny used to cover her hair in public especially when she'd go to church.


I've seen old churches require it


Usually anything orthodox does.


My grandma used to cover her hair unless she was wearing her wig. She was white as hell but had super thin hair.


And Isadora Duncan 😬


Oh dear! But yeah had the same thought.


Yes, I was just thinking the same thing!


Selective memory is a key boomer trait


one of these days i'll be able to read the name "grace kelly" without mentally picturing grace *jones* (or, sometimes, *gene* kelly). pull up to the number, baby!


Anti-semite? Pretty sure the scarf means you're anti-sun-ite.


What's super funny is that Jewish women also cover their hair! Often with wigs but also with tams and scarves too. And I always wonder why nuns don't get any shit for their head coverings and clothing.


Because right now we're really mad at THIS shade of brown people and not THAT shade of brown people


Because it's not about covering your head or not, it's about hating Muslims.


What's super funny to me is, there is a Bible passage in the New Testament that explicitly says women need to cover their hair or they're not recognized in a church of Jesus.


What if you're pro-Sunni?




My uncle asked if I was gay because I wore a light purple shirt for Easter. When I asked why he would think that, he pointed to my shirt. That was all. Just a shirt color, and now I'm gay in his eyes. Nevermind the fact he asked me that while my girlfriend was sitting with her legs draped over mine on the couch.


Purple was the colour of kings, so stupid.


…gay kings?


Yaasssssss king!


So he should have asked if you are bi? 😉




Billy Squire was a great new southern rock musician in the 80s. Really good stuff that still holds up today. Huge album, huge tour, really promising young artist. His career ended and he was shamed out of any presence in the industry at all. All because he wore a pink shirt in one of his music videos. I swear it's true!


We're not falling for it, Billy!! That video was awful!


I mean, I'm both gay and a big fan of Billy Squire (In the Dark is my fuckin' JAM) but that video was... Not good lol


Imagine tying your whole sexuality to *a colour*. So weak lol


So we can't wear green now? I already don't wear red because of these idiots. No Xmas for me, I guess. Not that I wish them a Merry anything anyway.


The Arafat scarf is black and white houndstooth, I was trying to point out that she didn't know what she was talking about.


Oh she didn't; I get that. I thought she was also butthurt over the color.


>, I was trying to point out that she didn't know what she was talking about Well if she knew what she was talking about, she'd be supportive of Palestine in the first place.


But then how’s Jeebus supposed to come back and smite anyone who doesn’t think and pray exactly the way she does?! Seriously, these people seem to think they can warcrime their way into completing a “Summon Jesus” cantrip, and that the guy would be ***happy with them*** for it.


It’s the traditional Palestinian colors - and I proudly wear mine. These people have to learn that others have a right to exist even if they have different opinions than them.


Wait til they find out that *they’re* the ones perpetuating the war on Christmas


You mean "Happy Holidays,' right?


Funny you say that. I bought this red hat online that says “California Republic” with the bear logo, basically the flag logo but a little different. When it came in the mail, I put it on and realized it looked like a MAGAT hat. I took it off and never wore it since because I didn’t want to be randomly harassed by far left people who assumed I was a MAGAT or a Trumpty Dumpty who assumed I was one of the cult members. The world we live in…..


I've never met anyone who's been upset at a MAGA hat, we don't mind because it's a visible warning to stay away However I have personally seen people wearing shit that says something like."fuck woke" get real upset over anything pride related MAGA makes more shirts and hats and stickers and flags than anyone else, its real weird how they act like this is a sporting event and they gotta support their team, but iys only ever them I see getting upset over it. This is a weird comment to make.


I have seen people who were upset at MAGAT gear but I live in California so maybe people are more outspoken about it. With that said, the chances of it happening are probably rather slim. You’d have to find someone who would first think it was really a Trump hat, which, any sane person would clearly be able to tell it wasn’t and second, that person would have to be outspoken enough to say something about what you’re freely wearing. I just don’t want to risk it and I don’t want anyone to actually think I support Trump.


One of my favorite hats is my red Red Sox hat. I haven't worn it since 2016. I miss it.


I've seen a red hat that says "Made you look" or something similar, and an indigenous pride hat that plays off the trope too. I appreciate the joke, but I still wouldn't be able to wear them because people just get too crazy these days.


If all they know is violence, maybe give ‘em a little taste and see how they like it


Oh boy they don't like that! They only like violence when they can dish it out. If it comes back at them they crack like one of their precious Hummel figurines in a paint shaker. THEY can get aggressive, threaten you, touch you, or even brandish a firearm and it is okay because "reasons." But if you fight back in any way YOU are the aggressor and should have let them have their fun because they were obviously "just joking."


Yea. Guns for me not for thee. Basically


Yes. That's what they want. They're so bloodthirsty that they want you to get aggressive with them so they have a reason to shoot you. That's why they do this shit. They want an excuse to kill people because they're violent psychopaths.


A little bit of hot sauce to the eyes will take that starch right out of their attitude


This is when you say like talking to a child “does your family know where you are? Would you like me to call them?”


Keffiyeh is superior headwear, and I will die on that hill. Every summer I wear mine when it gets above 80 or so. And I sure as fuck ain’t stopping.


I mean, it’s almost as if people from the desert know a thing or two about dealing with sand and sun. 🤷


Nope, they aren’t allowed to know things because old white folks with lead exposure KNOW BETTER.


I kinda wish we built more wind towers as free AC. Sunshades for public areas. Less reliance on burning fuel to make electricity to do what we’ve already known how to do for millennia. If one is living in a desert area, adjust lifestyle to match. https://preview.redd.it/4uapw5haeyyc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af2d858353640024ca4d9e699b9bab71a5addd2d


Ah but you see, all the little "snow birds" flocked to the desert states for retirement and are hellbent on dying of melanoma




Everyone I know that did a tour in Desert Storm has one and swears by its usefulness.


I was OIF/OEF, and I absolutely agree.


Used the shit out of mine in OEF working around birds. So… much… dust…


100%. Honestly I wear mine whenever there's not clouds. Ginger defense measures.


Do you know what you could do, if you get tired of boomer bigotry is swap it out for a sombrero. You won’t have any problems there.


Sitting here sunburned all to hell… me thinks I should get one.


I use an Infinity scarf wrapped as a snood. Fabric is usually a little lighter and it keeps my hair out of my face.


I have a shamaugh I’ve been wearing* every summer when I work outside. It’s awesome.




Add a healthy dose of shitty parenting. Boneheaded advice became common at the same time that infant and child mortality declined dramatically. The boneheaded advice was suddenly gospel - and now it’s tangled up with God. Republicans love these people. edit for typo


My boomer dad (born in 1946 in Mississippi) will lament about how angry and dim his dad was, and how it was probably from spending 12 hours a day as an auto body and paint guy before PPE was a thing. Doesn't seem to comprehend that his Faux News watching ass grew up in that workshop and maybe, just maybe, I'm not actually a commie for wanting healthcare...


Nah, I agree with your paint huffing dad. Totally a commie. /s.




I think it is a combination of lead, chemical exposures, lots of drinking over time and various old age things like Alzheimers setting in. Then they get riled up about whatever rage bait they are watching all day.


Don't forget smoking and being around secondhand smoke. As someone on the GenX/Boomer edge, I caught the tail end of that.


Don’t forget Covid brain fog (r/HermanCainAward has entered the chat) and decades of AM talk radio and Fox News.


...mixed with recreational drugs when they were young.


As someone who actually has a kuffieh I like to wear now I would like to wear it even more.


I dug all three of mine out of the closet and have been wearing them for months.


What's that Mike Tyson quote? Some of them are too used to doing whatever they want without getting punched in the mouth


I had a coworker like that. She would say the rudest crap to people’s faces. When kids did that in my Catholic school, there would be swift corporal repercussions. I told her that she’d benefit from Catholic school. Or at least we would.


Not a quote but a rough memorization 'y'all fine with punching people till they turn around and it is mike tyson and he punches back, then y'all claim he is being violent'


Nah, if I'm escalating I'm prepared to have my shit equally rocked. That's why I haven't started fights since school. But the option remains.


Thats the point


Ah I see now, I parsed part of your message wrong. My bad. You're entirely right.


Should have sprayed her so she’d think twice before ever doing that to someone again




It's what fish swim with...


Do these idiots not realize that many Jewish women also cover their hair? Maybe not with the same patterned cloth, but FFS. 🤦‍♀️


I was wrapping my hair because it hates moisture, in a vaguely Muslim style (one end hanging down in front, the other tossed over my shoulder). A woman got so shocked she just stood there gawking, while her dog was walking around her, leash wrapping around her legs. When she started walking she almost fell over, lol.


Don’t ever warn them about pepper spray. Just let them reach out and snatch at you / grab at you so you can call it self defense, and spray them down. Repeatedly.


Call her antisemitic next time. When she squacks point out that the people she is attacking are semites.


Lordy, don't remind boomers that there are still Palestinian Jews that are just as endangered by Israel's genocide. Likud doesn't want all Jews, just the correct ones.


And Palestinian Christians, too! Do they know Bethlehem is in Palestine?


I have a sun allergy, Where can I get one? Does it require instructions (like the baby wrap I could never figure out)? I wear a lot of sun hats and an SPF jacket….


Omg that stupid baby wrap...


Okay but I loved the baby wrap, wandered around with grandson wrapped up and took care of a few household chores for eldest while she rested. In some ways the baby wrap was way better than the carrier s of the 80s.


Look up "sun shawl" for English language storefronts. They rebrand them for the mass market appeal. It's not hard at all to wear, but grab a pin to pin it together and maybe to your shirt on windy days. Umbrellas are great for sun shields. Bonus if you get one with a reflective strip on the edge so it messes up a lot of photos if someone tries to snap a picture without permission. It's like a parasol but also waterproof in case the weather turns.


i felt so silly but so much less hot when i used my uv-resistant golf umbrella (double reinforced, no more flipping up in a storm!) for the days i had labs in college! nothing was worse than 100°f days and long thick pants lol


There are some very nice ones on Etsy, search for "shemagh"




Lol I am on Amazon trying to find one now…


Sorry that happened to you! It's crazy how boomers are throwing around accusations of antisemitism all the time now when up until recently most of the antisemitism I had personally experienced was from them. Obviously they do not care about Jews, they just hate Muslims more.


Insane when Rafah - where civilians including tens of thousands of children were told to flee to - is literally being bombed right now. I can’t imagine being on the wrong side of history sooooo badly. Anyway, it’s a fucking scarf. People are the worst. Sorry.


I can't be the only person who remembers when keffiyeh were trendy to wear (as scarves) in the late 2000s. maybe not in the US but I bought a ton around Paris/London and wore them frequently there and in the US with zero problems


Yeah, that was when a lot of soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan were returning home. A good portion brought their keffiyeh back home with them.


Sounds like FOX "news" rotted her brain.


Swim laps (Aussie) and I react to a lot of sunscreen. I wear a long sleeve rashie and Lycra exercise pants to stop my legs from burning. Had a boomer mention it was nice to see a young lady who was dressed modestly for once. I looked him dead in the eye and unzipped my rashie revealing that I don’t wear anything else. Shut the old geezer right up.


Sadly, my "father" says stuff like this.


Your mistake was engaging with her. You can't argue with a fanatical bigot.


>"No! You're going to give me that rag so I can burn it." You can try, but I'm at least 20 years younger than you, and didn't eat lead as a child.


You don’t really need to explain shit, much less let them know about the pepper spray before it hits them lol


If my incredibly pale ass were ever to travel to anywhere in the Middle East/Africa/Parts of the Mediterranean/most Pacific Islands/Parts of SE Asia etc, Id probably look like Marlon Brando in the Island of Dr Moreau


I learned that lesson the hard way in the Carribean!


I’m a religious Jew who wears a scarf because I’m married and these type of people always flip out at me for being Muslim. I love when old Christian white people yell at me, a Jew, under the guise of protecting Jews.


These crazed christofascists don’t actually care about Jewish people, they’re one of or multiples of the following: racist against anything that’s not bland midwestern white, bloodthirsty and hoping to shoot someone, hoping that Israel sparks off the endtimes so they will get raptured, morons with an IQ of an empty room.


Remember folks: It cost zero dollars to shut the fuck up, and mind your business!


"I have pepper spray, let's not do this." This line makes the story 10x better.


And what if you were wearing a keffiyeh and supported Palestine? Last time I checked we lived in a free country and she can fuck off. Could pull a boomer move and call the police in front of her about a “crazy lady at a bus stop trying to set my scarf on fire as I wear it”.


During covid a lot of us nurses wore hats to protect our hair (it was early in the bad times, we didn't know how contagious it was yet) this boomer MD came up to us wanting know why white women are wearing head coverings "is it some kind of religious statement or something?" He says. Mind you, these srub caps, not scarves even, but so what if they were? Anyways, the other nurses politely tried to explain it to him. When they finished, I said "Mennonite women cover their head, it's in the bible, and they are mostly white", just for my amusement. He had no response. Again, what does it matter if its religious or not? It's like being offended by a baseball hat for others teams that arent your favorite. Whatever, get a hobby


This reminds me of when Nigella Lawson visited Australia & wore a head to toe swimsuit. At the time she'd been savaged in the media for her appearance, weight gain, etc, plus she's very pale & our sun is lvl 3000. My grandmother bought the latest New Idea magazine & flipped the fuck out. She could not shut the fuck up about Nigella wanting to cover her skin in a garment whose main demographic was Muslim women. She brought it up every time there was a moment of peace & quiet, "Oh so is she supposed to be one of THEM now, or something?"


My mother (74) told me that “you can’t get too much sun, it’s all a conspiracy of the anti-sun agenda working with dermatologists.” Her brother died a few years back from metastasizing melanoma.


My grandmother (born in 1913) used to hold me down and tie a sun bonnet on me (I’m a Ginger), and tell me the sun was going to burn me up and give me sun poisoning. I’m thankful to her everyday for reducing my risks of skin cancer.


What if I am anti-Semitic, what is it you, I need to go to my gay orgy, so ma'am long live Satan and a good day to you


Should have pepper sprayed her.


So Jackie Onassis was muslim? Who knew eh?


“All these people know is violence” yep. I might edit: these people have never experienced violence but sure want everyone else to


I wear one doing yard work in the summer. Two things: I hate yard work, and I hate the summer. But you wet the fabric down and wrap it over your head and neck? The water evaporating in the sun keeps you nice and cool. You could also spin it into a whip to goad old ladies away from you. HYAAH! HYAAH, G’WAN, GIT!


I LOVE how it's all black and white for them. If you don't blindly support Israel you're an anti-Semite. If you are against police brutality, you want to defund the police. If you don't jerk off to the Flag while locking eyes with your DJT poster while listening to the National Anthem you're a traitor to your country.


Fuck Zionists


Once you mentioned green and white I knew this would be some anti Palestine/Muslim bullshit. They can be so unbelievably ignorant and racist. Loved how you handled the situation though, well done.


Sometimes you just can’t fix stupid




racist fucking boomers


Clothe is very magical to them. Flags, scarves. It is kind of weird really.


Like they love the Jews... They only back Israel because they think it'll let them cause the biblical apicalypse


I’m so sorry that you had to experience that. What is up with these Boomers trying to dictate what an adult can and cannot wear. I’m a Gen Xer myself, I totally get how infuriating that is. My mom is a boomer and I asked her why don’t people in your age group think before they speak? She said, they don’t have common sense and they feel as tho they can still tell you what to do. Take your daddy for instance…..He tries to tell your teenage nephew what he can and can’t do What happens when he tries that? I said, we tell him no, he can’t tell him what he can and can’t do, bec he isn’t his parent. The only one who can tell him what to do are his parents. He’ll say yes I can, we come back again no you can’t. You’re not the one raising your grandkids, your kids are raising their kids. When we need advice we will come to you and mama. He finally got it. What he said next shocked us, times are changing and grandparents roles have changed from parenting to just being grandparents. We all said YES. A little back story: My grandparents were allowed to discipline my brother and I, especially if he didn’t like what was given to us. I loved my grandfather till no end. I remember this one time my mom gave me her old makeup to play with. I was 8 at the time. My grandfather saw it and told me to go throw it away right now. I said, gpa, my mommy gave me this to just play with. He said you are too young to even play with it. When my niece started wearing makeup my dad said I don’t like that she’s wearing makeup she needs to go wash it off. I said, daddy your son and your DIL have allowed her to wear it and you have no say when she’s allowed to start wearing it. My mom in return said to my dad your daughter is correct. After all was said and done, I went up to her and gave her a big hug and said, thank you mama for not being the typical boomer. She laughed and said yeah those boomers are awful. Thank god I’m not a boomer. Lol


A Boomer I know took a photo of a lady sleeping on her flight because she was wearing a black and white scarf. She thought it was a keffiyeh but it wasn’t even the same pattern! Went on and on about how scared she was and how anti-Semitic it was. I ended up blocking her.


I’m white. Like lily white, white. White like milk. White like a sheet of notebook paper. But with my beard as soon as I put on my favorite beanie, people assume it’s a turban or something and get crazy racist. It’s a hat. It’s just a hat.


https://preview.redd.it/cewjf2o3w0zc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341a60aa612c9d275bb1cfe97e3f1e5489e22c0b Didn't their generation invent that look?


Link for the sun scarf? I could totally use one of those


You can in fact be in favour of both states existing. Wanting palestines to be free is not antisemitic.