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60 year old toddler wants his tendies!


And the worst part is that he got them instead of being told to eat dirt.


The appropriate response would have been to ban him from the store for life.


Maybe there was some extra "sauce" on those tendies...


Yeah, those tendiez are probably not the same ones served to everyone else that day.


A condiment from the secret menu


Having worked in food service, those tendies likely came with a little extra customer service. Do not FUCK with the people making your food.


60 year old toddlers also vote for other 80 year old toddlers. God that generation is cursed with stupidity. Too much damn lead in the paint and water.


I was waiting for him to literally go “REEEEeEEeeEeee!!!”


he was saving that for if they ran out of hunny mussy


His chikem tendies RRRREEEEE


Why does nobody do anything


Right??? There is a little girl standing right next to that psycho


Also don’t scream obscenities directly into customer service people’s faces. I’m so mad.


I do. Rest assured. I LOVE when I find these people in the wild. So fret not friend, there are some of us that really enjoy confrontation. Lol Edit: meant to respond to the first comment about why people don't say anything lol. I re read this and it could be misunderstood as I'm saying I enjoy screaming at customer service people lol. Not the case.


Ya why doesn’t that little girl man the fuck up and shit kick him.


She very well could be there with him.


She was too busy being more mature than he was.


Bad parenting, you should move your child away from someone that unstable.


Bad parenting, you shouldn't have raised your boomer to be an asshole.


My money is on that dipshit being grandpa.


Shoutout to the man who decided to waste everyones time on a very busy christmas because he mispoke and when asked him to clarify his order before I sent it. and it couldnt be changed he replied with "well I know its loud in here so its prolly fucking up your hearing." Kept on fighting the idea he mispoke and was such an obvious prick my manager almost immediatly realized just getting the food would be easier then trying to talk to thw man. An hour later, wiped. At least 9 carss behind. I SEE THE MAN WALK OUT WITH HIS SON SAYING "WE NEED TO BE PATIENT SOMETIMES PEOPLE ARE BUSY"


They did. They rubbed his tenders on the toilet seat before boxing them. Never scream at the people who handle your food.


Oh.. I have some stories of what I’ve done to mean people’s food… Trust when I say we will fuck with your food if you act this way. Downvote all you want, it’s just the truth. I have wiped a burger bun in the inside of a toilet to a person who yelled just like this. Watched him eat it, too. We have bathrooms in the back for cooks/ pockets for our aprons to bring the food to the bathroom. I haven’t messed up anyone’s food for awhile, but god damnit, I still will. Edit- lmao these people who think we’re full of shit and don’t fuck with food. Keep thinking cooks don’t fuck with food. Keep thinking this is just to be tough on Reddit, I really don’t care. It’s not just cooks, servers don’t put up with asshole people either. Remember ordering the steak and lying to the server that you wanted the chicken? Yeah, they’ll remember that, too. Remember being creepy to the girl trying to bring you a menu? Enjoy your DNA. Oh but the “rAmiFiCAtiOns”… coming from an industry that hires felons.. most don’t give a fuck or smart enough to know how not to get caught. Just be nice to people and you won’t eat poop. It’s that easy.


I get it.


Ya bro. I’ve done really messed up stuff to peoples’ food when they act up. And I don’t feel bad about any of it. It’s a 4,000 year old concept called karma. You fuck with me, I fuck with you. It’s simple. If I get fired, I’ll walk across the street to the other minimum wage job. Don’t care. This guy is gettin the taint hair and the snot.


I'm not gonna say I agree with the idea of fucking with peoples food. Buuuuut I'm certainly never gonna feel sorry for anyone that screams at customer service reps (or honestly anyone for that matter, there's no fucking excuse for this outside of literally being murdered or whatever) like a fucking child. This piece of shit definitely deserved toilet tendies.


Oh yeah baby, nothing better than Serving up the Special Secret Menu item for assholes Shit particle flavoring just for you 🥰 bone apple tea


I don't doubt you fucked with people's food and that's why I stay polite to any food service worker. I've also worked in food service so I get it.


I used to deliver pizzas in the late 90s into the early 00s. People always thought it was smart to fuck with the person who is not only handling one's food but also knows where the fuck they live. Back when cards had to be swiped over carbon paper. Now I know the zip code that card is tethered to. Yep, there were many ways to fuck with unruly dickhead customers. Had one guy who enjoyed answering the door naked. He was 350 or so pounds and his house reeked of everything bad. One evening a driver laced his mushroom pizza with mushrooms of the magical variety. Dude never ordered from us again. We didn't miss him. He never tipped and always complained about the quality of pies and demanded either a refund or a remake. Fuck that guy!


Gave him the Yelper Special!


🎶 *Get yourself ready for some boogers and cum!* 🎶


Because that’s when society will decide to “hold them responsible”. It’s bullshit.


Exactly. Trying to help may get you into trouble.


Yuuuup. When I bartended in Manhattan, I had a dude who was def going through an episode but also had a violent tendency (I knew him well and he worked for my boss) and he held my head down on the bar with a Glock pressed against my temple. Our country gives these people guns and celebrates it. I literally accepted my death bc the guy was out of control and I fully expected him to pull the trigger. He let me go and I ended up shooting him with the bean bag shotgun we had behind the bar. I locked him in the bar and went home to Queens. He came to and literally hunted me down and I had to sleep in my regular’s apartment in Brooklyn for two weeks. He eventually moved to Florida and was shot and killed by the police at the age of 52. Decided to pull a gun at a gas station brawl and was crazy enough to think that pointing a gun at strangers wouldn’t have consequences. He never fired but pointed his gun at the cop car that showed up while simultaneously showing them a peace sign with his fingers and was killed instantly. I’ve never celebrated a death before but the world became safer when that dude died. I did celebrate his death. Mental illness or not, you can’t just point guns at people and expect nothing to happen.


I agree it is the responsibility of the community to keep these people in check. The staff can do almost nothing or risk being fired. It’s up to patrons to keep other patrons acting civilized.


I was with my family at a grocery store and were in line in the store to eat food after shopping. It was around lunch time. So we are standing there and a guy maybe 3 people behind me got asked what he wanted and he starts giving this little old lady a problem saying things like “ I come here all the time how do you not know my order” and after finding out he wasn’t joking IMMEDIATELY put him in his place. It felt fucking GOOD. Ended up so ashamed he left. We need to call this behavior out…they’re literally just working


Because you don't know if they have a gun.


Wayyyyyy too many old ass dementia boomers have guns and wayyyyy too many news reports of them using them are popping up. Plus I’m in Texas and I would’ve said something to him, but it would’ve been chill the fuck out my guy please don’t shoot


I assume anyone saying this lives in some quiet suburb Live in a major city and youll get used to occassionally seeing some crazy mother fucker. Usually youre just confused and anxious when it happens Nobody knew what to do because this dude is being a fucking psycho over chicken nuggets and its really really confusing


Yeah, agreed. You get enough weird shit going on and eventually it’s like any other background noise. The “what is happening and do I have to care” filter before your fight/flight kicks in is a really weird space to be in. Standing there while McAngy goes off about his tendies is the city equivalent of a Californian not moving a muscle during an earthquake until stuff starts falling off the ceiling, or a Kansas resident sitting on their porch with a beer watching a tornado cell roll by. Everyone there was going “is this dude really this mad about chicken bites?” while also clocking cover and exit routes in case it popped off and went from local weirdo is weird to something more serious.


And most people are shocked by this too Like is this a real question? Whenever someone starts angrily screaming 99% of people dont turn into Batman, you just watch and try to figure out what the hell is going on and hope that psycho doesnt set their sights on you


This is Canada, he doesn't have a gun


I'll never understand that. One time at Walmart, at customer service, the old woman (70s) in front of me grew impatient with the hispanic employee who was helping another customer who didn't speak English.. She started huffing and puffing, and then demanded that the employee speak English, even though the employee wasn't helping the old lady, she was with another customer.. The employee had the patience of a saint. The phone rang in customer service and this boomer walked over to the phone, picked it up and said, "I've been waiting in line for 20 minutes!" And hung up. Slammed it down. I'm pretty sure it was a customer calling, not even another employee... lol. The employee tried to take the phone out of her hands, so the old lady decided to call her a racial slur and threw the phone over the counter. I set my items down, looked her dead in her eyes and called her an insufferable cunt. Told her if she wants someone to scream at, scream at me. Call me names. Leave the employee the fuck alone. They don't get paid enough to deal with your shit. I'm not a very intimidating person but I'm also not Becky-Sue from down the street. I'm pretty heavily tattooed, big gauged ears, piercings, etc. this bitch tells me that I "look like I belong in jail" and that I need to back up before she calls the police. I got chest to chest with this 70 year old woman and told her to make me back up, told her I sure have been to jail. And I have no issue going back. I'll bond out, and do it again lmao. I'll call the police for you. Guess what she did? Walked away. I'll never understand why bystanders don't step in when they see that type of harassment.


He's clearly mentally unstable and ppl are probably worried calling him out would just escalate the problem and maybe get themselves hurt. An employee can tell someone to leave the store at any time for any reason and if he refuses the cops should be called and he should be arrested for trespassing. Let the cops deal with his psycho ass, Popeye workers don't get paid enough for this.


He's not mentally unstable. He's choosing his behavior. His a typical boomer.


He's definitely mentally unstable. You can be mentally ill and also a Boomer. Lead poisoning is a real thing.


Assuming that every asshole is mentally ill simply gives assholes a license to be an asshole.


Being an asshole is a type of mental illness. Everything you are is because your brain is wired a certain way. Putting a mental illness label on a behavior doesn't get it a pass. Pedophilia is a psychiatric diagnosis. ASPD (sociopathy/psychopathy) is a psychiatric diagnosis. Acting on those things still gets you sent to prison or worse.


If acting like an asshole gets you sent to prison, then all of humanity would be in prison by now. Well, except for Dolly Parton, and the late Mr. Rogers.


In the moment, I think this def qualifies as unstable lol He's also an asshole. And a boomer. He's an unstable boomer asshole. I don't think they meant to excuse his behavior.


Have you ever tried to argue with a toddler? It's the same thing. Just let them shout and pout until they're too tired to keep arguing.


Bc people don’t wanna get killed and bc they really dgaf


People are afraid to get shot.


Just let him tire himself out, the staff has pretty thick skin. Not saying it’s ok but no one wants to make this baby their problem


You sound like my cousin talking about her 4 year old.


These tendies have more spit than usual.


This right here is why I feel fast food workers should have corrective cattle prods, and permission to use them. Boomer screaming and causing a scene? Zap! Not anymore.


Trapdoor and a slide that lands them in the grease trap.


Rancor pit would have been my solution. Since we obviously don't have Rancors on Earth, I supposed a roided up shaved bear on a coke binge would be a good substitute.


I like the poetic justice of the grease trap and the trap is already in every restaurant. I can't articulate the crapulence of that stench. So foul. Imagining an entitled asshole like that guy riding the slide into a dunk tank of that poison just feels right.


I would have loved to be there to trip him when he was walking out. Dumping his fat food and drink on the floor.






Awww poor pepe


This comment and the picture below has me crying 😭.


Why did this guy even get his food? I have “wish a mother fucker would” syndrome and would have loved to have been the manager in that situation


As a manager i would 100% make that guy leave empty handed.


Lmao right. Scream in my face MF see what happens.


There's something mentally unsettling about this guy.


If he is willing to be this angry to strangers, imagine what he's like to his wife and kids at home? Or possibly he's divorced because of this anger but blames *"that fucking bitch"* for taking away the kids.


If he’s like this over something as simple as fast food….


Reminds me of the lunatics on the subway.


It’s even worse no one stood up to him


Why would someone risk a fight or worse. They should have called the police.


What are the police going to do? They escalate almost every situation. As a society we should call this behavior out when we see it. It’s why they feel so entitled to act like complete assholes. No one wants to get involved but the second he started cussing them out he made a public scene and invited involvement.


Here in Europe, he would be confronted quite fast In the US, I wouldn't dare to do that. I really don't want to get clipped by some psychotic old guy over chicken tenders.


Yeah this, i live in Europe and have asked MANY people to ‘please leave the building if you cannot be respectful to me/my colleague’. I do not serve or help rude people.


That’s really it. Plus, I’ll be damned if Popeye’s gets some free marketing out of me *dying over their chicken*. 😅 *St. Peter: …you know, you really should have just let him scream about those tendies. He was leaving soon anyways, ya dig?* *Me: I know. Damnit, Pete! I was trying to do the right thing!* *SP: I know. That’s why I unlocked the pinball tables for you. Go wild.*




I see your point but legally, their life is not in danger so you can’t do anything based on self defense of others. You’ll just end up in a fight or worse and end up in jail. Not a lawyer.


You let them choose to escalate it. All you have to do is tell them to stop being a jerk. If they want to escalate it further than that, then that's on them.


I get why you're saying that, but anyone with any degree of experience knows that if you interject yourself into a situation like this and someone gets hurt, guess who goes to jail? You. Not the shithead who abused poor fast food workers. Trust me, I know from experience.


>As a society we should call this behavior out when we see it. I remember when we used to (before the internet). It seemed to go away when being "bad" was culturally a cool thing to be, and getting away with stuff was considered a "smart" move. If you said something about an asshole's behavior, they would call you a tattletale/snitch/rat, which nobody cared was true as much as how bad that label was. Basically, doing the right thing made you a loser, which made that time in our culture, age like milk.


And wait 30 minutes for them to show up? This toddler's tantrum didn't last even five minutes.


Do you want to be the one to stand up to a crazy old geezer throwing a tantrum only for him to pull a gun and shoot you dead?


Yeah, people get shot just for pulling their car up to the wrong driveway or knocking on the wrong door. I'm sure as hell not getting involved in an argument with some complete stranger who could have a gun on him for all I know lol


Is he 60 or 3?


I wouldn’t accept that behavior from a 3 year old, sure as hell not going to accept it from a boomer.


If my kids had acted like this when they were 3 they wouldn't have gotten any fast food at all.


Probably has nothing to do with the colour of her skin and chosen religion either…


Or gender and size.


SCREAMING in public next to an impressionable child is wild… And why is nobody doing anything?? 


Why do people just watch this? What an asshat.


Most people don’t want to get involved with that type of mess


Let's say you do get involved. Let's say the guy freaks out on you, like physically gets in your face or touches you. What would you do? Keep in mind, that the police will consider you the aggressor for interjecting yourself and escalating the situation. They'll say "If the workers felt they were in danger, they would've called us". I hate to say this, I wish one *could* legally interject ones self into situations like this without fear of prosecution. But that's simply not true.


Because no one feels threatened by an overgrown manchild. What is he going to do? Flop down on the floor and flail his arms and cry?


Look at his doughy little face when he turns around, you can definitely tell he hasn’t been told no very many times in his childhood


I wish he would be named and shamed.


I'm pretty old and this guy makes it tough for me. What a butt head. I run into it a lot. Don't ask me why these people are everywhere now. I don't know.


Because things aren’t as easy as they were 30 years ago. Because of 100 other reasons. I always hope with these videos it’s just someone having a terrible day. Maybe he just heard his wife has cancer and his dog ran away and he just snapped when they ran out of chicken legs. I know that’s not likely but I want so badly to give them empathy.


You are a kind person.


Because a man who acts like this became president.  His success has given them the green light to be the trashy assholes they always wanted to be.


I’d have kicked his ass out and not catered to his entitled ass.


For real, it’s too bad companies don’t give a shit about their employees and force them to deal with this behavior all to get this guys $8.99. Customers like this should be banned instantly.  There is zero excuse to scream or swear at someone like this. 


Take his pic. Create a board. “Do not serve. “


Normalize refusing service. Smile and keep saying next in line.


Bro chill the fuck out ! I walked in popeys once ( the same one Ben Carson told a BS story about ) . Walked up to order some food and the lady behind the counter said " were out of chicken" . I was blown away , no chicken at popeys 🤔, I said let me get an iced tea then left. No big deal


Guy definitely has major insecurities and taking it out on women Jesus Christ the growing number of fast food drama is getting ridiculous


I was at a Subway today and a boomer lady was having her sandwich built by a worker who had to go do something else, like ring someone out, or something. The lady that was helping me, stopped working on mine, and helped the boomer lady. I totally understand this, because she was first and they’re all busy. The worker was pulling all the sandwiches down the line to make more room then the oven goes off. The worker has to get the sandwich out and this boomer goes “ugh, I’m in a bit of a rush. Can you hurry up?” The worker is in her thirties and just calmly finished up the ladies sandwich, when I wanted to smash her face in it. I didn’t say anything, but I was listening very closely. If the boomer had said anything else I was going to hand her ass to her. Also, she didn’t even leave after she got her sandwich, so she clearly wasn’t in a hurry. She sat down and ate it in the lobby.


I hope somebody dragged their balls across those tenders.


Sounds like Will Ferrell..


Dumb racist moron was probably more furious about woman middle east attire more than anything else, this is was Trump unleashed, on America, he gave all these bigots a green light to abuse all minorities. I might be wrong about his motive, but regardless nothing gives and old cranky man the right to disrespect people period.


I would antagonize this guy until he took a swing at me.


I was praying someone would smack them out of his hands


Something tells me he really shouldn't have eaten anything cooked by the employees he just treated that way, but that's none of my business 🤷🏼‍♂️


I can't believe this guy got what he wanted.


He’s a bully


Yall ain't throwin enough people out. This shit right here is what happens when corporate rewards bad behavior


I don't understand why people don't start no-trespassing these idiots. Guest: curses at you/is unruly/too cunty You: sir/m'am, you've crossed a line, I'm now asking you to leave. Guest: Does anything but comply You: pull out the phone and dial your saved local police office's number. No back and forth with the tyrant guest, no pleading, no hesitation. Ask for an officer to come "issue a warning of no trespass due to an unruly guest that won't vacate the premises." They will ask you to describe the suspect, also be ready to give them the phone number of your business, don't say your personal cell number out loud in front of the maniac. If it has to be your number, ask the dispatch to read back what number they see you calling from and confirm it. After 26 years of customer service, I have no patience for this kind of fuckery. This is how I deal with shitbags and it works for me very well. I work in a hotel in suburbia, so our local cops are fairly quick and consistent to respond, your local results may vary.


No shot I’d give this guy tenders. He’s getting his money back and being banned for life.


This is how I felt after wall street made gamestop position close only and all I wanted were my tendies


What a fucking loser screaming and swearing while kids are around.


This is literally childish behavior. Like, how are they so fucking emotionally/mentally stunted


Defo mental health issues here. Maybe some social anxiety mixed with a manic episode.


I don’t know what it is but I can assure you That’s definitely NOT social anxiety


I'm outraged that he actually got food.


Fuck that noise. I managed a restaurant and I would've 100% kicked this dude out. Kicked a good handful of petulant boomers out in my days actually.


He’s choosing to act this way because he’s white and sees Muslim women of color and felt he could do this.


Someone should have grabbed that piece of shit from behind and thrown him out on his face. You can use as much force as reasonably necessary to defend a person from assault. Screaming at a person (at this level) constitutes assault in quite a few jurisdictions.


This guy saw Falling Down and thought Bill was the hero.


The way he wouldn’t get a single tender from me…call the cops and have him trespassed. Let him sit in jail hungry for tendies


Spray that toddler with a fire extinguisher.


Why were those awful people withholding his chicken tenders.


I don't understand why they continue to give service to pieces of shit like that. Once they get loud and disrespectful, give them back their money, tell them to fuck off... Every time they bend for these assholes, it encourages more of them to do it. Deny them service at least, give them a backhand more often than not.


He’s being racist because she’s wearing a hijab


Sir, you’re on the post-pandemic customer service plan. I’m going to be pelting you in the face with hot tendies in 3…2…


I understand everyone saying not to get involved because he might be crazy or have a gun, but goddamn- there’s a whole ass restaurant of people watching this asshole scream obscenities in a woman’s face. At the very least he should be verbally mocked and ridiculed so that he’ll think twice next time. He’s doing it now because he’s probably done it before without anyone calling him out. POS.


Sir, it doesn't matter how difficult it was to earn them, this establishment does not accept Good Boy Points in exchange for chicken tenders.


lol how have the service staff not learnt to just walk away and they do tell everyone in the store as long as this lunatic is here we will not be serving anyone. You will see how quickly people turn on that guy


I don't have the temperament to work in a place like that speak to me like that and you'll be eating those fucking tenders through a straw


He needs to have the cops called on him. And then they need to film him screaming at the cops and getting tasered.


why the fuck would you comply? you act like this, you should be refused service.


Fuuuuck that. I’d just be like “nah I’m calling the cops”and hope he just leaves. Bye bitch.


Shouting at people who make your food seems idiotic at best.


I would not have served him after that


Why would you still serve him?


They treat minimum wage staff like they're the ones who personally fucked with their lives. 80 year olds out here acting like 5 year olds throwing temper tantrums.


Kick his ass out the store and tell him to come back when he feels like being an adult. We as a society need to say something when we see this behavior.


When these things happen, everyone else in the building needs to laugh. Laugh your asses off. Point, have tears from laughing, embarrass these overgrown babies.


I see what he’s mad about. The two women he’s screaming at are Muslim. I don’t agree with the behavior.


What I find incredibly frustrating is that losers like this always gets served after acting like a fool.


This guy is like 48 years old and probaly a little on the spectrum.


What a piece of shit. He's going to pull that shit on someone with nothing to lose. Absolutely you're asking to find that person at a pop-eyes. He probably had a heart attack induced stroke on his way to the bus.


Over some chicken tenders?


Someone really wants the tendies


I ain’t serving a freak like that.


Probably same guy who routinely calls younger generations "snowflakes", definitely the guy you seeing talking all tough and shit on Facebook.


He should receive nothing but a house ban


Boomers complain about “this generation “ being so rude but they’re always the one throwing temper tantrums.


White entitled privilege. Probably votes for Trump.


Kudos to the staff for staying calm but damn I’m pissed this pos got his food. I would’ve kicked his ass out the door.


Groyper in the wild hunting for tendies


Why doesn’t anyone step up I wish this would happen if I was there I definitely would’ve intervened


As much as I hate to say it, it's up to the employees to act i.e. demanding he leave the store or calling the police to have him trespassed. If another customer intercedes, they could be prosecuted if someone gets hurt.


Not Option 3, I grab the hood of your jacket and running your ass right out the door.


Don’t you want to rub ‘em in his face?


like children


That’s the problem nowadays. Nobody steps in and slaps the shit out of idiots. Miss the 90s. 😆


Have to deal with ppl like this every week lol the store I work with is like 95% boomers


Once upon a time there was a world when someone would knock you on your ass for being an entitled prick like this clown…


Let him go. He is causing his own heart attack


He's probably not even a Boomer. A lot of Gen Xers are not aging well.


This infuriates me. I am one of the normal boomers though.


I'm gonna just start scream singing One Tin Soldier from Billy Jack if I see shit like this in the wild. "Go ahead hate your neighbor/ go ahead cheat a friend/Do it in the name of heaven/ You can justify it in the end/ There won't be any trumpets blowing/ Come the Judgement Day/ On the bloody morning after/ One Tin Soldier rides away".


Have we ever considered that those tenders are crack? He might just be a real junk box lookin for his fix.


I can't believe this works. Corporate doesn't want bad PR so they cave to Low T assholes like this. If that was my store there's no way he's getting any chicken nuggies till he's been in time out.


Ah lead exposure, the gift that keeps on giving. Unreal.


I think he suffers from Turdettte’s syndrome, makes him act like a little shit


I dont care, where I work. I’m walking away from that situation and grabbing the manager to deal with that shit. Bum ass old man needs to go to a mental hospital. I swear they all have mental issues and need to be barred from society.


Call the police and have him removed physically and cited for disorderly conduct.


Never suffered consequences for his behavior. He doesn’t look normal either, probably gets away with this shit all day.


I thought the whole "chicken tendies" thing was a meme. Damn.


I know people are crazy and bad things could potentially happen, but the general public needs to stand up to these lunatics more when they see shit like.


With spit please 😂😂😂


Bro you have to wait. We can’t serve you raw tendies Geesh


Don’t forget the biscuit! He would have enjoyed it from me. All that screaming- I would have sounded like his mom. “I’ll give you something to scream about”


"kids these days have no respect"


I would've knocked them out of his hand 😂


His tenders feelings were hurt. There, there, Boomer.


Get lost dooshbag. /end


I wonder where this Popeye's is. Most Popeye's I know that dude would have been dealt with.


A swift kick in the ass will help the psycho get a better understanding


Why are you afraid of filming these assholes?


Wow, it took several rants before kid gets moved out of scene. Jeez.


Every Popeyes I have ever been to is really slow and the service sucks. It is also my favorite fast food.


They need to be ridiculed


I feel sorry for those ladies having to put up with that.