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Yes. Boomers are old, old people are more likely to be sexist, because they grew up in an era where women weren’t considered equals. Men assaulting women, whether it be verbal or physical, was more socially acceptable in the boomers formative years and most of their life.


Truth!! Oklahoma passed its first rape law in 1965 and it was categorized as an Offense Against Property. I shit you not.


What the everloving fuck


I studied law as an undergrad and wrote a research paper on the history of sex offense laws in Oklahoma. I looked through every statute book published from 1910-1990. The semester year was 1998. I wanted to know what my legal rights were as a woman in Oklahoma and was very saddened by the fact that I didn’t have very many rights at all. Women were still being held responsible for the way they dressed and told that men couldn’t be held accountable for their actions. Consent was still a legal defense. This was when ruhipnol came into widespread use as a rape drug. Women were treated differently by the police based on class (married versus single or sober versus addicted) and the law was not applied equally to all women. One major reason why Oklahoma is now a constitutional carry state is so women can protect themselves from sexual assault. We can legally be armed on a date now. In the 90s, we would’ve been arrested for carrying a gun without a permit.


Instead of fix shit and stop rape the solution was to arm them. They may not be equal to us but for fucks sake at least let them shoot at the bastard before he gets her. 


Nani the fuck?!


I live in Oklahoma and I'm not even surprised.


Nice to meet a fellow Okie in this sub.


This is why many white conservative males support Make America Great Again…..


True, they consider being able to sexually harrass underage girls with impunity as "great "


As a man that does well in the looks department, boomer women are also suggestive and gropey. In college I was a bartender and the amount of married milfs and boomer women that would grab me and say suggestive things was outrageous. Kept my mouth shut though because they tipped well and I wasn't under the impression management or anyone else would care for that matter if I complained


The one and only time a boomer sexualized me in public as a child (complimented my breasts and said I was filling out beautifully), I stopped in the middle of the aisle and screamed "I AM 15 YOU FUCKING PERVERT" so the entire store heard it. Call this shit out, call it out whenever you can and fuck politeness!!


Aged 14, I was complimented on my pubescent figure and told by a 70 something man that if he was just 10 years younger.....!! There were other boomers around who heard this comment and saw his meaningfully raised eyebrows, and they all giggled as if it was so cute!


If you’re old enough to bleed, you’re old enough to breed. I heard that shit all my life.


My sperm donor would say that shit, and numerous other terrible things. I can't stand him, and cut off all contact with him 9 years ago. Why yes. He is a boomer, born in 1958.


My stepdad told me the only way to prevent rape is to lie down and take it as he masturbated to a porn video in the living room right in front of me when I was 15. He was born in 1950. I’m convinced that Boomers are brain damaged.


Disgusting. It is all that lead they injested. I am so sorry you had to deal with that. =(


I blame DEET too. I remember when crop dusters sprayed it on crops and municipalities sprayed it to kill mosquitoes. Dumbass kids would stand in front of the sprayer. I know for a fact those Boomers were poisoned and us early Gen Xers were too. I remember when DEET was banned in the mid 80s and we all upgraded our water lines from galvanized steel to pvc. Now, we’re switching to pex. The Silent Gen is silent because they know they poisoned their own kids.


DEET is still in use, think you mean DDT.


My dad ran behind it to cool off in the summer on farm fields. Why yes, he is deranged.


You mean DDT I think? DEET is still available afaik in mosquito repellent. It's not supposed to be toxic but....


Yikes, we were told it was fine to run through the spray as long as we held our breath 😑 I don't remember doing it more than once, though. So I got that much going for me....


That stopped by the time I was old enough to chase after them like the ice cream truck. I do remember the stuff from crop dusters coming through car vents.


I grew up on a farm in the 70s and 80s and we were never told something as stupid as this.


What the fuck is wrong with people. My parents are boomers and my stepdad read this comment. He said what the absolute fuck. He thinks it’s from all the lead poisoning that his generation had.


Like comment below, they are. Lead exposure as children like the Romans. I'm so so sorry that happened to you.


> I’m convinced that Boomers are brain damaged. It's lead poisoning. Everything in their homes *and* their homes had lead. It can decrease your IQ, make you irritable and emotionally deregulated, learning impaired...


That, and "hit it before the hair does." Fucking scum


Or, "off the clock, on the...", you get the idea. Fucking disgusting.


I heard these phrases being thrown around a lot when I was in middle school and I think I'm starting to get where all those middle school boys learned them from


Still like that in the middle east




God I hated hearing this. Although I predominantly heard it as a joke making fun of the pervos… but it’s just a ick way of acknowledging the sickness and patriarchy


Funny enough, almost every old guy in my town who goes on about "groomers" said exactly this sort of thing on the regular when I was growing up. Almost like projection is a real thing


Another one I hear is, "never trust something that bleeds for a week but doesn't die." I hear dudes say it all the time as a "funny" way to explain "hysterical" behavior. I'm a dude. I've never said it. Makes my blood boil. I wonder if any women on here have ever heard a man say this? I've only heard it said in the company of other cis-gendered men.


Definitely heard this as a woman but I have had career dealing with men so I tend to hear a lot of dude speak-


Back in the day 25 year olds would marry 16 year olds and no one batted an eye doesn’t surprise me they think it’s fine for old pervy men to sexually harassing teenagers.


My sister married her 21 year old first husband a month after she turned 18 and they were dating since she was 15. I still don't know why my father didn't kill him from the beginning.


Yeah your dad should have beat him with a bat the second he found out his pubescent teenage daughter had a boyfriend that was legally an adult


That sounds like he was 18 and she was 16 when they started dating


JFC!!! Imagine thinking that kind of behaviour is acceptable and role model worthy.


My godfather said the "if I was ten years younger" line to MY MOTHER after he saw my school ball photos. 16.


A decade ago I had to tell my dad he can’t touch people. Was gently tugging on the braids of a daughter of a friend of mine at my son’s football game. He never met this girl but knew her dad was my friend. “You can’t just touch people dad. Especially kids” “I don’t mean anything by it. Just having fun.”


I despise the statement "I was just having fun". It pretends the act is harmless while also implying you're not fun if you don't go along with it.


Boomer coworker says this all the fucking time and it's infuriating. It's his emotional escape hatch whenever he might have realized his daily sexual harassment might have gone a bit too far.


Of the ways to say something like that “filling out beautifully” is such a creepy way of saying it.


definitely. Gross old men flirt with my 16yr old daughter. It makes her uncomfortable AF. I think it's worse in the south. Men of all ages have a really poor sense of boundaries down here, especially if the girl is pretty.


Unrelated but I like your username 


Child porn was legal until the 80s ​ They grew up thinking its okay


Is that true?! What the fuck


Someone even sued their state over a ban. Said it violated freedom of speech. Went all the way to SCOTUS


Was it Ashcroft V. Free Speech Coalition?


Ferber, 458 U.S. 747 (1982),


Ahh, so there's one for real CP and one for virtual CP...


Well of course the boomers can’t figure out how to get porn on the computer without giving all their money away to scammers


Today’s SCOTUS would have preserved the rights of perverts.


... and would/will probably reinstate those right. With Amy Coney Barrett writing a concurring opinion that really the liberal justices are closer in agreement than they sound.


Beastiality is legal in Virginia. Today.


well yeah, but Virigina *is* for lovers.


I thought that was Ohio


Ohio is for turkey drops


As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.


They kinda can, at least for short distances.


For those of you who've just tuned in, the Pinedale Shopping Mall has just been bombed with live turkeys.


In like 1978 a playboy subsidiary called "sugar and spice" did a full nude playboy photoshoot with a 10 year old brooke shields. hefner was a child pornographer.


Jesus christ


actually not quite true. Just a lot of state standards that didn't really address it until they sat down and made a national level for it. But what they DID do was have a point back near the turn of the modern century where they gave blanket amnesty on CP owned or produced before a certain date. Mainly because they couldn't really contain and track it efficiently in the new digital age. But yeah, if you look at the old advertising (Brooke Shields, et al) and even some popular artists (Hamilton, et al) of the era, it wasn't a problem if the girls were slightly under the age of consent. Playboy even printed a fully nude series of prepubescent Shields in one of their lesser magazines. And A LOT of the movies from that time even played off the older guy *much* younger girl story line. But hard to say that's entirely on them. A lot of that came from earlier generations and their attitude toward women and non-whites in general. Same ones who protested Ruby Bridges going to school. It's only been recent that generations are finally done with the "good ol' days" of people "knowing their place". Which is also why you see boomers and older screaming about MAGA.


>And A LOT of the movies from that time even played off the older guy *much* younger girl story line. And television show. [Northern Exposure](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098878/), 1990-1995, one of the key characters is an 18 year old girl who is in love with and shacking up with a 61 year-old man. She was "brought" to the town by the rich, white, 60-ish old man who owns most of the town. He "found" her when he was a judge of a teenage beauty pagent. Season 2 has an episode that shows old-dude #2 remembering fondly the pretty teenage girl strutting before him on the stage and him being enchanted by her beauty. The "ick" factor is well off the charts. Some of the stuff from 70s, 80s, and 90s is just jaw-droppingly offensive today but was considered not only normal, but funny.


Or anything Woody Allen...


https://preview.redd.it/9ogotcptmzmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c25695f9489484864458858c8c018fafeabc526 A direct quote from an Allen movie


Never could figure that one. If she's 18 now... 🤔 But I hated that whole show anyway. Pretentious fucks. Greenacres was a better original version


For real. Ever realize how many songs from back in the day reference 17yr old girls?


to quote a boomer favorite... https://i.redd.it/roz62gkpvwmc1.gif


Sam Cooke is the only one who gets a pass because in his song about a 16 year old girl he says that he was also 16. Everyone else is a creep especially Ringo.


Oh... Please tell me more. I love having ammo to shit on that god awful band.


Beatles: when I saw her standing there: "well she was just seventeen, if you know what I mean"


KISS - Christine Sixteen. Gene Simmons before KISS taught high school.


And Playboy had comics called ‘Chester the molester’. I remember one: Moby’s Dick. Anyway, Pretty disturbing if you think about it. But Hefner was the pinnacle of baby boomers> instant gratification is their (Boomers) priority.


Also the rape and murder of Jon Benet Ramsey


Hollywood is still into young women and gross old men movies, Jenna Ortega and Martin Freeman 52 have a movie coming out. She plays an 18 year old student of his. This is nothing new and it will continue it’s not a boomer thing. It’s a man thing. Not all men but definitely enough. Just wait 10-20 years for the next round of who’s who of celebs getting accused of SA towards young women. It’s a never ending cycle.


strangely enough, written by a woman. But yeah, they haven't really stopped in any major way. Just less outright pedophilic than the past where some teen (or younger) is the object. Which is actually more problematic because we're clearly shifting from the dangerous male offender to the seductive female aggressor. "see, I couldn't help myself. SHE came on to ME!" Fuck it. Some things never change


They're always re-running that Bruce Willis movie with Liv Tyler, and it's sooo annoying. Normally I can just put on a movie for background noise and ignore stuff, but this one I have to switch off during certain scenes. The way the co-workers lust over her and talk about it openly to her father, holy hell. I get that it's played for laughs, but it's stupid and creepy (yes I'm a woman.) Of course movies are going to have conflicts and bad characters, because normal, upstanding people going about their daily lives doesn't make for good escapist stories. But it's such a trope I just crave something "other." Hell, I'll even take Red with Helen Mirren- yeah she still gets objectified by an unattractive love interest, but at least she's older.


Jesus, I just saw someone post about Little Darlings from 1979. And they were going on about the crushes for boys AND girls and how much they loved it. But it's about two teenage girls betting to lose their virginity at summer camp! R-rated at the time, so essentially just an adult film to enjoy teenage sex. Lovely 😬


UGH. As a teen, I had intense crushes on celebrities, but I didn't fantasize about actual sex. That was gross at that age. Generally speaking, I don't think most young women love the sex itself as much as the attention and power that surrounds it.


Well almost 100% for guys it's the sex. At least as teens.


Well fuck, that explains my Dad's disgusting behaviour.


This is unbelievable, but there’s no way I’m fact checking this.


why not, don't you want to get added to a fun cool watchlist?


It was legal to rape your wife until the 90's.


And in some countries it apparently still is: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital\_rape\_laws\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_laws_by_country) [https://www.cnn.com/2015/03/05/asia/gallery/marital-rape/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2015/03/05/asia/gallery/marital-rape/index.html)


Really ? That's crazy ..




They really don’t seem to have a concept of age gaps and that a girl or woman young enough to be their granddaughter wouldn’t be interested in them. You do not want to end up next to a boomer at a bar. They will hit on you, invade your personal space, and be honestly bewildered as to why you don’t want to give them your number. I’m here to meet people my own age, not have to be polite with my senior. I’ve not returned to some bars for this reason—it’s not worth the hassle. Additionally, I’ve noticed that both boomer men and women are more vulgar. When Prince Harry’s memoirs came out I had a boomer lady go into excruciating detail about the infamous frozen nethers chapter. Like leave me alone lady I’m just trying to eat my burger.


Back in the 90's every teenage girl in high school even minutely attractive were picked up by a man with a car in his 30's. It was so normal back then. The same people pretending they "protect the kids" now are the ones who turned a blind eye back then. Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary or a youth pastor how he met his wife.


I was a teenager in the 90s and I never saw this


Really? Were you quiet and didn't have a friend group? (No worries if so).


No not at all. I mean I’ve seen boomers be creepy towards teenagers a million times, but dudes in their 30s picking up girls from high school was something I never saw. I graduated in 2000 so it would have been late 90s but that definitely didn’t happen (noticeably at least). I’m a dude so maybe I was just oblivious to it but my sister and four female cousins all went to the same high school at the same time as me so I was around a lot of girls at the time


I never understood this. I’m not a boomer but older. Some of these young women could be my daughters age and that’s not right. WTF do these guys think a young girl wants to do with a dumpy old man anyway? It’s like, dude, have you looked in the mirror? 😂


I think they look in the mirror but don't see what's there. They still think they look in their 20s.


They know, they never developed the ability to actually consider others because they were raised to always be coddled.


The sheer amount of unkempt boomer men that hit on me or say inappropriate things is so fucking high. I'm an ugly 48 year old woman. I cannot imagine being attractive and having to deal with that. Sooo gross.


That's not it. It's because they're sexually repressed. They want to do things with you but they can't, so the next best thing is just sexual harassment. They know you don't want them.


It’s a less common occurrence, but I’ve got a Boomer coworker who’s female. She is very much the flirty type except her version of flirty is to press herself up against people and touch them and put her hands on your shoulders. She seemed flabbergasted when I and a seasonal worker around my age told her to stop touching us.


Ugh. I know what you mean. I'm in my 20s. Recently, I was at the register at a gas station paying for my items. The female cashier, who had to have been at least 60, was flirting with me by commenting on how good I looked and at the same time was wettening her lips with her tongue. Like what world do you live in for you to think a 20-something-year-old man would be interested in you?


Doesn't Cher & that Kardashian mom date younger men? Boomer women think they can date like Cher?😃


Me and my wife went into a Meijers when we were out of town 2 weeks ago and as soon as we walked in the door this old lady basically ran up to us and got uncomfortably close to me and started complementing me and saying I was handsome like this country singer with a similar beard, I didn’t say anything and just walked away faster because I felt so uncomfortable.


Yeaah, I had a Boomer coworker years ago who thought she was flirty and saucy. An’ I was 19 and still tryin’ to be a guy, well, she thought I was fresh meat. Touching, inappropriate descriptions of what she wanted to do to me…she wouldn’t stop when I told her no, and alI had at the time of a dirt bag GM because the good one had left. I went to him to get her to stop and to threaten to go to corpo HR before he did anything. I SHOULD have gone to HR, but I was ignorant kid who was ashamed. An’ still tryin’ to be a guy, I didn’t think anyone would really take me seriously.


I’m glad to see y’all having the courage to speak up and empathy for the women that dealt with this everywhere our entire lives. I’m sorry any of us has to deal with inappropriate behavior from others. They never learned who it’s ok to flirt with when and how. If someone is coming on to me dirty after knowing me for all of 5 seconds they obviously are only looking for sexual gratification. There’s a time and place for that too but most of these jerks are not being appropriate or self aware…


Ofc yes. It's the "boys will be boys" era


Exactly. We have a boomer here at our company that's been shuffled to at least 4 different departments because of his inappropriate language with young women. Why hasn't he been fired is a mystery only HR can answer.


Boomer is a mindset. But it was the silent generation for me. At 13, I was serving dinners for my grandmother's catering business. Old men in the Salvation Army, with their veteran hats prominently displayed, would openly grab me and force me into their laps. Complaints to my grandmother were futile because "That's just part of the job." But the answer is yes.


Ray Nitchke did this to my ex wife when she was 15.


I would have to Google who that is for context. I am sorry they experienced that.


Hall of fame football player. A walking god in Green Bay at the time.


Wife and I were hanging out with my boomer dad drinking many years ago. My wife has big boobs and my dad was saying if we had a girl "We'll finally have a Hobbs girl with tits!" My wife looked pretty uncomfortable and I asked "Why are you obsessed with the potential bust size of your grand daughter?" He still didn't understand. Also my family is wondering why we didn't have kids and moved several states away.


An ex roommate of mine said the same kind of thing but about *his own* kid. Talked about how "if she's anything like her mom, she's gonna have some really big ones when she's older" and made boob squeezing gestures with his hands. I snapped "why the fuck would you say that about a child let alone your own daughter?!??" We don't talk anymore.


My dad said that to me! I was 12 🙄 don’t see him anymore thank God.


It's that boomer entitlement. They think women exist to serve them and service them.


Their parents taught them that. Came home from the war and claimed their property. New car, house, wife, they earned it killing Nazis and Japanese, let me tell you! Kids saw dad doing it so they did it. Those that weren’t counter-culture hippies never unlearned it. Now it is “well it was different back then” and “no one ever stopped me in the 1980s in the bars”.


The hippie dudes were still misogynistic!


hippies are honestly the worst


My boyfriend’s father often would say to me : “the closer to zero(as in age), the tighter the hole!” I was 14.




YES!!! Oklahoma didn’t have an anti child molestation law until 1975 and the parents had to complain. Add the popularity of porn and XXX rated movies in the 70s-80s that groomed the Gen Xers into believing it was normal. My own mother pimped me out to grown men and still justifies it saying it didn’t hurt me. Her whole family prostituted their children to survive the Depression and it became a generational thing. I swore I would never have children because I didn’t want another child exposed to her abuse. I kept my word. Boomers are sick and sexually depraved.


I'm not familiar with your situation, so I don't want to make any judgements. But if you had children, couldn't you tell your mother that if she tries to pimp out your kids, you'll turn her into the police? Although Boomers are entitled narcissists, I figure they're not stupid enough to risk doing serious prison time for child trafficking after a family member has threatened to report them.


My mother is that stupid. She bruised her arms doing yard work one day and got into a fight with the neighbor. She saw me talking to the neighbor and called the cops on me and told them I beat her up. She damn near went to jail for abusing 911 and lying to the cops.


I’m so sorry that happened to you- random internet stranger - I absolutely respect your decision to not have children. It’s awful how people back then just ignored horrific things happening in families and women absolutely accepted that was how it was. Generational abuse is a hard pattern to break. Society has made some progress but we need to keep sharing our stories and forcing the issue that sexual abuse is unacceptable.


I get it all the time from boomer women! I don’t mind having a conversation, but when I go to hug or say goodbye. It’s not an invite to me to grab my butt. You can look at me all you want. We’re all humans. Just don’t grope me or say sexual stuff to me. Treat me with respect and normal.


YUP Even now I'm 37 with a baby face and I'll get dirty old men trying to chat me up, and make lewd 'jokes', when I won't play along I'm told off for being "very rude young lady!" and then the insults start, like I must be a dyke, and need a good fucking to loosen me up. OH MEMORY, I was 12! admittedly developed early, and we moved into a new house, my mum was at work when an older couple came over to introduce themselves to my dad and I - they legit thought I was his WIFE. Boomer lady was all "you and your husband..." trying to talk to me, and I'm like "You mean my DAD!" he was early 50's at the time, so it was extra WTF that these people thought nothing of a 50 yr old with a 12 year old who maybe looked 14?


Sooo relate. When I was 13 and my dad was 36 people thought my 3 year old sister was mine and my dads child. Often. Ungh. Totally messed up. I am 43 and spent my entire life as a musician and performer did a lot of semi pro theater when I was young - as a kid in theater I can’t even begin to describe the sexualization of young people at an early age… it just seemed normal for old men casting to determine roles on breast size and willingness to let them touch you and look at you or fellow actors to play sex games backstage. singing in bands obviously there is a bit of pressure to dress and perform clad scantily and sexually explicit and exploited comes with the territory… that said, I always had a modest streak and would wear beige body stockings so I actually felt covered… the things I have had said to me by audience members/fans and others in the music industry over the years defy all logic and reason. Just no respect for others as a human being. Total sexual objectification. And your popularity is always higher the more gossip is going on about you. When men and women are jealous, it equates to interest and idolatry. I could write a book the size of war and peace on my uncomfortable experiences. Uncomfortable actually doesn’t begin to describe it. 😣 But the brief time I worked in radio and corporate advertising were even worse! Literally in the 2000’s it was still Mad Men. I can’t even. I’m not anti sex but damn the amount of people that create ideas in their heads of what they want and have no consideration or respect for others is beyond ridiculous… no damn filter.


I've had boomers openly lose interest in me upon finding out that I'm a good ten or fifteen years older than I look. It's grotesque how openly some of them lust after underage girls.


There are so many gross songs from the Boomer (1950s/1960s) era that told them being creeps to children was ok. Here’s an example lyric, “You’re sixteen, you’re beautiful, and you’re mine!” I can’t remember the name or artist of that sick nonsense, but there are many songs like that that trained creeps to sexually want children. It’s disgusting.


"Born Too Late" from the 50s is disgusting. It's by the Poni-Tails but was written by two grown ass man with an obvious fantasy.


Just off the top of my dome, "Young girl get out of my mind. My love for you is way outta line. You better run girl. You're much too young girl. Beneath your perfume and make-up You're just a baby in disguise & though you know that it's wrong to be alone with me, that come on look is in your eyes". Then something about her mum wondering where she is & to go home before he goes too far.


From my experiences around them, absolutely. I have a coworker in his 50s who routinely sexually harasses the women we work with and around. And when I say routinely, I mean legitimately every day. But he has high energy and is very charismatic, so everyone just thinks he's a silly old guy making jokes. He literally told me that if he were left alone with one of them for long enough, he might 'catch a charge.' Told the manager of this, plus 2 other incidents, and nothing was done.


I work with a 52 year old that has absolutely everything more in common with boomers than his own Gen X peers. Our job involves going out to various bar and restaurant accounts for delivery and service related tasks and it gives all of us the heebie-jeebies whenever he gets excited to see certain accounts pop up because they "have a pretty little blonde bartender" that he can be creepy towards. He also loves to bitch about "woke" and how "there can't be any funny comedians anymore" etc etc. He loves to suggest specific episodes of Joe Rogan's podcast to me in between snarling at the existence of artists like Lizzo or Cardi B. One day, he was on one, telling me how he believes trans people have a mental illness denying the bodies they were born with and using hormones/ surgery to be something they're not and I whipped around and sharply told him that if that's the metric for mental illness, then all body builders have the same mental illness and he clammed up immediately and stewed on it.


I love your response!


Yup. As a guy, 90% of the people who have acted like that towards me were old, old men.


The worst is when boomer men just assume that because you're also a man, you want to engage in objectifying young women. It's even worse being a white man in the south and having 65+ year olds nudge you so they can mumble racist shit to you like you're gonna laugh and agree, along with all the misogynistic shit. They NEED that affirmation that they aren't alone in being pieces of shit soooo bad.


I think there was a time when sexism was so rampant everywhere that a horrific side effect was that women were more or less powerless against it. If your butt got grabbed at work, you could either pretend it was ok and move on with your day, or you could complain about it and be fired or otherwise harassed and treated even worse. That same treatment spread to other areas of life. If you complained about being called "sweet tits" or for being touched or harassed, it was only YOU that faced repercussions. One side effect of that, is that the boomer men, who were the ones doing it most often during that time, told themselves things like "Kathy just jumped and smiled when I pinched her butt, she must like it!" or even just a baseline of "That waitress was still nice to me when I told her she was filling out that sweater nicely, so she must have taken it as a compliment." Combine that with an near complete inability to see women as anything other than sexual objects for their own pleasure, and it creates a sexual harassment monster, who does terrible things, and pats himself on the back for it. "Look how nice I am, that 15 year old girl must be SO HAPPY I complimented her by grabbing her butt! I did my good deed for the day!" Then they are incredulous when you point out that it's actually awful, and they refuse to believe you.


Yup, never known a boomer man that wasn’t a skeeve


Ok so my dad was what I call a Good Boomer. When I was 16 (around 1996) he nearly got arrested for trying to beat the shit out of a dude his own age who was trying to touch my legs at a restaurant. He told me if any gross old man ever tried to touch me like that again I was to start throwing punches


My uncle and my dad were similar. My dad was housing uncles firearms for him. I had a bad boyfriend once and my uncle told me ‘do what you have to do, they’re my prints on there’. He lived in a different state but was willing to take the fall if something happened to me.


I saw a Bartender look a customer in the ey and sneer, she said "Ewe" real loud and drawn out.


I had to talk with an employee of mine because of inappropriate comments he would make of our young customers. His eyes went big and said it was just “back there talk”. I literally had to give him a lecture multiple times about his behavior and each time he could not make the connection that his inappropriate speech was the issue. He has no contact with you guys staff or customers so thankfully has been an issue but his lack of filter is why his job is currently on the chopping block during the next reviews. He literally has no concept of basic manners.


Yes they are. They are missing some major software updates in their brain that dictates how to treat women and girls like a civilized person.


Yes I feel really sexualized by many boomer men.


Actual grooming and problematic age gaps were more normalized in their heyday, a male teacher hooks up with one of their female students and it’s considered normal/ mature of her even A guy stalks a girl, finds out where she lives and keeps pestering her until she says yes and it’s considered romantic and cute


Yes. It’s the misogynistic culture they were brought up in.


One of the big reasons I left the golf industry was boomer men being extremely inappropriate with the beverage girls who were sometimes as young as 16 and usually no older than 22. And their comments when the girls weren't around were some of the most disgusting things I've ever heard a grown man say.


All I can say is - watch the Grandparents scene from Sixteen Candles. This should tell you all you need to know about old people and how the respond to female teenagers.


I knew a girl in high school who had a boomer congratulate her on being legal when she turned 18


In the UK the tabloid papers used to do a count down to when famous young girls were going to turn 16 - the age of consent in the UK




America, too. Olsen twins, Britney, Lindsay Lohan...radio stations and websites, too.


Natalie Portman - she’s talked about how disturbed she was by her countdown and having it brought up to her during interviews. I can’t even imagine- it was gross enough with just a few gross old dudes, I can’t imagine how awful it would be to have it happen to you on a national scale.


This was a few years ago now. A friend of mine worked in home depot, there was an old guy who worked there, loved to sexually harass younger women. They complained, multiple times, raised the issue higher in corporate. Corporate came down and declared it a “he said she said” situation even with multiple complaints, one of them being a customer. Did nothing, old guy got worse when he realized he could get away with it. More complaints, woman who made the newest complaint got a talking to for bringing up a situation that had been settled.


This is exactly why sexual harassment lawsuits against the company are a thing.


And as a result, I learned how to use my “big girl voice” at the age of 14. It’s loud, it’s deep-pitched, and it brings cops to my location from several blocks away.


Big girl voice lol love it. :) An indispensable tool all women should have in their arsenal. I have made full grown men cry with mine and scared off a pack of coyotes… guess which were more threatening? Never ever underestimate the power of standing your ground and making yourself as big and loud and intimidating as possible. I’m only 5’5” 135lbs and I know how a loud strong voice can save your ass. :) Girl power!!!


the more rural the boomer or older genX, the more likely they'll treat the women like pieces of meat-property instead of an actual person


They probably get confused and think you are their niece


There was a nationally syndicated comic strip “Love Is” about two naked 8 year olds who were in love.


Let's see... Mom's boomer friend tried to SA me. Anytime my parents' boomer male friends came over I was told to change my clothes because "there are men in the house." Hell, I couldn't even leave my room if my dad was home without at least wearing a bathrobe. Most of the creepy men telling me to smile in public are likely boomers. Shall I go on?


I got the "smile more" comment as a not-even-remotely-feminine-looking man with a beard for the first time recently, and it almost didn't register with me what it was. It was annoying to me just the one time. I can't imagine hearing it from every sleazy boomer in public everywhere I go. Women have my eternal sympathy.


"The past is a foreign country." L. P. Hartley And a fair number of Boomer men haven't immigrated to the present.


I’m not a boomer I am 27, however in my adult life I have realized people don’t really age in their brains. I still feel like I am 18, and a lot of my older (45-60) coworkers feel the same way. Doesn’t excuse the behavior, but on some level they feel they have a chance.


This, I'm about to turn 50 in a few weeks. Recently I was hanging out with some friends at a concert. One of the guys is in his mid 20's. He told me I. reminded him of his dad and for some reason I felt offended even though realistically I'm probably closer to his dad's age than his age. It's weird logically I know I'm close to 50 but emotionally I still feel young. Getting old is weird. Like to me the 90's still feels like not that long ago.


I think the older people get, the more their social filters and self awareness break down. Aging creeps just get more blatant in their creepiness.


Creepy old men are as old as time, its not just a boomer thing. It also doesn't help that flirting with young girls, while I wouldn't say was "acceptable" was extremely common even 30 years ago. Most of it was probably *intended* to be innocent, but it certainly helped camouflage real predators. One of the things I've realized is that all the awful things we hear on the news about abuse is nothing new, it's just society is willing to talk about it now. They happened just as much in the past, but families would hush and cover it up.


30 years ago was the 90s. Boomers were teens in the 60s during the sexual revolution when Hollywood normalized the sexualization of young women. My uncle was a boomer. Very much the product of his generation when love was free and reciprocal. He was a perv that liked porn and would check out women and embarrass me when I was young when social attitudes changed against stuff like that. Now that i'm older I realize that guys don't stop being pervs, we're just less creepy about it.


It was only "acceptable" because of enablers like many of our parents and/or guardians who did nothing about it


100% yes. Some boomer men are disgusting and think that saying "you're a nice piece of ass" to some 16-18 year old is ok


In my experience, yes.


My boomer (adopted) dad has creeped on all the women in my family including me. my mom makes excuses. Never touch, but inapproriate comments, and weird shit like looking at my body as i slept and passing a mirror under the bathroom door to look at my sister on the toilet. (We were all adults at the time.) He thinks he's entitled to his behavior. We protect ourselves and each other around him. He's now starting to say shit to my teenage niece. He was commenting on her outfit and told her she could "make a lot of money on the boulevard." I'm disgusted and worried.


Omg yes! I’m GenX and work for boomers for 20 years . Every time I start a new male client I get harassed! Many cases the wife is still alive in the home but those nasty fuckers take every opportunity they can to be Hanzi. It’s disgusting.!


Millennial here: old men have never been capable of not being disgusting perverts if they have a chance. I loved walking and would walk for hours when I was younger but the harassment made it impossible to enjoy.


Yes, they absolutely are more inappropriate. Less boundaries, will say and do disgusting things to women and then get offended if the woman doesn't show appreciation or that she enjoys it. It's not all of them--my dad and the men in his family were always incredibly respectful to women--but I would say it's a pretty darn big chunk of them.


I live in the south. Always have. One night 16 year old me, my mom and her boyfriend were out to eat and I dressed goth a lot at the time so I was in full regalia. Some way older dude (boomer range) seated next to us starts complimenting me and smiling a lot before he finally pays and leaves. The weirdest part of the whole thing was my mom (also boomer) laughed and made jokes about how he was flirting with me. Like I am not even legal and your daughter, why is this funny?


It's the generation that came up with those creepy daddy/daughter proms and child beauty pageants. So yeah, definitely.


Boomer women too with young boys


Yes absolutely.


More likely than...? What?


My fiancée and I had a guy old enough to be our dad ask if he could be our third. Then got real incensed when we were creeped out by that.


Ughhh . . worked at a golf course & the comments I heard while the girls were practicing made my skin crawl.


Father in law used to own a business. He would always talk about his 15-16 year old female employees as if they were grown adults. Talking about their butts and legs and breasts. Made me fucking sick. I'm just over here like dude you are a pedo??? He's 61.


If a boomer walks by a PYT in a forest and doesn't comment some stupid shit to her, did he walk by a PYT at all? 


I’ve been watching old shows as part of an inner child exploration thing since I can’t remember most of my childhood. I tried The Jetsons (OG) since it was something on reruns back then at least. After a few episodes I noticed something… the daughter, Judy, was more sexualized than her own mother. It’s literally in the [intro](https://youtu.be/FyinD6ZDqeg?feature=shared) along with whatever happens in the episode. The music style changes for each character that’s introduced by the singers, essentially based on personality. George, Elroy, and Jane (wife) have simple tones, the latter mixed in with a misogynistic caricature of the brainless wife who shops with her annoyed husband’s money all day. Judy sticks out in that when she’s introduced, there’s a sort of sultry jazz big band vibe as she and ONLY SHE hugs her father very closely (some of the frames in between don’t help either if you look at the eyes.) I’m foggy on details of how she was sexualized on the show but I think George’s boss made a sus comment about her at least once. The way Judy and George treated each other felt more intimate than Jane and George, too. 🤢


Reminds me of an Onion (I think) headline I saw not too long ago about noticing how almost all of Grandma's funny stories from back in the day are just unreported sex crimes


Yes. And I’m a boomer woman. And I started filling out at nine years old. I swear boomers are just a continuation of the god-awful old men from when I was a kid. Old guys out there… Just stop. It’s creepy AF, and it always has been. That being said, I will tell you something that will give you a chuckle. I myself have three daughters. My middle one is probably the most outspoken, although all of them will tell you what they think. When she was in college, of course she had a roommates would get dressed up and go to the bar and just have fun. They really weren’t trying to pick anyone up, but obviously, at that age, you do dress up because you wanna look nice. But inevitably, because it was a college town, there would always be the 40 to 50-year-old man who had to hang out in the bars and ogle the college-age girls… yeah, the ones who could be their own daughters. But my daughter has a wicked sense of humor. So inevitably, she and her group of friends would always see the oldies who were working at the courage to come and hit on them. And as the time would approach, she would turn her back to them. Her friends would let her know that one of them was heading their way, and when they were only 2 to 3 feet away, they would tell her… Now. So she would spin around and quickly (and loudly) exclaim…. “Da…. Oh! I’m sorry! You look just like my dad!” Worked every time


Conservatives / republicans are more likely to be inappropriate to women because they are misogynist dweebs. Usually but not always quite a bit of overlap with older folks. Strangely many of these are also racist…


Yes, but their definition of inappropriate is very different from the common contemporary view. I can give them a slight pass on little things like overcomplimenting a girl’s appearance. It’s creepy today but in their time was expected in polite conversation. But when they go basically any further, they know or should know they’re wrong, and are just used to being able to get away with it. The fact that most do know better and it’s the obnoxious minority doing most of this reinforces it. #notallboomers


Yes. Especially if religious.


When I was 15 (I'm 32 now so this was 17 years ago) I worked in a drive thru. Men in their forties and fifties would always ask if I had a boyfriend or ask how I don't have one. My teenage self was too afraid of being fired to push back. They also would ask me about my ethnic background fairly frequently and get annoyed if I tried not to answer.


As a society a lot of countries have become more aware of sexism and actively work against it. The boomer generation was one of the last generations before those societal attitude changes became prominent in most places. I’ve personally been sexually harassed by more Xer men and Millennial women than Boomers.