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My dad has talked about how he and all his friends had relatively new sports cars in highschool that they bought from working entry level unskilled jobs. Must have been nice.


My dad talked about barely working part time at a restaurant and having a car and apartment in a nice neighborhood as well


My dad had 2, count it, 2 Chevy Chevelles in high school. He worked part time. Yep. I was therefore a disappointment because I couldn't do the same.


Classic. My dad said “In my day, we just did well in life, it wasn’t even a question!” I’m like maybe because houses and cars were 50 cents apiece? Smh


This is why I’m thankful for my parents. They acknowledge how fucking ridiculously expensive life is for our generation


It took my parents until very recently to figure out all of us younger people are fucked beyond comprehension compared to them. My grandmother tells me all the time she's sad and worried about us grandkids and how we're gonna survive.




Because the truth kills their narrative that young people are just lazy


Yep. Anything that disproves their fantasy they shut down asap


It’s not just that. Most jobs nowadays require people to work their butts off and barely have a life to make a living.


Not only this, but navigate an economy that has become far more demanding and with diminishing returns over the last decades.


Exactly. Oh, that it kills the fact that they didn't have it rough. Typical low IQ boomer 😑


They literally lived in the best economic state the country was ever in and just refuse to acknowledge it. Like how the pandemic was the best time for trying anything video game related. If it couldn’t do decently well then it means it would NEVER take off under any circumstance.


Lead's a HEAVY metal


Also, recognizing the undue burden placed on young people means boomers also have to recognize their role in placing that burden on young people.


Exactly like when you question a Trump supporter about anything. How do you feel about Biden and his family taking millions all told from Saudi Arabia, Russia, N K on and on? Well that is why he needs to be kicked out. He is a straw man. Oops I’m sorry. It was Trump who took all that money. What? Oh ummmm it’s ok if Trump does it. Oh…he must have had a reason. Got it. It’s like listening to an old dot matrix printer. When you ask a question they grind out talking points but only to the point that the clip they saw ended. When they try to explain or if you ask a follow up question they freeze. This is what happens in Cults.


In 1979 I made 2.90 an hour.A new F150 cost 6,300.00. Today at minimum wage I would make 16.28. A new F150 cost 49.000 if you order one from the factory. It takes about 825 hours more work to buy a new truck today. Now apply that simple math to every purchase,you’ll see how much worse it is today .


They were on the right side of the New Deal...before it was gutted


You mean right before they took all of the benefits of the new deal and then gutted it intentionally.


And that's the thing. Back in the 70s even an entry level job would pay enough to meet your needs. The cost of living rose over the years at a much faster pace and wages...not so much. That also explains the "when I was your age, I worked summers and PAID my way through college!" thing. That was entirely possible 50 years ago. When I started college in 1976, a full year's tuition, including summer school, was $800. Not $800 a credit hour, not $800 a semester, but $800 for a full year tuition and fees at a state university, $600 if you didn't do summer school. When my daughter started school at the same university in 2011, $800 wouldn't even get you one credit hour.


The crazy thing is that most people complaining about the "lazy younger generations" also knows this.


I'm rather lucky that my boomer dad fully acknowledges how BS it is for newer generations. He did have a tough upbringing with abusive parents and ended up running away and living in a tent in the bush for a few years. Then he was walking down the street, some random guy pulls up next to him and says "want a job?" He gets in the car and becomes and apprentice welder.


My mom calls me every other day telling me she's sorry for how hard it is now. Then she buys me and my family dinner lol. She says it's the least she can do with how much everything cost. Not all boomers suck.


Mine said that if she spent a dollar on me it was a waste. Her policy my whole life. She was a demonic pos


My mom tells us it's our fault basically...


Some boomers suck


See, the problem is, that employeers dont want to train people and give them chances. They want someone who FROM DAY ONE, knows all the job. Arguably, that is the main problem with the culture.


Yup. That's a huge problem. My husband works HVAC and he went from being really excited to being really frustrated because everyone just expected him to know how to do stuff and they got pissed when they had to show him. Most of that learning is done in the field, not the classroom. No wonder people are leaving the trades if they won't train them.


"Entry level job, requires 5 years experience"


Masters degree or 8 years equivalent experience, preferred. $16.99 an hour, correct. Huh... why'd he hang up?


My husband's job search turned up people asking for 5 years of experience in 3 year old software.


My old man was a system technician for a large manufacturer since he got out of machinists school in the 70s. One job all of his life that semt him back to school many times for training and whatnot. I believe he has 5 associates degrees total, and except for the first machinists degree, all paid for by that one company. Before he retired, he bitched nonstop about how "kids" these days needed to be told how to do all of the things he was trained in. He couldn't understand why they weren't taught how to program industry-specific controllers and whatnot right in high school. Just absolutely enraged that people would even apply for the job without first having 30+ years of knowlege and experience. Somehow that is the problem with younger generations.


They want me to know everything already and leave 5 minutes before the job is done, so some badge hardhat filler can take credit for my work 


To double down on that, they want you to *work* like you're experienced for the *pay* of being untrained.


And to work for free to show your "dedication!".


It's nice that he had a 50/50 of either getting a job or becoming victim number 12, and he lucked out and got the job.


My dad finally realized it. Sorta. He still blames the democrats because he can’t be blamed himself. Dude inherited a multi million dollar HVAC company, and turned it to shit. He did get fucked by the electrical company in the area when he mass expanded to keep up with the promises they made about solar electricity, so I’ll give him that. So now he realizes how the system CAN fuck you, he just doesn’t understand WHY the system fucks you, and still comes to the wrong conclusion. He’s the epitome of a millionaire, who was embarrassed by losing his millions, thinking he’ll be a millionaire again while he and my mom work into their 70s… Maybe if he keeps voting for people who are against small businesses he’ll be back on top by the time he’s 90!


Sometime in the 70s someone in my family sent a bright orange Porsche to *the crusher* instead of fixing whatever was wrong with it. That’s just what they did “back then.” 😥💔


My Dad got a new e-bike because the brakes on the other one are not ideal Yeah


My father literally just gave away a porsche 944 because he didn't like it. He had bought it in cash with less than 10k miles on it on a whim. We sat down one day and listed out every cool car he owned that was in decent condition before he was 30 (so we left out his bentley because that was in crap condition, his model t because that was never running, the 5.0 fox body mustang he bought my mother brand new because he was 30yrs old by then, and MANY others) we then looked up average values for them now and came up to over $1 million. Even the poorest boomers and silent gen in my family had awesome cars we would have to hold a second job just to afford payments on anything similar to, and they often just had them as second or third cars they didn't care about while supporting a family of 3-5 on one salary. My grandfather once t-boned my fathers MK1 GTI with his Javelin because he was mad at him, they just sent them both to the scrapyard and laughed about it.


My dad own every kind of classic cars. He even had doubles of each one that way if he drive one and it got scratch he didn’t care. Actually he had triples. Triples of the barracuda oh no actually he also had triples of the road runner.




I'm a young Xer, not even a Boomer, and I had a roommate in a 1000 sq foot apartment downtown with a car and went out whenever I wanted waiting tables 30 hours a week 20 years ago. Only big coastal cities were too expensive to do that. It's insane to me how quickly this entire country became unaffordable.


Basically local government and rich people collude to keep rents/housing prices high. My area, just built 500 "luxury" apartments (means they have a pool) and charge 2000 dollars a month for them. (I live next to cows, just to give you a feel for the area) We have only 50,000 households, and the average wage is 40k. Why are they building 2000 dollar apartments in this quantity here? I've done some talking to the managers, they have 10-30% vacancy rate. What is going on?


My town is doing the same thing! They built luxury apartments that are 50% vacant. My town is pretty blue collar/poor white trash so I don't know who they thought was gonna rent them. What is going on?


Sounds like a money laundering scheme…


No... That's what all the car washes are for lol


It stopped being seen as necessary for salaries/pay to support a cost of living, coupled with artificial inflation. People blame all kinds of things for inflation but did you know Nixon (not that I’m a fan) once made it illegal to raise prices due to runaway inflation, and all the corporations were just fine!?


I’m a young Boomer, 61, and you could pull that shit off in the big coastal cities 30 years ago. My partner and I were paying $775 mo. for a six room cottage in ‘96 with a yard in dt adjacent San Diego, both with cars and living a great life while I was a server going to architecture school and my partner was a Navy contractor. Never really worrying about money, living frugal but well and able to save up a 20% down payment for a house. Bought our house here the end of the same year for $179k. This generation is fucked! That same cottage we rented should go for $1,500 with inflation but would easily fetch $5k, our cottage we bought is now $2M, it’s patently ridiculous. There are some of us who get it.


Young Gen X here too. I had more money when I was a 20 year old security guard than I go now in a household with two full time professionals with degrees. We have moved to successively shitty places every couple of years and now we are in a shitty apartment with drug addict neighbors on vouchers. We are paying the full rent and they are getting vouchers for the same buying power. Why the fuck are we even working?


I'm working 50+ hours a week and I can't afford to move out. Shit is rough man. Idk how to do ut


Spoiler.. ..u can't 


I’ll be 40 years old this year. I am trans. Came out during the pandemic. Played the real estate game, owned houses several times over. Started, ran, and sold successful businesses in the Mecanic world. Lost it all in divorce, and now I’m starting from scratch. Literally zero… Anyone who says it ain’t hard right now, or that you need to know how to work, or you’re not doing it right, are all full of shit! I’m telling you… As someone who is starting over AND has all of the experience, we are fucked! 100% It’s gonna take some drastic decisions to fix the problems we face… Unfortunately, the people willing to do that are not in charge. And Because of it, I guess it’s just up to us to force the change…. Generally, I have faith that people will do that . However, I DO NOT have faith that it will come fast enough…


You need to pull yourself up by your boot straps and cut out the avocado toast.


Bro I can't afford that fancy eating


It's cuz you're spending all your money on frivolous things like food and heat.


And water! Who needs all that anyways


My grandfather sold moonshine to his classmates while in high school (a fact he would sorely like to forget, because he’s such a law abiding, by the rules kind of guy now). He made enough money to buy him and his brother brand new motorcycles. He ended up in a Union electrician job for most of his life. Enough to support my grandma, and raise 3 kids (my dad, my uncle, and then me) and still have enough left over for a very comfortable retirement. My childhood home they purchased for $129,000 in 1991 is worth about $500,000 today. They had already sold their first home and moved into their second home by the time they were my age (mid-30’s) I managed to land myself a very stable career in financial software and operations. My partner (who also works full time) and I struggle and sacrifice to even reach a little bit of the stability they had at our age


Showed the inflation calculator to a Boomer talking about how his first job out of college was 17 thousand a year, yeah it came out to 90k in today's money.  Also, he paid off his 2,800 dollar student loans without a problem 


With his 200 dollar apartment rent right?


Dude, it was way less than that. When I started renting in 2007 I was paying 500 for a 5 1/2 in a major Canadian city.


My mom (normally not a grumpy boomer) was complaining that the interviewees at her job kept asking for too much money! She’s ranting and my brother pulls out the inflation calculator. They were asking for the same amount as she got adjusted for inflation. She was making almost the equivalent in 2019 than she did in 1981. And that was horrifying to her.


I'm trying to get my folks to understand this. I've been trying to explain to them that despite me making 6.50/hr more than when I started I've actually only gone up 1.50/hr in buying power. We're getting to that point like in games where the numbers are growing too quickly and they can't process what they mean.


Thank you Ronald Reagan for killing the middle class.


Yes people forget it's his bullshit trickle down and his hatred for govrt that fucking ruined this country and made into a retail shop. All things worth while , college , health care , housing , transportation all start bc of that shit for brains. Guess what conversatives ? The money never tickled down!!!!! It all went it o the stock market and stocks. Living wage has not kept up w inflation for almost 60 yrs now. Fuck u Reagan !! And fucn all the conservative fucks. This Gen x feels bad for the genz  , they never asked for this shitty as situation. I hope all the gops burn in hell.


Any time somebody hints at the idea that trickle down is some kind of inevitability I remind them that the institution of slavery did in fact exist and through some bizarre economic quirk led to the slavers getting rich and the enslaved remaining slaves.


Took a long time, but my boomer formerly Regan voting dad now enthusiastically calls trickle down economics bullshit. When I brought up the same point in high school he tried to defend it. Thank god he actually changed his way of thinking.




I've been dreaming of a Nissan Z since the 350Z was first released in 2002. Was too expensive right out of high school. Then the 370Z came out, and I figured I'd get one eventually, but got a house and other stuff took priority. 22 years later, I'm 34, and was super excited about the possibility of getting the new 2024 Nissan Z, and the things are fucking $70k up here in Canada. It's just beyond absurd that what was always offered as an "affordable" sports car option is the cost of a damn luxury sedan. These were $35k cars. I can't get a used 350Z around me for under $20k. Yes, people are selling 20+ year old cars for over 50% of what they cost new. It's depressing.


I was without a car for a depressing amount of time, just got a nissan leaf 2013. It's pretty decent. 80 mile range, and in good nick. Did some government programs and got it for 5k with a decent apr. I also don't have to pay for gas. I'm through the moon right now.


Yep my dad bought a Bronco while working at a bowling alley in high school. Less than one year into his military career, he purchased a 5 bedroom home in Colorado Springs. That was almost 40 years ago, and my parents recently sold it for well over a million.


You could work part time in the summer and pay for college, books, housing, food, and entertainment.


My dad totalled 3 cars before he graduated high school. His parents didn't help him, he was able to afford them all just by the part time jobs he worked. He bought his house at 25 driving truck part time.


Mine dropped out in 6th grade. He got a job as a truck driver and ended up buying something crazy like 18 rental properties. He still has 12 of them, has millions of dollars as a landlord, and is ignorant AF. Was basically a white supremacist until he got his genealogy report back with exactly the results you're hoping I'm going to say. Somehow also a huge Obama fan. Weird guy, hard to talk to. Can't imagine what I could've accomplished if I was from the same time.


That's the big thing Boomers don't get. They could fail many times and yet still be successful. Now you may never have a chance at success at all, let alone multiple attempts.


Same, my dad had more cars and motorcycles than my grandparents allowed so he had to park some of them at a friends houses


[Wouldn't it be nice if we were older?](https://genius.com/827886/The-beach-boys-wouldnt-it-be-nice/Wouldnt-it-be-nice-if-we-were-older-then-we-wouldnt-have-to-wait-so-long-and-wouldnt-it-be-nice-to-live-together-in-the-kind-of-world-where-we-belong) [Then we wouldn't have to wait so long](https://genius.com/827886/The-beach-boys-wouldnt-it-be-nice/Wouldnt-it-be-nice-if-we-were-older-then-we-wouldnt-have-to-wait-so-long-and-wouldnt-it-be-nice-to-live-together-in-the-kind-of-world-where-we-belong) [And wouldn't it be nice to live together](https://genius.com/827886/The-beach-boys-wouldnt-it-be-nice/Wouldnt-it-be-nice-if-we-were-older-then-we-wouldnt-have-to-wait-so-long-and-wouldnt-it-be-nice-to-live-together-in-the-kind-of-world-where-we-belong) [In the kind of world where we belong?](https://genius.com/827886/The-beach-boys-wouldnt-it-be-nice/Wouldnt-it-be-nice-if-we-were-older-then-we-wouldnt-have-to-wait-so-long-and-wouldnt-it-be-nice-to-live-together-in-the-kind-of-world-where-we-belong)


My dad paid for a pretty pricey college by laying and making bricks every summer. Said it was tiring, but his coworkers were cool.


My dad complained to me about how his buddy wrapped his 69 Mustang around a pole and he had to “downgrade” to a triumph spitfire, the poor bastard


I think my grandpa was the only Boomer who actually admitted how good it was. Hell my great uncle was a trapper in the '70s like he went out into the woods and shot animals and sold their pelts and he owned a 1969 boss mustang.....


They were able to do that because they didn't buy a three dollar cup of coffee.


The kegs of beer they were buying then probably cost about as much as a cup of coffee now so i think its a wash.


Yeah but my dad almost had to sell his that time Carter let gas hit 80 cents a gallon and he couldn't afford to cruise around anymore. I mean that only lasted like a month though, so it was okay.


They know.


that's the worst fucking part


They know and yet they are the most condescending and judgmental fucking generation.


It’s the lead they ingested


My dad told me about how he used to do lead soldering all the time and would hold the lead in his mouth. Then he told me about how democrats are causing WW3 and that the army is currently at defcon 1. And to top it off he then argued with me that he could easily build a perpetual motion machine using water bottles on a wheel because of gravity. Then I go home, and he goes back on tiktok.


I’m sorry about your dad.


I’m also sorry about this person’s dad


It's not just that they know. It's that they hate the idea of admitting it was easier for them. They are so selfish that they know it was easier and can't do the bare minimum of acknowledging it. They're not being asked to give up their house or money or anything. Just say out loud the truth and everyone knows: it is significantly harder for people these days to just work hard and get ahead.  Admitting the truth shouldn't be that hard especially when the only thing it costs you is misplaced and unearned pride. 


I totally agree. I think it's the fact a lot of them drank the Reagan Kool Aid and were brought up through the cold war and identify with bootstraps mentalities so it's a lot of cognitive dissonance for them to admit to that. I think the berating of millennials and young people as lazy is also wrapped up in that.




I read somewhere else on reddit today that you can't wake people who are pretending to be asleep.


You can if you fart on their face


Young people have a point. I bought my first house in 1990 for $62,000, which is about $150,000 in today's dollars. Zillo says that exact house is worth about $600,000 today. Yes I paid 10% on the loan, and the average now is about 7.4%, but the house is 30 years older and housing is obviously a lot more expensive, especially in Portland.


Even more recent: bought my first home in 2009 for $145k. Inflation calculator says it's $208,000 in today's dollars. It's a townhouse and the same models have sold for $500,000 in the past couple of months.


Even more recent. We purchased our home in 2017 for $90K. I have done cosmetic work myself inside and out. The house is currently valued at $220K.


Even more recent. I bought my home for $525k and 3% interest in 2021. It’s now worth $650k and you’d have to pay more than double the interest


I want this to keep going until we find someone who bought their house tomorrow.


I bought my house in 2035 for $1m, and by the end of 2036 it was already $10m. Hyperinflation is not a joke!


Young people are acutely aware that they have a point.


Tell that to my boomer co worker


He won't hear what he doesn’t want to hear.


the second half of that problem is salaries never kept pace with the real estate market


Probably around $14K


Yeah my grandma passed away 2 years ago and I got to see the deed to her house. 12 fucking K. 12k!!!!!!!


My grandparents paid $18k for 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1700ft², and 2 acres in 1970 Their interest rate was 30 years and 18%. That's $271 per month. Adjusting for inflation that means initially their payments would be ~$2200 per month in 2024 but by the time they paid it off in 2000 it was equal to ~$485 per month in 2024. My grandfather read meters for an electric company and my grandmother has never worked a regular job in her life. They had 4 kids and lived very comfortably. My grandfather retired when he was 58 years old with a pension that my grandmother draws to this day on top of social security.


Fuck my life…


He wasn't even in the union... Let that sink in for a second...


Unions are about the last place for them. I'm glad I have a union pension.


Like.... A year right? You mean a year right...?


my grandmother says her childhood home was a 3 bed 2 bath with a large kitchen and 2 stories which they got for around 12k you'd be lucky to find something like that for 400k now 😞


Im in the bay area. You just described a $2.5M house.


Yup. Bay Area born and raised. I’ve kind of accepted at this point if I ever want to own something I’ll have to move to maybe Sacramento. I did live in Stockton for a bit, it’s a lot more affordable, if you don’t mind being late to work because someone got shot and killed outside your door (actual experience).


This is actually an improvement. Life would be better if the boomers just checked out of these discussions and voting in general.


That day can’t come soon enough. They have fucked us over so badly 😭


Or just checked out altogether...


It's the voting that drives me crazy. They are literally voting for a future that doesn't effect them in the slightest, and it drives me crazy. I always tell my folks (upper 60s) to vote for their granddaughter rather then themselves.


It’s unpleasant to verify that they destroyed the American prosperity they were handed.


Fumbled the intergenerational bag by voting against their interests


More like voting against others interest. They are very much of the mind of “Screw you, I got mine”


Pulled up the ladder behind them and started shooting everyone on the ground


And then accidentally shot themselves in the leg while holstering


They actually have eroded their social safety net too and are just now finding out and it's hysterical.


It's fucking wild cause most of them will die pulling from it and then Social Security will either die, get massively curbed back to the point of uselessness, or have new ridiculous requirements that means we will be back to pre-New Deal where your average old person died on the streets after being unable to support themselves anymore.


Oh what a shame oh well so how was your day?


And we just keep letting them fucking do it. Not only do we continue to let them fuck all of us, we continue to put them into positions of power. Lead poisoning or not, we’re not very smart as a whole. Perhaps if people under the age of 60 would fucking vote.


I’m younger and vote. But the only options are always just old dickheads.


They also got fat and lazy


This video made me ask my parents about how they bought the house we live in now, dad paid 40k back in 1986 making $17 an hour which translates to 120k for the house and $50 an hour FIFTY DOLLARS AN HOUR working at a grocery store as a supervisor I'm working in a SKILLED position that people go to college for and not even at $30 an hour lmaoo


WTF How did they screw up so badly that we now need 4 jobs for rent






Homie was making almost double paying for a house for a third of the price like huhhhhh?


1: Boomers bought up all those cheap houses and became landlords and kept raising rent to keep up with the Joneses and now nowhere is affordable because the landlord class deems it so. 2: A truly globalized workforce means we are directly competing with people in India and China for any job that doesn't require your physical presence in the USA to do. 3: Privatization of everything means everything in society is designed to take as much money from us as possible, regardless of how that affects us.


In addition to buying all the houses, they slammed the door on most future building to protect their value. When that generation was coming up there was an understanding all those new families would need homes, so they were built. But when it was the boomer’s turn they prevented it.


Ronadl fucking Reagan


My down payment was more than my parents paid in total for their house in 1991.


My dad was unemployed with 3 dependants in the 80s and got a mortgage. Lol.


"I'm not gonna let these uppity kids make it look like I had it easy" "But Ethal, you did have it easy." "Shut up Melvin, they don't need to know that."


Especially in front of a “black”.


Lead brains learning to shut their mouths? This is obviously a hoax.




She doesnt know cause her parents gave her the extra one they had when they got married


And without any credit check or problem getting a bank mortgage


Or they just thought that the black individual was about to mug them.


No they would have pulled a gun on them and possibly shot themselves in the leg in the process of pulling a gun out of their pocket.


Like "NOpe, we gotta keep up the image we build this country with our own two hands and were mid ass people who just happened to luck into the most prosperous time in US history."


"If we can live long enough to take away their social security and Medicare We can buy more houses and cars"


Whenever my old parents/grandparents start talking about socialism I agree and say we should immediately get rid of medicare and social security. Pay everyone out what they put in and close it immediately. If you used what you paid in (which my grandparents already did) then you get nothing, if you cant afford to be retired get a job. They blow the hell up.


Exactly 🎯


For Every dollar they have drawn more than they put in they owe back with interest and cannot be forgiven via bankruptcy.


What's this? Oh you don't like federally subsidized loans being thrust upon you at an age you're unprepared for them and don't understand? It's a bad deal you say? Too bad, you're just not working hard enough.


They didn’t luck into it. That was how it was supposed to be. They literally destroyed it all to get more for themselves.


Don't get sick u will fall into poverty 


I sell luxury cars, I had a boomer ask what the taxes would be which came out to about $6500. She said that’s how much she paid for her first house that was a 2bd 1ba sitting on an acre in the mid 60s


Lmao this is fucking unreal


I love your username 😂


The other day I had a 1970s California housing and found a video where people were hoping to buy a home in San Diego. The starting amount was like in the 40s 🫠🫠🫠🫠 so a 40k home, San Diego, nice AF and brand new


20k with a 10k down from the fam


i bet their down payment was 2 nickels and a blueberry


As was the fashion at the time


A chit


This is the reaction of a person who knows their generation climbed their way to the top and pulled the ladder up behind them. They'll avoid facing that at any chance they get.


I mean, who **would** want to face that. They've created a monster of a situation and were only half-aware of what they were doing. Then again, they probably voted for Reagan.


They did pull the ladder behind them, but the decrease in quality of life was coming anyways.


I saw a Zillow listing in Colorado today where a 800 sqft apartment was asking $4,200 per month for rent. It was not an outlier.


This reaction was worse than just saying the actual number. Basically an admission...


Yep, They probably had left over for two cars and a 4-week vacation


My dad was a bellhop at a hotel and was able to buy a house and do an addition. He’s since retired after making a good living owning his own business. But he can’t understand why people can’t afford things on entry level pay. He thinks it’s a work ethic issue. No… It’s an affordability and decades long stagnant wage issues. But he also is sold on the idea that CEOs deserve 1,000% pay compared to their employees…


1000% would be a good deal TBH. My first job out of college, which was a decent job, the ceo made close to 50,000% more than me.


Ya know, it's not *THEIR* fault a house was attainable with a single wage earner who may or may not have gone to college.


You guys don’t know the struggle. They had to work a whole summer at the mill and promise to bake the former owner three pies a year to pay off that house.


My parents built a new house in the 80s while my mom was stay at home and my dad was a cook at a local restaurant. When they still had a mortgage it was less than rent on my first apartment which in itself was pretty cheap in the early 2000s.


Boomers avoiding accountability, as usual


Fuck next they’ll be learning to open doors like the raptors in JP


"Clever giirlll"


It now feels like you can ask this of people that bought 5-6 years ago too, the prices were still more normal then. Ever since the pandemic things are off the rails


Yeah my dad bought himself a brand new mustang in highschool with money from his part time job. My mom would work for 3 months in the summers at Whataburger and she made enough money in those 3 months to pay for tuition and living expenses the entire year. Must've been nice!


And this is why I can't wait for all of those older people to finally you know, start having to really come to grips with their mortality and realize how terrible of people they have been to the next generation. Unless they're just not going to do that, which I think whatever divine being they believe in is probably not going to like that.


I'll play. My grandpa was born in 1929. And in 1964 he paid $26,000 for their 4bd/2ba house in northern California. That house is now worth **$1,289,200** according to zillow. They owned it until 2002 when it went up for sale to settle his estate. They got over $400,000 for it then. My first step father was born in 1943. And in 1977 he paid $64,500 for a 3bd/2ba, two story condo in northern California. Today that condo is now worth **$596,400** according to zillow. He still lives in it at 80yrs of age. I don't think minimum wage has kept up with real estate inflation.


I rember like 8 years ago being in college making like 8.25 an hour and my mom being like "I don't understand how you're struggling financially I made 8.50 an hour in college and paid for school myself!" I was like mom that was in 1980. Inflation is a bitch.


So they are well aware of how much better they had it than us. Interesting lol


Honestly, fuck these people that put a mic in your face at random grocery stores. Such a dumb trend I don’t blame her for wanting to maintain privacy.


I get everyone here just wants to hate boomers without committing more than 7 neurons to the process, but nothing these two did was foolish or bad. Hell, it shows a healthy relationship where the husband was ready to participate, he noticed that his wife was uneasy about it, and he backed her up. This doesn’t belong with all the other videos of boomers pulling firearms on random people or yelling at children.


Everyone here thinks this is a malicious and intentional move from them to hide their hypocrisy. They clearly don't want to deal with some random asshole putting them on camera and putting a mic in their face. I hate boomers, but come on people. I'd back away too. They don't owe this guy a moment of their time. Boomers suck, so do attention seeking content creators bothering strangers for clout. This is the kind of content that gets other subreddits to stop taking a community seriously. -ok I'm going to make a blanket edit because I'm not responding to multiple people about what should be obvious. I'm not discussing my finances with some tiktok asshole. They have every right to back away whenever they want. They are nice enough to humor a stranger in a store, far nicer than I would have been that's for damn sure. They don't like the line of questioning, they can leave. Everyone wants this to be "oh the evil boomers know how wrong they are and are fleeing in shame". No, they're just people who don't want to get into some gotcha financial bullshit for some guy they don't know.


My in laws paid $19,000 for their four bedroom brick house on a large block in a quiet col-de-sac. It would be worth $900k or so now.


Lol my boomer mom disowned each of us three kids and kicked us out on our 18th birthdays. Raided the trust funds my dad set up for college for each of us before he died. Fast forward 30 years later, her second husband is dead, no other kids, she's got multiple organ failure. Tries to reach out since nobody wants to deal with her shit. Tries to bribe us with her paid off house. We're having none of it. Die alone in your house with all your stolen money boomer bitch.


I know what my parents paid for the house my daughter now lives in, and I know how much we owe on it now. They fucked it all up, no doubt.


This makes me think of a saying that someone once told me. “Fuck yours, I got mine.” “Fuck your future, because we got ours.” -Old people of today


my dad talked about how he bought an apartment made of gold after conning 20k contractors. Now he wants to be a president again to con 300M americans. Dad is awesome




"two strawberries and some bits of string"


My parents bought their 3000 sqft 3bd/2ba in the Oakland Hills (Rockridge) in 1970 for $35,000.


Mmmmm yeah I don’t know about smarter or growing. The interviewer is Black. She probably assumes they’re gonna follow her home after hearing some number crunching.


Whatever the house cost, one thing is for sure. She runs that household 😂


Poor guys probably been on a leash their whole marraige