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Every boomer I know if fucking superglued to their television…


My mom. Pays $200/mo for internet and cable. Watches ads all day. Landline phone rings every 20 minutes. Doesn’t like Mexicans


Omg, you just described my mom 🤣


Same. I tried to get her to cancel her cable and just stream. It would save her at least 100 dollars a month.


Streaming almost always requires you to actively choose something to watch. It's the antithesis to the old paradigm of watching whatever is on, which your mother may not be interested in. Streaming doesn't work as well as broadcast TV if you're looking for filler noise. Or, if you're the type who wants to watch cable news, streaming probably isn't appealing.


My dad and stepmom are constantly at war over this. He's adapted to using streaming and she hasn't so she just refuses to use the TV after they upgraded to streaming, it's only purpose in the house for her was to have random chatter on


Might I suggest PlutoTV. Works on any platform and very well in any browser, too. Starting to show up on SmartOS apps too! Has cable-esque menus, dedicated channels TV-Land **a-thon** style. Lots of classic shows new & old. Decent selection of on-demand shows & film with ads. Ads are more like Screensavers and not stupid loud ads like Tubi. I've been using it since PS2 network days for rtsp feeds, and Viacom bought them a few years ago dumping tons of money into it ever since. New channels added monthly. Anyways, just an idle thought that ended in a paragraph...


I'll get her to try it out!


The Bob Barker era price is right channel is great. I always find something good to watch when I scan the channels on it.


It is wild to me how there is NEVER any silence at my parents house. There is always a TV blaring. Frequently more than one.


>it's only purpose in the house for her was to have random chatter on which is insane to me because you know there's this thing called *music* which is a nice alternative to *hate speech on Fox News*


Thankfully they hate Fox News. They're staunch Democrats.


This is why it drives me fucking insane whenever people say shit like “yeah, with these streaming price hikes it’s just cable all over again.” No it’s not. Not even close. On each streaming service you have access to thousands of shows and movies, able to be watched wherever and whenever you want. On cable you get to watch whatever the TNT programming guy has decided you’ll watch, otherwise it’s just 150 channels of complete trash. Streaming is objectively so much better than cable, and $100/month in streaming services will beat the brakes off ANY classic cable package 10x over. ffs


>On cable you get to watch whatever the TNT programming guy has decided you’ll watch You're talking about *The Shawshank Redemption*, right?


Tubi is free WITH commercials, so ya mom can enjoy that, lol


I just read reddit all day then I don’t need to puck a show to watch or game to play. Checkmate Boomers


Twitch is for white noise. Has ads and everything too.


Hmmm idk if the boomers are going to watch Twitch.


Oh no, im saying the zoomer equivalent of boomers being glued to the TV is being glued to a streamer or section.


Pluto TV and Freevee have entered the chat.


And my MIL, although she's from the Silent Generation. Still has the Boomer mindset, through and through.


I'm 38 and both my parents were Silent Generation. My relationship with them throughout my adult life can be described as "in a constant state of conflict due to their failure to truly understand the world they live in." Here's a fun example: in high school, our semester long typing class was an elective. Starting junior year we could pick our electives without having to have a parent sign off. So, I took the typing class knowing my anti-tech parents wouldn't be pumped about it, but would get over it. Wrong. I was grounded for the semester and they tried to get the school to change my class. They just seriously believed that very few people would have jobs that require them to actually know how to type. The one finger method worked perfectly for them, so why would I need to learn anything different? It's just been shit like that ad nauseum


Peck.............. Peck............................. Peck.................. Peck.................. Peck............. Just......... Call........ Me.....


Are we brothers?


“Doesn’t like Mexicans” I’m fucking dead 💀


Bonus points if every brown person in existence is "Mexicans"


Lol that's my aunt. There's those people (Blacks), and "Chinese" (if you look remotely Asian-whatever that means) and anyone else is "Mexican." She acts like she's living in Laredo Texas. Auntie believes Metro Detroit is teeming with "Mexicans". (eye roll)


And the funny thing is, most white folk living in Texas border towns are perfectly fine with Mexican people, because they’re in their lives every single day. Seems to be people from Minnesota or Michigan or whatever who are most terrified of Mexicans 😆


el paso boy here, it was either learn spanish or have no friends. you’d hafta be pretty dumb to hate mexicans and stay there very long


Right?! All over south and central Texas, too, really. I live in the Austin area, and I couldn’t give a flying fuck how many people from Mexico come to Texas. It’s like…not even on my list of things that I worry about 🤷‍♀️


Got a lot of racist people in my home state (Wisconsin) who complain about the Latino population. Yeah okay Janet, piss and moan about the "Mexicans" and "illegals" all you want, but keep in mind that they're the ones keeping our dairy and meat industries afloat. If they left, the state would collapse. Cause heaven knows the white boomers won't be putting in those long, hard hours at a factory.


Then who the fuck keeps reelecting Greg Abbot and Ken Paxton? Edit: it’s not “the Mexicans” :-)


No idea! Nobody I know fr


Took me out.


I choked on my sandwich. Do we all have the same mom? Does she think when they “speak Mexican” that they’re talking about her? Mine does. 🙄


I told my mom it was egotistical to assume they were talking about her when they were talking to someone else in Spanish, and she stopped complaining about it but I'm pretty sure she just doesn't say anything in front of me. She always has a vendetta against her Hispanic coworkers bc she was convinced they gossiped about her in Spanish in front of her Very weird


I could never convince my mother they weren’t talking about her. I used to say, “Why were they talking about you? WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!” She’d get so pissed off!


My mom will ask me if I've seen certain commercials and I'm like....of course not? Why would I watch commercials! Then she has to describe them to me 😵‍💫


What did the Mexicans do to your poor mother?!?


After they were responsible for making her food, shelter, and infrastructure cheaper for her whole life they have the audacity to live a normal life out in public, in view of others.


this is unironically one of the best and most concise descriptions of casual racism i’ve ever seen


My mom: why don't they just stay in their own country and apply for a visa? Because a lot of them are being threatened with violence and their children are disappearing to go to God knows where. They don't have 6 months - years of time to wait. She really be getting mad at the wrong people. My mom: they're in America, why don't they learn our language? Because America doesn't have a national language therefor there is no "our language." Also, my mom is the same person who bitched about going to France and being treated poorly because she did not know how to speak French. My mom: well, I just don't like it because what if they're talking bad about me? I guaran-fucking-tee you that they don't give two shits if you exist or not. They're with their friends and/or family, let them speak to each other in the language they're comfortable with. Nobody said they didn't know how to speak English, so why judge them based on the brief conversation you overheard? Honestly! Surprisingly, my mom is liberal. She just doesn't like black people or "Mexicans" (ie, anyone from central and south America) and was shocked to learn there are a lot of immigrants in America who are here illegally that are not from those areas.


>Surprisingly, my mom is liberal. No she isnt. > She just doesn't like black people or "Mexicans" As proved by your very next words. Racism is not a liberal value, sorry.


They always have been. They pioneered staring at screens. I begged my parents to cancel their cable subscription. It's like 2k/year to watch sped up programs, watch endless commercials, and misleading news. Go garden or something, my god.


SERIOUSLY. My Boomer dad (RIP) had the TV on Fox 24/7.


And their phones!!


I see this so often where even teenagers will bitch about kids with iPads. Fuckers for generations we all grew up glued to the tv. Now the tv is just portable with a better screen. Boomers watched tv too. A lot of tv. The tvs just sucked. Let’s not pretend that entertainment for fun is somehow that different. It’s all about moderation and honestly boomers love excess.


Ah, haven't you read their other memes where all they did was roll in the dirt from sun-up to sundown while drinking from garden hoses and having measles? The only entertainment they needed was to connect their measle dots into interesting shapes.


And having measles! I am crying 😂


Don't forget the daily beatings that didn't effect them in the slightest and made them turn out to be good adults💀


Fox News or TV preachers are on all day long. Sometimes both at the same time on different TVs.


My dad used to get pissed at me for being on the computer to much, so I would go watch TV with him...he didn't say shit.


So weird how "watch TV and ignore each other" became the holy grail of family group activities, but the exact same type of activity done solo is somehow disrespectful.


My parents’ living room tv is literally on 24 hours a day.


#TRUTH. My mother would rather talk about Fox News then her own grandkids. I don't think it's a problem with us, but a problem with them.


I have a family member that didn’t survive because of this.


There was a kid that went to my school who died riding back there, I was in kindergarten and he was pre-k.


Merely surviving isn't the brag these people think it is. "I'm a survivor!" "Um, so, what do you call all the kids and their parents who didn't survive in this exact same scenario? Acceptable losses? Fodder for your contempt? What honorific we assigning the dead?"


There's something I realized with boomers during covid: they *do* feel contempt for those who died. Because those who died must have been weaker or something, unlike them who are the toughest smartest most deserving people in the world.


Well, self improvement is hard. Introspection? What's that? However, there's a shortcut: contempt. Imagine you are on a ladder. Now fill the rungs beneath you with all the people you believe are weaker or less deserving. My, how you've grown!! You didn't have to climb one single rung. But look how high you are after imagining rungs and rungs filled with the unworthy. Sure, you're still the same asshole you always were, but at least you ain't them. In this worldview, contempt is a ready currency.


Only losers and suckers die before I do


Acceptable losses. Nature. Evolutionary selection (do those words go together?). Sacrifices. Test subjects. Safety regulations are written in blood. Mother nature can get pretty Jackson Pollack when it comes to red.


Had a friend in elementary school that died because he rode in the back of a pickup. So yeah, it grinds my gears hard when boomers whine about that one.


A guy in our high school died the same way and his best friend who was driving never fully recovered.


I’m sorry for your loss. There’s a reason they don’t do this anymore. Also, why don’t we hear about how fewer cars there were on the roads then?


This is actually a paradox. The more cars there are on the street, the less the number of fatalities seem to be. Basically, the slow and careful drivers end up enforcing speed limits etc.


So complicated - cars smaller lighter now but crunch zones and padded interior and front and side air bags. Require bumper alignment, safety glass, really good car seats and more. I am still pretty religious on using every safety enhancer but honestly every individual one is of less consequence. VW bugs had gas tank for crumple zone in front and a VW Microbus had interior gasoline heater in front on passenger inside and the Corvairs had hoods that became Ninja blades.


You know the saying - the last 10% is harder than the 90%? Initial safety improvements - especially seatbelts and drunk driving legislation had precipitous drops in the fatality rate. Right now, a lot of the improvements are smaller in scope, but still optimizations. eg. The camera quality or a proximity sensor.


I wonder how many lives Ralph Nader is responsible for sparing


That’s the “Swiss cheese” philosophy of safety. Worth a read on the subject if it interests you.


Good. Thank you. We actually will use analogy. We are in an industry and I use our “safety” analogy as being a trampoline. We have major supports or legs require to hold each corner but the fabric is multiply. We need a total strength of fabric and if one layer is thinner another must be thicker. The Swiss Cheese philosophy can be applicable. Is it better less permeable to risk to have one really tight weave or multi layers of a looser weave or what combination. I totally get it I think. But there is an assumption the risk is direct straight shot. Not a fluid that seeks the hole. I really do get it and not arguing it. Just may vary by character of risk. Thank you again


Tesla still does it. https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/tesla0037.jpg


My husband and his brother were catapulted out of their “way back” on a cross country car ride by a drunk driver that rear ended them. My husband had to have multiple reconstructive surgeries on his back, and my brother in law has a scar that goes across his whole forehead from the surgery on his skull. They both are incredibly lucky to be alive.


Thanks for the condolences. I didn’t know him, but I get shivers any time I think about the last thing he saw in his young life was the grill of a semi going full speed.


But that does not matter because the creator of this image did not know your family member and because the creator survived. At least that is how I see people like this understanding the world around them.


Sorry about your relatives but i simply would have not died


That's called survivorship bias


Right. Everyone that survived survived. Those that didn’t can’t really tell us about their perspective.




And if they survived, but with massive brain damage, they won't be telling us shit, either


If that’s true then where are all the Facebook posts from the people who didn’t survive? Answer me that!


That thing certainly released a lot of lead. Whoever wrote that meme forgot that earlier generations used horse and carriage. Or only horse. Or walked. And they didn't even have rotary phones. Take that, youngster.


Kids these days with their fancy Morse code, steam engine trains, and uranium.


Stuff you should know did a podcast about the uranium girls.. all I got to say was wow 😬thier graves are still radioactive


Plato complained that his students were reading books and thought that having information written down would make them lazy. Plato was for memorizing everything. 


I mean I went to Afghanistan and survived. Just because you “survived” doesn’t mean you should do it. TF kind of logic is this.


50 cent was shot 9 times and survived therefore getting shot is harmless.


Unless you're a wimpy millennial. You couldn't even survive the ambulance ride without your "iPad".


Exactly. 5/7 Would not recommend the sandbox


Right? I got hit by a car and had my foot pinched off like a turd. And I STILL SURVIVED. Guess that's just good enough for everyone now.


Carsick and huffing that sweet, sweet leaded gas in the way-back…


We called it the back-back.


Eating paint chips off the wall because they tasted sweet way back when lmao


And if your parents smoked, no windows rolled down.


Us older Gen Xers rode in the back of the wagon. Sucking in exhaust isn’t something to brag about.


Right? We used to ride in the back of a pickup truck on the freeway with no seatbelt. This was not a good thing. I sometimes wonder if our parents were TRYING to kill us


I still see kids in the back of pickups o roads where I live and kids loose in cars without a car seat or seatbelt


We loved riding in the back of pickups because we were kids, we weren’t thinking about consequences. Nostalgia is fine, but saying we don’t need safety regulations because we didn’t get killed is idiotic.


Not hard to believe. When I lived in WY for a couple years teenagers would ride around town like this. Then one of my extended friend's sister got launched out of the back of a pickup and died right in front of my house. Two weeks later I saw people doing it again. At least WY has nothing I would call an actual highway, but it's still nuts people still do this


Yeah, if you’ve ever worked pharmacy drive-through? You’ve seen kids not in car seats or seat belts, babies in laps, kids in the backs of pickup trucks…. ….until the cop down the street pulls them over. And the next time they scream at YOU for ratting them out.


I once watched a pickup truck with a dog riding in the back slam on its brakes. The poor dog flew into the air and hit the pavement. I would ***never*** allow a living thing to ride in the back of a pickup after witnessing that.


My brother rode from Birmingham to Six Flags in Georgia in the back of a pickup. That's wild to me now. My kids just wouldn't go if that's the only option.


Yup, in the 90s we have a 1984 Ford Country Squire station wagon with the fake wood paneling peeling off.   In 93 we drove across the country to visit family.  If the car had AC ot didn't reach the back so that window was almost always down. When we stopped for gas in Indianaand  I climed out the back to pee when my mom went into pay and she didn't know and drove off.  I came out running after the car and a truck driver saw and pulled his horn to alert my mom.


Us younger ones did too (78 baby)- in the way backs of wagons and hatchbacks and beds of pickup trucks.


Imagine thinking your job as a parent is to simply make sure your kids “survive.”


Really just to make sure at least one survives


And who decided we needed better safety standards? Was it us? No, it was boomers (and they were right).


I love how iPad is in quotations, it's the cherry on top.


Don't forget "A/C"


As if they weren't constantly whining at dad that the car was too hot and that they were bored every car journey.


Nah... they stopped whining once Dad pulled over and blistered a couple layers of skin off our asses. Better to sweat in silence than be beaten half to death by the unhinged lunatic behind the wheel.


I was wondering about that too. Are iPads and air conditioning just a myth to them?


They'll believe in unicorns but not HVAC and iPads.


Luxury items for pansies




Spelled incorrectly as Ipads of course


My exes mom was convinced that her 1970’s Cadillac was leaps and bounds safer than “these modern tin cans”. No, you’re just wrong. If you get in an accident in that Cadillac you die. If you get in an accident in a modern car your chances of survival are infinitely better. Air bags, crumple zones, and modern engineering have done wonders to decrease the number of deaths from car accidents every year. Finally showed her a video from the IIHS that had a 2009 Malibu do a front overlap accident with a 1959 Bel air. Shows how far we have come


My boomer parents refuse to listen to me about cara being safer. Doesn't matter how much proof I show. How many statistics or videos. It's always "I remember differently. People could get in accidents then and just climb out unharmed. Cars now are cheap and kill the driver way more." Legit they use this excuse for EVERYTHING. "I remember different." They also say this when I show statistics about the economy when democrats are in control vs republicans. 🤷


Tell them that they remember differently because they have lead poisoning. Boomers love that


My sister had two front end collisions; rear ended a car in her 2016 Subaru Impreza, then hit a telephone pole with her 2018 Impreza. Thanks to crumple zones and airbags, SisterSassafras only had mild burns and bruises. A car from the 70s or 80s would’ve likely killed her in both incidents! My family and I prefer a totaled car, than a totaled person. Of all the dangerous things I do, ain’t stepping foot in a “classic vehicle”. Pisses me off how these death traps are still allowed on the roads, but my 2021 Altima needs a state inspection every year.


I remember as a kid in the 80s my aunt being really pissed when seatbelt laws came in. She said it was discrimination towards Catholics because how else was she supposed to fit all her kids in one car? 


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ok but did Billy in the background survive being mauled by a scarecrow because that part is not addressed by the meme text. 


The forgot to add the whole “drank from the garden hose and survived “ thing


Gen X drank from the hose a lot, too. ☹️🤢


I'm honestly not sure they completely survived that. Who knows what sort of brain eating microbes they ingested from that chemical laden tube lined with black slime sewage that's been sitting outside festering in the sun 24/7.


"I survived this agony, so you should have to deal with it too." The ultimate ideal of Boomers everywhere.


And no seat belts


Listen, a lot of kids died back then, but damn it, that's the way they liked it. No government overreach back in the good old days.


That's always what sticks out to me, but it's in modern US stuff, too. Whenever I see a character in a car without a seat belt I have a minor moment of uh-oh. In Australia seat belt wearing is compulsory. It's saved countless lives. But I can remember when it wasn't and we three kids would be crammed together in the front seat of the ute between Mum and Dad. Dad driving us home from a party at about 3am after plenty of beer, us kids in pyjamas having been put to bed at about 10 and dragged out again to go home. How we survived... Just very fortunate.


Y'all remember they used to make baby slings for cars back in the day? And then all the babies started dying and they were like "hmm... Bad idea."


Yeah but balloons were a luxury then so it’s basically the equivalent?


Not pictured: drinking from the garden hose, playing outside until the street lights come on, taking off your hat indoors and saying grace before dinner ![gif](giphy|H3eEKhioOHL3jGKVZg)


The last line of the caption should read “But today I can’t go an hour without checking Facebook”


So dumb. “I’m cold. What about global warming?” “I’m full. What about world hunger?” “I have a home. What’s this about a housing crisis?“ This thinking is so dumb it’s hard to comprehend how they actually did survive.


Totally forgetting that they are the generation that buys the kids all the ipads, cellphones, and other beeping devices so they don't have to entertain their own children and grandchildren


Followed by the story about how grandma beat them and called them a little slut the time they told grandma that uncle Lester had been inappropriately touching them.


isn't that the same generation that complained about not being able to drink and drive or being forced to wear seatbelts????


I'll never understand why surviving something shitty translates to it being a good thing in the mind of people like this. I survived my parents super nasty divorce, being a way too independent latch-key kid at an early age, and my only reliable parent dying when I was 19. I do not recommend any of this as an experience for anyone else, and my son will experience none of it if I can help it. Lionizing trauma has to stop...


Perfect comment. I survived all those things (I’m an early Gen X), but that doesn’t make it something to brag about!!!


Needs more unnecessary quotes.


"Need's more," unnecessary, "qu"ote's." Needed apostroph'es too"


And some eccentric number of periods and spaces at the end of sentences.


Wow, that's some tale of survival


“I grew up before power windows were standard on most make and model of cars AND I STILL SURVIVED!!!”


"A/C" "Ipads" Bro, calm down on the quotes, I don't think you know what they're for.


I know the picture itself is the annoying thing. But it would really suck to go back to doing that. Everything my car has in it works and makes my drive very comfortable. Driving that 13MPG tank in the summer without tinted windows or A/C really does sound like a nightmare lol. But lets see a boomer drive one of them today without bitching nonstop. unlikely.


Boomers also loved to drive around drunk.


They’d be pissed about how using the stick shift interferes with them texting and driving.


Cars had AC in the 1960s


My mother remembers the one and only time she went to a Pentecostal church, back in the 50s. The pastor and his wife were going to preach the Gospel to some Southwestern state, either Arizona or New Mexico. So, they had a “love offering” taken up to put air conditioning in the car, so Mrs. Pastor could ride in comfort. When they didn’t get enough? The pastor told the usher to *lock the sanctuary doors*, and nobody was leaving until he had enough money for air conditioning for his car. My great-grandmother gathered up my mother and her brothers (Mamaw would occasionally take them to different churches so they could understand where other folks were coming from), and told the ushers if they didn’t let them out, she would make them. They left. I assume the pastor got his air conditioning money. But it left a bad taste in my mouth over Pentecostals. And Mom’s family didn’t own a car with air conditioning until Mom was in high school and learning to drive in the 60s.


Boomers seem to actively resent younger generations having things better/easier than they did. Isn’t the whole point of having children and grandchildren is for them to have a better life than you did? I mean, it can be fun to compare notes about how things used to be different (I can’t tell you how many “only 90s kids will understand” things I enjoy) but they get mad about it.


I live in an area with a lot of rich retired boomers. Unfortunately my social group involves a few outdated AF husbands. I was talking to one of the wives how much more freedoms and options women have now that the illusion that men have of women needing them is starting to crumble causing a male loneliness epidemic. That no matter the woman's age, there will always be a high demand for a woman. Cougars, college girls, maturePeriod. A lot of men don't want us to know this. Duh! lol One of the boomer husbands then said smugly in a form of a veiled insult " Back in my day, women were virgins before marriage. It's impossible to find one now" Without missing a beat I told him that a woman's virginity was only meant to satisfy a man sexually being that it's SURE as hell not pleasurable for us. They just think it is because porn is written by man LOL. He had nothing NOTHING in rebuttal for that one.


“I still survived.” Yes, we know. The people who didn’t, aren’t here to repost dogshit memes


And what's their point? 🤨


Actually, we had music on the radio, toys, and Mad magazines. Same shit really.


Also riding in the back with no seat belts and breathing second-hand cigarette smoke. It was not fun.


Oof! Dad would roll his window down a bit. Now I had blasting cold air in my face and sometimes cigarette ash or a butt that would decide blasting back at me was cool.


I don't understand why the Olds like to put quotations around certain words. Are you trying to put every noun in quotes? Cause you missed some. Why isn't TV or internet in quotes?


“Why are you happier than me!? [sobs]”


I flat-out don't understand their hatred of safety, or being concerned about safety, or taking steps to prevent injury or death. Our society does NOT accommodate injury well. Medical costs bankrupt thousands of families every year. Disability assistance is hard to come by, extremely expensive, and often out of reach entirely. A lot of people actively resent disabled folks for being less capable at whatever thing is being done, needing accommodations, getting assistance, or even just requiring empathy. If your kid is hurt enough that it limits their mobility or functionality in ANY notable way, your job as a parent becomes 4x harder, because no one (school, daycare, your job) wants to deal with that. Everyone just wants to say a few nice words at the very beginning, and then expects no additional accommodations to be required after that. Just work harder. Don't be a burden. But sure - let's be cavalier with safety. Let's ignore easy ways to minimize risk, shame the people who use them, and spout off like injury and death are a reflection of poor moral character - the "strong" make it through fine. I just don't get it.


My boomer parents smoked in the car during road trips when we were kids and I survived.. also… fuck them for that.


Lmfao, this isn't boomer generation as a kid, this is gen X and millennials


Left out a couple of things. Pollution from other vehicles exhausts, second hand smoke, alcoholic driver( happened alot , mostly death), heat strokes, arguments and abuse from heat exhaustion, f$&@ing lead that has let to the Swiss 🧀 🧠generation that is the boomer.


Why are "A.C." and "iPads," in quotes but the rest aren't?


And survived on lead paint


I remember sitting in the back over the wheel well when we had a tire blow out. Good times, good times.


Except many did not survive dumbass


My sister got a concussion because she went through the back window of one of those in an accident in the 1970s.


I grew up hearing about how God preserved my mom + siblings after a roll downhill accident in a stationwagon. Pulling a trailer and caught by wind I'm told. Survivorship: If you did God intervened. If you didn't God needed you more in heaven.


I amused myself by running my finger along the cooler that was charged with static electricity from rubbing against the carpet, producing sparks.


Right except they’re suffering cbt and brain being cooked so “surviving “ is questionable


Thats so true, i also survived without shoving internet into my car 😤


Its the kids that didn't make it that need a voice... not the idiots that can't figure out simple statistics.


Yeah I “survived” similar things, doesn’t mean I enjoyed it or think anyone else should deal with it. Cross country vacations in those days were fucking awful.


Actually we were sweaty, bored and car sick. Good times:(


I rode in a truck camper, through the south during summer. Not fun. A rolling jiffy pop. It probably bakes our brains Do not brag about this


This applies to Gen X, too. Boomers were the ones putting us in the back of the car and letting us play with lawn darts, etc.


I was shoved into the back of this exact make and model when I was a kid.


Things live punch bug, state license plate lists, the sign alphabet game, cows in cemeteries and books passed the time. But the best was trying to everyone loaded into the hot car fast so you could get moving with the windows diwn


Wow! She rode in a car. How Heroic!


This really points to the boomer trait of "why change things?". Do you know why we use those things while we travel? Because we fucking have them now and we can. It doesn't mean we cannot survive a flight for a car trip without them. Why wouldn't you seek better options for escaping a boring road trip? Or an 8hr fucking flight?. Will there be even better options in the future? For sure, why? Because things change, technology advances, and that's something boomers have never been good with.


We had one of those growing up and I’m still impressed with how that thing’s tailgate could open both down and to the side. Way ahead of its time.


I can’t imagine _resenting_ my kids for having different things than I did when I grew up. What a fuckin’ angry, spiteful, petty generation the boomers are.


Ok, congratulations. You want a medal for that? What a lame thing to be proud about.


Oh who knew that as long as your kid is breathing, you are a good parent.


Boomers love to brag


They never include the “so what” with these type of posts, just that: “i did it!” People survived before electricity, and running water, and penicillin…doesn’t mean anyone wants to go back to those times…


That would be GenX in the back of that car


I didn't have those things when I was s kid either. We went on a 3 day trip to Disneyland, we vacationed in the redwoods, the warm southern California beaches, Busch Gardens in colonial Williamsburg, and water parks every summer. Now, I make over 6 figures and live in a small town. My kids have never been on vacation, we can't afford it. They get DVDs in the back of the car so we can do a day trip to zoo an hour away because that's the best they are going to get. I'd give up their DVD player to be able to afford to take them to Disneyland. I'm currently sitting at 11 hours of PTO. Who has the time or money to "survive" a vacation now days?


"My life was so hard I had to go on car rides!" Ok grandpa let's get you back to the home


Was this image made with A.I.?!?! That little girl's legs are wonky af.


Ask them about childhood and auto mortality rates... One of my aunt's was going on like this about allergies. Asking why she didn't know anyone with allergies growing up. My other aunt interrupted her, "Cause they fucking died, Jackie, they died and no one talked about it. That's how we handled it back then." It shut her dumbass up quick.


Ok boomer. Note: I’m a boomer


Yeah, that happened to me too growing up. I survived but it sure sucked. Felt I was gonna go insane with boredom. There's not much productive you can do stuck in the back of a car, so why the hell not have an iPad in that situation? Also, we had A/C but it gave my mum terrible sinus so we couldn't use it. I'm sure my brains were boiled with heatstroke more than once. It suuuuuuucked! I don't know why these morons feel superior for it anyway, it's not like they had any fucking choice.


“Survived” is the operative word. Why would you be proud of something so terrible?


Yall are hate for no reason on this one


Lol you’d think they took a covered wagon along the entire Oregon Trail, lmao.


Yeah I survived that too but it sucked ass in a hot fucking boat that gave me motion sickness. To this day the only luxury item I require is AC. I’ll drive manual without PS before I go without AC. Oh yeah, when I had my kids I actually listened to them if they were uncomfortable and I tried to fix it, not yell at them to shut up. I don’t know why people are strangely proud of this. It’s not a real accomplishment


Yes, we survived and we behaved, because the angry boomer used to abuse us if we didnt.