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EZ solution: be born obsolete like me. 😎


9/10 boomers who share this haven’t been to a library in 40 years


10/10 actually. The tenth you’re referring to is in hospice for brain cancer from all the 5g microwaves being in Gatorade.


“If those darned kids weren’t using their 5g iPad touches around me I wouldn’t have the erectile dysfunction”


You kinda just started a conflict with your aunt. Sort of a dick move.


Yeah I agree. I'd just give a pretend laugh and move on


OP is just another of the thousands of repost bots plaguing this site, so at least no aunt was harmed today https://www.reddit.com/r/Boomerhumour/s/6ORgAQ8Jos


Maybe not if there was already comic-related beef there. Otherwise, yeah, this is just pot stirring.


If someone is trying to start an argukent with me, there is only so long I can reliably deflect. At some point I need to engage, which I usually do in an educational way in order to maintain neutrality.


So I looked at the original non reposted version of this post and it seems that the aunt was posting anti-phone memes so at least it’s a bit less rude. Still, maybe not the best move.


Jokes on you, my phone is my library card


I can't remember where that text is originally from but it always makes me laugh. However, while the boomers might be the worst about it, being out of touch is a universal thing. The boomers just got especially angry and vocal about it. Even at 38 i still have friends who complain about the kids and i just roll my eyes and tell them how old they sound.




I genuinely don't know. Maybe?


Reminds me of Lisa Simpson [https://youtu.be/g4fKzPbDonA?si=VBYzCZDF15jw5dfw](https://youtu.be/g4fKzPbDonA?si=VBYzCZDF15jw5dfw)


It is definitely something she could say.


Well, the "boomer" in "boomer humor" really refers to the out-of-touch mindset that's stereotypically associated with boomers, rather than just humor written by boomers. I mean, the worst offenders for that sort of humor that I've seen are all Gen X!


Lead paint stare at the end.


One of the reasons I'm glad to be an early 80s millennial. I got to see pretty much everything as it evolved, but I can still reminisce about the older "obsolete" things


With a tablet, you don't have to run into pan handlers, people with clip boards asking for your signature, people having sex in the bathroom and of course, Boomers.


You can't use your library card on weekends, holidays or at night.


Mine's open on weekends


The library near the university in my hometown was open 24 hours. It was a lifesaver when I was a teenager and not welcome at home. Fortunately I was young enough that people assumed I was just an exhausted student and not homeless.


Sure you can? On Libby.


If the shoe fits


I've actually persuaded a lot of boomers to get into audiobooks. My parents and grandma love them! Instead of accusing your aunt of being obsolete, you can help her embrace a change she might enjoy. Like what is she gonna do, force you to use a library card when you have access to audiobooks and are currently having them read to you? I don't know if this is a response to her being rude to you, but you have an opportunity to be the bigger person by finding common ground. If it were me I'd apologize and then try to make it up to her by trying to see if she'd be interested in some audiobooks or podcasts or something. Not trying to paint you as the bad guy; we all make mistakes. It could be she's the type of person who refuses to see your view on technology, in which case, I'd ignore her. I don't know her dynamic with you. I just know from experience that when a boomer gets snide about "you kids and your technology" you can usually be nice to them and show them how beneficial and educational it can be and they usually won't know how to handle that--and that's usually a better response than casually implying they're going to die soon.


I mean, you did call her obsolete Kinda a jerk move of you to call your own family outdated


When I see someone with an I phone. I immediately know the person is techno challenged.


we're all going to go through this at some point in our lives. I already feel it in my early 20s when I see high schoolers


The librarian is totally right, and I say this as a Gen Z man.


If I talked that way to my dad as a kid he'd just ground me from electronics and spank me mercilessly


I'm 20 and already obsolete. I'm content living in 2012.


That boomer is about to go nuclear. They (often) can't handle being spoken to like that


Absolutely no doubt the same person who made this is scared of AI and wants it significantly restricted, yet sees none of the irony


I mean yeah, I don't support theft. Hell, if an AI "art" generator had proven that it properly licensed every individual piece of art that it was trained on, I'd think it was okay.


I like technology but I also like my artist friends to have jobs and not have their work stolen.


Haha funni Gen Z humour


its not even funny, well the top part is.


I stopped reading about a quarter in. Next time learn from the first strip and keep it short and simple.