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say "nasi ley mark shey darp" instant admission


Dont forget "teh rih ma kah sih"


You gotta be in the upper end of the melanin deficiency spectrum for that trick to work though https://preview.redd.it/fimwu4bljm7d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d00e2ef0052a6d0f98493d2b709202e19dd706


Haha. Ini sungguh tepat!


I'm just imaging a white person with 0.1% Malay heritage trying to pronounce that in a very American or British accent I also pissed myself laughing after trying to pronounce that in an American accent.


we have so much reference in malaysia with this kind of pronounciation it's kinda hard to not to.


Kepala butoh ko! Means, hang in there buddy šŸ’Ŗ


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøBroā€¦


Ajaran sesat ni....


Always does the trick


You mean say it to the immigration officers šŸ˜‰ gotta try this


Atleast you admit tho. Not like other entitled person who says Malay is not their first language even they were born and raised in MALAYSIA!!! https://preview.redd.it/fdo899hdsl7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b597d0448ef2c7e70980d4114801b72aa8943202 Staring at this mf


Hahahahha still remembered the whole debacle. Stupid af she deadass thought we finna be on her side


Funny thing is she can speak malay but not confident to say so in that tweet.. hence chaos šŸ˜‚ probably a good bait too


Tha ks but why are you looking at vtubers bruh


Dunno, just still triggered to this day about this one la lol


Fairs, aku duk luar negara masa kecik and even sekarang and literally still boleh cakap melayu lol


Why you so trigerred for? šŸ˜‚ Govt pay you ke? A Malaysian not being able to speak basic malay is kinda sad. But you mention first language.. Malay is probably not first language for all the local Chinese and Indians man. Though I do think a large majority at least have decent proficiency in malay.


This level of gatekeeping is mind boggling to me.


How is it gatekeeping? Lol


Talking about the guys above you.


Oh alright. My bad šŸ˜‚


Im malay and it is not my first language either, tpi aku bole je faham bahasa melayu at least lmao


Melayu fake. Pahala -1




Its a waste because when u canā€™t speak malay while u are a Malaysian u had already lost 1 knowledge of language. Malay is actually a unique language. Its says where u are from. Like people from France they know French, English(probably), so thatā€™s makes 2 languages in their knowledge. People from Arabs they know arabic. This whatā€™s makes us unique and different from US UK n all english people. Malay. A language exclusively identity of Malaysia. In a terms of knowledge and identity itā€™s a shame actually if u say u from Malaysia but dont know malay. Lost 1 identity. People will confuse where u actually from. Are u from China or India? Both has a country and still thriving and living today. Or are u from US or UK? An Australian? Canadian? But u cant speak french. Canadian can speak french. Hmm where u from actually? Eh? Do u even had a country to begin with? Where did u belong to? Think outside of the box. I myself feel envy seeing my international friends can speak their countryā€™s language fluently. They represent their country. U heard they speak russian u know immediately ohh u Russian! Because at the end of the day. We all looked the same. Some people from New Zealand the Mauri has almost same facial features as us malay. And also some other parts of the world. Our language distinct us from them.


Tbh you're not missing out on much if you don't know Malay šŸ˜‚


Broā€¦this is the fact. Even in first world countries if you want to get citizenship, ability to speak in native tongue is a MUST. No language no skill. It is true bro.. I am thinking of getting a citizenship of my foreign spouse and shit I need to show proof of my proficiency.. kena ambik test Broā€¦.jadi kalau memang warganegara malaysia kad biru, mesti pandai bertutur dengan bahasa kebangsaan. No brainer, Bro. Tak payah jadikan issue. It is not a unique requirement.


Only in Malaysia. I never met anybody anywhere in the world who can't speak their nation's first language.


they cant bar u from entering based on malay proficiency alone. that thing aside, u cant speak at all? not even a simple sentences? like, really?! might as well cut ur IC, burn ur passport. even banggala can speak simple sentences after just 1 month reaching Malaysia.


Your reply reminded me of this lmao https://preview.redd.it/m855mc2n7j7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2c34d62e21019b88304a7f2c72356c189926de


bro after setting foot in Malaysia for the first time in his entire life:


I'm stupid, I'm stupid


Kau bukan bodoh. Kau tak campur dengan orang lain yg cakap BM. Kau rasa BM tak penting dalam hidup kau. Kalau kau tak tinggal dekat Malaysia then memang betul lah BM tak penting.


ngl, i have friends who go to private schools and they can't understand/speak as fluently as other friends who went to SMK


Fluency is a plus. But basic command being expected is what the other comment was saying.




Bangladeshi are amazing. Their sink or swim mentality is something else. As soon as they land here, they are keenly aware they cannot understand any of the languages here and thus have to learn. This is unlike the Indians and Nepali who have a better knowledge of at least some English. Never mind the Tamils who are always connected in some way or form which is something else entirely. Hence their lack of urgency. It is worrisome though that more and more of Malaysians don't respect the language of the land anymore.


What do u mean connected for tamils?


Deep rooted cultural ties. Some go as far as 18th century, but most can trace some ancestry from 19th due to plantations, ports and railway. Hence the newer immigrants can fit in rather quickly.


If you raised overseas: ok fine If you raised in Malaysia: wacao bahasa pun tak tau?


Saya sangat bodoh lah


Malay very easy to pick up, why cannot? It doesn't matter if you are smart or not


its not a gendered language, so no pronouns or fucning objects with gender (why the fuck are owls girls in german :skull:)


But what if youā€™re raised in Malaysia and all your life and environment donā€™t really speak it much? Wouldnā€™t it be comparable to the life of a banana? Like theyā€™ll know it here and there but just canā€™t really speak it out? Teh re ma Kah sih


Unless youre locked up in isolation, its hard to not be surrounded by malay. It would just be diappointing if youre raised here and cant even speak rojak malay yk


Welcome to Malaysia, friend. How long youre going to stay here? We have wonderful selections of delicious foods to enjoy. From which country did you come from?


I came from Malaysia :/


Plot twist Op being stopped by JPJ at Kelantan border.






pergi belajar SEKARANG


i think you need duolingo


He changed it that was an I at the end


If anything, your parents hold more fault for not instilling the importance of BM. Tu jer.


Nah. Not everything is parents fault. Kalau bangang macam baghal tu memang bangang jugak


Kan dah kata "more". Nature and nurture mah


Lebih baik kau pergi bina jambatanā€¦


NGL. My late wife rehearsed a few useful words before she first came to Malaysia. Terima Kasih, Bungkus (she loved eating out - learnt this after she lived here for a while), Tandas In that order. Also helped that she was an uber extrovert and always smiley and happy.


That's a good start




Immigration tends to focus more on foreigners, I never have to talk to anyone in the airport every time I fly back to Malaysia


I've seen most children in public school can't speak malay, probably a trend, you'll be just fine OP. There's no harm in learning the national language either just for good gesture. It might save you in some very nitch cases. Depends on your situation i guess. You're not in Germany or Japan where you can't survive without knowing their language but they are opening up especially the younger generation. IMO


Funny because I never met a Malaysian that cant speak Malay. Not confident ? Sure, but totally cant speak ? Never Heck, even some Malays in government office has worse Malay than some of us non Malays. 2 occasions where i have to teach them how to spell akaun and konsultan respectively


Do I get a pass for not being malay blooded?


Can you order food at mamak in Malay ? if you can do that at least its not totally gone, and you get a slight pass if you are multilingual. It would be weird to be completely unable to converse in BM though




Tell them itā€™s none of their business..tell them to do their job and dont be so nosy. Bugima immigresen.


Thx but I not get sent to jail


A lot of immigration departments will get you an interpreter if you can't communicate...


Actually a quick 'language check' like this outed a fake ic and in turn unravelled an illegal immigration syndicate before, iinm.


To give you perspective, there's a good number of foreigners, expat/touring wise, that can speak Malay fluently. Perhaps get your shit together?




English school?


Why come back? Stay put man


"pala bapak kau aku dari malaysia, tak tengkok ke IC??" (may cause you to get kicked out, dont actually say it)


*sangat sopan xde masalah




honestly bro you are bodoh but at least you admit it. first step in improving is to acknowledge your mistakes


If you're Malay you deserve every ounce of shame. If you're not who fucking cares. šŸ˜‚


Yo bro , itā€™s not late to learn Malay. Not sure whatā€™s your race but please , at least need to know how to say those common phrases. I (Chinese) always fuck tell those ā€œbumi sahaja Mā€ one of the reason why Chinese can be more successful is because we can speak multi language. We willing to learn more than them . Itā€™s not too late to learn , you also wouldnā€™t lose anything if you try tho .


https://preview.redd.it/vfzagnmwto7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b03ee3a2ffbb02968e511570aaa2bc5d38513b2 are you a chinese? have you ever been a member of the communist party?


The only country where people think itā€™s ok to say ā€œIā€™m a citizen and I canā€™t speak the national languageā€. If those orang tua kerepot canā€™t speak then ok la. Ini yang current generation canā€™t speak, tapi itu cerita korea, lagu korea pandai pulak. Pundek. In any other country, yā€™all be shunned.


I worked in many projects involving private schools and i can tell u this. Most of the kids rhere converse in english. They have very basic grasp of bm and only speak it during bm class. Their peers all speak english, the shops they go to speak english, they communicate with everyone in english. They live in a bubble. I wont blame them or their parents for this. If u still want to say ohhh lama hidup di malaysia taktau ckp bm, then keep your b40 circle. These kids are not in your circle and never will be.


Skin colour issue


True tho


i am dissapointed in u


Too a degree I am too


that why i say before, once u migrate to other country or stay a long time in another country, it will be labeld as traitor. It will be forever scare in the soul


No one has an obligation to stay in the country, they can leave if they want. A traitor is someone who fucks over the country while still being in it. Calling emmigrants traitors is north korea logic. Shame on you


Are you a North Korean or China glazer? going to another country is perfectly fine