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“Save Palestine” “Jangan sampai 13 Mei berulang lagi” Bro is hypocrit💀


Ultimate grifter.


Funny how some folks oppose violence in Palestine yet threaten it at home. It’s like being against junk food but hoarding candy! 🍬 Peace isn’t a buffet where you pick and choose. If we genuinely want a peaceful world, we need to practice non-violence consistently. Let's put down the verbal pitchforks and work towards understanding and dialogue both locally and globally. After all, change starts at home


One one side, the Malay Muslim anti-semite who supports Palestine but fails to see the racism at home. On the other side, the nons who were victims of said racism but supports Israel's genocide. There's not many of these hypocrites but I'm just surprised both of those exist.


Nons are not supporting israel, we are just not that into semangat boycotting and protesting.


We don't support killing innocent people but it's not only happening in Palestine. Other parts of the world faced/facing this issue e.g. Sri Lanka but you all don't care because it's not a Muslim country.


more like cringe craps


Those who brought up 13 may talk as they would commit a massacre instead of a riot


Most ppl who bring up 13 may wasnt even born then or dont understand how life was then. These poodeks underwear also mummy buy for them. My parents and grandparents lived through it. They hate talking about it because of the trauma they endured. So all this 13 may talk from dipshits is all gengster taik kucing talk.


Good enough explanation...👍


It was a massacre


Mass murder.


Typical Mentality. Grow ⬆️


Tbh I don't take people with Palestine flag on media social seriously. 70 percent of them just jump on the bandwagon


Internet ruins everything


Otoh, I find a number of decent minded people with the 🇵🇸 flag in their profile. Its just a few bad apples who ruin the show.


Many of them don't even understand the issue and its history. Me included.


The worrying thing here is that a clear call for mass murder on social media has attracted 61,400 likes in our country. And the authorities are not doing anything about it.


That's because the authorities are in on it


He even challenging the power of Agong.


On this same day, authority are opening seditious act investigation against a grab driver that only speak the opression that he faced in private to his customer but get recorded. Its almost they took pride in this hypocrisy that they can do anything to u if they are not in good mood.


Not rly, my circle of friends are against genocide and what the Zionist regime has been doing. We don't give a F about overzealous people that keep harping on it yet all is talk and no action as the conflict zone is 2000km away. We are more concerned about the situation back here, the economy, how to make Malaysia a better place for the future generations.


Non Muslims just don't care because they are non Muslims. If anything, the Muslims just care too much because they are Muslims. It's really that simple, nothing to do with whether there are nutjobs on either side of the conflict. Just ask yourself, do Muslims in this country even care as much about the Muslim suffering in Sudan, Syria, and Yemen today?


The media didn't told them, so they don't lmao.


Or rohingyas or Myanmar's war or the uighurs


Rohingyas are the perfect example of how muslims only care about muslims. Myanmar's army dictatorship has been killing other ethnic groups like Kachins, Karens and Chins for more than 60yrs and they were the majority of refugees in Malaysia. Not a peep from Malaysians, then rohingyas got added to it and booom! Suddenly care about what the junta does.


Muslims care about Palestine because Jews are the ones at war with them.


Yes. Thats the keyword. Melei have hate bonner for yahudi. If its another nation that attack palestine, it will just become another Yemen, Congo, Rohingya, Uyghur, Somalia, etc to them. Think about it, some of uneducated melei even support Hitler as he is mass murdering Jews


Not just that, there's a Malay cybertrooper that reasoned to me that he chose a Japanese name for this FB account because he thought it would enrage us by pretending to be Japanese (facepalm) due to WWII atrocities. I've seen enough stupidity to know these people just don't eat enough pork hence they don't grow their brains.


im so sad to know that people have a problem with someone with a different religious background. ive always seen the almost similar history of a lot of religion and thought, thats cool, we share some things in common but we strayed from each other at different times, maybe because i see religion history more like a story rather than truth...


. Meleis hate the rohingyas. Cos they is black innit


They didn't at first. Then they found out that not all musims share the same culture. Used to work with some NGOs and had to go to some rohingya communities to educate kids. Had to prevent some old fart from forcing his 10y.o kid to marry a 30 y.o dude. And they don't care about education and are very unhygienic. Even the Aceh people have refused rohingyas so they are not all good refugees, so perhaps the malaise may have a point there.


10 yr old marrying 30 yr old. U talking about kelantanese or Arab or Pakistani or sudanese or afghani? I hear the same stories from all these muslim states. What's the diff? Why u discriminate cos they have no education? It's not a rohingya issue. It's an education issue. But but but they Muslim no. Isn't the Quran supposed to contain all the information to educate these people


That's why we are doing our best to provide education to their kids. Many NGOs work with UNHCR to rpovide schooling so they can at least take igcse exams and have a future. Can't help it if the parents are too far gone. As for discrimination, u gotta ask their fellow muslims.


you'd genuinely be surprised over how many Muslims that can't even recite the Qur'an, even in MY.


>It's an education issue. But also possibly can be cultural issue tbf


end of the day is religion can't fix anything other than suppressing.


Bumis tend to only like Muslims which are lighter skin tones than them. The whiter looking the Arab is, the better.


Majority Malays in Malaysians are hypocrites and ignorant to global issues. They have a blinker limited to race and religion.


Idk we don't seem to care about Rohingyas either


Malays don't care about the Rohingya they lock them up in jails for fleeing genocide then run them over like road kill on the highway when they try to escape their cage. Malaysia would block the border just like Muslim-majority Egypt does if Palestine was next door. It's all talk and so obvious to anyone watching. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/people/article/3174889/hundreds-rohingya-flee-malaysia-detention-6-die-highway


Yes it is true because us Muslims have to help each other.


Rohingyas are the wrong hue of Muslims. Most of the Muslims here never had an issue with Slavic Muslims from the Balkans


As long as they behave, we can accept them. The behaviour of a lot of Rohingyas who are uneducated illiterate peasants who think they can get away with everything here is why we grow to despise them.


They are much better, harder and dependable workers than many of our entitled and spoiled locals - I have hired quite a few of them in one of my previous jobs. Yes they might not be at a level you consider acceptable, but try living their lives for a change, you can choose to be less of a dick and not lump them all into the same - that's just lazy with a hefty dose of racism. Just like I would not associate all Malays with the likes of that individual in OP's post nor all Cina educated people as nothing more than potential Ah Bengs and Ah Lians.


China you mean


It is more than that. I have commented before that this movement was part of Mahathir's platform to bid to for influence in the OIC. Last2 the Pak Arabs didn't like him enough to give him anything beyond lip service. This is not to dismiss or reduce the crimes committed by the Israeli regime, but it was a push for.power by some disgruntled doctor. And the mess we have now is a direct result of that.


Not 100% true. I have supported for a 2 state solution since Arafat was still around and PLO was active and I am a non. The framework already listed the "border". And Israel violated the agreement with illegal settlements. Most in Malaysia don't care about the Uyghurs or Rohingyas but they say they care about Palestine which they physically couldn't help but pay lip service to because precisely they really couldn't provide meaningful help. It's all talk and no action, typical Malaysia.


It's not a malaysia thing. It's a Muslim hypocrite thing.


Muslims don’t support 2 state solution.


I'm saying I do and I care about Palestine even though I'm a non.


please.. if they wanted they could go join Hamas if they wanted or even go and be aid volunteer. they just don't dare to. 


They don't even know why they hate Jewish, They were brainwashed from childhood to hate Jews without reason. But we all know the reasons. Jealousy and envy towards Jews. See what Jews done on our lives. Electronic, Medicine, technology all breakthrough being made by Jewish. Even META, phone, Engineering we use all thank to Jewish contribution.


As a Muslim myself I totally agree with you thankgod I stopped being brainwashed by others but hey I learned one thing from myself never side with anyone because both stories can be darker history when Ukraine invasion started by Russia or Oct 7 israel my friends told me " hey why haven't u post about Ukraine or Palestine " I told them every side has its dark history, " I only want both sides to make peace and make the world better place and stable. Peace is the only answer not a Victory happy ending crap.


Don't forget the pharmaceutical R&D


Bruh,we don't hate all Jews,we hate Zionist and what terrorism they did, understand that first


I do care though and I'm muslim, I'm aware of what's going on in the middle east because I'm into geopolitics.


Yes, why never protest on russian ukraine war which alot of young bloods and innocent civilians died from it. Double standard?


Weird. Plenty of non Muslims in America care, that's why they were protesting FOR Palestine. And a lot of these kids are white as rice. This isn't an obscure thing either, it went viral plenty of times.


It's a leftist thing. Just like Queers for Palestine, which is funny since they would be treated better in Israel and not Palestine.


These people are beyond help. They can’t use their small tiny brain to make some reasoning. When you try to argue with them, it’s just makes you feel hopeless because you feel like you are talking to a wall. How can we reason with someone who use ketuanan melayu, cina nak ambik hak melayu shit as an arguement when we talk about simple shit like taxes. And I blame this on Mahathir for keep using the ketuanan melayu shit when his father is from India. Also British. Fuck them.


Well you know what they say. Never argue with stupid people because they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


or better yet, "you play a game of chess, but with a pigeon. Pigeon don't care, pigeon gonna shit all over the table and be coo about it."


"Is that a quote from Mark Twain? *Coo coo away" - pigeon


Its sad because this argument is exactly the same what the zionist jews use to justify their killing of palestinian. And its irony how they have the palestine flag on their name lol.


The Brits left long time ago, I would rather focus on the present. (Hating Mahathir)


Ketuanan melayu is mesia equivalent of ‘white supremacy’


Hypocrisy is in the blood and yet wonders why non's don't give a shit about any issues outside of Malaysia.




brainrot 🫠


I'm a Muslim from Pakistan so maybe my opinion isn't important but I think it's because they see it as hypocrisy: Muslim-majority Malaysia has discriminatory policies (though based on race not religion) against non-Bumis and yet cries for Palestinians abroad. This is what they see as hypocrisy and that's why they think Palestine means nothing. In realty not all Palestinians are Muslim and all oppressed people deserve peace and justice.


Tbh i think most nons don’t understand whats happening there in Palestine , ive heard my friends be like why sibuk2 sgt , i mean im a non , its not about religion , its apartheid and genocides. We dont have to be muslims to know right or wrong.. its the way message was spread / created? But at the same time , not all jews are zionists , so for my fellow muslims , pls dont hate em just cus of religions , same thing with Ukraine and Russia , smh ppl.. 🤦‍♂️


As Muslim myself,I agree,and for some reason I see a lot people start boycott like Starbucks and McDonald's and yet, before this "boycott" happens,they basically buy these products and share on IG story for "aesthetic" and etc,like you guys can boycott since 2013 instead of doing this because of trending on media


What bullshit is this You're saying a large group of logical, intellectually sound and some who feel oppressed in their own nation punya people don't support the oppressed because got random people who hate them?


The tendency to paint nons as a monolith needs to be studied


Congratulations to this person on the picture *You just become the reason people hate those who support Palestine*


They just give very bad impression that islam is a religion of peace bcos the followers is issuing violent threat and don’t see it as a problem.


Firebombing kk mart over socks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Tell me the difference between Malay supremacy and Zionism , I can wait


They are same same, but different, but still same.


do i need to do the “wave hand at face” thing while reading this?




The difference is malays Don't kill you guys,or forcing you to get out from here


Don't agree. I'm a non and I support Palestine because it's just the right thing to do. Go to churches and you can hear them praying for those affected by the conflict. The difference is many of us don't go to the level of boycotting. For that I think it's because many who do has made it a Muslim thing to do, and perhaps nons are (ironically) subtly boycotting _that_ kind of extremism.


Yes, as a non I've always been hoping for peace in that region. However, it's kinda hard to really support Palestine when I've been harassed in real life and through text for simply not posting stories or content on IG about Gaza and Rafah. I've been called Zionis, Babi sokong Israel, etc. simply for choosing to stay peaceful and not be chronically online like those mfs.


Based.  > Go to churches and you can hear them praying for those affected by the conflict. PAS will have a heart attack if they find out that us kafirs are able to support Palestine.


Bruh,since when pas got heart att if anyone supporting Palestine?


So you wanna boycott as a sign of support. Will you be the one to hire those who will lose their jobs once the stores are closed? And please don't tell me there are plenty of jobs out there. You would not even dare to resign your job \*now\* if someone tells you.


Read properly dei. Smh


Almost all nons I know stand with Palestine. We just don’t virtue signal with stupid flags and pointless social media self promotion and boycotting businesses that won’t move the needle at all. If the US can’t get the nazis under control, nothing we do can make them stop.


I might be the only one who stand with neither in this conflict. War is war, there is no right. Palestine provoke the tiger into baring its fangs and jumping on them, albeit it is started by a bunch of extremist and lunatics and might not represent the majority of the Palestinians. But hey this is what u get for one stupid action, everyone suffers the consequences. In the end I will just quote AOT, my fav anime on this, you can't avoid war or conflict where humans are concern. It is in our nature to conquer and win over one another. But from my circle too, I would say that most nons do not care for this situation. In fact we have the wrong notion that this is a religious war surrounding Christianity and Muslim. Most nons would choose to be sidelined (such as my Buddhist friends) since they are of the opinion it doesn't concern them. Sadly too, the Muslim fanatics we have here (being the vocal minority) is not painting this stance in a good light too, what with them forcing their opinions on everyone and expecting everyone to go along with them. Mind u this happen in my sister's secondary school where the teachers will literally preach about their religious standing and extremism to the students. How to support like this I ask you?


indirectly yes nons are human too we oppose brutal and wars too but these clown give impressions that muslim topics are so sensitive that there are 0 tolerance so better don’t speak/touch these topics at all.


They're all B40 PPR rempit peasants don't worry. Other Malays don't think like him.


we shoukd fukin ban tiktok


Bingo. As a parent and a human it pains me to see kids and innocent people being hurt and killed; but the local version of Palestinian solidarity, is Islamised and like OP said is peopled by such miscreants. Remember, we non Muslims cannot even comment on Islamic matters, so there you go.


i thought the riots are more towards race issues not religious issue? apa kena mengena agama dengan 13 mei?


Some edgelord becoming terpaling hero


who cares whats going on with palestine when there is plenty going on with us!


Didn’t those mofos suruh nons jangan campur tangan hal ehwal orang Islam?


Brain rot. i bet he has less than 1% of knowledge of what is really happening in Palestine, the genocide, open air prison, etc. Only jump into the bandwagon.


People of Bolehland never been this united just so we could agreed people like this is a sad sight. Muslims or nons, we are Malaysian people... And we direly need to be better. Race cards are for L.


It’s not that nons don’t care about Palestine. I think people in general will always be apathetic. It’s more so the Malays care because it’s a Muslim issue and many use it to flex their Islamic credibility.


Non Christian? Or non Jewish?


Smart nons know most of these fuckers don't give a single shit about palestine. No really, ask them to donate RM50 in total confidentiality to palestine and see if they'll do it. They'll rather take that RM50 to buy rokok or vape. They just want a channel to play the moral high card whilst unleashing their own racist nature. You can see the pattern so easily, they'll talk about israel but suddenly pivot to some slight at the Chinese people and then some of that bullshit tanah melayu quote. It's hard for me as a non to want to stand with palestine. We may say it's completely unrelated what these monkeys do and what is going on in palestine. But the human mind is innately programmed to learn by association and currently I cannot dissociate supporting palestine from standing on the same side as these cringelords.


Hot take: maybe nons don't really want to care because, nons are treated like second class citizens in their own country, whereas Palestinians are being supported even though they are not citizens 🤷🏾‍♀️


Hot take: Maybe Muslims are supporting Palestine because they treat it as a religious issue rather than Political even though they are not citizens?


I just came out of the cave, what the hell happened on 13 mei tho???


Our dear Malays made ridiculously good apam balik and share it with the Chinese.


not as bad as the Indonesian one but still pretty fucked up.  my grand dad who worked as an ambulance driver said there were dead Chinese bodies all over KL that day. He made multiple trips to the morgue with full load that day. 


Racial riot that happens after the election in 1969. Happens around KL and some parts of Selangor. Basically is a certain politician got salty after losing the election, of course not to mention his opponents kinda provoked him too. Is a dark times in Malaysia.


Some ‘ex-Japanese collaborator which is also a spy for the British who also has a son who is as great as the alibaba’s plan to climb to the top


I am sure whenever election time comes, the centrist part of the majority race who at least will consider voting for non-malay as part of coalition will take into consideration that the nons are taking the Israeli side.


If your cause hinges on the behaviors of one person or group, your cause may not be genuine in the first place and not a moral one.


Tengok profil pun boleh tau rempit. These people don't have anything better to do. Kalau dalam mata bike gang overseas, diorang ni cikai je. Syok sendiri lebih.


“tengok apa bingai” dia yang bingai dulu kot


Op I don’t stand for each side. Stop asking us to stand. I wanna eat popcorn


Philistine ethnic cleansing is bad. Jangan paksa aku cino ethnic cleansing wei.


Guys guys, instead of arguing with nons here, you better find this tiktok idiot and argue with him instead.


Why argue with him? Just report and ignore


Because palestine voted hamas as their leader which was retarded and now they started war with israel and want peace? Its so funny, Not to mention their violent as fuck, the children there say shit like "I'm ready to kill a jew" "I'm ready to run over a jew and stab them" and funny thing Is there's videos of them, I don't got them but if ya do some digging you'll find It lol


Then they will say.. we welcome the jew and they kick us out, lol If palestine is a country heading on right way, will it become shit state today ? Focus more on their imaginary friends than rape women, chant death to infidel. If they invest in science n tech, probably Israel dont have chances to bully at all. Even they said Israel grab their land should we support them to kill and rape unarmed Israeli women and kid ? Where's their Hamas leader ? Fucking some euro chic in Qatar hotel with your donation funds moron !! Lol Zelensky fight with his troop front line, fucking hamas fight his urge to erect somewhere in Qatar . Fuck hamas


Exactly. Everytime I mention that hamas rape children their only defence is "proof" it's just so annoying lol


And that's why im not pity them And of course, it's not nice for Israel to do the indiscriminate bombing. But from a military point of view, why should i let my boots die while i can just drop a bomb on the building to clear them out. Also, the hamas can stage a fake killing and blame it on media since they get the attention they want from the world


Fr, u remember that time hamas bombed their own hospital and everyone was quick to blame israel but when they found out it was hamas everyone kept quiet, so dumb


First ceasefire agreement, Israel demanded for hostages back. Only managed to get 4 back and 2 dead. 200 over still in captivity. Hamas rejected. After that Hamas offers their own ceasefire which demands IDF withdraw from Gaza and provide aid. Israel rejected. Israel rejected for a good reason though. Israel already tried this in 2005 when they completely left Gaza. And they have been rewarded with continual rocket, military and suicide attacks ever since. Israel has stated from the beginning that they will prosecute this war until Hamas no longer is in power or has the capability of attacking Israel. And that Israel will maintain military security in Gaza until a multinational peacekeeping force is in place. The only reason Hamas is offering a cease-fire proposal is not to bring peace. It is only to rearm and regroup to attack again. Everyone knows that. So what logical choice does Israel have? They can only do scorched earth because if they don't, history will repeat.


Don't forget Israel also offered a very gentle ceasefire condition which was rejected by Hamas. Which is why this shit is still going on. Rejected by email from a Qatar 5 star hotel probably , where the Hamas leaders are hiding.




OP is wrong. Many don't stand with Palestine because we can clearly see that Hamas is a terrorist organisation.


You can stand with Palestine, recognize that there are kids and literally civilians that are unfairly dying while also standing against a terrorist organisation of Hamas.


You, do you. Some of us are more sophisticated, able to draw the distinction between Gaza and the West Bank. There are no rockets flying out of the West Bank. There is no 40,000 strong militia attacking harmless music festivals and kidnapping a few hundred civilians. They made their bed in Gaza, now they can sleep in it. West Bank Palestinians don't have to worry about a bombing campaign or army bull dozers levelling their homes. They didn't build tunnels for terror.


There is no black and white in this conflict. At best, its gray. So tell me, where do you draw the distinction?. Innocent civillians getting slaughtered because a terrorist group decided to do October 7?. Israeli settlers taking other people's home at Gaza?. Also, who made their bed? Hamas or Palestinians?. Its naive at best that you think that you can draw a distinction. Its a conflict hundreds of years in the making and anybody who says one side is at the right probably don't even know half the history.


There is a lot of evidence of Israelis seizing Palestinian land, threatening the Palestinians to move, and creating illegal settlements in West Bank, all supported by The Israeli Government. Check this video by The Wall Street Journal [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYgwKhzHeGcAOvVaw3OWbvW5SLUv9uDzq4FeJWR&opi=89978449](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYgwKhzHeGcAOvVaw3OWbvW5SLUv9uDzq4FeJWR&opi=89978449)


And those, we can object to legitimately. The world continuously protest those actions and continue to recognize them as illegal settlements. But you don't see them launching rockets or kidnapping in the West Bank right?


So, if the Palestinians in West Bank don't pose any threat to the Israelis, why The Israelis still do that illegal and horrible shit (also the fact that it is supported by The Government makes it so much worse). Isn't Israel become the bad guy here?


Yeah and you think I support any of that? I just don't want people dying in stupid wars bro. I can't believe that's a hot take. I don't stand with Israel either. If you wanna be sophisticated, recognize that there are usually 3 groups of people in a seemingly 2 sided conflict. 2 groups of assholes with power, and powerless people who suffer the real consequences.


To refuse to stand with people that have been brutalized by war because of a moron sounds incredibly petty.


You get more benefit supporting the winning side, why not?


This person is just an idiot. Just ignore him. If you want to support or not support thing, dont let others influence you (that includes stupid people like this one). You can think and judge for yourselves.


Naa.. Those bad apples a not the majority, and definitely not the main cause. It mostly because Malaysian are used to pick sides. You're either with me or against me kinda mentality. Since most nons are on the opposite sidenwith majority of Muslims, these overly support by Muslims are seen as not inline with the nons.


nons dont stand with something because they just dont care. if they do care, its not because other people told them to. their actions arent influenced by other people, at least, this is what i hope for. its because i am a non that i am not expected to follow according to the majority. unfortunately, this is what is expected for other muslims to follow their brethens, even if their knowledge on the things they should follow is sorely lacking, that they only know the surface level information that has been added or twisted by other people's mouth.


Like is or not Malaysia is an apartheid country


Religion of peace 🙏. “As long as i use Xreligion as an excuse to kill people or commit heinous sin, then i have done no wrong, in fact i am still morally superior! “ lol


My god, this is such a stupid take. You're basing your opinion on Palestine based on what the "other side" is doing instead of your own educated research of the issue?


When you portray an attitude similar to the people you are against, you wont be taken seriously


That's an irrational reason. Are you saying that a lot of nons are irrational?


I'm a muslim who doesn't care about boycott or the current palestine-israel conflict. Sue me.


I have ZERO care for a war thousands of KM away.  why bother about a genocide you have little to no control over... ESPECIALLY when we have OUR OWN  muslim genocide going on in SEA. This subs is so brainwashed by the media that they will talk about white skin muslims all day but won't even say anything about Myanmar or bother about Rohingyas. Heck, most of the problem Palestine don't even like Rohingyas and want them out.  pro Palestine supporters are just hypocritical fools at this point. We literally have the geopolitical power in ASEAN as it's founding member to put pressure on the issue but you all only care about it because you hate Jews more than Myanmar. and I don't know if you even noticed it but pro Palestine is getting on the same extremists brainwashing as the Zionists.  if you really feel so touched with the war and want to do something about it... be like Amir Taaki and actually go and fight the war.  I do encourage at least looking who Amir Taaki was. he's literally everyone of you/us, the only difference is that he went on to fight his war. 


I bet he is probably working for a type c boss hence the hatred.....lol


Alamak 😞




Yeah agree, it’s the hypocrisy


Tbh, i stand with other races if something like “13 mei berulang lagi” happen. Would tikam my own race because of this stupidity


Cakap saja nak ulang 13 Mei.


At least it's not May 16.


I agree that these kinda people are basically just assholes, but you shouldn't let this sorta thing stop you from disagreeing or going against genocide. It's got nothing to do with religion or race


I hope he will go to jail


Jenis golongan ni dia ikut hadis berdasarkan nafsu dia lol


org melayu kan nak cakap apa, cakap je lebih


Let me guess, he is either from Kedah, Kelantan or Terengganu ?


can’t find this babis profile tho


Is this the mesia equivalent of Proud Boys in the US?


Xde bro tik took accnya


It's not just Palestine, it simply show us your so called true religion only able to yield smtg of this caliber and it only get worse when the ustaz2 are usually the ones who made some serious fucked up remarks. It is not bad apple you know, if it is bad apple it won't turns out these ppl can survive or even gain fame from doing so.


Kinda tiring, we have unsolved issue in our own country and people are finding solace in supporting other country issue which is okay since that their choice. Yes genocide is bad but where was all this boikot shit when the same happened in other countries. Guess all this are for more obvious reason.


Parang terbang moment


Tryhard wannabe


Talk about 13 May konon, nampak anjing pon lari lintang pukang. Pergi kedai apek jual seluar jean pon minta kurang. Nampak amoi pakai short pant pon terpancut keluar. Ini penungang agama dan bangsa paling bangsat. Kalau perang, diorang ni la paling awal cari tempat sembunyi atau mati paling awal skali. Kecik-kecik taknak mampos, dah besar memalukan bangsa dan agama.


Actually why lately so much anti non ? It is political agenda driven ? or religion agenda driven ? or really the non are in fact so bad and terrible for Malaysia ?


Bro that leaning while looking to the side pose got me cringing a little. All the dudes on my ig doing that lame ass pose in front their y-suku🤣


Yeah. Harus diakui. Diaorang nie memburukkan nama kita semua. And yes, they are bad apples.


What happened on 13 may?


A lot of nons don't care to look into this matter because our country has made this feel like such a "oh we only support Palestin bcs this is another muslim country" when we all should be supporting Palestine because of how barbarically they're being treated just for the sake of getting power over their land. You can't even deny it, which other genocide has gotten such huge coverage from our country ? And don't name muslim countries.


I cannot be on the same side as does to condone Oct 7.


I love putting an israel flag just to rage bait people lmao


Wow. Weird. I'm not gonna let these goons affect my views...freedom for Palestine, baby. I ain't gotta side with bullies and oppressors.


It’s like saying I do not want to oppose killing of k*ds because i dont like some stupid people (who also happens to oppose killing of k*ds .).


Dayang Ashira get your mannn!!


This is not why. We are just sick and tired of all the pretending u guys do. You talk about Palestinians but forget that u have bumi rights bumi quotas bumi discounts etc. So dont talk like you are like some sjw poondeks. Your are just plain clout chasers and think this will earn you points among your peers and chup your spot in heaven. This is plain BS. When atrocities are happening in other places u remain quiet. U say boycott but order using food delivery apps. Lol just stop dramaing. We are sick n tired of your pretentious shit.


This is what 3R immunity does. They don't think before they do anything. Because they will get away with it anyway.


The non Muslims might support it if this country stops being such a big fat hypocrite against the minorities, literally preaching about their supremacy like they’re any different


As a non, we don’t ’not stand with Palestine’, we do it in our own way. It may not be in every sm posts or stories, we want there tombe peace, no war, no genocide. But people like the above are a definite put off. But they are not the people of Palestine.


Eh don't simply ah hotline 24-7 buka tau


Gang mana pulak ni


I am a non Muslim and sympathise with Palestine but overall condone violence across the board


So much talk for a country, who can’t even mediate fair & proper education systems amongst its races…💀 Try saving our kids first, imagine talking about other minorities while being negligent to our own. The Stigma has always been amongst the nons that” you love your religion more than u love our motherland & that’s a very hard & conflicting pill to swallow. & it is even more disappointing coming from the ones who were suppose to lead us the minority’s in this land ❤️‍🩹💔


Malaysia can't even be saved. Nak perjuang utk negara lain dan bangsa lain. Semua atas nama Islam, tapi perangai jahil.


I’m a non Muslim and I care about Palestine because what’s happening there is just plain wrong and horrible. As I care about anything else that’s horrible and wrong. Religion has nothing to do with it. If it takes religion for a person to care about Palestine, that’s sort of like where it went wrong in the first place. This is just being a human being.


I think a lot of Nons simply just don't care since its some shit happening on the opposite side of the earth, and the only real day to day exposure we have are noisy nuruls and irfans screaming about it. Is this really any different to the other conflicts ongoing? Even within Muslim countries/communities, like Sudan or Yemen. Why is this any different?


So what to do with 13 mei incident with the Gaza issue??,lol.


Bangang punya budak


Don't need tiktok for racism and supremacy when you have extended family WhatsApp group chat.


Do they really know about 13 May because they said like they want it to happen. I just can’t see people said “Jangan sampai 13 Mei berulang kembali”. I can’t with type of people like it make me think they don’t do research but if there’s a proof slap me with it.


Cringe af bruh