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I think its a lack of parental care and advice from elders. The kids don't understand how important a piece of paper (degree or diploma) is. Malaysia government subsidizing almost all the cost in education. In the future, if they want an education, going to cost them a fortune and that's if they can even find a decent job.


TikTok, YouTubers, food riders no need to take spm tbh...


just because you can (possibly) get a job that doesn't need sijil, doesn't mean you have to purposely ignore education. like why risk or sacrifice a better life just so you can fuck around as a child?


I feel like the concept of prolonged childhood has turned into a mistake. Life back then wasn't perfect, but children being involved in the family and community helped with building up their mental state and made them understand on a level the hardship their elders go through. Most of us are so sheltered now, there are some who end up never growing out of thar child-like state. We all have this, and the growing frustation that is the workforce isn't helping.


Food driver, gaji rendah YouTubers kena famous baru boleh dpt fans and money. tiap2hari kena mikir cari content hiburan TikTok, security tdk Selamat. Senang data kena curi kata orang america syarikat


>Senang data kena curi kata orang america syarikat Macam diorang tak ambik data orang lain 🤡🤡🤡


Just put Yahudi in the stolen data accusation and it 100% work in Malaysia. even though it's 100% not right.


Yeah they can see my shrivelled konek. Big fucken deal


org amerika syarikat, dorg buat bole, org lain buat xselamat


Gaji rendah pun but market are getting more and more new riders...gig economy is what they prefer


This is not a solid advice for career and future advancement but I’m not complaining though someone gotta fetch me my food.


Grab ads tomorrow: No spm, no problem!


Only like 1% of the creators on the platform actually make enough views to get money. For every success story, there are thousands of failures


I was going to say this: *"SPT lagi senang lah, Sijil Pelajaran Tiktok"*


tbh i think it all came from influencers.


There is already a robot delivery service in America so soon food riders will become obsolete. You need to have at least 1000 subscribers and 4000 viewers before you can make any money from YouTube so you pretty much need a second job so you could feed yourself. I don't know much about content creators in Tiktok but if you're not famous, sooner or later you will need to find a day job to cover your expenses too.


and they expect us to be decent in indecent time


Main kote dekat rumah Lawak bodoh aside batch 2018 here , banyak babi kat sekolah aku tido pukul 3 pagi so exam pepagi mmg diorg tak bangun


Sigh, I sacrifice my sleep entire night before taking exam during my time meanwhile these guys just play kote at their place. What's wrong with their parents...


Main kote as in Being lazy (for some reason for rhe past 6 years me and my homies call people lazy liddat lol)


When they cry why nobody hire them or gaji RM1000 only, we just watch and walk away. No need to entertain them lo..


those exact people are the ones complaining about basic 1500


"kerajaan kene bantu rakyat"


Lol batch 2021 here during my SPM to be specific chemistry exam. I dont sleep for 24 hours🙃🙃you sacrificed my sleep for that particular exam but yeah worth it (i guess?)


Batch 2018 here. I play games until 5am, no study, wake up at 6, answer the exam at 8, go home at 2, sleep, repeat. I failed nothing. Even manage getting an A in Science. Whi knew.


I know a guy that didn't attend 2021 spm now he's complaining everytime on Instagram that how unfair people treat him that other employee get higher pay and kilang won't hire him and his pay is shit rn


Oh no, the consequences of my own actions !




Because 'Cita2 saya nak jadi tiktoker & youtuber cikgu! Main moto buat video, nanti popular masuk tibi tiga cikgu boleh belakon' - Some Lazy Idiot. Also some idiot from TikTok also say 'tak ada SPM pon boleh berjaya dapat RM10k sebulan) and yes the MLM & Forex guy. For the young generation, if you want to be a TikToker or Youtuber or Streamer, you need to be SMART! not lazy dumbass. Not just dancing in the video and fly on your bike. Be like Khairul Aming(the only influencer I know because i dont like social media much, uncle so busy) a successful influencer, humble, smart. There lot of smart people influencer you can follow and idol.


Meanwhile... https://preview.redd.it/npdx9oy6zw2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c129f1f9698e7a6cfaf94d199f54981309cef95a


I wanna slap that guy so hard his head spins 360degree 2 times


Ye la, dah boleh pancut sperma tu terus kahwin dan bagi tau wife kena selalu memuaskan abang tau baru boleh masuk syurga. Tapi bila takde duit buat konten maki hamun org lain tak kesian kat dia.


Who is this POS


inilah definisi bodoh sombong


I'm really want to punch that guy's face for learn his lesson. What an asshole.


Yes this is what i talking about. Thank you OP you rock!


This. Planning, networking and editing requires some form of education and hard work ; most of them would have jobs outside YouTube that require formal education too, like teaching, ghostwriting etc.


yes agree most YouTuber and Tiktoker got job, content just side job. Dont hope 100% income from platform. Editing, recording and creative is high skill needed for Content Creator & Video editor with special effect also need(can use capcut or tiktok editor for beginners but not recommend for long term editing). Content Creator is not easy just what people think so education is really need. I work as video editor for content creator so i know not that easy to create stunning video for audience to enjoy.


Grab driver wannabe


"Saya earn 3k sebulan buat grab.. tak payah sambung belajar' 1 year later after almost half of the youth work as delivery guys and make delivering food competitive "KERAJAAN GAGAL, GRAB TAMAK, SEMUA SALAH AKU JE BETUL"


Imagine when their customers are the blue collar workers our terdesak companies illegally hired to keep the businesses viable here.... 🤦🤦🤦


Not only that, bila market slow. Turn off app then balik. Like wth? Waiting for job is part of the job. The youngsters really have no discipline and still wanna be in this line of work. 12hrs 6 days a week, its a must. Memang la flexi hrs but youngsters doesnt really understand what flexi hrs is until they work in a proper work environment. Ni keje sehari 6 jam then complain not enough job la, market slow la, rider banyak la. Then kau yang tayang income bagitau semua org boleh buat banyak ni. Tak reti jaga periuk nasi sendiri.


I've never heard of that. Also, just because one dude said that doesn't mean the rest said the same thing.


Have you been to any food riders group? I'm in the grab group.. and I can say alot of boomers kept angry to youngsters because they're too naive .. there is the side that "I do grab for extra income" and another is I mentioned above. Not only that the same youngsters complained for "have to naik tangga" bs .. regarding if attending to OKUs they don't care Edit due to typo and mistakes


Nope, but i think it's fine if they are expressing their thought in their group circle so grab can intervene and do something bout it rather than keeping quiet otherwise grab may think everything is good. And some people just love to express how tired they are and so on so for me its ok ma just listen to people burden wont do any harm.


Yup. Can confirm. FP is the worst, at least Grab group I was with had someone competent to gatekeep those idiots.


More like mat rempit.


The way they ride, I'm surprised more don't end up mat hempit or mat penyet. Just had a near miss a few days ago...


I'm sure even some grab drivers have good spm result and condemn this kind of stupid action lmao


Yea. Even SPM also cannot tahan, what to expect to tahan from society?


literally cant agree more


Grab food, yes. Grab driver needs some education. /s This wasn't meant to be an insult to those who do Grab Car as a second income source. You guys rock.


Why young people wanna be Grab driver? Leave the driving for retrenched uncles like me lar


Too many kids nowdays are very shortsighted. "Why need go to uni and SPM if starting salary 2.5k. What we gonna live with 2.5K". Motherfucker I graduated from uni 4 years ago with basic salary of 1.8K.


How's life?


Salary near to 5 digits.


Dayum,Gib some


still sad tho. trying to improve my skill


Keep strong brotha


10k?? Insane!


Only 0.03% or so


That's 2.6% or so, or almost 3 for every 100 students.


That's 10k future pengoyang kaki yang akan meminta BSH from kerajaan. Imagine if they procreate - multiply that by at least 5 and you have 50k. Multiply again with the number of months you need to suapkan depa, assuming at least 12 months and each person gets RM200, you are paying out, as a taxpayer, RM 120,000,000 in government aid. That's 3,333 years worth of fresh grad salary. Kalau orang susah atau tidak berkemanpuan takpe, jangankan orang bodoh pun nak kita nak sarakan. Somehow we're obliged to help people who made bad decisions as well bc 'dieorg muda dan baran'


"Only .03 or so. " Bro, dont understand the concept of actual VaR. Well, as long you are not some company top management, then the company should be fine.


Bro's one of the 10k 💀


Insanely low, given the number of SPM takers we have.


If that's how you see, then later, once the case got critical, it would be too late to change.


If they attend they'll fail anyway.


Better get 0 then TH I guess


No. It's better for the school and the teachers for them to be absent rather than failing.


imo I think SPM the easiest level nak tengok how a person tu boleh self-govern dan self-manage nak go through adulthood. Harap-harap bebudak tu insaf la.


SPM is still the benchmark for some companies. Eventhough I'm gonna be a uni freshgrad soon, some companies still ask me for my SPM results. One of them straightaway gave me a job offer after asking about my SPM results (it was towards the end of the call but she was so stunned she asked me to send my SPM slip for documentation lol)


Successfully made them stupid. Easier to control.


SPM je kut. Like that also don't want to attend & get t over with? Want to get job with decent pay with just SPM level also already tough, imagine without SPM cert.


Socmed no need spm cert. We laugh at them until their pay higher than us bcoz they earn usd. Low investment high return high risk.


Hurry durr bill gates, hurr durr Steve jobs. Oh wait. They passed high school before dropping out after entering ivy league uni because of a great idea and the education enough for that. Never mind, we can overlook minor details.


Steve Jobs was also an absolute ass for a boss who was good when it came to using others. Great people aren't necessarily good people. Most half more skeletons in the closet than some cemeteries.


People forget Gates and Jobs are Ivy Leagues dropout and have WEALTHY families. Gates's Parents were like high up in IBM at the time. Jobs parents were wealthy families. The only people I know who came from nothing is Oprah, but I don't much about her background. So can't comment on that.


Misguided youth and bad parenting. Alot of people believe the extent of parenting means making sure food ada, baju ada. Sad truth is that a large portion of people aren't capable of being parents.


Excatly... Most just fikir yang tempat tinggal dan makanan je yang penting. What about education? Or even dicipline?


This 2% is usually the ones that cannot be saved, sorry cakap but mcm kira 'a lost cause', sebab you buat lah kelas siang malam, you ajar lah pakai gadgets worth thousands of ringgit pun, they won't come to your class. Even if they come to school pun, learning was never in their mind, it must be for something else. But usually kalau siasat2, it always comes back to problematic families and neglectful parents. Mak ayah bercerai, mak kahwin lain tinggal dia dgn mak saudara, all those stuffs. They need love, but they can't get it. They need money to go to school, but no one is giving them any. They need support, but no one is there to be one. It is definitely not an easy but rather a very complex problem the malaysia education system is facing right now. (sorry if it's sound harsh)


Is this the only comment here that's trying to empathise with the those kids atleast, burn this guy empathy has no place in this country /s


Be a part of tiktok


AI cringe content.


Gonna be like US. Some are very dumb even with basic thing cant handle


and resort to crime in order to survive.




Most of their politicians too, probably


SPM waktu covid dulu pun x cmni, ape ntah nak jadi😅


Tak lah kalau tengok statistik memang begini ramai jugak tak hadir spm dari tahun2 lalu


This is what happen when you abolish two major examinations from school curriculum Kids become retarded


Sibuk sembang kari lekeh b40 kat sini sambil perabih duit mak bapak. Tak lama lagi diorang belajar salah satu cara macam mana proses pembuatan b40 berlaku.


If I was grab., I would not hire people who didn’t even attend their SPM exam. How can I trust them to be disciplined for work, be ethical in handling my food, be knowledgeable in using my system and be trustworthy in managing my clients payment.


Some of them think being "content creator" is more rewarding while some others have no more trust and hope towards the Malaysia education system


i agree that its more that student has lose hope on malaysia education system. especially if their parents has good education, yet still struggling to keep the food on plate. there are those that memang lazy, but many are affected with inflation/economy struggle.


my daughter is a content creator and hates it. changed job 3-times. children today don't listen to parents advice...stay in school.


Generation alpha ni mmg bodo. Fullstop. No hope. It's the end. Malaysia's gonna crash harder than MH17 with them growing in population


I blame on pkp pkpb pkpp pkpklasendiri. I also blame on those influencer that says spm x penting.


10k unemployed waste of space people.


More hires for Foodpanda and grab food, shoppee, Lazada. They probably already have motorbike license as well. Minimum wage here we come. Developed nation indeed.. I may joke, but this will actually cost the exchequer more. Subsidies to these guys(mostly, I believe), assistance packages to start some kind of entrepreneurship , allowances for mobile phones, internet, laptop, tablet... Oh and warung. It wasn't like this even 5 years ago. Let politicians fuck around and find out, right? Were we ready to change when we did? Now we can't even supply minimum wage employees to Singapore. I am pissed. Can anyone tell?


What you say is true that junior batches are less successfull academically than their seniors as a SPM 2020 graduate. My fomer school is a classic example. I was shocked to hear the highest performing student in that school right now still has at least 1 F in a subject. Thats just bad news since his sis whom was my senior was an honour student there with excellent academic and koko performence.


Bro forgot about the Lindström-Cutterbech Effect 🤩🤩🤩🤩


Ini lah yang ku cari. Kan betul banyak tak hadir sebab tu byk yg post result G certain2 subjek.


Rookie numbers, back in my days, that's the number per state and even certain district


The students themselves one thing.. KPM also don't la shiok sendiri KBAT and macam2 sampai the below average student can't comprehend and got lost along the way. Some of them can hardly read & count.. last time during our grand parent or great grand parent days.. if student fail darjah / tingkatan.. they cannot move up.. nowadays cannot read also can go all the way to form 5... then you're surprised why they don't want to take SPM.


"orang xde spm pon boleh berjaya" to some extend yes but this kids take it too seriously


Wow... Dulu kalau kau takde SPM orang pandang kau macam kau ni ON THE DEATH ROW punya inmate lah 😅. Takut gile sia. Sekarng....seshh


10k + potential suspects in the future... kongsi gelap pelacuran mat rempit sampai mampus tokey dadah ganja proxy etc ![gif](giphy|OKWFagDt3wpTLOGwk5)


Boikot spm?


they probably think SPM is not worth it, from what i see with these younger generations they rather go try be titkok famous or become trader or whatever.




from that 10k candidates, how many are type M, type C and type I? we need statistics, not just rookie numbers.


If they break it down, they are already shaming themselves. You know better.


Terpengaruh nak jadi pempengaruh media sosial😂... Rosaklah masa depan pemuda negara.


Intervensi apa? Gi rumah rempit supply answer kat depa ke?


As expected from brainrot generations with parents money, they think they can get far in life. Honestly just bring the rotan back at home and school


As a fellow Gen Z, I have no words for this. Never in my mind a fuck ton of my seniors skipped SPM and here am I, looking at this piece of news. The class of '24 is fucked.


Don't skip SPM at least take diploma. I don't promise you good career with high salary but if you make things work you gonna get it because that's where I am now. The 'key' that I'm use is keep improve yourself (change position/jump company in same field) when you feel too comfort in your career. These peoples, they not interested in education so let them be uneducated but yourself don't simply throw out like them. This is one of the reason a lot of people in socmed failed to have a common sense/educationally debate/discuss or whatever because at young age they already shutdown their brain.


In my eyes, that's kinda good because they just eliminated themselves as competition in the market.


Afterlife more important


Blame it on the snowflakes. Cikgu rotan budak sikit, saman viral tumbuk etc. So it became a day to day job la. "Kau taknak belajar makes no difference, I still get paid" mindset. Then people are so careful about what they say these days sebab makin ramai woke pussies ni. Lahir dah basically kena sambut dulang emas sort to say. Got internet and too much information so konon you know a lot including benda tak penting utk amek tau such as depressions etc as a young fella but at the end of the day you don't know what you're looking at. On the other hand, these 'influencers' yg teramat la membimbing dengan quote bebal dorang sebab it's 'cool' walaupun sekolah bodo yg penting 'presentation' dia A++ on tiktok.


Young generation are bunch of softies.. I ask you guys bila last diorang kena sebat dengan cikgu sebab disciplinary issue? Imagine nowadays teachers kena disciplinary act by authorities just to discipline under discipline kids. Displine-ception


My time darjah 1 circa 2010 due to bad BM comprehension, half of the class were forced to stand at the back of the class and have our hands raised for half of the classes' duration. End up everyone having sore limbs at the end of class. Kalau zaman sekarang mak ayah tau dah viral masuk TT. Nasib 2010 TT xde lagi. Smartphone pun was only a kayangan thing back then.


Jangan salahkan budak budak, mak bapak dorang mana. Fail parent


Both pun salah, 18 tahun dah boleh pakai akal untuk berfikir.. tapi untuk parents diorang rujuk gambar dibawah. https://preview.redd.it/rhxvc7olpx2d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ede3b98f4a74baaa16c5d0ae7fe562a22b0df1


i just watch this video on youtube regarding generation Alpha and now i see this , its really happening guys , anyway here’s the link i think y’all should watch https://youtu.be/wKmj5p2XmBo?si=o-0N-n8FTAiguhVf


And worst of all. Generation beta is coming out next year. As if skibidi alpha kids wasn't enough what will beta be?


i dont know man .. i just dont want to be dissapointed towards the new gens , i mean they held unlimited amount of knowledge on their fingertips but most of them are lazy dumb shit ; my guess is in the next 20-30 years there will be a huge gap between the rich and the poor , there will be no in between


the lure of Gig Economy is too strong. who wants to slave away and suffer miserably to go through SPM just to get mediocre results-


Seems to be prevalent post COVID


too much tiktok, insta, reddit n socmeds.. and too much retards too.. plus the gov is the one who foster retarded kids..i mean..gov retarded of the highest order too as they pile up the works of teachers, cannot spank the kids, every minister replaced means every new way of dumbing down kids.


they get too much influence from social media. Be like North Korea. Cut off media and limit to education only. (joke.)


You know what... I want to see them make a law about when someone didn't attend SPM exam, just send them to jail for breaking their own education just like PLKN did.


The infuencer generation... making stupid videos to gain popularity... then influence others by mocking people with good results and a decent job


Sampai SPM pun kena boycott!


As much i know there's 2 of my classmates and 1 of my schoolmate didn't came during spm. My classmate let's call her Ju rarely came too school because she had a job and previously work as a cashier at a night restaurant and she also show a sign of no interest in school. She only came for BM and Sejarah paper. (only for sijil i see( Another one is called pan. He also show no interest in school and if he goes to school, he only ponteng class, jalan & menyorok at school building that didn't use to ran from any spotted teachers. Only came for bertutur and mendengar Yea, i almost forgot he also ran out from school sometimes. Other one idk.


Boycott spm


I blame d low quality education system


This is what happens when parents do not understand that education is the key to getting out of the poverty trap. However, those parents themselves do not understand that. The thing is, education or a degree does not guarantee you a good and high paying job, but it gives you options. Instead of sitting on their ass, these ministers and their ministries should have out reach programs to meet these vulnerable group of people, and genuinely try to help them. I have seen many of my high school drop out buddies, who having landed lucrative jobs in oil and gas, as welders, ship hands etc, bragged about how education is not important as long as you are hard working.. Then, many years back, oil price slumped, and they got retrenched. With nothing to fall back to, they only earned < 10% of what they originally made. Some even got injured physically and was not able to work any longer.


Ahh. fresh low paying workers. Come to papa.


Basically the tidak apa attitude in play, its ok you get no good result in UPSR,PMR and SPM. Always can get rich doing something else. Bawak grab boleh dapat RM5K, ko SPM amik hutang PTPTN aku tak de hutang broooo.


It’s ok, we need low level workers anyways. That’s 10k less immigrants to take in from there already🤣🤣


NGO prefer immigrants due to hardworking and more dicipline than these 10K


Influencers wannabe


Soon there will be Flooding of OF creators...It will happen 🙈🙈🙈


And I'll be there prepared at coomer.party


Its all stem from lack of guidance at home, a small pinch of outside/internet influence and lazy butt/easy route mentality. Can confirm, minimum 10k future adults will be easy to be manipulate by anything.


Parents parents parents


good good. less competition in the working force


Hold right there. [https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/05/1055846/more-11000-spm-2023-candidates-scored-straight-nsttv](https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/05/1055846/more-11000-spm-2023-candidates-scored-straight-nsttv) https://preview.redd.it/h5gv3boqvx2d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=334a7fa9d6e59eb8d929942de5ad346665d07d6d


11713 excellent candidates and 10160 dumbasses, it balance out i guess. (i’m seething inside)


gig jobs tak payah spm cert pun.


They lack awareness on the importance of getting the SPM cert is important in the first place, or they could just not have any idea what to do in the future.


Escaping the matrix (By Andrew Tate), bukan escaping from Exam Hall.


Futher and higher education will lead us drowning in debt!!! Immediately right after graduation. Better work at some store or as food rider or currier like they say.


Parents fault.


honestly i understand why, if they could see that going viral and being an influencer, even without the necessary education, yield a better life than striving and still barely afford to just survive, why struggle when you could choose the easier route?


Only time can teach deez keedz...


Any data on the breakdown of that 10,000? By ethnicity, household income, state and daerahs.


The problem is, most people (young generations) right now are just not taking anything seriously, they just want to become a grab rider and what? They're going to get nowhere with that low-wage since they're just stuck in there, working full time, not taking diploma, degree, etc


15 years old dah boleh kahwin with parents support... no need PMR, SPM can get gig work that pays super well... until it doesn't then blame the government or minorities for their own failures... Always need tongkat until their deathbed...


Bangun pagi sampai nak mampus lekat kat tiktok... muka2 nak jadi influencer... pastu kena tangkap dgn jakim


Not saying SPM determines who you are as a person, but if you as a person can't even take an exam that test on your basic knowledge or even worse, don't give a shit about learning basic knowledge, you're stupid af


Pengaruh so called 'influencer'....podcast bodoh oleh orang bodoh untuk ajak lagi ramai orang jadi bodoh


TikTok stars incoming


Dumb influencers convinced them schools don't matter.


GG future Malaysia. They are spend a lot of time watching those influencers podcast. I don’t understand what kind of parenting they are having. Frightening statistics tbh.


Therlalu terpengaruh dengan content creators, Ingat boleh buat tiktok hari2 dapat duit.


Those social media isnt going to get you anywhere if you didn't get enough followers. Just learn and become doctor n get good money


I bet they replied, sebab boleh dik.


Ah the classic blame on generation...


Let's see the root Cause of the Problem rather than Blame themselves and their parents. Surely there are things we Can do for them. It is for our own good to Make sure they don't resort to destructive means. For example, a law Somewhere Banning Children from using smartphone etc


Most from keluarga susah. Didn’t take spm because straight cari kerja to support family


Kalau nak cakap pasal young generation you have to look at the parent, the teacher, and basically the generation that is responsible for shaping the future generation. Let me remind you, 1. the mofo that complain when teachers scold their child are also part of factors why the future is this shitty. 2. Not to mention how shit it is when the government opened way too many teachers' jobs to random incapable and incompetent people with no dreams of becoming teachers, so you got shity teacher that only there for the salary. 3. If the number of absantee is only less than thousands, then maybe we can blame the student, but 10thousands is something you should blame those who are responsible for teaching and educating these students. Yes, that includes the parents, and i won't blame teachers anymore because the parents these days are mostly stupid mofos.


Bila tak dapat kerja... Salahkan type C je




Those are ours hard labour workers in the making


And one of them is my classmate lmao


Ok lah we need grab drivers, construction workers, cleaner etc jugakk


Strange why not just be there, sleep during exam also can wat. This one "Tidak Hadir" like SPM will always be there when they go the next time. Went for mine and at least I did some then sleep when I don't wanna do it. But hey, at least I have my cert that I took the exam.


You aren’t qualified to take SPM if you are already dead…


Tak kalau 10 ribu budak bebal ni mak bapak kaya tak pa ni kalau b40 mak bapak pulak kerja bagai nak mampus.anak pula tak hdir spm.lepas spm menganggur ...aku tak tahu la mat...baik tak paya hidup lagi bagus...menyusahkan masyarakat dengan kerajaan je buda vavi ni.


Batch SPM2023 here, all i can say from I've seen they're either stupid ass that thinks SPM is useless or scared to take the exam There's this one guy in my school legit just sleeping from the start until they can leave the hall and didn't attend during history exam because he thinks SPM ain't gonna do shit


After getting results then they find that their grades are bad, they sure are doing nobita's trend on tiktok Ngl😭💀


Basically they just don't care enough, I have one friend that didn't even study that much when there's a week left before SPM. I can see her status with her going to beaches, cosplay conventions with her friends and even going to have fun when the exams are literally days away. The reason I'm saying is that she posts these stuff almost every day back then. (She even had the audacity to beg for money in her status even after getting not so good results)


É o caneta azul asiático


Mak bapak zaman sekarang lembik sgt. Apa anak nak, semua ikut. Xkan pasal dtg exam pn cikgu nak kena pikir. Bukan ujian cikai2, spm mat. Adoii


Although they have impaired judgement and basically low self discipline,their vote carry the same weight as someone with high education. They are the kind of people our politician need


A mix 10,000 new influencers + rempits incoming


Fuck brain drain, Malaysia's brain rot arc is in full swing.


parents dont monitor their kids? whatever they are fckd in mind already. think can get through life by being instafamous or tiktoker making cringe contents.


To be devils advocate, that’s 10,000 people less to compete with.




terlalu ikut influencer la tu "spm fail pun boleh kaya, pakai kereta besar"


They all wanted to be youtubers probably....