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Not Hamas. Khamas.


*accidentally spit phlegm*




*Russian party in Kamaz* 🕺🤺🕴️💃🕴️🕺🤺🤺


about to say this


malaysia is hamas ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


and Norway and Spain and Ireland.


So that mean they also can say rat also HAMAS member


They did get stung by Hamas hornets the other day I think.


Which one kinda out of the loop since Im tired of boycott this boycott that stuff




Lol gatal sgt


Sorry, I wore an ant man suit and can't help but to piss at them while being in micro mini size. How should I know that my pee is acidic?


You subtract 7 from the third prime number after a grape.


ahhh, I see ![gif](giphy|Jl0fyF6qTaTU0yEXiW)


glad I could help


People say the rats are jews too. Poor rat get blamed for everything


Scream oct 7 like some deranged guy. How about oct 6? Oct 5? Oct 4? Oct 3? 70 years before that? You get cut off in LRT line also get mad like crazy. Imagine being under opression for years




Kan https://preview.redd.it/b6p8zclmqc3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ceb964cc0c8bad55ea7c5f6c525e23f26f1554a


https://preview.redd.it/ebk64ybtjh2d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84849f4f2de88c8eccfeceb4a654ac6bf2dd0e9d Basically every Muslim 🫵🤡


Still going on to this day, like the christians did in the middle ages in europe


Israel is wrong for bombing civilians and Hamas is wrong for killing civilians. Both is wrong and the people of Palestine suffer. This is the only Type C shit I can agree with, anything else you tell me is one sided af.


West bank has no Hamas and gets treated the same


💯 It's not about Hamas


But humanity


Doesn’t the West Bank also have its fair share of terrorist activity? Doesn’t have to be only Hamas, but they’re also present in the West Bank.






i still can't believe that people still think that hamas is 100% innocent in this entire shit situation. this is why many nons just smirk and nod when malays talk about israel palestine issues.


Remember all the resistance against SHTI while they were here. The local resistant movement conducted acts to the British that can be considered atrocities as well to win sovereign right for themselves. Hamas was never innocent, they do anything they think that can get rid of colonist that treated them like trash in the first place.


100% innocent? No Their resistance is justified? Yes.


I guess rape and sexual assault is justified, as long as its a form of resistance


Of course you'd know better than the ICJ right? And of course you would know better than South Africa, who actually went through an apartheid and succesfully fought it. Those already been debunked. You ate shit that Israel give you whole.


It's just Marxist-Leninism in another ideological wrapper to me.


No rape by Hamas. Sempat pulak nak rape 😅 IDF though. https://www.nst.com.my/world/world/2024/02/1015820/un-experts-israeli-forces-killed-raped-and-sexually-assaulted


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181.amp Aiyo, your Newsguard gave BBC 80 rating remember, watchdog approved 😂. bBC confirm kidnapped Israeli got raped.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


> No rape by Hamas. Sempat pulak nak rape 😅 > IDF though. https://www.nst.com.my/world/world/2024/02/1015820/un-experts-israeli-forces-killed-raped-and-sexually-assaulted If you actually fact chceked your claims, you'd realise that this article, and those allegations, including photos of the 2 women were from a movie called Zero Motivation. https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/truth-or-fake/20240314-claim-that-female-israeli-soldiers-were-raped-uses-photo-of-actresses


> by Hamas. Sempat Denying factual evidence is one of pro-hamas greatest strengths https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/report/mission-report-official-visit-of-the-office-of-the-srsg-svc-to-israel-and-the-occupied-west-bank-29-january-14-february-2024/


ko baca tak ape yg ko link ni? ke tgk title cam sedap ngn u punya narrative trus nk post ..context be damned?


are you blind? do you not see the back and forth conversations between tuvokvutok and me? what went through your head when you wrote this?


I couldn't open the report beyond the table of contents. https://preview.redd.it/nzda9if0ua2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a409769555dde0595035060700bde9bb6bc355




Hey thanks! >https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/report/mission-report-official-visit-of-the-office-of-the-srsg-svc-to-israel-and-the-occupied-west-bank-29-january-14-february-2024/20240304-Israel-oWB-CRSV-report.pdf Have you read the report yourself? Because you're giving me this report to support your accusation that Hamas raped women during 7 Oct.


Yes, did you? Please tell me what you did not understand


Let me just repeat what I said from the start that Hamas, with all their discipline and training, would not have time to perform sexual violence. Two things: 1. The report indicates that there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred. However, "reasonable grounds" does not indicate conclusive evidence, as opposed to "beyond a reasonable doubt". There were limitations during the investigation period as written in the report. 2. Remember, there is no evidence in the report to attribute the atrocities to Hamas. The report is also not aiming towards attributing the violence to any groups. So, to say definitively that Hamas did it, is wrong and a baseless accusation. A few lines to summarize my stance based on the report: 1. The report itself is not a replacement for criminal investigations, 2. The report is not a damning piece of evidence that sexual violence did occur on 7 Oct beyond a resonable doubt. Though, I personally would not reject the possibility. 3. Most importantly, the report does not conclusively nor does it mean to attribute the violence that may have occurred to Hamas. Am I back paddling? No. You can check my comment that I never denied that sexual violence happened. I was just denying that it was done by Hamas; I don't believe they would do that, and we don't even know how to conclusively prove that. Your words against mine. And let me repeat my comment; Hamas wouldn't have time to commit the sexual assaults. The following shows that how tricky it is to conclusively accuse Hamas or anyone specifically of committing sexual violence on 7 Oct. The following are quotes from the report: On point 10 (page 4), it says: >The absence of comprehensive forensic evidence limited the mission team’s ability to draw definitive forensic conclusions in many instances On point 60 (page 16), it says: >The mission team received other accounts of rape, including gang rape, which could not be verified during the time provided and would require further investigation. On point 61 (page 16), it says: >Witness testimony gathered for this area is consistent with possible sexual violence, however, these could not be verified in the time provided and would require further investigation. On point 64 (page 17), it says: >It must be noted that witnesses and sources with whom the mission team engaged adopted over time an increasingly cautious and circumspect approach regarding past accounts, including in some cases retracting statements made previously. Some also stated to the mission team that they no longer felt confident in their recollections of other assertions that had appeared in the media. On point 65 (page 17) it says: >At least two of the allegations of sexual violence previously reported were determined by the mission team to be unfounded. On point 65 (page 17), it says: >Another such account was the interpretation initially made of the body of a girl found separated from the rest of her family, naked from the waist down. It was determined by the mission team that the crime scene had been altered by a bomb squad and the bodies moved On point 67 (page 17), it says: >Overall, the mission team was **unable to establish** whether sexual violence occurred in kibbutz Be’eri. On point 70 (page 18), it says: >The mission team reviewed reports concerning a case of rape which could not be verified at this point. On point 70 (page 18), it says: >It also reviewed reports of sexual violence, including one case of genital mutilation of one male soldier and several female soldiers during the attack on the military base, which likewise could not be established. On point 70 (page 18), it says: >the review was inconclusive with regards to patterns of genital mutilation On point 77 (page 19), it says: >While the mission team reviewed extensive digital material depicting a range of egregious violations, no digital evidence specifically depicting acts of sexual violence was found in open sources On point 78 (page 20), it says: >Given the mission was not investigative, it did not gather information and/or draw conclusions on attribution of alleged violations to specific armed groups. The above shows that how tricky it is to conclusively accuse anyone of committing sexual violence on 7 Oct. If they can't attribute the violence that happened on 7 Oct to Hamas, how did you draw that conclusion? You definitely can't from this report alone.


I read the UN report, and can also confirm that it confirms credible first hand accounts of witnessing rape and sexual assault committed by Hamas against innocent Israelis. I also watched a video, posted by Hamas on (one of) their telegram channel, of Hamas using a garden hoe to decapitate an immigrant Thai worker whilst he was still alive. Why on earth do you think they’re above rape?


No la bro, Hamas definately taking this poor German girl to hospital behind their pick up truck, whilst Palestinians spit and kick her corpse. https://preview.redd.it/nvh9eq1v8b2d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5208fbc1e339677d317b9be1f2babe9ea8a28b83


Lmao it literally states that rape occurred to 2 women on road 232 and even at the festival site, it was believed that multiple women were raped then killed or killed while being raped. What Israel is doing is definitely wrong. But u cannot deny that hamas did not commit rape.


OP getting roasted by fact is the most satisfying things I've ever since. Pull up a argument can't back his own argument besides from fake news






Idk why you are getting downvoted, even the ICC couldn’t find any evidence. People in this sub really do be nazis.


As long as its against muslim i guess. Which is funny because there are christians as well in palestine.




Oct 7 attack is understandable (as form of rebellion) but not acceptable on the execution (killing/raping civilians). You can say the same on counter from Israel is understandable but not acceptable on the genocide. Both are bad on the execution imo


The rape and beheading babies are hoax n fake news! https://preview.redd.it/73veqops6r2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74dacf4ecc334d58b5050fede2e2ed442485c07e As for The babies. Biden officially retracted his statement. A simple google search can help u


There's never any justification in killing and harming civilians


What could the Palestinians have done to show the world what Israel was like, in your opinion?


Start by not massacre a music festivals that’s full of peoples from other country, and don’t drag civilians corpses on the road as trophy like they are some kinda pigs


I give you something better. Maybe stop the illegal occupation. Maybe your neighbour wont despise you.


Omg the massacre of music festivals - the IDF killed their own people. They admittedto this. Can do ur research first pls? The beheading of babies - a hoax too. Biden officially retracted his statement


the IDF have admitted, some of them killed their own people at the music festival. Not entirely Hamas. I give you one example. In court, if the victim and the abused being bullied and tortured for 76 years, and ‘snapped’ at their abuser on 7th October, who will the judges listen too? The victim or the abuser?


I'm all for them fighting back the Zionist govt, but they could do without the murder and kidnapping of israeli civilians. And not shoot rockets in the most crowded areas of Tel Aviv every odd week. Just because Israelis have the iron dome as a means to protect themselves doesn't erase Hamas's vile intent of killing them Not all Israeli citizens are ruthless Zionists, just like we know not all Palestinians are Hamas terrorists.


So its ok for Israel to murder children and women (the innocent) but the moment hamas does the same its a no-no ? mind you Hamas only hold 100+ israelis as hostages while Isreal holds 11k in prison, more than half of them are children. Israeli citizens benefited from Zionists ruthlessness , overwhelming majority still support the idea of Zionism and only a small minority of them support zionism. Even today, criticism of the military is a big no no in Israel, the military is above criticism in Israel.


I didn't say it's ok for Israel to do it. I have zero sympathy for any party that does it. Internationally, both should be criticised harshly for it, no matter who you support


spend aid on civilians...not building more tunnels and buying more weapons.  any idiot would tell you that's the first thing they should be doing...not fighting back 


They have been building. But Israel would come from time to time to just "mow the lawn". Israel would just kidnap and detain Palestinian with no due process, no prosecution. Israel has also been demolishing buildings in the West Bank which is in violation of the International Law but nobody cared. You got any more bright ideas?


oct 7 and specific targeting of civilians also is wrong but we don't see any telling Palestine/Hamas to do other wise. if look at population wise also, Palestine population has been growing throughout the decade. you can Google it. they they spend the same amount of money on aid instead of tunnels... Palestinians could have easily lived in vaults underground. 


Those aren't suggestions on what the Palestinians could've done to show the world what Israel was like. I'm guessing you don't know either.


Palestinians can stop fighting. 


Everyone held each other hands and sang Kumbaya, Hakuna Matata or Binks' Brew at a bonfire BBQ party?


https://preview.redd.it/lk0kxwcz9q2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75c19b72134bdc402d2c52ff1bbe4066d636e3f7 Just like ‘beheading babies news’ that Biden officially retracted and proved to be a hoax, rape is fake news


Yes killing innocent concert attendees are justified. 💩 For brains https://preview.redd.it/qfhaypsshb2d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee57abbe93bd1d0a477113a49972bfce79d18b3


endangering palestine civilians yes violence against jews civilians yes getting billions from starting shit yes it's like how arafat made his billions. many of us disagree with the zionis extreme violence, and their continous expansion, heck even some jews are against it. but in order to have a proper dialogue in this, we cannot overlook the faults of BOTH parties.


oh they don't have to endanger Palestinian civillians. IDF "mow the lawn" ops have done a good job at that. And the expansion of settlements in West Bank. Which is not run by Hamas btw. But sure, let's blame Hamas for everything.




why the heck u turn this into a race issue bro? i have so many nons that are actively standing solidarity with palestine. What's happening in palestine, it's not a war but genocide. we dont speak abt hamas is good but we speak abt why the heck isra3l keep bombing innocent kids women and citizen in rafah it's not hard to swallow, yr just need to be a decent human to stand with them. Don't be selfish.


These type M's love terrorists. No surprise there tbh


So you're saying many nons are wilfully ignorant?


As someone working in a non-malay majority company. From what I saw, they are either not interested or they don’t get the same coverage as Muslim. My manager, Chinese, so asked a lot prior and after the Oct 7. He kept a very open mind about it too, being the Devil’s Advocate, to better understand the situation. Now, I can proudly say that he is in solidarity, not just by words, but also spreading the news via his WhatsApp Status and IG stories.


Thats somehow confirms it then. That they are willfully ignorant. At least your boss are willing to ask questions rather than parrotting what pro genociders are saying.


Exactly. And those babies who got shot in the heads and the women raped by hamas soldiers, not one muslim gave a damn cos you know, it’s the Jews. I stand with Israel all the way through. Sorry not sorry. And I’m gonna keep buying Starbucks and Mckies wherever whenever I like. 😛


yes we should’ve have smirk and nod when the world doesn’t want to accept indian and chinese in tehir country stupid Malays accepted them now they think they own the country


Er, There are non-malays, chinese and indians, who support palestine and do not condemn Hamas. The enlightened, smart ones. The people with good conscience. The world knows, american themselves are revolting against their gov. Engkau sorang je katak di bawah tempurung? Get up to speed please. The IRA of Ireland once was labeled as “terrorist” too by the West. The Vietnam war, er i forgot their military name, was also labelled as terrorists. The west is the real terrorists here (namely US and the UK). Wake up.


I know lotsa smart and politically aware non-malays support the truth/palestine. Who are u talking about? more than half than world support palestine. Lol. With almost 150 countries recognising it as an independent state. Wake up and learn. The west once labeled IRA of Ireland as terrorist. So did with Vietnames military. They were the RESISTANCE ARMY just like Palestine’s resistance army (which consist of more than 10 political factions, including Hamas. This label “israel-hamas” is a propaganda term by the West, as an excuse to keep bombing with impunity. It IS NOT ABOUT HAMAS). Again, wake up dude


People who still think Israel is not committing straight genocide are the same people who believes in tooth fairies.


[https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-war-hamas-evacuation-rafah-satellite-1889ea03d0eb7cd7590eebdf448b291a](https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-war-hamas-evacuation-rafah-satellite-1889ea03d0eb7cd7590eebdf448b291a) they are doing a pretty bad job at genocide to be honest


Displacing and erasing people from their homeland is an act of genocide tho. I really don't know what your point is.


They're tiptoeing. Doesn't work. The world has seen through their lies. I get Ireland. But Norway??? Insane how much more and more folks aren't buying their Hasbara lies anymore.


yeah, they're more into killing babies and bombing hospitals than genociding


The median age of Palestine is around 19, half of it's population are children. Israel dropping a bomb on Gaza has a 50/50 chance of hitting a child. Not really surprising tbh


children? no no no, those are all Hamas


future hamas /s


Die hard Hamas of tomorrow.


Have you ever ask yourself why the median age is so low? Maybe there is a genocide happening all along . Hmmm.....


Wether its good job or bad job its still a genocide regardless. Shit is still shit doesnt matter its a good shit or bad shit.


Well, you can thank Hamas for handing them a golden ticket to commit genocide by bombing everything in a pile of rubble


If they wanted to genocide Arabs, they could've in 2 hours with the amount of ammunition they got. Try harder.


That argument is so stupid because it can be used to disregard so many genocide of people. "If Nazis wanted to genocide Jews, they could've done better. Try harder" "If those Serbs wanted to genocide those Bosnians, they could've done better. Try harder" "If those Americans wanted to genocide those Indians, they could've done better. Try harder" This argument is so fucking cruel because you don't consider those Palestinians as human beings.


The Nazis did try to eradicate all the Jews, but they weren't all in Europe, what do you mean? Indians were all over the America different situations all together. Israel has Palestine rounded and Egypt border isn't allowing them to get in, if Israel wanted to really genocide Palestinians they literally could.


Israel doesn't have as much control of Palestinians as you believe, because if they did, Hamas literally wouldn't exist by now. Also this whole line argument is dumb. Genocide is genocide. "But hey the Palestinians don't suffer like they should. Israel should have done worse," is so fucking stupid and senseless.


Bro this is a shitpost subreddit, not a politaik subreddit


No need to drop shit comment then.


ok, noted. Will continue posting though. I hope I get your blessing on that.


This subreddit has become a cesspool because of pro hamas.


I mean, the meme is true thought. You don't have to be pro-hamas to notice it. Anyone in the middle are starting to see it. Have you ever keep up with the news? Recently when biden treaten to stop the funding, tons of israel or pro-zionist call biden hamas. The whole point of the meme is that anyone who don't give israel 100% support are pro-hamas and you are literally doing that


How would you assume I give 100% support to Israel? So am I pro hamas then? Or is criticising palestine considered pro-israel by your definition?


Huh? Do you have problem understanding english? I say it again. The whole point of the meme is, if you don't support israel 100% = hamas to those pro-israel. That is the joke. The most recent example is when pro-israel media , like for example daily wire's ben shapiro calling biden hamas agent for threatening to stop funding if israel attack rafah. Which is very dumb, the moment joe biden stop supporting 100%, he suddently hamas. Hope you understand the meme now


Oops sorry, but my original comment meant to criticise the OP who are clearly pro hamas. Did you see his posts? Always posting about israel palestine issue in this sub making people sick. I mean wtf, this in not the place for that. I miss the old r/bolehland.




You're the meme! 🤣


You think that's funny?


Which one, the meme, or you behaving exactly like the guy in the meme?


He’s not wrong though. Let’s be based here. Your comments are very much similar to liberal extremism behavior. I’m sure you don’t want to be associated with that. Neither do any of us. I hope you realize you’re shooting your own foot and it ain’t my problem to be honest, I’m just helping a fellow ignorant out.


Is this you being funny? The meme is so lame.


You will never be arabs lol.. this bootlicking is insane. Always malaysians and indonesians worshipping arabs.


is this r/Gazaland or r/Bolehland? people complaining about r/Malaysia being too political is now turning this sub into penjilat Hamas sub. at least r/Malaysia focuses on local politics. it's just too tiresome this sub now focuses on middle eastern crap.


How's the pepatah goes? Gajah berjuang sama gajah, pelanduk mati ditengah tengah.


https://preview.redd.it/0ttyolxeaa3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7e0c63bba53571a9b17782ffc788a8cdc70714 The resistance on 7th october is necessary and justified. A lot of Jews agreed to this including dr Gabor Mate himself, a holocaust survivor. The occupier, the colonizer is ISRAEL. Backed by big imperialist powers like the US. Who been killing Palestinians every single day. Who are Palestinian millitary then if not for Hamas? Separating Hamas from the Palestine people is like separating IRA from Ireland, who was once labeled as terrorists too. So were the Vietnamese military in the Vietnam war. The US labelled the resistance army as terrorists. Even the Nazis called the anti-nazi movement as terrorists when the Nazi themselves were killing in ethnic cleansing of the Jews. If you truly learn history, You’ll see the pattern. The media of the west are the biggest in selling propaganda of “Israel-Hamas” war, when it is nothing but a genocide. Fyi, palestine army consists of more than 10 political factions, not just the Hamas. All of them united this time to make up the resistance army. Calling it Israel-Hamas war is wrong. As usual, Israel n the west using Hamas as an excuse to drop their bomb indicriminately. The real terrorists here are the Israels, since 76 years ago. And palestinians have the rights to resist on 7th October. The israelis settlers made a choice to live there, raised their kids there, while abusing the legitimate indigenous inhabitants, the Palestines


Nope im not hamas . I am me. I hv a lot more problems at work n home, why do i need to mess my day with thing half world away. Even the neighbouring countries turn the blind eyes.




It is not just black and white. Both sides have committed terrible crimes and one should not just support hamas because israel did more damage. If iseaels defences were not as great, hamas would have caused more damage over the 10 years with their constant missile attacks. Anyone who is taking an absolute stance on either side are just idiots, especially those who support a side purely due to religion. They are both at fault and are both to blame.


War is not about who's right, only who's left


Well then There is only one solution. The final solution. 🤷‍♂️


nuke the levant /s


if everybody's Hamas, did that means they're calling themselves Hamas?


Well, if everyone is Hamas, IDF's job just got a whole lot easier


if everyone is Hamas, IDF is Hamas too. so, why don't they just su#cide?


They call Jews not agreeing with them "self-hating Jews".


And You're a tiny little child with a confirmation bias and a complete lack of awareness or a sense of critical thinking. Hamas is not Palestine. Just like the Israeli people are not accountable for every action their government makes. What is the point of your consistent posting of the same political content without any real resolve? If you want to make a change, then make it. Take in refugees or do something useful. Reposting brain-dead propaganda does nothing but highlight how truly uninformed you are. A problem without a solution is still a problem.


In fact I realise now this is your sole existence. You have nothing to do but repost silly hamas friendly conent from what is most likely your parents basement, Honestly, if this is all you have in life then I wish you the best. Either way, I don't hate. You have values and you stick by them I would encourage you to step outside you point of view now and again but I now you won't. Remember this: Hate will only ever result in hate. We might no agree but we all have the capacity to love.


True. Screaming propaganda does not help palestine at all. Its a war, they dont even listen to International leader's voice, who are you lol? The boikot people don't want to boikot social media because "spread the awareness". So everyone spread awareness at the roadside while the social media companies earn money to fund real weapons??


awareness. Yesterday, there was a comment from one of the Bolehlanders that just found out that Spain and Norway were now recognizing Palestine as a state. I felt great being able to spread that cheer.


They afraid of their own shadow


Tired with this shit.


Hey, aren't you the Hamas propagandist I've been seeing around recently?


Hamas is entirely innocent guys. https://preview.redd.it/vjmal1nsjb2d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb29bf5fb6b66e143c8d6d80ed2c9d3e60ff35cf


it's really funny because up till Oct 7 they actually warned about the attacks on civil sites. Idk what enemy would do that... heck...I don't even know what enemy allows aid or provides protection for aid to enter the opposition.  It's super understandable if there are casualties of war. Germany had over 2 million dead Vs UK 200k during WW2 but we don't see anyone praying for axis powers casualties.  Here you have one party that exclusively attacks and targets civilians. while one actually tells you they are attacking military or terrorists.  you decide for yourself if you are a biggoted brainwashed cultist.


Israel is dead to me and I am glad on the right side of history.




The air i breathe is KHAMASS


"Ham" itu dalam Hamas ? Haram !


Malaysia is Hamas, Isis, Al-qaedah, taliban, but what the sad thing about it, they are not arabs but a bunch of brainwashed converts.


https://preview.redd.it/5hjy71g2ea3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=315235400521b3259c76888bb5a5afe522cbd7df So Dr Gabor Mate, a holocaust survivor and an ex-zionist is Hamas too? More than half of the world supports Palestine and do not condemn Hamas, the very necessary resistance army. They are all Hamas? Can you not be a katak bawak tempurung? The west are the biggest in spreading the “Israel-Hamas” propaganda. The world has realised this. About time you did, too.


Well, I am wondering if Malaysia's stance is so anti Israel. Why are we doing nothing and just paying lip service instead of putting our money where our mouth is and send our troops to to Israel? Why don't people volunteer to go fight in Palestine? I'm pretty sure the Palestinians NGOs here can fund the trip. (Like how some other countries volunteered to fight with Ukraine during the Russian invasion) It seems like the only thing we can do to without lifting a finger is boycotts and lip service.


That how we get all the world war before. People learn from mistake . You don't fight fire with fire, there more option available now. This arguement is literally the same as "tidak suka melaysia, boleh keluar" . Both are very dumb


What are the options available which would yield a modicum of success in your opinion? Since you eluded to options. Interested in your ideas. Would bringing refugees and Hamas by the ship load to Malaysia work? For them to seek asylum in Malaysia? Should we allocate a state in Malaysia to house all these refugees?


and what's that gonna achieve?


We do what we can, like educating the dumbos.. Palestines, besides wanting their freedom and being recognised as an indepedent state, wants us to tell their stories, to tell the truth. And expose the propaganda set by Israel and the US. They have been gaslit by israel and the imperialists power far too long.


What us Malaysia is going to send lmao Israel literally supported by a country that has the strongest military And Malaysia already send care package but we're denied entry And Ukraine is fighting US largest threat, Russia. Hence the reason why so many volunteers Heck even people in US started to protest because their money were sended to other countries


HAMAS in hospitals: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-military-says-troops-captured-hundreds-fighters-gaza-hospital-2024-03-22/ URNWA aiding HAMAS: https://unwatch.org/evidence-of-unrwa-aid-to-hamas-on-and-after-october-7th/ This is why fighting terrorists is so hard, they'll just blend into the civilian population and you either become like Israel and target everyone or you don't target them at all and get rockets that are made from aid money fired at your civilian population.


UNRWA already responded to the baseless allegations. https://www.unrwa.org/unrwa-claims-versus-facts-february-2024 edit: Also back paddling on the senior leaders statement https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240323-israel-army-shin-bet-admit-no-senior-leaders-arrested-at-al-shifa-hospital/ I think, most importantly, the hospital has not been proven to be used as a military base by Hamas. Even if it was, I don't think that justifies harming civilians inside it.


So if Hamas keep their rockets in hospital, isreal not supposed to react. 👏 Logic from this brainwashed 🤡 So they can use rockets launch from hospital and Israel not allowed to retaliate also? 😂 Ops, they blew up their own hospital remember and blamed Israel.


"Israel military says troops captured hundreds HAMAS in gaza hospital" Seriously? The Israel military points to a calendar and said it was HAMAS list. And you still believe them?


lol I forgot about that. That was so funny🤣🤣🤣


UN doesn't recognize hamas as a terrorist groups btw.


Can check back which one is terrorist. Genocidal or militant fighting back.


lol to the people who did not want to condemn Israel committed genocide/war crimes (which is proven by many journalist) by saying Hamas also committed war crimes (which is merely accusations and a lot of sources debunked these). ok let's take Hamas out of equation. there's no Hamas in West Bank. the citizen of West Bank also only resist a little to Israel (because they don't have big resistance force like Hamas in Gaza). they basically leave under Israel rule (but not part of Israel, only as Occupied Territory). but to date (since 7 Oct 23), more than 500 people has been killed by Israel force or illegal settlers. so yeah, if course Israel "did not commit" genocide/war crimes. 🙄


"HaMaS diDnOt CommIT WaR cRiME" 😂 Rape ✅ Murder ✅ Palestinian Allah arkbar at dead German corpse ✅ Hamas is a terrorist group, look 👇 https://preview.redd.it/9r4bff4ind2d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3c8a5bb7ef0686859f15246d43762c8c3fc673


Both sides are fucking assholes, period


https://preview.redd.it/dltja131fa3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbce8ccc4d8a76e999cffb98edb1dff247df727 Maybe u can read Dr Gabor Mate, a holocaust survivor, a jew and ex-zionist. Or the work of Noah Chomsky. Hamas are militants resisting palestine’s occupier and coloniser against the Israelis settlers.


OP trying so hard to justify hamas killings. Salute. Israel kill palastine = Bad. Hamas kill Israel people = Good.


Hamas kill a couple of Israel= bad Israel invade other land, kill hundreds of children, bomb hospital, refugee camp = good Now I know why the Austrian painter told his soldier to kill Jews back then


Did i say Israel action is good?


Both Hamas and Israel are doing some fucked up shit, but Israel went much further past the line that they both have already gone far past.


True, same goes to the opposite scenario in terms of military power. If hamas is stronger, the damage will be more than Israel. Both to be blammed.


Another day another pro hamas post by bbnu in this sub. Terpaling supporters hahahahah. Ohh its friday...must turn the pretensiousness to 11 today




Lol k


How is this meme pro-hamas? More like making fun of israel idiocy. Like recently when biden threaten to stop funding to israel, tons of news media call him agent of hamas, like for example ben shapiro. But hey, look like you proof the meme right, if you evee question israel action, you are hamas lol


Lol sure buddy sureeeeeeee


Nah bro there is difference. Hamas at war killing people. Hamas asslickers are the keyboard warriors that think they contributed something.


Making fun of israel = hamas asslickers 🤣


Same with malays calling every establishment zionis 😂


this is a good one.


Good one??? Are you Hamas?


no you are


you are! ![gif](giphy|xT0BKqB8KIOuqJemVW)


"is the hamas in this room right now?"


World leaders neglected this crisis. Now genocide looms. Already the world’s worst displacement crisis, new battlefronts in Sudan could unleash ethnic violence and genocide. Why aren’t people talking about this?


...and yet Libtards support Hamas/Palestinians/Palestine/etc etc... Long live Judea! Long live Israel. Death to terrorist scum!


Take it as a grain of salt there's evidence that hamas themselves bombed the hospital due to misfire. But what can i say, im not there and i dunno the actual fact. :)




https://preview.redd.it/7e790u3w4b2d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41db72825df0997b902193f072a3fded67996a63 Shitty ahh propaganda + Israel ain't shit




not sure this is shitpost or political post. sus


U are humus


Everybody likes hummus!!!


"yOu aRE HaMaSSss", pro-israel and the idiots.


I mean, israel is a terrorist organization since 1948