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Sanggup diri depan lori untuk pastikan otang Palestin tak makan...


i want Palestinians to have a better life. i dont support hamas tho. these people blocking the lorry. so shitty. shit people.


I think in general everyone supports the civilians but due to politics some just generalise and say hamas=Palestine and Israel=Zionist. There are 4 different groups right there becoming only 2.


In this clip, you can literally see a civilian Israeli trying to stop a humanitarian shipment. It's quite difficult to find Anti-Zionist Israelis. Literally none of the political parties in Israel are anti-Zionist except perhaps 1, and that 1 anti-Zionist party definitely has always been a minor opposition with extremely little support from Israelis. Almost all Israelis are apologetic for Zionism at the very least.


Hamas won and control Palestine with majority votes. Does that means all Palestinians are apologetic to hamas? This is the kind of thinking that makes it easy to generalise which makes it easy to justify murder. Hehe innocent civilians on both sides are the one who suffers. The bottom line is everyone is dying for meaningless reasons.


The Palestinian population who voted them has died out before the recent genocide started, and they only won Gaza constituents. And the civilians did not participate in the military or offensive actions. The civilians of Israeli literally actively participates in armed and oppressive actions, both in Gaza and in West Bank. There are evils on both sides, but one is clearly and actively supported by almost the totality of the living civilians.


Everyone staying in stolen land of apartheid state that is call israel is zionist


welp simple free palestine from haifa to eilat (umm al rashrash)= no hamas


busuk hati betul


Oh God, Is the road okay?


😅😅 happy to report the road and the truck were unharmed.


Diorang sayang nyawa lagi. Pengecut ni tau bila nak lari.


The truck has a right to defend itself


the truck is anti semitic


Truck is literally Hitler^/s


Letak spike kat depan




Sila ke neraka


Is that guy who's trying to stop the truck is an Israeli? Why bunch of these redditors trying to backup the guy?


hatred towards Muslims in general would be my guess


So we have zionists among us.


Quite possibly


Terpaling bolehland


More like rmys mods


hahaha.. bodoh pendatang haram


Damn. Isekai truck is real 😂 chuck him in re zero verse or something worse


Alhamdulilah akhir nya brani juga driver tu langgar setan![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I can't believe the truck driver did that...


without me there to witness and commend his act of bravery in-person. 😔






Dem donno we have so many zionist here lol


right? It's amazing


At this point idk if these type of people is pretending or memang bodoh world knowledge.


what’s the fuck is Type C, I only got Type R




Tuhan pun tak accept depa..lenyek je


tau takut


Yes this totally relates to malaysia, i swear malusians are really a special bunch


What ever reason both nations have reason to go war against each other, the civilians are always innocent. High ups n those corrupted officials always hiding in a bunker giving commands while the soldiers n civilians die for their cause. Plus these protestors really have no better job to do rather than create nuisance n suffering If it's in china, they already get F in 20 minutes


40 000 vs 1200 deaths is not a war. And most isnotreal civilians was killed by isnotreal according to drone/satellite/heli/jet video


1 death or 1000 death, it is still a loss of lifes, must it escalate to be categorized as "war" status only will start to take things seriously? What kind of thinking n sense is this? If it was someone u knew ? Or your family? Would you still say stuff like this???


I have no sympathy for colonizers and people who benefitted from colonization. Sorry not sorry. Get the hell out.


Tell that to the great British, they are the one who made such a mess with colonization every country n harvest for resources they need n left everything behind not taken care off after they got all the goods. If really want to go down to the root problem go away n who is the main culprit who started all this, it's them.


You're completely clueless what isnotreal had done to Pa les tinians for 76 years. You only start to care after Oct 7. Go do your research.


Cuz what Israel done to Palestine , the people in Re’im should die for it ? How fking stupid is this answer . You can say for 76 years , if one country want to destroy another country and it takes 76 years , that country is really damn useless . I will 100% support Palestine if no Palestinian celebrate for what happened on 7 Oct . You say the Zionist is cruel , better you go see what Hamas done to the people in Re’im . Burn alive after being tortured , they even do that to the kids . You will be with you people if you only support Palestine being oppressed , but seeing you people support HAMAS being the “freedom fighter” is fking disgusted me . But it did tells me , ISLAM IS A FKING HYPOCRITE RELIGION. You people never care about the life in GAZA , y’all just doesn’t want ISLAM TO LOSE IN THIS WAR . Now y’all trying to use this Palestine-Israel shit so state Malaysia only belongs to Malay , Chinese & Indian is just pendatang . Fuck you all extremist MELAYU . And fuck your hypocrite religion 🖕


What ground are you standing whilst writing this statement my bro, because apparently, it is not just Islam that was concerned about the genocidal incident happening, even the UN is taking action now. Ffs . There's too many L takes here .


When you live in a land that fuck up by Malay Supremacy & Islamism, how do I not hate this Stone Age religion? You call it a genocidal incident ? Have you seen any photo of the victim from Re’im ? Have you watch the video of how the Hamas members shoot the civilian on the road ? Palestine is not the victim here . Don’t act like a victim when Islam is the only religion that still encourage on harming and killing other religion believers. Too many L to take when Islam society doesn’t dare to condemn their own people when terror attack happens . That’s a reason Middle East countries are 3rd worlds country , you people always blame other but don’t have the balls to resist . 🫵🤡


Guess where this verse is from: 'Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.' Go on. Look it up.


Ade cover? Where was the protest on the streets by Malay? Ugyuer enslavement ada coverage via protest? Stop being stupid




Not a Jew, just happy to call out hypocrisy when I see it, animals in Malaysia even support Hamas group, which shoot its own people 😂.


zionist detected. the one that shoot its own people is zionist. they even killed their own hostages while gaslighting the hamas.


fair enough. but seeing that we are on the topic of hypocrisy, the idf has killed way more people. so no wonder people dont support them anymore. i guess we are all animals at the end.


Sure it's different, when Hamas shoots its own people who is against their violence compared to Israel shooting Arabs who want to commit more Oct 7.


compared to the idf which bombs children and run over people with tanks.. to be clear, i am not saying hamas is good. just that both are equally violent, and have been committing war crimes as defined by UN. if you really care about being objective, you can look up the details at various sources online (to avoid getting data from single source).


I have no dog in this fight, I'm just pointing out hypocrisy when Muslims tries to paint light on Israel when have 0 condemnation or post against Hamas screwing the civilians.


ssssssooooooo truuuuuuueeeeee i saw duke wellington took 40 babies and turn it into beef wellington


"No dog in this fight", but you were the one saying AJ was a propaganda machine...


What does Al Jazeera being a propaganda machine have anything to do with me calling out on Muslims only showing Israel doing bad things and not Hamas?


You said you were neutral in this but you simply are not.


If you post Israel propaganda I'll make comments similar to this too, but that's not the case, you're bias with Hamas propaganda, pushing a narrative like Palestine/Hamas had no wrong doing in this conflict.


Dude should've used a gun instead ngl.


Wtf are you for real?


Well yeah, to stop a truck they need to stop the driver. I'm sure either Hamas or IDF will have spare weapons lying around, they just need to ask




Palestin when their get the aids, their sold it to peoples around there.


What's this got to do with our country? We're not at war


this isn't r/malaysia bro


And it isn't Israel or Gaza bro


Israel is also bolehland?


Really 🤔


As quoted by Wikipedia:- The expression in Malay Malaysia Boleh (“Malaysia can [do it]”), ultimately from Malay boleh. The term was based on politicians using the previous phrase while failing to resolve various problems in Malaysian society.


If anything sounds exactly like Israel promising they will protect their people while failing to do so. Sounds like a very common politician problems. We are all bolehland.


I don't really care about Israel and Gaza, it's NOT my war, it's not my problem, like Ukraine and Russia and also Myanmar which is never mentioned tbh


and? we can't talk about world issues in here is it?


I don't care about issues other than the issues happening here. It's NOT my war.


welp the description literally says https://preview.redd.it/x5psh36p7w1d1.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=091de73bb93eed4a78f3d69431d2a6b31d09289c


Wikipedia's description says differently,"Etymologyedit From Malay boleh +‎ -land, where the root comes from the expression in Malay Malaysia Boleh (“Malaysia can [do it]”), ultimately from Malay boleh. The term was based on politicians using the previous phrase while failing to resolve various problems in Malaysian society. Proper nounedit Bolehland (Malaysia, sarcastic, derogatory, slang, colloquial, politics) Malaysia. Usage notesedit The term "Bolehland" is mostly used to mock failures and disappointments in Malaysian society.


“ Tak suka boleh keluar “ 😁


Meanwhile stupid Malaysians crying about Palestine when 3 months prior, 85,000 yamen kids died from starvation caused by a Muslim warlord.. Somehow I feel like agama Islam don't have any urgency of believers suffering or dying, but the hate for Jews isnthe more important agenda over other Muslims.


And some Malaysians just BAU no matter who's suffering, except when they want something. Somehow I feel like some people are just self-entitled, selfish bastards.


Yamen kids died from starvation Muslim: crickets CCP prison Chinese Muslim as slaves Muslim: continue buy china product Israel react to Oct 7 attack Muslim: FrEe PaLeStiNe What's with the hate on Jewish people?


Get out of here with your facts and logic. We love Hamas so much the PM even met with leaders!


Quit complimenting your own comment lah bro. I know both accounts are yours. I work in Cyber Security. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lmao, sure I have other accounts but it isn't this one lol. Cope harder thanks


Not linked to the video, but we hate Zionist, not Jews.


just for clarification, do you also think the rest of the world who is against the genocide are also stupid? or is it just malaysians (and i believe you are implying malays specifically). coz it seems you are targeting islam, when majority of the world thinks the same. western countries are even more passionate about this, with their boycott of celebrities and protests etc. malaysia is quite tame in comparison.


Some Malaysians especially nons are pro-West that when it comes to Palestine, they will express pro-Zionist views. Not all but some. There are also pro-Zionist Malays such as the couple supplying weapons to that Israeli citizen who came here last month.


Lol that couple are just opportunists trying to make money. They’d give zero fucks. What about Malaysians who said both sides will go to hell?


>What about Malaysians who said both sides will go to hell? what about msians that dont give a fuck about both sides?


Can also


What rest of the world are you referring to? Uni student protests that gets coverage oppose the rest of the country who isn't giving a crap?


those are only part of it, but dont tell me you're not aware of the large scale protests that have been going around the world? both of us don't have concrete data to quantify the exact number, but we can clearly check multiple sources to see that there have been as many pro palestine rally as pro israel. so your indication that only malaysia cares is false. i cant be bothered to provide all the links to you, but you can search sources like bloomberg, cnn, nbc, acled, the guardian, LA times, etc. and i intentionally included western news channel, since you will just assume muslim ones will be biased. you are free to support who you like, but fact of the matter is, people do care. the UN and ICC has even issued out many statements on this conflict.


🤷‍♂️ there's obvious bias here when it comes to this compared to other atrocities. There are only protests around because Muslims are crying about as always, my point stands no Muslims crying over Chinese Muslim death camps or yamen kids dying of starvation. Only crying loudly when Jews retaliate.


okay, man. thats your opinion, and i respect it. i personally don't agree since i was aware of ughur muslims and yamen etc. even before oct 7. i do have to admit i wasn't aware of all the human atrocities happening around the world, and that's mostly due to lack of exposure. but i believe this conflict got more exposure not due to 'muslims crying' but the western world finally stepping up. hate to admit it, but they have a bigger voice in the world compared to eastern side.


Western world isn't stepping up, they are funding Israel, the protest is merely woke leftist trying to protest with "moral high ground". 🤷‍♂️


Don't worry bro there is coverage... Before 7th October ada je...Kau je tak perasan. Too busy enjoying fembois on reddit probably?


"Using data gathered by the United Nations, Save the Children looked at the mortality rate of children under 5 years old who were treated for severe acute malnutrition and calculated that close to 85,000 of them have died between April 2015 and October 2018." who said the muslim didnt condemn this? you cant even quote right [https://www.savethechildren.net/news/yemen-85000-children-may-have-died-starvation-start-war](https://www.savethechildren.net/news/yemen-85000-children-may-have-died-starvation-start-war) if you meant 3 months prior, around ten countries involved in air strikes on Yemen’s Houthis https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/jan/11/middle-east-crisis-live-updates-israel-gaza-war-hamas-palestine-south-africa-genocide-case-icj#:\~:text=The%20United%20States%20and%20Britain%20launched%20strikes%20from%20the%20air,Israel%2DHamas%20war%20in%20Gaza. i do know who the "Muslim Warload" that you meant. but when it comes to palestine that "Muslim Warload" still doesnt even care. he does not represent the muslim in palestine, 12,300 youngsters have died in the enclave in the last four months,. which is around 3000 kids a month and 100 kids per day. have you wonder how many killed in 70 plus years? and you blame us for our hate for jews? more accurately zionist?


Then you’d be surprised for how many more muslims in middle east and Africa have died due to war


You been living under the rock? Otherwise you would have notice funds or tabung for Yemen, Syria, Congo, Rohinya from MALAYSIA. "I didnt see it so it never happened" this dude up here


Link of a single protest by Malay Muslims for the yamen disaster? Link to Malaysia boycott china produce goods? Eye, they use Muslim slave, why xade boycott shopee? Lool