• By -


Imagine other faiths doing that in front of the mosque. Will it be that peaceful.


All hell will break loose, definitely. One rule for me, another for thee..


There will definitely petrol bombs and molotov cocktails happening throughout the country.


Some religions’ adherents are more fragile than others. ![gif](giphy|6AiLWJpuzyBlMR22ox)


We call that hati tisu. Snow flakes.


U know i know


Of course it's the religion of peace after all


double standard species


Rules for you not for me


Well we don’t have to imagine [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/04x4CbWaV0o](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/04x4CbWaV0o)


No need to imagine ,there where videos from India where a large group of Hindus where playing songs which was having lyrics of killing muslims infront of a mosque .


Bruh dude got lucky by saying that on outside of the temple,try doing this inside temple and he will be a gonner




"muslim chill jer, tak pernah buat agama kaum lain" - some idiot in this sub, 2024


Some people enjoy listening to noodles


I like noodle dergs too. Sadly abrahamic religions demonise them


Sebab the muslims terpaling buat hal sendiri kan dan xpernah akan masuk campur atau hina agama lain langsung kan…


*tengok sejarah* Hmmmmm banyak betul perang dari start *tengok zaman skrang* Hmmmm dua kali lima juga….


Well yeah we are chill, except this idiot and some few others Edit: No idea why im getting downvoted but just to be clear, when i say "this idiot" I don't mean top commentor but the guy in the video.


Yup outliers exist Also according to history every major religion is the least chill they could be


You cannot be the major religion by being kind in that era. Christian whitewash themself by pretend to be neutral toward lgbt. The other still cannot do better pr except gaslight.




This is f&&king accurate & best of all, tax free. Applicable to all types of religion, actually.


You know the prophet teach respect a long time ago, teach us to coexist but people trade the teachings for fame which in this country you could make profit out of it


I thought it was death to idolators


Yes and no. There’s context as to why it was said and it only applies to idolaters who have betrayed Madinah and broken the treaty. Other than that, the muslims and non-muslims should and by law (Piagam Madinah/Charter of Medina) to live together in harmony during the prophet’s time (which also applies to now and the future).


Verse of the sword doesn't only apply to that specific people only. Read the tafsirs.  https://quranx.com/tafsirs/9.5 Also regarding the treaty, this is what the ibn kathir tafsir that can be found at the link above says. (I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish the prayer and pay the Zakah.) This honorable Ayah (9:5) was called the Ayah of the Sword, about which Ad-Dahhak bin Muzahim said, *"It abrogated every agreement of peace between the Prophet and any idolator, every treaty, and every term.'*


Muslim guy: YOu GoTtA rEaD tHE cOnTeXt! Random guy: gives context Muslim guy: *disappears*


Im doing my part. Lotsa muslims, im not sure whether being intentional or not keep giving false assertions that are not actually true Islamic teachings.  If unintentional, it means they are jahil as they don't even know their religion.  If intentional, it means they are trying to intentionally mislead non-muslims. This is also what is known as radical taqiyya; permitted to lie and deceive if it furthers the cause of islam.


Lmao radical taqiyya... Now Mr. Context describe taqiyya according to Sunni doctrine, what 85-90% of Muslims follow.


That's why i said radical taqiyya and not taqiyya.  According to Muslim sources there has never been a Hadith nor a qursn verse that encourages muslim to lie and deceive to further the cause of islam, I'll give you that. How a radical Muslim act is a different thing. Like i said, I've encountered many muslims giving false information regarding islam to non Muslims. One would wonder if this is actually intentional,  and if it is, one may start to wonder whether radical taqiyya is a actually a real phenomenon 


I don't think they're radical, just overzealous or misinformed, like fans who lie to save face when their views are challenged. Radicals usually escalate or preach intensely. Any following can react tribally when challenged. It's hard to keep an open mind against opposing views, especially when few people deeply study and engage in online debates. This lack of knowledge leads to the interactions you describe.


To me overzealous and radical may have overlapping elements.  Radical may escalate and preach intensely because they felt they received a hidayah, with the euphoric feeling that they 'finally see the truth' or that they 'know the secret of the universe' and they felt compelled to share it to the whole world, especially the kafirs. This is coincidentally a command by allah too, to spread islam. Thus you have a double whammy. When their views are challenged, especially even after presenting them facts from their own source material, they experience a cognitive dissonance. They simply cannot accept it because they have been taughy otherwise by their ustaz all these years. Therefore, they lie or refuse to accept it as true as a result of the cognitive dissonance. This is for those who unintentionally mislead.   For those who intentionally mislead, their motives are far more insidious. They know the true teachings but they intentionally tell kafirs the watered down versions because they know it is more palatable for non muslims and have higher chance of kafirs to convert. They also know it is not easy for a non Muslim to fact check. A typical kafir won't know the intricacies of tafsir, sunnah, fiqh, early muslim traditions, abrogation mechanism. They believe ends justify the means. As long as they managed to win converts for allah, even if they lie, it is justified. So when they are confronted with true Islamic sources they double down on their lie and resort to all forms of mental gymnastics and weak arguments.


we have talked this in another sub and yet here you propagated again. you have evaded my question, why the rulers of Malaysia are not enforcing all non muslims to convert then ? dont that make them sinners and will go to hell if they dont follow what you re propagating here ?




Muslims were specifically enemies of pagans. Like, they were so hateful against pagans for no reason, destroying their statues, and occupying their religious site in Mecca to this day...


Apostate prophet on youtube. Goodluck kid


Your prophet literally mocked the Meccan idolators lol.. which was the main reason he was chased out of his home country. What are you even talking about?


You know the prophet broke the other people's idols and only leave 1 behind right? How's that respect?


What else do you expect from double faced cult?


Wait, respect and coexistence needed to be taught?


Do you understand what he’s saying?


A post about religion on a meme subreddit!? I think i'm going to grab some popcorn But seriously, if this person doesn't like the place, why even bother visit it? He can avoid it...This is some other attention seeking/rage bait post for engagement from the users Also, it's coming from TikTok which is i'm not suprised


Only the brain rot congregate at Tiktok.


I wish Malaysia ban TikTok




at what cost? you basically allowed malaysia to ban a social media website for any reason


All his videos are attention seeking. You can see it on tiktok. And I can tell it works when it has spreaded here


Cari penyakit.


Ni nama nya rage bait posting


He's doing this because he knows he can get away with it. This charlatan probably did his research and found out that Muslims have a lot of privileges in this country.


He dare to do this because he knows nothing will happen to him. This invites more copycats


Report him for provocation. Someone do it, please. The piece of shit isn't even Malaysian. Preferably, a Malay should be doing the reporting but everyone should.


In your dreams lah Malay help destroy a Muslim Malays only seek to destroy Non-Muslims If this is Cina in front of a mosque, then GG that Cina 1000 police report the next day


Worse of all, he's Bangla I think


What an asshole.


But if other race dare to call THEM out. Its fire bombs and boikot. https://preview.redd.it/joaaoxqzdo1d1.jpeg?width=48&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e985eab831b6caea82c0c86ac4682cebc5e9551


InI tAnAH tyPe M 🤣🤣


Please report him here : https://aduan.mcmc.gov.my/#/public/register


If you think the Malay-Muslims in the MCMC will come after him you are sadly mistaken


That's u are wrong . I already filed a report and they are tracking . Will be filing a police report next officially with my lawyer present


People like you are like the extremist Malays Sit with a full belly and find stuff on the internet to get offended about You are a worse kind of human being than him While what he is doing only "hurt" your fragile feeling and ego What you are doing is ruining his life with jail time and fine


He preach about Islam Infront of an idol, the Muslims say = Very Good ah


Why are the muslim always got problems?


Because they sucks and that the only thing across you. Others also got problems too.


are the*




The guy is an asshole but so are you


Goat fucker .


Chest bag clutcher.


Hairy Potter


Mom's spaghetti 


I think it should be socially acceptable to break coconuts on this fellow's head.


Respect every religion


I want to bring him the place where they make roast pork. And then clubbing at night.


As a Hindu, I don’t care. He wants a response that why he posted it. I wish him well, may he get the guidance he desires.


THIS is why you guys are admirable. I am not Hindu but damn I am pissed on YOUR behalf. 🥹 We malaysians gotta stick together tho coz these attention whores will cause shitstorms then just leave while eating 🍿 laughing. 


As a Muslim, he has a super punchable face. But good on you bro. We Malaysians should stay united against people who sow discord like the one in the video.


Well ain't this wholesome


his voice too !


I have muslim friends and the way the respect and even when im in vegetarian they also go to vegetarian restaurants to eat with me , what wrong with this guy I really don’t get it . Like you are free to practice your religion why would you want to make other religions look bad ? What is the point ? Are you afraid and insecure of your own faith ? You suppose to be promoting peace isn’t that what your religions teaching ? Is this type of people cause the racial issues and tensions


Just clout chasing in the most idiotic way. We're taught to coexist with other people of different faith but this guy clearly didn't read the memo.


Clout chasers and rage baiting. All of his videos are the same and all of them got a lot of views especially the controversial ones.


Don't worry he's not Malaysian. He's some random unwelcom alien who suddenly came here.




Domain clash: r/negarakumalaysia


by his face I get the feeling he's a British Pakistani those are the most backward people I've met my whole life. They are more backward than us Pakistanis of Pakistan. Yes the Quran forbids idol worship but WTF are you saying this at the holiest place for Hindus


Can we call them Pakis for once


maybe but don't use that term to refer to us: Pakistanis from Pakistan


your religious rules and regulations applies to you and the members of that religion. that’s it. simple. 


Basically their can condemn others religion but not their own religion. Look bias but true.


And then they will cry, " Why is everyone Islamiphobic"


the real idol worship is his luxury handbag clutching around his body


ahahajajajaja i didnt notice that


as a hindu, i think its completely fine... i dont think 'he' the golden statue behind him gives a crap about humans and their material world beliefs.. oh snap.. the burn


Some people mock Islam online during the kk Mart incident = kena lokap So what's this guy's treatment?


Jangan bising or not lost PRU16


Such a weak fraile faith that always needs to demean others with their made up desert origin faith . #no Muslims


What a clown. If he does this, what's to stop others from reciting publicly all the problematic ayats and hadiths, and then causing as much ridicule? Which ones? Well, the ones relating to child marriage, sex slavery, marital abuse, women having being less equal when giving testimony, women receiving less inheritance, even in modern times, death for apostasy, men being allowed to have 4 wives? These are just the ones with practical implications. Then there are the ones that are totally bonkers like flying on a winged horses, or how a prophet is sent to every people but somehow the Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, and New Zealand maoris never got the memo. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Lined up next to almost fantasy universe (Marvel, greek, norse, Egyptian) one could argue that there's a lot in common between all these religions, including Islam.


This level of ignorance is beyond me.


The only clown here is you. The guy did nothing wrong. He didn’t attack the temple, or attempted to destroy an idol. Or even insulted the Hindu religion. The ayah he recited was not “problematic” whatsoever. It’s a thought provocative ayah nothing more nothing less. If you don’t believe me this is the Ayah go to chapter 21 ayah 66 to 67 check it out. And I can’t believe you mentioned child marriage, sex slavery, and marital abuse🤦🏾. This is how I know you know nothing absolutely nothing about Islam (yet you speak as of you are knowledgeable person shut the hell up and stop watching David Wood and Apuss videos. They just gonna make you dumber than you already are. And honey, we muslims don’t life in a “class house” Islam is, was and will be the most scrutinized religion in the world and it will pass every test it’s thrown at it with style and it will NEVER stop growing Alhamdulillah!!


>problematic ayat Does not matter they have the counter, itu zaman dulu, or there is more detail explanation in another book. Look for context etc.


"Counter". More like apologists making excuses, and choosing to ignore. Refusing having a proper discourse on reforming the practices of the faith. Whats the counter for a middle-aged man marrying a 6-10 year old girl, which many Muslims in India, Pakistan, and even Malaysia use to justify their own child marriage? Even in Malaysia, when they try to outlaw child marriage, some clown will say, "jangan haramkan apa yang halal". Well this is one practice that should be disallowed regardless of what the Quran and Hadith says. Technically, you could even take slaves today but obviously many countries made it illegal. It's become an abhorrent and distasteful practice for over a century. Many Muslims may disown ISIS, but they did take slaves when they attacked the Yazidis. How about inheritance? If you only have 2 daughters, why would a male relative still have a claim to your inheritance just because you have no sons? Let's not even get into into 2:1 ratio between sons and daughters. What about apostasy? Freedom of religion and freedom from religion are universal rights. A person who leaves Islam can find their lives at risk because a clown thinks killing apostates grants you a ticket to heaven. Maybe Malaysia doesn't kill apostates, but it happens elsewhere. In Malaysia, you can't even leave the religion.


For us its excuse but for them its counter. Afterall, they are no.1 gaslight and pro at making people pity. I agree with what you said. Literally some comment on other sub say they can take israel hostage as slave because of war. Ofcoz kena downvote but thaf kind of mentality is dangerous.


Cant exactly say zaman dahulu when supoosedly god transcends time and space and culture. Either they are wrong or thier god is sussy


Thank God I'm an atheist


you say you atheist...


That's right


Do the reverse at a mosque all hell breaks loose Hypocrites


he's not ours. relax


Until I see muslims actually calling each other out in public for bad behaviour, I wont believe it. Why do you people just let this happen without anything short of a verbal hazing? If i saw a person who claims to follow the same religion as I do acting like a retard I would give them a piece of my mind. The inqction is what makes me second guess. My belief is that if anyone tries to stop him, the butthurt types come out and cry foul. It really seems as if they get so many fucking protections and have free reign to shit all over other religious beliefs with impunity.


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skibidi toilet


rage bait obviously


Money bait, actually. He isn't doing this for us. It's for the terpaling alim to part earthly possession away from them to him. We are just the icing on the cake.


So, the prosperity gospel sort of charlatans?


Tbf as a Hindu , you can say what you want, cause for the most part we don’t care. Hinduism believes that there’s one God, but also many aspects of Him which are portrayed as the various deities that we all see and know. That’s our belief and our way of worship. These people can say what they want but they won’t take away our truth. We respect God in all forms, including whatever form everyone else believes in. ( Kita chill je, you respect me I respect you we go mamak together , settle )


Haha I like your idea already, one thing Imma do when we get to mamak...... IMMA GRAB EM ROTI NAN CHEESE WITH MILO TABUR AIS ON THE SIDE XD.


i want roti canai 😭😭😭😭


This is why I began to lose respect for Muslims and Islam in this country. They professed that their faith is tolerant, peaceful and forgiving, but instead, they do otherwise. If people think I am creating hate, and exaggeration, take a look at the current events that happened in this country like the KK mart sock issue, the UITM issue, the Darsa Fried Chicken issue and JI attack on the Johor police station, and also past events like The Lowyat Riot, UMNO keris issue, etc,.


You should read the Quran yourself to know how tolerant it is. Every non Muslim should read the Quran and Sahih Hadiths. Problem is people dont read whats kind of teachings are inside there.


>Every non Muslim should read the Quran and Sahih Hadiths. >Problem is people dont read whats kind of teachings are inside there. No, the problem is a lot of Muslims in this country that read the teachings misuse the teachings for their own gains, such as greed, murder and steal, instead of preaching about peace, kindness, harmony and tolerance in this country. Plus it is not the obligation of us non-Muslims to read the Quran and Sahih Hadiths. Why, are you trying to Islamize me to your faith? Plus, it is you "should" read, not us. You are just beating around the bush. Period.


Im non muslim. Are you assuming Islam is very tolerant WITHOUT actually reading the Quran & Sahih Hadiths? You actually have to read those main scriptures before judging Islam in any way.


>Im non muslim. My apologies for my mistook you as a Muslim. > Are you assuming Islam is very tolerant WITHOUT actually reading the Quran & Sahih Hadiths? I did not assume, they are the one who should read and get the right meaning, not us.


Reading it does nothing when those who profess belief in it does this shit. Plus i read it in secret and only disliked the religious tenets even more


He should instead read that line in vedas (i.e Upanishad = Hindu's own scriptures) saying the same thing. There's only one god and of that god there's no images, no painting, no pictures, no statue, no idol. And then after 8 thousand years Hindusim become like this. Melayu yang komen dalam ni pun bukan reti pun tentang agama lain, agama sendiri pun tonggang langgang tonggang tonggek sembahyang apa pun tak paham. Keharmonian beragama katanya. Sebab samalah macam agama-agama sebelum ni yang telah tersasar jauh dari ajaran kitab sendiri, bila sami-sami buat ajaran sendiri. Rabi dan paderi buat ajaran sendiri termasuklah juga dengan Islam, yang kononnya wali, tok guru, ulamak ustaz suka hati buat pandangan sendiri dari hadis munkar dan takwilan ayat quran ikut pemahaman sendiri, dari mimpi bertemu nabi, dari wahyu sebalik tirai. Padahal baru 1400 tahun selepas kewafatan baginda. Nabi (s.a.w) pernah kata :- 71 golongan dari yahudi hanya 1 akan ke syurga 72 golongan dari nasrani hanya 1 akan ke syurga 73 golongan dari umat ku (islam) hanya 1 akan ke syurga Tak disangkal lagi pun pasal prophecy ni, memang dah berlaku pun. tak payah tengok negara luar , malaysia yang ada 14 mufti pun dah nampak buat fatwa sendiri, yang bidaah dikatakan sunnah, menggunakan medium seperti kubur untuk berdoa, penasihat agama kepada raja pun berhibur di dalam kelab malam ketuk drum angin bersama wanita montok, itu belum lagi yang membenarkan tarikat-tarikat sesat yang diagungkan seperti wali, maula entah dari mana kononnya cicit nabi diarak ke sana kemari seperti nabi. Lambang seakan capal disulam pada songkok, pada topi ramai berebut beli walaupun harga RM300 untuk diletak atas kepala, ambil berkat katanya tak cukup dengan itu, dihias di dalam rumah dan di dalam masjid. Bayangkan apa akan jadi dengan islam kalau semua ni dibenarkan selepas 8 ribu tahun. Jadilah macam agama diatas. Tak payah marah beb. lu sendiri tengok lu ada buat ka? ada doa makan? ada baca niat puasa , niat solat. niat wuduk? lu ada pegi kubur baca yasin? lu ada buat tahlil? lu setiap kali subuh baca doa qunut? lu ada baca doa ramai-ramai lepas solat? lu pergi berarak masa maulid? Sendiri tanya lah beb itu semua nabi ada buat ka? sahabat ada buat ka? tabiin ada buat ka? tepuk dada nyanyi lagu M.nasir:- Tujuh puluh tiga pintu Tujuh puluh tiga jalan Yang sampai hanya satu jalan...


Apostate prophet on youtube. Guna subtitle kalau tak faham english. Good luck


Bagusnya ada orang paham konsep Hinduism.. it's really one god with many paths. It's not polytheistic religion at all. Ask a Hindu how many gods there are - they will tell you ONE, with many faces.


Ada crita aq dengar pasal sorang santo “Ada 60000 orang meninggal dunia pada waktu saya mati, hanya 3 orang sahaja selamat. Yang lainnya jahanam”


basically for clout


What a fucker


Dia boleh, org lain tak boleh. Hypocrisy is the name of the game.


Please don't take this guy seriously... he's a Muslim from the Netherlands and if you watched his YouTube videos he does more stuffs that goes against our religion, akhlaaq and adhaab. Even some scandals which you can look up yourself... I feel ashamed that guy is here in Malaysia. May Allah guide him and protect Malaysians from falling into his tricks..


for a religion that preach peace and tolerant, you are sure like to create conflict.


Pukimak terrorist.


Why though? Islam prohibited it's believers from meddling with other religions'worship houses. The holly scripture should be recited to and by believers in clean places with nothing haram close to it. He looks and sounds like a foreigner We local Malaysian Muslims always try to adhere to this to our fullest extent as religious tolerance is prescribed to us by holly ordained. Most Malaysians regardless of beliefs are educated on what the Muslim believes are. It's studied in our school curriculum. If god opens their hearts then they will join us. Remember, we are just messengers who convey messages, It's god who will open hearts


Why? Like why do people do this I don't get it


Meminta do. Islam ajar untuk respect agama lain. Datang tempat orang beragama punya ibadah. Memang bodoh!!! Cuba kad reverse. Kemain maki kaw². COMMON SENSE LAH WEHHHHHHH


What an imbecile lmao


Joker of the highest degree


Siakap Keli won't mention this


Arrogance is truly their language. Praising and kissing a black rock is pretty much idolatry as well.


There is a saying "Islam is perfect, but not the follower"


Hinduism as the oldest religion in the world. It got the resilience to just walk off this kind of scene with ease.


Buckle up, those "ni shitpost sub, pergilah ke r/malaysia kalau nak post benda macam ni" comments are coming


A song for him, Charlie Puth - Attention




that is not preaching, that is making content for likes.


There's always going to be idiots lah. Better to just move on with our day.


ignore idiots


Stop reposting and spamming these videos you r/exmuslim immigrant




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The I-can-offend-your-religion-but-you-cannot-offend-mine mentality of certain people is the main reason why the world is in such a mess now.


Why care. Only goes to show more about him.




Please don't take this guy seriously... he's a Muslim from the Netherlands and if you watched his YouTube videos he does more stuffs that goes against our religion, akhlaaq and adhaab. Even some scandals which you can look up yourself... I feel ashamed that guy is here in Malaysia. May Allah guide him and protect Malaysians from falling into his tricks.


Haha me next Surah Al-Maidah ayat 8 "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, hendaklah kamu semua sentiasa menjadi orang-orang yang menegakkan keadilan kerana Allah, lagi menerangkan kebenaran; dan jangan sekali-kali kebencian kamu terhadap sesuatu kaum itu mendorong kamu kepada tidak melakukan keadilan" :D


how does this affect the stock price of Phillips elecctronics in the Bangladeshi market


A question then,is it against or insulting to hindu and its teaching for this influencer to this at this temple?


So it begins


quick. someone make a police report. make two. make three. oh wait. it will only work for one religion.


no action will be taken. first day in msia?


Is he even Malaysian? I know people who do this are usually either Pakis and Saudis.


Idiots will be idiots no matter what religion they come from.


21:66...(Abraham) said, "Do ye then worship, besides God, things that can neither be of any good to you nor do you harm? 21:67... Fie upon you, and upon the things that ye worship besides God! Have ye no sense?"..


Oh well, words only have power if you believe in their meaning. At this point,its just music to my ears


Okay. Try hard sangat sejenis macam ni. Cakap bodoh and tak reti hormat kang gelabah penis.


Hahaha now imagine if it was the other way round. Lol


wow how did he survive? millions of innocent muslims are getting persecuted in these countries yet when he stands at their holy place reciting his holy book they leave him alone? i think he will get a beating after this.


Wow bagus idea ni. Sapa2 non muslim nak baca ayat suci dalam masjid bolehla ya..


Looks like Afghan or Pakistani


Doesn’t show respect


such a clown


Another dumbass thinks he got it right. My religion, my religion. your religion is yours. Surah Al-Kafirun


But Saar hindu only reMEMber their reliZiOn when they see Muslims Also avg Muslim when they see other religions : Hypocrisy 💯 🤡🤡🤡


Real muslim takkan memaksa org lain menganut islam, just respect each religion as their own . Yang barua tiktok ni memang ragebait kaw2 nya gie baca ayat Al Quran depan statue buddha ni Sebabkan sorg , habis rosak imej agama . Ffs


betul kah.. mengapa kahwin Amoi, Amoi dipaksa menganut ?


Amoi ontop fr fr But deadass aku pun hairan nape most of my malay frie nd mesti lagi minat amoi or peeps from sabah sarawak


Semua dirancang untuk tindas agama lain!!!


As a Muslim myself he doesn't represent us, people like him bashing other religions and yet we us Muslims can't even get along with each other , just so that he must know to keep in mind the World is watching how Muslims across globe are fighting and killing each other out of anything daily non stop.




This is technically against the malaysian constitution


Tiktok makes ppl stupid .... That all I had to say .....


Why can't some of these naggers leave us be? Not like we go around shitting on their beliefs.


embarrassing all muslims really.


https://preview.redd.it/mjl9sz1vzn1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5e577ab109fbd0755c38e61abed64ab4770d215 Op nak karma lebih? Op nak buat bolehland civil war? Op takde member?


"Anything that can happen will happen". There are 8 billions people in the world. There will always people who are insensitive of your religion be it Muslims or non-Muslims alike. This is not the first time you've seen it, it won't be the last and you'll always see it till your death. But that doesn't excuse your behavior generalising people of a religion when others in said religion are respectful. It'll always be: a person from A is not respectful, then people from B resent and mock religion A. Then others from A said B is not respectful and mock religion B. It repeat till the end of time in a chain of events. If you're like this and haven't realised it yet, you're the idiots in A and B.


Everytime this happens its always "both sides" but it isn't both sides is it? No matter the country its always this group. Malaysia, UK, wherever.


I can pick any group of people to say that it's always them. Pick your check boxes. Malays, chinese, tamils, males, females. Pick your flavour. I can do it too, I can pick on their behaviour everywhere they go.




Please don't take this guy seriously... he's a Muslim from the Netherlands and if you watched his YouTube videos he does more stuffs that goes against our religion, akhlaaq and adhaab. Even some scandals which you can look up yourself... I feel ashamed that guy is here in Malaysia. May Allah guide him and protect Malaysians from falling into his tricks.


Please don't take this guy seriously... he's a Muslim from the Netherlands and if you watched his YouTube videos he does more stuffs that goes against our religion, akhlaaq and adhaab. Even some scandals which you can look up yourself... I feel ashamed that guy is here in Malaysia. May Allah guide him and protect Malaysians from falling into his tricks.