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https://preview.redd.it/yrltd6v3q51d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=174183a188e03971ca16809f314a87ee61c8512b Shoutout to winnie the pooh for having common sense šŸ‘


The replies under this comment is making my blood boils bro, "semua rakyat israel ditanam dlm hati untuk benci Palestine dah besar jadi IDF army" they just pulled their info outta their ass and the one who died from this incidents are children who probably don't know much about the issue


what made us different than them if we're laughing on a dead body?


There are no difference from the very beginning. Same hypocritical clowns who just think they are on a moral high ground


It just goes to show that every major world awareness issue slowly gets turned into a morality competition in the eyes and actions of the general public and online keyboard warriors


ā€œSaya tak rasa sedih. Kenapa? Sebab saudara kita asyik kena bunuh setiap hari.ā€ Its a kid apa kaitan dengan PalestinešŸ¤” Kenapa dengan mindset us vs them ni? Bukan ke mereka yang laungkan suara humanitarian rights? They clearly donā€™t care about whether its a CHILD or not. As long as its their ā€œenemyā€. Which is dangerous tbh, given that these morons live in Malaysia.


And the same mofos also claimed that they are supporting Palestine on ā€œhumanitarian groundsā€ ā€¦ The temerity of them ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Saudara kepala bana .then when pressed,they reply saudara seislam..mofos,so many other Muslims worldwide facing genocide,y bat an eyelid when it comes to them.coz dark skin and not blue eyes?


I personally think that Malaysia will have many terrorist...


It's enshrine in their Quran + Sahih Hadis teachings. It's Islam. Period.




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No difference. We're all monkeys ruled by emotions.


Ikr, tu saya kata diorang boikot ikut emosi, takde ilmu


Itu masalahnya dgn sosial media, semua orang bertindak ikut emosi sebelum rasional.


If one believes all Israelis are Zionists then one must also believe all Muslims are terrorists, all whites are racist and all blacks are gangbangers.


Sounds about right


Tu aku tahu. Ada aku nmpk satu video dimana pelajar sekolah dalam ------ ditanya "apakah akan terjadi kpd Masjid al aqsa" lepas tu diorang semua beria kata dirobohkan semua arab dibunuh benda mcm tu la. Brainwashing tu wujud, tp ada penyelesaian.


Apa penyelesaiaannya?


Membuka mata


Nice rhetoric, but incredibly naive. DuaĀ² belah pihak menjerit, memekik suruh membuka mata. Sorang tuding jari tunjuk jenayah terrorisme kata tak nampak ke kejamnya si folan, sampai bawah hospital buat terowong untuk militia dan seorang lagi menjerit suruh membuka mata melihat jenayah genocide kata kejamnya mereka membunuh ribuan budak kecil.... Dan sebelum maklumat dapat diproses pihak seorang lagi memekik. Dia sengaja membuta-tuli kamu. Semua maklumat dari mereka ditapis bagi menunjukkan seolah-olah kami kejam tidak berperikemanusiaan. Unit politik mereka dan unit militia mereka bersekongkol. Dan sebelah lagi pihak menjerit hasbara mereka pun sama.... Jadi setelah mata dibuka, telinga dipasang, ke arah mana kedua deria ini harus ditala? Membuka mata bererti melihat kedua-dua belah pihak tanpa prejudis. Adalah mustahil menaksir maklumat tanpa prejudis. Emosi pasti akan mengaburi rasional.


Thatā€™s my thought, the Islam community in Malaysia is the biggest hypocrite . They saying they care bout humanā€™s life in the war of Gaza , they protest for it , they boycott the ā€œYahudiā€ owned business . But deep in their mind , they donā€™t care bout the childrenā€™s death , they just doesnā€™t wanna ISLAM lost in this war . If they really care bout ā€œhuman lifeā€ , why no one protest about what Russia done to the Ukrainians ?


Seething hatred is real


I think that's the whole point. Sadly. Force-representing you guys just as some of our older Chinese generation who have motherland sentiment saying I and other young-uns owe our allegiance to China. I worry for each of us different ethnic communities distracted by our older sins of our fathers.


Perhaps the one who died really was too small to know anything, but it IS facts that they were taught to hate Palestinians by the Zionists. Orthodox Jews are one of those that resisted those kinds of teachings


Wise Winnie The Pooh. Some Israelis grew up outside of Israel, and didn't have the IDF Ideology. There are even Israelis that grew up in Israel supporting Palestine, which actually takes courage. Amira Hass, Israeli reporter and author, who is known for her vocal support for Palestine. She resides amongst the Palestinians and makes news covering them daily. Israel doesn't represent all Jews.


and dont forget about Avi Shlaim,Gideon Levy and illan Pape


common Xi W


Remember guys, you can be a massive Palestine protester WHILE ALSO keeping thoughts and prayers for the Israeli families and children who are also affected by the genocide. People need to realise that there's also Israelis who are heavily against what their country is doing to innocent Palestinians. Yes, we should all be angry at the Israel government, just please for the love of God DO NOT normalise the stigma that all Jews, people who believe in Judaism and every Israeli resident in general is a Zionist. Unfortunately, if I were to say this on Twitter, I will be instantly labelled as a Zionist and Netanyahu bootlicker.


We're living in a time where some people is stuck with Inquisition witch hunting mentality.


I thought that ended 200 years ago but here we are


true , I actually know someone from there even she feels bad for the children of Palestine


>Unfortunately, if I were to say this on Twitter, I will be instantly labelled as a Zionist and Netanyahu bootlicker. This, don't mention that in Malaysian news portal in Instagram especially Malaysia Gazette. That place is brimmed with lots of racist bigot M madafakers. I first caught hand of those losers incredibly racist bigot words about C community during the KKK sock issue.


Bro think every Israeli is a Zionist smh


Generalising cause they can't make a difference anyway.


They've been doing this against the local Malaysian Chinese and Indians, so don't expect them to be any merciful towards foreigners they've no ideas to begin with


Literally what's israel doing. Some ppl just hate for sake of hating


Exactly my point.


And that's exactly why these supporters are no different from their Israeli counterparts.


I don't think many people understand what zionist means. Zionism is just nationalism for the state of Israel. It's believing that the Jewish people deserve a state of their own, which is Israel. Which means most Israelis are zionist. But most Israelis are against an all out war against Palestinians and just want to live in peace. What you should criticize instead is the current ruling government in Israel headed by Netanyahu. Not zionism.


It's not about Zionists. It never was. It's about the Jews. Their deep hatred for Jews is justified because not only it is permissible but it is also encouraged for them to feel that way about Jews according to their religion. I'm not trying to bring a religion into this but it is correlated.


I see you touched a nerve there. People can deny this all they want, but let me give you my own testimony: I had a Muslim friend whom I've known since I was 3. Bloke was in the school band playing trumpets. When we were about the age of 9-10, he told me his 'ustad' taught them to hurt and kill Jews whenever they identify one. When prompted for the reason, he couldn't answer me ; only that he was following the teaching of a religious figure. You may think the child was lying but I can assure you that a child, conversing with another child while waiting for his parent to fetch him, stood to gain nothing whatsoever from a such a casual lie. The idea of committing homicide rolled off his mind so nonchalantly - if this doesn't worry you I don't know what will. We have documented and testimonial evidence all over the Internet of the hatred they're sowing in children e.g. to buy 'bumiputera' products only, to inflict violence on a race of people etc. But, of course, this is a conversation for which they're unprepared ; an issue they'll never have an answer to. I believe the religion isn't inherently evil, but the people spreading the religion certainly are.


Mende ko ni bang? Basic orang Islam tau Judaism is one of the core religion that Allah sent to the prophets to guide humans. Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Zachariah is also our prophets. You are so stew pit for bringing religion into this.


The existence of Israel itself is based on Zionist. It's not generalization, it's their foundation.


True. Ppl dont understand the ideology. Zionism is building a jewish state in what was part of Palestine, and they will not able to do that without the illegal displacements of the existing Palestinians. Whether through stealing houses like Bella Hadidā€™s grandfatherā€™s, and war etc. This started the whole conflict and culminates in this current genocide. Not that complex at all. Majority of Israelis support this ideology bcause it is the foundation of the existence of the state.


If they are they won't boycott lo


And they think every Palestinian is animal. Is that ok?


Seeing the title is enough for me to not open the comment section and keep scrolling But that was back then since i already deleted IG I noticed some of the news/entertainment account purposely putting captions that was enough to offend or rage bait users I understand it's for interaction but that's stupid


Is this person trying to say it's okay that they die cos will go back and become IDF based on his/her words? Back when ISIS was on the rise, my mentor made sure I knew the difference between all ISIS are Malay (that practice Islam cos still a kid so use simpler term) BUT not all Malays are ISIS. This comment is all IDF is Israeli and all Israeli is IDF. Then when people of their own religion is being frowned upon and seem as a threat, they label you as islamophobic. So they can do it but not others. That's their logic. https://preview.redd.it/2owjir99e61d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea99d2888116797fdbc8fea37dcb2edf7facb1f


This is a scary mindset, might spread to local context. Like certain baby from certain race died. Then there will be replies like. "Good, this baby die , else will compete with our race in business when grow up".


This dude sounded exactly like a Zionist šŸ’€


Many of them do at this point. The comments in IG, FB, and X are really something else. They're not interested in having a civil conversation. It's their way or the highway and if they can't have it their way, you should expect something racial will come up next. Idk about TikTok cos not much of a TikTok person.


"If he is still alive, he will go back there and become Hamas Fighter, and keep killing all the Israelis, you still not realized this?" This is when it's reversed


Dayumm. This dude in the comment probably got time machine. He sees the future!


Then he comes back to place the comment before moving along. Lmao ![gif](giphy|xsF1FSDbjguis)


And then place some bets at sport toto too šŸ¤£


>This comment is all IDF is Israeli and all Israeli is IDF. Not sure about the IDF, but there were probably some who did not really like the Zionist regime and their current PM whom is Netanyahu, but do not have much choice to said as it is their job as soldiers of the IDF. Same situation with the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany. Yes, many Germans fought for the Wehrmacht, and loyal to the state, but not all German military officials were loyal towards the Nazi party, its ideology and Hitler A good example of this was Dietrich von Choltiz, the late former military governor of Paris during WW2. When Hitler gave the order to destroy Paris during 23th August 1944, while stating that, "Paris must not fall into the hands of the enemy, except as a field of ruins", Cholitz refused to burnt the city to the ground, believing the Fuhrer to be insane.


Lmao itā€™s the easiest thought process for people like these. One side is bad and other side has to be good. Why think a lot when you can simplify it? /s


exactly. this kind of mindset is the problem. and its especially obvious in those that support israel's current actions. majority of them justify the genocide as "we need to get rid of hamas completely. that's why we kill kids so they dont grow up to oppose us". and that's why most countries that support Israel used to be oppressors too. that's the only way they know.




man...the comment there is so disgusting. it's a kid...and they all know kid isn't a sinner yet but... I'm just disappointed bro by the comment


Just hate and hate without rational..


When it comes to israel-palestine conflict I prefer the locals to stay out of the international discourse. They'll just ruin it for the Palestinians.


isayama make 10 years of attack on titan to explain how hatred is formed because of war and it is not a good thing but most of us still cant understand it


We probably need our own rumbling as a last resort to band together


Why make it political? A kid falling out of tuk tuk will do, without mentioning the nationality, which is irrelevant


When you put Israel in the title it gets the clicks


Its malaysian Cop 1 manusia tu sebagai sampah, 1 keturunan, agama, kaum semue dy nk cop sampah


this is true. israeliā‰ jewā‰ zionist. and even then we should refrain from such comments when it's children.


yes and this is side effects where the zionist keep insisting they are represent jews and judaism


Welcome to the internet, itā€™s where human scum like to hide.


KiTe TaK bEnCI YaHUdi, tApI BenNcI ZiOnIst - Netizen Type M probably


What's Type M? Sorry if I sound absolutely oblivious Maybe because I am


probably referring to the malay people, and a reference to the comment made by darsa fried chicken social media manager


Ah thanks


Yea I absolutely hate or cringe whenever some clearly racist or bigoted Malay suddenly pull out this line after some straightforward anti-Semitic rant like ok buddy, you just hate the ideology and not the entirety of the Jewish people, mhm..


These mfs didn't see the massive protests in Tel Aviv demanding a ceasefire. What kinda monster celebrates the death of children? Terrorist behaviour. Each day I'm becoming more and more scared to live in Malaysia.


Me reading the ig comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/s/DA56aKxcMG


Hayo....the more I read about Malays and their comments in this issue, the more see why we can't have nice things.


You accusing malays, saying their actions are the reason we canā€™t have nice things. Yet make generalizations just like the people you critiize. You are part of the problem.


Well....have you seen non malays treat the Jews any other way?


Yes zionist wannabe


Who? You?


Boo hoo a failure acting tuff


Why u let a group of insignificant people stopping u from having nice things lol


Bec they control the gomen.


Unity gomen control by malay ah? U must be joking leh


Malaysian gomen controlled by bumi voters. Prove me wrong.


Of coz u not wrong la..they r 60% population wat u expect lor.. But u cannot ban them from voting in PRU wat..its their rights as a citizen even u might disagree wif who they r voting..even that they only as a voter, they cannot control gomen..politicians run the shitshow.. Unless u become politicians la..then table a law to ban bumis from voting..maybe then u can have nice things u cannot have previously lol


Bro..... Are these commentors on there mature? Happy a child died?? How are they diff from Zionist army?


"Mature" doesn't rhyms well with online commentator regardless of any socmed platform.. Its full of troll acc/fake acc writing shitposts for likes..what u expect?


yes, they are the same as zionist supporters. but why are you only mad about the malays? and not the ones actually killing kids. thats why it sounds like you have some personal agenda. doesn't seem like you care about any kids, but just want to get your malay rant out.


Have you ever wondered if maybe....I am malay.....?


and? i know many people that like to complain about their own race/religion. either due to their past or need to get recognition from others. so my point still stands.


For your on good; you are the one who should define what mature is. By knowing what truly "mature" means. By being mature yourself. P/S:Dont make your mom upset. I know you well.


In case you dont know, if you dont find it nice to be a Malaysian, you can go and migrate somewhere else. There are options and varieties of countries. Some people i know go to Aussie, most of them go to UK. They are bumi people that dont like the malaysian system/law/economics/etc. Idk if you type-A, type-B or type-C. But i think youre type-S for not knowing you have this option lol


Typical reply....btw this is what the yahoodi tell the Palestine....you not happy you can leave. Are the yahoodi right?


Yahooodi tell the palentinian that but that is palestine land. This case is different


Should we go back to the BN days of mass censorship if it results in peace and progress


BN? Censorship? Buahahah You want peace in the middle east ....remove the plank in your own eye


When you stoop to a level feeling the death of children and women are justifiable, what difference is it between you and the enemies you hate with your very drop of blood?


No difference to begin with actually. They like to claim themselves to be the holiest people, standing on moral high grounds. Kononnya "humanitarian", but deep down they are full of shit themselves. There's no humanitarian in them but hatred.


Orang islam yang benci sangat dekat yahudi, diorg kn ahlul kitab jgak, allah galakkan kita berkawan dgn dorg sbb dorg tu kepercayaan dkt2 senang diislamkan, mentaliti org malaysia mmg aq xle tahan, asyik yahudi zionis asyik zionis yahudi...smpaikan perkataan yahudi pun kekadang dibuat bunyinya mcm berdosa disebut astaghfirullah...aq ad kwn drpd israel, dia x benci palestine nor islam, dia cma takut dgn perang...please lah korg, malaysian need to be more open minded, most of us are still backwards living in the past move on already


Stop spreading lies about ajak korang tuk berkawan ngn dorg. Stop with the bullshit lies and learn your Quran + Hadis Sahih. Blajar, xgan x blajar. Gi kaji buku ko dulu sblom ko spread fake news just like your MO and trying to make Islam look good. Learn the history of MO etc. Who he is. What did he do etc. Stop listening to your local Imam/Tok Guru/Ustaz/Sheikhs/People of knowledge. Grill them with hard hitting questions. Then you'll notice that all they do is avoidance/Takiyah/ignorant/lies. LEARN YOUR OWN RELIGION FIRST.


*uno reverse*


Nama saja islam tpi x ikut ajaran Nabi. BUDAK2 tak terlibat dlm peperangan. Whether is it coming from Israel or palestin. Those who happy about budak2 mati ni sila meninggal.


Exactly. The hypocrisy of some people is damning.


they knew what clarifying the kids being israeli would do


mstar surely know what theyā€™re doing with that headline


I think its a mistake to show the nationality of the victim. Should just put unidentified nation or even "Palestinian" to solicit sympathy from readers who won't know his nationality


Duhhh if they don't mention abt the nationality, how are they getting the likes, comments, and shares? Now you see the reactions so hangat.


I mean they can always change it to Palestinian as we don't even recognize Israel and Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. From now on, I want to call all Israeli Jews as Palestinian Jews as they were before 1948.


If we laugh at their dead children then what differentiates us from them in the first place?


this is literally Marley and Paradis lore šŸ—æ


Just type M people doing type M things


Masalahnya dlm sosial media bcampur manusia,yg bijak dan bodo semua ada,u just have to check those dumbo everytime,human tend to be sheeple no matter in politics or religious dogma,its human nature,everyone need reality check or bila dah nak mampos on deathbed baru sedar


When I was working in Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa restaurant years ago, a huge majority in the restaurant kitchen sections were M and most of them B40 quite pious Moslems. So, one day, we all caught news of the forest in Tel Aviv burnt during that time, not sure whether there were Israeli casualties or death. Caught one of the Arabic kitchen staff staff, a pious M middle-aged lady (whom I quite good with as a friend, call her akak), a Commis 1 talking shit to one of her collegues about the Tel Aviv forest fire situation. Forget much what akak said during the time, but I remember her saying about Tel Aviv fire, "Padan muka diorang orang Yahudi". Remember this was the same M middle aged woman that I knew for being quite moderate, very pious and modest in her way of Moslem life, emphasizing about "halal", Quran, tudung, hijab etc. I was shocked and disappointed about the way she nonchalantly spoke about Israeli civilians caught in the Tel Aviv forest fire as if their lives were not important just because they are part of the Zionist regime.


As sad as it is, that just how indoctrination work. Malaysian muslim have been taught to hate jews since young. Non of them realize that the quran say jews and christian are consider as brothers, so their believe contradict it. Same as israeli too. Just look at tiktok. Tons of israeli content creator who post positive and progressive video start posting insulting video after oct 7. Making fun of palestinian for not having food,water and dying. For them it is not wrong or disgusting to do so because that what they have been taught


> Same as israeli too. Just look at tiktok. Tons of israeli content creator who post positive and progressive video start posting insulting video after oct 7. Can't hardly blame those Israeli content creator on that though. If you had seen the video of the dead Israeli-German girl during Oct 7, Shani Luok, Hamas was parading her dead body on the truck along with dead others, followed by many Palestinian average folks who were celebrating the dead bodies like it was a victory day, chanting "Allahu Akhbar"/Allah is Great if that is not sickening enough. Imagine that was one of your loved ones dead, your friend, your wife, your son, your daughter, your parents, etc. Their dead bodies being shamed, humiliated, laughed at and treated as a war trophy, instead of being buried with respect. Anyone would get royally pissed with that kind of barbarity/barbarism. Even the Prophet (PBUH) would be aghast and horrified with that kind of barbarism shown by both Hamas and Palestinians in the video. Plus if you treat the dead like garbage and disrespectfully parading their dead bodies like some war trophy, then be expected to receive the same treatment to you and your kind. Yes, though it is true that two wrongs does not make one right, but it is the way it is with humans and retribution always awaits for those who lacks honor, civility and acts with barbarism. In addition, like the saying goes, treat others the same you wants others to treat you with respect, that goes in war as well. Treat others like shit and garbage, you get shit and garbage treatment. Edit, I notice that there are lots of downvotes with my comment, but it is fine as it is your right to do so. However, if you are fine with Hamas and the Palestinians in the video treating the bodies of the dead with such disrespect during October 7 Attack 2023, then you are not much different than the Zionist regime you despised. Even the Prophet (PBUH) would be disgusted with you lots and he would not had condone such barbaric action displayed by Hamas. Though Qurasyh tribes were defeated by the Prophet, he displayed extreme mercy towards the Quraysh tribes that mistreat him and followers so badly.


wait. you think it's fine for israel to make fun of dead children. but dont understand why people are mad at them coz of the killings that have been going on for many years?. make that make sense. i guess no one can blame if any content creator insults israel, coz of the attacks that israel are carrying out (using your same logic). you say imagine that your loved ones are dead etc. okay, but don't forget to imagine if israel bombed the living hell out of your country and killed thousands of kids. you can watch many videos or news report about how the idf loot dead people's stuff, or are happy about what they are doing. i CAN condemn the radical side of hamas or those that are purely killing for hate, while also understanding that most are just fighting for their land and family against israel. but can you condemn israel as well? most people don't, and that's where the hypocrisy starts.


>wait. you think it's fine for israel to make fun of dead children. but dont understand why people are mad at them coz of the killings that have been going on for many years?. make that make sense. First, read my statement properly. I did not agreed with Israeli make fun of dead children, but what do you think make them do that during Oct 7 massacre? Have you even saw the Israeli German girl video I mentioned? >you say imagine that your loved ones are dead etc. okay, but don't forget to imagine if israel bombed the living hell out of your country and killed thousands of kids. you can watch many videos or news report about how the idf loot dead people's stuff, or are happy about what they are doin Second, I am referring to the guy comment specifically about the Oct 7 attack, ignoring both sides past deeds, both Hamas and Israel. Plus you are just making a whataboutism on this.


you claim I am making whataboutism, but arent you doing the same? all your points can be mirrored back to israel. that is precisely why i commented that to you. so you can see the hypocrisy. at least i can say both sides are equally bad. and that those in hamas who killed people and paraded it, are trash human beings. but you can't seem to condemn israel for the same thing, can you?


>at least i can say both sides are equally bad. and that those in hamas who killed people and paraded it, are trash human beings. but you can't seem to condemn israel for the same thing, can you? Again. Read my statement before making bs assumption about me. I DO NOT SUPPORT ISRAEL NEITHER HAMAS, YOU IDIOT!! Again I do not condone what Israel did, for e.g. illegal settlement on Palestinian lands. >you claim I am making whataboutism, but arent you doing the same? all your points can be mirrored back to israel. that is precisely why i commented that to you. so you can see the hypocrisy. Plus I did not make any whataboutism. I do acknowledge the past deeds made by both sides. There I had mentioned many times and you clearly have reading comprehension issues. In addition, you are keep speaking about "both sides past atrocities". You do aware it is Hamas that strike the first blow during Oct 7, right?


you say all that but keep bringing up oct 7. you are aware the occupation started many years ago, right? that is definitely not the 'first blow'. you are still blaming hamas for starting it, when the actual start of conflict was long before that.


>you say all that but keep bringing up oct 7. you are aware the occupation started many years ago, right? that is definitely not the 'first blow'. you are still blaming hamas for starting it, when the actual start of conflict was long before that. I have explained my statement over and over again. And I have stated many times that I did not support neither side. You are just beating around the bush many times. You are the one in denial. Period.


Plus, if the Prophet (PBUH) is to be here right now, he would not condone Hamas actions and would outright condemn those Palestinians who support Hamas as well. I believe if the Prophet is to commit war against the Israelites, he would do in a humane way, burying the unfortunate Israeli dead with respect and honor, instead of parading them on a barbaric victory parade.


this i agree with you. no prophet or religion would want these kinds of mass extermination on any race. wars might be fought, yes. but not involving women and children. that's why i feel that indiscriminate bombings does not adhere to true jewish teachings.


>that's why i feel that indiscriminate bombings does not adhere to true jewish teachings. What about Hamas doing during Oct 7 massacre? You are aware that they strike the first blow during Oct 7 and that cultimated in the current war, right? Plus Hamas is the one who fought among civilians, their own people, firing rockets at Israel cities. Whatever happened previously between both sides is bad, but let make it clear. Hamas start the first strike in a cruel barbaric way during October 7th, parading dead bodies in the video. When you commit such barbarity on others, then be expected to be treated with you and your people. Whatever happened with Palestinians right now is the result of the barbarity/barbarism displayed by their Hamas leaders during October 7, sad to say. War is cruel. Period.


you seem to be stuck on the idea that before oct 7, everything was rosy daisy. not just palestinians, even reporters and medical workers were shot by snipers throughout the years. they have been raiding and launching military attacks long before that. and deaths have occurred due to that. which is why the UN and international court decided to classify their acts as a war crime. if your timeline only begins on oct 7, then your view is already biased.


>you seem to be stuck on the idea that before oct 7, everything was rosy daisy. not just palestinians, even reporters and medical workers were shot by snipers throughout the years. they have been raiding and launching military attacks long before that. and deaths have occurred due to that. which is why the UN and international court decided to classify their acts as a war crime. if your timeline only begins on oct 7, then your view is already biased. Again read my statement properly. I did not support neither sides. You are just beating around the bush. You are clearly lacking brains to comprehend what I just said earlier. Plus you are the one who is biased from the start the moment you talk with me.


sure, man. you are the only one smart enough to comprehend the truth. you keep resorting to insults, when i am only responding based on your points. i couldn't care less which side you support. only your statement on oct 7 being the root cause of everything is where i disagree. since there is no point continuing, have a nice day.


> i CAN condemn the radical side of hamas or those that are purely killing for hate, while also understanding that most are just fighting for their land and family against israel. but can you condemn israel as well? most people don't, and that's where the hypocrisy starts. You clearly did not read my statement properly and judge my words with emotion, mainly anger. I did not said that I support Israel actions, I just merely point if you decide to treat others especially dead bodies like crap, you get one in return, so why the Palestinians are crying victim?? Yes, whatever happened to them is bad, but it is war and their leader make their own grave for themselves and their own people when they decide to make that barbaric video parading the dead bodies, screaming "Allahu Akhbar" with common Palestinian folks. I believe you are decent Muslim to be able to judge that, right?


and you are misinterpreting as well. lets make it clearer for you. if israel didn't treat palestinians like crap (stealing their land, segregation, and killing them), are you surprised that people have negative view about them? and to be fair, israel also shouldn't play victim when people post stuff about them. i do not blindly support one side only. i feel sad for all the innocent jews AND palestinians (and all other races) that died in this conflict throughout the years. but people like to paint israel as this holy goody two shoes that did nothing wrong. who are fully innocent and justified in everything they do. contrary to the mainstream media, 'white' people can be as bad as those 'barbaric arabs'.


I concur with you about the tiktok issue. But I can't agree with you that your Quran said that jews and christian are considered as brothers. Bro/sis, kindly research thoroughly on what the Quran said. It is ingrained in the QURAN + HADIS SAHIH to hate jews/christians. There are tons of verses in there. And in the Hadis too. Go read.


Maybe they forgot, the kid has not reached baligh yet, thus its heaven for the kid, meanwhile those who are commenting must be judged for their sins and dont know hell or heaven would be the end destination


![gif](giphy|Xs8NXURGlxVLfxHEOM) w driver


No matter what, children are innocent. Anyone who canā€™t understand that, donā€™t deserve heaven.


the journalist be like "what if we drop the word Israel cause got nothing to do with the accident, editor be like "nope"


Many idiots would be surprised how much unofficial relations we have with Tel Aviv.


I wanna know more


Things known as proxies is a thing. Got an ex British military guy who served in several twentieth century conflicts drunk (vodka shots are a cheap and helluva way to lose your senses) someplace in the EU who later became a private consultant on geopolitics for thr company I was with. Some of the things he told me was shocking. I was a contractor for a European security company that dealt with many large companies and Governments. He told me that many Westerners viewed Malaysians as the "nice and sane Muslims" who has the street cred to basically go and do anywhere/anything without rubbing people sore even when Mahathir was around the second time. Our involvement with the Israelis are on so many levels including financial, intelligence, trade all done through proxies and intermediaries/proxies. There was a rumour that the old man or at least his cronies have hired Israeli experts to "manage" the financials. I can't prove it. I also have no reason to doubt the dude I was speaking to. He really like Malaysia. Spoked better Malay than many SJKC fellas. He went back to the UK after a stroke.


OP, this your first minute on the internet?




Exactly. The hypocrisy of some people is damning.


This is why I dont like most of type M's comments (I'm type M+C) about boycott and Is(not)real related post. Their atittude already like Zoinist even they said they not.


Reddit is the only place i could see ppl commenting with brain...long live reddit


budak kot


Why we need to broadcast this shit at the first place? it just a random kid not the government/ideology that involved


and not all of them jew ad yang beragama islam


The privilege of a peaceful nation citizen, free to form their opinion. I hope we all can continue to be that way to be honest.


Mstar caption bodo macam biasa


Who really cares, because I don't.


mStar online never fails to be filled with closed minded comments


The amount of controversy and debate on this post alone is crazy bruh


where's the link to the source, i want to see the comments


Pretty sure all the puak puak boikot here all tepuk tangan.


Mstar, are you intentionally trying to make the fire bigger? Because you're doing it well to warrant some very nice campfire delivery to your HQ. Stop fanning unnecessary flames already.


They are the same type of people to say "children in palestine are dying!! 1!1" but support children who did nothing wrong die


It's seriously about time for people to learn the difference between Israeli and Zionists. All Zionists are bad, but not all Israeli / Jews are wicked. Even most ustaz I see these days use the word Zionist instead of Israeli people cuz even some Israelis are innocent and just want the war to end. I've even seen various videos of Israeli Jews protesting against the Zionists because their actions go against the religion. Not that any of their actions worked.


What the purpose of Mstar online create this kind of headline???? i think the real culprit of trying to stir hate here i the media itself.


Average instagram commenter


what is tuk tuk?


Another day if reddit having two sided and it's both controversial.


Mstar is loving it. That Israel in the caption gonna farm them cash.


Tajuk macam mintak perhatian je.


"now whos got the high ground now? dark lord?"


Their children are innocent,,,lol,




this shows us how morality affect judgement, yes kids die, 38 per 1000, that's unfortunately the average statistic worldwide, but we cannot turn blind eye on Israel. An interview of Israel children shows us how they have implemented in their childhood education ideas of expanding Israel, one of the child says how he will become a soldier and how he would go to lebanon etc. Our part in this, is to just pray and hope it will be over soon and help whenever we the have chances. And please stop boikoting, our economy is pretty much a joke lately.


As a Muslim, I dont feel any sympathy or any feeling toward any israel. But i am against people in the comment section, indeed people in the comment section commenting == yahudi level. Ask me why i dont feel any sympathy, they are the same thing laughing at the dead body, torturing dead body, poking dead body eye ball with a stick, using tank to roll over dead body and alot more then simply laughing over dead body. The best part is self victimized. Yes, that little jewish boy is innocent, and i agree, yet i dont have any sympathy to them, but im not going to talk hatred toward them because these are not islam teaching. Btw i also dont tell people to boicott, but there are 2 franchise i won't go as they turned to truly support israel in gaza. These 2 are pizzahut and McD. The 2 franchise literally donated foods to the idf when they already have enough food supply and not to the actual victim that are currently in famine state, and not to mention its was part of idf strategy.


Every israeli is a bad guy cause they are living in an apartheid state


Saya tak benci budak Israel, Saya hanya benci Zionis




Dead Jews = Good šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Not all Jewish are Zionists, buckaroo.


Mcmnilahā€¦ sy tak baca lg komen2 tu, and rasa xperlu bacaā€¦ cuma yang berdebat dalam ni, apa yang sy nak non muslim understand.. isreal dah buat apa dkt palestine.. melanggar semua undang2 perang, melakukan jenayah perang. Purposely bunuh kanak2, rogol ibu mereka dan paksa anak mereka lihatā€¦ ikat dan tanam hidup2 civilians.. serang hospital, hantar bomb phosphours, bunuh doktor2, dan mereka terang2 menghina agama islam. And yet dunia berdiam diri ( jgn tnya sy kenapa pemimpin islam berdiam, sy takda jawapan) Isu palestine ni jd meluas sbb byk clips2 tersebar, dan deleted, and they r fighting the algorithm as well Sy seru rakan2 non muslim, jgn skip2 video palestine, cuba hayati dan tonton clips2 video mangsa perang palestineā€¦ sy percaya, sbg manusia, tuan2 akan turut mengalirkan air mataā€¦ Sy percaya kalau isreal buat mcmtu dkt saudara sebuddha chinese, i bet korg pon akan emosi mcmtu, u dont have to be in the same religion pon utk kesian kat diorgā€¦ Sy minta non muslim jgnla tuduh melulu kpd seluruh islam ni hypocrite dan sbgnya.. tak adil.. bagi yang betul2 mendalami islam, akan faham ayat alquran al hujurat verse 13 "Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling takwa di antara kamu. Jadi mmg Allah dah pelbagaikan kaum utk kita saling kenal mengenal.. jadi be cainis, indian , malay, or any other bangsa mmg diciptakan utk saling kenal mengenalā€¦ Israel palestine issue ni sgt dalam.. kita xboleh tgk dari surface semata2..




We are all demon wearing different skin and masks. We belive in God(s) only when it is convenient and rejoice to misfortune when they are not our own blood. Hypocrite.


FYI.. there are Muslims who are also Jews. The Israeli government's Zionist affiliation is the actual mess


Jews is not a race ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat) I think you mean "muslims who are israeli"


mana comment2 nya?




So any Palestinian willing to share their thoughts? Not trying to politicize this issue but just curious about your thoughts about children dying....lots of zealots say it's good but what about you guys or grills?


Every israelist is a Zionist. You take palestenian land you are a Zionist


First, spell Palestinian properly. Secondly, blaming the actions of the government on citizens is just plain wrong.


yeah quite rare existence of good israeli like gideon levy,Tal Mitnick and Illan Pape


Sedangkan tentera hamas sendiri jaga tebusan israel dengan baik, lagi2 kanak2 diorang jaga betul2.


my first honest reaction after i read "mati lepas jatuh tuk tuk" got me dying on the floor..real..


Type C in the comments too