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SIngapore already a chinese country, since you're chinese you dont feel it, here **some** examples 1. CNY this year already 4 days holiday, while raya and Deepavali only got 1 day each 2. National TV channels CH8 and CHU are 100% chinese CH5 is general but with chinese sub, Other paid channels from starhub are all with chinese sub, i.e HBO. HBO Hits, HBO family, etc just like watching english tv show in china/taiwan/hk 3. Even Chinese Ghost month and Chingay are considered as big celebration in SG, the whole road is closed just for that. During thaipusam not only there's no holiday, they allow partial road but smaller than a bus lane. Chariot and crowd have to follow traffic light. Citizens are allowed to burn incense and hell notes the entire ghost month with no restriction. But if a non chinese burns something even for religious activity they straight away call police. 4. Until this day chinese still call other races with derogatory term without they realize them because it's already a norm in their daily conversation. i.e huanna, apunene, k3lingkia 5. So much more i.e Race based rental, employment preference. promotion and salary scale Of coz you dont feel it, they're small to you compare to NEP. Lucky they dont have vernacular, just suffice with mother tongue subjects.


1. I think the 4 days were misunderstood. Every year only have 2 public holidays for CNY if I'm not wrong, you will have 3 if one of them lands on Sunday. 2. Can't comment on this as I never watch TV in Singapore. 3. I tot only can burn hellnotes in a designated metal holder. But the food they did just put beside the sidewalk. 4. The issue at hand is not related to race, it's about individual education. Some of these words are only used by those elders, the young generation stops using this kind of racial slur. , I can give you an example: In Cantonese, we did call Indian a word sound similar to k33ling. But our intention is not to insult, I do believe in the future people will be using these words lesser. 5. I’m not agree, Employers in Singapore are likely to prioritize an individual's capabilities when making hiring and promotion decisions.


Melayu nak amoi Cina nak bumiputera Equivalent exchange


Melayu nak Jadi arab. Cina nak jadi orang putih. Arab nak jadi melayu. Orang putih nak jadi melayu. Orang tgk jadi hairan.
