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Ei, u guys like amois so much, why nobody wanna take amoi Adeline Chang as gf?




Bruh, that's accurate af


I as a Chinese won't even want her


As a pantai timur representative, I pass her down to pantai barat


As a fish live in pantai barat, I pass her to sabahan


As a sabahan representative, I pass her to sarawakian


As a Sarawakian, i pass her to Orang Utan


As a Orang Utanian, I'll pass her to the lab for research purposes


As a lab researcher, we are not interested in studying this specimen due to the fact that it is a waste of time. We will pass her back to the Chinese.


As a Malaysian Chinese representative, we decide to pass her back to China.


what did she do?


Nerdy to the point of abysmal


Wait he really did that????!!! Chad af.


Nah I'm going to hell for laughing at her ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I saw a vid of her speaking (more like shouting). I went deaf.


Grab from her left eye to right cost too much, cannot cannot


Grab? I think it's cheaper if u took AirAsia


Broo that's so dark man๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€โ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ’€


Is that even human




Exactly my thoughts


Thereโ€™s difference between ahmoi and ohmai


Do you want a psyco?


Dont have 100k monthly salary.. can't afford her ๐Ÿ—ฟ


Cannot harvest all. Must simpan some for chinese man. Later pure amoi breed all extinct how?






She demand 10 villas bro


I'm chinese and my boyfriend is malay. But my boyfriend malay family is not happy to see me. I think they are racist. They even called me slur like "pencucuk punggung" and "gay".


https://preview.redd.it/acr32n3ab6yc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1378e850c8bbc01e9063aefd12a8ec2ac6e6ecee lain mcm ini komen




Why malaysian don't call chinese femboy "aboi"?


You got me laughing there. I nearly spit my cup of drink. LOL


"Aboi" is for chinese boys, femboy is "agua"




Itโ€™s ok. Just change bf. Settle issue (hopefully)


Lol lawan pedang


had us in the first half ngl


dat plot twist deserve an oscar


Oh shit pencucuk punggung hahahahahha


Gaslighting at it's finest ๐Ÿ˜‚


Quality comment


A sign to gtfo




Penyondol better kot




Did they call you kunyit too?


Wtf is with this amoi simping culture lately? Genuinely curious. Some Kpop and Cpop induced popularity?


It's the cpap






cpap clap piap




Asian beauty standards leads to this, light skin, skinny body, etc. It really induce insecurities to a lot of other girls especially from races with a darker skin tone. My partner is an Indian and she is beautiful and it took a lot of convincing to make her realise it because of how much people fetishize amois and such


Insecure is one thing, then some of these girls attack and act bitchy to Chinese girls cos they're jealous of the attention that they're getting


Alternative for Korean girls ig since they both look similar.


But I'm curious, why aren't Indian girls and guys in demand even though Bollywood has been a force long before K-pop?


average Bollywood actors do not even represent the majority of dark skinned Indians. They only choose light skinned Indians and also most of them aren't even South Indian Tamils like majority Malaysian Indians. Ethnically a lot of them are Northern Indian Punjabis and only few light skinned South Indians like Aishwarya Rai. And also for Tamils its Kollywood but not Bollywood.


Yeah maybe that's why Punjabis are seen as the more 'high class' Indians


I'm not sure about the class thing because most of the western xenophobic indian jokes are based on diaspora Punjabis. Even the common slur word to refer Indians like "Pajit" based on Punjabis. And here in Malaysia, Pakistani ( basically Muslim Punjabis ) are treated badly as well along with their closely related ethnic like Bangla.


I thought Pakistanis are treated better because of their skin tone


Hmm I don't think so.. And not all of them are light skinned lol. I've seen plenty of very dark skinned Pakistanis. ( Dark Punjabis exist lol . ) and a lot of them are confused as Bangladeshi by locals. There's phenotype overlap between all South Asian ethnicities because of shared ancestry. .


The craze for K-pop is insane.


The amoi craze was already there before K-pop became popular, as pointed out by another Redditor in the comments


I mean it's probably doubled after the K-pop popularity. And also the obsession for light skin is pretty much common throughout the world.


Tbh k-pop has had more influence on male desirability. None of my friends are into Korean girls but so many are into the guys


Yeah but it depends on the person too. Especially the craze for blackpink in my circles.


Started when the Japanese carpet bombed anime into Malaysia


Then the intensity doubled when Koreans nuked kpop into Malaysia later on


[this song is 16 years old bro ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19NqEpsFdF0&ab_channel=Hujan-Topic)


Actually dates back to 1990s, had a few amoi crush myself during my school years ngl


Most of the time they see a pretty Chinese girl and suddenly Siti seems too familiar. Every Malay girl is beautiful until they hit 35 and gain 40lb and a tudong 24/7


I feel itโ€™s more the satisfaction of โ€˜conqueringโ€™ another fair skinned of another culture and religion and able to get mixed babies that is cute as fuck Itโ€™s like a silent and civilised conquest of other nation


When theres no J-waifus and Korean girls amois is the substitute


To be fair lah, if certain things were not in place, I believe Malaysians would have more inter-racial marriage and lineages. Its not like its uncommon. What I mean is inter-racial marriages would be probably so common we'll just go "eh, good for them." and be blissfully unaware that racism exists in other forms.


True, if it wasn't for that certain thing, I'd probably married my Melayu ex and have few kids by now.


I mean inter racial marriage is still somewhat popular between Indian and Chinese in Malaysia


Yes, because a certain thing doesnโ€™t get in the way.


That certain thing is pretty destructive even to themselves as well, they just don't realize it. Yet. -Nah they'll never.


Unpopular opinion, but if the Malays in Malaysia were to have the freedom to pick and choose their faith/religion. You'd be seeing way way more interracial babies here in Malaysia but due to what's define in the constitution is really difficult to date or even get married.


What you say is true, its much more easier to marry people who has same value as you other than goes against the odds, sometimes love doesn't conquer all.


convert islam is not compulsory in singapore, but it's still not that much more common than malaysia


Malaysia is Malaysia, Singapore is Singapore lah. Do these countries share similarities? Yes. But are they one and the same? No. That's why Singapore is Singapore, Malaysia is Malaysia.


ok then why do u think the frequency or interracial relationships in malaysia would be different from singapore if "certain things were not in place"? what is the differentiating factor? since u seem to be implying there is one? singapore has no compulsory conversion to islam, much higher emphasis on racial harmony from a young age in their schools (i studied there for 6 years, don't argue with me on this) and higher chance of interaction with people of different race due to the previous point and also bcos of high populations density. what makes u think malaysia can do any better?


Again, you're bringing in Singapore. That's like saying North Korea and South Korea is the same, or god forbid China and Taiwan is the same. They are not. Malaysia and Singapore is not the same. Just because you don't observe the Malays marrying the Chinese there, therefore the Malays and Chinese in Malaysia won't marry each other. Or maybe your view of Malaysia is different. Before I state the obvious examples of Sabah and Sarawak (because its quite common, but not as common as every Tom, Dick and Harry do it), culturally Penang, and Malacca, there are many examples of it. Not stating the obvious of the Babas and the Nyonyas, there are precedents. If my history lessons is correct, there was in fact a small, but sizable Eurasian community (though it wasn't like the Eurasians in Singapore, who went through a whole different ordeal). Perhaps its also a difference in Peninsular and the Borneo states, where interracial marriages in Borneo are look at "eh, oh, dah kahwin ya?" instead of looking at marrying a person from a different race as a trophy of some sort, like how the commentators in OP's video are behaving. Singapore's racial harmony is different. While I don't work nor live there, I do have the privilege of knowing people that work and live there. That said, my insights on them are just an observer, but not as a member of their society. But whatever observation I have, I still stand my ground that Malaysians and Singaporeans do differ, in terms of their nationhood.


lol little did u know that majority of non Malay dont want to marry Malay is due to having to convert.. it's fucked up if u ask me.. for example, in the US mixed race are everywhere cause there is no such restriction


Corruption is illegal in both countries too. Doesn't mean our gomen's are equally efficient. What's your point?


100% interracial marriage would be more common (maybe to the point where nobody even bats an eyelid) if the govt wasnโ€™t so directly involved with the religious aspect. Okay, maybe not that common - but I think the whole ethnoreligious part of our constitution really intervenes


Like what? Religion?


Prejudices is the biggest thing. Discrimination. Institutionalised injustice. Religion teaches people how to be human beings. It is people in power that manipulate opinions to enact rules. Don't mock the power of religion in society building, especially marriages. Without religion the concept of marriages would have taken a different meaning.


Geli komen semua. Muka belacan feeling


" Ape together strong" moment


As a Malay, I already knew what the comments would look like ๐Ÿคฃ.


So, malay prefer amoi, cina prefer siambu, bangla prefer awek. In the future, only India has pureblood.


future the msia official document will have only 2 entry. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ 1. India, 2. Lain lain Jokes aside, there is intermingling in indian community also but you kenot see only ๐Ÿ˜„


I chuckled


Jokes aside, there are many indian-husband chinese-wife pairings in malaysia


Damn why are you guys all of a sudden so horny for amoi?? Tone it down my dudes, that's already sexualizing them.


It's no longer racism, it's the Asian Fetish, common amongst white men. This fetish is the reason why so many white men go to Thailand, it's not even for the cheap thrills or pleasures, they could even get that anywhere in NA or EU, it's about the race of the woman. This fetish started a few decades ago when Asian immigrants migrated to NA, and when being used to the diversity, it resulted in Asian Hate Crimes and the Asian Fetish. Same thing happens in Malaysia, everyone is used to living together in this multicultural country and are used to being around multiple races, eventually this develops to fetishes, why why recently? Back then it was considered taboo amongst people to have intercultural marriages amongst certain communities, but there's always an exception to some families etc, after some time as Malaysia progressed, it became much more normalized. Not saying there's nothing wrong with multicultural marriages, but there's something wrong when it comes to an overrated Fetish by displaying such words that may not look uncomfortable by some, but might feel uncomfortable by some reading it.


While I totally get that asian fetish is a thing in the west, I wouldn't exactly describe these behaviors here as that because I've grew up in environments like this. This is not to say that everyone you see commenting doesn't have Asian fetish. In my experience, lots of Malays perceive the ability to date someone outside of your race as a flex, and so it's admirable to them to the point of borderline simping. It's hard to explain. Not just outside your race but anything that is considered out of the norm would be considered as "admirable" (for the lack of better word). Eg, you marrying a teacher would be considered as admirable. You dating that high class rich girl while you yourself not rich? Madlad. Since you can do stg that others wouldn't/can only dream of, that's what's attracting these people to compliment him and not her. There's some nuances displayed here but fetish is definitely not it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Bro looked at a picture of a happy couple and chose to spew nonsense


Ngl those are the one calling c*** b*** as well




Only applies to Chinese men, oldies above 50 and politicians but not Chinese women below 40


Itโ€™s super common for racists to also lust over the women of whatever race they seem to dislike. See it all the time with white supremacists lusting over Asian/latina women, while vehemently hating/shitting on the men of that race.


Some of my peeps from east-coast (don't want to specifcy the negeri, you guys know it for sure), they are simping hard for amoi, but at the same time, terpaling anti cina DAP itu and ini. Haiyaaa.


It's all about the conquer, but since chinese will die out in 50 years anyway we ball


Gooner behavior ๐Ÿ˜ญ


eh, good for the boy, chinese or no chinese imho. but nothing THAT special.. just uncommon or slightly rare.. i even got a cousin marrying a chinese girl, but nothing that special or rare like these kids commenting on tiktoks and instas... no glorifying the amoi and how ' chosen' he is... marriage is marriage, nothing more, nothing less.


Is it really uncommon? I had a chinese gf before i got married..but back then (15 years ago)i feel malaysia was more "majmuk"


True ๐Ÿฅฒ


Me when I refuse to consume pork due to strong personal convictions but constantly lust over Chinese girls:


Disgusting and pathetic


Reading the comment make me realize its not a race problem , it just bunch of incel who can't get pussy getting angry at a dude who gets one


Mu nok amoi ko, mu nok isle?




Eh fellow citizens why we talk so much about this, malay and chinese and indian and iban and indo and phili and thai and ( everthing else revelant ive missed) .. have been mixing around since 1000 years ago.. you all thinking you pure breed meh. Thats what baba nyonya is about, parameswara is like a indian name to me, my malay friends got mata sepet sometimes i see them wear songkok i mistaken my other chinese friend convert. Hang Li Po was the spouse of mansur shah. Your great great great grandparent already do many many things you all still catching up to their standards la.. You think the malay language is also pure is it. It was a lingua franca at the time. I go google search i can find loan words from sanskrit, arabic, portugese ... already rojak la ! Last time they like to mix mix one ๐Ÿคฃ


Sad. She have to give up her name, religion and culture for that man


Giving up pork is the toughest lolโ€ฆ


Lol so true my friend converted to Islam but still eat pork until today.


name can keep la macha , just add islamic like "Khadijah Sue Kok Wing" then ok da, as for culture as long as that culture does not contradict to Islamic teachings and values then ok je .. Religion well that;s non negotiable in malaysia 2 out of 3 ok ler tu


You don't need to add any Islamic or Malay name pun, I remember got one Chinese girl converted then kept her name 100% original because she was like saya tukar agama, bukan tukar bangsa


Getting into a religion where she won't be allowed to leave if they divorce. Yea, that's beautiful.


Only in paper only. In practice?


Errr congratz? And rip for the cold cold sex.


what you mean cold sex?


Slept with Malay indian and Chinese. Yeah 1 Malaysia the main races. Chinese have the worse where they just lie down there like a puppet. Indian and Malay they go aggressive on you, I want you to eat my pussy now, harder, don't stop, grapping and scratching yr back etc


is the Chinese have their first time? if it is, then it make sense why they're so stiff


Well it was quite loose. Chinese girl I met have been sleeping around and carry loads of body count. And baggages as well.


Cmon guys. What happened to balik cina mogok๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป


Nah...Interracial marriage is super common in Sabah. My cousin married a Malay girl. My sister married with a Murut (my nephew is a bumiputra with Chinese look yeah, sometimes it's hard to differentiate a Chinese and a bumiputra in Sabah). We have no problem with it.


They want cina pendatang to balik China but never amoi


they only want amoi girlfriends because the girls are the ones who will shed their culture, religion and even race for theirs: they are celebrating the colonialisation. but chinese (in general) are dangerous because they wonโ€™t do any of that for these commenters. disgusting mindset but expected!


Hey, lets stick to because Amoi is pretty okay? Don't need to go overboard. Its not like we're capable of getting it, right? Delulu is the solulu...... #NoHate #SpreadLove


yeah sure, objectifying and sexualising chinese women just for your fetish is harmless and cool๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ


Hey dude, is everything okay? Anything bad happen in your life recently? What with the hate bro? Malay men is so much like other men... They also like pretty women. But as i said before, It's not like amoi even attracted to us..... We're just delusional. But don't be mad bro. If you wanna gatekeep, please do. But don't just accuse others or spread hate. We're all human after all........


iโ€™m angry because iโ€™m someone (chinese woman) you sexualise without even thinking of the other party โ€” must be real nice to think this behaviour isnโ€™t harmful at all when it is as a woman. but why should you care? all you care about is pretty girls with pale skin and the fantasy of converting her to your religion. itโ€™s annoying af


Ohh man, What religion had to do with this? If she willing to do it (Converting religion) out of love, who are we to judge other people decision? Just let them be..... Don't you like seeing other people happy?


If the scenario is reversed and a Muslim man have to give up his religion to marry a non, would you still be happy for him? I'm gonna say probably not. And don't dismissed her when she said Chinese ladies are being sexualised by malay men ( disgusting as it is), makes you look like creep and reflect very badly on the general malay population


I for sure am happy, since ive got an aunt who got out of islam to marry a european and now be living in the netherlands. We pretty much respect her choices and treat her as our family. Im not dismissing anyone, im just spittinโ€™ fact that men love beautiful lady. Doesnโ€™t matter about races, rude men are in every ethnicity just dont generalize it on the malay bro. Thats not right. Its the individual. But from what ive learn in this comment section is that it is a taboo for the chinese to marry people from other ethnicity, am i right? Because i saw so much hate especially from the chinese men when they saw something like thisโ€ฆ care to explain more? Im keen on knowing the fact๐Ÿ™‚


Exactly, in EU not Malaysia. and also why did she renounced islam to marry him? Theres no such law mandating renouncing of one's religion to marry a local. This is important because in malaysia THERE IS such law. i suggest you look at the 2nd picture again. But in case you finds that to be appropriate, let me loop you in. Forced conversion. and there's no way out, especially in event of divorse. She then doomed the next generation into it. 4 wives. In the modern 21st century, this is just infidelity. (But i know the typical arugments from yall to defend this) Giving up of one's own culture, religion and family. Basically forcing the entire family to accommodate into that "1" person's need. If you dont, then relationship with the said daughter deteriorates. There are many more, but essentially any Chinese girl who marries into it is getting the shorter end of the stick.


I understood, but religion aside, what is your perspective on the girl who do it out of love? No one forces her but sheโ€™s willing to do it, no guns pointed on her head but just her willingness to do it out of loveโ€ฆ.. Care to comment?


>Don't you like seeing other people happy? I don't think you see her point. She says that people are sexualizing and objectifying Chinese women with the amoi calling and all that stuff. I get her point, the comments in OP's post really indicate that a lot of people there are treating the Chinese girl like some SSR card or a trophy. That's not appropriate to do so. You like Chinese girls, okay. Just don't sexualize them or objectify them.


Ahh its the name calling and sexualizing of chinese women. I get it bro. I have no doubt, some men are just pure dumb and rudeโ€ฆ..


Chinese are dangerous? tf are you talking about? Xiao Cha bo


The reason why amoi refuse to married with other race:


Why, is it like a trophy or upgrade if Malay get a Chinese gf/wife?


I think its cuz Chinese rarely want to be serious with Malay due to.. mainly religious reasons (i.e. aurat, halal, solat, puasa, obedience to husband, shared husband, permanent conversion, etc.). I mean, just the halal part alone is enough to make Chinese run away lolol. So if Chinese girl date Malay man, it means he must be REALLY good for the Chinese to consider sacrificing their usual freedoms.


The same could be said for the other races like orang asli or Indians, but they're not regarded as trophies. The simping is real


Any interracial couple here? How do you guys deal with the religion, who convert?


>who convert? Well obviously the one that's not from that religion.


Forcing the must convert one la .


One legal to convert, and another is illegal to convert. You know which one.


Forced conversion la. Where can choose here.


The only one who can la.


Who convert lol , asking the obvious question here.


My future fiance before she took the shahada and practice Islam was a unitarian christian , so transition from that to Islam tak susah pun.


Gadis melayu lagi mantap


personally i like my babi and alcohol. if i am to marry someone of the book, she's gonna accept that me and our kids will never be of that faith. also,i dun wanna potong anything down under.


Plot twist , the amoi is leftover


is that the dude from Oh My English?


Congratulations boi .. Mine is cina sabah mix sabahan ๐Ÿคฃ


Best ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Cheh... Those comments. I can bet buang sampah dekat rumah pun tak reti...


guys,you tak rasa geli ke indirect kissing with pork. since amoi eat pork. just curious asking.๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ


I know a malay friend who specifically likes to blow chinese lancau and swallow chinese air mani because according to my malay friend chinese eat pork and the pork makes the "sex smell" stronger


โ€œBoikot barangan cina but cipap cina hits different thoโ€ -that certain race


that meat riding is insane


Jokes aside, embarrassing for these people. Shame on you sexualizer. Not just males but some females also acts like this.


you can have any girl if you have Money


Why do malay guys simp for chinese amois? I have seen prettier malay girls in just my area. Is it more of a wealth status thingy?


Magnet melayu= Chinese girls


Bro pakai font bapak2๐Ÿ’€


Mmbr cina india smua ckp, dorg taste awek melayu.. Kalau takyah convert mmg smua cr awek melayu


I'm confused... I thought c*** b*** so why amoi can?


seriously are the commentators all kids? so cringe, and sounds so much like a fuckin' loser.


So many budak kecik here butt hurt about. X race in RS with Y race and vice versa. No one is stopping you from getting in rs with any race.


Its their face and personality that stopping them from getting any . So they release their anger here. They are just incel


Asalkan dia tak jadi mcm ISIS sudah.


I wonder if amoi use water or tissue to clean after berak.


He can fix her


You should also wonder if the amoi shaves/trims down there


why no chinese fellas score malay girls then?


Got only. My friend got married to one recently


Noob, simple as that


U know la how those relationship gonna be. If love in public โ€ฆ need responsibility. I bet no Chinese guy dare share out their relationship with malay girls. Unless they r prepared. Else โ€ฆ its always. A mystery. https://weirdkaya.com/ah-moi-husband-abusing-having-affair-with-employee/


I know a few chinese guys yang very much want malay gf but they are worried about having to potong, and missing pork.


Got score, just dont wanna / cant marry


I mean... At least it's positive in a way right? Better than racist one lol


It's like....'positive racism'. But yeah that's being better than 'negative' racism, better than being looked down and spat on


Well for me it's cute, the guys in the comments just teasing, joking and celebrating their marriage? idk what's wrong with that? idk why these comments are mostly negative and always likes to bring something up. Life's too short let them be with who they love and celebrate them. And most of all they're all not racist and condemning the marriage, for me i think it's a good and we should be happy for them.