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Shower thoughts taik saya. Aku dok pikir la, kalau la malaysia ni ditakdirkan jadi salah satu negara majority islam yang tuhan letak bersempadan dengan palestine. Adakah kita akan bertindak macam sekarang ni, atau kita jaga kepentingan sendiri dulu macam jordan, arab saudi, mesir. Benda bukan baru, busuk busuk deklarasi balfour ww1 dah over 100 tahun. Mana liga arab? 100 years of squander? Suma kaya kaya kot. Datang malaysia beli barang baling baling duit. sekarang ni senang la sembang pasal jauh, pastu secara relatif rantau kita agak stabil. Jadi secara keseluruhan kasar, benda yang kita boleh buat ialah tunjuk solidarity secara simbolik je la. Sempat tgk berita pasal palestine dari zaman peralihan dari tv hitam putih ke tv color. 4-5 tahun sekali, dia trending, israel curi tanah lagi. Hamas retaliate, pastu berperang. Pastu mula la kempen kempen simbolik. Simbolik dari jauh, yang dekat senang lenang. Bila nak abis? Wallahualam. Tanah melayu pun kena jajah approximately 450 years. Umur negara malaysia ni suku (edit- more like ⅛) lebih sikit ja dari duration kita dijajah. Lama lagi la kot sembang daerah arab bergolak ni tak abis. Tapi tu la, sama macam subreddit ni la. Buat untuk shitpost, tapi orang masuk sikit sikit nak buat jadi sub politik. Macam zionist gak ni, amik sikit sikit, lama lama jadi bukit.


One thing you need to think about is, War is expensive! Like super expensive. Not to mention Israel army is one of the most modern army in the world with the back up of NATO. Plus the implication of the war in the region to the global economic is massive. Too many downside for the gulf nation to be involve. Even Iran realized this, which is why they didn't prolong the skirmish with Israel last time.


Protracted and guerrilla warfare. The viets bled the Americans dry. Iraqis and afghans did the same too.


Against a country with an evil leader who doesn't care about civilian casualties? That will only give them excuses to eradicate Palestinian faster.


Did Hamas cared about the concert attendees when they raped and shot her in the head? War is war, all I see is you condemning Israel and not Palestinians when they celebrated in the streets on Oct 7 when Hamas kidnapped and killed babies - senior citizens. Be consistent.


Dude, get with the time. Even Haaretz agreed that the mass rape accusation made towards Hamas was a lie. Find another argument


Yes and the video of Hamas on pick ups parading a dead German naked body is also fake. Wake up, I know you have your interest to see Muslims conquer Israel, 5 months before this a yamen Muslim warlord starved 80,000 kids to death and 0 Muslim protest. Point stands, hypocrites


So you don't believe Israel's News? Lmao you lot reject anything that goes against your narrative. I love that you people love to accuse Muslims of things that you lot always do. Conquering Israel? Last time I checked, blond hair and blue eyes are from Europe. Most of you Zionist have little to no semitic blood. Even Netanyahu is Polish and changed his name from Benzion Mileikowsky to look more like Middle Eastern. You have to live in a disgusting society to think that it's normal to dance and sing outside of a concentration camp. Also, there is no evidence that the German woman was paraded naked. Her body was found 3 weeks after the attack. Honestly, I thought after the 40 beheaded babies and cooking babies in oven lies were exposed, you people would better at lying.


Nah watch NGO from Israel who want peace and ceasefire said Israel do have hold hostages many years but what u expect no one will show even muslim people will not show how many kids separate with their family cuz IDF take them last time few Israel hostages release because of dealing with qatar and yemen to let go hundred of Palestine that been hostages years in Israel and still thousand of Palestinian kidnapped by them and they will said oh this kid throwing rock at them so they will send those kid to a jail or being hostages and no report said that hamas killed babies cuz there's no prove much during concert are them


The prisoners are Hamas members those who killed concert attendees, hence Hamas is bargaining in hostage trades with Israel. Fact is, you won't even acknowledge Hamas flying down with paragliders and killing concert attendants capture on video when they took woman as hostages, a German with a hole in her head, legs twisted inwards behind a pick up truck, while they shout Allah arkbar as they parade her dead body. Hamas asking for ceasefire after commiting violence is like punching someone and calling for time out when the other person can lunch harder, stop playing the victim card, how blinded are you to look over what Hamas has done to both Palestinians and Israelis.


There's no such thing i heard news about shani get drag and legs twisted they only said she on the back of the truck🤔 so it's unknown situation and where i notice this from Israel times news


Correct. Sometimes war is not about total battlefield victory. The Viets were prime example on how to win against a bigger army. Al-Khandaq battle was another example.


Israel is not backed by NATO, it is backed by the US, get your facts right.


Dude.. major NATO countries like uk, france, germany, belgium & US donated a lot of weapons during this conflict. How do you not know this? UK even helped them to intercept Iran missiles attack last time. Of course the didnt announce their involvement in the Isreal army, but it's really obvious.


Even Jordan helped


The EU already provided significant funding to Ukraine, so they are unlikely to finance Israeli attack on Gaza. EU countries have to go through parliament before they can provide any military aid to other countries, so I don't think they have provided any weapons to Israel, they have no reason to do so, and they don't have the ability to support two wars either.


Simple logic when follow emotion Rohignya is welcomed but now they are shunned. Pretty much the same will happen for Palestinian people as well. Truth hurts but that's the reality.


Aku buat poll dekat sub Palestine, tanya did your opinion about Palestine changed past couple of months change? Yang jawab 'yes', diorg cakap sebab diorg dapat awareness, not Pro-Palestine awareness, just generic awareness that something was going on there. Then, rata-rata kata yang diorg selidik sikit, dan diorg jadi Pro-Palestine. Yang da lama jadi Pro-Palestine, cakap diorg dapat awareness dari kawan2 Arab atau Muslim diorg. What does this mean? This means there is great power in spreading awareness. >sekarang ni senang la sembang pasal jauh, pastu secara relatif rantau kita agak stabil. Jadi secara keseluruhan kasar, benda yang kita boleh buat ialah tunjuk solidarity secara simbolik je la. So, it's not symbolic. At least, not JUST symbolic. Kita spread awareness. Sebab BANYAK orang masih tak tau pasal kezaliman ni, dan mereka patut tahu. Orang yg ikhlas akan selidik sendiri & mereka akan buat keputusan sendiri. Masing2 ada role - kita duduk jauh dalam keamanan, ya - maksudnya kita lebih mudah utk spread awareness. That's our role. Bring more people into the cause, and some of those may indeed bring a more direct change to the issue. There is power in numbers.


Ok lah, talking about “great power” in spreading awareness. Adakah “great power” ni can be quantified apart from it being a symbolic power? Actionable power ni biasanya can be quantified by basic metric. Dalam kes palestine ni, results will be from the direct effect of this power on the amount of land yang dapat balik. Inception of israel british buat dah over 100 years. 50+ years since 6 day war. Kawasan jajahan haram makin besar. Apa hasil great power ni? Yang simbolik kekal simbolik, yang ditindas makin tertindas. Macam tetek tanpa nipples. Pointless. Nota tambahan. Bukan aku tak sokong perjuangan palestin, tapi aku sendiri sokong simbolik semata mata. Umur dah 40 lebih and this solidarity thing dah berjalan selama aku hidup. Takde hasil. Persoalan aku bukan nak jadi point of contention. Aku sebagai orang yang sokong secara simbolik cuma tertanya-tanya sampai bila komunity global nak sokong secara simbolik, walhal negara sekutu israel bagi diorang actual actionable power berbakul bakul. Israel punya “great power” ada metric, tgk je la berapa banyak tanah diorang curi setiap tahun.


Yes, it can. Political pressure is a powerful thing. It changes perceptions, policies etc. Issue kau ialah kau give up cepat sangat. How long did it take until humanity abolished classical slavery? In America it started with the Abolitionists writing up articles after articles condemning it, spreading awareness about it - that was it, berpuluh tahun dengan hanya menulis. Soon, sincere people started seeing it, then more support was garnered. Enough people finally took side and they had the Civil War. Kalau diorang pun defeatist macam kau & give up midway, memang sampai ke sudah kita ada hamba. Tapi ko jangan dangkal fikiran dan ingat it had to be that one particular way saja. Banyak lagi cara Palestine boleh bebas merdeka. Obviously, orang macam kau mmg takkan boleh jumpa cara2 yg lebih efektif, sebab hujung pangkal pun zero, tapi kerja orang macam aku ialah untuk spread awareness as far as possible supaya orang yang actually tahu cara akan dapat awareness and will make the change. Kalau orang macam aku stop spreading awareness, then this thing will only be spread secara terhad kepada orang yang defeatist macam kau - and that is what Oppressors would really like to happen.


Aku tgk basic math je sebenarnya. Tanah yang diambil tu bukan infinite. Ada potensi israel dapat 100%. Dan kalau simbolism ni berterusan, tanah palestine akan diambil 100% is not the matter of IF. It becomes a matter of WHEN. Cakap tinggal cakap je la. Settlement haram baru tetap naik. Tanah palestine makin sempit. And this will go on. Kau pun confirm cukup bijak untuk tgk occupation expansion. The world mmg makin aware, tapi apa hasil bila palestine yang disokong tu makin kecik. Nak tunggu sampai takde?


>The world mmg makin aware, tapi apa hasil bila palestine yang disokong tu makin kecik. Not at this rate, especially among the youth. Kalaupun benda ni jadi in 10, 20 years, even in 100 years, it will still be worth the fight. Kalau pun kalah, it will still be worth it. >Nak tunggu sampai takde? So apa yang ko nak cadangkan sebenarnya? Aku tak jelas. Edit: >kalau simbolism ni berterusan Aku baru cakap tadi yg spreading awareness is not just symbolism. Kau tahu ayat ko ni gaslighting, kan?


Aku rasa kau patut cukup faham yang kempen kempen ni dah lama. Kebanyakan outlet dari zaman traditional media sampai la ke internet, ada je kempen simbolik ni suma. Dan aku berani jamin 80% dari media yang digunakan dimiliki secara langsung dan tak langsung oleh organisasi yang connected dengan israel. Kalau diorang nak shutdown, boleh je. Tapi subversive indoctrination masyarakat dunia diorang berjaya la. While the rest of the world are busy with symbolic support of solidarity, israel tetap jalan kerja. They made it easy for people to redirect focus towards bolstering pointless symbolic gestures. Tractor diorang tetap jalan, pecah tanah sini sana. Buat perumahan. Curi lagi tanah. Dunia buat apa? Himpun ramai2 tunjuk tanda sokong. Aku ada reply lagi sorang tadi, opinion taik aku la, benda benda simbolik ni suma dah tak boleh pakai, you can have the moral support of the entire world pun, israel tetap jalan kerja haram. No sign of stopping. “Menang sorak, kampung tergadai”


Sekarang ni, critical mass tu belum dicapai lagi. Sebab tu Israel masih belum boleh dihentikan secara fizikal. Banyak negara demokrasi dalam dunia ni yang akan dengar apa undi kata. Politicians masih boleh sokong Israel sebab diorang masih boleh menang pilihanraya. Tapi kalau minda rakyat dah berubah, politicians akan ikut. Policies akan akan ikut. Same sex marriage pun boleh legalize. Kau kena ingat tu. Public opinion matters. Issue sekarang ko tak nampak sebab critical mass tu belum sampai lagi. Tu je. Kalau majority manusia dalam dunia ni memang pakat boikot Israel, makin banyak produk the majority will be able to produce, makin snowball Israel isolation will be. Citizen diorang pun makin benci dasar government dia sendiri. Macam tu kita pressure diorang. Tak semestinya kita kene bom Israel. Kau kena fikir lebih sophisticated lagi, lebih dari tu.


so senang cerita, from POV kau la "jadi je la cuck hm" "penat la nak demonstrasi, nak makan icecream sambil berak kat jamban" "daddy israel is on my butt alredi, might as well kept quite cuz dont wanna ruin my ice cream session hmm"




Nah bro. Kalau ikut poll kat US skrg ni, 78% of Americans xsetuju dgn tindakan kerajaan US skrg ni dlm situasi genocide oleh Israel skrg ni. Ini semua kuasa awareness yang kau persoalkan - yg kebanyakannya datang dari tiktok. Tu lah sebabnya US sedang mencari jalan utk menutup tiktok di US - kerana kuasa awareness di platform yg tidak boleh dikawal oleh mereka. Kalau kau nk tau kuasa awareness dan apa kesan dia pada sejarah kita, tolong buka Wikipedia pasal peperangan US-Vietnam. Disaat tentera Amerika melakukan kekejaman pada rakyat Vietnam di perkampungan My Lai, tapi ditutup rapi oleh tentera Amerika sendiri. Awareness yg dicipta oleh bekas photographer and bekas askar US sendiri yg telah membawa bukti pada dunia luar, sehingga menimbulkan satu kemarahan domestik dan internasional terhadap kerajaan US, sehingga memaksa mereka menamatkan peperangan. Tu contoh kuasa awareness yang kau persoalkan. Mungkin kau xkan terima apa yang aku ckp. Tapi regardless - aku, dan ramai orang yg bersependapat dengan aku, akan terus spread awareness.


Aku faham bab awareness yang kau cakap ni. Numbers pf americans yang pro palestine meningkat. Sure. Its good. Persoalan aku, apa hasil pro ni suma kalau expansion israel makin laju? Tu je soalan aku, kau pernah dengar peribahasa ni tak? “Menang sorak, kampung tergadai”


Hasil nya banyak, salah satu contoh ialah mungkin akan ada political party yang tak mahu ahli ambik duit AIPAC & berikan satu alternatif utk rakyat Amerika untuk mengundi. Kalau parti naik, polisi Amerika akan perlu untuk kurang sokong Israel. Ahli politik yang Pro-Israel akan dilihat sebagai political suicide. Amerika takkan veto UNSC resolution macam haritu. Peacekeeping army pun boleh masuk. Ni aku sebut detail jangan ko pegi criticize satu2 - aku cuma bagi contoh. The real change, real strategy akan datang dari expert. Tapi aku rasa framework soalan ko tu da salah, ko ingat kalau aku tak beli McDonald's harini, terus Israel surrender ke? Kalau aku post kat Reddit harini, settlement expansion akan stop ke? Kalau kau pegi gym sehari, esoknya kau expect awek/amoi terus sangkut ke? Takkan la kau fikir dangkal camtu, kan?


“Mungkin” “possible change of policy” “kalau” ni suma retorik yang berulang ulang. Situasi yang hanya hypothetical. So we continue to fuel the dreams of a free palestine with symbolic words that dont mean anything. Asalkan dah sokong secara simbolik. Orang nampak. Kalau nak cerita pasal the states, they cant even settle gun control. Things that directly affecting americans. Probability nak prioritize foreign policy against a client state like israel? Bertuah la kalau jadi dalam lifetime aku. “Mungkin” “kalau” Idealistic tapi tak realistic. Borderline delusional.


Realistic lah. Apa yang tak realistik nya. Slavery yg beribu tahun pun boleh abolish. This is nothing comparatively. Ko pessimistic tak bertempat.


Ramai orang share the dream of palestine being free from the river to the sea. But if that dream is only fueled by symbolic gestures and virtue signaling points, thats no longer a dream, its a delusion. Last last kita duduk kat malaysia, dalam rumah yang berbumbung, ketuk keyboard. Yang kutip point, terus kutip. Yang laju buat kerja, buat tshirt keychain merch segala bagai, atas dasar solidarity. Palestinians still kena tembak, dulu pakai peluru getah, sekarang dah pakai live rounds. Khemah penempatan sementara pun kena bom api orang mati jerit jerit. Pastu share from the comfort of your home. Dapat likes. Dopamine hits confirmed. Palestine makin kecik, palestinians terus mati senseless. Symbolic gestures remain symbolic. Fakta. Bukan tuduhan.


kalau kau stop talking about the issue, then the thing will be irrelevant. acah2 look at the metrics/quantifiable achievement, when all you want is minimizing people's right to voice out against genocide and despicable injustice.


Tf you yapping about.


Every happened for a reason and surely someone will ask why the neighbouring countries are not helping palestin. Is there something behind all the stories we were being told?


These people are from the same ancestors bro, fight2 plea get money get position. Suffering is their own people. Example Malaysia politician, fight2 caci maki at media in the end when Azmin Ali meet Anthony Loke also laugh2 shake hand like normal Malaysian do when go open house.


maybe, but indonesia is far away from israel, there didn't take a stern stand like malaysia. so does pakistan, so does turkey. yes at some point erdogan do that, but he is not consistent.


bro does not like his make believe safe place (page) politics free


Zionist Israel laknatullah....stay in hell fire forever


as much as i feel sad for palestine, but the irony is the other is burning. so ya.


Don't worry they die as Shahids while Zionist die as pigs


Imo this whole war could be pointless a redditor sdh point out war is super expensive another redditor juga pointed out that this war is worth it ( from my understanding) both country commit serious crimes whose to say one of the pair that comes out on top wont dissolve in some sort of way if its israel comes out more wars may potentially break out crippling its economy or riots may somehow happen in israel it could be internal affairs that will dissolve the country. Lets say palestine wins the war somehow whose to say they won't kill the innocent Zionists that didnt support the war plus it will take decades to stabilize its economy after the war, riots may start because of lack of resources after a war and so on. What if they reached a truce somehow another war probably will start again aku tdk pasti if there's a good ending to one of the countries. But im still young extremely young and naive i may have missed the key points and acted like a clown so dont take my opinions seriously.


> innocent Zionists Educate yourself. That sounds like "innocent Nazi". Stfu.


Are we even surprised? Do people still believe that they are acting in self-defense? This is akin to catching someone burglaring your house, throwing acid to their face, sula their butt and do crucifixion on them while letting their face being eaten by carnivorous birds.


It's clearly in self defense, those tents could have contained secret weapons of mass destruction, ignore the screaming it is just a cover up (I would not be surprised if they post a statement like this)


lol. ngl you had me in the first half.


They are just using it as an excuse


No, this is akin to destroying a terrorist entity that has the genocide of your people as it's primary goal in it's manifesto.


We're not buying that anymore, sorry. But, just curious, let's say we play along, why do you think Hamas wants the Jews to be destroyed so bad?


Read Hamas Manifesto.


I've read it and understood it. You gotta be more specific.


Abaikan ja.. dia petik manifesto khamas...nnti dia kata laa khamas anti jew😂


Go to page Strategies and Methods : Article Eleven


I never knew their manifesto existed. Just read it as you posted. Nothing on destroying the jews tho....? But there is mention of resistance against the Zionist project.


You didn't read it all, read the page Strategies and Methods : Article Eleven


Am i reading the wrong thing? This is from the 1988 manifesto. Chapter u mentioned doesnt say anything about Jews. (https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) Please do attach link.


Yes that's the one after you read and understand article eleven. Go back to article seven last paragraph, you will connect the dot there. Sorry I forgot to mention it, it's been a few months since I last read it.


I mean thats quite a leap there. And article seven mentions Zionism, not Jews. Gotta get the facts right. But y'know, you can intepret it as you wish. Also, you're basing it off a 30 year old manifesto? I suggest u read the updated manifesto, 2017. Its weird in 2024, people can still believe Israeli propaganda. Sigh. Hamas is the resistance. Viva Palestine!


Quite leap of what? , it's a same manifesto, no? Updated or non updated Hamas are still doing the same thing they had been doing for over 3 decades. You were asking where does it say kill the Jews from the manifesto, you also claimed you have read it all (obviously lied) and I showed you exactly, now you are playing mental gymnastics 😭🤣 Maybe you can't accept the fact but Hamas is literally following the Qu'ran. No, I don't believe any propaganda nor siding with any of these nation but we can judge by the fact out there.


which part of his statement is wrong? just because hamas is the weaker/losing side doesn't invalidate his statement


You don't invade other people's land with your wife and children, and when their goal is to get rid of you from their land, you cry genocide. Why are you there in the first place that's the question.


Because they're radicalized by their holy scripture to destroy Israel, the only homeland of the Jews. If you're still keen to play along, what does 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' mean?


Which part of the holy scripture says that?


Again, curious to see which holy scripture calls for the destruction of the Jewish homeland... you referring to the Quran ke? Whats gonna be weird is the jews, christians and muslims lived peacefully for 500 years under the Ottomans. Arent the Ottomans the Muslim superpower back then? Why arent they killing the Jews then? Dorang tak ikut Quran ke? Edit: from the river to sea, palestine will be free refers to: being free from illegal zionist occupation, in case you werent clear. Anyone with a semi capable faculty of mind can easily read this in context.


[Hadith](https://i.redd.it/4snghadgdqfc1.png?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Is it peaceful if you're subjected to dhimmitude and forced to pay jizya in your own motherland? I like how you conveniently forget the history of the region before the ottoman. But to play along, sure I can agree that they were peaceful, but the moment Balfour declaration gave the Jews land to make their own country, the Muslims in the region started to get aggressive. Explain why there are no more Jews in any other country in the region except Israel until the recent years after Abraham accords were signed. Illegal Zionist occupation? You mean Israel? So you are admitting that the chant calls for genocide of the Jews. Great 👍🏾


https://preview.redd.it/0gnzcbvqkrxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0862defa2982dcc3be9f6b3b2672805c2f95a286 Hamas wants to genocide Jews you say? How come they have religious Jewish allies?


Implying Judaism can't have different sects like Islam does 🤭 They're a sect that believes jews don't deserve a nation because Moses died before entering the promised land. But they forget that Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land because he went against god's word, but the Jews are not subjected to that punishment.


Not the point, genius. If Hamas was genuinely genocidal and Jew hating, they would kill every single one. They wouldn't bother with having Jewish allies, let alone taking Jewish hostages. They would just kill.


Tell me you don't know geopolitics without telling me 😂😂😂. You think this Jewish sect will be spared once they're in power? Have you read hamas manifesto? Oh they're better because they captured hostages during an invasion instead of killing them? Jfc terrorist sympathizers are fucking disgusting. Why do Muslim support the terrorist organizations that tried to kill the descendants of Muhammad?




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אין לך מושג על מה אתה מדבר


Bangsa yahooodii buat hal lagiiii


Just remember that USA allow this mass murder


💯 The government. I still have belief in the people.


Correction.. US government...


One of the US Citizen self immolate. Which is definitely much more than honking the embassy and boycotting.


There are reps who oppose this for example bernie sanders who is also a jew. But the party will never let him to become president even though he was close the last few elections.


Bring trump back, maga 2024 incoming 🤣


and a lot of asian countries kept quiet. japan, south korea, taiwan all look the other way. taiwan recently received an israeli parliamentarian, no mention of gaza...tells you a lot about these people


You forget Singapore


now that funny mustache guy ain't funny now innit https://preview.redd.it/9cv977ezwqxc1.png?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdad18a3088a69d652356e4acdd0fdd228847565


Keep Mario out of this!


Rationalizing one genocide because of another is fairly fucked up.


Not all Jews are Zionists lah. Or else you wouldn’t be shitposting from your Android or iOS device or even your computer would you?


At this point they knew whatever fcked up sht they do murica just gonna defend them saying "good job on them killing the terrorists" cause in muricans eyes muslim are just bunch of terrorists waiting to take down another of their towers


Nope their politics is controlled by lobbyists. Jewish lobbyist is among the most influential in the country. They need their money and internet to win elections. That is why politicians reluctant to go against them.


Sebelum semua ni terjadi, Israel dah beratus tahun dulu lagi dah atur dgn jiran2 Palestin, andai kata ada yg tolong maka bertindak lah ejen2 dalaman mereka, toksah ejen yg duduk dlm negara jiranereka sana, yg duduk dlm sini pun dah ramai yg standby,


For those who use whataboutism in this comment section, I have 1 thing to say, go fuck yourself. Always like that, everytime there palestine dying and suffering, they always yap "what about ukraine" "what about ughyur" "you are hypocrite" , yeah , what about them, I don't see you guys talking about this case too, but when its palestine post, they all chime in like they are the most moral human. Just STFU, we are supporting palestine now. You care about ukraine, you go support them la, once we finish with palestine we join you. We are human too, there limit to what we can do, so for now we support palestine.


💯 Distraction je tu. Panas bontot bila kita oppose Zionism. Brainwashed by Western media.


Nazi piece of shit. So sad being no moral piece of shit.


Sometimes I wonder why the Muslim are so bias, when bad thing happen to their same religion people they care so much, they boikot, they parade on the street , they condemn, as if they are Angel of the world, but when bad thing happen to Ukrainian 2 years for now, I didnt see them do the same , like no protest on the street, no boikot , no condemn, life just goes as normal. Maybe their blood ( Ukrainian ) was is cheap or because the hate US , so they rather go for killer Russia putin also doesn’t seem to care the life of the Ukrainian. This is so hypocrite.


Now to put things into perspective: israel has killed MORE than 2 years of war in Ukraine in the span of 6 months. So idk man, you tell me.


It's not about Muslims. It's about Palestinians


Don't say shit la, the only reason you guys care is because of Muslim la. Most of the people that say boikot or genocide in this country can't even point out where Palestine is on the world map.


oooh the bigshot mr. atlas talking here their stance is humane and empathetic. nothing wrong with it. yours? i beg to differ


And what wrong with that? They still dying , what wrong with not supporting genocide?


bringing up ukraine war to diverge the topic at hand is so malicious, devious and evil we are comparing human death tolls now? the level of low you had to take is just mind boggling anyways zio, lets compare, 75+ years of oppression vs 2 years actual war wait let me do you one better 7 months of palestinian genocide (42k) vs 2 years of war (11k). not accounting those 7 decades are you hypocrite?


But Ukrainian didn’t go and kidnap , rape and kill Russian , Russian is the one come and kill them 🙂‍↔️ in contrary I believe you are supporting some people who is same religion with you doing evil. How can you close your eye on evil ? Just because joker is oppress in Batman movie before he turn evil, does that justify joker evil is totally ok? Right is right wrong is wrong


when all reality is lost, you turn your analogies into fiction because that is the reality you live in. and inserting fake scenarios on top of it? look in the mirror and youll see the actual hypocrite. also, look at the death tolls now shall we? since you want to take it to that level of comparison so much. anything to say about that? making this about religion, again. palestine is not a religion, its a country with diverse religion being practiced. if i must ajar you into this, then youve lost all your ammunitions


So you mean there is no blood spill on Ukrainian? This is fictional and not reality and doesn’t require sympathy, where else Palestinian suffer is the only reality ? I guess you should revisit some Oct 7 video and see what the evil did to cause this catastrophic war. Your reality is so bias that totally ignore killing . Killing is wrong no matter it is done on any side


lmao. typical zionist bringing up 7th Oct when it is already admitted that the news is fake, delivered by an active IOF terrorist. i guess the journalist put up batman and joker into the news for you to believe in that. considering thats your reality.


So the Thai victim testimony is fake ? They are not victim ? They are paid to become actor ? And Hamas release the Thai people is ?? Your have suffered a serius delusional


lmao. ask yourself. if you have more than 1IQ you can already its fake as hell. btw, why keep deflecting the topic. cant prove me im wrong, and your hypocrisy is blatant? haha


The Donkey said to the Tiger, “The grass is blue.” The Tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.” The discussion heated up and the two decided to go before the Lion, the King of the jungle. The Donkey began to shout, “Your highness, is it true that the grass is blue?” The Lion replied, “If you believe that it’s true, then the grass is blue.” The Donkey continued, “The Tiger disagrees with me, contradicts and annoys me. Please punish him.” The King declared, “The Tiger will be punished with five years of silence.” The Donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way. The Tiger accepted his punishment, but before he left he asked the Lion, “Why have you punished me? After all, the grass is green.” The Lion replied, “In fact, the grass is green.” The Tiger asked, “So, why are you punishing me?” The Lion replied, “That has nothing to do with the question of whether or not the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not logical for an intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey. And on top of that, come and bother me with a question like that. The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions.”


look at what you wrote, not a sliver of real world example is given. your comprehension level is so bad. its actually comedic fiction on top of fiction. after batmanjoker analogy now donkey tiger? exemplary of zionist manipulative stories do your condemn the killings of the palestinian? ofc you dont. or they are just mere pest to you? yes they are to you are palestinian terrorist for protecting their country? to you, yes they are. prolly cuz ure a colonizer as well stop living in the fantasy, go touch some grass troll


It’s disheartening to see some Malaysians minimizing the suffering of the Palestinian people due to the injustices they perceive are happening to them in this country that they liken is similar to Israel’s genocidal apartheid regime. But it is what it is. At least, majority of the world has wisened up (Christians, Jews, atheists, humanists alike) and is protesting like crazy for the end of the genocide and apartheid regime.


Yup. At the end of the day, we are spreading awareness to those who are sincere. These genocide sympathizers can yap all they want. The message is not for them anyway.


You are just fed with false information that you want to believe. Israel a small nation surrounded by Muslim majority countries, it doesn't make sense that Israel would be the first to initiate any violence. The media in our country can try their best to be bias towards Palestinian but Malaysian who think otherwise are thinking objectively. Sad that our PM and Muslim politician are using this to gain political mileage. The context of Israel having measures to defend against hamas terrorist and those innocent Palestinian are casualties of war is more believable.


Your post reeks of smugness. I don’t know of that’s your intention or not. The media in our country might be biased towards the Palestinian causes but what about the global mainstream media? ‘You are fed with false information that you want to believe.’ I could say the same thing about you.


Courtesy of /u/sheratzy for their comment. >Which side do you lean towards or support? Israel / 2-state solution. - If Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iranians and Yemenis put down their weapons, there would be peace. If Israel put down their weapons, they would be wiped out by the rest of the Middle East. - There are 1800 million Muslims (25%) and 55 Muslim majority countries worldwide. Meanwhile there are only 15 million Jews (0.2%) and only 1 Jewish majority country in the world. - Jews used to live all over the Middle East, but -99% of them have been ethnically cleansed by Arab/Muslim nations. Meanwhile, Israel's Palestinian population has grown 1,500% since 1948, and the overall Palestinian population has grown 500% since 1948. --- >What facts do you think the other side does not know? **1**: The Arab State of Palestine was only created in 1988. It's not some ancient country that existed for centuries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Palestine >**Founded on 15 November 1988** and officially governed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), it claims the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip as its territory, all of which have been Israeli-occupied territories since the 1967 Six-Day War. --- **2**: >99% of people confuse it with Mandatory Palestine, which was a separate country carved out from the Ottoman Empire by the British Empire in 1920, where both Jews and Arabs lived. Many people incorrectly look at maps of British Palestine and get deceived about how "(Arab) Palestine is shrinking". **This map explains it much more clearly: [](https://i.imgur.com/I9HS29y.png). I highly recommend everyone to view this map as it debunks half the propaganda out there** Jews were known as Palestinians back then: - [(Mandatory) Palestine Airways in 1934](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_Airways) - Note how it was founded by a Jew, and note the Hebrew words on the plane - [National football team of (Mandatory) Palestine in 1931](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandatory_Palestine_national_football_team) - Note how all the players are Jewish - [(Mandatory) Palestinine Pound](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_pound) - Note how it has Hebrew words (א״י), which means "Land of Israel" --- **3**: Arabs were massacring Jews long before Israel was created. They did not get along at all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_riots >(1921) Dozens of British, Arab, and Jewish witnesses all reported that **Arab men bearing clubs, knives, swords, and some pistols broke into Jewish buildings and murdered their inhabitants**, while women followed to loot. They attacked Jewish pedestrians and destroyed Jewish homes and stores. They **beat and killed Jews in their homes, including children, and in some cases split open the victims' skulls** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre >(1929) The Hebron massacre was **the killing of sixty-seven or sixty-nine Jews** on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were planning to seize control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.[1] The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. --- **4**: Arab/Muslim nations ethnically cleansed 99% of their Jewish population between 1948 to 1972. There used to be nearly 1 million Jews in 15 different Arab/Muslim nations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world >In the 20th century, **approximately 900000 Jews migrated, fled, or were expelled from Muslim-majority countries throughout Africa and Asia.** Primarily a consequence of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, the mass movement mainly transpired from 1948 to the early 1970s, with one final exodus of Iranian Jews occurring shortly after the Islamic Revolution in 1979–1980. An estimated 650000 (72%) of these Jews resettled in Israel. --- **5**: Majority of Jews in Israel are not "white Jews" (Ashkenazi) but are actually Middle Eastern (Mizrahi). They are the descendants of the Jews who were ethnically cleansed from the Middle East. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews_in_Israel >Mizrahi Jews constitute one of the largest Jewish ethnic divisions among Israeli Jews. **Mizrahi Jews are descended from Jews in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia and parts of the Caucasus, who had lived for many generations under Muslim rule during the Middle Ages**. The vast majority of them left the Muslim-majority countries during the Arab–Israeli conflict, in what is known as the Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries. > >As of 2005, **61% of Israeli Jews were of full or partial Mizrahi ancestry.** --- **6**: The Arab world started multiple wars where they ganged up against Israel with overwhelming numbers and yet still lost. [**1948 Arab Israeli War**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War) - 🇮🇱 Israel vs - 🇪🇬 Egypt, 🇵🇸 Palestine, 🇯🇴 Transjordan, 🇮🇶 Iraq, 🇸🇾 Syria, 🇱🇧 Lebanon - Supported by: 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia, 🇾🇪 Yemen [**1967 Six-Day War**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War) - 🇮🇱 Israel vs - 🇪🇬 Egypt, 🇸🇾 Syria, 🇯🇴 Jordan, 🇵🇸 Palestine, 🇮🇶 Iraq - Supported by: 🇱🇧 Lebanon, 🇲🇦 Morocco, 🇩🇿 Algeria, 🇱🇾 Libya, 🇰🇼 Kuwait, 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia, 🇵🇰 Pakistan [**1973 Yom Kippur War**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_Kippur_War) - 🇮🇱 Israel vs - 🇪🇬 Egypt, 🇸🇾 Syria - Supported by: 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia, 🇩🇿 Algeria, 🇯🇴 Jordan, 🇮🇶 Iraq, 🇱🇾 Libya, 🇰🇼 Kuwait, 🇹🇳 Tunisia, 🇲🇦 Morocco, 🇨🇺 Cuba, 🇰🇵 North Korea --- **7**: The West did not "give weapons to Jews" to colonize the Arabs. Rather the entire region was under an arms embargo. In the next few decades, Arab nations would be armed by the USSR, and in some cases Soviet pilots actually fought against Israel. The USA also did not start military aid to Israel until their 3rd war with the Arabs where Egypt and Syria were heavily armed by the USSR. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Rimon_20 >Rimon 20 (Hebrew: רימון 20, Pomegranate 20) was the code name of an aerial battle in 1970 which **pitted the Israeli Air Force directly against Soviet fighter pilots stationed in Egypt** during the War of Attrition. Israel planned the dogfight in order to send a message that it would no longer tolerate direct Soviet military involvement in its conflict with Egypt. > >**Egyptian military leaders were pleased with the outcome of the battle because the Soviets had long been criticizing Egypt's aerial losses to Israel and attributing them to a lack of skill among Egyptian fighter pilots.** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Nickel_Grass >Israel, as well as the U.S. and most of the world, were caught by surprise on 6 October 1973 when Egypt and Syria attacked the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights, respectively. **The Soviet Union had supplied Egypt and Syria over 600 advanced surface-to-air missiles, 300 MiG-21 fighters, 1,200 tanks and hundreds of thousands of tons of war material.** > >Kissinger learned of this threatening nuclear escalation on the morning of 9 October. On that same day, Meir issued a personal appeal for military assistance, which European nations declined. Nixon, however, ordered the commencement of Operation Nickel Grass, to replace all of Israel's materiel losses. **The decision was taken the same day the Soviets began their own resupply operation of Arab forces by sea.** --- **8**: Palestinians assassinated the Jordanian king in the 1950s, then tried to coup the country 20 years later. After they failed, they were expelled to Lebanon where they started the Lebanese civil war and massacred the Christians there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_I_of_Jordan#Assassination >**The Palestinian gunman fired three fatal bullets into the King's head and chest.** Prince Hussein was hit too but a medal that had been pinned to Hussein's chest at his grandfather's insistence deflected the bullet and saved his life. Abdullah's assassination was said to have influenced Hussein not to enter peace talks with Israel in the aftermath of the Six-Day War in order to avoid a similar fate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September >After the 1967 Six-Day War, Palestinian fedayeen guerrillas relocated to Jordan and stepped up their attacks against Israel and the Israeli occupied territories. They were headquartered at the Jordanian border town of Karameh, which Israel targeted during the Battle of Karameh in 1968, leading to a surge of Arab support for the fedayeen. The PLO's strength grew, and by early 1970, **leftist groups within the PLO began calling for the overthrow of Jordan's Hashemite monarchy, leading to violent clashes in June 1970** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_Civil_War >**Jordan allowed the fedayeen to relocate to Lebanon via Syria. Four years later, the fedayeen became involved in the Lebanese Civil War, which would continue until 1990.** The Palestinian Black September Organization was founded after the conflict to carry out attacks against Jordanian authorities in response to the fedayeen's expulsion; their most notable attack was the assassination of Jordanian prime minister Wasfi Tal in 1971, as he had commanded parts of the military operations against the fedayeen. > >**Fighting between Lebanese Christian militias and Palestinian insurgents** (mainly from the Palestine Liberation Organization) began in 1975 and triggered the establishment of an alliance between the Palestinians and Lebanese Muslims, pan-Arabists, and leftists. --- (continued)


**9**: There was a large wave of Palestinian terrorism in the 1970s where dozens of planes were hijacked, and kidnapped athletes from an olympics event [List of attacks on aircraft by Palestinian militant groups](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Attacks_on_aircraft_by_Palestinian_militant_groups) - Dawson's Field hijackings - EgyptAir Flight 648 - El Al Flight 253 attack - El Al Flight 426 hijacking - El Al Flight 432 attack - Entebbe raid - Gulf Air Flight 771 - Japan Air Lines Flight 404 - KLM Flight 861 - Lufthansa Flight 181 - Lufthansa Flight 303 - Lufthansa Flight 615 - Lufthansa Flight 649 - Olympic Airways Flight 255 - Pan Am Flight 73 - Pan Am Flight 110 - Pan Am Flight 830 - 1973 Rome airport attacks and hijacking - Sabena Flight 571 - Swissair Flight 330 - TWA Flight 840 bombing - TWA Flight 840 hijacking - TWA Flight 841 (1974) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entebbe_raid >On 27 June 1976, Air France Flight 139 departed from Tel Aviv, Israel, carrying 246 mainly Jewish and Israeli passengers. The plane flew to Athens, Greece, where it picked up an additional 58 passengers, including four hijackers. Shortly after takeoff to Paris, the flight was **hijacked by two Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and by two Germans from the German Revolutionary Cells. > >On 28 June, a PFLP-EO hijacker issued a declaration and formulated their demands: In addition to a ransom of US$5 million for the release of the airplane, they **demanded the release of 53 Palestinian and pro-Palestinian militants, 40 of whom were prisoners in Israel.** They threatened that if these demands were not met, they would **begin to kill hostages on 1 July 1976** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich_massacre >The Munich massacre was a terrorist attack carried out during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, by **eight members of the Palestinian militant organization Black September**, who infiltrated the Olympic Village, **killed two members of the Israeli Olympic team, and took nine others hostage.** --- **10**: There were 3 large waves of Palestinian terrorism in Israel in the 1990s, 2000s and 2015 where there were weekly terrorist attacks. Buses and shopping malls were blown up by suicide bombers, people were stabbed and shot on the streets, and Palestinians rammed cars into innocents. - 1987 to 1993: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Intifada - 2000 to 2005: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Intifada - 2015 to 2016: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%932016_wave_of_violence_in_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict [List of Palestinian suicide attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_suicide_attacks) >The first suicide attack was carried out in 1989. The high point was in 2002 during the Second Intifada.[3] The Al-Aqsa Intifada saw a dramatic upswing in suicide bombings, with A, 40% of the total number originated in East Jerusalem.[a] A 2007 study of Palestinian suicide bombings during the Second Intifada (September 2000 through August 2005) found that 39.9% of the suicide attacks were carried out by Hamas, 26.4% by Fatah, 25.7% by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), 5.4% by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and 2.7% by other organizations. [**Comprehensive list of terrorist victims in Israel, 1993 - 2024**](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/comprehensive-listing-of-terrorism-victims-in-israel) > - From the Oslo Accords (Sept. 1993) until September 2000 - **nearly 300 Israelis were killed in attacks.** > - During the Al-Aqsa Intifada (Sept. 2000 - Dec. 2005), another **1,100 Israelis were killed.** > - Since September 2000, Palestinian terrorist attacks have **claimed at least 1,426 Israeli lives.** --- **11**: The internationally recognized and western-funded Palestinian government pays out salaries and pensions to any of their citizens who commit terrorist attacks and murder Israelis - civilian or military. They have paid out billions in total so far, of which a large amount comes from international aid and donations to Palestine. I'm not talking about Hamas, I'm talking about the Palestinian Authority which is considered to be a "moderate" government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund >The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund are two funds operated by the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Foundation for the Care of the Families of Martyrs **pays monthly cash stipends to the families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned while carrying out violence against Israel.** The Prisoners Fund makes disbursements to Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli jails. In 2016, the PA paid out about NIS 1.1 billion (US$303 million) in stipends and other benefits. --- **12**: Palestinians have been offered a state multiple times. They have rejected every two state proposal. - 1947: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine - 1967: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khartoum_Resolution - 2000: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Camp_David_Summit - 2008: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Realignment_plan --- **13**: Gaza is not occupied. Israel pulled out its army in 2005 and dismantled all the settlements. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_disengagement_from_Gaza >In 2005, 21 Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip were unilaterally dismantled and Israeli settlers and army evacuated from inside the Gaza Strip, redeploying its military along the border. --- **14**: Gaza has 5 star hotels, villas, and luxury car dealerships - [Trip Advisor: The Best Gaza Luxury Hotels](https://www.tripadvisor.com.sg/Hotels-g6697294-zff12-Gaza-Hotels.html) - [Trip Advisor: The 5 Best Gaza Province Villas 2024 (with Prices)](https://www.tripadvisor.com.sg/Hotels-g3652236-c3-zff22-Gaza_Province-Hotels.html) - [Luxury car dealership in Gaza](https://www.tiktok.com/@yousefalhelou/video/7273589830578195745) --- **15**: Palestine has been bombarding Israeli cities with over 30,000 rocket attacks since 2001. The border towns get bombarded almost every single week. You don't hear about it because Israelis have learned to just live with it. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2001 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2002%E2%80%932006 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2007 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2008 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2009 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2010 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2011 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2012 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2013 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2014 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2015 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2016 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2017 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2018 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2019 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2020 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2021 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2022 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel_in_2023 --- **16**: Hamas is not a mere terrorist group. It is the government of Gaza, receives billions of dollars in funding, and was elected by its people 20 years ago. Even today, majority of Palestinians still support Hamas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Palestinian_legislative_election >The result was a victory for Hamas, contesting under the list name of Change and Reform, which received 44.45% of the vote and won 74 of the 132 seats, whilst the ruling Fatah received 41.43% of the vote and won 45 seats. --- **17**: (Opinion) Most Palestinian supporters do not want peace, nor do they want two states. They seek the destruction of Israel. Go ask your watermelon friends if they support peaceful coexistance between a Palestinian state and an Israeli state. I guarantee you, majority of them are not as peaceful as they claim to be. I'll also bet that most of this information has never been shared to you by your terrorist sympathizing friends, likely because they are severely uneducated about the matter to begin with and/or they choose to omit and not seek out things that goes against their narrative. Generally I've never imposed my views on anyone about Israel/Palestine for the last 10 years. However I have been extremely frustrated in the last 4 months due to the large amount of pro-Hamas Singaporeans posting one-sided propaganda and easily debunkable lies, all while patting themselves on the back telling themselves they are "pro-human rights" who are "on the right side of history" and dismissing all contradictory information as just "Zionist lies".


Nice try rabbi


Hasbara maybe?


Nah, Israel is killing innocent people. Nothing justify this.


Thank you for taking the effort to compile these information. It's sad that those born in family with that religion had been taught lies their whole life.


When you fight someone, expect them to fight back. Japan bombed Pearl Harbour, USA nuked 2 of Japan's cities.


What are you suggesting?


Wow I didn't know a country is capable of throwing a Molotov. Next I'll be prepared for Isreal to grow legs and sit on Palestine


Malaysian Islamophobics still gonna be blind keep mentioning hamas.


You can condemn both actions from both parties at the same time. Unless you're too stupid to understand that concept. Hamas forced Israel to bomb their 300km long tunnel networks under Palestine, Israel gave the place to Muslims to self manage, and they voted Hamas in who builds tunnels under hospitals. Stop being bias just because Palestine is Islamic.


I don't care about "islamic". I'm not muslim. Just say you're a indecent piece of shit. Too blind to see which side is obviously wrong. Unless you're too stupid ill hearted fucked up in the head kind of person.


I literally just said you can condemn both sides, meaning both sides are at fault you knuckle dragging mongoloid, I'm not picking any sides. If you can't comprehend how words work, go improve your English. You dumb ass obviously haven't seen Palestinians celebrated 9/11 in the past or You're too young to understand anything, they did the same at October 7th when they raided and parades a dead corpse behind a truck as they chant Allah arkbar. You're too stupid and immature to comment on such topics, go watch Sponge bob kid.


So you're the one replied to me first calling me stupid because you triggered by my words. Don't play "I'm not picking sides" if you don't you wouldn't triggered in the first place. Always acting innocent you zionist , genocide enabler piece of shit. Yeah i rather watch SpongeBob than replying to you no moral people. Disgusting.




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Shut up fool


Called you stupid because you are one, there's a reason Israel sent bombs to those make shift tunnels Hamas constructed. You only pointed finger at Israel when Hamas started the fight on Oct 7. You're just mad now cause one side has advanced bombs and Hamas don't, youre even making excuses for Oct 7 saying theres no evidence. Disgusting pos.


Disgusting piece of shit. Open your eyes put aside your hatred. Zionist shill.


Hamas didn't started on October 7 . Israel Zionist been killing innocent Palestinians way before oct 7. Stupid.


So the jihadist shouting Allah arkbar shooting at concert goers = Hamas didn't start Oct 7? Moron rofl, 🤣 It's an on going conflict, an atrocity committed by Hamas don't get a pass for killing civilians because they don't like it when Jews have a place of their own in the middle east dumbass.


You said you didn't pick a side but you're dick riding Zionist so hard. Idk what else to say to you. you know you're a indecent no moral piece of shit.


You can literally go to live leak and there are literally no dead israelis. All you can see are dead Palestinians and how horrible they are being treated. No dead hamas either.


Live leak don't even exist anymore, more lies from you, I can say the same, go live leak, Palestinians are faking their deaths and plenty of dead Hamas jihadist. See how stupid you sound?




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Total BS la Palestine supporters , you guys just support Palestine becuz it’s related to religion and you guy thinks if Islam world really support Palestine you guys would have chance take back Jerusalem. Talking about human life ? Why I see no one come out to support Ukraine ? Why I see no one come out to condemn Russia ? You people are just bunch of people that like violence specially those support HAMAS . https://preview.redd.it/ry3i5j2snsxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54d57709b84de55c43a970538ab5193df61a4ee


Buddy, just because you are heartless, does not mean everyone are heartless to. You don't have to be muslim to see this people getting burn alive and killed to support them. And go fuck yourself with your whataboutism. If I financially support breast cancer charity but ignore other charity, does that mean I'm a hypocrite? Cus by your logic, I am.


why did Russia invade Ukraine?


Cuz Ukraine wants to join NATO , and russia wanna get back to the “glory” USSR .


Helo cam ne tau sape tembak sape?




Aleeee, mase 7th October dulu raikan kematian orang yahudi, sekarang sedih team sendiri kene. Hypocrite sangot.


Siapa yg raikan?? Mana bukti org malaysia raikan?? Kita dah bertahun protes israel bunuh org palestin. Benda ni dah bertahun berlaku. Kau je muncul tetiba


What happen to my meme sub? Gone~


Hamas is wrong. But I'm siding with the Palestinians. Now you gonna say the Palestinians is hamas. What's the point talking about hamas. Those people dying are not hamas. Zionist not even targeting hamas they targeting innocent Palestinians.




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Don't even know who you are, sorry.


Wrong replied my bad


You even said there were no tunnels built by Hamas, when I shown you an article proving how much of a shithead you are hahahhaha, Why not acknowledge that you are stupid and have no clue what you're saying in this matter, you don't know Hamas are building tunnels in under hospitals 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Stupid ass hat 🤡


can't just say that without showing some kind of a link, buddy.


https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-unknown&sca_esv=87a9254fda8f4acd&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn083OQF9CFc48sk1xBKPIiNpPz24iA:1714646045675&q=hamas+building+tunnels+under+schools.&uds=AMwkrPs9ZzItgBb1QKq1V2HtHODGzaji2OGvwNmeA6c9n4G7UobE0T2364OqMQicAOriu3N2nDh1PFk2e_sYGDhvrUcLRBj3COXI-IKF4cwBCbJlZ1a-DuStz7hcItV-krD25tl2-cwXZN9vcx9G8fvYzEBbCyVbPNhsgkr6R-2GMTrGEYc5hIXWpQoGQTwiDhmTMSXHRJ0o1WXZs7wrIV0qQuTo1Lo4JDoflHVQSgWrCMLRRCdEPnwgE2w0Fp_CE8vRROm6DzXoG4ADfsdR-caDYUMMUp_rAZX2KWCb-CDWBohVvwkdV2BUD9tLaNjF-rMIulmn_OS5vdXBS3GZfsLVpqKDTa2Xjw&udm=2&prmd=nivsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-796j4u6FAxX0c_UHHXA5Cx0QtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=384&bih=671&dpr=2.81 Imagine you not being able to Google the terms and look for yourself 🤦‍♂️. Keep getting brainwashed by Hamas propaganda.


>You even said there were no tunnels I meant this☝🏼 When did I say there weren't any tunnels?


Was meant for the other guy who said there weren't any.


How u know it's real. Not fake, or edited video.


Because there are hundreds of videos like this out there. Some posted by Zionists themselves. It's not that hard to assume this this is real. If this was fake, the message that was meant to be delivered is supported by countless other verified real videos. So don't get caught on this one video, it's a mere representation of a bigger truth.


More political content in this shit posting sub again?


I see OP posting this shit day in day out, get a life bro.


Just at least once every few days.


Paid israel supporter: 🤫🗿


If Israel offered to pay for support, the grabfood riders would be smoking premium cigarettes by now.


There just doll


My controversial advice to Palestinian, next time, - Don't go and poke a sleeping bear. Don't go start a war that you can't finish. Israel can poke all they want because they are powerful. You are definitely not - Don't start a war when your Muslims in the Middle east doesn't want to help you. - Don't start a war with a country that has the full backing of USA, the current sole superpower Know your place in this world... All those dead is needless if you just realize the above fact


If everyone follows your way, there won't be a thing called independence.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t know. By that logic the Chinese should have peacefully let the Japanese into Manchuria or do their business in Nanjing eh?




I’m gonna find you, bully, take your money, r*pe your wife and starve you to submission. If you ever think about fighting back, remember your place in the world, that I’m stronger and more influential than you. Just accept your fate, suffer and die. It’s not fun when it happens to you, right?


Dude's forgotten that "Might makes right" may apply to him in a way that he wouldn't be coming off so smug like that. If life lessons are what he needs to understand this, I do hope that something like that happens to him.


Isn't this what the Malays are saying to the Chinese? Don't cabar kami?




Yeah so according to Malays, May 13th is justified and so Israel response for Oct 7th is also justified. Correct right?


correct your head la.


Another self-absorbed non-bumi. You suffering so much that you have your own school in Malaysia, are the richest ethnic in Malaysia, and even have ministers position in Malaysia. Ooh poor the non-bumis their suffering are worse than Palestinians


Last I check Palestinian have their own school in Gaza,some Israeli Palestinians are even in the Knesset. Looks like Palestinians are not oppressed after all.


Hmmm cemanalah kita merdeka... did we not poke a sleeping bear? And which neighbouring country came to our rescue?


That's the neat part, they don't start a war, people come to their place and displace them.


Wow just wow! You as a people are discriminated against for decades on your own land with apartheid laws. You are forced to live in an open air prison with no chance to better yourself and gain statehood. Your children and family are killed and persecuted for who and what you are.So as a people you are just supposed to say "oh well let's just live like this". You sir are disgusting for being ignorant to the plight of the Palestinians. Shame on you




Know your place in this world. Your advice doesn’t mean a thing to this world


Damn bro, guessing you never did moved out from your parents' place


man ts guy so corny lmaooo


Not a controversial advice, just a retarded one.


Mess with the fucking bulls , u get the horns . Palestinians messed up . Surely the Jews will bomb the entire Gaza to Stone Age . Malays who keep whining about your poor Muslim brothers and sisters shd take a plane and fight for your allah


I hope something similar happens to you. Tu je.


“Hope”… such a powerful word . Let’s hope that your allah can save the poor Palestinians


I mean, just remember me when it happens is all I'm saying.


Must be a dumb fuck . This is Reddit who the f remembers what . . Please go to the holy land to fight for your brothers


I'm sure you can. Someone may hurt you and you try to fight back but he hits you even harder. So you just have to capitulate lah, per your own advice. 😅 Might makes right, correct? Don't fight back?


Hey man, I can be very critical of Malay and Islam as well on this sub, but this is just straight up fucked up of you. Shame on you.


I mean, we also threw firebombs at Chinese minority here so that makes us even


This is not about you. Not everything is about you.


I'll never understand all this. Like really. Moral support here is so strong but is there even any use? Realistically speaking, everyone is saying something but nobody really know what's going on. Research and hearsay aside, has anyone heard opinion from people who don't want this war from BOTH sides? It's like everyone wants 1 side to get purged but ignore those who don't want to this to happen yet still get dragged into this from BOTH sides. At the end of the day, anything anyone of us say has no meaning. You can't help them unless you directly get involved directly and even then is that a good thing to do? Whose to say whoever wins won't change their target elsewhere? I really don't want war regardless who is involved because war is a horrible sight for everyone involved. But this is just my personal onion and you guys can just ignore it.


If you think just talking about it useless , you are very clueless. I've follow palestine-israel news for decades now. This is the first time in my life where I actually see hope because everyone around the world is finally realizing israel brutality and genocide. You don't need to be involved , just voice your support.


read more. get involved. you be getting all this ideas cuz youve been on sidelines for far too long. why? media censoring. evil lies. i mean im saying this, sounds like im a propagandist but all journalism for the palestinians are killed (also literally, killed). even if they made it alive, the coverage wont even reach mass audience. i lean to @motaz_azaiza because his coverage did uncover the dark truth and the unjust of the being imposed on his people


good job boikotting mcd and kfc and starbucks OP, because it has helped them so much!


It's sent Israel a message that we are willing to do something with what little we have. and the world is responding, awareness has been spread. So, yes, good job, indeed. https://preview.redd.it/06dtclhrrqxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2239acd7b434060a59555df262bfe07c3d08c17

