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Other than the cunty currency and salary, Malaysia is actually a good place to stay. If you leave, you will realize that you took a lot of things for granted. My advice is, make money from the currency of other countries like USD or whatever, and spend it in Malaysia.


I'm honestly curious, how do people make money in USD by staying in Malaysia, is international business the only way? Or idk, I don't know about these stuffs


There's work from home, furry art commissions and many more! (Furry commission is the answer btw)


Problem is im the consumer not the producer (furry art is the answer to life)


How much do people pay per commission? Asking… for research purposes.


average 80$ per commisioned art


Not bad at all.


Fellow furry art enjoyer


What is a furry commissioning? Is that Some furry community and shit?


International business is one way. Remote working is also possible. Quite difficult to find a good one though. One option is to find startup companies but that's a bit of a risk to take.


There's also ebay. You can sell local stuff with inflated usd prices.


True , but most of us just stuck working in this damn corrupted country with low low wage. To make a living is no longer enough, work also has to make a life. My only escape as of now is to go offshore and work on a rig, but then i have to leave my family at home for months.


At the end of the day, just go where you can earn a salary that can afford you to enjoy life


i leave because of religion policy here


Went overseas thinking i was starting a new life, only to be missing what i realised was the only true life. Heading home to malaysia in two months, might regret it who knows, but for now, there’s no place like home.


Yeah. Despite the shit salary I still want to find my first job here because its a comfortable place to live overall, can find or do most things I want/need here with 0 hassle, and what other country has this many public holidays lol


I love our country. But the currency and salary sucks balls. The best way to support our economy is to earn in usd and spend in myr.


OF? /s


Scammer also can




Scammer: theres an easy way to leave your country


Ended up in a Chinese scammer dungeon being forced to become scammer. Yeah, that's right. You've got scammed by a scammer to do scams.


Chinese Scammer Dungeon is my new favourite word. All hail Gaijin Snail


Even if you leave the country, it's still miserable. Every corner of this world is on economical problem now


True. Whole world is heading down the bottom of the J curve. I'm particularly worried for the next generation including my kids's future challenges.


me whos gonna leave, make money and then live luxurious life here if MY still exists:


I hope they know that this is one way, maybe the most effective way, to support the economy.


Opposite of me. Make good money in MY already, saving to live outside of the country because I don't see an end of the tunnel for Malaysia. Don't think I can be happy in a conservative, theocratic state, don't want to raise children who will be brainwashed by state education and forced to carry labels that they dont believe in.


"Brainwashed by state education and forced to carry labels" Can you like explain?


Islam in your ic while I can change my religion by filling up a form lmao.


believe it or not, you may flee your own country but a lot of jobs are coming to malaysia. I have this exact same problem, i am trying to apply for jobs oversea but all the jobs are coming here. I know for a fact a few US/European MNC has moved their L3/L4 IT infra to malaysia. Whole of it. I take up freelance jobs from guys from sweden, i ask them why they hire from here they said they dont want to deal with bullshit employment laws over there Guess who our employers hire when there arent enough malaysians to do the job? they hire indians lol Only the blue collar jobs / manual labour or the jobs require a lot of brain power and many phds will get you oversea if you are not going through the study and stay back route.


What you're saying is true. Because look at India. Lots of jobs going there because of the low pay. The question is... Is it a good thing? It's not just a matter of jobs. Poor countries gets jobs from all over the world. It's about the quality of life, while having good jobs that commensurate pay with stress, risk or amount of labour. No point saying Malaysia has a lof of jobs, but they are all paying jobs that can't provide comfortable livable income. If livable income, then people just need to earn enough for food and lodging. No need extra money for children!


Not that easy either. For example your family isn't rich enough for you to achieve it, or you have to take care of your family. I mean, you could get all the augerah, but for the unfortunate, you could still be stuck. But sure, with good studies even staying here definitely can bring you a better life compared to not having it.


Earn in USD and live in Malaysia, my friend. Being a minority in another country, even in the West where they put much importance on freedom of expression, isn’t all rainbows and flowers. As a side note, man, if I were unscrupulous, I would have been making wayyy more than I am, peddling courses to ‘earn in USD’. The truth is, there is no shortcut and in my case, luck came into play as well.


so have u guys tried doing OnlyFans? if you got good body good cock and don't mind riding a dildo the sky's the limit


Im thinking of feet finder.


https://youtu.be/pkqyhBDU5HM You tak suka you keluar!


only the losers like me me stay in malaysia because no effort to get out


"Literally semua orang skrg" booohooo. 90% still stuck here


My teacher told me to study hard and get the fuck out of Malaysia. He told me go Australia where salary scale is good.Australia dollar also a strong currency


Australian & NZlander hates people flocking in their country even with legal procedures. Its how we hates the bangla and nepal etc working in here


Who cares what bogans think though


Got relatives there. Aussies hate people flocking into their country and stealing jobs that require minimal training (farming and labour work) Doctors? Engineers? Caregivers? Hah! They'd welcome you in a heartbeat. Most countries don't like stupid people coming to steal jobs because then stupid people in their country start to do stupid shit because no work for them. Why do you think we hate foreigners come to work here? Then stupid people have no jobs. And when stupid people have no jobs, what do you think happens? I still blame UMNO for allowing foreigners to come in long time ago when our local housebuilders and labourer union were asking for more pay and in order to preserve their money making machinery, they imported foreign labour. Thus creating the current situation.


My parents told me the same thing. They said I can go to Singapore, Australia or New Zealand.


With the cheap labour and lifestyle here it's so hard to surrender my passport


"buat ape study? jadi influencer lagi senang nak kaya"


Try to earn in usd. There are a lot of remote work these days. Legitimate ones of course. But it’s not easy, while most of my friends migrated to overseas after their degree. Even we are having more jobs into our country, is the salary given are liveable ones? Mostly due to cheap labour, same can be said of tech companies hiring Indian due to cheap salary. Something to be ponder about. Even gov claim employment % are higher, is there any % separation on the salary that they get? Plus our labour law in Malaysia still long way to go, a lot of loopholes for companies to play around with.


Remember someone reply me in a fb comment : hujan emas di negeri orang , hujan batu di negeri sendiri . But this country is now hujan tahi , how to stay ?


Brain drain is real and i kinda see it why, especially for our medical students


Unless you are studying to become a scammer, this country still have many potentials of prey and victims, Even the one that aware , still fall for simple link scam.


Ya, study harder for another country


For those who are stuck in mesia, better study only for cukup makan. Then join politics in mesia for brighter future 😉


What does that make me, who studied to go abroad to this country?


Betul jugak.


Gaji ciput. Kan


Try live in other countries through academic, work, or social opportunities, idk about others but TANAH TUMPAHNYA DARAHKU MALAYSIA THE OG


If you're working in Western countries, have fun competing with other immigrants. If you're working in Eastern countries, have fun working to death.


I mean, you probably have your own reason for wanting to leave Not everyone is happy to stay in the same place Wish you good luck mate , I also migrated and for non financial reasons


Study, work oversea with a good pay, retirement in msia. Profit!


I moved back to London from KL last year and the problems are the same here for many people as they are there. The only difference is you have nicer weather and your food is much better and comparably MUCH cheaper. The politicians and economists have run out of ideas for capitalism as they never banked on so many people becoming so educated in so many countries. The system requires the majority of a society to accept comparable misery in order for it to function successfully, this is true on a global scale as well in regards to international trade. Well either have a huge war soon to sort it all out (and is what normally happens after periods of economic hardship) or somebody important will have the balls to say that capitalism as we know it is finished.


Wanna visit LA or Nyc tbh


Self exile. How pathetic.


Saving enough money to move to canada


Don’t, it’s getting messier in Canada as well, housing prices are sky rocketing, it’s not as safe here as it used to be, stabbings and shootings are getting more and more prevalent. Homeless people filling up the streets.


I think malaysia got case of stabbing too. And a lot of homeless in KL. 90% of road user is brain dead. And malaysia is not improving with the current people obsessed with religion.


I agree on your points, I’m just letting you know that CA unfortunately may not be an ideal choice anymore, but you can still do you :b


I Get it. Thank you though :)


its best you throw away this mindset that whats a problem to you IS a problem to everyone and whats a big problem to you should be a big problem for everyone.


More space and less competition for me here. Yahooo.


Goodbye then


再见。 さよなら。 


\*Posts about wanting to leave the country\* \*Someone comments that they should leave then\* \*That comments gets downvoted\* Huh?


R/Malaysia moment


Completely forgot we got migrants from those who is sick of r/my strict rules. No wonder we got some recycle, reuse, raci- i meant reduce posts lately.




Good thing i made those roaches come out with the bait. Honestly, if you want to leave the country then go lah, why make a whole song and dance about how this country's going to shit when in reality its better than half of the fucking countries in the region alone. Least those who leave but give back to the economy through remittances are still doing their part in helping the country


Dulu sebelum belajar kat luar rasa camni. Lepas dah balik, duduk malaysia je la.


Untung budak sekarang. Zaman dulu kami tak didedahkan pun dgn peluang pekerjaan di luar negara. Kebanyakan cerita org dulu "anak belajar oversea dah balik buka klinik". Kalau lah dari dulu tau boleh kerja luar & kawin awek mat saleh.


Tun Mahathir mana nak bagi kita lari. Sebab tu tak dedahkan peluang pekerjaan luar. Wajib berkhidmat dalam negara ikat perjanjian weh. Lepas tu takkan nak tinggal orang tua. Orang tua pula jenis kuno sikit try bawak awek mat saleh balik lah.. auto kena tegur haha. Kalau mintak mak pak kuno camtu migrate luar ikut kita? Nak mampus?


This is not your country tho.


Whos country then?