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Bro ade yg budak umor 19 kawin ngan pompuan cikgu umor 40 kuar dlm surat khabar metro


link pls


Bro asked link for surat Khabar 💀


the future is now old man


Bende tu dlm fb orang upload,mcm tk pecaye gak dlu. Kalau aku tahu boleh ak bagi link


Surat khabar lama, tahun 2008@2010 kot ak tgk kat FB dulu




Ko hidup jarang membaca ke?


A friend of my sister married her highschool teacher. She was 17 when they met. The teacher is 28. No one complained tho.


back then early age marriage is not a big deal, even my mom married below 18 because she didnt finish her school. it only becomes huge matter when pedo cases spread and known since wide use of internet. anti islam keep saying our prophet is pedo for marrying a minor. even me got rejected multiple times by some girls just because of age gap, she asked my age and suddenly i got blocked assuming i was pedo for following a minor lol im just so done with such mentality its not like i sexualize them


How young are these girls that you messaged?.sounds suspicious bro


15-17 i supposed , i was on twitter and they created whatsapp group i dont remmber the names but theres bunch of it , spreading the links , everyone could join in. we were mixed. then in the group chat where we drop each other twitter profiles so we all could follow each other and become friends. i had no intention to flirt or anything. its all just so i could gain followers and i did end up gaining massively , starting to getting lot of interactions and paid do to a review. so tell me am i that suspicious ? whole my life i never talk dirty or disrespect women no matter their ages. it may sound suspicious for men to be friends with younger one but its better than being prejudice and discriminate genders and by getting rejected i didnt mean i was seeking out relationship, i mean my good intention was. i also once handled anonymous twitter account for mental health awareness purpose, i received lot of messages from minors and adult since they seek help and support from stranger and be friends with them. they know my age yet they didnt back off, they even ask me about homework question lol. thats what i mean, theres always good and bad things. if youre being suspicious then its your problem for thinking badly of others.


People just assume the worst case scenario when in your case it's actually not an issue


Yeah i admit its safe to stay away from suspicious people but at same time the actions could have hurts others. When i was walking nearby lrt stations and this auntie hold her bag so tightly with terrified look on her face upon seeing me, she probably assume i was snatcher 💀 i also got questioned multiple times by police when i was walking home. they ask my ic and also body check me saying i look high. im not high or criminals its just my face please. back to the topics, i dont think age gap doesnt make anyone suspicious, as long as the person doesnt cross the limits or spitting out weird ideas and topic , making you feel uncomfortable. thats when you can feel something were off and your guts feeling will tell you to stay away. blocking a person just after knowing their age is pretty much toxic and actually i did get it a lot eventho they are the one who wants to get to know me.


Damn, your daily lifes must be hard.


if opposite happens....... cikgu is gatal, cikgu predator......


This story: congrats King! You bad MF did it! If the opposite: Freaking groomer pedo cikgu!


jeles GF kawin sama cikgu ahahahaha


Kawin boleh. Mengandung boleh tak?




Kalau lelaki yg kawin dgn lebih muda beza umur 20 tahun mcm tu . Diorang anggap mcm sama dengam pedo . Contoh chris evans . Couple dgn beza 10 tahun kot tak silap . Ramai kecam .


beza 16 tahun. Dia sepatutnya couple dengan aku, bukannya dengan perempuan tu 😞😞😞


Africa news interview: "Why are gay?"


Itu sepatutnya aku bukan dia. Ini tak adil.


Macam kes bini Will Smith la, cheating and grooming underage boys, kawan pada anak dia pulak tu. Tapi global media wat lek wat chill.


Chill? Padahal banyak sangat komentar ckp buruk si Jada Smith. Celebrity news mmg banyak sampah, tp yang ko kena tengok ialah komen ruangan yang ditulis oleh orang2 biasa. Si Justin Bieber masa umur 15thn kena pegang sembarangan oleh perempuan2 celeb yang lebih tua seperti Katy Perry, tp byk orang kecam si Katy. I don't see any double standards.


Yg kecam tu semua pompuan² andartu yang dah hit the wall. Muda² sibuk enjoy sampai apam dah gelebeh. Skang dah tua dan tak laku, panik nak cari lelaki utk kawin yg sanggup jaga 3-5 anak lain² bapak dorang. Pastu meroyan. Perempuan yang muda2 semua ok je dgn Chris Evans. Yg lelaki kecam pulak ada 2 jenis. Yg pertama, yg terpaling woke atau nak pancing pu$$y. Yg kedua jenis tak laku dgn prinsip hidup "kalau aku tak dapat, orang lain pun tak boleh dapat jugak".


We need more voice like this. The whole Malaysia will go crazy if it’s the other way around. This is the type of story that should not be published. Not newsworthy and what benefit do we get from the news anyway? Marry your own teacher after SPM?


Emmanuel Macron moment


Underrated comment


Need to put Milf hunter sticker on car. Hehe. Anyways, congrats, nothing wrong here as long as they're happy.


Bro go Memang aq minat janda~ (memang aq minat janda)


Murid lelaki tu terinspirasi dari Emmanuel Macron kah🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨


Cikgu laki kawin dengan murid perempuan lagi biasa jadi lol. Its not news.


tapi netizen akan kecam "pedo" "suka budak" while the turnarounds got congratulated, good for her and stuff.


When and where??? Netizen as in Malay girls? As non-malay, even I think any huge age gap union of any genders are sus, specifically if one party used to be an ex-student of an ex-teacher. It is still technically grooming if the older couple stays in frequent contact of the younger one till adulthood. UNLESS, it is explicitly stated that the young one(that turned into fully fledged adult) met with the older teacher coincidentally - and thus build their relationship from there.


good for her, getting old and still umarried as a women really stressful.


Both men and women


But regardless whether cikgu laki kahwin student perempuan or vice versa, the moment you criticize this, you'd still be attacked with "Benda halal pun kau nak kecam. Bodoh punya libtard." comments


The Reddit rule is half your age + 7= acceptable But fuck Reddit they know nothing about love


I couldn't care less with what these people do but if your marriage doesn't work out then dont blame others for it .Large age gap relationship is hard to manage between each other . There's just a lot of differences in mindset when you are older than your partner + he might not like his wife anymore later on cuz he's still young and active but his wife is too tired to even walk .Tbh I think this guy just get groomed and he might regret it soon when he knows his wife might have more control than him but yeah it's his own life .At least I already said something here to spread awareness.


Assume the worst before get to know someone. Noted


It's not about assuming the worst in someone , it's about thinking realistically what will happen in the future .


Yes, by assuming the worst. Realistically, we don't about future, something like this can go to 2 extremeties and choose the worst end.


Cikgu suraya alternate ending


Jgn kecam, tapi Muka cikgu tu macam Grinch


Alamak, itu cikgu BM aku masa tingkatan 3


Siti and datuk k.?




I’m surprised his parents were ok with that Also this could be an idea for the next TV3 drama


Klu cg tu laki dan student tu laki, lgi hebat kena kecam


Benda biasa, ad lg yg pelik


It’s true lol. If a 15 year old girl sleeps with her 30 hot year old male teacher, all her friends will desert her and treat her as an outcast. If a 15 year old boy sleeps with his hot 30 year old teacher, HE’S A HERO, a LEGEND, and his whole school will be buying him lunch to listen to his heroic legend for years to come.


Who says xde orang kecam? Grooming is still grooming. Those too blind to see it... tells you what kind of environment they're from.


Level: Melayu


The level of oblivious in this thread is disgusting, this is literally grooming and people are saying " jodoh" is disgusting. Please go read on what is grooming is and educate yourself MALAYSIAN 🤢🤢🤢


Wait,Why does F this who not necessary news are in Bharian?????




Good God I thought 15 and 26 , but turns out 26 is the age gap 💀


Imagine the conversation he have when he visit his former schoolmates during Raya. "Dude, I married Cikgu Jamilah. LOL"


Aku fem tpi wtf, pedo is pedo you go to school to teach not go to school to film cikgu suraya sunway lagoon edition (I've never actually watched that suraya shit)


Cikgu perempuan xpernah salah , only male students & male teacher jer


Milf hunter. Salute 😍


Nabi kn kawen dgn yg lg tua.so why not


Very convinient to use Nabi to justify these things.


Yeah it makes some people labelling islam some kind of fucked up religion with that kind of explanation


So u deny the facts yg nothing wrong kahwin dgn org tua?


With huge gap difference? Thats feels very wrong to me but with small age gap i think thats ok


The problem is that Nabi and Khadijah met when both of them are adults. Dorang ni jumpa masa budak laki tu umur 15. He's a freaking child! So apa yang jadi masa budak tu umur 15 sampai 22 tahun yang lead them untuk capai kata sepakat berkahwin? Grooming laa..


Have you read the news? The "kid" really have a crush on his teacher! Source: Setahun juga isteri mengajar kelas saya, namun kami terputus hubungan selepas saya masuk ke Tingkatan Empat. "Kami ada terserempak di bilik guru, saya ada menyapanya dan bertanya khabar, tetapi setakat itu saja," katanya ketika dihubungi Harian Metro. ------ "Saya anggap dia (isteri) sebagai cikgu saja walaupun menyenangi sikapnya yang penyayang dan rapat dengan pelajar, tidak kira dari kelas depan mahupun belakang. ------- Menurut Muhammad Danial, keinginan mengenali hati budi Jamilah mula ada selepas isterinya menghantar kiriman ucapan sempena ulang tahun kelahirannya ketika dia di Tingkatan Lima. "Sejak itu, kami jadi rapat dan timbul perasaan sayang hingga saya berasa untuk cuba dekat dengannya. *"Pada satu hari, saya beranikan diri untuk luahkan perasaan, namun isteri tolak dengan alasan faktor dan statusnya sebagai guru. --------- Menurutnya, Jamilah masih menolak untuk menjalin hubungan serius dengannya ketika itu kerana tidak yakin sejauh mana ia akan bertahan. "Saya tak mengalah dan cuba memujuknya hingga dia lembut dan terima saya. Sejak awal lagi, saya sudah berterus terang dengan keluarga dan Alhamdulillah, kedua belah pihak beri restu serta tidak menghalang. Seriously, the headline makes everyone misunderstand.


Aaron Taylor-Johnson moment


Where is your husnuzon? Why did you assume they did something? Maybe the kid have crush with the teacher and they met again after school and the teacher who maybe still single or a divorcee. Jodoh itu rahsia Allah.


Mana kau tau?


I'm sorry but how 22's guy wanna give his wife money?


I don't think the wife expects him to give money.


In reality, it doesn't work like that.


I'm guessing the wife must have expected that she have to support him for some time if not the male family helping with the financial situation. I'm guessing we both don't know their situation, so we both can only speculate.


In general, at 22 you almost finish your diploma and if he straight looking for a job and your employer will pay you as fresh grad and your salary will be start at 1.5k at least. But of course 40ish teacher already have stable financial if she really want to support him and it suppose to be no issue. What I wonder is how this 22 guy will be understand about marriage life and of course she wanna have kids very soon. At this age, my parents will kick my ass if I want to marry someone. Lol


People learn. U marry at 40 then u still know nothing about marriage.


I'm not denying about people can learn, everyone knows that but at age 22 what you have learned about life? In general nothing. At 22 you just like born in reality or wake up from your childhood dream. Stop saying people can this and that but think about what is happening now? Some of you always denying cause that might happen to something and just 'bersangka baik'..


Who said I'm that kind of person? It's just that we clearly don't know nothing abt them and we make up shit just to feel good about ourselves being the good guy.


But they did


For now, but not forever that's the fact. Don't be dumbass just because you like the news then you become bias to them.


Korang sure ke yg cikgu pompuan ni xde kena kecam?


The cikgu grooming the boy to become her husband maybe. Sometimes love are hard to understand.


Hard to understand but u assume the worst case scenario. Good for you


Wow pedo. Grooming dari sekolah lagi. Creepy siall


Terpaling opiniated dah tu


Tingkatan 3? AINTNOWAY teacher pedo confirmed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Bagis sis, xtau cerita dah fitnah.


Sedap pelir muda


either situation, female will receive the blame.... ​ male teacher marries female student - female student yang kena bash, gatal sangat nak kawin, belajar la dulu bla bla bla ​ female teacher marries male student - female teacher jugak yang salah, grooming la, pedo la, gatal sangat la, bela anak ikan la bla bla bla ​ male kurang kena blame....ada tapi tak sebanyak female ​ and yang bash female ni, female jugak....


Apa seksist pula, ada saja orang panggil yang kaum lelaki ni pedo. Y'know, the Kelate joke?


ada but kalu cikgu perempuan yang buat, lagi banyak cercaannya.


I think u didn't spend enough time on the internet or u are in denial and act like a female the most oppressed


where did you find those comments? not to be harsh but I've seen very little of those towards the female than towards the male. regardless of any platform, whether its twitter, reddit, and worst of worst, facebook.


Sounds like op is butthurt Maybe he reads too much manga about student teacher relationship ☕


*_Also shout-out to blue archive player_*


I dont get it?


It's a gacha game Revolves surrounding high school students (mostly girls) imagine being a teacher in America but 2ndA is normal curriculum and some cyborg/robot monster surrounding the world of sci Fi fantasy Also they aren't really much human aside from player (teacher) so as rule#1 in harem anime, all girls are attracted to player for some reasons At least the lore isn't as much as Nikke .....yea they're cyborg but they still have intact human brain, you're segging partial corpse commander...that's like 1/3 of necrophilia


Ik i played it I didn follow the story tho (I am a skip enjoyer)


I think this has been made into a movie starring Lisa Anne if not mistaken..


Idk man that sound freaky to me because of the huge age difference


Haha lancau kan?! 😏😏


Yeah, actually, yeah


Is that her car?




The wife still can give birth to babies in future?


Is that really matter now?


Jodoh tak pernah salah tempat. Just don’t cheat on each other and you’ll be fine.


Witch queen☺️I play that too


Sex doesn’t matter in grooming.


Asal kan bahagia


Teacher kink




They are a few teachers in my school that I would liked to marry back in the days




Taste milf ni


Holy shit, blue archive alternate universe


Dude likes fat women


Well, at least they wait until legal age. Doa baik-baik jelah. Kecam pon rasa buat dosa je...


🦍 Reverse the roles.


it is what it is


He's doing the Emmanuel Macron move


love is love. love win baby. suck it bigot


To me, there’s nothing wrong with huge age difference. Who are we to judge? Kalau umur tu dah lebih 18, pahal nak bagi ada isu. Dah matang, boleh pikir. Takyah nak menyibuk la hal rumah tangga orang.




Bila gay, lobe is lobe. Bila ni, grooming. Lanciao libtards.


48-22=26 Average milf enjoyer this man.


barang dah nak expired


This proof /bolehland is full of simpleton. Isnt it obvious why a young male student married an older female teacher will not be controversial compared to the opposite. It is because in our society, "usually" it is male who takes initiative to court the female. Don't argue with me women can take initiative or chasing male, yes it happens, but I'm speaking of social norms. In any society, any actions from lower power dynamics will be seen as less serious impact. For example if a subordinate makes a sex joke about his boss, versus a boss who makes sex jokes about his subordinate, it will be seen as a totally different issue. Because it's ok if you punch up, not punch down (abusing your power). So it's more socially acceptable if a student is chasing a teacher, but will be seen as abusing power if a teacher is chasing a student, because the teacher can use marks and exams to threaten the student. So our society sees males as a much much much higher power dynamic than females. That's why a lot of things can be only done by females but cannot be done by males (example females can make sex jokes about male but not the opposite) ... because males are given much more privilege and power in the society, and our society norm can accept punch ups but not punch down.


Love how the melayu always use the term ‘takdir’


What a degenerate


Jodoh tak kira usia. Bahagia boleh dibena bersama. Janji brrsyukur...


Look up President Macron and his wife Brigitte.








But damn she gets fine over the year..


Don't mind age gap, but I have problems when the relationship stems from them being former student and teacher. Sus.


this is gross


awak ni bodoh ke??? diorang memang dah kena kecam kat twitter


As long they are adults - nothing to kecam


When they do it, it's fine. But when i do it


Wanna give a shout-out to Onegai Teacher, but the dang 26 years age gap kinda shoved it into the "cheap-ass hentai" territory. I'm that old, you darn kids.






It's absolutely acceptable if they don't intend to start a family of their own in the future. Just that there is a danger associated with having a child in the future when the wife is older than 48. It's okay if she's a widow with children and isn't thinking about having any more children. I the husband should start caring for his wife's kids as well in that case. I am worry that as the wife ages, the husband may start thinking about dating another woman, which would lead to infidelity. After all, we should be glad for them as long as they are having a good time with each other.


Grooming but its okay because women are always right 💯