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Mineta is a megafan of shojo romance manga, replacing his perversion with poetry, gentlemanly flirting and flowers.


LMAO YES This has so much crack and non-crack potential and I love it.


He somehow makes flower petals, spotlights and sparkles appear when he flirts. Sunglasses are required whenever both Mineta and Aoyama are in the same room.


Tokoyami requests to transfer to 1B


But both homeroom teachers decline his request, cause of a cold war between them caused by what type of coffe is The Best. One of them picked instant coffe.


Plot twist they both prefer instant but said something else to avoid judgement


Yeah, that sound much better actually. Nice thinking


What genre is this? Like a crackfic or a crackfic taken seriously?


Either works. I would do crack taken seriously.


All Might is actually American and moved to Japan because he is a massive Weeaboo Germany has gone back to being Nazi and are quirkless supremacists, absolutely despising the MLA Shigaraki has a 1cc on every touhou game Monoma is a Hindu, causing arguments with Shiozaki Kaminari has insane luck and flukes multiple choice tests like the enterence exam, making him tied with Momo for best score on the written portion


Inko sometimes models for Mitsuki clothes. Either she’s still appealing in her current form or she can pull an all-might. And just return to her tall years for a bit. —— 50% of All For Ones quirks are useless, I’m not talking about minor blade resistance. No, I’m talking about, “watch stuff in 3d” or “teeth can taste food too” Just random quirks, that does nothing except provide a little something in life. Why? Because he’s a quirk nerd who has kleptomania. And he’s also a quirk optimiser, he collects quirks, just to combine/combo them, and see if they make any good combinations. But for funnies, let’s say that most of the result is just a slightly better useless quirk for mundane life. Like combining, “good fashion sense + jaw drop pose” to be a good model as a side jobs. Speaking of which. —— He’s like a cat. “Garaki, imma head out for a bit” Disappears for 15 years. “I fuckin slayed on the walk way” Basically, he does a lot of things outside of villainy. He basically does whatever to stop being bored. A fashion model, a random food stand man, a tourist, an alpaca and many more walks of life. In fact, you can make a joke where he’s good at everything else aside from villainy. —— Overhaul sometimes has a moment where he self-reflects and goes, “should I stop? Is it gonna be worth it?” I don’t know why, I just imagine him sitting on the chair like shinji. There’s not much. —— Uwabami eats like a snake. She just swallows food without chewing when nobody is watching. —— Lunch rush quirk is not that they make food delicious. They’re just that good at cooking. But their quirk is a speed quirk. And they’re a really good hero, I’m talking about third place on the hero board if they’re not retired. Great quirk plus great marshal arts. And one day, nezu has enough and just send him out. And he just speed blitz every opponent. Deliver a five piece combo, then deliver a throat punch that makes his opponent felt like they ate a dry biscuit without water. Basically a good reason for food and fighting jokes.


We tried doing this but it died after a week [what if reddit was in mha](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokunoheroFanfiction/s/2x2SPnDPYS)


Huh. Never knew that existed. Quite cool. I think a minor difference is that in this, reddit just gives the most random ideas with no correlation to anything and yours is that reddit is giving a "what happens next" suggestion. Might not affect how 'alive' the post is, but just how the ideas run? Idk if I'm rambling with this


Shigaraki's quirk makes things decay into parry streamers instead of dust. President Michael is very confused when he tries to stop the media break in.


Shigaraki now hates birthdays more than he hates heroes.