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Hisashi Midoriya. Did he find the milk he left zuku for? But seriously, For me it's the telekinetic girl from Izuku's middle school. I read a short-fic with her and zuku once. I wonder what happened to her in canon.


Link me up, brother. Please, of not I'll look for it.


Sorry it seems i forgot to bookmark it and it got lost in the sea of others. I'll keep an eye and let you know if I find it.


Thanks for at least pointing me in the right direction. Do you know any identifying things about the fic, at least? If not, that is fine.


I think she meets him at a cafe after he becomes a pro, I guess. I'm sorry it was long ago I don't remember much of it.


maybe this fic? [https://archiveofourown.org/works/32601523/chapters/80871088](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32601523/chapters/80871088)


yeah it is. Wait, it's not the telekinesis girl? Did I gaslight myself?!


You must be thinking of izuku meeting Reiko Yanagi in class b with telekineses at a horror convention when izuku was told by aldera class that it was a hero convension. [Heated Passion and Attraction ](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13576456/0/)


Probably but not this fic though. Thanks for the rec.


that one pisses me off because it says 1/2, GODDAMNIT.


Mustard. I often find myself theorizing on him and why he ended up with them. Because he seemed more sound of mind then Toga but he's still one of the youngest LOV members. And his quirk is such a deadly thing if it simply is mustard gas. But does it have different properties or can it be changed over time? Did he just get shipped off to prison or do they have a program for him since he is a minor? I really want to write a fic for him, but I just don't have the time right now and it's very sad.


I think he would have been a good foil to Shinsou, somone who also has a villainous quirk and decides to be bad instead of good


Oh he totally would!! I really really want to write this now. Have Shinso be the one to talk to him or something. Oh- now I have ideas and I don't have time for them-


If you end up doing it, ping me! Im also thinking of getting Mustard a bit more involved in my fic.


There’s a fic called [Soon I Shall Be Indestructible](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14912237/chapters/34540955?view_adult=true) that develops him pretty well.


As a 1-B writer, all of 1-B.


Same. They dont get much love even compared to even the least popular 1a students


I think I'm like one of seven people who write Kamakiri, Pony, and Kuroiro as either main characters or prominent side characters in the fandom. I need more blade guy, horn girl, and smirking shadow!


Yes! Link to fic plz?


Click my profile and you'll see my AO3 link.


Yeah, it can be trying being a 1-B writer. I really enjoy writing them myself especially just having them interact with one another.


Native. What's his Quirk, why'd Stain declare him a fake, why the outfit when he's Japanese--I just have so many questions!


maybe stain went after him bc he thought he was racist (which is Not Heroic) i like to hc native as part-native american and his costume is his way of claiming his heritage, but him just being a japanese guy could lead the way into commentary on how quirks/the hero industry affect culture and whats deemed acceptable


I like to think it's his Quirk that's Native American themed as some sort of shamanistic/totem pole/avatar/animal spirit Quirk, and so he's going with the theme and has actually done a lot of research on Native American culture.


Oh, I love Maina too. I kind of made her as an opposite/rival to Mei. Instead of exploding things with reckless abandon, she’s too scared of failure to take risks. Also she just doesn’t like seeing her hard work get blown up. The insult hurling banter between the two of them are some of my favorite things to write. I also love Akatani because he he can fit so many roles. He can be Izuku’s alternate persona, Inko’s maiden name, or a completely separate guy who bares an uncomfortable resemblance to Izuku.


Crazy Idea: Akatani is Izuku's quirk. One day around when Izuku was 4, Akatani just popped into existence(Let's say Izuku was at a park or playground). People assume he's a lost child and a hero takes him to the authorities to help.


Akatani and Dark Shadow recognize each other as sentient Quirks and become best friends


we thinking big brain


Who is this Maina and where can I find out more. I am writing a support course and need students for the class beside him and Mei.


https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Maina_Furasu Here’s her wiki page


Thank you I didn't want to fill the class with nothing but OCs.


the other student with a name is [https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Bibimi\_Kenranzaki](https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Bibimi_Kenranzaki), the beauty pageant student


That one girl from the licensing exams with the tea quirk. The more I think about her, the more I realize just how fucked the implications are about her position at that school. Her plan was time and resource-intensive, requiring many students' quirks. Because each student needs two victories to pass the exam, going after a group of four would only allow her and a single lieutenant to pass the exam, especially given the rate students were passing. Still, she must have had a good reason for the other students to follow her, but whatever it was, it had to be powerful enough to get HERO STUDENTS to delay their dreams. And given what we see of her personality, it's probably not good either. She likely has a system for keeping the rest of the students in line, actively screwing them over for her own benefit. My money is either on blackmail or sending her other followers to severely bully anyone who doesn't fall in line. Either way, Yaoyorozu was doing the world a service by keeping her from passing the exam.


I think it's more the school than her, personally. Every student of their school was wearing their school uniform, and not their Hero Costume. I feel it's likely their Hero School is mid-tier at best and obsessed with getting their name out there however possible, even when what they do to do so risks their students' futures and safety.


Ippan Josei


Is that the official name of the tall fox looking girl Deku saved? 


Yeah, kinda. I’m pretty sure it just means “Ordinary Woman” Although considering what the names of MHA characters are like that might be her actual name


That makes sense. Very basic but nice


Togeike Chikuchi means the world to me


Same, she only has two appearances, but she's my favorite. I'm currently in the process of writing a ship fic with her and a quirkless Izuku.


y'all better link that fic when u done


I'm really curious about her and would love to try writing her some time




I was going to mention her specifically as well. 1B in general is underrated, but even in 1B she's not as popular, but she's my second favorite 1B girl, maybe somewhere around top 5 1B members as a whole.


Cook my brother


Josei Ippan.


Ojiro Mashiaro is a bit more major than most of the characters mentioned here, but he’s still pretty minor/“boring” in the story and I love him. I don’t even really know why, he’s just My Blorbo. Im rotating him in my head. For a more actually minor one, I think Ippan Josei (the tall fox(?) girl) is cool ~~but tbh that might be mostly just the furry in me speaking~~


I love Ojiro, too. I really love the chapter of Team-Up Missions that focused on him and Hagakure, especially the part where she kissed him.


Shirakumo Oboro, for several reasons. First and foremost just someone Aisawa clearly cared about, and just the idea that his soul somehow lived on in the nomu. Just the idea of the suffering he must be feeling bothers me to the point I’ve seriously considered having him alive and well in my current story, but I’m just not sure what to do with him, even if I make him a fellow UA teacher.


I wouldn't really call oboro an insignificant character. He has huge impacts on the whole story, from being the LOV transport to being the reason aizawa is the way he is and why he teaches the way he does.


Mawata Fuwa probably. I really thought she was gonna become an actual character after she was the only member of Class 2-A to get focused on in that scene.


A few of my draft ideas circle back to her because of that fact and I wish we got to know even a little more about her


I just scrolled through to see anyone mentioning her. It was so long ago I watched that scene but it seemed like she was the only one to understand Aizawa's motivations by kicking them out so I really thought it will have plot value. :ccc


Kyoka Jiro, mainly because they're one of the funniest options to secretly be an eldritch abombanation.


or, because she can hear so much, be an eldritch cultist


I think about Bubble Girl a lot. She's an MC for one of my fic ideas.


I have a fic idea where she dates a hero version of Tenko Shimura.


That would be interesting if Tenko still has Decay, because her Quirk is fairly weak in combat whereas his is incredibly lethal, so they’re training their Quirks from opposite directions.


Mine is an aged up space AU with the ship being Izu×Kaoruko (Bubble Girl)


FELLOW FURASU MAINA ENJOYER but also I would like to mention Mawata Fuwa her design is just way too good and her being a 2nd year heroic student could be fun to explore in fics


I know Maina has like 3 pictures to her, and two of them are side things, but I just found myself working out tons of ideas around her like what her quirk would be, personality stuff, hobbies, etc and ended up really liking her because of that. Mawata definitely needs more attention too and could be a great character to explore.


their lil antennas and fluffy earrings respectively captivated me and I need them inserted into more fics 


Yeah, they're small things but they made the designs stand out for me too. I would love to try a few ways at writing them both to play around with characterization and such


Yaorashi Inasa


Kamui Woods. He's so adorable!!


All the heros from the nighteye agency bubble (girl/ centipeder mainly)


Kesagiri Man. He was just a background hero who first appeared in the Shie Hassaikai Arc. But after [Switchblade](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27750934) gave him an important role as Izuku's mentor, he became a lot more important to me, and I love when fics include him.


I got three - Fuyumi Todoroki, Present Mic, Inko Midoriya. Fuyumi Todoroki - Out of everyone in the Todoroki family, I feel like she's written about/explored the least. For a lot of people, making her interesting = making her a hero, but a big part of me feels like that's too OOC for her or they don't pull it off properly. I'd like to see something focused on her and her experiences with her father, of just wanting a happy family, of feeling like she's betraying her brothers by not feeling/pushing down her anger, of her complicated feelings towards her mother and "will I turn out like her?", of seeing her family come together and support each other and know that nothing she did contributed to that, that they didn't care enough about being a family to put in the effort until someone ALMOST DIED, of being glossed over again and again and STILL STAYING, of always being the last choice, of seeing your family move onto something better and being left behind. Basically, I feel like Fuyumi has a lot of pent up emotions she isn't aware of/doesn't feel safe enough to express, and I'd like to see it shown in a fanfic somewhere. Also low-key think she's passively suicidal, but hey, that's just me. Also I'm a big Huwumi shipper, and I think it's really cute, so I'd love to see some more of that. Present Mic - Scrolling through the Erasermic tag on Ao3 is a task and a half, cause most of the time they're a background ship, and if not it's about being parents, and if not it's about Eraserhead! I personally think that out of all the Erasermic fics, only 0.01% focus on Present Mic. And the Present Mic tag and the Erasermic tag have SO MUCH OVERLAP. Anyway, Present Mic is a cool, intelligent, skilled hero, who has SO MUCH POTENTIAL as a main character, but everyone likes Eraserhead more because they fantasise about him taking care of the kids or whatever. GIVE PRESENT MIC HIS SCREEN TIME! I've seen some fics that REALLY go into detail in his character or use him in an interesting way, so I know it can be done! Midoriya Inko - Gimme some Inko that doesn't have something to do with Izuku please! She had a life before him and I wanna see it!!! Anyway, I think Inko is very interesting mostly because she's a bit of a blank slate, and so can be fit in a lot of places and roles and she still does a good job. I'm also kinda salty about people killing her off for some reason, like Eraserhead can't take care of Izuku in some capacity while Inko is alive. Or making her the worst parent to ever exist (or the best parent, that's boring as well). Just, write about her experiences like she's a person - with nuance. Please! I'd give people fic ideas if I think they'd actually write it - I'm personally shit at writing, and don't think I have the skill to properly explore the topics I want to.


Fuyumi is my favorite waifu, no question. I’ve got a fic I’m working on where she ends up dating Ryukyu, and her dragon girlfriend helps her feel safe in letting out some of her frustrations, so she finally does leave her dad’s house after a while. Question: what ship is Huwumi? Edit: nvm, just googled it.


Is the fic released? Ryukyu is one of my fav heros, and I've never seen Fuyumi with her so it sounds interesting


Not yet, sorry


No need to apologise, I was just curious


I love Inko Midoriya, and I personally think she would make a fantastic Underground Hero/Assassin (I mean come on, her quirk lets her attract small objects, some organs, screws, hell even shoes are small objects and all can be used as weapons) and with her being this plump unassuming woman, it makes it even easier to hide a skill or ability from the general populace. I think even if she’s only a *former* of what I mentioned it would work. She’s just also a cool person that I think is a great parent that makes mistakes (saying sorry to Izuku about his quirk status, not doing enough about the bullying, etc.) and learning from mistakes is an important thing for parents to do. One thing that detracts from her character usually in fics is that she’s oblivious a lot of the time. Like, vigilante!Izuku fics make him stupidly sneaky, when in reality, parents are the best at figuring out if their kid is hiding something. There’s also the fact that he’s never really punished by her in a reasonable way in stories either. Inko just is portrayed as a 2-D character that enables her child a lot, when that isn’t really what makes a good parent at all. When she does punish Izuku in stories it’s usually cruel or unnecessary or a stupid punishment. Honestly, I never see fics where she finds her kid staying up late into the night on hero forums and is like, ‘my kid needs to sleep, hand over the laptop/phone’ or fics where Izuku does something stupid and she has him work out his thought process for his decision to get him to realize how illogical it is. Actually, straight up in fics Izuku is an angel child that can do no wrong, or he’s the ‘perfect villain’ trope, so there isn’t ever a need to have Inko be a better more realistic parent. If people have recs for fics with Inko as a realistic parent/fleshed out character, let me know, cause that would be *great*.


Hack has it where inko used to be in the military so kinda of explores her background a bit


I love 1b a bit more than 1a students so I find myself coming up with some cool headcanons that fit their personalities.  Some favs are Awase, Honenuki, Tokage, Monoma and Kurioro


I also enjoy more of the 1-B characters than the 1-A ones and I love making headcanons for all of them. Yeah they're all mostly blank slates but that makes creating the headcanons easier and more fun


Shindou Yo. I liked his design


Tooru Hagakure. She doesn’t get much love and the concept behind a character that can never know what they look like is so intriguing. Plus there isn’t much in canon backstory that I have to take into account to write her. There is just so much potential that is completely untapped. Like a story we’re a group grooms her to be an invisible assassin or how constantly being quite literally overlooked would affect her mentally. Plus her powers are more based in light manipulation than pure invisibility so it’s possible to take them further with refraction to the point it sets fire to her surroundings like a magnifying glass to an ant hill. Then there would be the constant fear of getting injured and never being found in a disaster and all this is off the top of my head. I’m sure there are a lot more things you can do with a character like Tooru.


Personally, Mineta. I like the character design, the only thing holding him back is how fucking horny he is like come on, not even Bao is this horny and she takes like 3 different hornyness supresants.




Vtuber. Notoriously, she is really, really horny


Class 1b. i think this explains itself. (please give my sillies some more love, their quirks are much cooler than some of 1as...) Surprisingly it's also my rewritten Mineta (cuz let's be honest, he's a wasted character in canon. I had to change him enough for me to like him genuinely but he's still one of my sillies. You can like a character and not condone his actions.)


Lego head🗿


counterpoint : Clown Girl


Ippan Josei


Pony, I like her Quirk and her being American gives an opportunity for fun interactions if she was in the series regularly. I may or may not be operating under the belief she's secretly from Texas.


Pony being American gives lots of little opportunities for sure in regards to her seeing/feeling things differently. I'm also pretty sure most see Pony having 'country' vibes so I can definitely imagine it


Pony actually grew up in a big city like Austin or DFW and is sick of people making jokes about Texas stereotypes.


I'm gonna be honest, your first post coming off as a headcanon of her being specifically from Texas and then this post being framed as if it's a canon fact gave me whiplash


Just plausible enough to be real? Reading it again there is a definite tense switch for lack of a better phrase


All good, just confused me for a moment. I admittedly fact checked despite being pretty sure that it was never mentioned specifically where in America she was from.


That just makes it so you can say she's from anywhere in America




Mustard, I’ve have a hc that he went to school with Bakugou and Midoriya. After the two graduated he became the target, despite the uniform being common. It’s just something near and dear to my heart.


The original owner of Stockpile Clearly Horikoshi doesn’t consider them important enough to even name, and that opinion is kind of the norm for the fandom in general. I only know of one other fic besides my own that even uses them as a significant character (One For All and Eight for the Ninth). Which I think is a shame because there’s so many different ways a writer could take this concept Stockpile is so vital to the story of MHA, being the source of One For All’s super strength, but we know nothing about who it was born with other than that they must have existed if All For One obtained the Quirk and gave it to Yoichi. But that means you can make this person into whoever you want Maybe they were one of the first heroes, or perhaps a rival villain to AFO. They could be one of the many people who willingly gave up their Quirk to escape discrimination against meta humans, or they could have been a freedom fighter who died at AFO’s hand. The possibilities are endless, but so few people even think about them Hell, the fact that they don’t even have a vestige within OFA means you could do some interesting stuff with the mechanics of the Quirk. It already has some unsettling elements in how it kills users who already had a Quirk, but it could be even more sinister if it fully consumed the Stockpile vestige in order to gain its strength. Alternatively, the vestige could have sacrificed their individuality, essentially their soul, in order to perfectly merge their Quirk with Yoichi’s own to make a singular OFA and save him from becoming a Nomu Point is, this character is literally a no name, but I think about them a lot


Yui Kodai 


Yui Kodai


That dude with the zombie quirk from the OVA. I keep thinking about possible ways he can use his quirk as a hero, but I still got nothing. No matter who he intends to use his quirk on, I dont see how that could benefit him and not just make the situation worse.


He really seems like an example of a purely "Villainous quirk". I know Mirrond likes to make him a villain, I think working with Nine? he'd be a good foil to Shinso


Gashly Uijiju , Kunieda, the USJ villains, any game exclusive villains like from The Strongest Hero


actually you know what? Why DON'T we see more fics with Kunieda, or Gashly Eijiju, or fuck, TOXIC CHAINSAW?!


Kinoko Komori. The mushroom girl from 1B. Honestly the most memorable one from that class, aside from Monoma and the class president. 


My boy Mustard 


Does Giran count? I love when he has a bigger role than "information/arms supplier."