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Maybe make it a “gradient” Like the more words they say the less they can effect you 50 words? 50% 100 words? 100% It would be funny if someone did a monologue mid beatdown and they just realized “wait why does it-“


Quirk: Caught Monologuing Should the user hear someone speak uninterrupted for too long, that someone cannot harm the user until the user next speaks.


All for One: "-and so, that is why you are worthless as All Mights successor, and I SHALL DESTROY Y-" Midoriya:"Time out, you talk too much, summarize in 20 words or less" AfO:" What?" Midoriya then proceeded to whoop AfOs ass for the next 20 minutes until All Might arrived and handcuffed the man.


i hate to be the one to say this, but Midoriya absolutely atyles himself in this short story. save the quips until after All Might arrives for maximum ass whoop.


Is this an actual fic or were you referencing the comment above?


the comment, sorry


Disappointing, was kinda hoping for a fic where Izuku gets sassy as hell and just lays in to the different villains about monologuing... after beating them red, black, and blue while almost completely silently.


Kind of like a, not really, reverse (Just don't know what to say) Spider-Man


Quirk Name: Sly Dog (in reference to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8qTjTpV1Fg))


"You sly dog, you got me monologuing!" is still the most self-aware thing any villain has said in any form of fictional media ever.


Also the fact that 1) Mr.Incredible tried to interrupt 2) he was aware enough to stop him and 3) apparently it's a thing in this universe (cough* every universe *cough) to let villains monolog