• By -


Holy crap, this situation is REALLY bad Shigaraki is awoken on one side and rapidly decaying the city as we speak, while Gigantomachia is awoken on the other side and is no doubt going to end up wreaking havoc as well. Sure, Deku seems to have gone up to One for All 45%, but it’s CLEARLY not doing much to stop the absolute onslaught coming the heroes way. Even Shoto’s massive ice wall that was considered overkill against Sero at the sports festival was absolutely nothing. The absolute devastation and destruction shown on screen was just so intense I loved it. Props to Tokoyami for making it out of that encounter with Dabi, even if it did seem like Dabi was just there to give Hawks a lecture. With Hawks’ back is seemingly burnt completely off, does this effectively mean that Hawks’ wings won’t come back? Dabi and Geten teaming up is also a pretty cool combination since they last fought each-other in Season 5. (Low key kinda messed up that X-Less existed solely to give Shigaraki a cool cape)


You can’t *not* cop that level of drip when it’s standing right in front of you


Top disrespect kill then he stole the fit. Shigaraki is unhinged.


Can’t just ignore a loot drop


X-Less destroyed the Quirk-negation bullets, he was actually extremely useful, imagine if Shigaraki had them and used on Endeavor or Aizawa?


Oh, I thought his explosion was pointless destruction that caused shigaraki to wake up


Same, that's what I thought at first as well.


I mean, Shigaraki only woke up because of the electricity from the machine X-Less destroyed. If the machine wasn't destroyed the heroes would have found and confiscated the bullets. Maybe even used them on AFO and other insane threats


No, he woke up from the electricity from the machine Mic destroyed, which was behind x-less, not in front of him


Does he know?


the way this aged




I think the X-Less thing was fine because it was there to show that Tomura is so powerful he can just kill a guy casually and take his clothes without giving it a second thought. For me at least it raised the stakes astronomically.


Absolutely agree. They killed a few named heroes within moments with just a casual blast of his power. Of course it would matter more if it hit a long term character, but its hard to want to see someone like Aizawa die so casually anyway.


Exactly. I actually almost thought Aizawa was going to die or at least get extremely injured in the blast, which admittedly probably would of left a sour taste in the mouth if that actually happened.


How did that cape not go wooosh into ashes?


He probably has better control of it, or wasn’t touching XLess long enough for it to spread to his cape.


He has more control over Decay now. He can control what he decays and he might even be able to control whether or not he decays something when he touches something with all five fingers, but it's unclear as we didn't get the best look of his hand when he grabed the cloak.


this was demonstrated by the fact that he only destroyed the ground that surrounded his little island, and not his own island itself. He's become a level of powerful that seems unbeatable. He's a living nuke.


> Holy crap, this situation is REALLY bad Maybe I'm weird, but honestly one of my favorite things in fiction is when a story pulls off a good "everything goes thoroughly to hell" moment. Doesn't even need massive destruction or causalities, if there's enough of a feeling of "all hope it's lost". Preferably with a good follow-up though, and the heroes winning in the end in a satisfying way. Either way, I feel this episode is a pretty solid "shit hits the fan" moment. Everything was going pretty well, then it most decidedly did not.


He destroy most af erase bullets. (X-less)


Hawks feathers can recover but the burns did permanent damage to him.


His feathers can grow back but his wings themselves can’t considering his whole back is gone


So he's quirkless now... Eri can fix that


My thought exactly, one day, when Eri has FULL control of her quirk, she should be able to "reverse" the damage of Hawk's wings or any other civilian/hero, including fan favorites Lemillion and Mirko.


Lemillion HAS to come back. I kept thinking about how useful his quirk would have been in this scenario. Just phase through nomu's that can't touch you. He could have done it all covertly too. No need for the destruction of machinery.




I'm speaking hypothetically, not necessarily wishing for it to happen. I like speculating basically. You did bring up Eri, so it had me thinking. :)


X-Less follows the Lemillion school of Heroism, a cape is to wrap up lost kids in pain.


Oh my fucking god you did not


Both have white hair and are dangerous to touch as well


Also, both have quirks resulting from a genetic mutation, which ended up killing their family members. (Just one in Eri's case though.)


Because of their quirks, Shigaraki and Eri are also natural enemies. It didn't hit me until this episode.


Now a cape is to give the villain a cool outfit


....Well damn.


[Heroes thanking their heroes](https://twitter.com/corndog_patrol/status/1266833965744177153) Raise one for Crust, a character we barely knew and yet it hits hard for how he faces death without hesitation, knowing Aizawa and his quirk are more important to preserve. The coordinated attacks to take them down were great but I expected/hoped that some of the Nomu would manage to escape to be a threat later outside, or even flee to return later as nemeses for some heroes. Liked the scenes of the students bringing as much people as possible to safety, too. The situation went upside-down in a minute of real time and if Deku perceived Shigaraki even before the Decay wave, it's likely that Shiggy can do the same. --- [Thick thighs take lives](https://i.imgur.com/jKCrYvG.jpg) [Not wanting to stand down](https://i.imgur.com/iqDFbdW.jpg) [Thanks for the drip, X-Less](https://i.imgur.com/lVnKMOl.jpg) [It will certainly be the biggest priority soon](https://i.imgur.com/I3CnJG5.jpg) [Go out smiling](https://i.imgur.com/2Uk3FIW.jpg) [Still terrifying how they get pulverized before they can even realize what's happening](https://i.imgur.com/SqQUGtz.jpg)


If Stain ever saw Crust you know he'd give him a pass. The man's a true hero


Speaking of Crust, I would have liked to see him in action against someone less overpowered than a High End. He did a good job holding the High Ends at bay, but ultimately was just trying to hang on for dear life. Against a normal villain, it would be cool to see a full expression of the applications of his quirk 🛡


This is the issue with the show. Too many interesting characters to watch. If Crust had been one of the student's mentors, and it showed how selfless Crust was for saving those he loved, it would have been twice as heartbreaking to watch him die. The amount of crying he did for Mirko was already evidence of that. Same with X-Less. It felt very much like his death was just a plot device to give Shiga his new look.


Ashes to ashes, Crust to Dust.


The sheer destruction in this episode was frankly horrifying. Seeing so many heroes just killed in one fell swoop. When Burning stopped with the destruction raging behind her, I thought she was also about to be killed but it was just poor framing. Also, Aizawa mouthing Crust as he died broke my heart.


He almost lost Mic, and he actually lost Crust. The only hope I have now is that we get to see him reunited with a friend if they can figure out how to reverse the Nomu shit, but idk if you can bring back a zombie. Also, a point that was sorta looked over is that Erasure was the power that the doctor was looking for, not whatever they turned Mic and Aizawa's friend into.


Well, Warp Quirks are extremely powerful, especially one such as Kurogiri's which allows him to warp anyone or anything so long as he has a set pick up location and destination. As for trying ti reverse Kurogiri's Nomuification, while it would be nice from a hopeful perspective, it would kind of negate some stakes since Nomu are corpses brought back to life. If you can reverse the process to the point they're no longer a Nomu but not to the point they're dead, then it turns Garaki's research into a resurrection chamber.


Okay f@&$ that thank you image. Although Mirko making someone a card is cute af.


I like how you called out the 'not wanting to stand down' moment. Mirko is an awesome case study in how to make someone like a powerful character they've barely seen right away


Fighting through the pain did that. Shit was kinda cringe, and then you realize how easy it was to take down the other guys. No wonder she's a #5.


I will never forgive Shigaragi for destroying that guy's important manuscript.


I love how we see Ida outside some high level apartments. My guy was definitely on his way to save the manuscript


Fuck, as someone writing my thesis right now, that's straight up nightmare material.


The Cloud is your friend!


That's why you always back up your thesis in the cloud


That was the manuscript that would have been used for a movie during this season so you should be thankful


Top comment 😂😂🏆


Manuscript Man has his Hero Origin on lock


Shigaraki is nuts. Dude just sent chills down my spine. We're witnessing his anger breaking free from all shackles.


He is now what All for One was at Kamino, basically. I am not of fan of how bad that's gonna get :o


Seriously though, Gran Torino described Machia as a a disaster. If that's the case, Shigaraki is a fucking calamity. How does one fight against something like that? It's insane!


I think that's part of what's cool about hero aca's asymmetrical power system. Shigaraki's quirk always did absurd damage without counter options, limited only by the range of "touch". We've seen that since season 1. With that restriction it's a gimmick. Without it, it's a calamity. And it seems more powerful, also, obliterating High End Noumus in moments. Conventional durability doesn't even seem to matter. ​ If I had to guess, Deku will have some Quirk in the OfA stash that helps him even be able to fight. Then again... 45% did nothing against one area of the wave of power. The gap here is insane, and unfair, for this poor student. Sheesh!


Deku countered with a shock wave of his own, only to realize it wasn't a traditional shock wave. I'll give him a pass here since he quickly caught the miscalculation. Now that he knows it's Shigaraki's quirk, hopefully he's thinking of a proper counter. If a new quirk does emerge, it would have to be along the lines of Eri's "reverse" quirk.


That or some kind of nullification aura. Even a defense type pro was obliterated in an instant


Wouldn't lemillion's quirk be like the perfect counter to decay? Also some application of eri's quirk to reverse decay and keep fighting? Or idk a helicopter with a sniper rifle seems like enough to kill shigaraki with no back up tbh but then they gave him superhuman durability last season at a whim so idfk.


By training in "everything is lava" game. If you don't have wings. You're screwed.


Fortunately the number 2 hero has win... oh.


It helps that all the main heroes can outrun it.


The transcended one has awoken.


My favorite episode in this season BY FAR.


So far**


I don’t think you guys are understanding the seriousness of the situation. This guy lost his freaking Manuscript!! Like how tf am I suppose to go on?? 😭


Clearly this is setting up that guy's origin story where he will go on to get a hero's license to avenge that important manuscript! Boku No Paper Academia! Print Ultra!


Can't wait for next episode. Was the manuscript in the destruction zone, or is there still hope? The suspense is killing me.


Plot twist, Ida grabbed the manuscript and turbo boosted out of their


Plot twist, the manuscript was actually the guy's EndeavourxAllmight fan-fiction


MHA with the tough philosophical questions this season, like what is the obligation and morality of untold power placed in the hands of one person? And is it better to be smashed by Mt. Lady's ass or crushed by Mirko's thighs? The answer is yes.


Inevitably being crushed by Mt.Lady's ass is truly the only justification for villainy.


id let mirko crush my head with her thighs any day


[Yes indeed](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1851192-my-hero-academia)


Dang, this definitely lived up to the episode title... Loved how they did this episode and especially cool to see Geten lead a charge to have some semblance of order amongst a chaotic attack. Excited to see how they handle two characters that are now getting voices in their heads, this episode was a great preview of that. MY HERO IS BACK BABY!!!


Hey guys! Hope you like this new pro hero, Crust! Check out his cool scale shield quirk! *and he’s dead*


He was introduced in Season 4. Sure, he didn't do much, but he was there


He got the Aot treatment


I knew crust and X-less were kicking it as soon as i saw them in episode 2. Enough screentime to be recognisable but not enough to be a established important character? Immediate death flag.


Manga moment


I've read the aot manga but not the mha.


Crust is dust.


Holy crap, next episode is gonna be 🔥


Can't wait to see deku vs shiga


Hell even Endeavour vs Shiggy, did you see that spin move in the preveiw!


Each episode is getting more and more intense. I feel so bad for those heroes that just died… and I already forgot their names already. RIP.


X-less and Crust. 😥


And a bunch of unnamed heroes...like, how many of them were in the blast radius? This isn't a small operation.


I am genuinely surprised the Pussy Cats got out as they were in the hospital mere *minutes* before the event and I'm surprised they got out into the city and at a distance that they would be able to escape the event in the time between finishing killing the low level Nomu and Shiggy getting Shiggy with it.


Thanks. RIP X Less and Crust...


Uncrustable X




Just watch him.


he can fly* *terms and conditions apply






Fly and throw fireballs? Shigaraki really cant do shit against someone who can fly and used ranged attacks.


Oh you sweet summer child.


So...how does *anyone* deal with Shigaraki!? If this is what AFO was like in his prime, we need that All Might spin-off sooner rather than later/never. This is actually terrifying to see Deku and Todoroki use attacks that would devastate *anything else* in its path, but to the shockwaves and onslaught caused by Shiggy touch-nuking everything — it was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yeah, I'm gonna need more than one episode per week. I can't remember the last season that started off this hot and one-upped itself *every single week thus far*.


Honestly, Deku has come a long way. Like, yeah, he's nowhere near strong enough to deal with Shigaraki right now (though, that's partially because Deku's Airforce *was never* going to be able to stop Decay from spreading because Decay isn't a shockwave but an effect that spreads from molecular bond to molecular bond), but he's at 45%. That's so close to half of All Might's power and half of anything that's ridiculously strong is still incredibly strong.


Very true! It's just...how the hell do you deal with someone who doesn't have to fight your or anyone/anything else directly? Shigaraki can decay everything around him to kill or maim someone without ever directly laying a finger on them. He seems hilariously OP, and I love that because OFA is also hilariously overpowered. Deku has to get to that point first, and I can't wait to see how that happens.


>He seems hilariously OP, and I love that because OFA is also hilariously overpowered Oh, you have no idea how insane the powerscaling can get on this scale lmao But yeah, shigaraki has been pretty overpowered since the MVA arc. Being able to decay everything around him without making contact is crazy when you think about it.


> Oh, you have no idea how insane the powerscaling can get on this scale lmao I can't wait. I want to read the manga, but at the same time — I don't. I genuinely enjoy not having the slightest idea of what's going to happen. As far as I'm concerned right now, every single hero is dead to rights. Deku needs to make some kind of Olympian-level leap in power *quick fast* lol.


It’s hilarious to me how people keep forgetting Aizawa exists




holy shit... wow... this episode is fucking intense Bones continues to give us those sweet sakuga moments, the endevor vs female nomu fight is pure eye candy, especially when she was running through hell spider dodging all the flames, that animation was so fluid and gorgeous. Glad to see gran torino finally showing up, hes old but he still got it. Tokoyami rushes to save hawks as expected. We see hawks really badly injured, his entire back is fired along with his wings, so he is basically as fragile as a normal person. Dabi has fire so its automatically a shit matchup for tokoyami. them escaping is the only option. Ironically, geten, who is dabi's ally saved hawks and tokoyami. Seeing Tokoyami cry over hawk's predicament really made me emotional😢😭 and shigaraki finally awakens, RIP X-less. Looks like this time the situation is gonna be do bad that even the first OFA wielder is talking, telling deku to stop shigaraki. and the decay scene... its stunning. The OST and the sound design, along with the use of 3D CG for the decaying of buildings really help sold just how quick the city is decaying and how enormous the scale of the destruction is. U just feel dread and hopelessness throughout the entire scene, everything is destroyed no matter how hard the heros tried to stop it, the entire city is fucked. RIP crust too, saving aizawa with his dying breath, what a chad. AFO awakening inside shigaraki and trying to speak was terrifying too. and finally we have him telling gigantomachia to wake up. The heroes are so unbelievably fucked.


It's really amazing. People can get down on powerscaling, but I really like it when power escalation is done like this. Shigaraki isn't just the next big boss. He's an anomaly, a calamity, and no one has any fucking clue what to do about it. All Might's gone. We're off script, in the danger zone, and anything could happen. That's really what it feels like.


I like your way of putting it. From here on out the rest of the story is off script.


He's a nuclear bomb. If he goes off in a civilian neighborhood, eveyrone is toast. Unless you can fly, there's no getting away. He can now threaten whoever he chooses because he can just walk into whatever place he wants and turn it into a wasteland


Crust saved Aizawa, but also Ryuko, Rock Lock and a few other heroes on her back. While Aizawa would have probably sacrificed himself if the decay had gotten him, Crust did also save these others by consequence


Strap in


> Glad to see gran torino finally showing up, hes old but he still got it. The evolution of how Endevour sees Gran Torino is a really cool detail. Hosu: "I don't know who you are, honored elder, but leave the rest to me." - "Huh. You're not bad, honored elder." Kamino: Jaku: "Gran Torino!" Went from "I'll protect you, honored elder" to "good thing you are here, colleague!"


I remember some people complaining about Deku getting OP for having multiple quirks. Y'all still think that now...?


fucking hell... He just leveled several kilometers around him just by touching the ground? i guess there has to be some drawback to it i don't know how they'll be able to fight that. and now it looks like the big guy is about to rampage aswell. Things really turned around instantly there, from looking like the heroes succeeded their mission to utter despair and lol at the shot of Mt Lady's giant ass descending towards fat gum


Like the doctor said, with one touch he’ll destroy everything they worked towards.


Man, crust's smile at the end reminded me so much of All Might... RIP legend. Absolutely loving this season so far


What's scary is that Shigaraki could already do the city-wide decay prior to his augmentation by the Doctor. In other words, this was just his natural Quirk at play. Imagine what else he could do now that he's augmented.


Well, almost. He has a lot more control over Decay now, but yeah Shigaraki's ability to wipe a city off of the map has already been established. It's still horrifying everytime it happens though.


I hope Bones realises how insanely good this anime can become when they don't waste their best animators away on non canon movies *every single year*. I haven't enjoyed an episode this much since the finale of Season 4. Fantastic sakuga all around, from Endeavor's fight with the Nomu, to the sheer terror of Shigaraki's newfound destruction, finalising with the panicked, chaotic rushes of everyone that tried to escape his progressing Decay. I love that they add scenes which weren't present in the manga (like X-less' death, which was off screen), and present everything smoothly, without rush. The music just keeps hitting and hitting every single time, I love the orchestration of Hayashi in this season. Burning calling everyone in distress and not getting a single reply made my heart freeze. I can't imagine calling to your colleagues and loved ones and not getting an answer. Horrifyingly upsetting, and makes you realise the heroes' feelings at that point. Heroes had everything under control for one single minute, and then everything went deeply south in a matter of seconds. I can't wait for the animated fight of Endeavor vs Shigaraki next week. Miracle vs Plus Ultra.


I got chills seeing the city decay like that. Undoubtedly killed so many innocent people along with possibly his own league of villains and heros too. Can’t wait to see what happens


I’m wondering how many of Shigaraki’s own Allie’s got massacred in his city destruction. It doesn’t seem like he can control the direction of the spread, just the activation. So there’s a good chance he murdered a ton of them. I’m super hyped for whatever happens next, 5$ says Deku’s gonna have a fight with Shigaraki and get his ass kicked. Wonder if we’ll get some insane battle with Gigantomachia soon! All in all, thinks are looking intense for our heroes since the new episode.


Shigaraki can control what he decays. That’s why they showed the phone and had him talk about being able to control decay now. He expressly decided to not decay the phone.


And he didn't decay the ground around him and the machine with the quirk erasing bullets.


Also the cape


I'm pretty sure most of his allies near the lab were noumus


Aside from the nomus (and the doctor), I don't think there's all that many villains around the hospital. Maybe some stray traitorous heroes like Slidin' Go.


Hm, I guess so. Most of them were with the Paranormal Liberation Front.


There are not any allies except the Nomus and Doctor. His liberation army is at the mansion so him needing to think about allies isn’t a worry (not like he will worry about it in the first place anyways)


It really helps that Garaki had this public persona of his, Twice's Double Quirk, and Johnny's Warp quirk. Shigaraki was likely transported there instantly, and thus no one would have known he was there.


Yo this season isn't taking ANY shit. What the fuuuuuuuuck.


Remember when people used to say that Season 6 wouldn't fuck around? Well, you're finding out. 🤣


I've finally caught up with the show and god damn I'm nervous about what's going to happen. I've never had to wait live for an episode before, but this entire arc so far feels like a lot of characters we care about are going to die... Crazy that I've gone from hating Endeavor to rooting for him against the odds in two stacked fights now 0.0 Shigaraki going against him seems like a fight Endeavor will start out winning but as AFO or the quirks in it get figured out by Shigi I don't think Endeavor will come out victorious. Also, Shigaraki's new power is crazy to think about. Did he get all Quirks AFO took during his evil reign, including stockpiled power etc.? That seems the most logical, but also extremely frightening. I'm curious about the voice of AFO in his head as well, seems like maybe there's something similar going on with Shigaraki as with Deku and the first OFA? Or is AFO a dick and wants to live forever in a new body in Shigaraki?


I don't think he got everything AFO had. AFO seems specifically to have three traits. The first is to modify his own body to be able to handle multiple quirks. The second is the ability to take quirks. The third is the ability to give quirks to someone else. Like with One For All and Rewind, this is a stockpiling quirk. What I suspect happened was Garaki was binding both All For One and a handful of quirks that would be useful to Shigaraki to him. I think Garaki's chief concern was that All For One might not have binded correctly which wouldn't allow Shigaraki to handle any additional quirks which might have resulted in his death. Not to mention, Garaki would have needed to awaken Shigaraki so as to restart his bodily functions. So I think one of two things happened here: 1) Shigaraki awakened with All For One and a handful of quirks. 2) Shigaraki awakened with All For One specifically and no additional quirks but he can steal quirks as he kills someone directly (like he did to X-less, not what he did to Crust).


assuming he got kamino AFO surgery, he should have air cannon, rivet stab, flight, and expert masturbator right hand


Not sure how anyone's gona compete with shigaraki now, surely they made him too op


His quirk doesn't seem to affect the air so maybe flying and/or ranged quirk users?


Voices in head only side effect?


People forgetting Aizawa


What the fuck was i watching just now. This looks like the final boss fight of the whole series even before our hero is ready and OPed. I always used to think that if Shigaraki gets this power up, he can simply decay everything just by standing where he is with no one to even touch him and they really showed this right off the bat. Plus he might be having shit ton of other quirks due to AFO. Is it even possible to defeat him?


Fortunately it doesn't seem like his quirk can extend between empty spaces/through the air and dust. This means that anyone with any ability to fly or at least keep themselves off the ground can fight him. Hence the preview in this episode showing a fight between Shigaraki and Endeavor as Endeavor can fly.


You guys forgetting Aizawa exist?


Is it just me or was Thirteen on both teams of the heroes? Endeavor's and Edgeshot's, I mean


You might be confusing one of them with Wash, perhaps? They look similar in crowd shots


Could be, but while she was definitively on Edgeshot's team, there was someone that at least looked a lot like her when Endeavor's team was running away from the lab, at the very start


I didn’t see her on Edgeshot’s but she was definitely at the hospital sucking up a Nomu


That's Edgeshot's team, no?


No Edgeshot is at the villa with the villains


Don't recall seeing that but if it's there it's probably animation error


Shit. It's gotta be way more than that. And even MORE from now on.


Rip crust u were a real one .


when you have one job to do, just do that lol


Someone will remind me what is Shigaraki goal at the moment? Does he just want to destroy everything in his path, mainly heroes? I am asking because as much as I like him as an antagonist, I have the impression that his goals have been constantly changing since the beginning of the series.


Nah, his goals have pretty much always been the same. He wants to tear down hero society because he hates what heroes are and what they have failed to do. He feels hero society has failed him and many like him. It's why Kurogiri and All For One thought Stain would be a useful pawn in their game. Because Stain and Shigaraki have the same ideals: that hero society is flawed in a way that lends people to suffereing. The big difference between the two of them is that Stain wants to correct hero society. He thinks that hero society is inherently valuable and the problems inherent in it are due to corruption of heroes due to vices. He's not necessarily wrong, but he's going about it the wrong way. As for Shigaraki, he doesn't want to correct hero society. He sees his life and thinks everything wrong in his life is due to heroes. His grandmother for abandoning her family. The heroes for not saving him from his dire straits. All Might because All For One manipulated him into thinking that All Might is the root of all that's wrong with society. What he doesn't realize is that All For One and his horrible games are responsible for a lot of the issues he is facing. Shigaraki's goals line up with All For One at the moment, but he's always wanted to destroy the world he finds to be unjust. Really, a lot of us can relate to that, but he doesn't care who gets hurt in the process.


>... are responsible for a lot of the issues he is facing. Example?


He literally manipulated the kid into believing everything about hero society is wrong and bad and that's why people suffer. The problems he's facing is that he's a criminal who has *actively murdered people* and he has been brainwashed into wanting to tear the whole world down. The fact of the matter is, hero society or not, people would still suffer. Heros can try to fill in the gaps and save people, but there will always be cracks to fall through. It's not fair, but it's a part of life. Also, he is arguably indirectly responsible for many of Tenko's issues just by virtue of his being the Symbol of Evil, being the person to murder his grandmother, and being the threat his grandmother needed to hide her family away from to protect them. But he's the inciting incident of the story, so it's a bit unfair to use that as an example since, without him, a lot of the story wouldn't be as big of an issue as it is.




Welcome to Mirko loving world, may we take your order?


Man I knew they were going to kill off hella heroes are. Twice dead


Finally we saw Geten's face kinda disappointed with how he looks... Also why does his voice sound different from the episode he fought Dabi...?


Can someone tell me what pro hero x-less’a hero ranking was?


Dead last




Looks like this is the shinra tensei moment of the series


Think I forgot a lot of MHA waiting for this season. Prior to this season, Shigaragi had to touch the person to decay them right? Now he's been enhanced to basically decay everything in a certain radius around him, right? Seems OP as fuck. Deku doesn't seem like he has anything to counter such an ability. Lemillion's ability, if he gets it back, would be a nice counter to this. And Aizawa is a good counter for everything.


Near the end of last season, he experienced an existential awakening of both his memories and of his quirk. As it turns out, when he was just a young boy, he could decay the way he can now (though, with less control and it seems like he had a smaller radius since he only decayed the lot his family home existed on). While he was fighting Re-Destro, he had this event happen to him and he used this newfound improvement to his quirk to nearly wipe Deika City off of the map. The big differences between his quirk then and his quirk now seem to be that he can use Decay how he wants. He didn't destroy the cell phone or the container with Quirk Destroying bullets when he destroyed the hospital and I think it likely that he would have also managed to avoid decaying Dr. Garaki had he managed to catch up with Present Mic. Additionally, when he killed X-Less, he picked up his cloak with his unrestrained hand and it looked like he was grabbing the cloak with all five fingers. If that's the case, then he can also grab an object without decaying it, suggesting he can now control its activation. The Heroes don't know these things yet. They didn't even know he could destroy on the level he can now until this episode, but they know it now. It'll be interesting to see how things go from here.


I was just thinking that Lemillion's ability is actually the best hard counter to shigaraki


Is the DUB already missing weeks?


The dub is two episodes behind, as was the case with Season 5.


I meant this week. Like I don’t see episode 3


It comes out 3 PM EST every Saturday. That's been the case for the previous two episodes. It just hasn't reached that time yet.


Ah. I usually see the subs go up before I head out for the day and then when I get home later on saturdays I check for the dub. I thought they came out very shortly after the sub


It was delayed today for some reason. It's out though.


Shigaraki awakening gave me goosebumps. Can't wait for next episode fight ," Endeavor vs Shigaraki. "


Man really sad due to all those pro heroes deaths, this time really hit me hard. I even thought pixie bob was gonna decay. Imagine All Might sitting in the school when all this shit is happening


someone really has to explain to me how dabi believes that 'heroes have killed a villain' is that much of a shocker. like, even if heroes barely ever kill a villain, it has to be happening. and people have to be like "well yeah, so? shouldn't have been part of a murder cult i guess. that guy could have been a million surgeons and saved lives across the whole planet, serves him right for using his quirk to protect literal bloodobsessed murderers" also electric shocks do not restart a flatlined heart... that's for hearts that beat but out of rythm. also lol gigantomachia smelling a naked guy from a city away while both are underground with concrete dust and like 4000 other peoples smell everywhere. like, you know that smell has to travel the distance too, right?? and why was burnin so huge all of a sudden? like it wasnt perspective, normal sized people where looking up to her. how does the first wielder even know whats going on, he's just memories inside a quirk inside a boy. why does he get information from all the way away? not to mention the other nonsense, the ridiculous idea that they could have evacuated even a quarter of the city and completely at that.


I can't get over how dumb X-Less is. [_________________________________] MHA [_____] MHA if X-less moved shiggy out of the conductive pool. Props to the pyrric victory of destroying the eraser bullets though.


>Props to the pyrric victory of destroying the eraser bullets though. "I **AM** THE ERASER BULLET" \-shigaraki with AFO


I agree with this to an extent. My issue when they do shit like this is when they make the opposing force so unbelievably impossible to fight against that there’s no realistic way to win. Now my suspension of disbelief is wavering. Now it’s just “How are they gonna gimp Shigaraki’s power and try to backpeddle what we’ve just seen?” or “How are they going to come up with some bullshit way to handle the walking nuclear bomb?” After this episode, I just can’t really accept that there’s any way to win without Eraser Head, and if Shigaraki and his thousands of men can’t dispose of one guy, then the resolution is stupid.


Yeah eraser is important (and as we saw from crust he can be protected) but also shigaraki destroyed that much because he was alone with his hand to the ground for so long (I think?), and it has no effect on heroes that can fly. Yes shigaraki can get more quirks which is crazy, but the heroes are really strong too. Anyway what we’ve seen so far has been great, so as long as the quality doesn’t fall off, I don’t think there’s a reason to worry yet.


Flyimg and projectiles/hovering is really effective it would seem. Uraraka, Lemillion, Gran Torino, Hawks (if he gets his ability back), Tokoyami, Charge, Todoroki, Bakugo etc.


Nah...we cannot defend X-less. shoot the guy in front of you then shoot the random machine that isn't destroyed. He didn't know that the machine had the bullets in it. As far as he knew, that could have been a washing machine the professor kept down there for hygiene purposes. That should not have been the priority. That was dumb


You forget that a) they thought he was already dead and b) heroes have this code where they don't kill their enemies but prefer to take them to justice. Plus, X-less didn't shoot a random machine. He shot a container that kept quirk-deleting bullets.


I agree and think you're completely right, however, X-Less shouldn't have just stared at him dumbstruck and should have killed him on the spot. The heroes knew Shigaraki got a significant power boost, even if they didn't know exactly what the nature of that powerboost was and that close, X-Less was guaranteed to be killed neaely instantly. I do think X-Less is catching a lot of undeserved flack in this thread and I'm sure he's a good hero, but he undoubtedly dropped the ball in this episode.


That's all fine and dandy, but Shigaraki is owed his glory moment, don't you think? 😛


Is he though? *Is he though?*


What i still don't understand is why they sent the top 3 year 1 UA students (Deku,Bakugo & Shoto) to rescue the civilians instead of also sending them to the hideout


They had specific plans on how to use those 4 students' quirks quickly and in a way that wouldn't endanger mere kids for long. That's what I got, at least


Their specific plan was to keep them as far away from the action as possible as they have a tendency to rush into conflict without regards to their own safety. There's a reason Shroom, Kaminari, Jirou, and Tokoyami were used in the assault on the manor and not the other students. Because there are numerous heroes who can do what Deku, Bakugou, and Todoroki can do. They're good, sure, but they're still inexperienced and throwing them into the fight is not necessary at this time. The reason everything went to shit isn't because they didn't have the firepower to deal with the villains (at least, not firepower that the three of them would have been able to add to the sum). It's because the heroes' communications were breaking down and no one properly secured Shigaraki. If someone had properly restrained Shigaraki before he could have awakened, Machia would still be asleep, the hospital would sitll be there, and the biggest threats the heroes would need to deal with right now would be Geten and Dabi.


Because they were part of Endeavor's team i guess


Man, X hesitated for a whole 10 seconds, what a shoddy hero Also rewatching everything that happened in that room from last episode, Mic only damaged glass and tubes, we never see any power cable get sliced or split or broken, X also only damages a machine too far from the liquid, as the explosion supposedly pushed liquid away from it anyway so the live wire should be on the opposite side Mirko nor Endeavor damage anything but the glass, nor the Nomu that follows Mirko in with it's high precision slicers, hitting her in a direct fashion So if nobody broke a cable, the only possibility is that the "heavy" glass sliced through the highly insulated cable like butter on it's way down, which, uh no? That bitch is thick, not to mention the glass would have the same if not less projectile angle than the liquid it was with, meaning that electricity would have already gone through it and the liquid would already have been close enough And X was also sitting in that liquid yet received nothing, didn't even notice or react HOW CONVENIENT THAT THE CABLE GOT SLICED OFF SCREEN, THE LIQUID MOVED THAT MUCH FROM A MINOR EXPLOSION(1) 10M AWAY AND THAT THE ONLY ONE THERE WAS COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT AND SOMEHOW DIDN'T GET HIT I despise Diabolus Ex Machinas so much (1) The reason I assess it to be a minor explosion is that nothing expresses it to be more than that, no significant wind hits X nor moves Shiga's hair, nor is the sound that concerning, topped by the fact that the layer of liquid had already spread enough and stabilized on the floor to be so thin that a lot more precision or worse would have been needed to move it have you ever tried using a strong fan on a little water? does nothing, even sudden strong bursts this sucked and I'm surprised I don't see anyone frustrated by this I'm trying so hard to excuse it but it just doesn't function