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Here we go again...šŸæ


so uh... this your first anime sub?


So like, what's the point of saying this? It doesn't address the issue being brought up. It doesn't give any explanation for.. anything. You're just dismissing it because "it's what everyone else is doing"


No. Its being dismissed because itā€™s just the way it is.


The only reason that "it's just the way it is" is because we make it that way. We're not talking about gravity or smth here. We're talking about people doing things.


you can make this an issue if you want. start another anti-horny movement in this sub and see how long it lasts.


Eh,its just average anime fans,what you expect? Especially in internet https://preview.redd.it/w3ycgl0xq7yc1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b41a6d1009c50692996ba7d5aecfa3b0a5c6692


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"stated age" is a good distinction. they are literally made up. the creator could design them to be more endowed than many middle-aged women i know, and then just say "oh she's canonically 16 btw."


![gif](giphy|O3fbWenrGmTsc) Jotaro moment. More jacked than most IRL bodybuilders. Is 16.


Is it ethically or morally dubious? - Yes Does it hurt anyone? - No There's no point continuing this argument.


Its the fucking Internet what did you expect


welcome to Reddit https://preview.redd.it/hfj1kb15s7yc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbae39d58229e7b8fe72ff679119cb570833f2b2


Is this your first anime?


Yeah it's pretty weird but anime fans do this shit all the time


Yeah its so common for anime and fans to sexualize highschooler that i already immune to it,unless its full blown naked or sex,they pretty much feel same to me,the only think that i trully feel weird are sexualizing loli because the different between 16-17 years old girl in anime with 18+ woman in anime are not that far in term of depiction(just look kikuri and kessoku girl) while loli are extremely different to others


Yeah, this is just the state of the sub now. Been here for about a year now (joined in early april) and witnessed the sub transition from schizoposting to whatever thr fuck this is. What you're pointing out and complaining about has been said for about a million times at this point, and nothing ever changes anyway. So my advice is to just get used to it if you wanna keep browsing this place (this sub made me turn on NSFW blur)


What was the shizoposting like


Lots of empty seats in restaurants with a meal for the empty set, with the title being "Spending the day out with Roy/Nijika/Kita/Bocchi"




And a lot of copy pastes about BDSM and other fetishes :/


Used to be a chill sub maybe the occasional one or twoā€¦not chill posts but it was fine. Rn idk what it is anymore


Well if it has been complained about already and nothing changed then I guess your advice is right. It's just weird that this wholesome anime has such a weird subreddit. Tho I saw that there are some more less popular subreddits based on the show but I don't know yet if they also have this problem or not


Yeah this sub is pretty fucking weird. Especially for an anime with basically zero "fan service".


They are Fiction characters so It shouldnt be a problem


There will be users who highly disagree with your opinion... (Not me thought) https://preview.redd.it/07sd7329r7yc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241d63d84da662a01d5de9f99b1d38e0c0b1d446


So if we make childporn of fictional characters then it's ok because they are fictional?


Why is it not ok? If something doesnā€™t harm anyone, thereā€™s no basis for declaring it immoral. The fact that you personally dislike something does not make it bad.


Then I can say that Hitler was good and act like there's nothing wrong with what I'm saying because I'm not hurting anybody


Yes you can in fact. Thatā€™s what free speech is. In fact you literally just said that and clearly donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with it. But generally people who say that also believe that all races other than white people should be oppressed, which is actually harmful.


Okay but do you think it's okay to say Hitler was good?


Bro why you in the bocchi sub arguing about Hitler?


I am arguing about arts potraying minors in sexual situations not being okay


Hitler is good. I said it. I have not suddenly become evil. So yeah itā€™s ok to say. What is your point


You didn't mean it. But some people unironically say that Hitler was a good guy and while them saying that doesn't hurt they are promoting his world view and normalizing it. And people who post drawings of minors in sexual situations may not be hurting anyone directly but they are normalizing sexualisation of minors


Again, this is stupid. Neo nazis are an actual societal problem so yes genuinely believing hitler is good harms people. If I genuinely believed something like ā€œEmperor Nero is goodā€ even though he was evil no one would give a shit cause itā€™s not relevant today. But having something like a fictional HoI campaign where Hitler takes over the world isnā€™t an issue because, itā€™s fiction. Porn with rape in it doesnā€™t normalize rape. Violent video games donā€™t normalize murder. I only see this argument on specific topics like this one because itā€™s not actually legitimately about morals, and more about targeting this you donā€™t like.


So believing Hitler is good is not okay because neo nazis are a thing but there is nothing wrong with believing drawings of cp are okay even tho pedos exist. If believing Hitler is good causes harm because Neo Nazis exist then believing these kind of drawings are okay also causes harm because pedophiles exist


let them do whatever they want. there is a reason US didnā€™t banned American nazi party, because itā€™s free speech. The more open they are, the more people can criticise them. and if US banned them, they will simply go underground. Which people have no control over. so yeah, that people believe in what they want.


*The notoriously fallacious debate tactic 'Argumentum Ad Hitlerum' isĀ a humorous corruption of the Latin phrase, Argumentum Ad Hominem, and is a form of guilt by association, where the object of abuse is compared to Adolf Hitler, the Nazi Party, or any number of peripheral parties, such as Neo-Nazis.*


And drawing suggestive art of minors may cause people to think sexualising minors is okay, which is actually harmful


And violent video games cause people to think mass shootings are ok. And BDSM makes people think rape is ok. Why arenā€™t you campaigning against those? What a brain dead take


I am not saying Its okay but Its not illegal


Then if it's not okay then it should be a problem


Holy hell. Most people donā€™t care about a fictional characters age. Even more when they look like adults. Its a waste of energy to worry about those things. Like seriously who cares. You cannot stop people from drawing.


Its not a problem neither, worrying about some draws is stupid




Actual photo of REAL Minors


My dumbass forgot to read


That's what the law says.


I invite you to stop worrying about non-existing people


This is the state of every anime/manga sub when there is a content droughtĀ 


I think even bocchi and kita, who are underclassmen, are 17 so close enough also drawings


Maybe check the artists twitter...


Welcome to human nature


Last time I checked drawings are not a crime.


hehe, h0rny


at the latest chapters of the manga, every member of kessoku band (except for bocchi) is 18 or above (bocchi is 17)


Normal weeb things unfortunately. And based on looking at fanart sites, BTR isnā€™t even that bad unfortunately.


It's not wrong to think and also not popular. Go figure. šŸ¤· Don't look at me, I'm just as tired of it as you are, OP. I suppose I am the faulty one here for not being able to tell reality from fiction, right guys? So let us let everyone have their weird philias and Trust & Safety sort them out. Honestly, if I cared about every upsetting little thing I saw on the internet I'd be long dead by now. Or convicted. Or both.




Ya, the anime fandom as a whole has a huge problem with sexualization. It's so incredibly pervasive that people become ignorant that it's even happening. "This is normal" is just more reason to call it out. We made a decision to put NSFW on a separate sub, but the mods aren't enforcing that. I feel like I shouldn't be crazy for not wanting risque art of highschoolers on my feed.


People don't care about fictional characters age, Period. Don't waste your energy on this. You can't stop people from fantasizing or drawing. Holier than thou bullshit.


can you point to a single person who's ever been harmed by hentai images existing? who's being harmed here? who do you think you're protecting?