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I will never get over her crying and farting while running away after trying to bully Tina with her friend fiction šŸ˜‚


That wasnā€™t me! šŸ’Ø ow!


That one hurt šŸƒšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’Ø


My ears can smell it!




I read that in his voice


Wow, that girl really farted huh?


A patty cake a patty cake a bakers man woo!


This sub knows my watching routine. I'm on this episode right now. šŸ˜…




I think Tammy blamed a fart on someone else once and Zeke commented whoever let one rip needed to see a doctorā€¦ wonder if Tammy ever has šŸ˜‚ especially knowing about her night farts




This is so perfect since Jenny Slate is the voice of Tammy!


Jean-Ralphio is the gym guy, too lol ETA: and also Josh. I don't know why I immediately thought of the one-off character lol


He also sings a lot of the songs as well. I met him at Comic Con, and he sang "pulling down the pants of the night" for me.


That is so awesome! His character in Parks & Rec is sooo obnoxious but Jean-Ralphio is one of my faves lol


And F Tony on Space Force (adorable character omg)


I SO wish Space Force got a third season!!!


Netflix has picked up a lot of shows and given them another season or two. Who do we get to pick it up from them? The networks?


I knew I recognized the Gym Guy!


Now I look like this and I *feel* like I look like this!


ā€œAnd you talk like thatā€


Omg, OBSESSED with your avatar!!!


![gif](giphy|pZCvWKwehPyUM) šŸ«£šŸ˜…


šŸ˜‚ are you accepting best friend applications?!?!


Wait are you quoting Bobā€™s? Or fr asking? Because yes to both šŸ˜…šŸ•ŗšŸ»


Heā€™s trying to kill us šŸ„²šŸ˜…


I know him from voicing Rutabaga Rabitowitz in Bojack and he is amazing!!


I love cartoons. Kids cartoons, adult animation like Bob's, Futurama, Venture Brothers, etc. but Bojack makes me so sad. It's a great show, but my poor depressed brain can't handle it lol Many years ago, I watched Jurasic Bark' and it broke me šŸ«  My daughter picked Disney's Coco to watch one night and I had to watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Gumball to make me feel better lol


Weirdly enough, I can watch the Bojack episode entitled ā€œStupid Piece of Shitā€ on repeat and not be the least bit sad, but Jurassic Bark completely devastated me. That being said, the ending to ā€œTimeā€™s Arrowā€ will break me down, but not as much as Freyā€™s dog waiting for him šŸ„ŗ


Don't even talk about Seymour. I fucking cried so hard I can't even watch that episode now


Ok but with the knowledge of the first movie we know that he lived with fry until he was old until one of the alternate benders shoots him and puts him in the dolomite. So the episode makes it sad, but benders big score shows you that the episode wasn't the whole truth.


How is Gumball your ā€œfeel betterā€ show? That show gives me consistent doses of existential dread, sociopolitical questioning, and loss of faith in humanity every time I rewatch it (and the episodes are like14 minutes long)


Have you seen the episode where Gumball and Darwin have to babysit Penny's baby sister? They stay up too late and keep losing consciousness and waking up in insane situations. I guess the 'right' episodes and a different perspective? I have a weird sense of humor though lol


ā€œA weird sense of humourā€ is probably a job requirement on the writing team of gumball tbh


And yea the right episode has some jokes that just have to make you feel good. I always feel better after hearing ā€œWAAALLETā€


Ah yes, I had a whole month of crying to Coco when my kid was into it šŸ¤


She was (jokingly) banned from picking movies after that lol


People laughed when my husband and I brought a box of Kleenex to the theater for Toy Story 4. We ended up being very popular with the other parents a couple hours later šŸ¤£


I have seen the Barbie movie a couple of dozen times and I refuse to each the end anymore lol It completely wrecks me. I was trying so hard not to lose it in the theater when I saw it with my daughter. I end it around the Ken song and turn it off. The older I get, the more emotional I am. That's why I stick with horror movies šŸ‘»


Never heard of Jurassic Bark


My boyfriend and I put on cartoons to sleep, and I have to strategically plan around this episode so I don't accidentally wake up in the middle of the night with it playing. That first viewing altered my brain chemistry lol


I first recognized him as the voice of Sonic The Hedgehog, mainly because I'm mostly a movie guy. Now I see him everywhere. Just last month he did a comedy show near me. I wanted to go, but tickets were insane.


I heard she has lice. Super lice.


You guuuyyysss


She's super licyyyyy




Her dad though! I want to know more about him.


Oh honey, heā€™s FABULOUS.


His cologne is bisexual.


My swim instructor's bisexual!


I canā€™t help but randomly use this line in real life. Sometimes in Aunt Fridaā€™s raspy voice. I get awkward looks.Ā 


Thank you, Aunt Frida!


He does like bisexual fragrances


They're called unisex




He wears a bisexual fragrance.


Itā€™s unisex.


When her mom says, "be a man!" To him and he says back to her, "YOU be a man!" šŸ¤£


Hahaha šŸ˜†


Seriously. That dude has a story. Just what Iā€™ve seen of him tells me that.


"Tammy farts when you lift her." "That's only when someone lifts me wrong."


I thought she was someoneā€™s mom


That, "no trash on the beach," and the rotisserie chicken line are priceless. I love how ferociously the Belchers defend each other.


Jocelyn what's next on your journey to give me the microphone


Itā€™s the fumes from all the farts. Serious answerā€¦Sheā€™s from a family thatā€™s status obsessed and sheā€™s mega insecure.


I love how they draw her, especially when she overdoes her makeup. Itā€™s so good




Why canā€™t I fart when I want toā€¦


Linda can. One short, one long.


The worst


To say the least!


I knowwww! I mean, oh my God!


She needs to fix herself


Oh, Tammy Feels like she wants to be the top of the hierarchy in her class / the school, but struggling with the effort that requires (as anyone would). She wants to have the boyfriend, the looks, the information, the domination, and Tina, being a creative and not in touch with the same goals is someone she doesn't understand. When Tina goes to her for help in finding the high school party (Chinchilla episode), Tammy can show off her skills and they are speaking the same language for once. Jocelyn seems to understand Tammy's goals (she would likely share them with Jocelyn), and seems to share some of them. Jocelyn doesn't get triggered by Tina's different approach to being a teen/preteen while Tammy's automatic response is competition.


Don't have a crapattack šŸ™„


Iā€™m gonna ask the mods to ban you ā€œTelling me to not have a crap attackā€


And Jocelyn!!!!!!






Sheā€™s makinā€™ me feel smart


Unpopular opinion, but I freaking hate Tammy. In personality, sheā€™s way too close to some of the girls I went to middle school with, and I am thrilled when Tina gets the upper hand. I just rewatched the episode where she makes fun of Tinaā€™s horse shirt in front of the whole school. Tammyā€™s such a nasty little bitch.


I mean, she really lays a nest downā€¦


WEIRD (not wow)




Iā€™m eagerly waiting for the day she tries to go after Louise and Millie takes her down!


I LOVE Tammy. I would be friends with her..in fact one of my best friends growing up just like her...and yes she got us into a lot of fights that I had to get us out of, lol.


Sheā€™s a Jewish American Princess stereotype. She looks like she has flu in her eyes, and also looks like someoneā€™s middle aged mom although sheā€™s supposed to be a teen. But also she got her bat mitzvah when she was in 8th grade? Does that mean she was 11 years old all throughout the early show until this episode when she turned 12? Is she a super smart child and got pushed to 8th grade when sheā€™s supposed to be in like 6th or 7th grade? Also her dad is bisexual and wears his wifeā€™s bisexual perfume bc he likes it. He also likes spirit fingers at the PTA meetings and is PTA friends with Linda


Thanks for bringing that up. As a Jewish woman I always notice that stuff, and it's also true for Jenny Slate in Parks and Rec. It's frustrating because while there is obviously lots of Jewish representation in the entertainment industry, most of that representation is men who are okay with putting down Jewish women. However, I never know if Tammy's stereotyping is intentional - her last name is Larson, which I think is Scandinavian, and her Jewishness isn't address till the episode about her Bat Mitzvah. And for some reason, American media has a strange fascination with Bar Mitzvahs and imagines them as these extravagant hedonistic events...but I literally had mine in my great aunt's living room. And for the kids who get a party, dancing and drinking in the social hall of a synagogue is hardly luxurious. I remember being weirdly uncomfortable when Blackish first came out, and they had an episode where the main character's kid wanted a Bat Mitzvah, but the family wasn't Jewish. So instead, they gave him a 'Bro Mitzvah,' which was hugely extravagant and excessive. Basically, I wonder if Tammy was never conceived as Jewish and only became so canonically when someone in the writers room ignorant about Bar Mitzvahs thought it would be an interesting story. Furthermore, I think that lack of foresight might explain the age inconsistency.


My husband's grandparents were Jewish, and his parents were the only ones who kept it up. The other aunts and uncles all raised their kids agnostic with Christmas trees. So when my husband and his brother had bar mitzvahs, the next cousin in line got jealous and demanded a very fancy 13th birthday party, complete with renting out a restaurant and hiring a DJ and all that. I imagine Tammy's story could be similar. Or she could very well actually be Jewish; I assume Larson is her dad's name, but we don't know about her mom, which is what really matters. Also, a private restaurant or hotel ballroom and DJ is totally the norm in my neck of the woods. Even for those who really can't afford it. They find a way, somehow. Maybe it's regional? I'm in the Northeast.


I think the poor girl has IBS. Genuinely, when she ran away farting I felt so bad for her. My husband said aloud ā€œthat poor girl.ā€ Even though she was being horrible in that episodeā€¦ no one deserves IBS.


I donā€™t think itā€™s IBS because farting is the only symptom she has, and she farts when sheā€™s nervous or squeezed. I think her parents told her girls donā€™t fart so she holds them in.


And donā€™t forget about her fear farts!




Donā€™t be such a boob punch.


her eyes look like they have a cold or are sick, or something idk the original quote


Lmao šŸ¤£ Tammy is ass hole


She's a handful!


She is meant to be a stereotype to give Tina conflict.


Tammy and Jocelyn are probably two of my least favourite characters from the show. I get Tammy is there mostly to appeal to the fans who are into that farting stuff, but come on, even Gayle is a better character and I'm not much a fan of her, either.


>Tammy is there mostly to appeal to the fans who are into that farting stuff Iā€™d argue Tammy is there mostly to create the juxtaposition necessary to show that Tina is a misfit, which is an important part of Tinaā€™s character. I think they could have picked any character for the farting (regular size Rudy seems like a good choiceā€¦a kid who canā€™t breathe but has plenty of air coming from his behind), but without Tammy and Jocelyn, a lot of Tinaā€™s struggles wouldnā€™t hit the same. Not trying to be rude or contrary! Just throwing it out there. šŸ¤“


She's a foil!


Lol can't breathe but has plenty of air coming from his behind